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35 mins
Test Coverage
package htmlutil

import (


type Tokens []html.Token

func (tokens Tokens) Maps() []map[string]string {
    maps := []map[string]string{}
    for _, tok := range tokens {
        maps = append(maps, TokenMap(tok))
    return maps

func (tokens Tokens) String() string {
    toks := []string{}
    for _, tok := range tokens {
        toks = append(toks, tok.String())
    return strings.Join(toks, "")

// Table returns a `[][]string` representing table data as text.
// Currently assumes input tokens represent one table and there are no nested tables.
// The output can be used with ``.
func (tokens Tokens) Table() [][]string {
    return newTableFromTokens(tokens)

func (tokens Tokens) Tokenizer() *html.Tokenizer {
    return NewTokenizerBytes([]byte(tokens.String()))

func ParseLink(tokens ...html.Token) (href string, desc string, err error) {
    if len(tokens) < 3 {
        return "", "", fmt.Errorf("less than 3 tokens, token count [%d]", len(tokens))
    href, err = TokenAttribute(tokens[0], AttributeHref)
    if err != nil {
        return href, "", errorsutil.Wrap(err,
            fmt.Sprintf("href not found in token [%s]",
    desc = Tokens(tokens[1 : len(tokens)-1]).String()

func TokenMap(t html.Token) map[string]string {
    return map[string]string{
        "type":     t.Type.String(),
        "dataAtom": t.DataAtom.String(),
        "data":     t.Data,
        "string":   t.String()}

// MatchLeft matches the supplied token with the tokens in the set.
// only the attributes in the set need to match for a `true` result.
// One one set token need to match for success.
func (tokens Tokens) MatchLeft(tok html.Token, attrValMatchinfo *stringsutil.MatchInfo) bool {
    for _, tokFilterTry := range tokens {
        if TokenMatchLeft(tokFilterTry, tok, attrValMatchinfo) {
            return true
    return false

// TokenMatchLeft returns true if the token matches the token filter.
func TokenMatchLeft(tokFilter, tok html.Token, attrValMatchinfo *stringsutil.MatchInfo) bool {
    if tokFilter.Type != tok.Type {
        return false
    } else if tokFilter.DataAtom != tok.DataAtom {
        return false
    if len(tokFilter.Attr) == 0 {
        return true
    tokAttrs := Attributes(tok.Attr)
    for _, filAttr := range tokFilter.Attr {
        // since MatchInfo is being used as config against each attribute. If it is nil
        // set extact match with filter value.
        if attrValMatchinfo == nil {
            attrValMatchinfo = &stringsutil.MatchInfo{
                MatchType: stringsutil.MatchExact,
                String:    filAttr.Val,
        // since MatchInfo is being used as config against each attribute, populate
        // `MatchInfo` with `Attribute.Val`.
        if attrValMatchinfo.Regexp == nil && attrValMatchinfo.String == "" {
            attrValMatchinfo.String = filAttr.Val
        // if !tokAttrs.Exists(filAttr, attrValMatchinfo) {
        //     return false
        // }
        if tokAttrs.Index(filAttr, attrValMatchinfo) == -1 {
            return false
    return true

func (tokens Tokens) Subset(opts NextTokensOpts) Tokens {
    // func TokensSubset(startFilter, endFilter *TokenFilter, inclusive, greedy bool, toks []html.Token) []html.Token {
    // func TokensSubset(toks, start, end []html.Token, inclusive, greedy bool) []html.Token {
    subset := []html.Token{}
    if len(opts.StartFilter) == 0 && len(opts.EndFilter) == 0 {
        return tokens
    matching := false
    if len(opts.StartFilter) == 0 {
        matching = true

    for _, tok := range tokens {
        if opts.EndFilter.MatchLeft(tok, nil) {
            if matching && opts.InclusiveMatch {
                subset = append(subset, tok)
        } else if opts.StartFilter.MatchLeft(tok, opts.StartAttributeValueMatch) {
            if matching || opts.InclusiveMatch {
                subset = append(subset, tok)
            matching = true
        } else if matching {
            subset = append(subset, tok)
    return subset