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package mimeutil

import (


const DefaultMIMEType = httputilmore.ContentTypeAppOctetStream

var ErrUnknownMediaType = errors.New("unknown media type")

// MustTypeByFilename follows the convention of
// `mime.TypeByExtension` by returning an empty
// string if type not found. If `useDefault` is
// set, a non-detected value is set to `application/octet-stream`
// which is the default for `http.DetectContentType`.
func MustTypeByFilename(nameOrExt string, useDefault bool) string {
    mt, err := TypeByFilename(nameOrExt)
    if err != nil || len(strings.TrimSpace(mt)) == 0 {
        if useDefault {
            return DefaultMIMEType
        } else {
            return ""
    return mt

// TypeByFilename detects a mimetype using `mime.TypeByExtension`.
func TypeByFilename(nameOrExt string) (string, error) {
    ext := strings.TrimSpace(nameOrExt)
    if strings.Contains(ext, ".") {
        m := regexp.MustCompile(`(.[^.]+)$`).FindStringSubmatch(ext)
        if len(m) < 2 {
            return "", errors.New("extension not found")
        ext = m[1]
    } else {
        ext = "." + ext
    mt := mime.TypeByExtension(ext)
    if len(mt) == 0 {
        return "", errors.New("type not detected")
    return mt, nil

// MustTypeByFile follows the convention of
// `mime.TypeByExtension` by returning an empty
// string if type not found. If `useDefault` is
// set, a non-detected value is set to `application/octet-stream`
// which is the default for `http.DetectContentType`.
func MustTypeByFile(name string, useDefault bool) string {
    mt, err := TypeByFile(name)
    if err != nil || strings.TrimSpace(mt) == "" {
        if useDefault {
            return DefaultMIMEType
        } else {
            return ""
    return mt

// TypeByFile detects the media type by reading MIME type
// information of the file content. It relies on
// `http.DetectContentType“
func TypeByFile(name string) (string, error) {
    file, err := os.Open(name)
    if err != nil {
        return "", err
    defer file.Close()

    return TypeByReadSeeker(file, false)

// TypeByReadSeeker detects the media type by reading MIME type
// information of an `io.ReadSeeker`. It relies on
// `http.DetectContentType`
func TypeByReadSeeker(rs io.ReadSeeker, resetPointer bool) (string, error) {
    // At most the first 512 bytes of data are used:
    buf := make([]byte, 512)

    _, err := rs.Seek(0, io.SeekStart)
    if err != nil {
        return "", err

    bytesRead, err := rs.Read(buf)
    if err != nil && err != io.EOF {
        return "", err

    if resetPointer {
        // Reset the read pointer if necessary.
        _, err = rs.Seek(0, io.SeekStart)
        if err != nil {
            return "", err

    // Slice to remove fill-up zero values which cause a wrong content type detection in the next step
    buf = buf[:bytesRead]

    // Returns `application/octet-stream` if media type is unknown.
    return http.DetectContentType(buf), nil

// IsType checks to see if a media type corresponds to a type/subtype
func IsType(mediaType, s string) bool {
    mediaType = strings.ToLower(strings.TrimSpace(mediaType))
    s = strings.ToLower(strings.TrimSpace(s))
    if s == mediaType {
        return true
    } else if strings.Index(s, mediaType) == 0 {
        return true
    if !strings.Contains(mediaType, ";") {
        if strings.Index(s, mediaType+";") == 0 {
            return true
        return regexp.MustCompile(`^(?i)` + regexp.QuoteMeta(mediaType) + `\s*;`).MatchString(s)
    return false