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package stringsutil

import (


type Strings []string

func (strs Strings) FilterIndexes(indexes []uint) (Strings, error) {
    n := Strings{}
    for _, idx := range indexes {
        if int(idx) >= len(strs) {
            return n, errors.New("index out of bounds")
        n = append(n, strs[idx])
    return n, nil

// Unshift adds an element at the first position of the slice.
// EOL: use `slices.Insert()` instead.`
func Unshift(elems []string, x string) []string {
    return append([]string{x}, elems...)

// SliceCondenseSpace trims space from lines and removes empty lines. `unique` dedupes lines and `sort`
// preforms a sort on the results.
func SliceCondenseSpace(elems []string, dedupeResults, sortResults bool) []string {
    results := SliceTrimSpace(elems, true)
    if dedupeResults {
        results = slicesutil.Dedupe(results)
    if sortResults {
    return results

// SliceTrimSpace removes leading and trailing spaces per string. If condense
// is used, empty strings are removed.
func SliceTrimSpace(elems []string, condense bool) []string {
    var new []string
    for _, el := range elems {
        if el = strings.TrimSpace(el); el != "" || !condense {
            new = append(new, el)
    return new

// SliceTrim trims each line in a slice of lines using a provided cut string.
func SliceTrim(elems []string, cutstr string, condense bool) []string {
    var new []string
    for _, el := range elems {
        if el = strings.Trim(el, cutstr); el != "" || !condense {
            new = append(new, el)
    return new

// JoinAny takes an array of `any`` and converts
// each value to a string using fmt.Sprintf("%v")
func JoinAny(a []any, sep string) string {
    strs := []string{}
    for _, item := range a {
        strs = append(strs, fmt.Sprintf("%v", item))
    return strings.Join(strs, sep)

func JoinInt(a []int, sep string) string {
    strs := []string{}
    for _, i := range a {
        strs = append(strs, strconv.Itoa(i))
    return strings.Join(strs, sep)

func JoinCondenseTrimSpace(slice []string, sep string) string {
    return strings.Join(SliceTrimSpace(slice, true), sep)

func SliceCondenseRegexps(s []string, regexps []*regexp.Regexp, replacement string) []string {
    parts := []string{}
    for _, el := range s {
        for _, rx := range regexps {
            el = rx.ReplaceAllString(el, replacement)
        el = strings.TrimSpace(el)
        if len(el) > 0 {
            parts = append(parts, el)
    return parts

func SliceCondensePunctuation(s []string) []string {
    parts := []string{}
    for _, part := range s {
        part = regexp.MustCompile(`[^a-zA-Z0-9]+`).ReplaceAllString(part, " ")
        part = regexp.MustCompile(`\s+`).ReplaceAllString(part, " ")
        part = strings.TrimSpace(part)
        if len(part) > 0 {
            parts = append(parts, part)
    return parts

func SliceCondenseAndQuoteSpace(s []string, quoteLeft, quoteRight string) []string {
    return SliceCondenseAndQuote(s, " ", " ", quoteLeft, quoteRight)

func SliceCondenseAndQuote(s []string, trimLeft, trimRight, quoteLeft, quoteRight string) []string {
    newItems := []string{}
    for _, item := range s {
        item = strings.TrimLeft(item, trimLeft)
        item = strings.TrimRight(item, trimRight)
        if len(item) > 0 {
            item = quoteLeft + item + quoteRight
            newItems = append(newItems, item)
    return newItems

// SplitTrimSpace splits a string and trims spaces on remaining elements.
func SplitTrimSpace(s, sep string) []string {
    split := strings.Split(s, sep)
    strs := []string{}
    for _, str := range split {
        strs = append(strs, strings.TrimSpace(str))
    return strs

var rxSplitLines = regexp.MustCompile(`(\r\n|\r|\n)`)

// SplitTextLines splits a string on the regxp `(\r\n|\r|\n)`.
func SplitTextLines(text string) []string {
    return rxSplitLines.Split(text, -1)

// SliceToSingleIntOrNeg converts a single element slice with a string to an integer or `-1`
func SliceToSingleIntOrNeg(s []string) int {
    if len(s) != 1 {
        return -1
    num, err := strconv.Atoi(s[0])
    if err != nil {
        return -1
    return num

func SliceChooseOnePreferredLowerTrimSpace(options, preferenceOrder []string) string {
    if len(options) == 0 {
        return ""
    } else if len(preferenceOrder) == 0 {
        return strings.ToLower(strings.TrimSpace(options[0]))
    optMap := map[string]int{}
    for _, opt := range options {
        opt = strings.ToLower(strings.TrimSpace(opt))
        if len(opt) > 0 {
            optMap[opt] = 1
    for _, pref := range preferenceOrder {
        pref = strings.ToLower(strings.TrimSpace(pref))
        if _, ok := optMap[pref]; ok {
            return pref
    return strings.ToLower(strings.TrimSpace(options[0]))

// SlicesCompare returns 3 slices given 2 slices which represent intersection
// sets. The first set is present in slice A but not B, second for both and
// third present in slice B but not A.
func SlicesCompare(sliceA, sliceB []string) ([]string, []string, []string) {
    anob := []string{}
    both := []string{}
    bnoa := []string{}
    mapA := map[string]int{}
    for _, s := range sliceA {
        mapA[s] = 1
    mapB := map[string]int{}
    for _, b := range sliceB {
        if _, ok := mapA[b]; ok {
            both = append(both, b)
        } else {
            bnoa = append(both, b)
    for _, a := range sliceA {
        if _, ok := mapB[a]; !ok {
            anob = append(anob, a)
    return SliceCondenseSpace(anob, true, true),
        SliceCondenseSpace(both, true, true),
        SliceCondenseSpace(bnoa, true, true)

func SliceJoinQuoteMaxLength(slice []string, begQuote, endQuote, sep string, maxLength int) []string {
    words := []string{}
    curWords := []string{}
    curLength := 0
    for _, word := range slice {
        if maxLength > 0 && curLength+len(begQuote+word+endQuote+sep) > maxLength {
            words = append(words, strings.Join(curWords, sep))
            curWords = []string{}
            curLength = 0
        } else {
            curWords = append(curWords, begQuote+word+endQuote)
            curLength += len(begQuote + word + endQuote + sep)
    if len(curWords) > 0 {
        words = append(words, strings.Join(curWords, sep))
    return words

type JoinCustomConfig struct {
    QuoteBegin string
    QuoteEnd   string
    Separator  string
    MaxLength  int
    TrimSpace  bool
    SkipEmpty  bool

func JoinCustom(slice []string, cfg JoinCustomConfig) []string {
    lines := []string{}
    curWords := []string{}
    curLength := 0
    for _, word := range slice {
        if cfg.TrimSpace {
            word = strings.TrimSpace(word)
        if cfg.SkipEmpty && len(word) == 0 {
        if cfg.MaxLength > 0 {
            if curLength+len(cfg.QuoteBegin+word+cfg.QuoteEnd+cfg.Separator) > cfg.MaxLength {
                lines = append(lines, strings.Join(curWords, cfg.Separator))
                curWords = []string{}
                curLength = 0
            } else {
                curWords = append(curWords, cfg.QuoteBegin+word+cfg.QuoteEnd)
                curLength += len(cfg.QuoteBegin + word + cfg.QuoteEnd + cfg.Separator)
        } else {
            curWords = append(curWords, cfg.QuoteBegin+word+cfg.QuoteEnd)
    if len(curWords) > 0 {
        lines = append(lines, strings.Join(curWords, cfg.Separator))
    return lines

func SliceJoinQuoteMaxLengthTrimSpaceSkipEmpty(slice []string, begQuote, endQuote, sep string, maxLength int) []string {
    words := []string{}
    curWords := []string{}
    curLength := 0
    for _, word := range slice {
        if maxLength > 0 && curLength+len(begQuote+word+endQuote+sep) > maxLength {
            words = append(words, strings.Join(curWords, sep))
            curWords = []string{}
            curLength = 0
        } else {
            curWords = append(curWords, begQuote+word+endQuote)
            curLength += len(begQuote + word + endQuote + sep)
    if len(curWords) > 0 {
        words = append(words, strings.Join(curWords, sep))
    return words

func SliceJoinQuoted(slice []string, begQuote, endQuote, sep string) string {
    words := []string{}
    for _, word := range slice {
        words = append(words, begQuote+word+endQuote)
    return strings.Join(words, sep)

// SliceSubtract uses Set math to remove elements of filter from real.
func SliceSubtract(real, filter []string) []string {
    filtered := []string{}
    filterMap := map[string]int{}
    for _, f := range filter {
        filterMap[f] = 1
    for _, r := range real {
        if _, ok := filterMap[r]; !ok {
            filtered = append(filtered, r)
    return filtered

// SliceToMap returns the slide where the slice elements are the keys of the map,
// and the value is the number of times it appears.
func SliceToMap(s []string) map[string]int {
    strmap := map[string]int{}
    for _, s := range s {
    return strmap

// SliceToDoc converts a slice to a map, trimming the values if desired. The `cfg` keys are
// the document property names or keys and the values are the index location of the slice.
func SliceToDoc(s []string, cfg map[string]int, trimSpace, inclEmpty bool) map[string]string {
    dat := map[string]string{}
    for k, idx := range cfg {
        if idx <= 0 || idx >= len(s) {
        v := s[idx]
        if trimSpace {
            v = strings.TrimSpace(v)
        if v == "" {
        dat[k] = v
    return dat

func SliceIntersection(list1, list2 []string) []string {
    map1 := map[string]int{}
    map2 := map[string]int{}
    for _, item1 := range list1 {
        map1[item1] = 1
    for _, item2 := range list2 {
        if _, ok := map1[item2]; ok {
            map2[item2] = 1
    intersection := []string{}
    for key := range map2 {
        intersection = append(intersection, key)
    return intersection

func SliceIntersectionCondenseSpace(slice1, slice2 []string) []string {
    return SliceIntersection(
        SliceCondenseSpace(slice1, true, false),
        SliceCondenseSpace(slice2, true, false))

// SliceIsEmpty checks to see if a slice is empty. If `skipEmptyStrings`
// it will also return empty if all elements are empty strings or
// only contain spaces.
func SliceIsEmpty(s []string, skipEmptyStrings bool) bool {
    if len(s) == 0 {
        return true
    if !skipEmptyStrings {
        return false
    for _, s := range s {
        s = strings.TrimSpace(s)
        if len(s) > 0 {
            return false
    return true

// SliceJoinFunc joins a slice passing each elemen through the supplied function `f`.
func SliceJoinFunc(s []string, sep string, f func(string) string) string {
    if f == nil {
        return strings.Join(s, sep)
    var n []string
    for _, el := range s {
        n = append(n, f(el))
    return strings.Join(n, sep)

// SliceOrderExplicit reoders the values of a slice using a requested input order
// where the output is ordered by the requested order, minus missing requests, and
// followed by non-ordered items. In addition to the output slide, an output slice
// of index locations is also provided.
func SliceOrderExplicit(s, order []string, inclUnordered bool) ([]string, []int) {
    if len(s) == 0 {
        return []string{}, []int{}
    } else if len(s) == 1 {
        return []string{s[0]}, []int{0}
    } else if len(order) == 0 {
        return slices.Clone(s), number.SliceIntBuildBeginEnd(0, len(s)-1)
    smap := map[string]int{}
    for i, si := range s {
        smap[si] = i
    var strs []string
    var idxs []int
    omap := map[string]int{}
    for i, ord := range order {
        omap[ord] = i
        if idx, ok := smap[ord]; ok {
            strs = append(strs, ord)
            idxs = append(idxs, idx)
    if inclUnordered {
        for si, sv := range s {
            if _, ok := omap[sv]; ok {
            strs = append(strs, sv)
            idxs = append(idxs, si)
    if len(strs) != len(idxs) {
        panic("strs and idxs length mismatch")
    } else {
        return strs, idxs

// SliceSplitLengthStats returns a `map[int]int` indicating how many
// strings of which length are present.
func SliceSplitLengthStats(s []string, sep string) map[int]int {
    stats := map[int]int{}
    for _, s := range s {
        p := strings.Split(s, sep)
    return stats

// SliceBySplitLength returns lines by split length. This is useful for analyzing
// what types of data exist with different lengths.
func SliceBySplitLength(s []string, sep string) map[int][]string {
    bylen := map[int][]string{}
    for _, s := range s {
        p := strings.Split(s, sep)
        if _, ok := bylen[len(p)]; !ok {
            bylen[len(p)] = []string{}
        bylen[len(p)] = append(bylen[len(p)], s)
    return bylen