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Grounds is a 100% open source developer tool built to provide a way to share
runnable snippets within various languages from a web browser.

Grounds is using a []( server to execute arbitrary
code inside Docker containers, called grounds-exec. grounds-exec has its own
repository [here](

All you need is [Docker 1.3+](,
[Docker Compose 1.1+](
and [make]( to run this project inside Docker
containers with the same environment as in production.

## Languages

Grounds currently supports latest version of:

* C
* C++
* C#
* Elixir
* Go
* Haxe
* Java
* Node.js
* Python 2 and 3
* Ruby
* Rust

Checkout this [documentation](/docs/ to get more informations
about how to add support for a new language stack.

## Prerequisite

Grounds is a [Ruby on Rails]( web application.

Grounds is using the latest version of grounds-exec and will automatically
pull the latest Docker image.

Grounds requires a [Redis]( instance and will automatically
spawn a Docker container with a new Redis instance inside.

### Clone this project

    git clone

### Get into this project directory


### Pull language stack Docker images

    make pull

If you want to pull these images from your own repository:

    REPOSITORY="<you repository>" TAG="1.0.0" make pull

**`REPOSITORY` and `TAG` can be changed for convenience, however we strongly
recommend to use our official images with the latest tag incremental version.**

> Warning: `latest` tag on the Docker hub matches the master branch of

>Pulling all language stack images can take a long time and a lot of space.
However, only ruby image is mandatory when running the test suite.

Pull a specific language stack image:

    docker pull grounds/exec-ruby:latest

Checkout all available images on the official

### Set Docker remote API url

You need to specify a Docker remote API url to connect with.

    export DOCKER_URL=""

If your are using Docker API through `https`, your `DOCKER_CERT_PATH` will be
mounted has a volume inside the container.

>Be careful: boot2docker enforces tls verification since version 1.3.

## Launch the web application

    make run

You can also run the web application in the background:

    make detach



The web app should now be listening on port 3000 on your docker daemon (if you
are  using boot2docker, `boot2docker ip` will tell you its address).

You can also run Grounds in production mode:

    RAILS_ENV=production make run

>When running in production mode, a default secret key is set as convenience,
but this should be changed in production by specifying `SECRET_KEY_BASE`.

If you want [New Relic]( metrics you can also specify:


>New Relic metrics are available only when running in production mode.

If you want [Piwik]( web analytics you can also specify:


>Piwik web analytics are available only when running in production mode.

## Get a shell in a preconfigured environment

For ease of debugging, you can open a preconfigured environment
inside a container with every services required to work with:

    make shell

You can then launch common tasks like:

    bundle exec rake run

    bundle exec rake test

    bundle exec rails console

    bundle install

    bundle update

## Install / Update ruby gems

Open a shell inside a container:

    make shell

To install a new gem:

1. Edit `Gemfile`

2. Run bundle install

        bundle install

To update existing gems:

    bundle update

Both commands update `Gemfile.lock`, then next time that docker rebuild
the image, it will use this configuration to install these gems inside the

>Be careful: if you update the `Gemfile` first, then trying to open a shell
will fail, docker will try to rebuild the image with an outdated

## Tests

Tests will also run inside Docker containers with the same environment
as the CI server.

To run the test suite:

    make test

To run specific test files or add a flag for [RSpec]( you can
specify `TEST_OPTS`:

    TEST_OPTS="spec/models/ground_spec.rb" make test

## Contributing

Before sending a pull request, please checkout the contributing

## Authors

See [authors](/docs/ file.

## Licensing is licensed under the MIT License. See [LICENSE](LICENSE) for full
license text.