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define(["jquery", "openlayers", "js/proj", "js/pages/Details"], function($, OpenLayers, proj, Details) {

    return function(rawLayerConfig, syncher) {
        var that = this;

        var optionsDefaults = {
            "idField": "id",
            "iconFile": "img/mobile-loc-1.png",
            "featuresLimit": 20,
            "handlesNewFeatures": false,
            "handlesDeleteFeatures": true

        var options = _.defaults(rawLayerConfig.options, optionsDefaults);

        var style = OpenLayers.Style.doNew({
            externalGraphic: options.iconFile,
            graphicOpacity: 1.0,
            graphicWith: 16,
            graphicHeight: 26,
            graphicYOffset: -26

        var styleRules = _(options.styleRules).chain().map(function(styleRulesPart) {
            // these are expected to be arrays of OpenLayers.Style objects
            return require(styleRulesPart); // can require sync cos these were preloaded with the config

        // if any styleRules are present, default style won't work
        // (so custom ones should handle a default case too)

        var styleMap = OpenLayers.StyleMap.doNew(style);

        that.layer = OpenLayers.Layer.Vector.doNew(, { styleMap: styleMap });

        that.layer.getFeaturesAround = function(pointInWGS84) {

            var reader = OpenLayers.Format.GeoJSON.doNew({
                'internalProjection': proj.webMercator,
                'externalProjection': proj.WGS84

            // Dynamic filter based on a property of the authentication
            var authDetails, filter ='';
            if (options.endpointFilterProperty)
                var filterValues=0;
                if (window && window.frames && window.frames[0])
                    // Authentication details owned by the login iframe
                    authDetails = window.frames[0].authDetails;
                    // There should be a reference to the filtering property and its value
                    if (authDetails && authDetails[0] && authDetails[0].properties)
                        filterValues = authDetails[0].properties[options.endpointFilterProperty];
                    // Filter, whether we have access to the filter value or not
                    filter = options.endpointFilterProperty?('/'+options.endpointFilterProperty+'/in/'+filterValues):'';
                // If no authentication info, we just don't apply a filter (development)

            if (options.wmsFilter)
                var filterValues=0;
                if (window && window.frames && window.frames[0])
                    // Authentication details owned by the login iframe
                    authDetails = window.frames[0].authDetails;
                    // There should be a reference to the filtering property and its value
                    if (authDetails && authDetails[0] && authDetails[0].properties)
                        var filterLayer = options.wmsFilter.layer;
                        var filterAttr = authDetails[0].properties[options.wmsFilter.attribute];
                        // Get layer by title and merge the params
                        var parametricWMSLayer =[0];
                // If no authentication info, we just don't apply a filter (development)

            // In some cases, we may not want to display a point layer (e.g. pipes)
            // Configuration for this case will be to blank out the displayEndpoint property
            // Note: display functions should be carried by a WMS layer
            if (options.displayEndpoint)
                // Default query calculates distance to all features
                var restful_geof_endpoint = options.displayEndpoint+filter+'/closest/'+pointInWGS84.lon+'/''/limit/'+options.featuresLimit;

                // If a radius is provided, we can use the "maround" keyword
                if (options.radiusLimit)
                    restful_geof_endpoint = options.displayEndpoint+filter+'/'+options.radiusLimit+'/maround/'+pointInWGS84.lon+'/''/limit/'+options.featuresLimit;

                // Checking on minScale/maxScale parameters to display the vector layer
                if (( >= (rawLayerConfig.options.minScale||1)) && ( <= (rawLayerConfig.options.maxScale||10000000)) )
                    // Show the layer (load the features)
                        restful_geof_endpoint+'?_='+new Date().getTime(),
                        function(data, textStatus) {
                            // note: the textStatus parameter is undefined (see "As of jQuery 1.5" in
                            var features =;
                            // Removing the features in any case
                            // Then re-adding them
                            if (features.length > 0) {
                    // Masks the layer (destroys the features)

        var detailsPage = Details.doNew(syncher, options);

        var jsonGeometryPartAt = function(pointInWGS84) {
            if (options.propogateGeometry) {
                return {
                    "geometry": {
                        "type": "Point",
                        "crs": { "type": "name", "properties": { "name": "EPSG:4326" } },
                        "coordinates": [parseFloat(pointInWGS84.x), parseFloat(pointInWGS84.y)]
            } else {
                return {};

        that.layer.controls = function() {
            return [
                OpenLayers.Control.SelectFeature.doNew(that.layer, {
                    autoActivate: true,
                    onSelect: function(olFeature) {

                        var pointInWGS84 = olFeature.geometry.transform(proj.webMercator, proj.WGS84);
                        var feature = _({
                            "type": "Feature",
                            "properties": _(


        that.layer.handlesNewFeatures = function() {
            return !!options.handlesNewFeatures;

        that.layer.newAt = function(position) {
            alert("It is not possible to add new features to this layer");
