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# Contributing to Gravity Forms: Autocomplete Fields

Thank you for your interest in contributing to Gravity Forms: Autocomplete Fields!

## Installation

To install the plugin for development, fork this repository into your GitHub account, then clone your fork into your local development environment's `wp-content/plugins/` directory, then run `composer install` inside the directory to pull in dependencies.

$ git clone{YOUR_USERNAME}/gravityforms-autocomplete-fields.git
$ cd gravityforms-autocomplete-fields
$ composer install

## Guidelines

In order to keep the plugin as stable as possible, we have a few guidelines for contributions.

### Coding standards

The plugin is written using the [WordPress Coding Standards](, which are enforced via [PHP_CodeSniffer]( with [the WordPress-Extra ruleset](

New to PHP_CodeSniffer? No worries! Our `composer.json` file includes [WP Enforcer, a Composer package that automatically registers pre-commit git hooks when you install the project dependencies](; simply commit as you normally would, WP Enforcer will let you know if there are any violations.

### Minimum PHP version

While the official minimum version of PHP supported is 5.3 (because the plugin uses namespaces), Travis-CI builds are only run against versions 5.6 and newer.

### Test coverage

The project strives to have as much unit test coverage as possible; the test suite uses [PHPUnit]( and [WP_Mock](, the latter of which leverages [Mockery](

[![Test Coverage](](

### Internationalization

Gravity Forms: Autocomplete Fields is built from the ground-up to be internationalized, enabling site owners all over the world to use the plugin. If you're contributing any textual content, [please be sure it's i18n-ready](