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# Gravity Forms: Autocomplete Fields

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> **Note:** This plugin is still early in its development lifecycle, and it's not recommended for use in a production environment [until it hits its first release](

The Gravity Forms: Autocomplete Fields adds support for [the HTML5 `autocomplete` attribute]( to Gravity Forms' fields.

The `autocomplete` attribute is an HTML5 standard used to assist browsers auto-fill user data by disambiguating the form fields. By explicitly assigning these attributes to Gravity Forms fields, we can help improve the user experience when completing forms.

    <!-- Hints that "fname" is the user's given (first) name -->
    <label for="first-name">First Name</label>
    <input name="fname" id="first-name" autocomplete="given-name" />

    <!-- Helps autocomplete the postal code -->
    <label for="zip">ZIP Code</label>
    <input name="zip" id="zip" autocomplete="postal-code" />

If the `autocomplete` property is new to you, [Cloud Four has a great writeup about use-cases and implementation](

## Installation

To install this add-on, either clone or download a zip of the repository and add it to your WordPress installation's `wp-content/plugins/` folder. Once in-place, activate the plugin through the "Plugins" screen in the WordPress administration tool.

Please note that this plugin requires [Gravity Forms]( and PHP version 5.3 or higher.

## Usage

Upon activation, the plugin will add "Autocomplete Attribute" settings to every Gravity Forms field type, under the "Advanced" tab.

![Gravity Forms field settings with the "Autocomplete Attribute"](screenshots/screenshot-1.png)

Selecting a value here will inject the corresponding `autocomplete` attribute when the form is rendered.

## Filter reference

Gravity Forms: Autocomplete Fields offers a few filters that can be used to further customize the plugin's functionality.

### gform_autocomplete_attribute

This filter is called immediately before the `autocomplete` attribute is injected into an input. Use this filter if you need to further customize the attribute to [include any detail tokens like "section-", "shipping", etc.](

Type | Variable | Description
---- | -------- | -----------
string | `$attribute` | The current `autocomplete` attribute value.
GF_Field | `$field` | The current Gravity Forms field object.

#### Example

In this example, we're checking the `$field['cssClass']` for the class of "shipping" and, if it's found, we're prepending the `shipping` detail token to the autocomplete attribute value.

 * If an address input has class 'shipping', add 'shipping' to the autocomplete attribute.
 * @param string   $attribute The autocomplete attribute for this input.
 * @param GF_Field $field     The Gravity Forms field object.
 * @return string The possibly-modified $attribute string.
function mytheme_inject_shipping_autocomplete_token( $attribute, $field ) {
    if ( in_array( 'shipping', explode( ' ', $field['cssClass'] ), true ) ) {
        $attribute = 'shipping ' . $attribute;

    return $attribute;
add_filter( 'gform_autocomplete_attribute', 'mytheme_inject_shipping_autocomplete_token', 10, 2 );