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 * Core plugin functionality.
 * @package Growella\TableOfContents
 * @author  Growella

namespace Growella\TableOfContents\Core;

use Growella\TableOfContents\Headings as Headings;

 * Render the Table of Contents.
 * @param array $atts {
 *   Shortcode attributes. All values are optional.
 *   @type string $class Extra HTML class names (space-separated) to apply to the table of
 *                       contents. Default is an empty string.
 *   @type int    $depth How deeply nested the resulting table of contents should go, with -1 being
 *                       all headings with no nesting, 0 being all top-level headings with no
 *                       nesting, 1 being all top-level headings and one-level of sub-headings,
 *                       etc. This argument is not currently being used but is planned for future
 *                       versions. Default is -1.
 *   @type string $tags  A comma-separated list of HTML elements that should be recognized as
 *                       headings. Default is 'h1,h2,h3'.
 *   @type string $title The title that should be rendered at the top of the generated table of
 *                       contents. Default is "Table of Contents". Passing a false-y value will
 *                       prevent this header from being included.
 * }
 * @return string The rendered table of contents.
function render_shortcode( $atts ) {
    if ( ! extension_loaded( 'xml' ) ) {
            esc_html__( 'Unable to inject id attributes, as the PHP XML extension is not loaded', 'growella-table-of-contents' ),

    $defaults = array(
        'class' => '',
        'depth' => -1,
        'tags'  => 'h1,h2,h3',
        'title' => _x( 'Table of Contents', 'default title for Growella Table of Contents', 'growella-table-of-contents' ),

     * Determine how XML errors are currently being handled (so we can respect that when we're done),
     * then ensure we're handling errors internally.
     * Additionally, if libxml_use_internal_errors() is already true, we want to note if there are
     * already errors in the buffer, so we don't accidentally clear them later.
    $libxml_use_internal_errors = libxml_use_internal_errors( true );
    $libxml_has_existing_errors = $libxml_use_internal_errors ? ! empty( libxml_get_errors() ) : false;

     * Modify default settings for the Growella Table of Contents [toc] shortcode.
     * @param array $defaults Default shortcode attributes.
     * @see Growella\TableOfContents\Core\render_shortcode()
    $defaults = apply_filters( 'growella_table_of_contents_shortcode_defaults', $defaults );

    // Merge the defaults in with user-supplied values.
    $atts = shortcode_atts( $defaults, $atts, 'toc' );

    // Parse the post content to get IDs.
    $content  = '<html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"></head><body>';
    $content .= Headings\inject_heading_ids( get_the_content(), $atts );
    $content .= '</body></html>';
    $doc      = new \DOMDocument;
    $doc->loadHTML( $content, LIBXML_HTML_NODEFDTD );

    // We'll parse the document using DOMXpath to get any of the whitelisted tags with ID attributes.
    $xpath = new \DOMXpath( $doc );
    $query = array();

    foreach ( explode( ',', (string) $atts['tags'] ) as $tag ) {
        $query[] = sprintf( '//%s[@id]', $tag );

    $headings = $xpath->query( implode( '|', $query ) );

    // Clear any LibXML errors in the buffer that we may have caused, then reset default handling.
    if ( ! $libxml_has_existing_errors ) {
    libxml_use_internal_errors( $libxml_use_internal_errors );

    // Return early if we don't have any headings.
    if ( 0 === $headings->length ) {

    // Assemble our output.
    $links = build_link_list( $headings );

    // No links mean we have no reason to build a table of contents.
    if ( empty( $links ) ) {

    // Determine the classes to add to the output.
    $classes = array_filter( array_merge(
        array( 'growella-table-of-contents' ),
        is_array( $atts['class'] ) ? $atts['class'] : explode( ' ', (string) $atts['class'] )
    ) );

    $output  = '<nav class="' . join( ' ', array_map( 'esc_attr', $classes ) ) . '">';

    // Begin with the heading.
    if ( $atts['title'] ) {
        $output .= sprintf( '<h2>%s</h2>', esc_html( $atts['title'] ) );

    // Build the list of links.
    $output .= '<ul>';

    foreach ( $links as $link ) {
        $output .= '<li>' . $link . '</li>';

    $output .= '</ul>';
    $output .= '</nav>';

     * Filter the Growella Table of Contents just before returning the rendered shortcode output.
     * @param string $output The rendered table of contents.
     * @param array  $atts   The shortcode attributes used to build the table of contents.
     * @param array  $links  The links used to build the table of contents.
    $output = apply_filters( 'growella_table_of_contents_render_shortcode', $output, $atts, $links );

    return $output;
add_shortcode( 'toc', __NAMESPACE__ . '\render_shortcode' );

 * Given a DOMNodeList, assemble an array of links to the IDs of each matched element.
 * @param DOMNodeList $list A DOMNodeList to iterate through.
 * @return array A flat array of links.
function build_link_list( $list ) {
    $links = array();

    foreach ( $list as $element ) {
        $anchor = $element->textContent;

         * Filter the anchor text for a table of contents link before it's put into a link.
         * @param string     $anchor  The anchor text to be used when building the link.
         * @param DOMElement $element A DOMElement object representing the DOM node.
        $anchor = apply_filters( 'growella_table_of_contents_link_anchor_text', $anchor, $element );

        if ( $anchor ) {
            $links[] = sprintf(
                '<a href="#%s">%s</a>',
                esc_attr( $element->getAttribute( 'id' ) ),

    return $links;

 * Split anchor text on the first newline to account for any parsing errors from libxml.
 * @param string $anchor The anchor text to be used when building the link.
 * @return string The $anchor with anything not on the first line stripped.
function strip_additional_lines( $anchor ) {

    // A \r, \n, or any combination of the two should be a good indication we have our one line.
    $regex = '/(.+?)[\r\n].*/s';

    return trim( preg_replace( $regex, '$1', $anchor ) );
add_filter( 'growella_table_of_contents_link_anchor_text', __NAMESPACE__ . '\strip_additional_lines', 1 );