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Test Coverage

## Team members

  - [Gabor Szathmari]( - Founder

## Learn & listen

This section includes ways to get started.

* [README.rst](README.rst)
* [Code Repository](

## Adding new features

* New features are welcome. Just create a pull request and our team will review it

* You should use the standard [Python style guide](

* Each new feature must go into a separate branch, and pull requests should be created against the `development` or `testing` branch

# Bug triage

* You can help report bugs by filing them on [Github](

* You can look through the existing bugs on [Github]( too

* Look at existing bugs and help us understand if
 - The bug is reproducible?
 - What are the steps to reproduce?

# Documentation

This section includes any help you need with the documentation and where it can be found. Code needs explanation, and sometimes those who know the code well have trouble explaining it to someone just getting into it.

* Comment your code

# Community
This section includes ideas on how non-developers can help with the project. Here's a few examples:

* You can help managing the wiki [here](

# Your first bugfix

The bugfix should go into a separate branch like a new feature

* Our team will take care of the documentation and/or the unit test in exchange for fixing a bug

* If you have further questions, contact one of our team members