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# Guard::Haml

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Watches HAML files, compiles them to HTML on change.

* Compatible with HAML >= 3.
* Tested against Ruby 2.2.5, 2.3.1, Rubinius & JRuby (1.9 mode only).

## Install

Please be sure to have [Guard]( installed before continuing.

Add Guard::Haml to your `Gemfile`:

group :development do
  gem 'guard-haml'

Add guard definition to your Guardfile by running this command:

$ guard init haml

## Options

### Configuring the input folder + automatic watchers generation

Use the `:input` option to define the folder where your HAML files are stored.
This options also ensure the input folder won't be part of the output path.

If you set the `:input` option and don't define any watchers, Guard::Haml will
automatically generates watchers with the pattern
`%r{^#{options[:input]}/(.+(\.html)?\.haml)$}`. For instance:

guard :haml, input: 'markup'

is equivalent to:

guard :haml, input: 'markup' do
  watch %r{^markup/(.+(\.html)?\.haml)$}

### Configuring the output destination

If you want to change the output directory use the `:output` option in your
Guardfile, e.g.:

guard :haml, output: 'public' do
  watch %r{^src/.+(\.html\.haml)}

This output is relative to the Guardfile.

### Multiple output option

This lets you compile to two (or more) html files from one haml file. This
comes in handy if you want to compile to both a dev and prod build directory,
for instance:

guard :haml, input: 'markup', output: ['public/dev', 'public/build'] do
  watch %r{^.+(\.haml)$}

If you maintain your haml files in a directory that should not be part of the output path, you can set the `:input` option, e.g.:

guard :haml, input: 'src', output: 'public' do
  watch %r{^src/.+(\.html\.haml)}
So when you edit a file `src/partials/_partial.html.haml`
it will be saved to `public/partials/_partial.html` without the `src`.

### File extensions

Guard::Haml will try to add the correct extension based on the input file name. You can provide multiple extensions to control the file name.

"foo.haml"     -> "foo.html"
"foo"          -> "foo.html"
"foo.txt"      -> "foo.txt.html"
"foo.php.haml" -> "foo.php"

You can override the default extension (`html`) using the `:default_ext` option:

guard :haml, default_ext: 'txt' do
  watch %r{^src/.+(\.html\.haml)}

### Compile when starting guard

If you want to compile haml files when Guard starts you can use `:run_at_start` option.

guard :haml, output: 'public', input: 'src', run_at_start: true do
  watch %r{^src/.+(\.html\.haml)}

### Guard notifications

You can disable Guard notifications by setting `:notifications` option to `false`:

guard 'haml', output: 'public', input: 'src', notifications: true do
  watch %r{^src/.+(\.html\.haml)}

### Configuring HAML

If you want to pass options to the Haml engine, you can set the `:haml_options` option, e.g.:

guard :haml, output: 'public', input: 'src', haml_options: { ugly: true } do
  watch %r{^src/.+(\.html\.haml)}

This will produce compressed HTML. See [Haml Reference]( for more details.

### List of available options

``` ruby
input: 'markup'                        # define the folder where your HAML files are stored
output: ['public/dev', 'public/build'] # define the output folder where conpiled HAML files are saved
default_ext: 'txt'                     # override the default extension (`html`)
run_at_start: false                    # compile haml files when Guard starts, default: false
notifications: false                   # enable/disable Guard notifications, default: true
haml_options: { ugly: true }           # HAML options (passed directly to HAML), default: {}
auto_append_file_ext: false            # automatically append `.html` to the generated files, default: true
helper_modules: [MyHelper]             # List of modules be accessible by the HAML files during compilation, default: []

## Development

* Documentation hosted at [RubyDoc](
* Source hosted at [GitHub](

Pull requests are very welcome! Please try to follow these simple rules if applicable:

* Please create a topic branch for every separate change you make.
* Make sure your patches are well tested. All specs must pass on [Travis CI](
* Update the [Yard]( documentation.
* Update the [README](
* Please **do not change** the version number.

For questions please join us in our [Google group]( or on
`#guard` (

## Author

[Immanuel Häussermann]( ([@manufaktor](, [](

## Maintainer

[Rémy Coutable](

## Contributors
