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# Talabat Hackathon 2022

🏃 💡 Talabat Hackathon project that translates and generates audio (voice) of menu items in the [Talabat]( app into many languages using AWS Polly.

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## About the Project

This **C# project** is a **web REST API** designed to enhance the Talabat app by:

1. **Real-Time Translations**: Translate menu/catalog descriptions into multiple languages using [AWS Translate](
2. **Text-to-Speech**: Generate audio for menu items using [AWS Polly](

### Features
- Translates menu items dynamically into the language of the user's choice.
- Provides an audio version of menu items for accessibility.
- Seamlessly integrates into the Talabat app ecosystem.


## Tech Stack

- **Language**: C#
- **Framework**: ASP.NET Core
- **Cloud Services**:
  - `AmazonTranslateClient` for translations.
  - `AmazonPollyClient` for text-to-speech functionality.


## Installation and Usage

1. Clone the repository:
   git clone
   cd talabat-hackathon-2022

2. Install dependencies and build the project:
   dotnet restore
   dotnet build

3. Configure AWS credentials:
   - Use the AWS CLI to set up your credentials.
   - Alternatively, set environment variables for AWS access key and secret.

4. Run the application:
   dotnet run

5. Access the API at `http://localhost:<port>`.


## API Endpoints

### Available Routes

#### Audio Retrieval
- **GET** `api/v{version:apiVersion}/audio/{path}`  
  Retrieve a generated audio file by specifying the file path.

#### Settings Retrieval
- **GET** `api/v{version:apiVersion}/settings`  
  Retrieve the current settings, including available languages with their `TranslateIsoCodes` and `TranslateIsoPairs`.

#### Text-to-Speech
- **POST** `api/v{version:apiVersion}/speech`  
  Generate an audio file of the input text in the selected language.  
  - **Body**:
      "text": "Sample text to convert to speech",
      "language": "en"
  - **Response**: A URL or file stream of the generated audio.

#### Translation
- **POST** `api/v{version:apiVersion}/translate`  
  Translate the input text from one language to another.  
  - **Body**:
      "text": "Sample text to translate",
      "sourceLanguage": "en",
      "targetLanguage": "es"
  - **Response**: The translated text in the target language.


## Contributing

Contributions are welcome! Please submit issues or pull requests via the [GitHub repository](


## License

This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for details.