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6 hrs
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import blueWaves from '../../../assets/images/footerWaveGHH.png';
import whiteLogo from '../../../assets/images/whitelogo.png';
import GHHLogo from '../../../assets/images/logo_ghh.svg';
import email from '../../../assets/images/envelope-solid.svg';
import emailPeach from '../../../assets/images/envelope-solid-peach.svg';
import instagram from '../../../assets/images/instagram-square-brands.svg';
import instagramPeach from '../../../assets/images/instagram-square-brands-peach.svg';
import discord from '../../../assets/images/discord-brands.svg';
import discordPeach from '../../../assets/images/discord-brands-peach.svg';
import facebook from '../../../assets/images/facebook-f-brands.svg';
import facebookPeach from '../../../assets/images/facebook-f-brands-peach.svg';
import twitter from '../../../assets/images/twitter-brands.svg';
import twitterPeach from '../../../assets/images/twitter-brands-peach.svg';
import {Row, Col} from 'react-bootstrap';
import {isMobile} from 'react-device-detect';
function Footer() {
  return (
    <div className="bg-peacock">
      <Row className={`${isMobile ? "footerLogoMobile" : "footerLogoDesktop"} position-absolute`}>
        <img src={whiteLogo} 
          width={isMobile ? "125px" : "359px"} height={isMobile ? "39.7px" : "114px"} alt="Girls Who Code at the University of Virginia logo"
        <img src={GHHLogo} className = "pl-n5"
          width={isMobile ? "75px" : "125px"} height={isMobile ? "40px" : "100px"} alt="GHH at the University of Virginia logo"
      <Row className={`position-absolute ${isMobile ? "footerIconRowMobile" : "footerIconRowDesktop"}`}>
        <a href="" className="mono text-white interactive">
          <img src={email} className={`${isMobile ? "mt-n1 footerIconMobile" : "footerIconDesktop"} normIcon`} alt="Email icon"/>
          <img src={emailPeach} className={`${isMobile ? "mt-1 footerIconMobile" : "footerIconDesktop"} hovIcon`} alt="Email icon"/>
        <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">
          <img src={instagram} className={`${isMobile ? "footerIconMobile" : "footerIconDesktop"} normIcon`} alt="Instagram icon"/>
          <img src={instagramPeach} className={`${isMobile ? "mt-1 footerIconMobile" : "footerIconDesktop"} hovIcon`} alt="Instagram icon"/>
        <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">
          <img src={discord} className={`${isMobile ? "footerIconMobile" : "footerIconDesktop"} normIcon`} alt="Discord icon"/>
          <img src={discordPeach} className={`${isMobile ? "mt-1 footerIconMobile" : "footerIconDesktop"} hovIcon`} alt="Discord icon"/>
        <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">
          <img src={facebook} className={`${isMobile ? "footerIconMobile" : "footerIconDesktop"} normIcon`} alt="Facebook icon"/>
          <img src={facebookPeach} className={`${isMobile ? "mt-1 footerIconMobile" : "footerIconDesktop"} hovIcon`} alt="Facebook icon"/>
        <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">
          <img src={twitter} className={`${isMobile ? "footerIconMobile" : "footerIconDesktop"} normIcon`} alt="Twitter icon"/>
          <img src={twitterPeach} className={`${isMobile ? "mt-1 footerIconMobile" : "footerIconDesktop"} hovIcon`} alt="Twitter icon"/>
        {!isMobile &&  <Col className="text-white" style={{marginLeft:50}}>
          <Row className="text-white">
            <a href="" className="mono text-white interactive"></a>
          <Row className="text-white"> 
            <a href="" className="mono text-white interactive"></a>
        </Col> }
        {!isMobile && <Col className="text-white" style={{marginLeft:50}}> 
            GHH 2021 Website: 
            <a href="/hack2021" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" className="mono text-white interactive pr-5 pr-2">hack2021</a>
        {!isMobile && <Col className="text-white" style={{marginLeft:50}}> 
            GHH 2022 Website: 
            <a href="/hack2022" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" className="mono text-white interactive pr-5 pr-2">hack2022</a>
      {isMobile && <Row className="footerArchiveMobileRow"> 
          GHH 2021 Website: 
          <a className = "footerLink text-white font-weight-bold p.hack" href="/hack2021" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" >hack2021</a>
      {isMobile && <Row className="footerArchiveMobileRow"> 
          GHH 2022 Website: 
          <a className = "footerLink text-white font-weight-bold p.hack" href="/hack2022" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">hack2022</a>
      <Row className = {`${isMobile ? "footerMLHCodeMobile" : "footerMLHCodeDesktop"} position-absolute`}>
      <text className = "text-white p.hack">
        We abide by the &nbsp;
        <a className = "footerLink text-white font-weight-bold p.hack" href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"> 
          MLH Code of Conduct 
        <text className = "text-white p.hack mt-3" >
            Although this organization has members who are University of Virginia students and may have, University employees associated or engaged in its activities and affairs,
        <text className = "text-white p.hack mt-3" >
            the organization is not a part of or an agency. It is a separate and independent organization, which is responsible for and manages its own activities and affairs.
        <text className = "text-white p.hack mt-3" >
            The University does not direct, supervise or control the organization and is not responsible for the organization’s contracts, acts or omissions.
      {isMobile && <Col className= "footerEmailMobileColumn">
          <Row className="footerEmailMobile">  
            <a href="" className="footerEmailMobile"></a>
          <Row className="footerEmailMobile"> 
            <a href="" className="footerEmailMobile"></a>
      <img className="w-100 position-relative" src={blueWaves} alt="Blue waves"/>

export default Footer;