

4 hrs
Test Coverage
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) Louisiana State University (2014-2017)
#               Cardiff University (2017-2021)
# This file is part of GWpy.
# GWpy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# GWpy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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"""Read LIGO_LW documents into :class:`~ligo.lw.table.Table` objects.

import numpy

    from ligo.lw.lsctables import TableByName as _TableByName
except ImportError:
    LIGOLW_TABLES = set()
    LIGOLW_TABLES = set(_TableByName.values())

from import registry
from import (
    read_table as read_ligolw_table,
    to_table_type as to_ligolw_table_type,
    write_tables as write_ligolw_tables,
from .. import (Table, EventTable)
from .utils import read_with_selection

__author__ = 'Duncan Macleod <>'
__all__ = []

# methods to exclude from get_as_columns conversions

# map custom object types to numpy-compatible type
    from ligo.lw.lsctables import LIGOTimeGPS
except ImportError:
    NUMPY_TYPE_MAP[LIGOTimeGPS] = numpy.float_

# -- utilities ----------------------------------------------------------------

def _get_property_columns(tabletype, columns):
    """Returns list of GPS columns required to read gpsproperties for a table

    >>> _get_property_columns(lsctables.SnglBurstTable, ['peak'])
    ['peak_time', 'peak_time_ns']
    from ligo.lw.lsctables import gpsproperty as GpsProperty
    # get properties for row object
    rowvars = vars(tabletype.RowType)
    # build list of real column names for fancy properties
    extracols = {}
    for key in columns:
        prop = rowvars[key]
        if isinstance(prop, GpsProperty):
            extracols[key] = (prop.s_name, prop.ns_name)
    return extracols

def _get_property_type(tabletype, column):
    """Returns the type of values in the given property

    >>> _get_property_type(lsctables.SnglBurstTable, 'peak')
    from ligo.lw.lsctables import gpsproperty as GpsProperty
    prop = vars(tabletype.RowType)[column]
    if isinstance(prop, GpsProperty):
        return LIGOTimeGPS

# -- conversions --------------------------------------------------------------

def to_astropy_table(llwtable, apytable, copy=False, columns=None,
                     use_numpy_dtypes=False, rename=None):
    """Convert a :class:`~ligo.lw.table.Table` to an `~astropy.tableTable`

    This method is designed as an internal method to be attached to
    :class:`~ligo.lw.table.Table` objects as `__astropy_table__`.

    llwtable : :class:`~ligo.lw.table.Table`
        the LIGO_LW table to convert from

    apytable : `type`
        `astropy.table.Table` class or subclass

    copy : `bool`, optional
        if `True` copy the input data, otherwise return a reference,
        default: `False`

    columns : `list` of `str`, optional
        the columns to populate, if not given, all columns present in the
        table are mapped

    use_map_dtypes : `bool`, optional
        force column `dtypes

    rename : `dict`, optional
        dict of ('old name', 'new name') pairs to rename columns
        from the original LIGO_LW table

    table : `EventTable`
        a view of the original data
    # set default keywords
    if rename is None:
        rename = {}
    if columns is None:
        columns = llwtable.columnnames

    # extract columns from LIGO_LW table as astropy.table.Column
    data = []
    for colname in columns:
        arr = _get_column(llwtable, colname)

        # transform to astropy.table.Column
        copythis = isinstance(arr, numpy.ndarray)
        data.append(to_astropy_column(arr, apytable.Column, copy=copythis,
                                      name=rename.get(colname, colname)))

    # build table and return
    return apytable(data, copy=False, meta={'tablename': str(llwtable.Name)})

def _get_column(llwtable, name):
    # handle empty tables as special (since we can't introspect the types)
    if not len(llwtable):
        if name in llwtable.validcolumns:
            dtype = _get_pytype(llwtable.validcolumns[name])
            dtype = _get_property_type(type(llwtable), name)
        if dtype:
            return numpy.empty((0,), dtype=dtype)

    # try get_{}
    get_ = "get_{}".format(name)
    if name not in GET_AS_EXCLUDE and hasattr(llwtable, get_):
        with patch_ligotimegps(module=type(llwtable).__module__):
            return getattr(llwtable, get_)()

    # try array of property values
        with patch_ligotimegps(module=type(llwtable).__module__):
            return numpy.asarray([getattr(row, name) for row in llwtable])
    except AttributeError:
        return llwtable.getColumnByName(name)

def to_astropy_column(llwcol, cls, copy=False, dtype=None,
                      use_numpy_dtype=False, **kwargs):
    """Convert a :class:`~ligo.lw.table.Column` to `astropy.table.Column`

    llwcol : :class:`~ligo.lw.table.Column`, `numpy.ndarray`, iterable
        the LIGO_LW column to convert, or an iterable

    cls : `~astropy.table.Column`
        the Astropy `~astropy.table.Column` or subclass to convert to

    copy : `bool`, optional
        if `True` copy the input data, otherwise return a reference,
        default: `False`

    dtype : `type`, optional
        the data type to convert to when creating the `~astropy.table.Column`

    use_numpy_dtype : `bool`, optional
        convert object type to numpy dtype, default: `False`, only used
        with ``dtype=None``

        other keyword arguments are passed to the `~astropy.table.Column`

    column : `~astropy.table.Column`
        an Astropy version of the given LIGO_LW column
    if dtype is None:  # try and find dtype
        dtype = _get_column_dtype(llwcol)
        if use_numpy_dtype and numpy.dtype(dtype).type is numpy.object_:
            # dtype maps to 'object' in numpy, try and resolve real numpy type
                dtype = NUMPY_TYPE_MAP[dtype]
            except KeyError:
                raise TypeError(
                    f"no mapping from object type '{dtype}' to numpy type",
    return cls(data=llwcol, copy=copy, dtype=dtype, **kwargs)

def _get_column_dtype(llwcol):
    """Get the data type of a LIGO_LW `Column`

    llwcol : :class:`~ligo.lw.table.Column`, `numpy.ndarray`, iterable
        a LIGO_LW column, a numpy array, or an iterable

    dtype : `type`, None
        the object data type for values in the given column, `None` is
        returned if ``llwcol`` is a `numpy.ndarray` with `numpy.object_`
        dtype, or no data type can be parsed (e.g. empty list)
    try:  # maybe its a numpy array already!
        dtype = llwcol.dtype
        if dtype is numpy.dtype('O'):  # don't convert
            raise AttributeError
        return dtype
    except AttributeError:  # dang
        try:  # ligo.lw.table.Column
            llwtype = llwcol.parentNode.validcolumns[llwcol.Name]
        except AttributeError:  # not a column
                return type(llwcol[0])
            except IndexError:
                return None
        else:  # map column type str to python type
            return _get_pytype(llwtype)

def _get_pytype(llwtype):
    """Returns a dtype-compatible type for the given LIGO_LW type string
    from ligo.lw.types import (ToPyType, ToNumPyType)
        return ToNumPyType[llwtype]
    except KeyError:
        return ToPyType[llwtype]

def table_to_ligolw(table, tablename):
    """Convert a `astropy.table.Table` to a :class:`ligo.lw.table.Table`
    from ligo.lw import lsctables

    # -- work out columns for LIGO_LW table
    # this is overly complicated because of the way that we magically
    # map properties of ligo.lw.table.Table objects to real columns in
    # astropy.table.Table objects, but also because ligo.lw internally
    # combines table names and column names for some columns
    # (e.g. process:process_id)
    columns = table.columns.keys()
    cls = lsctables.TableByName[tablename]
    inst = lsctables.New(cls)
        columnnamesreal = dict(zip(inst.columnnames, inst.columnnamesreal))
    except AttributeError:  # glue doesn't have these attributes
        columnnamesreal = {}
    llwcolumns = [columnnamesreal.get(n, n) for n in columns]
    for col, llwcols in _get_property_columns(cls, columns).items():
        idx = llwcolumns.index(col)
        for name in llwcols[::-1]:
            llwcolumns.insert(idx, name)

    # create new LIGO_LW table
    llwtable = lsctables.New(cls, columns=llwcolumns)

    # map rows across
    for row in table:
        llwrow = llwtable.RowType()
        for name in columns:
            setattr(llwrow, name,
                    to_ligolw_table_type(row[name], llwtable, name))

    return llwtable

# -- read ---------------------------------------------------------------------

def read_table(source, tablename=None, **kwargs):
    """Read a `Table` from one or more LIGO_LW XML documents

    source : `file`, `str`, :class:`~ligo.lw.ligolw.Document`, `list`
        one or more open files, file paths, or LIGO_LW `Document` objects

    tablename : `str`, optional
        the `Name` of the relevant `Table` to read, if not given a table will
        be returned if only one exists in the document(s)

        keyword arguments for the read, or conversion functions

    See also
        for details of keyword arguments for the read operation
        for details of keyword arguments for the conversion operation
    from ligo.lw import table as ligolw_table
    from ligo.lw.lsctables import TableByName

    # -- keyword handling -----------------------

    # separate keywords for reading and converting from LIGO_LW to Astropy
    read_kw = kwargs  # rename for readability
    convert_kw = {
        'rename': None,
        'use_numpy_dtypes': False,
    for key in filter(kwargs.__contains__, convert_kw):
        convert_kw[key] = kwargs.pop(key)
    if convert_kw['rename'] is None:
        convert_kw['rename'] = {}

    # allow user to specify LIGO_LW columns to read to provide the
    # desired output columns
        columns = list(kwargs.pop('columns'))
    except KeyError:
        columns = None
        read_kw['columns'] = list(kwargs.pop('ligolw_columns'))
    except KeyError:
        read_kw['columns'] = columns
    convert_kw['columns'] = columns or read_kw['columns']

    if tablename:
        tableclass = TableByName[ligolw_table.Table.TableName(tablename)]
        # work out if fancy property columns are required
        #     means 'peak_time' and 'peak_time_ns' will get read if 'peak'
        #     is requested
        if convert_kw['columns'] is not None:
            readcols = set(read_kw['columns'])
            propcols = _get_property_columns(tableclass, convert_kw['columns'])
            for col in propcols:
                except KeyError:
            read_kw['columns'] = list(readcols)

    # -- read -----------------------------------

    return Table(read_ligolw_table(source, tablename=tablename, **read_kw),

# -- write --------------------------------------------------------------------

def write_table(table, target, tablename=None, **kwargs):
    """Write a `~astropy.table.Table` to file in LIGO_LW XML format
    if tablename is None:  # try and get tablename from metadata
        tablename = table.meta.get('tablename', None)
    if tablename is None:  # panic
        raise ValueError("please pass ``tablename=`` to specify the target "
                         "LIGO_LW Table Name")
    llwtable = table_to_ligolw(
    return write_ligolw_tables(target, [llwtable], **kwargs)

# -- register -----------------------------------------------------------------

for table_ in LIGOLW_TABLES:
    # register conversion from LIGO_LW to astropy Table
    table_.__astropy_table__ = to_astropy_table

for table_class in (Table, EventTable):
    registry.register_reader('ligolw', table_class, read_table)
    registry.register_writer('ligolw', table_class, write_table)
    registry.register_identifier('ligolw', table_class, is_ligolw)