

2 days
Test Coverage
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) Louisiana State University (2014-2017)
#               Cardiff University (2017-2021)
# This file is part of GWpy.
# GWpy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# GWpy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with GWpy.  If not, see <>.

"""This module defines the Boolean array representing the state of some data

Such states are typically the comparison of a `TimeSeries` against some
threshold, where sub-threshold is good and sup-threshold is bad,
for example.

Single `StateTimeSeries` can be bundled together to form `StateVector`
arrays, representing a bit mask of states that combine to make a detailed
statement of instrumental operation

from functools import wraps
from math import (ceil, log)

import numpy

from astropy import units

from .core import (TimeSeriesBase, TimeSeriesBaseDict, TimeSeriesBaseList,
from ..types import Array2D
from ..detector import Channel
from ..time import Time
from import Nds2ChannelType

__author__ = "Duncan Macleod <>"

__all__ = ['StateTimeSeries', 'StateTimeSeriesDict',
           'StateVector', 'StateVectorDict', 'StateVectorList', 'Bits']

# -- utilities ----------------------------------------------------------------

def _bool_segments(array, start=0, delta=1, minlen=1):
    """Yield segments of consecutive `True` values in a boolean array

    array : `iterable`
        An iterable of boolean-castable values.

    start : `float`
        The value of the first sample on the indexed axis
        (e.g.the GPS start time of the array).

    delta : `float`
        The step size on the indexed axis (e.g. sample duration).

    minlen : `int`, optional
        The minimum number of consecutive `True` values for a segment.

    segment : `tuple`
        ``(start + i * delta, start + (i + n) * delta)`` for a sequence
        of ``n`` consecutive True values starting at position ``i``.

    This method is adapted from original code written by Kipp Cannon and
    distributed under GPLv3.

    The datatype of the values returned will be the larger of the types
    of ``start`` and ``delta``.

    >>> print(list(_bool_segments([0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1]))
    [(1, 2), (5, 8), (9, 10)]
    >>> print(list(_bool_segments([0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1]
    ...                           start=100., delta=0.1))
    [(100.1, 100.2), (100.5, 100.8), (100.9, 101.0)]
    array = iter(array)
    i = 0
    while True:
        try:  # get next value
            val = next(array)
        except StopIteration:  # end of array

        if val:  # start of new segment
            n = 1  # count consecutive True
                while next(array):  # run until segment will end
                    n += 1
            except StopIteration:  # have reached the end
                return  # stop
            finally:  # yield segment (including at StopIteration)
                if n >= minlen:  # ... if long enough
                    yield (start + i * delta, start + (i + n) * delta)
            i += n
        i += 1

# -- StateTimeSeries ----------------------------------------------------------

class StateTimeSeries(TimeSeriesBase):
    """Boolean array representing a good/bad state determination

    value : array-like
        input data array

    t0 : `~gwpy.time.LIGOTimeGPS`, `float`, `str`, optional
        GPS epoch associated with these data,
        any input parsable by `~gwpy.time.to_gps` is fine

    dt : `float`, `~astropy.units.Quantity`, optional, default: `1`
        time between successive samples (seconds), can also be given inversely
        via `sample_rate`

    sample_rate : `float`, `~astropy.units.Quantity`, optional, default: `1`
        the rate of samples per second (Hertz), can also be given inversely
        via `dt`

    times : `array-like`
        the complete array of GPS times accompanying the data for this series.
        This argument takes precedence over `t0` and `dt` so should be given
        in place of these if relevant, not alongside

    name : `str`, optional
        descriptive title for this array

    channel : `~gwpy.detector.Channel`, `str`, optional
        source data stream for these data

    dtype : `~numpy.dtype`, optional
        input data type

    copy : `bool`, optional, default: `False`
        choose to copy the input data to new memory

    subok : `bool`, optional, default: `True`
        allow passing of sub-classes by the array generator

    Key methods

    .. autosummary::


    def __new__(cls, data, t0=None, dt=None, sample_rate=None, times=None,
                channel=None, name=None, **kwargs):
        """Generate a new StateTimeSeries
        if kwargs.pop('unit', None) is not None:
            raise TypeError("%s does not accept keyword argument 'unit'"
                            % cls.__name__)
        if isinstance(data, (list, tuple)):
            data = numpy.asarray(data)
        if not isinstance(data, cls):
            data = data.astype(bool)
        return super().__new__(
            cls, data, t0=t0, dt=dt, sample_rate=sample_rate, times=times,
            name=name, channel=channel, **kwargs)

    # -- unit handling (always dimensionless) ---

    def unit(self):
        return units.dimensionless_unscaled

    def override_unit(self, unit, parse_strict='raise'):
        return NotImplemented

    def _to_own_unit(self, value, check_precision=True):
        if isinstance(value, units.Quantity) and value.unit != self.unit:
            raise ValueError("Cannot store %s with units %r"
                             % (type(self).__name__, value.unit))
        if not isinstance(value, units.Quantity):
            value *= self.unit
        return value

    # -- math handling (always boolean) ---------

    def __array_ufunc__(self, ufunc, method, *inputs, **kwargs):
        out = super().__array_ufunc__(ufunc, method, *inputs, **kwargs)
        if out.ndim:
            return out.view(bool)
        return out

    def diff(self, n=1, axis=-1):
        slice1 = (slice(1, None),)
        slice2 = (slice(None, -1),)
        new = (self.value[slice1] ^ self.value[slice2]).view(type(self))
        try:  # shift x0 to the right by one place
            new.x0 = self._xindex[1]
        except AttributeError:
            new.x0 = self.x0 + self.dx
        if n > 1:
            return new.diff(n-1, axis=axis)
        return new
    diff.__doc__ = TimeSeriesBase.diff.__doc__

    @wraps(numpy.ndarray.all, assigned=('__doc__',))
    def all(self, axis=None, out=None):
        return numpy.all(self.value, axis=axis, out=out)

    # -- useful methods -------------------------

    def to_dqflag(self, name=None, minlen=1, dtype=None, round=False,
                  label=None, description=None):
        """Convert this series into a `~gwpy.segments.DataQualityFlag`.

        Each contiguous set of `True` values are grouped as a
        `~gwpy.segments.Segment` running from the GPS time the first
        found `True`, to the GPS time of the next `False` (or the end
        of the series)

        minlen : `int`, optional
            minimum number of consecutive `True` values to identify as a
            `~gwpy.segments.Segment`. This is useful to ignore single
            bit flips, for example.

        dtype : `type`, `callable`
            output segment entry type, can pass either a type for simple
            casting, or a callable function that accepts a float and returns
            another numeric type, defaults to the `dtype` of the time index

        round : `bool`, optional
            choose to round each `~gwpy.segments.Segment` to its
            inclusive integer boundaries

        label : `str`, optional
            the :attr:`~gwpy.segments.DataQualityFlag.label` for the
            output flag.

        description : `str`, optional
            the :attr:`~gwpy.segments.DataQualityFlag.description` for the
            output flag.

        dqflag : `~gwpy.segments.DataQualityFlag`
            a segment representation of this `StateTimeSeries`, the span
            defines the `known` segments, while the contiguous `True`
            sets defined each of the `active` segments
        from ..segments import DataQualityFlag

        # format dtype
        if dtype is None:
            dtype = self.t0.dtype
        if isinstance(dtype, numpy.dtype):  # use callable dtype
            dtype = dtype.type
        start = dtype(self.t0.value)
        dt = dtype(self.dt.value)

        # build segmentlists (can use simple objects since DQFlag converts)
        active = _bool_segments(self.value, start, dt, minlen=int(minlen))
        known = [tuple(map(dtype, self.span))]

        # build flag and return
        out = DataQualityFlag(name=name or, active=active,
                              known=known, label=label or,
        if round:
            return out.round()
        return out

    def to_lal(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Bogus function inherited from superclass, do not use.
        raise NotImplementedError("The to_lal method, inherited from the "
                                  "TimeSeries, cannot be used with the "
                                  "StateTimeSeries because LAL has no "
                                  "BooleanTimeSeries structure")

    def from_nds2_buffer(cls, buffer, **metadata):
        metadata.setdefault('unit', None)
        return super().from_nds2_buffer(buffer, **metadata)

    def __getitem__(self, item):
        if isinstance(item, (float, int)):
            return numpy.ndarray.__getitem__(self, item)
            return super().__getitem__(item)

    def tolist(self):
        return self.value.tolist()

    tolist.__doc__ = numpy.ndarray.tolist.__doc__

# -- Bits ---------------------------------------------------------------------

class Bits(list):
    """Definition of the bits in a `StateVector`.

    bits : `list`
        list of bit names

    channel : `Channel`, `str`, optional
        data channel associated with this Bits

    epoch : `float`, optional
        defining GPS epoch for this `Bits`

    description : `dict`, optional
        (bit, desc) `dict` of longer descriptions for each bit
    def __init__(self, bits, channel=None, epoch=None, description=None):
        # handle dict of (index, bitname) pairs
        if isinstance(bits, dict):
            n = max(map(int, bits.keys())) + 1
            list.__init__(self, [None] * n)
            for key, val in bits.items():
                self[int(key)] = val
        # otherwise just parse a list of bitnames
            list.__init__(self, [b or None for b in bits])

        # populate metadata
        if channel is not None:
   = channel
        if epoch is not None:
            self.epoch = epoch
        self.description = description

        # rebuild descriptions
        for i, bit in enumerate(self):
            if bit is None or bit in self.description:
            elif channel:
                self.description[bit] = '%s bit %d' % (, i)
                self.description[bit] = None

    def epoch(self):
        """Starting GPS time epoch for these `Bits`.

        This attribute is recorded as a `~astropy.time.Time` object in the
        GPS format, allowing native conversion into other formats.

        See :mod:`~astropy.time` for details on the `Time` object.
            return Time(self._epoch, format='gps')
        except AttributeError:
            return None

    def epoch(self, epoch):
        if isinstance(epoch, Time):
            self._epoch = epoch.gps
        elif isinstance(epoch, units.Quantity):
            self._epoch = epoch.value
            self._epoch = float(epoch)

    def channel(self):
        """Data channel associated with these `Bits`.
            return self._channel
        except AttributeError:
            return None

    def channel(self, chan):
        if isinstance(chan, Channel):
            self._channel = chan
            self._channel = Channel(chan)

    def description(self):
        """(key, value) dictionary of long bit descriptions.
        return self._description

    def description(self, desc):
        if desc is None:
            self._description = {}
            self._description = desc

    def __repr__(self):
        indent = " " * len('<%s(' % self.__class__.__name__)
        mask = ('\n%s' % indent).join(['%d: %r' % (idx, bit) for
                                       idx, bit in enumerate(self)
                                       if bit])
        return ("<{1}({2},\n{0}channel={3},\n{0}epoch={4})>".format(
            indent, self.__class__.__name__,
            mask, repr(, repr(self.epoch)))

    def __str__(self):
        indent = " " * len('%s(' % self.__class__.__name__)
        mask = ('\n%s' % indent).join(['%d: %s' % (idx, bit) for
                                       idx, bit in enumerate(self)
                                       if bit])
        return ("{1}({2},\n{0}channel={3},\n{0}epoch={4})".format(
            indent, self.__class__.__name__,
            mask, str(, str(self.epoch)))

    def __array__(self, dtype="U"):
        return numpy.array([b or '' for b in self], dtype=dtype)

# -- StateVector --------------------------------------------------------------

class StateVector(TimeSeriesBase):
    """Binary array representing good/bad state determinations of some data.

    Each binary bit represents a single boolean condition, with the
    definitions of all the bits stored in the `StateVector.bits`

    value : array-like
        input data array

    bits : `Bits`, `list`, optional
        list of bits defining this `StateVector`

    t0 : `~gwpy.time.LIGOTimeGPS`, `float`, `str`, optional
        GPS epoch associated with these data,
        any input parsable by `~gwpy.time.to_gps` is fine

    dt : `float`, `~astropy.units.Quantity`, optional, default: `1`
        time between successive samples (seconds), can also be given inversely
        via `sample_rate`

    sample_rate : `float`, `~astropy.units.Quantity`, optional, default: `1`
        the rate of samples per second (Hertz), can also be given inversely
        via `dt`

    times : `array-like`
        the complete array of GPS times accompanying the data for this series.
        This argument takes precedence over `t0` and `dt` so should be given
        in place of these if relevant, not alongside

    name : `str`, optional
        descriptive title for this array

    channel : `~gwpy.detector.Channel`, `str`, optional
        source data stream for these data

    dtype : `~numpy.dtype`, optional
        input data type

    copy : `bool`, optional, default: `False`
        choose to copy the input data to new memory

    subok : `bool`, optional, default: `True`
        allow passing of sub-classes by the array generator

    Key methods:

    .. autosummary::


    _metadata_slots = TimeSeriesBase._metadata_slots + ('bits',)
    _print_slots = TimeSeriesBase._print_slots + ('_bits',)

    def __new__(cls, data, bits=None, t0=None, dt=None, sample_rate=None,
                times=None, channel=None, name=None, **kwargs):
        """Generate a new `StateVector`.
        new = super().__new__(cls, data, t0=t0, dt=dt,
                              times=times, channel=channel,
                              name=name, **kwargs)
        new.bits = bits
        return new

    # -- StateVector properties -----------------

    # -- bits
    def bits(self):
        """list of `Bits` for this `StateVector`

        :type: `Bits`
            return self._bits
        except AttributeError:
            if'uint', 'int')):
                nbits = self.itemsize * 8
                self.bits = Bits(['Bit %d' % b for b in range(nbits)],
                       , epoch=self.epoch)
                return self.bits
            elif hasattr(, 'bits'):
                self.bits =
                return self.bits
            return None

    def bits(self, mask):
        if mask is None:
            del self.bits
        if not isinstance(mask, Bits):
            mask = Bits(mask,,
        self._bits = mask

    def bits(self):
            del self._bits
        except AttributeError:

    # -- boolean
    def boolean(self):
        """A mapping of this `StateVector` to a 2-D array containing all
        binary bits as booleans, for each time point.
            return self._boolean
        except AttributeError:
            nbits = len(self.bits)
            boolean = numpy.zeros((self.size, nbits), dtype=bool)
            for i, sample in enumerate(self.value):
                boolean[i, :] = [int(sample) >> j & 1 for j in range(nbits)]
            self._boolean = Array2D(boolean,,
                                    x0=self.x0, dx=self.dx, y0=0, dy=1)
            return self.boolean

    # -- data type handling ---------------------

    def _to_own_unit(self, value, check_precision=True):
        if isinstance(value, units.Quantity) and value.unit != self.unit:
            raise ValueError("Cannot store %s with units %r"
                             % (type(self).__name__, value.unit))
        if not isinstance(value, units.Quantity):
            return value * self.unit
        return value

    # -- StateVector methods --------------------

    def get_bit_series(self, bits=None):
        """Get the `StateTimeSeries` for each bit of this `StateVector`.

        bits : `list`, optional
            a list of bit indices or bit names, defaults to all bits

        bitseries : `StateTimeSeriesDict`
            a `dict` of `StateTimeSeries`, one for each given bit
        if bits is None:
            bits = [b for b in self.bits if b not in {None, ''}]
        bindex = []
        for bit in bits:
                bindex.append((self.bits.index(bit), bit))
            except (IndexError, ValueError) as exc:
                exc.args = ('Bit %r not found in StateVector' % bit,)
        self._bitseries = StateTimeSeriesDict()
        for i, bit in bindex:
            self._bitseries[bit] = StateTimeSeries(
                self.value >> i & 1, name=bit, epoch=self.x0.value,
      , sample_rate=self.sample_rate)
        return self._bitseries

    def read(cls, source, *args, **kwargs):
        """Read data into a `StateVector`

        source : `str`, `list`
            Source of data, any of the following:

            - `str` path of single data file,
            - `str` path of LAL-format cache file,
            - `list` of paths.

        channel : `str`, `~gwpy.detector.Channel`
            the name of the channel to read, or a `Channel` object.

        start : `~gwpy.time.LIGOTimeGPS`, `float`, `str`
            GPS start time of required data,
            any input parseable by `~gwpy.time.to_gps` is fine

        end : `~gwpy.time.LIGOTimeGPS`, `float`, `str`, optional
            GPS end time of required data, defaults to end of data found;
            any input parseable by `~gwpy.time.to_gps` is fine

        bits : `list`, optional
            list of bits names for this `StateVector`, give `None` at
            any point in the list to mask that bit

        format : `str`, optional
            source format identifier. If not given, the format will be
            detected if possible. See below for list of acceptable

        nproc : `int`, optional, default: `1`
            number of parallel processes to use, serial process by

        gap : `str`, optional
            how to handle gaps in the cache, one of

            - 'ignore': do nothing, let the underlying reader method handle it
            - 'warn': do nothing except print a warning to the screen
            - 'raise': raise an exception upon finding a gap (default)
            - 'pad': insert a value to fill the gaps

        pad : `float`, optional
            value with which to fill gaps in the source data, only used if
            gap is not given, or `gap='pad'` is given

            if ``source`` is an empty list

        To read the S6 state vector, with names for all the bits::

            >>> sv =
                'H-H1_LDAS_C02_L2-968654592-128.gwf', 'H1:IFO-SV_STATE_VECTOR',
                bits=['Science mode', 'Conlog OK', 'Locked',
                      'No injections', 'No Excitations'],

        then you can convert these to segments

            >>> segments = sv.to_dqflags()

        or to read just the interferometer operations bits::

            >>> sv =
                'H-H1_LDAS_C02_L2-968654592-128.gwf', 'H1:IFO-SV_STATE_VECTOR',
                bits=['Science mode', None, 'Locked'], dtype='uint32')

        Running `to_dqflags` on this example would only give 2 flags, rather
        than all five.

        Alternatively the `bits` attribute can be reset after reading, but
        before any further operations.

        return super().read(source, *args, **kwargs)

    def to_dqflags(self, bits=None, minlen=1, dtype=float, round=False):
        """Convert this `StateVector` into a `~gwpy.segments.DataQualityDict`

        The `StateTimeSeries` for each bit is converted into a
        `~gwpy.segments.DataQualityFlag` with the bits combined into a dict.

        minlen : `int`, optional, default: 1
           minimum number of consecutive `True` values to identify as a
           `Segment`. This is useful to ignore single bit flips,
           for example.

        bits : `list`, optional
            a list of bit indices or bit names to select, defaults to

        DataQualityFlag list : `list`
            a list of `~gwpy.segments.flag.DataQualityFlag`
            reprensentations for each bit in this `StateVector`

        See also
            for details on the segment representation method for
            `StateVector` bits
        from ..segments import DataQualityDict
        out = DataQualityDict()
        bitseries = self.get_bit_series(bits=bits)
        for bit, sts in bitseries.items():
            out[bit] = sts.to_dqflag(name=bit, minlen=minlen, round=round,
        return out

    def fetch(cls, channel, start, end, bits=None, host=None, port=None,
              verbose=False, connection=None, type=Nds2ChannelType.any()):
        """Fetch data from NDS into a `StateVector`.

        channel : `str`, `~gwpy.detector.Channel`
            the name of the channel to read, or a `Channel` object.

        start : `~gwpy.time.LIGOTimeGPS`, `float`, `str`
            GPS start time of required data,
            any input parseable by `~gwpy.time.to_gps` is fine

        end : `~gwpy.time.LIGOTimeGPS`, `float`, `str`
            GPS end time of required data,
            any input parseable by `~gwpy.time.to_gps` is fine

        bits : `Bits`, `list`, optional
            definition of bits for this `StateVector`

        host : `str`, optional
            URL of NDS server to use, defaults to observatory site host

        port : `int`, optional
            port number for NDS server query, must be given with `host`

        verify : `bool`, optional, default: `True`
            check channels exist in database before asking for data

        connection : `nds2.connection`
            open NDS connection to use

        verbose : `bool`, optional
            print verbose output about NDS progress

        type : `int`, optional
            NDS2 channel type integer

        dtype : `type`, `numpy.dtype`, `str`, optional
            identifier for desired output data type
        new = cls.DictClass.fetch(
            [channel], start, end, host=host, port=port,
            verbose=verbose, connection=connection)[channel]
        if bits:
            new.bits = bits
        return new

    def get(cls, channel, start, end, bits=None, **kwargs):
        """Get data for this channel from frames or NDS

        channel : `str`, `~gwpy.detector.Channel`
            the name of the channel to read, or a `Channel` object.

        start : `~gwpy.time.LIGOTimeGPS`, `float`, `str`
            GPS start time of required data,
            any input parseable by `~gwpy.time.to_gps` is fine

        end : `~gwpy.time.LIGOTimeGPS`, `float`, `str`
            GPS end time of required data,
            any input parseable by `~gwpy.time.to_gps` is fine

        bits : `Bits`, `list`, optional
            definition of bits for this `StateVector`

        pad : `float`, optional
            value with which to fill gaps in the source data, only used if
            gap is not given, or ``gap='pad'`` is given

        dtype : `numpy.dtype`, `str`, `type`, or `dict`
            numeric data type for returned data, e.g. `numpy.float`, or
            `dict` of (`channel`, `dtype`) pairs

        nproc : `int`, optional, default: `1`
            number of parallel processes to use, serial process by

        verbose : `bool`, optional
            print verbose output about NDS progress.

            other keyword arguments to pass to either
            :meth:`.find` (for direct GWF file access) or
            :meth:`.fetch` for remote NDS2 access

        See also
            for grabbing data from a remote NDS2 server
            for discovering and reading data from local GWF files
        new = cls.DictClass.get([channel], start, end, **kwargs)[channel]
        if bits:
            new.bits = bits
        return new

    def plot(self, format='segments', bits=None, **kwargs):
        """Plot the data for this `StateVector`

        format : `str`, optional, default: ``'segments'``
            The type of plot to make, either 'segments' to plot the
            SegmentList for each bit, or 'timeseries' to plot the raw
            data for this `StateVector`

        bits : `list`, optional
            A list of bit indices or bit names, defaults to
            `~StateVector.bits`. This argument is ignored if ``format`` is
            not ``'segments'``

            Other keyword arguments to be passed to either
            `~gwpy.plot.SegmentAxes.plot` or
            `~gwpy.plot.Axes.plot`, depending
            on ``format``.

        plot : `~gwpy.plot.Plot`
            output plot object

        See also
            for documentation of keyword arguments used to create the
            for documentation of keyword arguments used to create the
            for documentation of keyword arguments used in rendering each
            statevector flag.
        if format == 'timeseries':
            return super().plot(**kwargs)
        if format == 'segments':
            from ..plot import Plot
            kwargs.setdefault('xscale', 'auto-gps')
            return Plot(*self.to_dqflags(bits=bits).values(),
                        projection='segments', **kwargs)
        raise ValueError("'format' argument must be one of: 'timeseries' or "

    def resample(self, rate):
        """Resample this `StateVector` to a new rate

        Because of the nature of a state-vector, downsampling is done
        by taking the logical 'and' of all original samples in each new
        sampling interval, while upsampling is achieved by repeating

        rate : `float`
            rate to which to resample this `StateVector`, must be a
            divisor of the original sample rate (when downsampling)
            or a multiple of the original (when upsampling).

        vector : `StateVector`
            resampled version of the input `StateVector`
        rate1 = self.sample_rate.value
        if isinstance(rate, units.Quantity):
            rate2 = rate.value
            rate2 = float(rate)
        # upsample
        if (rate2 / rate1).is_integer():
            raise NotImplementedError("StateVector upsampling has not "
                                      "been implemented yet, sorry.")
        # downsample
        elif (rate1 / rate2).is_integer():
            factor = int(rate1 / rate2)
            # reshape incoming data to one column per new sample
            newsize = int(self.size / factor)
            old = self.value.reshape((newsize, self.size // newsize))
            # work out number of bits
            if self.bits:
                nbits = len(self.bits)
                max_ = self.value.max()
                nbits = int(ceil(log(max_, 2))) if max_ else 1
            bits = range(nbits)
            # construct an iterator over the columns of the old array
            itr = numpy.nditer(
                [old, None],
                flags=['external_loop', 'reduce_ok'],
                op_axes=[None, [0, -1]],
                op_flags=[['readonly'], ['readwrite', 'allocate']])
            dtype = self.dtype
            type_ = self.dtype.type
            # for each new sample, each bit is logical AND of old samples
            # bit is ON,
            for x, y in itr:
                y[...] = numpy.sum([type_((x >> bit & 1).all() * (2 ** bit))
                                    for bit in bits], dtype=self.dtype)
            new = StateVector(itr.operands[1], dtype=dtype)
            new._unit = self.unit
            new.sample_rate = rate2
            return new
        # error for non-integer resampling factors
        elif rate1 < rate2:
            raise ValueError("New sample rate must be multiple of input "
                             "series rate if upsampling a StateVector")
            raise ValueError("New sample rate must be divisor of input "
                             "series rate if downsampling a StateVector")

class StateTimeSeriesDict(TimeSeriesBaseDict):
    __doc__ = TimeSeriesBaseDict.__doc__.replace('TimeSeriesBase',
    EntryClass = StateTimeSeries

class StateVectorDict(TimeSeriesBaseDict):
    __doc__ = TimeSeriesBaseDict.__doc__.replace('TimeSeriesBase',
    EntryClass = StateVector

    def read(cls, source, *args, **kwargs):
        """Read data for multiple bit vector channels into a `StateVectorDict`

        source : `str`, `list`
            Source of data, any of the following:

            - `str` path of single data file,
            - `str` path of LAL-format cache file,
            - `list` of paths.

        channels : ``, `list`
            a list of channels to read from the source.

        start : `~gwpy.time.LIGOTimeGPS`, `float`, `str` optional
            GPS start time of required data, anything parseable by
            :meth:`~gwpy.time.to_gps` is fine

        end : `~gwpy.time.LIGOTimeGPS`, `float`, `str`, optional
            GPS end time of required data, anything parseable by
            :meth:`~gwpy.time.to_gps` is fine

        bits : `list` of `lists`, `dict`, optional
            the ordered list of interesting bit lists for each channel,
            or a `dict` of (`channel`, `list`) pairs

        format : `str`, optional
            source format identifier. If not given, the format will be
            detected if possible. See below for list of acceptable

        nproc : `int`, optional, default: ``1``
            number of parallel processes to use, serial process by

        gap : `str`, optional
            how to handle gaps in the cache, one of

            - 'ignore': do nothing, let the underlying reader method handle it
            - 'warn': do nothing except print a warning to the screen
            - 'raise': raise an exception upon finding a gap (default)
            - 'pad': insert a value to fill the gaps

        pad : `float`, optional
            value with which to fill gaps in the source data, only used if
            gap is not given, or `gap='pad'` is given

        statevectordict : `StateVectorDict`
            a `StateVectorDict` of (`channel`, `StateVector`) pairs. The keys
            are guaranteed to be the ordered list `channels` as given.

        return super().read(source, *args, **kwargs)

class StateVectorList(TimeSeriesBaseList):
    __doc__ = TimeSeriesBaseList.__doc__.replace('TimeSeriesBase',
    EntryClass = StateVector