// The Cloud Functions for Firebase SDK to create Cloud Functions and setup triggers.
const functions = require('firebase-functions');
// The Firebase Admin SDK to access the Firebase Realtime Database.
const admin = require('firebase-admin');
const maxPlayers = 5;
const numberRoomsPerLeague = 100;
const minRank = -10;
// Waiting times
const parentRoomID = "realRooms/";
var StateEnum = Object.freeze({"Idle": 0, "ChoosingWordsCountdown": 1, "DrawingPage": 2, "WaitingUpload": 3, "VotingPage": 4, "EndVoting": 5, "ShowRanking": 6});
var PlayingEnum = Object.freeze({"Idle": 0, "PlayingButJoinable": 1, "Playing": 2});
var state = 0;
function checkUsersReady(path, snapshot) {
if (snapshot.child("users").numChildren() === maxPlayers) {
if (snapshot.child("state").val() === StateEnum.Idle ||
snapshot.child("state").val() === StateEnum.EndVoting) {
return admin.database().ref(path + "/state").set(StateEnum.ChoosingWordsCountdown);
} else {
console.log("Not ready");
return 0;
// Check if all the values childs of a node are true i.e. the values are set to 1
function checkNodeTrue(snapshot) {
let ready = true;
snapshot.forEach((child) => {
if (child.val() !== 1) {
ready = false;
return ready;
function checkNodeTrueTesting(snapshot, howMany) {
let count = 0;
snapshot.forEach((child) => {
if (child.val() === 1) {
return count >= howMany;
function hasEveryoneVoted(snapshot) {
let sum = 0;
snapshot.child("words").forEach((child) => {
sum += child.val();
if (sum >= maxPlayers) {
return true;
return false;
function functionTimer (seconds, state, roomID, isWaiting, call) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// This represents the maximum time allowed for firebase.
if (seconds > 300) {
let elapsedSeconds = 0;
let stop = false;
let interval = setInterval(onInterval, 1000);
function onInterval() {
if (stop === true) {
stop = false;
throw new "Timer stopped";
if (elapsedSeconds >= seconds) {
return 0;
call(seconds - elapsedSeconds);
if (isWaiting === true) {
return admin.database().ref(parentRoomID + roomID).once('value', (snapshot) => {
let promises = [];
// If a user leaves stop the timer and return to idle state.
if (snapshot.child("users").numChildren() < maxPlayers
&& snapshot.child("state").val() === StateEnum.ChoosingWordsCountdown) {
stop = true;
promises.push(admin.database().ref(parentRoomID + roomID + "/state").set(StateEnum.Idle));
promises.push(admin.database().ref(parentRoomID + roomID + "/playing").set(PlayingEnum.Idle));
if (hasEveryoneVoted(snapshot) === true
&& snapshot.child("state").val() === StateEnum.ChoosingWordsCountdown) {
elapsedSeconds = seconds;
return Promise.all(promises).then(_ => true);
return 0;
}).catch((error) => {
// Log and rethrow
throw error;
exports.joinGame = functions.https.onCall((data, context) => {
const id =;
const username = data.username;
const league = data.league - 1;
const gameMode = data.mode;
let _roomID;
var alreadyJoined = false;
let roomsList = [];
return admin.database().ref(parentRoomID).once('value', (snapshot) => {
return snapshot.forEach((roomID) => {
promises = [];
// Retrieve the room game mode
var roomGameMode = roomID.val().gameMode;
console.log("Game mode:" + roomGameMode);
const playingVal = roomID.child("playing").val();
roomsList.push(parseInt(roomID.key, 10));
// Checks if the room is full, if the user already joined a room and if
// the game is not already playing
if (roomID.child("users").numChildren() < maxPlayers && alreadyJoined === false
&& playingVal !== PlayingEnum.Playing && isRoomInLeagueRange(roomID.key, league) === true
&& roomGameMode === gameMode) {
const userCount = "user" + (roomID.child("users").numChildren() + 1).toString();
const path = parentRoomID + roomID.key;
_roomID = roomID.key;
alreadyJoined = true;
// Removes the user and adds it again to trigger the event for the user fields.
if (roomID.child("users/" + id).exists() && roomID.hasChild("users")) {
return (admin.database().ref(path).child("users/" + id).remove())
.then(() => {
return admin.database().ref(path).child("users").update({[id]:username});
return admin.database().ref(path).child("users").update({[id]:username});
return 0;
}).then(() => {
if (alreadyJoined === false) {
_roomID = generateRoomID(league, roomsList).toString();
joinCreatedRoom(_roomID, username, id, gameMode);
return _roomID;
function getLeagueFromTrophies(trophies) {
if (trophies >= 0 && trophies < 100) {
return "league1";
} else if (trophies >= 100 && trophies < 200) {
return "league2";
} else {
return "league3";
function isRoomInLeagueRange(roomID, league) {
return parseInt(roomID, 10) >= league * numberRoomsPerLeague &&
parseInt(roomID, 10) < (league + 1) * numberRoomsPerLeague;
function findLeagueFromRoomID(roomID) {
return Math.floor(parseInt(roomID, 10) / numberRoomsPerLeague) + 1;
function getRandomInt(min, max) {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;
function generateTwoRandomNumbers(wordsNumber) {
const firstNumber = getRandomInt(0, wordsNumber - 1);
let secondNumber = firstNumber;
while (firstNumber === secondNumber) {
secondNumber = getRandomInt(0, wordsNumber - 1);
return [firstNumber, secondNumber];
function addWordsToDatabase(roomID) {
return admin.database().ref("leagues/league" + findLeagueFromRoomID(roomID) + "/words").once('value', (snapshot) => {
const numbers = generateTwoRandomNumbers(snapshot.numChildren());
const word1 = snapshot.child(numbers[0]).val();
const word2 = snapshot.child(numbers[1]).val();
return admin.database().ref(parentRoomID + roomID).update({"words": {[word1]:0,[word2]:0}});
function generateRoomID(league, roomsList) {
const minRoomID = league * numberRoomsPerLeague;
const maxRoomID = (league + 1) * numberRoomsPerLeague - 1
let roomID;
do {
roomID = Math.floor(Math.random() * (maxRoomID - minRoomID + 1) + minRoomID);
} while (roomsList.includes(roomID))
return roomID;
function createRoomAndJoin(league, roomsList, username, id, gameMode) {
const roomID = generateRoomID(league, roomsList);
let roomObj = {[roomID]:{gameMode : gameMode, state : 0, playing : 0, timer :{observableTime:WAITING_TIME_CHOOSE_WORDS}}};
admin.database().ref(parentRoomID + roomID).update({"users":{[id]:username}});
return roomID.toString();
function joinCreatedRoom(roomID, username, id, gameMode) {
let promises = [];
let roomObj = {[roomID]:{gameMode : gameMode, state : 0, playing : 0, timer :{observableTime:WAITING_TIME_CHOOSE_WORDS}}};
promises.push(admin.database().ref(parentRoomID + roomID).update({"users":{[id]:username}}));
return Promise.all(promises).then(_ => true);
function removeRoom(roomID) {
// Do not remove the testing room
if (roomID !== "0123457890") {
return admin.database().ref(parentRoomID + roomID).remove();
return 0;
exports.onUsersChange = functions.database.ref(parentRoomID + "{roomID}/users").onWrite((change, context) => {
const roomID = context.params.roomID;
let isRoomRemoved = false;
return admin.database().ref(parentRoomID + roomID).once('value', (snapshot) => {
if (snapshot.hasChild("words") && !snapshot.hasChild("users")) {
// Removes the words because the room is empty
admin.database().ref(parentRoomID + roomID + "/words").remove();
isRoomRemoved = true;
} else if(snapshot.hasChild("users") && !snapshot.hasChild("words")) {
// Generates the words
if (isRoomRemoved === false) {
checkUsersReady(parentRoomID + roomID, snapshot);
function startTimer(time, roomID, prevState, newState, nodeCreation, isWaiting) {
return functionTimer(time, prevState, roomID, isWaiting, elapsedTime => {
return admin.database().ref(parentRoomID + roomID + "/timer/observableTime").set(elapsedTime);
.then(totalTime => {
return console.log('Timer of ' + totalTime + ' has finished.');
.then(() => {
// A new node needs to be created after the game starts. Otherwise just checks the node.
if(nodeCreation === true) {
return createNode(roomID, "onlineStatus", 0);
} else {
return checkOnlineNode(roomID);
.then(() => {
return admin.database().ref(parentRoomID + roomID + "/state").set(newState);
.catch(error => console.error(error));
function createNode(roomID, node, value) {
updates = {};
return admin.database().ref(parentRoomID + roomID).child("users").once('value', (snapshot) => {
snapshot.forEach((child) => {
updates[child.val()] = value;
}).then(() => {
return admin.database().ref(parentRoomID + roomID).child(node).once('value', function(snapshot) {
return snapshot.ref.set(updates);
function updateUser(userID) {
return admin.database().ref("users/").once('value', (snapshot) => {
if(snapshot.hasChild(userID)) {
let newTrophies;
let totalMatches;
return admin.database().ref("users/" + userID + "/trophies").transaction((currentValue) => {
newTrophies = Math.max(currentValue + minRank, 0);
return newTrophies;
.then(() => {
return admin.database().ref("users/" + userID + "/currentLeague").transaction((currentValueInner) => {
return getLeagueFromTrophies(newTrophies);
.then(() => {
return admin.database().ref("users/" + userID + "/totalMatches").transaction((currentValue) => {
totalMatches = currentValue + 1;
return totalMatches;
.then(() => {
return admin.database().ref("users/" + userID + "/averageRating").transaction((currentValueInner) => {
return parseFloat(((currentValueInner*(totalMatches-1))/totalMatches).toPrecision(3));
return 0;
function updateDisconnectedUsers(snapshotRanking, roomID) {
let dict = {};
return admin.database().ref(parentRoomID + roomID + "/users").once('value', (snapshot) => {
return snapshot.forEach((child) => {
dict[child.val()] = child.key;
}).then(() => {
return snapshotRanking.forEach((child) => {
if (child.val() === -1) {
function checkOnlineNode(roomID) {
return admin.database().ref(parentRoomID + roomID + "/onlineStatus").once('value', (snapshot) => {
promises = [];
snapshot.forEach((child) => {
if (child.val() === 0) {
promises.push(admin.database().ref(parentRoomID + roomID + "/ranking/" + child.key).set(-1));
return Promise.all(promises).then(_ => true);
}).then(() => {return createNode(roomID, "onlineStatus", 0)});
* Defines the different tasks that server has to do when state is updated.
exports.onStateUpdate = functions.runWith({timeoutSeconds:100}).database.ref(parentRoomID + "{roomID}/state").onWrite((change, context) => {
let promises = [];
const roomID = context.params.roomID;
state = change.after.val();
let playingRef = admin.database().ref(parentRoomID + roomID + "/playing");
let stateRef = admin.database().ref(parentRoomID + roomID + "/state");
switch(state) {
case StateEnum.Idle:
promises.push(admin.database().ref(parentRoomID + roomID + "/timer/observableTime").set(WAITING_TIME_CHOOSE_WORDS));
return Promise.all(promises).then(_ => true);
case StateEnum.ChoosingWordsCountdown:
promises.push(admin.database().ref(parentRoomID + roomID + "/timer/observableTime").set(WAITING_TIME_CHOOSE_WORDS));
promises.push(startTimer(WAITING_TIME_CHOOSE_WORDS, roomID, StateEnum.ChoosingWordsCountdown, StateEnum.DrawingPage, true, true));
return Promise.all(promises).then(_ => true);
case StateEnum.DrawingPage:
promises.push(admin.database().ref(parentRoomID + roomID + "/timer/observableTime").set(WAITING_TIME_DRAWING));
promises.push(createNode(roomID, "ranking", 0));
promises.push(createNode(roomID, "finished", 0));
promises.push(createNode(roomID, "uploadDrawing", 0));
promises.push(startTimer(WAITING_TIME_DRAWING, roomID, StateEnum.DrawingPage, StateEnum.WaitingUpload, false, false));
return Promise.all(promises).then(_ => true);
case StateEnum.WaitingUpload:
// Set timeout to pass to next activity to avoid infinites timeouts.
return setTimeout(() => {
return stateRef.set(StateEnum.VotingPage);
}, 5000);
case StateEnum.VotingPage:
promises.push(admin.database().ref(parentRoomID + roomID + "/timer/observableTime").set(WAITING_TIME_VOTING));
promises.push(startTimer(WAITING_TIME_VOTING, roomID, StateEnum.VotingPage, StateEnum.EndVoting, false, false));
return Promise.all(promises).then(_ => true);
case StateEnum.EndVoting:
// Check if some user disconnected during voting phase
return setTimeout(() => {
return Promise.all(promises).then(_ => true);
}, 1500);
case StateEnum.ShowRanking:
setTimeout(() => {
return removeRoom(roomID);
}, 8000);
return admin.database().ref(parentRoomID + roomID + "/ranking").once('value', (snapshot) => {
return updateDisconnectedUsers(snapshot, roomID);
return 0;
* Checks if every user entered the last state of the game (ranking page). If it is the case remove the room.
exports.onFinishedUpdate = functions.database.ref(parentRoomID + "{roomID}/finished").onWrite((change, context) => {
const roomID = context.params.roomID;
return admin.database().ref(parentRoomID + roomID).once('value', (snapshot) => {
if (checkNodeTrue(snapshot.child("finished")) === true && roomID !== "0123457890" && snapshot.child("state").val() === StateEnum.EndVoting) {
* Checks if every user uploaded their drawings. If it is the case proceed to the next state.
exports.onUploadDrawingUpdate = functions.database.ref(parentRoomID + "{roomID}/uploadDrawing").onWrite((change, context) => {
const roomID = context.params.roomID;
return admin.database().ref(parentRoomID + roomID).once('value', (snapshot) => {
if (checkNodeTrue(snapshot.child("uploadDrawing")) === true && snapshot.child("state").val() === StateEnum.WaitingUpload) {
return admin.database().ref(parentRoomID + roomID + "/state").set(StateEnum.VotingPage);
return 0;