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/*! thread.js - v0.1.16 - MIT License - https://github.com/h2non/thread.js */
!function(e){if("object"==typeof exports&&"undefined"!=typeof module)module.exports=e();else if("function"==typeof define&&define.amd)define([],e);else{var f;"undefined"!=typeof window?f=window:"undefined"!=typeof global?f=global:"undefined"!=typeof self&&(f=self),f.thread=e()}}(function(){var define,module,exports;return (function e(t,n,r){function s(o,u){if(!n[o]){if(!t[o]){var a=typeof require=="function"&&require;if(!u&&a)return a(o,!0);if(i)return i(o,!0);var f=new Error("Cannot find module '"+o+"'");throw f.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",f}var l=n[o]={exports:{}};t[o][0].call(l.exports,function(e){var n=t[o][1][e];return s(n?n:e)},l,l.exports,e,t,n,r)}return n[o].exports}var i=typeof require=="function"&&require;for(var o=0;o<r.length;o++)s(r[o]);return s})({1:[function(require,module,exports){
var _ = require('./utils')
var workerSrc = require('./worker')

var eventMethod = window.addEventListener ? 'addEventListener' : 'attachEvent'
var messageEvent = eventMethod === 'attachEvent' ? 'onmessage' : 'message'
var addEventListener = window[eventMethod]
var removeEventListener = window[window.removeEventListener ? 'removeEventListener' : 'detachEvent']

module.exports = FakeWorker

function FakeWorker(id) {
  this.id = id
  this._terminated = false
  this.listeners = {}

FakeWorker.prototype._create = function () {
  var iframe = this.iframe = document.createElement('iframe')
  if (!iframe.style) iframe.style = {}
  iframe.style.display = 'none'
  iframe.id = 'thread-' + this.id

FakeWorker.prototype._subscribeListeners = function (type) {
  var listeners = this.listeners
  if (eventMethod === 'attachEvent') type = 'on' + type

  function eventHandler(e) {
    if (e.data && e.data.owner === 'thread.js') {
      if (listeners[type]) {
        _.each(listeners[type], function (fn) {
          if (_.isFn(fn)) fn(e)

  this._eventHandler = eventHandler
  addEventListener(type, eventHandler)

FakeWorker.prototype._setupListeners = function () {

FakeWorker.prototype._unsubscribeListeners = function () {
  removeEventListener('error', this._eventHandler)
  removeEventListener('message', this._eventHandler)

FakeWorker.prototype._getWindow = function () {
  var win = null
  if (!this._terminated) {
    win = this.iframe.contentWindow
    var wEval = win.eval
    if (!wEval && win.execScript) {
      // win.eval() magically appears when this is called in IE
      wEval = win.eval
  return win

FakeWorker.prototype._initialize = function (msg) {
  var win = this._getWindow()
  if (win) win.eval.call(win, _.getSource(workerSrc))

FakeWorker.prototype.addEventListener = function (type, fn) {
  var pool = this.listeners[type] = this.listeners[type] || []
  if (_.isFn(fn)) pool.push(fn)

FakeWorker.prototype.removeEventListener = function (type, fn) {
  var index, pool = this.listeners[type]
  if (pool) {
    if (_.isFn(fn)) {
      pool.splice(0, pool.length)
    } else {
      index = pool.indexOf(fn)
      if (index >= 0) pool.splice(index, 1)

FakeWorker.prototype.postMessage = function (msg) {
  var win = this._getWindow()
  if (win) {
    msg.origin = _.getLocation()
    win.postMessage(msg, msg.origin)

FakeWorker.prototype.terminate = function () {
  this.listeners = {}
  this._terminated = true

var store = require('./store')
var Thread = require('./thread')

module.exports = ThreadFactory
window.thread = window.thread || ThreadFactory

function ThreadFactory(options) {
  return new Thread(options)

ThreadFactory.VERSION = '0.1.16'
ThreadFactory.create = ThreadFactory
ThreadFactory.Task = Thread.Task
ThreadFactory.Thread = Thread

ThreadFactory.total = store.all
ThreadFactory.total = store.total
ThreadFactory.running = store.running
ThreadFactory.idle = store.idle
ThreadFactory.flush = store.flush
ThreadFactory.killAll = ThreadFactory.terminateAll = store.killAll
ThreadFactory.killIdle = ThreadFactory.terminateIdle = store.killIdle

var _ = require('./utils')

module.exports = threadPool

function threadPool(poolSize, thread) {
  var threads = [ thread ]

  thread._run = thread.run
  thread._terminate = thread.terminate

  // decorate the thread public interface
  thread.run = thread.exec = function () {
    return selectThread(thread, threads, poolSize, arguments)(0)

  thread.terminate = thread.kill = function () {
    _.each(threads, function (thread) {
      if (thread._terminate) {
      } else {

  thread.threadPool = threads
  thread.isPool = true

  return thread

function createThread(threads) {
  var mainThread = threads[0]
  var thread = new mainThread.constructor(mainThread.options)
  return thread

function runTaskInThread(thread, threads, args) {
  var run = thread === threads[0] ? '_run' : 'run'
  return thread[run].apply(thread, args)

function selectThread(thread, threads, poolSize, args) {
  return function newRound(busyThreads) {
    var task, thread = findBestAvailableThread(threads, busyThreads)
    if (thread) {
      task = runTaskInThread(thread, threads, args)
    } else {
      if (threads.length < poolSize) {
        task = runTaskInThread(createThread(threads), threads, args)
      } else {
        task = newRound(busyThreads + 1)
    return task

function findBestAvailableThread(threads, offset) {
  var thread, pending
  for (var i = 0, l = threads.length; i < l; i += 1) {
    thread = threads[i]
    pending = thread.pending()
    if (pending === 0 || pending < offset) {
      if (thread.terminated) {
        threads.splice(i, 1)
        l -= 1; i -= 1
      } else {
        return thread

var _ = require('./utils')

var buf = []
var store = module.exports = {}

store.push = function (thread) {

store.all = function () {
  return buf.slice()

store.remove = function (thread) {
  var index = buf.indexOf(thread)
  if (index >= 0) buf.splice(index, 1)

store.flush = function () {

store.total = function () {
  return buf.length

function getByStatus(type) {
  var typeBuf = []
  _.each(buf, function (thread) {
    if (thread[type]()) typeBuf.push(thread)
  return typeBuf

store.running = function () {
  return getByStatus('running')

store.idle = function () {
  return getByStatus('idle')

store.killAll = function () {
  var arr = buf.slice()
  _.each(arr, function (thread) {

store.killIdle = function () {
  _.each(store.idle(), function (thread) {

var _ = require('./utils')

module.exports = Task

function Task(thread, env) {
  this.id = _.uuid()
  this.thread = thread
  this.worker = thread.worker
  this.env = env || {}
  this.time = this.memoized = null
  this.listeners = { error: [], success: [], end: [] }

Task.intervalCheckTime = 200

Task.prototype.bind = Task.prototype.set = function (env) {
  _.extend(this.env, env)
  return this

Task.prototype.run = Task.prototype.exec = function (fn, env, args) {
  var thread = this.thread

  if (!thread || thread._terminated) {
    throw new Error('cannot execute the task. The thread was terminated')
  if (!_.isFn(fn)) {
    throw new TypeError('first argument must be a function')

  if (_.isArr(arguments[1])) args = arguments[1]
  if (_.isObj(arguments[2])) env = arguments[2]

  env = _.serializeMap(_.extend({}, this.env, env))
  this.memoized = null
  this.time = _.now()

  if (thread.maxTaskDelay >= Task.intervalCheckTime) {
    checkInterval(this, thread.maxTaskDelay)
  if (thread._tasks.indexOf(this) === -1) {

  this['finally'](cleanTask(thread, this))

  sendMessage(this, env, fn, args)

  return this

Task.prototype.then = Task.prototype.success = function (fn, errorFn) {
  if (_.isFn(fn)) pushStateHandler(this, 'success', fn)
  if (_.isFn(errorFn)) this['catch'](errorFn)
  return this

Task.prototype['catch'] = Task.prototype.error = function (fn) {
  if (_.isFn(fn)) pushStateHandler(this, 'error', fn)
  return this

Task.prototype['finally'] = Task.prototype.finish = function (fn) {
  if (_.isFn(fn)) {
    if (this.memoized)
      fn.call(null, getValue(this.memoized))
  return this

Task.prototype.flush = function () {
  this.memoized = this.thread = null
  this.worker = this.env = this.listeners = null

Task.prototype.flushed = function () {
  return !this.thread && !this.worker

Task.create = function (thread) {
  return new Task(thread)

function sendMessage(task, env, fn, args) {
    id: task.id,
    type: 'run',
    env: env,
    src: fn.toString(),
    args: args

function checkInterval(task, maxDelay) {
  var now = _.now()
  task._timer = setInterval(function () {
    if (task.memoized) {
    } else {
      checkTaskDelay.call(task, now, maxDelay)
  }, Task.intervalCheckTime)

function addWorkerMessageListener(task) {
  task.worker.addEventListener('message', onMessage(task))

function pushStateHandler(task, type, fn) {
  if (task.memoized) {
    if (task.memoized.type === ('run:' + type))
      fn.call(null, getValue(task.memoized))
  } else {

function dispathEvent(task, value, type) {
  if (typeof task._timer === 'number') clearTimer.call(task)
  dispatcher(task, value)(task.listeners[type])

function dispatcher(self, value) {
  return function recur(pool) {
    var fn = null
    if (_.isArr(pool)) {
      fn = pool.shift()
      if (fn) {
        fn.call(null, value)
        if (pool.length) recur(pool)

function createError(data) {
  var err = new Error(data.error)
  err.name = data.errorName
  err.stack = data.errorStack
  return err

function cleanTask(thread, task) {
  return function () {
    var index = thread._tasks.indexOf(task)
    thread._latestTask = _.now()
    if (index >= 0) thread._tasks.splice(index, 1)

function checkTaskDelay(time, maxDelay) {
  var error = null
  if ((_.now() - time) > maxDelay) {
    error = new Error('maximum task execution time exceeded')
    this.memoized = { type: 'run:error', error: error }
    dispathEvent(this, error, 'error')
    dispathEvent(this, error, 'end')

function clearTimer() {
  this._timer = null

function isValidEvent(type) {
  return type === 'run:error' || type === 'run:success'

function onMessage(task) {
  return function handler(ev) {
    var data = ev.data
    if (data && data.id === task.id && isValidEvent(data.type)) {
      task.worker.removeEventListener('message', handler)
      task.memoized = data
      triggerMessage(task, data)

function triggerMessage(task, data) {
  var value = getValue(data)
  dispathEvent(task, value, data.type.split(':')[1])
  dispathEvent(task, value, 'end')

function getValue(data) {
  return data.type === 'run:error'
    ? createError(data)
    : data.value

var _ = require('./utils')
var workerSrc = require('./worker')
var Task = require('./task')
var FakeWorker = require('./fake-worker')
var pool = require('./pool')
var store = require('./store')

var Worker = window.Worker
var URL = window.URL || window.webkitURL
var hasWorkers = _.isFn(Worker) || (Worker && typeof Worker === 'object') || false
var isIE = (/MSIE (10|11)/).test(window.navigator.userAgent)
var BlobBuilder = window.BlobBuilder || window.WebKitBlobBuilder || window.MozBlobBuilder

module.exports = Thread

function Thread(options) {
  this.id = _.uuid()
  this.terminated = false
  this.options = {}
  this._tasks = []
  this._latestTask = 0
  setOptions(this, options)

Thread.prototype.isPool = false
Thread.prototype.maxTaskDelay = 0
Thread.prototype.idleTime = 30 * 1000

Thread.prototype.defaults = {
  // customizable Worker external source to prevent security error in IE 10 & 11 :S
  evalPath: 'lib/eval.js',
  // enable/disable error exception throwing
  silent: false

Thread.prototype.constructor = Thread

Thread.prototype.run = Thread.prototype.exec = function (fn, env, args) {
  var task
  if (_.isArr(env)) {
    args = env
    env = arguments[2]
  if (fn && fn instanceof Task) {
    task = fn
  } else {
    if (!_.isFn(fn)) throw new TypeError('first argument must be a function')
    task = new Task(this)

  _.defer(function () { task.run(fn, env, args) })

  return task

Thread.prototype.require = Thread.prototype['import'] = function (name, fn) {
  if (_.isFn(name)) {
    fn = name
    name = _.fnName(fn)
    if (!name) throw new Error('function must be named')
    this.send({ type: 'require:fn', src: fn.toString(), name: _.fnName(fn) })
  } else if (typeof name === 'string') {
    if (_.isFn(fn)) {
      this.send({ type: 'require:fn', src: fn.toString(), name: name })
    } else {
      if (_.isArr(this.options.require)) this.options.require.push(name)
      this.send({ type: 'require:file', src: name })
  } else if (_.isArr(name)) {
    if (_.isArr(this.options.require)) this.options.require = this.options.require.concat(name)
    this.send({ type: 'require:file', src: name })
  } else if (_.isObj(name)) {
    this.send({ type: 'require:map', src: _.serializeMap(name) })
  return this

Thread.prototype.bind = Thread.prototype.set = function (env) {
  this.send({ type: 'env', data: _.serializeMap(env) })
  return this

Thread.prototype.flush = function () {
  this.send({ type: 'flush' })
  this.options.env = {}
  return this

Thread.prototype.flushTasks = function () {
  _.each(this.tasks, function (task) {
  return this

Thread.prototype.send = function (msg) {
  if (this.worker) {

Thread.prototype.pool = function (num) {
  return pool(num || 2, this)

Thread.prototype.terminate = Thread.prototype.kill = function () {
  if (!this.terminated) {
    this.options = {}
    this.terminated = true
  return this

Thread.prototype.start = Thread.prototype.init = function (options) {
  if (this.terminated) {
    this.terminated = false
  return this

Thread.prototype.pending = function () {
  return this._tasks.length

Thread.prototype.running = function () {
  return this._tasks.length > 0

Thread.prototype.idle = Thread.prototype.sleep = function () {
  return !this.running() && !this.terminated
    && (this._latestTask === 0
    || (_.now() - this._latestTask) > this.idleTime)

Thread.prototype.on = Thread.prototype.addEventListener = function (type, fn) {
  if (this.worker) this.worker.addEventListener(type, fn)
  return this

Thread.prototype.off = Thread.prototype.removeEventListener = function (type, fn) {
  if (this.worker && _.isFn(fn)) {
    this.worker.removeEventListener(type, fn)
  return this

Thread.prototype.toString = function () {
  return '[object Thread]'

Thread.Task = Task

function setOptions(thread, options) {
  thread.options.namespace = 'env'
  thread.options.require = []
  thread.options.env = {}
  _.extend(thread.options, thread.defaults, options)

function createThread(thread) {
  var src = _.getSource(workerSrc)
  if (hasWorkers && URL) {
    if (isIE) {
      thread.worker = new Worker(thread.options.evalPath)
    } else {
      thread.worker = new Worker(createBlob(src))
  } else {
    thread.worker = new FakeWorker(thread.id)

  if (!thread.options.silent) {
    thread.worker.addEventListener('error', function (e) { throw e })

    type: 'start',
    env: _.serializeMap(thread.options.env),
    namespace: thread.options.namespace,
    origin: _.getLocation()


function createBlob(src) {
  var blob = null
  try {
    blob = new Blob([src], { type: 'text/javascript' })
  } catch (e) {
    blob = new BlobBuilder()
    blob = blob.getBlob()
  return URL.createObjectURL(blob)

var _ = exports
var toStr = Object.prototype.toString
var slice = Array.prototype.slice
var hasOwn = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty
var isArrayNative = Array.isArray

exports.now = function () {
  return new Date().getTime()

exports.isFn = function (obj) {
  return typeof obj === 'function'

exports.isObj = function (o) {
  return (o && toStr.call(o) === '[object Object]') || false

exports.isArr = function (o) {
  return o && (isArrayNative ? isArrayNative(o) : toStr.call(o) === '[object Array]') || false

exports.toArr = function (args) {
  return slice.call(args)

exports.defer = function (fn) {
  setTimeout(fn, 1)

exports.each = function (obj, fn) {
  var i, l
  if (_.isArr(obj))
    for (i = 0, l = obj.length; i < l; i += 1) fn(obj[i], i)
  else if (_.isObj(obj))
    for (i in obj) if (hasOwn.call(obj, i)) fn(obj[i], i)

exports.extend = function (target) {
  var args = _.toArr(arguments).slice(1)
  _.each(args, function (obj) {
    if (_.isObj(obj)) {
      _.each(obj, function (value, key) {
        target[key] = value
  return target

exports.getSource = function (fn) {
  return '(' + fn.toString() + ').call(this)'

exports.fnName = function (fn) {
  return fn.name || (fn = /\W*function\s+([\w\$]+)\(/.exec(fn.toString()) ? fn[1] : '')

exports.serializeMap = function (obj) {
  if (_.isObj(obj)) {
    _.each(obj, function (fn, key) {
      if (_.isFn(fn)) {
        obj['$$fn$$' + key] = fn.toString()
        obj[key] = undefined
  return obj

exports.uuid = function () {
  var uuid = '', i, random
  for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
    random = Math.random() * 16 | 0;
    if (i === 8 || i === 12 || i === 16 || i === 20) uuid += '-'
    uuid += (i === 12 ? 4 : (i === 16 ? (random & 3 | 8) : random)).toString(16)
  return uuid

exports.getLocation = function () {
  return location.origin
    || location.protocol + "//" + location.hostname + (location.port ? ':' + location.port : '')

module.exports = worker

function worker() {
  var self = this

  function $$evalExpr(expr) {
    var fn = null
    eval('fn = ' + expr)
    return fn

  (function isolated() {
    'use strict'

    var namespace = 'env'
    var isWorker = typeof document === 'undefined'
    var toStr = Object.prototype.toString
    var slice = Array.prototype.slice
    var eventMethod = self.addEventListener ? 'addEventListener' : 'attachEvent'
    var messageEvent = eventMethod === 'attachEvent' ? 'onmessage' : 'message'
    var importFn = isWorker ? importScripts : appendScripts
    var ready = false
    var fnRegex = /^\$\$fn\$\$/
    var urlProtocolRegex = /^http[s]?/
    var isArrayNative = Array.isArray
    var queue, origin, scriptsLoad, intervalId = null
    self.addEventListener = self[eventMethod]

    if (typeof window === 'undefined') {
      self.window = self

    function isObj(o) {
      return o && toStr.call(o) === '[object Object]'

    function isArr(o) {
      return o && (isArrayNative ? isArrayNative(o) : toStr.call(o) === '[object Array]') || false

    function mapFields(obj) {
      for (var key in obj) if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
        if (fnRegex.test(key)) {
          obj[key.replace('$$fn$$', '')] = $$evalExpr(obj[key])
          obj[key] = undefined
        } else {
          obj[key] = obj[key]
      return obj

    function extend(origin, target) {
      var i, l, key, args = slice.call(arguments).slice(1)
      for (i = 0, l = args.length; i < l; i += 1) {
        target = args[i]
        if (isObj(target)) {
          target = mapFields(target)
          for (key in target) if (target[key] !== undefined) {
            origin[key] = target[key]
      return origin

    function each(obj, fn) {
      var i, l
      if (isArr(obj)) {
        if (obj.forEach) {
        } else {
          for (i = 0, l = obj.length; i < l; i += 1) {
            fn(obj[i], i)
      } else if (isObj(obj)) {
        for (i in obj) if (obj.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
          fn(obj[i], i)

    function waitToDocumentReady() {
      if (document.readyState === 'complete') {
        ready = true
      } else {
        document.onreadystatechange = function () {
          if (document.readyState === 'complete') {
            ready = true

    function appendScript(src) {
      var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]
      var script = document.createElement('script')
      script.type = 'text/javascript'
      script.src = src

      script.onload = script.onreadystatechange = function () {
        if (!this.readyState || this.readyState === 'loaded' || this.readyState === 'complete') {
          scriptsLoad.splice(scriptsLoad.indexOf(script), 1)
        script.onload = script.onreadystatechange = null


    function appendScripts() {
      var i, l, args = slice.call(arguments)
      for (i = 0, l = args.length; i < l; i += 1) {
        if (args[i]) appendScript(args[i])

    function scriptsLoadTimer() {
      intervalId = setInterval(function () {
        if (ready && !scriptsLoad.length) {
          each(queue, function (fn) { fn() })
          queue = []
          intervalId = null
      }, 50)

    function loadScripts(src) {
      if (isArr(src)) {
        importFn.apply(self, src.map(makePathFullUrl))
      } else {
      if (!isWorker && !intervalId) {

    function makePathFullUrl(path) {
      if (urlProtocolRegex.test(path) === false) {
        path = origin + path
      return path

    function require(src) {
      if (isArr(src) || typeof src === 'string') {
      } else if (isObj(src)) {
        each(src, function (value, name) {
          requireFn(name, value)

    function requireFn(name, fn) {
      if (fnRegex.test(name)) {
        name = name.replace('$$fn$$', '')
        fn = $$evalExpr(fn)
      eval('self[namespace][name] = ' + fn)

    function postMessage(msg) {
      if (isWorker) {
      } else {
        msg.owner = 'thread.js'
        self.parent.postMessage(msg, origin)

    function sendError(msg, err) {
        type: 'run:error',
        id: msg.id,
        error: err.message || err,
        errorName: err.name || null,
        errorStack: err.stack || null

    function sendSuccess(msg, val) {
        type: 'run:success',
        id: msg.id,
        value: val

    function done(msg) {
      return function(err, value) {
        if (err) {
          sendError(msg, err)
        } else {
          sendSuccess(msg, value)

    function process(msg) {
      var result = null
      var args = msg.args || []
      var fn = $$evalExpr(msg.src)
      var ctx = isObj(msg.env) ? mapFields(msg.env) : self[namespace]

      if (fn.length === (args.length + 1)) {
        fn.apply(ctx, args)
      } else {
        result = fn.apply(ctx, args)
        if (result instanceof Error) {
          sendError(msg, result)
        } else {
          sendSuccess(msg, result)

    function run(msg) {
      function doJob() {
        try {
        } catch (e) {
          sendError(msg, e)

      if (!isWorker && (!ready || scriptsLoad.length)) {
      } else {

    function start(e) {
      if (e.require) { require(e.require) }
      if (e.origin) { origin = e.origin }
      namespace = e.namespace || namespace
      self[namespace] = mapFields(e.env || {})

    function flush() {
      self[namespace] = {}

    function extendEnv(data) {
      extend(self[namespace || namespace], data.env)

    function onMessage(ev) {
      var data = ev.data
      if (data.origin) {
        origin = data.origin

      switch (data.type) {
        case 'start': start(data); break
        case 'run': run(data); break
        case 'env': extendEnv(data); break
        case 'require:fn': requireFn(data.name, data.src); break
        case 'require:file':
        case 'require:map': require(data.src); break
        case 'flush': flush(); break

    if (!isWorker) {
      scriptsLoad = []
      queue = []

    self.addEventListener(messageEvent, onMessage)
    self.addEventListener('error', function (err) { throw err })
