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'''Generic code and base classes for ping protocols.'''
import collections
import errno
import socket
import statistics
import threading
import time
from functools import lru_cache

import cping.utils

# Ignore "Host is Down" and "No route to host"

# Lower bound on the number of results

class Host:
    '''A destination of pings of which it stores the results.'''

    # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
    def __init__(self, name, protocol):

            name (str): Ping destination.
            protocol (cping.protocols.Ping): Protocol to use for pinging.

            TypeError: If `name` is not a string. If `protocol` is not an
                instance of `cping.protocols.Ping`
        if not isinstance(name, str):
            raise TypeError('name must be a string')

        if not isinstance(protocol, Ping):
            raise TypeError('protocol must be an instance of '

        self.raw_results = collections.deque(maxlen=RESULTS_LENGTH_MINIMUM)

        self._burst_mode = threading.Event()
        self._name = name
        self._protocol = protocol
        self._status = None
        self._stop_signal = threading.Event()
        self._test_thread = None

        self._ready_signal = cping.utils.create_shared_event(

        # Create seperate cache for each host
        self._cached_results_summary = lru_cache()(self._get_results_summary)

    def __str__(self):
        return self._name

    def burst_mode(self):
        '''An instance of `threading.Event` to use burst mode when set.'''
        return self._burst_mode

    def name(self):
        '''Ping destination.'''
        return self._name

    def protocol(self):
        '''A reference to the Ping object the host is using.'''
        return self._protocol

    def ready_signal(self):
        '''An instance of `threading.Event` to indicate that `burst_mode` or
        `stop_signal` became set.'''
        return self._ready_signal

    def results(self):
        '''A list of results, each a dictionary with 'latency' and 'error'.'''
        return [x for x in self.raw_results.copy() if not x['hidden']]

    def results_summary(self):
        '''Dictionary containing the following statistics (float):
            * Minimum (min)
            * Average (avg)
            * Maximum (max)
            * Standard deviation (stdev)
            * Packet loss percentage (loss)

        Depending on the number of results, some may be `None`. The unit is ms.
        # Call the caching function to avoid calculating on every call
        return self._cached_results_summary()

    def status(self):
        '''String describing the status of the host.'''
        return self._status

    def status(self, value):
        if not isinstance(value, str):
            raise TypeError('status must be a string')

        self._status = value

    def stop_signal(self):
        '''Instance of `threading.Event` to signal to the test to stop.'''
        return self._stop_signal

    def _get_results_summary(self):
        '''Intermediate function to the `results_summary` property.'''
        summary = {
            'min': None,
            'avg': None,
            'max': None,
            'stdev': None,
            'loss': None,

        # Remove failed pings and only get the latency value
        results = [x['latency'] for x in self.results if x['latency'] >= 0]

        if results:
            summary['min'] = min(results) * 1000
            summary['avg'] = sum(results) / len(results) * 1000
            summary['max'] = max(results) * 1000
            summary['loss'] = (1 - (len(results) / len(self.results)))

            if len(results) > 1:
                summary['stdev'] = statistics.stdev(results) * 1000

        return summary

    def add_result(self, latency, error=False, hidden=False, info=None):
        '''Adds a result (a float that represents the latency of a ping reply).

            latency (float): Latency between the ping request and its reply.
            error (bool): Whether the reply is an error, like a TCP-RST when the
                port is not open.
            hidden (bool): If True, `self.results` will not include it, but it
                can still be accessed in `self.raw_results`.
            info: An arbitrary object placed into the result's dictionary.

            TypeError: If `latency` is not a float. If `error` is not a boolean.
        if not isinstance(latency, (float, int)):
            raise TypeError('latency must be a float')

        if not isinstance(error, bool):
            raise TypeError('error must be a boolean')

        result = {
            'latency': latency,
            'error': error,
            'hidden': hidden,
            'info': info


        return result

    def is_running(self):
        '''Returns `True` if the test is running. Otherwise, `False`.'''
        return self._test_thread is not None and self._test_thread.is_alive()

    def set_results_length(self, length):
        '''Changes the results maximum length to be `new_length`.

            length (int): The new maximum length of the results.

            TypeError: If `length` is not an integer.
        if not isinstance(length, int):
            raise TypeError('length must be an integer')

        length = max(length, RESULTS_LENGTH_MINIMUM)

        # Already at new length
        if self.raw_results.maxlen == length:

        # Create deque with the new length
        self.raw_results = collections.deque(self.raw_results, maxlen=length)

    def start(self, delay=0):
        '''Clears `self.status` and starts the ping loop.

            delay (float): Delay before the ping loop starts.

            TypeError: If `delay` is not a float.
        if not isinstance(delay, (float, int)):
            raise TypeError('delay must be a float')

        def ping_loop_wrapper():

            except OSError as exception:
                self.status = exception.strerror or str(exception)

        self._status = None

        if not self.is_running():
            # Daemonized to exit immediately on exit
            self._test_thread = threading.Thread(target=ping_loop_wrapper)
            self._test_thread.daemon = True

    def stop(self, block=False):
        '''Signals the ping loop to stop.

            block (bool): Whether to block until the ping loop stops.
        if block:

    def wait(self, latency):
        '''Blocks until ready for an event (i.e. burst mode is enabled or
        shutdown has been signaled) or until it is time for the next ping.

            host (cping.protocols.Host): The host in question.
            latency (float): Latency of the previous ping.
        # No timeout if test failed or burst mode is enabled
        if latency == -1 or self.burst_mode.is_set():

        # Account for the latency of the previous test
        self.ready_signal.wait(self.protocol.interval - latency)

class Ping:
    '''A ping base class. Subclasses must implement `ping_loop`.'''

    def __init__(self, interval=1, family=None):

            interval (float): Seconds, of a fraction thereof, between pings.
            family (socket.AddressFamily): The socket address family.

            TypeError: If `interval` is not a float. If `family` is not None and
                not an instance of `socket.AddressFamily`.
        self.interval = interval
        self.family = family

    def __call__(self, name):
        '''Returns `cping.protocols.Host(name, self)`.

            name (str): Ping destination.
        return Host(name, self)

    def family(self):
        '''The socket address family.'''
        return self._family

    def family(self, value):
        # pylint: disable=no-member  # linter bug
        if value and not isinstance(value, socket.AddressFamily):
            raise TypeError('family must be an instance of '
                            'socket.AddressFamily or None')

        self._family = value or 0

    def interval(self):
        '''Seconds, of a fraction thereof, between pings.'''
        return self._interval

    def interval(self, value):
        if not isinstance(value, (float, int)):
            raise TypeError('interval must be a float')

        self._interval = value

    def resolve(self, host):
        '''Returns the tuple of the first item from `socket.getaddrinfo`.

            host (cping.protocols.Host): The host to resolve.
        # Use AI_CANONNAME to force out the default of AI_V4MAPPED | AI_ADDRCONFIG
        addrinfo = socket.getaddrinfo(host=host.name,
        host.addrinfo = addrinfo

        return addrinfo

    def ping_loop(self, host):
        '''A blocking call that will begin pinging the host and registering the
        results using `host.add_result`. An implementation must account for
        changes in protocol attributes (e.g. interval) while the loop is running.
        The loop should break when `host.stop_signal` is set. This method should
        expect to be stopped at any point during its execution.

            host (cping.protocols.Host): The host instance to ping.
        raise NotImplementedError('cping.protocols.Ping is a base class; it '
                                  'does not implement ping_loop')