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bb-tools/antenna samples/fpdemo/build.xml


Test Coverage
<?xml version="1.0"?>

<project name="fpdemo" default="build" basedir=".">

    <!-- Define the Wireless Toolkit home directory. Needed by the tasks. -->

    <property name="wtk.home" value="c:\Java\wtk-2.1" />
    <property name="wtk.midp.version" value="2.0" />
    <property name="wtk.cldc.version" value="1.1" />

    <!-- Define some additional properties for this project. Not required. -->

    <property name="midlet.name" value="FPdemo" />
    <property name="midlet.home" value="${wtk.home}/apps/${midlet.name}" />

    <!-- Define the tasks. -->

    <taskdef resource="antenna.properties" />

    <target name="clean">
        <delete failonerror="false" dir="classes" />
        <delete failonerror="false">
            <fileset dir=".">
                <exclude name="build.xml" />

    <target name="build">

        <!-- Copy a JAD file from the WTK's demo applications.
             Caution: Ant only copies this the first time. Also
             make a directory to compile into. -->

        <copy file="${midlet.home}/bin/${midlet.name}.jad" todir="." />
        <mkdir dir="classes" />

        <!-- Compile everything, but don't preverify (yet). -->

        <wtkbuild srcdir="${midlet.home}/src" destdir="classes" preverify="false" />

        <!-- Package everything. Most of the necessary information is
             contained in the JAD file. Also preverify the result this
             time. To obfuscate everything, set the corresponding
             parameter to "true" (requires RetroGuard or ProGuard). The
             version parameter increments the MIDlet-Version by one. -->

        <wtkpackage jarfile="${midlet.name}.jar" jadfile="${midlet.name}.jad">

            <!-- Package our newly compiled classes and the
                 resources from the WTK's demo application. -->

            <fileset dir="classes" />


        <!-- Preverify -->

        <wtkpreverify jarfile="${midlet.name}.jar" jadfile="${midlet.name}.jad" />

        <!-- Start the MIDlet suite -->

        <wtkrun jadfile="${midlet.name}.jad" device="DefaultColorPhone" wait="true" />

