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Test Coverage
 *  Collin's Binary Instrumentation Tool/Framework for Android
 *  Collin Mulliner <collin[at]mulliner.org>
 *  http://www.mulliner.org/android/
 *  (c) 2012
 *  License: GPL v2
#define _GNU_SOURCE
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <dlfcn.h>
#include <sys/un.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <sys/select.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <termios.h>

#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>

#include "libt.h"

// contains macro of my_init()
// autogenerated
#include "hijacks.h"

struct mm {
    char name[256];
    unsigned long start, end;

// communication socket, a pty :)
int coms;

void __attribute__ ((constructor)) my_init(void);

void my_cacheflush(unsigned int begin, unsigned int end)
    const int syscall = 0xf0002;
    __asm __volatile (
        "mov     r0, %0\n"            
        "mov     r1, %1\n"
        "mov     r7, %2\n"
        "mov     r2, #0x0\n"
        "svc     0x00000000\n"
        :    "r" (begin), "r" (end), "r" (syscall)
        :    "r0", "r1", "r7"

  hook_t holds hook metadata 
  hookf is the hook callback
int hook(struct hook_t *h, int pid, char *libname, char *funcname, void *hookf, int by_name, unsigned int raw_address)
    unsigned long int addr = 0;
    int i;
    int find_name_result;

    if( by_name ) {

      // 1 - fetch function address and put it into addr
      find_name_result = find_name(pid, funcname, libname, &addr);
      if ( find_name_result < 0) {
        log("can't find: %s - error code %d\n", funcname, find_name_result)
          return 0;

    } else {

      log("specified raw address: %x\n", raw_address)
        funcname = "raw address";

      /* // find lib where raw address is contained in */
      struct mm mm[250];
      struct mm *m;
      int nmm;
      int load_memmap_return, mprotect_return;
      char *slash;

      load_memmap_return = load_memmap(pid, mm, &nmm);
      if( load_memmap_return < 0 ) {
        log("failed memmap\n")

      log("[*] searching vaddr for function %s - target relative address 0x%x\n", libname, raw_address)

      for( i = 0, m = mm; i < nmm; i++, m++){

        // awful code, just to print dbg infos

        slash = strstr(m->name, ".so");
        if (!slash)
        log("[*] %s start: 0x%8x end: 0x%08x\n", m->name, m->start, m->end);
        if( strstr(m->name, libname) ) {
          addr = m->start + raw_address;
          log("[*]\tFound address: 0x%8x\n", addr)

        mprotect_return = mprotect((void*)m->start, m->end - m->start, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE|PROT_EXEC);

          if( mprotect_return == 0 )
          log("[*]\t+rwx  memory region ok\n")
          else {
            log("[*]\t mprotect failed\n")

    if( addr == 0) {
      log("[*] Could not find specified library %s\n", libname)

    log("[*] Hooking %s = %x  hook = %x  target:", funcname, addr, hookf)
      strncpy(h->name, funcname, sizeof(h->name)-1);
    // 2 - hook either ARM or THUMB code
    if (addr % 4 == 0) {
        h->thumb = 0;
        h->patch = (unsigned int)hookf;
        h->orig = addr;

        h->jump[0] = 0xe59ff000; // LDR pc, [pc, #0]
        h->jump[1] = h->patch;
        h->jump[2] = h->patch;

        for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
            h->store[i] = ( (int*)h->orig )[i];

        for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
            ((int*)h->orig)[i] = h->jump[i];
    else {
        h->thumb = 1;
          //h->jumpt[13] = 0xdf;
          //h->jumpt[12] = 0xfe; // bp

        h->patch = (unsigned int) hookf;
        h->orig = addr;    

        h->jumpt[1] = 0xb4;
        h->jumpt[0] = 0x30; // push {r4,r5}

        h->jumpt[3] = 0xa5;
        h->jumpt[2] = 0x03; // add r5, pc, #12 // 1] 12 is injected code ptr

        h->jumpt[5] = 0x68;
        h->jumpt[4] = 0x2d; // ldr r5, [r5]    // 2] dereference pc

        h->jumpt[7] = 0xb0;
        h->jumpt[6] = 0x02; // add sp,sp,#8

        h->jumpt[9] = 0xb4;
        h->jumpt[8] = 0x20; // push {r5}

        h->jumpt[11] = 0xb0;
        h->jumpt[10] = 0x81; // sub sp,sp,#4

        h->jumpt[13] = 0xbd;
        h->jumpt[12] = 0x20; // pop {r5, pc}

        h->jumpt[15] = 0x46;
        h->jumpt[14] = 0xaf; // mov pc, r5 ; just to pad to 4 byte boundary

        memcpy(&h->jumpt[16], (unsigned char*)&h->patch, sizeof(unsigned int));

        unsigned int orig = addr - 1; // sub 1 to get real address

        //char* cmd_disas_format = "arm-none-eabi-objdump -D --target binary -Mforce-thumb -marm %s";

        //char cmd_disas[256];
        unsigned char dump_buffer[20];

        FILE *stolen_bytes_dump = fopen("tmp_stolen.bin", "w");

        // Save stolen bytes
        log("[*] Saving stolen bytes\n\t")
        for (i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
            h->storet[i] = ((unsigned char*)orig)[i];
            dump_buffer[i] = ((unsigned char*)orig)[i];
            log("%0.2x ", h->storet[i])

        fprintf(stolen_bytes_dump, dump_buffer);
        FILE *patch_bytes_dump = fopen("tmp_patch.bin", "w");

        // write the patch to mem
        log("[*] Patching target address\n\t")
        for (i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
          //log("patching address %x\n", ((unsigned char*) orig) + i)
            ( (unsigned char*) orig)[i] = h->jumpt[i];
            dump_buffer[i] = h->jumpt[i];
            log("%0.2x ", ((unsigned char*)orig)[i])


        fprintf(patch_bytes_dump, dump_buffer);


        /* char out_buffer[200]; */
        /* snprintf(cmd_disas, 100, cmd_disas_format, "tmp_stolen.bin"); */
        /* log("[*] Launching command %s\n", cmd_disas) */
        /* FILE *objdump = popen(cmd_disas, "r"); */
        /* while(fgets(out_buffer,200,objdump) != NULL) { */
        /*   log("asdf\n") */
        /*   log(out_buffer) */
        /* } */
        /* pclose(objdump); */


    my_cacheflush((unsigned int)h->orig, (unsigned int)h->orig+12);

    log("hooking finished\n")
    return 1;

void hook_precall(struct hook_t *h)
  log("precall enter\n")

    int i;
    if (h->thumb) {
        unsigned int orig = h->orig - 1;
        for (i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
            ((unsigned char*)orig)[i] = h->storet[i];
    else {
        for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
            ( (int*) h->orig)[i] = h->store[i];
  log("precall bail\n");
  my_cacheflush((unsigned int)h->orig, (unsigned int)h->orig+12);

void hook_postcall(struct hook_t *h)
    int i;
    if (h->thumb) {
        unsigned int orig = h->orig - 1;
        for (i = 0; i < 20; i++)
            ((unsigned char*)orig)[i] = h->jumpt[i];

    else {
        for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
            ((int*)h->orig)[i] = h->jump[i];

    my_cacheflush((unsigned int)h->orig, (unsigned int)h->orig+12);    

void unhook(struct hook_t *h)
    log("unhooking %s = %x  hook = %x ", h->name, h->orig, h->patch)

 *  workaround for blocked socket API when process does not have network
 *  permissions
 *  this code simply opens a pseudo terminal (pty) which gives us a
 *  file descriptor. the pty then can be used by another process to
 *  communicate with our instrumentation code. an example program
 *  would be a simple socket-to-pty-bridge
 *  this function just creates and configures the pty
 *  communication (read, write, poll/select) has to be implemented by hand
void start_coms()
    // coms is a global
    coms = open("/dev/ptmx", O_RDWR|O_NOCTTY);
    if (coms <= 0)
        log("posix_openpt failed\n")
    //    log("pty created\n")
    if (unlockpt(coms) < 0)
        log("unlockpt failed\n")
    log("pty created, file name: %s\n", ptsname(coms))
    struct termios  ios;
    tcgetattr(coms, &ios);
    ios.c_lflag = 0;  // disable ECHO, ICANON, etc...
    tcsetattr(coms, TCSANOW, &ios);

void my_init()
  log("libt loaded...\n")
  int pid = getpid();


  log("libt _init done.\n")