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Test Coverage

[group continuous_integration]
members = ci
writable = core-android core-blackberry

[group diego]
members = diego
writable = fuzzer-android fuzzer-windows vector-exploit core-android-native

[group ivan]
members = ivan daniele
writable = fuzzer-android fuzzer-windows vector-exploit core-android-audiocapture core-android-native

[group guerra]
members = guerra
writable = core-android-native vector-exploit core-ios

[group placidi]
members = placidi
writable = core-android core-android-audiocapture core-android-native test-av2 core-android-market vector-rmi

[group fuzzing]
members = naga daniele zeno diego ivan
writable = fuzzer-android fuzzer-windows 

[group testing]
members = matteo zeno daniele 
writable = test-av test-av2 test-jenkins 

[group testing-restricted]
members = losito
writable = test-av2

[group developers]
members = alor daniele fabio kiodo zeno naga

[group apple]
members = kiodo daniele alor
writable = core-macos driver-macos core-ios vector-macos-root shshget

[group mobile]
members = zeno daniele
writable = core-winphone core-winmobile core-android core-blackberry core-symbian vector-rmi

[group cino]
members = cino
writable = core-winmobile core-winphone

[group melting]
members = daniele naga fabio ivan cod cino spikey kiodo alor
writable = libmelter vector-default vector-dropper vector-recover vector-silent

[group backend]
members = alor daniele naga topac
writable = rcs-common rcs-backdoor rcs-db rcs-db-ext rcs-collector rcs-console rcs-console-library rcs-console-mobile rcs-anonymizer vector-rmi

[group zeno]
members = zeno
writable = rcs-collector rcs-db rcs-common vector-applet core-android-audiocapture core-android-native core-android core-android-market

[group exploit]
members = cod fabio daniele alor naga topac ivan fontana
writable = vector-exploit core-packer

[group uefi]
members = cod cino naga daniele
writable = vector-edk

[group ipa]
members = alor daniele spikey fabio
writable = vector-ipa vector-applet vector-tcc vector-dropper vector-ni

[group spikey]
members = spikey
writable = vector-offline2 vector-offline

[group console]
members = eros alor
writable = rcs-console rcs-console-library rcs-console-mobile

[group core]
members = naga fabio daniele ivan cino cod
writable = core-win32 core-win64 driver-win32 driver-win64 core-linux vector-offline scout-win soldier-win

[group linux]
members = fabio
writable = core-linux rcs-anonymizer

[group fontana]
members = fontana
writable = scout-win soldier-win core-win32 core-win64 driver-win64

[group gitosis-admin]
members = daniele alor naga
writable = gitosis-admin

[group av]
members = matteo daniele
writable = test-av

[group poc-x]
members = alor naga topac
writable = poc-x

[repo core-android-market]
description = Play Store application
gitweb = yes

[repo core-android-native]
description = Native components for Android core
gitweb = yes

[repo vector-edk]
description = EFI Development Kit
gitweb = yes

[repo scout-win]
description = Scout backdoor for Windows
gitweb = yes

[repo vector-silent]
description = Silent installer
gitweb = yes

[repo vector-ni]
description = Network Injector
gitweb = yes

[repo test-av]
description = Automated antivirus test environment

[repo test-av2]
description = Automated antivirus test environment (new version)

[repo test-jenkins]
description = Automated test env

[group external]
members = giovanna giovanna2
writable = core-symbian core-macos driver-macos vector-macos-root shshget

[repo vector-exploit]
gitweb = yes
description = Exploit repository

[repo rcs-console-library]
gitweb = yes
description = Common components for RCS Console

[repo rcs-console-mobile]
gitweb = yes
description = RCS Console for Mobiles

[repo libmelter]
gitweb = yes
description = library for streaming melters

[repo libpemelter]
description = melter library for Win32 PE files

[repo melter]
description = command line melter

[repo rcs-db]
gitweb = yes
description = Database components for RCS backend

[repo rcs-db-ext]
gitweb = yes
description = Database extension (runtimes) 

[repo rcs-console]
gitweb = yes
description = RCS Console made the right way. 

[repo rcs-common]
gitweb = yes
description = Common components for RCS backend

[repo rcs-backdoor]
gitweb = yes
description = Backdoor implementation in Ruby (testing)

[repo rcs-anonymizer]
gitweb = yes
description = RCS Anonymizer 

[repo core-win32]
gitweb = yes
description = RCS Agent for Windows (32bit)

[repo core-win64]
gitweb = yes
description = RCS Agent for Windows (64bit)

[repo soldier-win]
gitweb = yes
description = RCS Soldier for Windows

[repo core-packer]
gitweb = yes
description = Packers for Desktop agents

[repo driver-win32]
gitweb = yes
description = Windows (32bit) agent driver 

[repo driver-win64]
gitweb = yes
description = Windows (64bit) agent driver

[repo vector-default]
gitweb = yes
description = Default vectors for melting (all platforms)

[repo vector-applet]
gitweb = yes
description = Java Applet for HTML Injection (IPA)

[repo vector-macos-root]
gitweb = yes
description = root installation for MacOS

[repo vector-offline]
gitweb = yes
description = Offline installation media

[repo vector-offline2]
gitweb = yes
description = Offline installation media (new version)

[repo vector-dropper]
gitweb = yes
description = Droppers for all platforms

[repo vector-rmi]
gitweb = yes
description = Remote Mobile Infection

[repo vector-ipa]
gitweb = yes
description = Injection Proxy Appliance software

[repo vector-recover]
gitweb = yes
description = Downloader to recover lost infection

[repo core-winmobile]
gitweb = yes
description = RCS Agent for Windows Mobile

[repo core-winphone]
gitweb = yes
description = RCS Agent for Windows Phone

[repo core-android]
gitweb = yes
description = RCS Agent for Android

[repo core-android-audiocapture]
gitweb = yes
description = Android audiocapture

[repo core-linux]
gitweb = yes
description = RCS Agent for Linux

[repo rcs-collector]
gitweb = yes
description = A new collector, implemented the right way (in Ruby).

[repo core-blackberry]
gitweb = yes
description = RCS Agent for Blackberry

[repo core-macos]
gitweb = yes
description = RCS Agent for Mac

[repo driver-macos]
gitweb = yes
description = Support driver for Mac Agent

[repo core-ios]
gitweb = yes
description = RCS Agent for iOS

[repo shshget]
gitweb = yes
description = Download keys for firmware restores from Apple

[repo core-symbian]
gitweb = yes
description = RCS Agent for Symbian

[repo rcs-release]
gitweb = yes
description = Release environment

[repo vector-tcc]
gitweb = yes
description = Tactical Control Center

[repo poc-x]
gitweb = no
description = Proof of Concept