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Test Coverage
* IOManager.h
*  Created on: Oct 1, 2010
*      Author: daniele

#ifndef IOMANAGER_H_
#define IOMANAGER_H_

#include <list>
#include <boost/ptr_container/ptr_list.hpp>

#include "BufferDescriptor.h"
#include "BufferObserver.h"
#include "IOBuffer.h"
#include "prototypes.h"

class Chunk;
class IOOperation;

class IOManager
    virtual ~IOManager();

    * Check if a specific Chunk is available from the input buffer.
    * @param descriptor A descriptor for the chunk of data to be checked for availability
    * @return true if chunk is available, false otherwise.
    bool available( BufferDescriptor descriptor );

    * Appends a Chunk to the input buffer.
    * @param c the Chunk to be appended.
    * @return number of bytes appended.
    std::size_t append_to_input( Chunk& c );

    * Checks if output buffer is empty (if true, use read_from_output to get data).
    * @return true if there is data to read, false if empty.
    bool empty() { return _output->empty(); }

    * Reads all the available data from the output buffer.
    * @return A Chunk of data.
    Chunk read_from_output();

    * Reads a specific Chunk from the input buffer.
    * @param descriptor descriptor for the Chunk to be read.
    * @return A Chunk of data.
    Chunk read_for_parsing( BufferDescriptor descriptor );

    * Queues an IO operation to be executed later.
    * @param operation A pointer to the IOOperation to be queued.
    void queue_operation( ::prototype::IOOperation* operation );

    * Returns the number of pending operations.
    * @return number of pending operations.
    std::size_t num_pending_operations() { return _pending_operations.size(); }

    * Queues a flush operation for deferred execution.
    * @param to_offset
    void queue_flush( std::size_t to_offset );

    * Processes all pending IO operations in order of insertion.
    void process_pending();

    * Registers a BufferObserver object whose update() method will be called when new data is available
    * in the input buffer.
    * @param observer The BufferObserver object to be notified.
    void register_source_observer( ::prototype::BufferObserver& observer );

    * Unregister a BufferObserver object previously registered calling register_source_observer.
    * @param observer The BufferObserver object to be deregistered.
    void remove_source_observer( ::prototype::BufferObserver& observer );

    * Tells the input buffer to discard all the data up to the specified offset.
    * @param to_offset
    void flush(std::size_t to_offset);

    * Moves data up to the specified offset from the input buffer to the output buffer.
    * @param size
    void complete(std::size_t size);

    * Appends some data to the output buffer.
    * @param chunk The Chunk of data to be appended.
    void append( Chunk& chunk );

    * Returns a const reference to the input buffer.
    * @return An IOBuffer reference.
    IOBuffer& input() const { return *_input; }

    * Returns a const reference to the output buffer.
    * @return An IOBuffer reference.
    IOBuffer& output() const { return *_output; }

    bool operator==(IOManager const & another ) const {
        bool input = (_input == another._input);
        bool output = (_output == another._output);

        return ( input && output );

    IOBuffer* _input;
    IOBuffer* _output;

    boost::ptr_list< ::prototype::IOOperation > _pending_operations;

#endif /* IOMANAGER_H_ */