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Test Coverage
 * This is a generated class and is not intended for modification.  To customize behavior
 * of this value object you may modify the generated sub-class of this class - NetworkLog.as.

package it.ht.rcs.console.network.model
import com.adobe.fiber.services.IFiberManagingService;
import com.adobe.fiber.valueobjects.IValueObject;
import flash.events.EventDispatcher;
import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
import mx.events.PropertyChangeEvent;

import flash.net.registerClassAlias;
import flash.net.getClassByAlias;
import com.adobe.fiber.core.model_internal;
import com.adobe.fiber.valueobjects.IPropertyIterator;
import com.adobe.fiber.valueobjects.AvailablePropertyIterator;

use namespace model_internal;

public class _Super_NetworkLog extends flash.events.EventDispatcher implements com.adobe.fiber.valueobjects.IValueObject
    model_internal static function initRemoteClassAliasSingle(cz:Class) : void

    model_internal static function initRemoteClassAliasAllRelated() : void

    model_internal var _dminternal_model : _NetworkLogEntityMetadata;
    model_internal var _changedObjects:mx.collections.ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection();

    public function getChangedObjects() : Array
        return _changedObjects.source;

    public function clearChangedObjects() : void

     * properties
    private var _internal_time : int;
    private var _internal_desc : String;
    private var _internal__id : String;
    private var _internal_type : String;

    private static var emptyArray:Array = new Array();

     * derived property cache initialization
    model_internal var _cacheInitialized_isValid:Boolean = false;

    model_internal var _changeWatcherArray:Array = new Array();

    public function _Super_NetworkLog()
        _model = new _NetworkLogEntityMetadata(this);

        // Bind to own data or source properties for cache invalidation triggering


     * data/source property getters

    public function get time() : int
        return _internal_time;

    public function get desc() : String
        return _internal_desc;

    public function get _id() : String
        return _internal__id;

    public function get type() : String
        return _internal_type;

    public function clearAssociations() : void

     * data/source property setters

    public function set time(value:int) : void
        var oldValue:int = _internal_time;
        if (oldValue !== value)
            _internal_time = value;
            this.dispatchEvent(mx.events.PropertyChangeEvent.createUpdateEvent(this, "time", oldValue, _internal_time));

    public function set desc(value:String) : void
        var oldValue:String = _internal_desc;
        if (oldValue !== value)
            _internal_desc = value;
            this.dispatchEvent(mx.events.PropertyChangeEvent.createUpdateEvent(this, "desc", oldValue, _internal_desc));

    public function set _id(value:String) : void
        var oldValue:String = _internal__id;
        if (oldValue !== value)
            _internal__id = value;
            this.dispatchEvent(mx.events.PropertyChangeEvent.createUpdateEvent(this, "_id", oldValue, _internal__id));

    public function set type(value:String) : void
        var oldValue:String = _internal_type;
        if (oldValue !== value)
            _internal_type = value;
            this.dispatchEvent(mx.events.PropertyChangeEvent.createUpdateEvent(this, "type", oldValue, _internal_type));

     * Data/source property setter listeners
     * Each data property whose value affects other properties or the validity of the entity
     * needs to invalidate all previously calculated artifacts. These include:
     *  - any derived properties or constraints that reference the given data property.
     *  - any availability guards (variant expressions) that reference the given data property.
     *  - any style validations, message tokens or guards that reference the given data property.
     *  - the validity of the property (and the containing entity) if the given data property has a length restriction.
     *  - the validity of the property (and the containing entity) if the given data property is required.

     * valid related derived properties
    model_internal var _isValid : Boolean;
    model_internal var _invalidConstraints:Array = new Array();
    model_internal var _validationFailureMessages:Array = new Array();

     * derived property calculators

     * isValid calculator
    model_internal function calculateIsValid():Boolean
        var violatedConsts:Array = new Array();
        var validationFailureMessages:Array = new Array();

        var propertyValidity:Boolean = true;

        model_internal::_cacheInitialized_isValid = true;
        model_internal::invalidConstraints_der = violatedConsts;
        model_internal::validationFailureMessages_der = validationFailureMessages;
        return violatedConsts.length == 0 && propertyValidity;

     * derived property setters

    model_internal function set isValid_der(value:Boolean) : void
        var oldValue:Boolean = model_internal::_isValid;
        if (oldValue !== value)
            model_internal::_isValid = value;
            _model.model_internal::fireChangeEvent("isValid", oldValue, model_internal::_isValid);

     * derived property getters

    public function get _model() : _NetworkLogEntityMetadata
        return model_internal::_dminternal_model;

    public function set _model(value : _NetworkLogEntityMetadata) : void
        var oldValue : _NetworkLogEntityMetadata = model_internal::_dminternal_model;
        if (oldValue !== value)
            model_internal::_dminternal_model = value;
            this.dispatchEvent(mx.events.PropertyChangeEvent.createUpdateEvent(this, "_model", oldValue, model_internal::_dminternal_model));

     * methods

     *  services
    private var _managingService:com.adobe.fiber.services.IFiberManagingService;

    public function set managingService(managingService:com.adobe.fiber.services.IFiberManagingService):void
        _managingService = managingService;

    model_internal function set invalidConstraints_der(value:Array) : void
        var oldValue:Array = model_internal::_invalidConstraints;
        // avoid firing the event when old and new value are different empty arrays
        if (oldValue !== value && (oldValue.length > 0 || value.length > 0))
            model_internal::_invalidConstraints = value;
            _model.model_internal::fireChangeEvent("invalidConstraints", oldValue, model_internal::_invalidConstraints);

    model_internal function set validationFailureMessages_der(value:Array) : void
        var oldValue:Array = model_internal::_validationFailureMessages;
        // avoid firing the event when old and new value are different empty arrays
        if (oldValue !== value && (oldValue.length > 0 || value.length > 0))
            model_internal::_validationFailureMessages = value;
            _model.model_internal::fireChangeEvent("validationFailureMessages", oldValue, model_internal::_validationFailureMessages);

