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Reporting Modules

After the analysis raw results have been processed and abstracted by the
processing modules and the global container is generated (ref. :doc:`processing`),
it is passed over by Cuckoo to all the reporting modules available, which will
make some use of it and will make it accessible and consumable in different

Getting Started

All reporting modules are and should be placed inside the directory *modules/reporting/*.

Every module should also have a dedicated section in the file *conf/reporting.conf*, for
example if you create a module *module/reporting/foobar.py* you will have to append
the following section to *conf/reporting.conf*::

    enabled = on

Every additional option you add to your section will be available to your reporting module
in the ``self.options`` dictionary.

Following is an example of a working JSON reporting module:

    .. code-block:: python

        import os
        import json

        from lib.cuckoo.common.abstracts import Report
        from lib.cuckoo.common.exceptions import CuckooReportError

        class JsonDump(Report):
            """Saves analysis results in JSON format."""

            def run(self, results):
                """Writes report.
                @param results: Cuckoo results dict.
                @raise CuckooReportError: if fails to write report.
                    report = open(os.path.join(self.reports_path, "report.json"), "w")
                    report.write(json.dumps(results, sort_keys=False, indent=4))
                except (TypeError, IOError) as e:
                    raise CuckooReportError("Failed to generate JSON report: %s" % e)

This code is very simple, it basically just receives the global container produced by the
processing modules, converts it into JSON and writes it to a file.

There are few requirements for writing a valid reporting module:

    * Declare your class inheriting ``Report``.
    * Have a ``run()`` function performing the main operations.
    * Try to catch most exceptions and raise ``CuckooReportError`` to notify the issue.

All reporting modules have access to some attributes:

    * ``self.analysis_path``: path to the folder containing the raw analysis results (e.g. *storage/analyses/1/*)
    * ``self.reports_path``: path to the folder where the reports should be written (e.g. *storage/analyses/1/reports/*)
    * ``self.options``: a dictionary containing all the options specified in the report's configuration section in *conf/reporting.conf*.