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Test Coverage
Final Remarks


    * `www.cuckoosandbox.org`_
    * `blog.cuckoosandbox.org`_
    * `github.com/cuckoobox`_
    * `www.malwr.com`_

.. _`www.cuckoosandbox.org`: http://www.cuckoosandbox.org/
.. _`blog.cuckoosandbox.org`: http://blog.cuckoosandbox.org/
.. _`github.com/cuckoobox`: http://github.com/cuckoobox/
.. _`www.malwr.com`: http://www.malwr.com

.. _join_the_discussion:

Join the discussion

You can get in contact with Cuckoo's developers and users through the `official
mailing list`_ kindly provided by `The Honeynet Project`_ or on IRC at the
official `#cuckoobox`_ channel.

.. _`official mailing list`: https://public.honeynet.org/mailman/listinfo/cuckoo
.. _`#cuckoobox`: irc://irc.freenode.net/cuckoobox

Mailing list how to

Cuckoo's `official mailing list`_ require registration, so you have to register
your email address before sending mails. Please make sure you registered with
the email address you're trying to post with.

Please respect netiquette when posting, in detail:

 * Before  posting read the mailing list archives, read the Cuckoo blog, read
 the documentation and Google about your issue. Stop posting questions that have
 already been answered over and over everywhere.
 * Posting emails saying just like "Doesn't work, help me" are completely
 useless. If something is not working report the error, paste the logs, paste the
 config file, paste the information on the virtual machine, paste the
 results of the troubleshooting, give context. We are not wizards and we
 don't have the crystal ball.
 * Use a proper title. Stuff like "Doesn't work", "Help me", "Error" is not a
 proper title.
 * Tend to use `pastebin.com`_, `pastie.org`_ and similar services to paste
 logs and configs: make the email more readable.
 * Tend to upload your attachment to file upload services, we have a very
 low attachment size limit.
 * Tend to not write HTML emails.

.. _`pastebin.com`: http://pastebin.com/
.. _`pastie.org`:http://pastie.org/


Cuckoo is software released freely to the public and developed during spare time
by volunteers only. If you enjoy it and want to see it kept being developed and
updated, please consider making a donation.

We receive small donations through `Flattr`_.

If you want to make a larger donation or provide a different form of support
(such as hardware, connectivity, hosting or else) you can contact us at
``donations at cuckoobox dot org``.

.. _`Flattr`: http://flattr.com/thing/394890/Cuckoo-Sandbox


Cuckoo Sandbox is an open source project result of the efforts and contributions
of a lot of people who enjoyed volunteering some of their time for a greater
good :).

Active Developers

    | Name                          | Role               | Contact                             |
    | Claudio "*nex*" Guarnieri     | Lead Developer     | ``nex at cuckoobox dot org``        |
    | Alessandro "*jekil*" Tanasi   | Developer          | ``alessandro at tanasi dot it``     |
    | Jurriaan "*skier*" Bremer     | Developer          | ``jurriaanbremer at gmail dot com`` |

Inactive Developers

    * Dario Fernandes


    * Mark Schloesser
    * Thorsten Sick
    * Adam Pridgen

Bug Reporters/Advisors

    * Giacomo Milani
    * Stefan Hausotte
    * Felix Leder
    * Georg Wicherski
    * Kjell Christian Nilsen
    * Carsten Willems


    * `The Honeynet Project`_
    * `The Shadowserver Foundation`_


    * `Rapid7`_

.. _`The Honeynet Project`: http://www.honeynet.org
.. _`The Shadowserver Foundation`: http://www.shadowserver.org
.. _`Rapid7`: http://www.rapid7.com