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4 hrs
Test Coverage
import os
import sys
import glob
import zipfile
import tempfile
import shutil

from AVCommon.logger import logging
from AVCommon import config
from AVCommon import package

report_level = 2

#config.verbose = True

def execute(vm, protocol, args):
    """ server side """
    from AVMaster import vm_manager

    logging.debug("    CS PUSHZIP: %s" % str(args))
    assert vm, "null self.vm"
    assert isinstance(args, list)

    if  isinstance(args[0], basestring):
        src_files, src_dir, dst_dir = args, config.basedir_server, config.basedir_av
        raise RuntimeError("wrong arguments")

    assert isinstance(src_files, list), "PUSHZIP expects a list of src files"

    all_src = []

    """ look if i need all files in one directory """
    for src_file in src_files:
        g = glob.glob(os.path.join(src_dir, src_file))
        if not g:
            logging.warn("Empty glob")
        # if you arrive here, then you already found the file on the filesystem.
        # typically the file have a relative path
        for f in g:
            # s is the relative file, expanded by glob
            s = f.replace("%s/" % src_dir, "")

            #logging.debug("Check if exists file %s" % f)
            assert os.path.exists(f), "%s %s" % (f, os.getcwd())

            #inserito da Marco
            #logging.debug("Check if exists file %s" % os.path.join(src_dir, s))
            assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(src_dir, s)), "%s %s" % (s, os.getcwd())

    ntdir = lambda x: x.replace("/", "\\")

    print 'creating archive'
    d = tempfile.mkdtemp()
    zfname = d + '/zipfile_write.zip'
    zf = zipfile.ZipFile(zfname, mode='w')
    pwd = config.basedir_server

    """ then upload parsed files """
    logging.debug("All files to copy are:\n%s" % src_files)
    if not all_src:
        return False, "Empty file list"

    for src_file in all_src:
        #print("3_processa file")
        src = os.path.join(src_dir, src_file)

        #logging.debug("Check if exists file %s" % src)
        if not os.path.exists(src):
            return False, "Not existent file: %s" % src

        logging.debug("%s adding %s -> %s" % (vm, src_file, src))

    #zip file is ready

    vm_manager.execute(vm, "mkdirInGuest", ntdir(dst_dir))

    # copy unzip (it should be already in AVAgent/assets...)
    unzipexe = "assets/unzip.exe"
    dst = ntdir(os.path.join(dst_dir, "unzip.exe"))

    logging.debug("Copy unzip: %s -> %s" % (unzipexe, dst) )
    vm_manager.execute(vm, "copyFileToGuest", unzipexe, dst)

    tmpzip = "tmp.zip"
    dst = ntdir(os.path.join(dst_dir, tmpzip))
    logging.debug("Copy zip: %s -> %s" % (zfname, dst) )
    vm_manager.execute(vm, "copyFileToGuest", zfname, dst)

    logging.debug("Executing unzip on %s" % dst)
    unzipargs= ( "/AVTest/unzip.exe", [ "-o", "-d", "c:\\avtest", dst], 40, True, True )
    ret = vm_manager.execute(vm, "executeCmd", *unzipargs )
    logging.debug("ret: %s" % ret)

    logging.debug("Removing zip: %s" % d)

    return True, "Files copied on VM"