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4 days
Test Coverage
import subprocess
import sys
import os

from time import sleep
from datetime import datetime
from ConfigParser import ConfigParser

from pysphere import VIServer

class vSphere:
    hostname = ""
    username = ""
    password = ""

    def __init__(self, vm_path):
        self.vm_path = vm_path

    def __enter__(self):
        self.server   = VIServer()
        self.server.connect(self.hostname, self.username, self.password)
        print "DBG connect"
        vm  = self.server.get_vm_by_path(self.vm_path)
        return vm

    def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
            print "DBG disconnect"
        except VIException as e:
            print "DBG problem in disconnection. Fault is: %s" % e.fault

class VMRun:
    def __init__(self, config_file):
        self.config = ConfigParser()

        self.path     = self.config.get("vsphere", "path")
        self.host     = self.config.get("vsphere", "host")
        self.domain = self.config.get("vsphere", "domain")
        self.user   = self.config.get("vsphere", "user")
        self.passwd = self.config.get("vsphere", "passwd")

    def _run_cmd(self, vmx, cmd, args=[], vmx_creds=[], popen=False, bg=False, timeout=40):
        pargs = [   self.path,
                    "-T", "vc",
                    "-h", self.host,
                    "-u", "%s\\%s" % (self.domain,self.user), "-p", self.passwd, cmd, vmx.path ]

        if vmx_creds != [] and len(vmx_creds) == 2:
            idx = pargs.index("-p")+2
            cred = "-gu %s -gp %s" % ( vmx_creds[0], vmx_creds[1] )
            pargs = pargs[0:idx] + cred.split() + pargs[idx:]

        if popen == True:
            return self._run_popen(pargs, timeout)
        elif bg == True:
            print "DBG running in bg mode"
            return self._run_bg(pargs)
            return self._run_call(pargs)

    def _run_call(self, pargs):
        return subprocess.call(pargs)

    def _run_bg(self, pargs):
        subprocess.Popen(pargs, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)

    def _run_popen(self, pargs, timeout=40):
        p = subprocess.Popen(pargs, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)

        executed = False
        tick = 0

        while executed is False:
            tick += 1
            if p.poll() != None: #process is executed and ret.poll() has the return code
                executed = True
            if tick >= timeout * 3:
                print "DBG run_popen timeout"
                return []

        if p.poll() == 0:
            return p.communicate()[0]
            print "DBG p.poll is 0"
            return []

    def startup(self, vmx):
        sys.stdout.write("[%s] Starting!\r\n" % vmx)
        self._run_cmd(vmx, "start")

    def shutdown(self, vmx):
        sys.stdout.write("[%s] Stopping!\r\n" % vmx)
        self._run_cmd(vmx, "stop")

    def shutdownUpgrade(self, vmx):
        r = self.executeCmd(vmx, "c:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\shutdown.exe", ["/s"], timeout=105) #["/s","/t","0"])
        if r is False:
            print "DBG executeCmd failed for %s" % vmx
            return False
        return True

    def reboot(self, vmx):
        sys.stdout.write("[%s] Rebooting!\r\n" % vmx)
        self._run_cmd(vmx, "reset", ["hard"])

    def suspend(self, vmx):
        sys.stdout.write("[%s] Suspending!\r\n" % vmx)
        self._run_cmd(vmx, "suspend", ["soft"])

    def createSnapshot(self, vmx, snapshot):
        sys.stdout.write("[%s] Creating snapshot %s.\n" % (vmx, snapshot))
        self._run_cmd(vmx, "snapshot", [snapshot])

    def deleteSnapshot(self, vmx, snapshot):
        sys.stdout.write("[%s] Deleting snapshot %s.\n" % (vmx, snapshot))
        self._run_cmd(vmx, "deleteSnapshot", [snapshot])

    def revertSnapshot(self, vmx, snapshot):
        sys.stdout.write("[%s] Reverting snapshot %s.\n" % (vmx, snapshot))
        self._run_cmd(vmx, "revertToSnapshot", [snapshot])

    def refreshSnapshot(self, vmx, delete=True):
        untouchables = [ "ready", "activated", "_datarecovery_" ]

        sys.stdout.write("[%s] Refreshing snapshot.\n" % vmx)

        # create new snapshot
        date = datetime.now().strftime('%Y%m%d-%H%M')
        self.createSnapshot(vmx, "%s" % date)
        if delete == True:
            snaps = self.listSnapshots(vmx)
            print "DBG snapshots %s" % snaps
            if len(snaps) > 0 and snaps[-2] not in untouchables and "manual" not in snaps[-2]:
                print "DBG deleting %s" % snaps[-2]
                self.deleteSnapshot(vmx, snaps[-2])

    def revertLastSnapshot(self,vmx):
        snap = self.listSnapshots(vmx)
        if len(snap) > 0:

            for s in range(len(snap)-1,-1,-1):
                snapshot = snap[s]
                if snapshot != "_datarecovery_":
                    self.revertSnapshot(vmx, snap[s])
                    return "[%s] Reverted with snapshot %s" % (vmx, snap[s])
                    print "DBG snapshot _datarecovery_ found!"
            return "[%s] ERROR: no more snapshot to try" % vmx
            return "[%s] ERROR: no snapshots!" % vmx

    def mkdirInGuest(self, vmx, dir_path):
        sys.stdout.write("[%s] Creating directory %s.\n" % (vmx,dir_path))
        self._run_cmd(vmx, "CreateDirectoryInGuest", [dir_path], [vmx.user,vmx.passwd])

    def listDirectoryInGuest(self, vmx, dir_path):
        sys.stdout.write("[%s] Listing directory %s.\n" % (vmx,dir_path))
        return self._run_cmd(vmx, "listDirectoryInGuest", [dir_path], [vmx.user,vmx.passwd], popen=True)

    def deleteDirectoryInGuest(self, vmx, dir_path):
        sys.stdout.write("[%s] Delete directory %s.\n" % (vmx,dir_path))
        self._run_cmd(vmx, "DeleteDirectoryInGuest", [dir_path], [vmx.user,vmx.passwd])

    def copyFileToGuest(self, vmx, src_file, dst_file):
        sys.stdout.write("[%s] Copying file from %s to %s.\n" % (vmx, src_file, dst_file))
        self._run_cmd(vmx, "CopyFileFromHostToGuest", [src_file, dst_file], [vmx.user, vmx.passwd])

    def copyFileFromGuest(self, vmx, src_file, dst_file):
        sys.stdout.write("[%s] Copying file from %s to %s.\n" % (vmx, src_file, dst_file))
        self._run_cmd(vmx, "CopyFileFromGuestToHost", [src_file, dst_file], [vmx.user, vmx.passwd])

    def executeCmd(self, vmx, cmd, args=[], timeout=40, interactive=False, bg=False):
        sys.stdout.write("[%s] Executing %s\n" % (vmx,cmd))
        cmds = []
        if interactive is True:
        print "DBG background execution is %s" % bg
        return self._run_cmd(vmx,
                             [vmx.user, vmx.passwd],
                             bg=bg, timeout=timeout)

    def listProcesses(self, vmx):
        sys.stdout.write("[%s] List processes\n" % vmx)
        return self._run_cmd(vmx, "listProcessesInGuest", vmx_creds=[vmx.user,vmx.passwd], popen=True)

    def takeScreenshot(self, vmx, out_img):
        sys.stdout.write("[%s] Taking screenshot.\n" % vmx)
        self._run_cmd(vmx, "captureScreen", [out_img], [vmx.user, vmx.passwd])

    def VMisRunning(self, vmx):
        res = self._run_cmd(vmx, "list", popen=True)
        if vmx.path[1:-1] in res:
            return True
        return False

    def listSnapshots(self, vmx):
        out = self._run_cmd(vmx, "listSnapshots", popen=True).split("\n")
        return out[1:-1]