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Test Coverage
 * psftp.c: (platform-independent) front end for PSFTP.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <limits.h>

#include "putty.h"
#include "psftp.h"
#include "storage.h"
#include "ssh.h"
#include "sftp.h"
#include "int64.h"

const char *const appname = "PSFTP";

 * Since SFTP is a request-response oriented protocol, it requires
 * no buffer management: when we send data, we stop and wait for an
 * acknowledgement _anyway_, and so we can't possibly overfill our
 * send buffer.

static int psftp_connect(char *userhost, char *user, int portnumber);
static int do_sftp_init(void);
void do_sftp_cleanup();

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 * sftp client state.

char *pwd, *homedir;
static Backend *back;
static void *backhandle;
static Config cfg;

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Higher-level helper functions used in commands.

 * Attempt to canonify a pathname starting from the pwd. If
 * canonification fails, at least fall back to returning a _valid_
 * pathname (though it may be ugly, eg /home/simon/../foobar).
char *canonify(char *name)
    char *fullname, *canonname;
    struct sftp_packet *pktin;
    struct sftp_request *req, *rreq;

    if (name[0] == '/') {
    fullname = dupstr(name);
    } else {
    char *slash;
    if (pwd[strlen(pwd) - 1] == '/')
        slash = "";
        slash = "/";
    fullname = dupcat(pwd, slash, name, NULL);

    sftp_register(req = fxp_realpath_send(fullname));
    rreq = sftp_find_request(pktin = sftp_recv());
    assert(rreq == req);
    canonname = fxp_realpath_recv(pktin, rreq);

    if (canonname) {
    return canonname;
    } else {
     * Attempt number 2. Some FXP_REALPATH implementations
     * (glibc-based ones, in particular) require the _whole_
     * path to point to something that exists, whereas others
     * (BSD-based) only require all but the last component to
     * exist. So if the first call failed, we should strip off
     * everything from the last slash onwards and try again,
     * then put the final component back on.
     * Special cases:
     *  - if the last component is "/." or "/..", then we don't
     *    bother trying this because there's no way it can work.
     *  - if the thing actually ends with a "/", we remove it
     *    before we start. Except if the string is "/" itself
     *    (although I can't see why we'd have got here if so,
     *    because surely "/" would have worked the first
     *    time?), in which case we don't bother.
     *  - if there's no slash in the string at all, give up in
     *    confusion (we expect at least one because of the way
     *    we constructed the string).

    int i;
    char *returnname;

    i = strlen(fullname);
    if (i > 2 && fullname[i - 1] == '/')
        fullname[--i] = '\0';      /* strip trailing / unless at pos 0 */
    while (i > 0 && fullname[--i] != '/');

     * Give up on special cases.
    if (fullname[i] != '/' ||      /* no slash at all */
        !strcmp(fullname + i, "/.") ||    /* ends in /. */
        !strcmp(fullname + i, "/..") ||    /* ends in /.. */
        !strcmp(fullname, "/")) {
        return fullname;

     * Now i points at the slash. Deal with the final special
     * case i==0 (ie the whole path was "/nonexistentfile").
    fullname[i] = '\0';           /* separate the string */
    if (i == 0) {
        sftp_register(req = fxp_realpath_send("/"));
    } else {
        sftp_register(req = fxp_realpath_send(fullname));
    rreq = sftp_find_request(pktin = sftp_recv());
    assert(rreq == req);
    canonname = fxp_realpath_recv(pktin, rreq);

    if (!canonname) {
        /* Even that failed. Restore our best guess at the
         * constructed filename and give up */
        fullname[i] = '/';    /* restore slash and last component */
        return fullname;

     * We have a canonical name for all but the last path
     * component. Concatenate the last component and return.
    returnname = dupcat(canonname,
                canonname[strlen(canonname) - 1] ==
                '/' ? "" : "/", fullname + i + 1, NULL);
    return returnname;

 * Return a pointer to the portion of str that comes after the last
 * slash (or backslash or colon, if `local' is TRUE).
static char *stripslashes(char *str, int local)
    char *p;

    if (local) {
        p = strchr(str, ':');
        if (p) str = p+1;

    p = strrchr(str, '/');
    if (p) str = p+1;

    if (local) {
    p = strrchr(str, '\\');
    if (p) str = p+1;

    return str;

 * qsort comparison routine for fxp_name structures. Sorts by real
 * file name.
static int sftp_name_compare(const void *av, const void *bv)
    const struct fxp_name *const *a = (const struct fxp_name *const *) av;
    const struct fxp_name *const *b = (const struct fxp_name *const *) bv;
    return strcmp((*a)->filename, (*b)->filename);

 * Likewise, but for a bare char *.
static int bare_name_compare(const void *av, const void *bv)
    const char **a = (const char **) av;
    const char **b = (const char **) bv;
    return strcmp(*a, *b);

static void not_connected(void)
    printf("psftp: not connected to a host; use \"open host.name\"\n");

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 * The meat of the `get' and `put' commands.
int sftp_get_file(char *fname, char *outfname, int recurse, int restart)
    struct fxp_handle *fh;
    struct sftp_packet *pktin;
    struct sftp_request *req, *rreq;
    struct fxp_xfer *xfer;
    uint64 offset;
    WFile *file;
    int ret, shown_err = FALSE;

     * In recursive mode, see if we're dealing with a directory.
     * (If we're not in recursive mode, we need not even check: the
     * subsequent FXP_OPEN will return a usable error message.)
    if (recurse) {
    struct fxp_attrs attrs;
    int result;

    sftp_register(req = fxp_stat_send(fname));
    rreq = sftp_find_request(pktin = sftp_recv());
    assert(rreq == req);
    result = fxp_stat_recv(pktin, rreq, &attrs);

    if (result &&
        (attrs.flags & SSH_FILEXFER_ATTR_PERMISSIONS) &&
        (attrs.permissions & 0040000)) {

        struct fxp_handle *dirhandle;
        int nnames, namesize;
        struct fxp_name **ournames;
        struct fxp_names *names;
        int i;

         * First, attempt to create the destination directory,
         * unless it already exists.
        if (file_type(outfname) != FILE_TYPE_DIRECTORY &&
        !create_directory(outfname)) {
        printf("%s: Cannot create directory\n", outfname);
        return 0;

         * Now get the list of filenames in the remote
         * directory.
        sftp_register(req = fxp_opendir_send(fname));
        rreq = sftp_find_request(pktin = sftp_recv());
        assert(rreq == req);
        dirhandle = fxp_opendir_recv(pktin, rreq);

        if (!dirhandle) {
        printf("%s: unable to open directory: %s\n",
               fname, fxp_error());
        return 0;
        nnames = namesize = 0;
        ournames = NULL;
        while (1) {
        int i;

        sftp_register(req = fxp_readdir_send(dirhandle));
        rreq = sftp_find_request(pktin = sftp_recv());
        assert(rreq == req);
        names = fxp_readdir_recv(pktin, rreq);

        if (names == NULL) {
            if (fxp_error_type() == SSH_FX_EOF)
            printf("%s: reading directory: %s\n", fname, fxp_error());
            return 0;
        if (names->nnames == 0) {
        if (nnames + names->nnames >= namesize) {
            namesize += names->nnames + 128;
            ournames = sresize(ournames, namesize, struct fxp_name *);
        for (i = 0; i < names->nnames; i++)
            if (strcmp(names->names[i].filename, ".") &&
            strcmp(names->names[i].filename, "..")) {
            if (!vet_filename(names->names[i].filename)) {
                printf("ignoring potentially dangerous server-"
                   "supplied filename '%s'\n",
            } else {
                ournames[nnames++] =
        sftp_register(req = fxp_close_send(dirhandle));
        rreq = sftp_find_request(pktin = sftp_recv());
        assert(rreq == req);
        fxp_close_recv(pktin, rreq);

         * Sort the names into a clear order. This ought to
         * make things more predictable when we're doing a
         * reget of the same directory, just in case two
         * readdirs on the same remote directory return a
         * different order.
        qsort(ournames, nnames, sizeof(*ournames), sftp_name_compare);

         * If we're in restart mode, find the last filename on
         * this list that already exists. We may have to do a
         * reget on _that_ file, but shouldn't have to do
         * anything on the previous files.
         * If none of them exists, of course, we start at 0.
        i = 0;
            if (restart) {
                while (i < nnames) {
                    char *nextoutfname;
                    int ret;
                    if (outfname)
                        nextoutfname = dir_file_cat(outfname,
                        nextoutfname = dupstr(ournames[i]->filename);
                    ret = (file_type(nextoutfname) == FILE_TYPE_NONEXISTENT);
                    if (ret)
                if (i > 0)

         * Now we're ready to recurse. Starting at ournames[i]
         * and continuing on to the end of the list, we
         * construct a new source and target file name, and
         * call sftp_get_file again.
        for (; i < nnames; i++) {
        char *nextfname, *nextoutfname;
        int ret;
        nextfname = dupcat(fname, "/", ournames[i]->filename, NULL);
        if (outfname)
            nextoutfname = dir_file_cat(outfname,
            nextoutfname = dupstr(ournames[i]->filename);
        ret = sftp_get_file(nextfname, nextoutfname, recurse, restart);
        restart = FALSE;       /* after first partial file, do full */
        if (!ret) {
            for (i = 0; i < nnames; i++) {
            return 0;

         * Done this recursion level. Free everything.
        for (i = 0; i < nnames; i++) {

        return 1;

    sftp_register(req = fxp_open_send(fname, SSH_FXF_READ));
    rreq = sftp_find_request(pktin = sftp_recv());
    assert(rreq == req);
    fh = fxp_open_recv(pktin, rreq);

    if (!fh) {
    printf("%s: open for read: %s\n", fname, fxp_error());
    return 0;

    if (restart) {
    file = open_existing_wfile(outfname, NULL);
    } else {
    file = open_new_file(outfname);

    if (!file) {
    printf("local: unable to open %s\n", outfname);

    sftp_register(req = fxp_close_send(fh));
    rreq = sftp_find_request(pktin = sftp_recv());
    assert(rreq == req);
    fxp_close_recv(pktin, rreq);

    return 0;

    if (restart) {
    char decbuf[30];
    if (seek_file(file, uint64_make(0,0) , FROM_END) == -1) {
        printf("reget: cannot restart %s - file too large\n",
        sftp_register(req = fxp_close_send(fh));
        rreq = sftp_find_request(pktin = sftp_recv());
        assert(rreq == req);
        fxp_close_recv(pktin, rreq);
        return 0;
    offset = get_file_posn(file);
    uint64_decimal(offset, decbuf);
    printf("reget: restarting at file position %s\n", decbuf);
    } else {
    offset = uint64_make(0, 0);

    printf("remote:%s => local:%s\n", fname, outfname);

     * FIXME: we can use FXP_FSTAT here to get the file size, and
     * thus put up a progress bar.
    ret = 1;
    xfer = xfer_download_init(fh, offset);
    while (!xfer_done(xfer)) {
    void *vbuf;
    int ret, len;
    int wpos, wlen;

    pktin = sftp_recv();
    ret = xfer_download_gotpkt(xfer, pktin);

    if (ret < 0) {
        if (!shown_err) {
        printf("error while reading: %s\n", fxp_error());
        shown_err = TRUE;
            ret = 0;

    while (xfer_download_data(xfer, &vbuf, &len)) {
        unsigned char *buf = (unsigned char *)vbuf;

        wpos = 0;
        while (wpos < len) {
        wlen = write_to_file(file, buf + wpos, len - wpos);
        if (wlen <= 0) {
            printf("error while writing local file\n");
            ret = 0;
        wpos += wlen;
        if (wpos < len) {           /* we had an error */
        ret = 0;




    sftp_register(req = fxp_close_send(fh));
    rreq = sftp_find_request(pktin = sftp_recv());
    assert(rreq == req);
    fxp_close_recv(pktin, rreq);

    return ret;

int sftp_put_file(char *fname, char *outfname, int recurse, int restart)
    struct fxp_handle *fh;
    struct fxp_xfer *xfer;
    struct sftp_packet *pktin;
    struct sftp_request *req, *rreq;
    uint64 offset;
    RFile *file;
    int ret, err, eof;

     * In recursive mode, see if we're dealing with a directory.
     * (If we're not in recursive mode, we need not even check: the
     * subsequent fopen will return an error message.)
    if (recurse && file_type(fname) == FILE_TYPE_DIRECTORY) {
    struct fxp_attrs attrs;
    int result;
    int nnames, namesize;
    char *name, **ournames;
    DirHandle *dh;
    int i;

     * First, attempt to create the destination directory,
     * unless it already exists.
    sftp_register(req = fxp_stat_send(outfname));
    rreq = sftp_find_request(pktin = sftp_recv());
    assert(rreq == req);
    result = fxp_stat_recv(pktin, rreq, &attrs);
    if (!result ||
        !(attrs.flags & SSH_FILEXFER_ATTR_PERMISSIONS) ||
        !(attrs.permissions & 0040000)) {
        sftp_register(req = fxp_mkdir_send(outfname));
        rreq = sftp_find_request(pktin = sftp_recv());
        assert(rreq == req);
        result = fxp_mkdir_recv(pktin, rreq);

        if (!result) {
        printf("%s: create directory: %s\n",
               outfname, fxp_error());
        return 0;

     * Now get the list of filenames in the local directory.
    nnames = namesize = 0;
    ournames = NULL;

    dh = open_directory(fname);
    if (!dh) {
        printf("%s: unable to open directory\n", fname);
        return 0;
    while ((name = read_filename(dh)) != NULL) {
        if (nnames >= namesize) {
        namesize += 128;
        ournames = sresize(ournames, namesize, char *);
        ournames[nnames++] = name;

     * Sort the names into a clear order. This ought to make
     * things more predictable when we're doing a reput of the
     * same directory, just in case two readdirs on the same
     * local directory return a different order.
    qsort(ournames, nnames, sizeof(*ournames), bare_name_compare);

     * If we're in restart mode, find the last filename on this
     * list that already exists. We may have to do a reput on
     * _that_ file, but shouldn't have to do anything on the
     * previous files.
     * If none of them exists, of course, we start at 0.
    i = 0;
        if (restart) {
            while (i < nnames) {
                char *nextoutfname;
                nextoutfname = dupcat(outfname, "/", ournames[i], NULL);
                sftp_register(req = fxp_stat_send(nextoutfname));
                rreq = sftp_find_request(pktin = sftp_recv());
                assert(rreq == req);
                result = fxp_stat_recv(pktin, rreq, &attrs);
                if (!result)
            if (i > 0)

         * Now we're ready to recurse. Starting at ournames[i]
     * and continuing on to the end of the list, we
     * construct a new source and target file name, and
     * call sftp_put_file again.
    for (; i < nnames; i++) {
        char *nextfname, *nextoutfname;
        int ret;

        if (fname)
        nextfname = dir_file_cat(fname, ournames[i]);
        nextfname = dupstr(ournames[i]);
        nextoutfname = dupcat(outfname, "/", ournames[i], NULL);
        ret = sftp_put_file(nextfname, nextoutfname, recurse, restart);
        restart = FALSE;           /* after first partial file, do full */
        if (!ret) {
        for (i = 0; i < nnames; i++) {
        return 0;

     * Done this recursion level. Free everything.
    for (i = 0; i < nnames; i++) {

    return 1;

    file = open_existing_file(fname, NULL, NULL, NULL);
    if (!file) {
    printf("local: unable to open %s\n", fname);
    return 0;
    if (restart) {
    sftp_register(req = fxp_open_send(outfname, SSH_FXF_WRITE));
    } else {
    sftp_register(req = fxp_open_send(outfname, SSH_FXF_WRITE |
                      SSH_FXF_CREAT | SSH_FXF_TRUNC));
    rreq = sftp_find_request(pktin = sftp_recv());
    assert(rreq == req);
    fh = fxp_open_recv(pktin, rreq);

    if (!fh) {
    printf("%s: open for write: %s\n", outfname, fxp_error());
    return 0;

    if (restart) {
    char decbuf[30];
    struct fxp_attrs attrs;
    int ret;

    sftp_register(req = fxp_fstat_send(fh));
    rreq = sftp_find_request(pktin = sftp_recv());
    assert(rreq == req);
    ret = fxp_fstat_recv(pktin, rreq, &attrs);

    if (!ret) {
        printf("read size of %s: %s\n", outfname, fxp_error());
        return 0;
    if (!(attrs.flags & SSH_FILEXFER_ATTR_SIZE)) {
        printf("read size of %s: size was not given\n", outfname);
        return 0;
    offset = attrs.size;
    uint64_decimal(offset, decbuf);
    printf("reput: restarting at file position %s\n", decbuf);

    if (seek_file((WFile *)file, offset, FROM_START) != 0)
        seek_file((WFile *)file, uint64_make(0,0), FROM_END);    /* *shrug* */
    } else {
    offset = uint64_make(0, 0);

    printf("local:%s => remote:%s\n", fname, outfname);

     * FIXME: we can use FXP_FSTAT here to get the file size, and
     * thus put up a progress bar.
    ret = 1;
    xfer = xfer_upload_init(fh, offset);
    err = eof = 0;
    while ((!err && !eof) || !xfer_done(xfer)) {
    char buffer[4096];
    int len, ret;

    while (xfer_upload_ready(xfer) && !err && !eof) {
        len = read_from_file(file, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
        if (len == -1) {
        printf("error while reading local file\n");
        err = 1;
        } else if (len == 0) {
        eof = 1;
        } else {
        xfer_upload_data(xfer, buffer, len);

    if (!xfer_done(xfer)) {
        pktin = sftp_recv();
        ret = xfer_upload_gotpkt(xfer, pktin);
        if (ret <= 0 && !err) {
        printf("error while writing: %s\n", fxp_error());
        err = 1;


    sftp_register(req = fxp_close_send(fh));
    rreq = sftp_find_request(pktin = sftp_recv());
    assert(rreq == req);
    fxp_close_recv(pktin, rreq);


    return ret;

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 * A remote wildcard matcher, providing a similar interface to the
 * local one in psftp.h.

typedef struct SftpWildcardMatcher {
    struct fxp_handle *dirh;
    struct fxp_names *names;
    int namepos;
    char *wildcard, *prefix;
} SftpWildcardMatcher;

SftpWildcardMatcher *sftp_begin_wildcard_matching(char *name)
    struct sftp_packet *pktin;
    struct sftp_request *req, *rreq;
    char *wildcard;
    char *unwcdir, *tmpdir, *cdir;
    int len, check;
    SftpWildcardMatcher *swcm;
    struct fxp_handle *dirh;

     * We don't handle multi-level wildcards; so we expect to find
     * a fully specified directory part, followed by a wildcard
     * after that.
    wildcard = stripslashes(name, 0);

    unwcdir = dupstr(name);
    len = wildcard - name;
    unwcdir[len] = '\0';
    if (len > 0 && unwcdir[len-1] == '/')
    unwcdir[len-1] = '\0';
    tmpdir = snewn(1 + len, char);
    check = wc_unescape(tmpdir, unwcdir);

    if (!check) {
    printf("Multiple-level wildcards are not supported\n");
    return NULL;

    cdir = canonify(unwcdir);

    sftp_register(req = fxp_opendir_send(cdir));
    rreq = sftp_find_request(pktin = sftp_recv());
    assert(rreq == req);
    dirh = fxp_opendir_recv(pktin, rreq);

    if (dirh) {
    swcm = snew(SftpWildcardMatcher);
    swcm->dirh = dirh;
    swcm->names = NULL;
    swcm->wildcard = dupstr(wildcard);
    swcm->prefix = unwcdir;
    } else {
    printf("Unable to open %s: %s\n", cdir, fxp_error());
    swcm = NULL;


    return swcm;

char *sftp_wildcard_get_filename(SftpWildcardMatcher *swcm)
    struct fxp_name *name;
    struct sftp_packet *pktin;
    struct sftp_request *req, *rreq;

    while (1) {
    if (swcm->names && swcm->namepos >= swcm->names->nnames) {
        swcm->names = NULL;

    if (!swcm->names) {
        sftp_register(req = fxp_readdir_send(swcm->dirh));
        rreq = sftp_find_request(pktin = sftp_recv());
        assert(rreq == req);
        swcm->names = fxp_readdir_recv(pktin, rreq);

        if (!swcm->names) {
        if (fxp_error_type() != SSH_FX_EOF)
            printf("%s: reading directory: %s\n", swcm->prefix,
        return NULL;

        swcm->namepos = 0;

    assert(swcm->names && swcm->namepos < swcm->names->nnames);

    name = &swcm->names->names[swcm->namepos++];

    if (!strcmp(name->filename, ".") || !strcmp(name->filename, ".."))
        continue;               /* expected bad filenames */

    if (!vet_filename(name->filename)) {
        printf("ignoring potentially dangerous server-"
           "supplied filename '%s'\n", name->filename);
        continue;               /* unexpected bad filename */

    if (!wc_match(swcm->wildcard, name->filename))
        continue;               /* doesn't match the wildcard */

     * We have a working filename. Return it.
    return dupprintf("%s%s%s", swcm->prefix,
             (!swcm->prefix[0] ||
              swcm->prefix[strlen(swcm->prefix)-1]=='/' ?
              "" : "/"),

void sftp_finish_wildcard_matching(SftpWildcardMatcher *swcm)
    struct sftp_packet *pktin;
    struct sftp_request *req, *rreq;

    sftp_register(req = fxp_close_send(swcm->dirh));
    rreq = sftp_find_request(pktin = sftp_recv());
    assert(rreq == req);
    fxp_close_recv(pktin, rreq);

    if (swcm->names)



 * General function to match a potential wildcard in a filename
 * argument and iterate over every matching file. Used in several
 * PSFTP commands (rmdir, rm, chmod, mv).
int wildcard_iterate(char *filename, int (*func)(void *, char *), void *ctx)
    char *unwcfname, *newname, *cname;
    int is_wc, ret;

    unwcfname = snewn(strlen(filename)+1, char);
    is_wc = !wc_unescape(unwcfname, filename);

    if (is_wc) {
    SftpWildcardMatcher *swcm = sftp_begin_wildcard_matching(filename);
    int matched = FALSE;

    if (!swcm)
        return 0;

    ret = 1;

    while ( (newname = sftp_wildcard_get_filename(swcm)) != NULL ) {
        cname = canonify(newname);
        if (!cname) {
        printf("%s: canonify: %s\n", newname, fxp_error());
        ret = 0;
        matched = TRUE;
        ret &= func(ctx, cname);

    if (!matched) {
        /* Politely warn the user that nothing matched. */
        printf("%s: nothing matched\n", filename);

    } else {
    cname = canonify(unwcfname);
    if (!cname) {
        printf("%s: canonify: %s\n", filename, fxp_error());
        ret = 0;
    ret = func(ctx, cname);

    return ret;

 * Handy helper function.
int is_wildcard(char *name)
    char *unwcfname = snewn(strlen(name)+1, char);
    int is_wc = !wc_unescape(unwcfname, name);
    return is_wc;

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Actual sftp commands.
struct sftp_command {
    char **words;
    int nwords, wordssize;
    int (*obey) (struct sftp_command *);    /* returns <0 to quit */

int sftp_cmd_null(struct sftp_command *cmd)
    return 1;                   /* success */

int sftp_cmd_unknown(struct sftp_command *cmd)
    printf("psftp: unknown command \"%s\"\n", cmd->words[0]);
    return 0;                   /* failure */

int sftp_cmd_quit(struct sftp_command *cmd)
    return -1;

int sftp_cmd_close(struct sftp_command *cmd)
    if (back == NULL) {
    return 0;

    if (back != NULL && back->connected(backhandle)) {
    char ch;
    back->special(backhandle, TS_EOF);
    sftp_recvdata(&ch, 1);

    return 0;

 * List a directory. If no arguments are given, list pwd; otherwise
 * list the directory given in words[1].
int sftp_cmd_ls(struct sftp_command *cmd)
    struct fxp_handle *dirh;
    struct fxp_names *names;
    struct fxp_name **ournames;
    int nnames, namesize;
    char *dir, *cdir, *unwcdir, *wildcard;
    struct sftp_packet *pktin;
    struct sftp_request *req, *rreq;
    int i;

    if (back == NULL) {
    return 0;

    if (cmd->nwords < 2)
    dir = ".";
    dir = cmd->words[1];

    unwcdir = snewn(1 + strlen(dir), char);
    if (wc_unescape(unwcdir, dir)) {
    dir = unwcdir;
    wildcard = NULL;
    } else {
    char *tmpdir;
    int len, check;

    wildcard = stripslashes(dir, 0);
    unwcdir = dupstr(dir);
    len = wildcard - dir;
    unwcdir[len] = '\0';
    if (len > 0 && unwcdir[len-1] == '/')
        unwcdir[len-1] = '\0';
    tmpdir = snewn(1 + len, char);
    check = wc_unescape(tmpdir, unwcdir);
    if (!check) {
        printf("Multiple-level wildcards are not supported\n");
        return 0;
    dir = unwcdir;

    cdir = canonify(dir);
    if (!cdir) {
    printf("%s: canonify: %s\n", dir, fxp_error());
    return 0;

    printf("Listing directory %s\n", cdir);

    sftp_register(req = fxp_opendir_send(cdir));
    rreq = sftp_find_request(pktin = sftp_recv());
    assert(rreq == req);
    dirh = fxp_opendir_recv(pktin, rreq);

    if (dirh == NULL) {
    printf("Unable to open %s: %s\n", dir, fxp_error());
    } else {
    nnames = namesize = 0;
    ournames = NULL;

    while (1) {

        sftp_register(req = fxp_readdir_send(dirh));
        rreq = sftp_find_request(pktin = sftp_recv());
        assert(rreq == req);
        names = fxp_readdir_recv(pktin, rreq);

        if (names == NULL) {
        if (fxp_error_type() == SSH_FX_EOF)
        printf("Reading directory %s: %s\n", dir, fxp_error());
        if (names->nnames == 0) {

        if (nnames + names->nnames >= namesize) {
        namesize += names->nnames + 128;
        ournames = sresize(ournames, namesize, struct fxp_name *);

        for (i = 0; i < names->nnames; i++)
        if (!wildcard || wc_match(wildcard, names->names[i].filename))
            ournames[nnames++] = fxp_dup_name(&names->names[i]);

    sftp_register(req = fxp_close_send(dirh));
    rreq = sftp_find_request(pktin = sftp_recv());
    assert(rreq == req);
    fxp_close_recv(pktin, rreq);

     * Now we have our filenames. Sort them by actual file
     * name, and then output the longname parts.
    qsort(ournames, nnames, sizeof(*ournames), sftp_name_compare);

     * And print them.
    for (i = 0; i < nnames; i++) {
        printf("%s\n", ournames[i]->longname);


    return 1;

 * Change directories. We do this by canonifying the new name, then
 * trying to OPENDIR it. Only if that succeeds do we set the new pwd.
int sftp_cmd_cd(struct sftp_command *cmd)
    struct fxp_handle *dirh;
    struct sftp_packet *pktin;
    struct sftp_request *req, *rreq;
    char *dir;

    if (back == NULL) {
    return 0;

    if (cmd->nwords < 2)
    dir = dupstr(homedir);
    dir = canonify(cmd->words[1]);

    if (!dir) {
    printf("%s: canonify: %s\n", dir, fxp_error());
    return 0;

    sftp_register(req = fxp_opendir_send(dir));
    rreq = sftp_find_request(pktin = sftp_recv());
    assert(rreq == req);
    dirh = fxp_opendir_recv(pktin, rreq);

    if (!dirh) {
    printf("Directory %s: %s\n", dir, fxp_error());
    return 0;

    sftp_register(req = fxp_close_send(dirh));
    rreq = sftp_find_request(pktin = sftp_recv());
    assert(rreq == req);
    fxp_close_recv(pktin, rreq);

    pwd = dir;
    printf("Remote directory is now %s\n", pwd);

    return 1;

 * Print current directory. Easy as pie.
int sftp_cmd_pwd(struct sftp_command *cmd)
    if (back == NULL) {
    return 0;

    printf("Remote directory is %s\n", pwd);
    return 1;

 * Get a file and save it at the local end. We have three very
 * similar commands here. The basic one is `get'; `reget' differs
 * in that it checks for the existence of the destination file and
 * starts from where a previous aborted transfer left off; `mget'
 * differs in that it interprets all its arguments as files to
 * transfer (never as a different local name for a remote file) and
 * can handle wildcards.
int sftp_general_get(struct sftp_command *cmd, int restart, int multiple)
    char *fname, *unwcfname, *origfname, *origwfname, *outfname;
    int i, ret;
    int recurse = FALSE;

    if (back == NULL) {
    return 0;

    i = 1;
    while (i < cmd->nwords && cmd->words[i][0] == '-') {
    if (!strcmp(cmd->words[i], "--")) {
        /* finish processing options */
    } else if (!strcmp(cmd->words[i], "-r")) {
        recurse = TRUE;
    } else {
        printf("%s: unrecognised option '%s'\n", cmd->words[0], cmd->words[i]);
        return 0;

    if (i >= cmd->nwords) {
    printf("%s: expects a filename\n", cmd->words[0]);
    return 0;

    ret = 1;
    do {
    SftpWildcardMatcher *swcm;

    origfname = cmd->words[i++];
    unwcfname = snewn(strlen(origfname)+1, char);

    if (multiple && !wc_unescape(unwcfname, origfname)) {
        swcm = sftp_begin_wildcard_matching(origfname);
        if (!swcm) {
        origwfname = sftp_wildcard_get_filename(swcm);
        if (!origwfname) {
        /* Politely warn the user that nothing matched. */
        printf("%s: nothing matched\n", origfname);
    } else {
        origwfname = origfname;
        swcm = NULL;

    while (origwfname) {
        fname = canonify(origwfname);

        if (!fname) {
        printf("%s: canonify: %s\n", origwfname, fxp_error());
        return 0;

        if (!multiple && i < cmd->nwords)
        outfname = cmd->words[i++];
        outfname = stripslashes(origwfname, 0);

        ret = sftp_get_file(fname, outfname, recurse, restart);


        if (swcm) {
        origwfname = sftp_wildcard_get_filename(swcm);
        } else {
        origwfname = NULL;
    if (swcm)
    if (!ret)
        return ret;

    } while (multiple && i < cmd->nwords);

    return ret;
int sftp_cmd_get(struct sftp_command *cmd)
    return sftp_general_get(cmd, 0, 0);
int sftp_cmd_mget(struct sftp_command *cmd)
    return sftp_general_get(cmd, 0, 1);
int sftp_cmd_reget(struct sftp_command *cmd)
    return sftp_general_get(cmd, 1, 0);

 * Send a file and store it at the remote end. We have three very
 * similar commands here. The basic one is `put'; `reput' differs
 * in that it checks for the existence of the destination file and
 * starts from where a previous aborted transfer left off; `mput'
 * differs in that it interprets all its arguments as files to
 * transfer (never as a different remote name for a local file) and
 * can handle wildcards.
int sftp_general_put(struct sftp_command *cmd, int restart, int multiple)
    char *fname, *wfname, *origoutfname, *outfname;
    int i, ret;
    int recurse = FALSE;

    if (back == NULL) {
    return 0;

    i = 1;
    while (i < cmd->nwords && cmd->words[i][0] == '-') {
    if (!strcmp(cmd->words[i], "--")) {
        /* finish processing options */
    } else if (!strcmp(cmd->words[i], "-r")) {
        recurse = TRUE;
    } else {
        printf("%s: unrecognised option '%s'\n", cmd->words[0], cmd->words[i]);
        return 0;

    if (i >= cmd->nwords) {
    printf("%s: expects a filename\n", cmd->words[0]);
    return 0;

    ret = 1;
    do {
    WildcardMatcher *wcm;
    fname = cmd->words[i++];

    if (multiple && test_wildcard(fname, FALSE) == WCTYPE_WILDCARD) {
        wcm = begin_wildcard_matching(fname);
        wfname = wildcard_get_filename(wcm);
        if (!wfname) {
        /* Politely warn the user that nothing matched. */
        printf("%s: nothing matched\n", fname);
    } else {
        wfname = fname;
        wcm = NULL;

    while (wfname) {
        if (!multiple && i < cmd->nwords)
        origoutfname = cmd->words[i++];
        origoutfname = stripslashes(wfname, 1);

        outfname = canonify(origoutfname);
        if (!outfname) {
        printf("%s: canonify: %s\n", origoutfname, fxp_error());
        if (wcm) {
        return 0;
        ret = sftp_put_file(wfname, outfname, recurse, restart);

        if (wcm) {
        wfname = wildcard_get_filename(wcm);
        } else {
        wfname = NULL;

    if (wcm)

    if (!ret)
        return ret;

    } while (multiple && i < cmd->nwords);

    return ret;
int sftp_cmd_put(struct sftp_command *cmd)
    return sftp_general_put(cmd, 0, 0);
int sftp_cmd_mput(struct sftp_command *cmd)
    return sftp_general_put(cmd, 0, 1);
int sftp_cmd_reput(struct sftp_command *cmd)
    return sftp_general_put(cmd, 1, 0);

int sftp_cmd_mkdir(struct sftp_command *cmd)
    char *dir;
    struct sftp_packet *pktin;
    struct sftp_request *req, *rreq;
    int result;
    int i, ret;

    if (back == NULL) {
    return 0;

    if (cmd->nwords < 2) {
    printf("mkdir: expects a directory\n");
    return 0;

    ret = 1;
    for (i = 1; i < cmd->nwords; i++) {
    dir = canonify(cmd->words[i]);
    if (!dir) {
        printf("%s: canonify: %s\n", dir, fxp_error());
        return 0;

    sftp_register(req = fxp_mkdir_send(dir));
    rreq = sftp_find_request(pktin = sftp_recv());
    assert(rreq == req);
    result = fxp_mkdir_recv(pktin, rreq);

    if (!result) {
        printf("mkdir %s: %s\n", dir, fxp_error());
        ret = 0;
    } else
        printf("mkdir %s: OK\n", dir);


    return ret;

static int sftp_action_rmdir(void *vctx, char *dir)
    struct sftp_packet *pktin;
    struct sftp_request *req, *rreq;
    int result;

    sftp_register(req = fxp_rmdir_send(dir));
    rreq = sftp_find_request(pktin = sftp_recv());
    assert(rreq == req);
    result = fxp_rmdir_recv(pktin, rreq);

    if (!result) {
    printf("rmdir %s: %s\n", dir, fxp_error());
    return 0;

    printf("rmdir %s: OK\n", dir);

    return 1;

int sftp_cmd_rmdir(struct sftp_command *cmd)
    int i, ret;

    if (back == NULL) {
    return 0;

    if (cmd->nwords < 2) {
    printf("rmdir: expects a directory\n");
    return 0;

    ret = 1;
    for (i = 1; i < cmd->nwords; i++)
    ret &= wildcard_iterate(cmd->words[i], sftp_action_rmdir, NULL);

    return ret;

static int sftp_action_rm(void *vctx, char *fname)
    struct sftp_packet *pktin;
    struct sftp_request *req, *rreq;
    int result;

    sftp_register(req = fxp_remove_send(fname));
    rreq = sftp_find_request(pktin = sftp_recv());
    assert(rreq == req);
    result = fxp_remove_recv(pktin, rreq);

    if (!result) {
    printf("rm %s: %s\n", fname, fxp_error());
    return 0;

    printf("rm %s: OK\n", fname);

    return 1;

int sftp_cmd_rm(struct sftp_command *cmd)
    int i, ret;

    if (back == NULL) {
    return 0;

    if (cmd->nwords < 2) {
    printf("rm: expects a filename\n");
    return 0;

    ret = 1;
    for (i = 1; i < cmd->nwords; i++)
    ret &= wildcard_iterate(cmd->words[i], sftp_action_rm, NULL);

    return ret;

static int check_is_dir(char *dstfname)
    struct sftp_packet *pktin;
    struct sftp_request *req, *rreq;
    struct fxp_attrs attrs;
    int result;

    sftp_register(req = fxp_stat_send(dstfname));
    rreq = sftp_find_request(pktin = sftp_recv());
    assert(rreq == req);
    result = fxp_stat_recv(pktin, rreq, &attrs);

    if (result &&
    (attrs.flags & SSH_FILEXFER_ATTR_PERMISSIONS) &&
    (attrs.permissions & 0040000))
    return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

struct sftp_context_mv {
    char *dstfname;
    int dest_is_dir;

static int sftp_action_mv(void *vctx, char *srcfname)
    struct sftp_context_mv *ctx = (struct sftp_context_mv *)vctx;
    struct sftp_packet *pktin;
    struct sftp_request *req, *rreq;
    const char *error;
    char *finalfname, *newcanon = NULL;
    int ret, result;

    if (ctx->dest_is_dir) {
    char *p;
    char *newname;

    p = srcfname + strlen(srcfname);
    while (p > srcfname && p[-1] != '/') p--;
    newname = dupcat(ctx->dstfname, "/", p, NULL);
    newcanon = canonify(newname);
    if (!newcanon) {
        printf("%s: canonify: %s\n", newname, fxp_error());
        return 0;

    finalfname = newcanon;
    } else {
    finalfname = ctx->dstfname;

    sftp_register(req = fxp_rename_send(srcfname, finalfname));
    rreq = sftp_find_request(pktin = sftp_recv());
    assert(rreq == req);
    result = fxp_rename_recv(pktin, rreq);

    error = result ? NULL : fxp_error();

    if (error) {
    printf("mv %s %s: %s\n", srcfname, finalfname, error);
    ret = 0;
    } else {
    printf("%s -> %s\n", srcfname, finalfname);
    ret = 1;

    return ret;

int sftp_cmd_mv(struct sftp_command *cmd)
    struct sftp_context_mv actx, *ctx = &actx;
    int i, ret;

    if (back == NULL) {
    return 0;

    if (cmd->nwords < 3) {
    printf("mv: expects two filenames\n");
    return 0;

    ctx->dstfname = canonify(cmd->words[cmd->nwords-1]);
    if (!ctx->dstfname) {
    printf("%s: canonify: %s\n", ctx->dstfname, fxp_error());
    return 0;

     * If there's more than one source argument, or one source
     * argument which is a wildcard, we _require_ that the
     * destination is a directory.
    ctx->dest_is_dir = check_is_dir(ctx->dstfname);
    if ((cmd->nwords > 3 || is_wildcard(cmd->words[1])) && !ctx->dest_is_dir) {
    printf("mv: multiple or wildcard arguments require the destination"
           " to be a directory\n");
    return 0;

     * Now iterate over the source arguments.
    ret = 1;
    for (i = 1; i < cmd->nwords-1; i++)
    ret &= wildcard_iterate(cmd->words[i], sftp_action_mv, ctx);

    return ret;

struct sftp_context_chmod {
    unsigned attrs_clr, attrs_xor;

static int sftp_action_chmod(void *vctx, char *fname)
    struct fxp_attrs attrs;
    struct sftp_packet *pktin;
    struct sftp_request *req, *rreq;
    int result;
    unsigned oldperms, newperms;
    struct sftp_context_chmod *ctx = (struct sftp_context_chmod *)vctx;

    sftp_register(req = fxp_stat_send(fname));
    rreq = sftp_find_request(pktin = sftp_recv());
    assert(rreq == req);
    result = fxp_stat_recv(pktin, rreq, &attrs);

    if (!result || !(attrs.flags & SSH_FILEXFER_ATTR_PERMISSIONS)) {
    printf("get attrs for %s: %s\n", fname,
           result ? "file permissions not provided" : fxp_error());
    return 0;

    attrs.flags = SSH_FILEXFER_ATTR_PERMISSIONS;   /* perms _only_ */
    oldperms = attrs.permissions & 07777;
    attrs.permissions &= ~ctx->attrs_clr;
    attrs.permissions ^= ctx->attrs_xor;
    newperms = attrs.permissions & 07777;

    if (oldperms == newperms)
    return 1;               /* no need to do anything! */

    sftp_register(req = fxp_setstat_send(fname, attrs));
    rreq = sftp_find_request(pktin = sftp_recv());
    assert(rreq == req);
    result = fxp_setstat_recv(pktin, rreq);

    if (!result) {
    printf("set attrs for %s: %s\n", fname, fxp_error());
    return 0;

    printf("%s: %04o -> %04o\n", fname, oldperms, newperms);

    return 1;

int sftp_cmd_chmod(struct sftp_command *cmd)
    char *mode;
    int i, ret;
    struct sftp_context_chmod actx, *ctx = &actx;

    if (back == NULL) {
    return 0;

    if (cmd->nwords < 3) {
    printf("chmod: expects a mode specifier and a filename\n");
    return 0;

     * Attempt to parse the mode specifier in cmd->words[1]. We
     * don't support the full horror of Unix chmod; instead we
     * support a much simpler syntax in which the user can either
     * specify an octal number, or a comma-separated sequence of
     * [ugoa]*[-+=][rwxst]+. (The initial [ugoa] sequence may
     * _only_ be omitted if the only attribute mentioned is t,
     * since all others require a user/group/other specification.
     * Additionally, the s attribute may not be specified for any
     * [ugoa] specifications other than exactly u or exactly g.
    ctx->attrs_clr = ctx->attrs_xor = 0;
    mode = cmd->words[1];
    if (mode[0] >= '0' && mode[0] <= '9') {
    if (mode[strspn(mode, "01234567")]) {
        printf("chmod: numeric file modes should"
           " contain digits 0-7 only\n");
        return 0;
    ctx->attrs_clr = 07777;
    sscanf(mode, "%o", &ctx->attrs_xor);
    ctx->attrs_xor &= ctx->attrs_clr;
    } else {
    while (*mode) {
        char *modebegin = mode;
        unsigned subset, perms;
        int action;

        subset = 0;
        while (*mode && *mode != ',' &&
           *mode != '+' && *mode != '-' && *mode != '=') {
        switch (*mode) {
          case 'u': subset |= 04700; break; /* setuid, user perms */
          case 'g': subset |= 02070; break; /* setgid, group perms */
          case 'o': subset |= 00007; break; /* just other perms */
          case 'a': subset |= 06777; break; /* all of the above */
            printf("chmod: file mode '%.*s' contains unrecognised"
               " user/group/other specifier '%c'\n",
               (int)strcspn(modebegin, ","), modebegin, *mode);
            return 0;
        if (!*mode || *mode == ',') {
        printf("chmod: file mode '%.*s' is incomplete\n",
               (int)strcspn(modebegin, ","), modebegin);
        return 0;
        action = *mode++;
        if (!*mode || *mode == ',') {
        printf("chmod: file mode '%.*s' is incomplete\n",
               (int)strcspn(modebegin, ","), modebegin);
        return 0;
        perms = 0;
        while (*mode && *mode != ',') {
        switch (*mode) {
          case 'r': perms |= 00444; break;
          case 'w': perms |= 00222; break;
          case 'x': perms |= 00111; break;
          case 't': perms |= 01000; subset |= 01000; break;
          case 's':
            if ((subset & 06777) != 04700 &&
            (subset & 06777) != 02070) {
            printf("chmod: file mode '%.*s': set[ug]id bit should"
                   " be used with exactly one of u or g only\n",
                   (int)strcspn(modebegin, ","), modebegin);
            return 0;
            perms |= 06000;
            printf("chmod: file mode '%.*s' contains unrecognised"
               " permission specifier '%c'\n",
               (int)strcspn(modebegin, ","), modebegin, *mode);
            return 0;
        if (!(subset & 06777) && (perms &~ subset)) {
        printf("chmod: file mode '%.*s' contains no user/group/other"
               " specifier and permissions other than 't' \n",
               (int)strcspn(modebegin, ","), modebegin);
        return 0;
        perms &= subset;
        switch (action) {
          case '+':
        ctx->attrs_clr |= perms;
        ctx->attrs_xor |= perms;
          case '-':
        ctx->attrs_clr |= perms;
        ctx->attrs_xor &= ~perms;
          case '=':
        ctx->attrs_clr |= subset;
        ctx->attrs_xor |= perms;
        if (*mode) mode++;           /* eat comma */

    ret = 1;
    for (i = 2; i < cmd->nwords; i++)
    ret &= wildcard_iterate(cmd->words[i], sftp_action_chmod, ctx);

    return ret;

static int sftp_cmd_open(struct sftp_command *cmd)
    int portnumber;

    if (back != NULL) {
    printf("psftp: already connected\n");
    return 0;

    if (cmd->nwords < 2) {
    printf("open: expects a host name\n");
    return 0;

    if (cmd->nwords > 2) {
    portnumber = atoi(cmd->words[2]);
    if (portnumber == 0) {
        printf("open: invalid port number\n");
        return 0;
    } else
    portnumber = 0;

    if (psftp_connect(cmd->words[1], NULL, portnumber)) {
    back = NULL;               /* connection is already closed */
    return -1;               /* this is fatal */
    return 1;

static int sftp_cmd_lcd(struct sftp_command *cmd)
    char *currdir, *errmsg;

    if (cmd->nwords < 2) {
    printf("lcd: expects a local directory name\n");
    return 0;

    errmsg = psftp_lcd(cmd->words[1]);
    if (errmsg) {
    printf("lcd: unable to change directory: %s\n", errmsg);
    return 0;

    currdir = psftp_getcwd();
    printf("New local directory is %s\n", currdir);

    return 1;

static int sftp_cmd_lpwd(struct sftp_command *cmd)
    char *currdir;

    currdir = psftp_getcwd();
    printf("Current local directory is %s\n", currdir);

    return 1;

static int sftp_cmd_pling(struct sftp_command *cmd)
    int exitcode;

    exitcode = system(cmd->words[1]);
    return (exitcode == 0);

static int sftp_cmd_help(struct sftp_command *cmd);

static struct sftp_cmd_lookup {
    char *name;
     * For help purposes, there are two kinds of command:
     *  - primary commands, in which `longhelp' is non-NULL. In
     *    this case `shorthelp' is descriptive text, and `longhelp'
     *    is longer descriptive text intended to be printed after
     *    the command name.
     *  - alias commands, in which `longhelp' is NULL. In this case
     *    `shorthelp' is the name of a primary command, which
     *    contains the help that should double up for this command.
    int listed;                   /* do we list this in primary help? */
    char *shorthelp;
    char *longhelp;
    int (*obey) (struct sftp_command *);
} sftp_lookup[] = {
     * List of sftp commands. This is binary-searched so it MUST be
     * in ASCII order.
    "!", TRUE, "run a local command",
        /* FIXME: this example is crap for non-Windows. */
        "  Runs a local command. For example, \"!del myfile\".\n",
    "bye", TRUE, "finish your SFTP session",
        "  Terminates your SFTP session and quits the PSFTP program.\n",
    "cd", TRUE, "change your remote working directory",
        " [ <new working directory> ]\n"
        "  Change the remote working directory for your SFTP session.\n"
        "  If a new working directory is not supplied, you will be\n"
        "  returned to your home directory.\n",
    "chmod", TRUE, "change file permissions and modes",
        " <modes> <filename-or-wildcard> [ <filename-or-wildcard>... ]\n"
        "  Change the file permissions on one or more remote files or\n"
        "  directories.\n"
        "  <modes> can be any octal Unix permission specifier.\n"
        "  Alternatively, <modes> can include the following modifiers:\n"
        "    u+r     make file readable by owning user\n"
        "    u+w     make file writable by owning user\n"
        "    u+x     make file executable by owning user\n"
        "    u-r     make file not readable by owning user\n"
        "    [also u-w, u-x]\n"
        "    g+r     make file readable by members of owning group\n"
        "    [also g+w, g+x, g-r, g-w, g-x]\n"
        "    o+r     make file readable by all other users\n"
        "    [also o+w, o+x, o-r, o-w, o-x]\n"
        "    a+r     make file readable by absolutely everybody\n"
        "    [also a+w, a+x, a-r, a-w, a-x]\n"
        "    u+s     enable the Unix set-user-ID bit\n"
        "    u-s     disable the Unix set-user-ID bit\n"
        "    g+s     enable the Unix set-group-ID bit\n"
        "    g-s     disable the Unix set-group-ID bit\n"
        "    +t      enable the Unix \"sticky bit\"\n"
        "  You can give more than one modifier for the same user (\"g-rwx\"), and\n"
        "  more than one user for the same modifier (\"ug+w\"). You can\n"
        "  use commas to separate different modifiers (\"u+rwx,g+s\").\n",
    "close", TRUE, "finish your SFTP session but do not quit PSFTP",
        "  Terminates your SFTP session, but does not quit the PSFTP\n"
        "  program. You can then use \"open\" to start another SFTP\n"
        "  session, to the same server or to a different one.\n",
    "del", TRUE, "delete files on the remote server",
        " <filename-or-wildcard> [ <filename-or-wildcard>... ]\n"
        "  Delete a file or files from the server.\n",
    "delete", FALSE, "del", NULL, sftp_cmd_rm
    "dir", TRUE, "list remote files",
        " [ <directory-name> ]/[ <wildcard> ]\n"
        "  List the contents of a specified directory on the server.\n"
        "  If <directory-name> is not given, the current working directory\n"
        "  is assumed.\n"
        "  If <wildcard> is given, it is treated as a set of files to\n"
        "  list; otherwise, all files are listed.\n",
    "exit", TRUE, "bye", NULL, sftp_cmd_quit
    "get", TRUE, "download a file from the server to your local machine",
        " [ -r ] [ -- ] <filename> [ <local-filename> ]\n"
        "  Downloads a file on the server and stores it locally under\n"
        "  the same name, or under a different one if you supply the\n"
        "  argument <local-filename>.\n"
        "  If -r specified, recursively fetch a directory.\n",
    "help", TRUE, "give help",
        " [ <command> [ <command> ... ] ]\n"
        "  Give general help if no commands are specified.\n"
        "  If one or more commands are specified, give specific help on\n"
        "  those particular commands.\n",
    "lcd", TRUE, "change local working directory",
        " <local-directory-name>\n"
        "  Change the local working directory of the PSFTP program (the\n"
        "  default location where the \"get\" command will save files).\n",
    "lpwd", TRUE, "print local working directory",
        "  Print the local working directory of the PSFTP program (the\n"
        "  default location where the \"get\" command will save files).\n",
    "ls", TRUE, "dir", NULL,
    "mget", TRUE, "download multiple files at once",
        " [ -r ] [ -- ] <filename-or-wildcard> [ <filename-or-wildcard>... ]\n"
        "  Downloads many files from the server, storing each one under\n"
        "  the same name it has on the server side. You can use wildcards\n"
        "  such as \"*.c\" to specify lots of files at once.\n"
        "  If -r specified, recursively fetch files and directories.\n",
    "mkdir", TRUE, "create directories on the remote server",
        " <directory-name> [ <directory-name>... ]\n"
        "  Creates directories with the given names on the server.\n",
    "mput", TRUE, "upload multiple files at once",
        " [ -r ] [ -- ] <filename-or-wildcard> [ <filename-or-wildcard>... ]\n"
        "  Uploads many files to the server, storing each one under the\n"
        "  same name it has on the client side. You can use wildcards\n"
        "  such as \"*.c\" to specify lots of files at once.\n"
        "  If -r specified, recursively store files and directories.\n",
    "mv", TRUE, "move or rename file(s) on the remote server",
        " <source> [ <source>... ] <destination>\n"
        "  Moves or renames <source>(s) on the server to <destination>,\n"
        "  also on the server.\n"
        "  If <destination> specifies an existing directory, then <source>\n"
        "  may be a wildcard, and multiple <source>s may be given; all\n"
        "  source files are moved into <destination>.\n"
        "  Otherwise, <source> must specify a single file, which is moved\n"
        "  or renamed so that it is accessible under the name <destination>.\n",
    "open", TRUE, "connect to a host",
        " [<user>@]<hostname> [<port>]\n"
        "  Establishes an SFTP connection to a given host. Only usable\n"
        "  when you are not already connected to a server.\n",
    "put", TRUE, "upload a file from your local machine to the server",
        " [ -r ] [ -- ] <filename> [ <remote-filename> ]\n"
        "  Uploads a file to the server and stores it there under\n"
        "  the same name, or under a different one if you supply the\n"
        "  argument <remote-filename>.\n"
        "  If -r specified, recursively store a directory.\n",
    "pwd", TRUE, "print your remote working directory",
        "  Print the current remote working directory for your SFTP session.\n",
    "quit", TRUE, "bye", NULL,
    "reget", TRUE, "continue downloading files",
        " [ -r ] [ -- ] <filename> [ <local-filename> ]\n"
        "  Works exactly like the \"get\" command, but the local file\n"
        "  must already exist. The download will begin at the end of the\n"
        "  file. This is for resuming a download that was interrupted.\n"
        "  If -r specified, resume interrupted \"get -r\".\n",
    "ren", TRUE, "mv", NULL,
    "rename", FALSE, "mv", NULL,
    "reput", TRUE, "continue uploading files",
        " [ -r ] [ -- ] <filename> [ <remote-filename> ]\n"
        "  Works exactly like the \"put\" command, but the remote file\n"
        "  must already exist. The upload will begin at the end of the\n"
        "  file. This is for resuming an upload that was interrupted.\n"
        "  If -r specified, resume interrupted \"put -r\".\n",
    "rm", TRUE, "del", NULL,
    "rmdir", TRUE, "remove directories on the remote server",
        " <directory-name> [ <directory-name>... ]\n"
        "  Removes the directory with the given name on the server.\n"
        "  The directory will not be removed unless it is empty.\n"
        "  Wildcards may be used to specify multiple directories.\n",

const struct sftp_cmd_lookup *lookup_command(char *name)
    int i, j, k, cmp;

    i = -1;
    j = sizeof(sftp_lookup) / sizeof(*sftp_lookup);
    while (j - i > 1) {
    k = (j + i) / 2;
    cmp = strcmp(name, sftp_lookup[k].name);
    if (cmp < 0)
        j = k;
    else if (cmp > 0)
        i = k;
    else {
        return &sftp_lookup[k];
    return NULL;

static int sftp_cmd_help(struct sftp_command *cmd)
    int i;
    if (cmd->nwords == 1) {
     * Give short help on each command.
    int maxlen;
    maxlen = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < sizeof(sftp_lookup) / sizeof(*sftp_lookup); i++) {
        int len;
        if (!sftp_lookup[i].listed)
        len = strlen(sftp_lookup[i].name);
        if (maxlen < len)
        maxlen = len;
    for (i = 0; i < sizeof(sftp_lookup) / sizeof(*sftp_lookup); i++) {
        const struct sftp_cmd_lookup *lookup;
        if (!sftp_lookup[i].listed)
        lookup = &sftp_lookup[i];
        printf("%-*s", maxlen+2, lookup->name);
        if (lookup->longhelp == NULL)
        lookup = lookup_command(lookup->shorthelp);
        printf("%s\n", lookup->shorthelp);
    } else {
     * Give long help on specific commands.
    for (i = 1; i < cmd->nwords; i++) {
        const struct sftp_cmd_lookup *lookup;
        lookup = lookup_command(cmd->words[i]);
        if (!lookup) {
        printf("help: %s: command not found\n", cmd->words[i]);
        } else {
        printf("%s", lookup->name);
        if (lookup->longhelp == NULL)
            lookup = lookup_command(lookup->shorthelp);
        printf("%s", lookup->longhelp);
    return 1;

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Command line reading and parsing.
struct sftp_command *sftp_getcmd(FILE *fp, int mode, int modeflags)
    char *line;
    struct sftp_command *cmd;
    char *p, *q, *r;
    int quoting;

    cmd = snew(struct sftp_command);
    cmd->words = NULL;
    cmd->nwords = 0;
    cmd->wordssize = 0;

    line = NULL;

    if (fp) {
    if (modeflags & 1)
        printf("psftp> ");
    line = fgetline(fp);
    } else {
    line = ssh_sftp_get_cmdline("psftp> ", back == NULL);

    if (!line || !*line) {
    cmd->obey = sftp_cmd_quit;
    if ((mode == 0) || (modeflags & 1))
    return cmd;               /* eof */

    line[strcspn(line, "\r\n")] = '\0';

    if (modeflags & 1) {
    printf("%s\n", line);

    p = line;
    while (*p && (*p == ' ' || *p == '\t'))

    if (*p == '!') {
     * Special case: the ! command. This is always parsed as
     * exactly two words: one containing the !, and the second
     * containing everything else on the line.
    cmd->nwords = cmd->wordssize = 2;
    cmd->words = sresize(cmd->words, cmd->wordssize, char *);
    cmd->words[0] = dupstr("!");
    cmd->words[1] = dupstr(p+1);
    } else if (*p == '#') {
     * Special case: comment. Entire line is ignored.
    cmd->nwords = cmd->wordssize = 0;
    } else {

     * Parse the command line into words. The syntax is:
     *  - double quotes are removed, but cause spaces within to be
     *    treated as non-separating.
     *  - a double-doublequote pair is a literal double quote, inside
     *    _or_ outside quotes. Like this:
     *      firstword "second word" "this has ""quotes"" in" and""this""
     * becomes
     *      >firstword<
     *      >second word<
     *      >this has "quotes" in<
     *      >and"this"<
    while (*p) {
        /* skip whitespace */
        while (*p && (*p == ' ' || *p == '\t'))
        /* mark start of word */
        q = r = p;               /* q sits at start, r writes word */
        quoting = 0;
        while (*p) {
        if (!quoting && (*p == ' ' || *p == '\t'))
            break;               /* reached end of word */
        else if (*p == '"' && p[1] == '"')
            p += 2, *r++ = '"';    /* a literal quote */
        else if (*p == '"')
            p++, quoting = !quoting;
            *r++ = *p++;
        if (*p)
        p++;               /* skip over the whitespace */
        *r = '\0';
        if (cmd->nwords >= cmd->wordssize) {
        cmd->wordssize = cmd->nwords + 16;
        cmd->words = sresize(cmd->words, cmd->wordssize, char *);
        cmd->words[cmd->nwords++] = dupstr(q);


     * Now parse the first word and assign a function.

    if (cmd->nwords == 0)
    cmd->obey = sftp_cmd_null;
    else {
    const struct sftp_cmd_lookup *lookup;
    lookup = lookup_command(cmd->words[0]);
    if (!lookup)
        cmd->obey = sftp_cmd_unknown;
        cmd->obey = lookup->obey;

    return cmd;

static int do_sftp_init(void)
    struct sftp_packet *pktin;
    struct sftp_request *req, *rreq;

     * Do protocol initialisation. 
    if (!fxp_init()) {
        "Fatal: unable to initialise SFTP: %s\n", fxp_error());
    return 1;               /* failure */

     * Find out where our home directory is.
    sftp_register(req = fxp_realpath_send("."));
    rreq = sftp_find_request(pktin = sftp_recv());
    assert(rreq == req);
    homedir = fxp_realpath_recv(pktin, rreq);

    if (!homedir) {
        "Warning: failed to resolve home directory: %s\n",
    homedir = dupstr(".");
    } else {
    printf("Remote working directory is %s\n", homedir);
    pwd = dupstr(homedir);
    return 0;

void do_sftp_cleanup()
    char ch;
    if (back) {
    back->special(backhandle, TS_EOF);
    sftp_recvdata(&ch, 1);
    back = NULL;
    backhandle = NULL;
    if (pwd) {
    pwd = NULL;
    if (homedir) {
    homedir = NULL;

void do_sftp(int mode, int modeflags, char *batchfile)
    FILE *fp;
    int ret;

     * Batch mode?
    if (mode == 0) {

        /* ------------------------------------------------------------------
         * Now we're ready to do Real Stuff.
        while (1) {
        struct sftp_command *cmd;
        cmd = sftp_getcmd(NULL, 0, 0);
        if (!cmd)
        ret = cmd->obey(cmd);
        if (cmd->words) {
        int i;
        for(i = 0; i < cmd->nwords; i++)
        if (ret < 0)
    } else {
        fp = fopen(batchfile, "r");
        if (!fp) {
        printf("Fatal: unable to open %s\n", batchfile);
        while (1) {
        struct sftp_command *cmd;
        cmd = sftp_getcmd(fp, mode, modeflags);
        if (!cmd)
        ret = cmd->obey(cmd);
        if (ret < 0)
        if (ret == 0) {
        if (!(modeflags & 2))


/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Dirty bits: integration with PuTTY.

static int verbose = 0;

 *  Print an error message and perform a fatal exit.
void fatalbox(char *fmt, ...)
    char *str, *str2;
    va_list ap;
    va_start(ap, fmt);
    str = dupvprintf(fmt, ap);
    str2 = dupcat("Fatal: ", str, "\n", NULL);
    fputs(str2, stderr);

void modalfatalbox(char *fmt, ...)
    char *str, *str2;
    va_list ap;
    va_start(ap, fmt);
    str = dupvprintf(fmt, ap);
    str2 = dupcat("Fatal: ", str, "\n", NULL);
    fputs(str2, stderr);

void connection_fatal(void *frontend, char *fmt, ...)
    char *str, *str2;
    va_list ap;
    va_start(ap, fmt);
    str = dupvprintf(fmt, ap);
    str2 = dupcat("Fatal: ", str, "\n", NULL);
    fputs(str2, stderr);


void ldisc_send(void *handle, char *buf, int len, int interactive)
     * This is only here because of the calls to ldisc_send(NULL,
     * 0) in ssh.c. Nothing in PSFTP actually needs to use the
     * ldisc as an ldisc. So if we get called with any real data, I
     * want to know about it.
    assert(len == 0);

 * In psftp, all agent requests should be synchronous, so this is a
 * never-called stub.
void agent_schedule_callback(void (*callback)(void *, void *, int),
                 void *callback_ctx, void *data, int len)
    assert(!"We shouldn't be here");

 * Receive a block of data from the SSH link. Block until all data
 * is available.
 * To do this, we repeatedly call the SSH protocol module, with our
 * own trap in from_backend() to catch the data that comes back. We
 * do this until we have enough data.

static unsigned char *outptr;           /* where to put the data */
static unsigned outlen;               /* how much data required */
static unsigned char *pending = NULL;  /* any spare data */
static unsigned pendlen = 0, pendsize = 0;    /* length and phys. size of buffer */
int from_backend(void *frontend, int is_stderr, const char *data, int datalen)
    unsigned char *p = (unsigned char *) data;
    unsigned len = (unsigned) datalen;

     * stderr data is just spouted to local stderr and otherwise
     * ignored.
    if (is_stderr) {
    if (len > 0)
        if (fwrite(data, 1, len, stderr) < len)
        /* oh well */;
    return 0;

     * If this is before the real session begins, just return.
    if (!outptr)
    return 0;

    if ((outlen > 0) && (len > 0)) {
    unsigned used = outlen;
    if (used > len)
        used = len;
    memcpy(outptr, p, used);
    outptr += used;
    outlen -= used;
    p += used;
    len -= used;

    if (len > 0) {
    if (pendsize < pendlen + len) {
        pendsize = pendlen + len + 4096;
        pending = sresize(pending, pendsize, unsigned char);
    memcpy(pending + pendlen, p, len);
    pendlen += len;

    return 0;
int from_backend_untrusted(void *frontend_handle, const char *data, int len)
     * No "untrusted" output should get here (the way the code is
     * currently, it's all diverted by FLAG_STDERR).
    assert(!"Unexpected call to from_backend_untrusted()");
    return 0; /* not reached */
int sftp_recvdata(char *buf, int len)
    outptr = (unsigned char *) buf;
    outlen = len;

     * See if the pending-input block contains some of what we
     * need.
    if (pendlen > 0) {
    unsigned pendused = pendlen;
    if (pendused > outlen)
        pendused = outlen;
    memcpy(outptr, pending, pendused);
    memmove(pending, pending + pendused, pendlen - pendused);
    outptr += pendused;
    outlen -= pendused;
    pendlen -= pendused;
    if (pendlen == 0) {
        pendsize = 0;
        pending = NULL;
    if (outlen == 0)
        return 1;

    while (outlen > 0) {
    if (back->exitcode(backhandle) >= 0 || ssh_sftp_loop_iteration() < 0)
        return 0;               /* doom */

    return 1;
int sftp_senddata(char *buf, int len)
    back->send(backhandle, buf, len);
    return 1;

 *  Short description of parameters.
static void usage(void)
    printf("PuTTY Secure File Transfer (SFTP) client\n");
    printf("%s\n", ver);
    printf("Usage: psftp [options] [user@]host\n");
    printf("  -V        print version information and exit\n");
    printf("  -pgpfp    print PGP key fingerprints and exit\n");
    printf("  -b file   use specified batchfile\n");
    printf("  -bc       output batchfile commands\n");
    printf("  -be       don't stop batchfile processing if errors\n");
    printf("  -v        show verbose messages\n");
    printf("  -load sessname  Load settings from saved session\n");
    printf("  -l user   connect with specified username\n");
    printf("  -P port   connect to specified port\n");
    printf("  -pw passw login with specified password\n");
    printf("  -1 -2     force use of particular SSH protocol version\n");
    printf("  -4 -6     force use of IPv4 or IPv6\n");
    printf("  -C        enable compression\n");
    printf("  -i key    private key file for authentication\n");
    printf("  -noagent  disable use of Pageant\n");
    printf("  -agent    enable use of Pageant\n");
    printf("  -batch    disable all interactive prompts\n");

static void version(void)
  printf("psftp: %s\n", ver);

 * Connect to a host.
static int psftp_connect(char *userhost, char *user, int portnumber)
    char *host, *realhost;
    const char *err;
    void *logctx;

    /* Separate host and username */
    host = userhost;
    host = strrchr(host, '@');
    if (host == NULL) {
    host = userhost;
    } else {
    *host++ = '\0';
    if (user) {
        printf("psftp: multiple usernames specified; using \"%s\"\n",
    } else
        user = userhost;

     * If we haven't loaded session details already (e.g., from -load),
     * try looking for a session called "host".
    if (!loaded_session) {
    /* Try to load settings for `host' into a temporary config */
    Config cfg2;
    cfg2.host[0] = '\0';
    do_defaults(host, &cfg2);
    if (cfg2.host[0] != '\0') {
        /* Settings present and include hostname */
        /* Re-load data into the real config. */
        do_defaults(host, &cfg);
    } else {
        /* Session doesn't exist or mention a hostname. */
        /* Use `host' as a bare hostname. */
        strncpy(cfg.host, host, sizeof(cfg.host) - 1);
        cfg.host[sizeof(cfg.host) - 1] = '\0';
    } else {
    /* Patch in hostname `host' to session details. */
    strncpy(cfg.host, host, sizeof(cfg.host) - 1);
    cfg.host[sizeof(cfg.host) - 1] = '\0';

     * Force use of SSH. (If they got the protocol wrong we assume the
     * port is useless too.)
    if (cfg.protocol != PROT_SSH) {
        cfg.protocol = PROT_SSH;
        cfg.port = 22;

     * If saved session / Default Settings says SSH-1 (`1 only' or `1'),
     * then change it to SSH-2, on the grounds that that's more likely to
     * work for SFTP. (Can be overridden with `-1' option.)
     * But if it says `2 only' or `2', respect which.
    if (cfg.sshprot != 2 && cfg.sshprot != 3)
    cfg.sshprot = 2;

     * Enact command-line overrides.

     * Trim leading whitespace off the hostname if it's there.
    int space = strspn(cfg.host, " \t");
    memmove(cfg.host, cfg.host+space, 1+strlen(cfg.host)-space);

    /* See if host is of the form user@host */
    if (cfg.host[0] != '\0') {
    char *atsign = strrchr(cfg.host, '@');
    /* Make sure we're not overflowing the user field */
    if (atsign) {
        if (atsign - cfg.host < sizeof cfg.username) {
        strncpy(cfg.username, cfg.host, atsign - cfg.host);
        cfg.username[atsign - cfg.host] = '\0';
        memmove(cfg.host, atsign + 1, 1 + strlen(atsign + 1));

     * Trim a colon suffix off the hostname if it's there.
    cfg.host[strcspn(cfg.host, ":")] = '\0';

     * Remove any remaining whitespace from the hostname.
    int p1 = 0, p2 = 0;
    while (cfg.host[p2] != '\0') {
        if (cfg.host[p2] != ' ' && cfg.host[p2] != '\t') {
        cfg.host[p1] = cfg.host[p2];
    cfg.host[p1] = '\0';

    /* Set username */
    if (user != NULL && user[0] != '\0') {
    strncpy(cfg.username, user, sizeof(cfg.username) - 1);
    cfg.username[sizeof(cfg.username) - 1] = '\0';

    if (portnumber)
    cfg.port = portnumber;

     * Disable scary things which shouldn't be enabled for simple
     * things like SCP and SFTP: agent forwarding, port forwarding,
     * X forwarding.
    cfg.x11_forward = 0;
    cfg.agentfwd = 0;
    cfg.portfwd[0] = cfg.portfwd[1] = '\0';
    cfg.ssh_simple = TRUE;

    /* Set up subsystem name. */
    strcpy(cfg.remote_cmd, "sftp");
    cfg.ssh_subsys = TRUE;
    cfg.nopty = TRUE;

     * Set up fallback option, for SSH-1 servers or servers with the
     * sftp subsystem not enabled but the server binary installed
     * in the usual place. We only support fallback on Unix
     * systems, and we use a kludgy piece of shellery which should
     * try to find sftp-server in various places (the obvious
     * systemwide spots /usr/lib and /usr/local/lib, and then the
     * user's PATH) and finally give up.
     *   test -x /usr/lib/sftp-server && exec /usr/lib/sftp-server
     *   test -x /usr/local/lib/sftp-server && exec /usr/local/lib/sftp-server
     *   exec sftp-server
     * the idea being that this will attempt to use either of the
     * obvious pathnames and then give up, and when it does give up
     * it will print the preferred pathname in the error messages.
    cfg.remote_cmd_ptr2 =
    "test -x /usr/lib/sftp-server && exec /usr/lib/sftp-server\n"
    "test -x /usr/local/lib/sftp-server && exec /usr/local/lib/sftp-server\n"
    "exec sftp-server";
    cfg.ssh_subsys2 = FALSE;

    back = &ssh_backend;

    err = back->init(NULL, &backhandle, &cfg, cfg.host, cfg.port, &realhost,
             0, cfg.tcp_keepalives);
    if (err != NULL) {
    fprintf(stderr, "ssh_init: %s\n", err);
    return 1;
    logctx = log_init(NULL, &cfg);
    back->provide_logctx(backhandle, logctx);
    while (!back->sendok(backhandle)) {
    if (back->exitcode(backhandle) >= 0)
        return 1;
    if (ssh_sftp_loop_iteration() < 0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ssh_init: error during SSH connection setup\n");
        return 1;
    if (verbose && realhost != NULL)
    printf("Connected to %s\n", realhost);
    if (realhost != NULL)
    return 0;

void cmdline_error(char *p, ...)
    va_list ap;
    fprintf(stderr, "psftp: ");
    va_start(ap, p);
    vfprintf(stderr, p, ap);
    fprintf(stderr, "\n       try typing \"psftp -h\" for help\n");

 * Main program. Parse arguments etc.
int psftp_main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int i;
    int portnumber = 0;
    char *userhost, *user;
    int mode = 0;
    int modeflags = 0;
    char *batchfile = NULL;

    cmdline_tooltype = TOOLTYPE_FILETRANSFER;

    userhost = user = NULL;

    /* Load Default Settings before doing anything else. */
    do_defaults(NULL, &cfg);
    loaded_session = FALSE;

    for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
    int ret;
    if (argv[i][0] != '-') {
            if (userhost)
                userhost = dupstr(argv[i]);
    ret = cmdline_process_param(argv[i], i+1<argc?argv[i+1]:NULL, 1, &cfg);
    if (ret == -2) {
        cmdline_error("option \"%s\" requires an argument", argv[i]);
    } else if (ret == 2) {
        i++;           /* skip next argument */
    } else if (ret == 1) {
        /* We have our own verbosity in addition to `flags'. */
        if (flags & FLAG_VERBOSE)
        verbose = 1;
    } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-h") == 0 ||
           strcmp(argv[i], "-?") == 0) {
        } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-pgpfp") == 0) {
            return 1;
    } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-V") == 0) {
    } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-batch") == 0) {
        console_batch_mode = 1;
    } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-b") == 0 && i + 1 < argc) {
        mode = 1;
        batchfile = argv[++i];
    } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-bc") == 0) {
        modeflags = modeflags | 1;
    } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-be") == 0) {
        modeflags = modeflags | 2;
    } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--") == 0) {
    } else {
        cmdline_error("unknown option \"%s\"", argv[i]);
    argc -= i;
    argv += i;
    back = NULL;

     * If the loaded session provides a hostname, and a hostname has not
     * otherwise been specified, pop it in `userhost' so that
     * `psftp -load sessname' is sufficient to start a session.
    if (!userhost && cfg.host[0] != '\0') {
    userhost = dupstr(cfg.host);

     * If a user@host string has already been provided, connect to
     * it now.
    if (userhost) {
    int ret;
    ret = psftp_connect(userhost, user, portnumber);
    if (ret)
        return 1;
    if (do_sftp_init())
        return 1;
    } else {
    printf("psftp: no hostname specified; use \"open host.name\""
           " to connect\n");

    do_sftp(mode, modeflags, batchfile);

    if (back != NULL && back->connected(backhandle)) {
    char ch;
    back->special(backhandle, TS_EOF);
    sftp_recvdata(&ch, 1);

    return 0;