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 * $Id: XSSimpleTypeDefinition.hpp 527149 2007-04-10 14:56:39Z amassari $


#include <xercesc/framework/psvi/XSTypeDefinition.hpp>


 * This class represents a simpleType definition
 * schema component.
 * This is *always* owned by the validator /parser object from which
 * it is obtained.  

// forward declarations
class XSAnnotation;
class XSFacet;
class XSMultiValueFacet;
class DatatypeValidator;

class XMLPARSER_EXPORT XSSimpleTypeDefinition : public XSTypeDefinition

    // Variety definitions
    enum VARIETY {
         * The variety is absent for the anySimpleType definition.
        VARIETY_ABSENT            = 0,
         * <code>Atomic</code> type.
        VARIETY_ATOMIC            = 1,
         * <code>List</code> type.
        VARIETY_LIST              = 2,
         * <code>Union</code> type.
        VARIETY_UNION             = 3

    // Facets
    enum FACET {
         * No facets defined.
        FACET_NONE                = 0,
         * 4.3.1 Length
        FACET_LENGTH              = 1,
         * 4.3.2 minLength. 
        FACET_MINLENGTH           = 2,
         * 4.3.3 maxLength.
        FACET_MAXLENGTH           = 4,
         * 4.3.4 pattern.
        FACET_PATTERN             = 8,
         * 4.3.5 whitespace.
        FACET_WHITESPACE          = 16,
         * 4.3.7 maxInclusive.
        FACET_MAXINCLUSIVE        = 32,
         * 4.3.9 maxExclusive.
        FACET_MAXEXCLUSIVE        = 64,
         * 4.3.9 minExclusive.
        FACET_MINEXCLUSIVE        = 128,
         * 4.3.10 minInclusive.
        FACET_MININCLUSIVE        = 256,
         * 4.3.11 totalDigits .
        FACET_TOTALDIGITS         = 512,
         * 4.3.12 fractionDigits.
        FACET_FRACTIONDIGITS      = 1024,
         * 4.3.5 enumeration.
        FACET_ENUMERATION         = 2048

    // possible order relations
    enum ORDERING {
         * A constant defined for the 'ordered' fundamental facet: Not ordered.
        ORDERED_FALSE             = 0,
         * A constant defined for the 'ordered' fundamental facet: partially 
         * ordered.
        ORDERED_PARTIAL           = 1,
         * A constant defined for the 'ordered' fundamental facet: total ordered.
        ORDERED_TOTAL             = 2

    //  Constructors and Destructor
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    /** @name Constructors */

      * The default constructor 
      * @param  datatypeValidator
      * @param  stVariety
      * @param  xsBaseType
      * @param  primitiveOrItemType
      * @param  memberTypes
      * @param  headAnnot
      * @param  xsModel
      * @param  manager     The configurable memory manager
        DatatypeValidator* const            datatypeValidator
        , VARIETY                           stVariety
        , XSTypeDefinition* const           xsBaseType
        , XSSimpleTypeDefinition* const     primitiveOrItemType
        , XSSimpleTypeDefinitionList* const memberTypes
        , XSAnnotation*                     headAnnot
        , XSModel* const                    xsModel
        , MemoryManager* const              manager = XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager


    /** @name Destructor */

    /** @name XSSimpleTypeDefinition methods */


     * [variety]: one of {atomic, list, union} or absent 
    VARIETY getVariety() const;

     * If variety is <code>atomic</code> the primitive type definition (a 
     * built-in primitive datatype definition or the simple ur-type 
     * definition) is available, otherwise <code>null</code>. 
    XSSimpleTypeDefinition *getPrimitiveType();

     * If variety is <code>list</code> the item type definition (an atomic or 
     * union simple type definition) is available, otherwise 
     * <code>null</code>. 
    XSSimpleTypeDefinition *getItemType();

     * If variety is <code>union</code> the list of member type definitions (a 
     * non-empty sequence of simple type definitions) is available, 
     * otherwise <code>null</code>. 
    XSSimpleTypeDefinitionList *getMemberTypes() const;

     * [facets]: get all facets defined on this type. The value is a bit 
     * combination of FACET_XXX constants of all defined facets. 
    int getDefinedFacets() const;

     * Convenience method. [Facets]: check whether a facet is defined on this 
     * type.
     * @param facetName  The name of the facet. 
     * @return  True if the facet is defined, false otherwise.
    bool isDefinedFacet(FACET facetName);

     * [facets]: get all facets defined and fixed on this type.
    int getFixedFacets() const;

     * Convenience method. [Facets]: check whether a facet is defined and 
     * fixed on this type. 
     * @param facetName  The name of the facet. 
     * @return  True if the facet is fixed, false otherwise.
    bool isFixedFacet(FACET facetName);

     * Convenience method. Returns a value of a single constraining facet for 
     * this simple type definition. This method must not be used to retrieve 
     * values for <code>enumeration</code> and <code>pattern</code> facets. 
     * @param facetName The name of the facet, i.e. 
     *   <code>FACET_LENGTH, FACET_TOTALDIGITS </code> (see 
     *   <code>XSConstants</code>).To retrieve value for pattern or 
     *   enumeration, see <code>enumeration</code> and <code>pattern</code>.
     * @return A value of the facet specified in <code>facetName</code> for 
     *   this simple type definition or <code>null</code>. 
    const XMLCh *getLexicalFacetValue(FACET facetName);

     * Returns a list of enumeration values. 
    StringList *getLexicalEnumeration();

     * Returns a list of pattern values. 
    StringList *getLexicalPattern();

     *  Fundamental Facet: ordered 
    ORDERING getOrdered() const;

     * Fundamental Facet: cardinality. 
    bool getFinite() const;

     * Fundamental Facet: bounded. 
    bool getBounded() const;

     * Fundamental Facet: numeric. 
    bool getNumeric() const;

     * Optional. A set of [annotation]s. 
    XSAnnotationList *getAnnotations();
     * @return list of constraining facets.
     * This method must not be used to retrieve 
     * values for <code>enumeration</code> and <code>pattern</code> facets.
    XSFacetList *getFacets();
     * @return list of enumeration and pattern facets.
    XSMultiValueFacetList *getMultiValueFacets();
     * The name of type <code>NCName</code> of this declaration as defined in 
     * XML Namespaces.
    const XMLCh* getName() const;

     *  The [target namespace] of this object, or <code>null</code> if it is 
     * unspecified. 
    const XMLCh* getNamespace();

     * A namespace schema information item corresponding to the target 
     * namespace of the component, if it's globally declared; or null 
     * otherwise.
    XSNamespaceItem *getNamespaceItem();

     *  A boolean that specifies if the type definition is 
     * anonymous. Convenience attribute. 
    bool getAnonymous() const;

     * {base type definition}: either a simple type definition or a complex 
     * type definition. 
    XSTypeDefinition *getBaseType();

     * Convenience method: check if this type is derived from the given 
     * <code>ancestorType</code>. 
     * @param ancestorType  An ancestor type definition. 
     * @return  Return true if this type is derived from 
     *   <code>ancestorType</code>.
    bool derivedFromType(const XSTypeDefinition* const ancestorType);

    inline DatatypeValidator* getDatatypeValidator() const;


    /** methods needed by implementation */




    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    //  Unimplemented constructors and operators
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    XSSimpleTypeDefinition(const XSSimpleTypeDefinition&);
    XSSimpleTypeDefinition & operator=(const XSSimpleTypeDefinition &);

      * Helper method for construct
    void setFacetInfo
        int                            definedFacets
        , int                          fixedFacets
        , XSFacetList* const           xsFacetList
        , XSMultiValueFacetList* const xsMultiValueFacetList
        , StringList* const            patternList
    void setPrimitiveType(XSSimpleTypeDefinition*  const toSet);

    friend class XSObjectFactory;


    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    //  data members
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    int                         fDefinedFacets;
    int                         fFixedFacets;
    VARIETY                     fVariety;
    DatatypeValidator*          fDatatypeValidator;
    XSFacetList*                fXSFacetList;
    XSMultiValueFacetList*      fXSMultiValueFacetList;
    StringList*                 fPatternList;
    XSSimpleTypeDefinition*     fPrimitiveOrItemType;
    XSSimpleTypeDefinitionList* fMemberTypes;
    XSAnnotationList*           fXSAnnotationList;

inline XSSimpleTypeDefinition::VARIETY XSSimpleTypeDefinition::getVariety() const
    return fVariety;

inline XSSimpleTypeDefinition* XSSimpleTypeDefinition::getPrimitiveType()
    if (fVariety == VARIETY_ATOMIC)
        return fPrimitiveOrItemType;

    return 0;

inline XSSimpleTypeDefinition* XSSimpleTypeDefinition::getItemType()
    if (fVariety == VARIETY_LIST)
        return fPrimitiveOrItemType;

    return 0;

inline XSSimpleTypeDefinitionList* XSSimpleTypeDefinition::getMemberTypes() const
    return fMemberTypes;

inline int XSSimpleTypeDefinition::getDefinedFacets() const
    return fDefinedFacets;

inline int XSSimpleTypeDefinition::getFixedFacets() const
    return fFixedFacets;

inline StringList* XSSimpleTypeDefinition::getLexicalPattern()
    return fPatternList;

inline XSFacetList* XSSimpleTypeDefinition::getFacets()
    return fXSFacetList;

inline XSMultiValueFacetList* XSSimpleTypeDefinition::getMultiValueFacets()
    return fXSMultiValueFacetList;

inline XSAnnotationList *XSSimpleTypeDefinition::getAnnotations()
    return fXSAnnotationList;

inline void
XSSimpleTypeDefinition::setPrimitiveType(XSSimpleTypeDefinition* const toSet)
    fPrimitiveOrItemType = toSet;

inline DatatypeValidator* 
XSSimpleTypeDefinition::getDatatypeValidator() const
    return fDatatypeValidator;

