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Test Coverage
#CHIPSEC: Platform Security Assessment Framework
#Copyright (c) 2010-2014, Intel Corporation
#This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
#modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
#as published by the Free Software Foundation; Version 2.
#This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#GNU General Public License for more details.
#You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
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# usage as a standalone utility:
# chipsec_util decode spi.bin
## \addtogroup standalone
#chipsec_util decode
#chipsec_util decode <rom> [fw_type]
#    Examples:
#        chipsec_util decode spi.bin vss

__version__ = '1.0'

import os
import sys
import time

import chipsec_util
#from chipsec_util import global_usage, chipsec_util_commands, _cs
from chipsec_util import chipsec_util_commands, _cs

from  chipsec.logger import *
import  chipsec.file   

import chipsec.hal.spi            as spi
import chipsec.hal.spi_descriptor as spi_descriptor
import chipsec.hal.spi_uefi       as spi_uefi
import chipsec.hal.uefi           as uefi

#_cs = cs()
_uefi = uefi.UEFI( _cs.helper )

usage = "chipsec_util decode <rom> [fw_type]\n" + \
        "             <fw_type> should be in [ %s ]\n" % (" | ".join( ["%s" % t for t in uefi.fw_types])) + \
        "Examples:\n" + \
        "  chipsec_util decode spi.bin vss\n\n"

chipsec_util.global_usage += usage

def decode(argv):

    if 3 > len(argv):
        print usage

    rom_file = argv[2]

    fwtype = ''
    if 4 == len(argv):
        fwtype = argv[3]

    logger().log( "[CHIPSEC] Decoding SPI ROM image from a file '%s'" % rom_file )
    t = time.time()

    f = chipsec.file.read_file( rom_file )
    (fd_off, fd) = spi_descriptor.get_spi_flash_descriptor( f )
    if (-1 == fd_off) or (fd is None):
        logger().error( "Could not find SPI Flash descriptor in the binary '%s'" % rom_file )
        return False

    logger().log( "[CHIPSEC] Found SPI Flash descriptor at offset 0x%x in the binary '%s'" % (fd_off, rom_file) )
    rom = f[fd_off:]
    # Decoding Flash Descriptor
    #logger().LOG_COMPLETE_FILE_NAME = os.path.join( pth, 'flash_descriptor.log' )
    #parse_spi_flash_descriptor( fd )

    # Decoding SPI Flash Regions
    # flregs[r] = (r,SPI_REGION_NAMES[r],flreg,base,limit,notused)
    flregs = spi_descriptor.get_spi_regions( fd )
    if flregs is None:
        logger().error( "SPI Flash descriptor region is not valid" )
        return False

    _orig_logname = logger().LOG_FILE_NAME

    pth = os.path.join( _cs.helper.getcwd(), rom_file + ".dir" )
    if not os.path.exists( pth ):
        os.makedirs( pth )

    for r in flregs:
        idx     = r[0]
        name    = r[1]
        base    = r[3]
        limit   = r[4]
        notused = r[5]
        if not notused:
            region_data = rom[base:limit+1]
            fname = os.path.join( pth, '%d_%04X-%04X_%s.bin' % (idx, base, limit, name) )
            chipsec.file.write_file( fname, region_data )
            if spi.FLASH_DESCRIPTOR == idx:
                # Decoding Flash Descriptor
                logger().set_log_file( os.path.join( pth, fname + '.log' ) )
                spi_descriptor.parse_spi_flash_descriptor( region_data )
            elif spi.BIOS == idx:
                # Decoding EFI Firmware Volumes
                logger().set_log_file( os.path.join( pth, fname + '.log' ) )
                spi_uefi.decode_uefi_region(_uefi, pth, fname, fwtype)

    logger().set_log_file( _orig_logname )
    logger().log( "[CHIPSEC] (decode) time elapsed %.3f" % (time.time()-t) )

chipsec_util_commands['decode'] = {'func' : decode,     'start_driver' : False  }