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// Created by Microsoft (R) C/C++ Compiler Version 11.00.60315.1 (35cad1c8).
// d:\sources\pmiefuck-winword\pmiefuck-winword\debug\mso.tlh
// C++ source equivalent of Win32 type library C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE14\MSO.DLL
// compiler-generated file created 06/07/13 at 10:24:01 - DO NOT EDIT!

#pragma once
#pragma pack(push, 8)

#include <comdef.h>

namespace Office {

// Forward references and typedefs

struct __declspec(uuid("2df8d04c-5bfa-101b-bde5-00aa0044de52"))
/* LIBID */ __Office;
enum MsoLineDashStyle;
enum MsoLineStyle;
enum MsoArrowheadStyle;
enum MsoArrowheadWidth;
enum MsoArrowheadLength;
enum MsoFillType;
enum MsoGradientStyle;
enum MsoGradientColorType;
enum MsoTextureType;
enum MsoPresetTexture;
enum MsoPatternType;
enum MsoPresetGradientType;
enum MsoShadowType;
enum MsoPresetTextEffect;
enum MsoPresetTextEffectShape;
enum MsoTextEffectAlignment;
enum MsoPresetLightingDirection;
enum MsoPresetLightingSoftness;
enum MsoPresetMaterial;
enum MsoPresetExtrusionDirection;
enum MsoPresetThreeDFormat;
enum MsoExtrusionColorType;
enum MsoAlignCmd;
enum MsoDistributeCmd;
enum MsoConnectorType;
enum MsoHorizontalAnchor;
enum MsoVerticalAnchor;
enum MsoOrientation;
enum MsoZOrderCmd;
enum MsoSegmentType;
enum MsoEditingType;
enum MsoAutoShapeType;
enum MsoShapeType;
enum MsoFlipCmd;
enum MsoTriState;
enum MsoColorType;
enum MsoPictureColorType;
enum MsoCalloutAngleType;
enum MsoCalloutDropType;
enum MsoCalloutType;
enum MsoBlackWhiteMode;
enum MsoMixedType;
enum MsoTextOrientation;
enum MsoScaleFrom;
enum MsoBarPosition;
enum MsoBarProtection;
enum MsoBarType;
enum MsoControlType;
enum MsoButtonState;
enum MsoControlOLEUsage;
enum MsoButtonStyleHidden;
enum MsoButtonStyle;
enum MsoComboStyle;
enum MsoOLEMenuGroup;
enum MsoMenuAnimation;
enum MsoBarRow;
enum MsoCommandBarButtonHyperlinkType;
enum MsoHyperlinkType;
enum MsoExtraInfoMethod;
enum MsoAnimationType;
enum MsoButtonSetType;
enum MsoIconType;
enum MsoBalloonType;
enum MsoModeType;
enum MsoBalloonErrorType;
enum MsoWizardActType;
enum MsoWizardMsgType;
enum MsoBalloonButtonType;
enum DocProperties;
enum MsoDocProperties;
enum MsoAppLanguageID;
enum MsoFarEastLineBreakLanguageID;
enum MsoFeatureInstall;
struct __declspec(uuid("618736e0-3c3d-11cf-810c-00aa00389b71"))
/* dual interface */ IAccessible;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c0300-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ _IMsoDispObj;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c0301-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ _IMsoOleAccDispObj;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c0302-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ _CommandBars;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c0304-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ CommandBar;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c0306-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ CommandBarControls;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c0308-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ CommandBarControl;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c030e-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ _CommandBarButton;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c030a-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ CommandBarPopup;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c030c-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ _CommandBarComboBox;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c030d-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ _CommandBarActiveX;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c0310-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ Adjustments;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c0311-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ CalloutFormat;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c0312-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ ColorFormat;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c0313-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ ConnectorFormat;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c0314-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ FillFormat;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c0315-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ FreeformBuilder;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c0316-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ GroupShapes;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c0317-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ LineFormat;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c0318-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ ShapeNode;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c0319-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ ShapeNodes;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c031a-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ PictureFormat;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c031b-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ ShadowFormat;
enum MsoScriptLanguage;
enum MsoScriptLocation;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c0341-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ Script;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c0340-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ Scripts;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c031c-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ Shape;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c031d-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ ShapeRange;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c031e-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ Shapes;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c031f-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ TextEffectFormat;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c0320-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ TextFrame;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c0321-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ ThreeDFormat;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c0359-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ IMsoDispCagNotifySink;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c0324-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ Balloon;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c0326-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ BalloonCheckboxes;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c0328-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ BalloonCheckbox;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c032e-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ BalloonLabels;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c0330-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ BalloonLabel;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c0361-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ AnswerWizardFiles;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c0360-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ AnswerWizard;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c0322-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ Assistant;
struct __declspec(uuid("2df8d04e-5bfa-101b-bde5-00aa0044de52"))
/* interface */ DocumentProperty;
struct __declspec(uuid("2df8d04d-5bfa-101b-bde5-00aa0044de52"))
/* interface */ __DocumentProperties;
enum MsoFileFindOptions;
enum MsoFileFindView;
enum MsoFileFindSortBy;
enum MsoFileFindListBy;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c0338-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ IFoundFiles;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c0337-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ IFind;
enum MsoLastModified;
enum MsoSortBy;
enum MsoSortOrder;
enum MsoConnector;
enum MsoCondition;
enum MsoFileType;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c0331-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ FoundFiles;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c0333-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ PropertyTest;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c0334-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ PropertyTests;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c0332-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ FileSearch;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c033a-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ COMAddIn;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c0339-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ COMAddIns;
enum MsoLanguageID;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c0353-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ LanguageSettings;
struct __declspec(uuid("55f88892-7708-11d1-aceb-006008961da5"))
/* dual interface */ ICommandBarsEvents;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c0352-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dispinterface */ _CommandBarsEvents;
struct /* coclass */ CommandBars;
struct __declspec(uuid("55f88896-7708-11d1-aceb-006008961da5"))
/* dual interface */ ICommandBarComboBoxEvents;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c0354-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dispinterface */ _CommandBarComboBoxEvents;
struct /* coclass */ CommandBarComboBox;
struct __declspec(uuid("55f88890-7708-11d1-aceb-006008961da5"))
/* dual interface */ ICommandBarButtonEvents;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c0351-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dispinterface */ _CommandBarButtonEvents;
struct /* coclass */ CommandBarButton;
enum MsoScreenSize;
enum MsoCharacterSet;
enum MsoEncoding;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c0913-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ WebPageFont;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c0914-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ WebPageFonts;
enum MsoHTMLProjectOpen;
enum MsoHTMLProjectState;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c0358-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ HTMLProjectItem;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c0357-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ HTMLProjectItems;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c0356-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ HTMLProject;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c035a-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ MsoDebugOptions;
enum MsoFileDialogType;
enum MsoFileDialogView;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c0363-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ FileDialogSelectedItems;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c0364-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ FileDialogFilter;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c0365-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ FileDialogFilters;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c0362-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ FileDialog;
enum MsoAutomationSecurity;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c0410-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ SignatureSet;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c0411-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ Signature;
enum MailFormat;
struct __declspec(uuid("000672ac-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ IMsoEnvelopeVB;
struct __declspec(uuid("000672ad-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dispinterface */ IMsoEnvelopeVBEvents;
struct /* coclass */ MsoEnvelope;
enum MsoAlertButtonType;
enum MsoAlertIconType;
enum MsoAlertDefaultType;
enum MsoAlertCancelType;
enum MsoSearchIn;
enum MsoTargetBrowser;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c036c-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ FileTypes;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c036a-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ SearchFolders;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c0369-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ ScopeFolders;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c0368-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ ScopeFolder;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c0367-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ SearchScope;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c0366-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ SearchScopes;
enum MsoOrgChartOrientation;
enum MsoOrgChartLayoutType;
enum MsoRelativeNodePosition;
enum MsoDiagramType;
enum MsoDiagramNodeType;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c036d-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ IMsoDiagram;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c036e-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ DiagramNodes;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c036f-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ DiagramNodeChildren;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c0370-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ DiagramNode;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c0371-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ CanvasShapes;
enum MsoMoveRow;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c1530-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ OfficeDataSourceObject;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c1531-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ ODSOColumn;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c1532-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ ODSOColumns;
enum MsoFilterComparison;
enum MsoFilterConjunction;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c1533-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ ODSOFilter;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c1534-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ ODSOFilters;
enum MsoFileNewSection;
enum MsoFileNewAction;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c0936-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ NewFile;
struct __declspec(uuid("000cd100-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ WebComponent;
struct __declspec(uuid("000cd101-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ WebComponentWindowExternal;
struct __declspec(uuid("000cd102-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ WebComponentFormat;
enum MsoLanguageIDHidden;
struct __declspec(uuid("4cac6328-b9b0-11d3-8d59-0050048384e3"))
/* dual interface */ ILicWizExternal;
struct __declspec(uuid("919aa22c-b9ad-11d3-8d59-0050048384e3"))
/* dual interface */ ILicValidator;
struct __declspec(uuid("00194002-d9c3-11d3-8d59-0050048384e3"))
/* dual interface */ ILicAgent;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c0372-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ IMsoEServicesDialog;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c0373-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ WebComponentProperties;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c0377-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ SmartDocument;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c0381-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ SharedWorkspaceMember;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c0382-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ SharedWorkspaceMembers;
enum MsoSharedWorkspaceTaskStatus;
enum MsoSharedWorkspaceTaskPriority;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c0379-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ SharedWorkspaceTask;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c037a-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ SharedWorkspaceTasks;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c037b-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ SharedWorkspaceFile;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c037c-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ SharedWorkspaceFiles;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c037d-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ SharedWorkspaceFolder;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c037e-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ SharedWorkspaceFolders;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c037f-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ SharedWorkspaceLink;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c0380-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ SharedWorkspaceLinks;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c0385-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ SharedWorkspace;
enum MsoSyncVersionType;
enum MsoSyncConflictResolutionType;
enum MsoSyncCompareType;
enum MsoSyncAvailableType;
enum MsoSyncEventType;
enum MsoSyncErrorType;
enum MsoSyncStatusType;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c0386-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ Sync;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c0387-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ DocumentLibraryVersion;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c0388-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ DocumentLibraryVersions;
enum MsoPermission;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c0375-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ UserPermission;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c0376-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ Permission;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c038c-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ MsoDebugOptions_UTRunResult;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c038b-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ MsoDebugOptions_UT;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c038a-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ MsoDebugOptions_UTs;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c0389-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ MsoDebugOptions_UTManager;
enum MsoMetaPropertyType;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c038f-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ MetaProperty;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c038e-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ MetaProperties;
enum MsoSignatureSubset;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c0391-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ PolicyItem;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c0390-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ ServerPolicy;
enum MsoDocInspectorStatus;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c0393-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ DocumentInspector;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c0392-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ DocumentInspectors;
struct __declspec(uuid("000cd900-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ WorkflowTask;
struct __declspec(uuid("000cd901-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ WorkflowTasks;
struct __declspec(uuid("000cd902-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ WorkflowTemplate;
struct __declspec(uuid("000cd903-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ WorkflowTemplates;
struct __declspec(uuid("000cd706-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* interface */ IDocumentInspector;
enum SignatureDetail;
enum CertificateDetail;
enum ContentVerificationResults;
enum CertificateVerificationResults;
enum SignatureLineImage;
enum SignatureProviderDetail;
enum SignatureType;
struct __declspec(uuid("000cd6a1-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ SignatureSetup;
struct __declspec(uuid("000cd6a2-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ SignatureInfo;
struct __declspec(uuid("000cd6a3-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ SignatureProvider;
enum MsoCustomXMLNodeType;
enum MsoCustomXMLValidationErrorType;
struct __declspec(uuid("000cdb10-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ CustomXMLPrefixMapping;
struct __declspec(uuid("000cdb00-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ CustomXMLPrefixMappings;
struct __declspec(uuid("000cdb01-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ CustomXMLSchema;
struct __declspec(uuid("000cdb02-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ _CustomXMLSchemaCollection;
struct /* coclass */ CustomXMLSchemaCollection;
struct __declspec(uuid("000cdb03-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ CustomXMLNodes;
struct __declspec(uuid("000cdb04-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ CustomXMLNode;
struct __declspec(uuid("000cdb0e-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ CustomXMLValidationError;
struct __declspec(uuid("000cdb0f-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ CustomXMLValidationErrors;
struct __declspec(uuid("000cdb05-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ _CustomXMLPart;
struct __declspec(uuid("000cdb06-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ ICustomXMLPartEvents;
struct __declspec(uuid("000cdb07-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dispinterface */ _CustomXMLPartEvents;
struct /* coclass */ CustomXMLPart;
struct __declspec(uuid("000cdb09-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ _CustomXMLParts;
struct __declspec(uuid("000cdb0a-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ ICustomXMLPartsEvents;
struct __declspec(uuid("000cdb0b-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dispinterface */ _CustomXMLPartsEvents;
struct /* coclass */ CustomXMLParts;
enum MsoTextureAlignment;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c03bf-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ GradientStop;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c03c0-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ GradientStops;
enum MsoSoftEdgeType;
enum MsoReflectionType;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c03bc-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ SoftEdgeFormat;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c03bd-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ GlowFormat;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c03be-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ ReflectionFormat;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c0399-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ ParagraphFormat2;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c039a-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ Font2;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c03b2-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ TextColumn2;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c0397-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ TextRange2;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c0398-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ TextFrame2;
enum MsoPresetCamera;
enum MsoBevelType;
enum MsoLightRigType;
enum MsoParagraphAlignment;
enum MsoTextStrike;
enum MsoTextCaps;
enum MsoTextUnderlineType;
enum MsoTextTabAlign;
enum MsoTextCharWrap;
enum MsoTextFontAlign;
enum MsoAutoSize;
enum MsoPathFormat;
enum MsoWarpFormat;
enum MsoTextChangeCase;
enum MsoDateTimeFormat;
enum MsoThemeColorSchemeIndex;
enum MsoThemeColorIndex;
enum MsoFontLanguageIndex;
enum MsoShapeStyleIndex;
enum MsoBackgroundStyleIndex;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c03a1-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ ThemeColor;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c03a2-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ ThemeColorScheme;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c03a3-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ ThemeFont;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c03a4-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ ThemeFonts;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c03a5-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ ThemeFontScheme;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c03a6-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ ThemeEffectScheme;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c03a0-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ OfficeTheme;
enum MsoCTPDockPosition;
enum MsoCTPDockPositionRestrict;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c033b-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ _CustomTaskPane;
struct __declspec(uuid("8a64a872-fc6b-4d4a-926e-3a3689562c1c"))
/* dual interface */ CustomTaskPaneEvents;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c033c-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dispinterface */ _CustomTaskPaneEvents;
struct /* coclass */ CustomTaskPane;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c033d-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ ICTPFactory;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c033e-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ ICustomTaskPaneConsumer;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c03a7-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ IRibbonUI;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c0395-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ IRibbonControl;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c0396-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ IRibbonExtensibility;
enum RibbonControlSize;
enum MsoShadowStyle;
enum MsoTextDirection;
struct __declspec(uuid("4291224c-defe-485b-8e69-6cf8aa85cb76"))
/* dual interface */ IAssistance;
enum XlChartType;
enum XlChartSplitType;
enum XlSizeRepresents;
enum XlAxisGroup;
enum XlConstants;
enum XlReadingOrder;
enum XlBorderWeight;
enum XlLegendPosition;
enum XlUnderlineStyle;
enum XlColorIndex;
enum XlMarkerStyle;
enum XlRowCol;
enum XlDataLabelsType;
enum XlErrorBarInclude;
enum XlErrorBarType;
enum XlErrorBarDirection;
enum XlChartPictureType;
enum XlChartItem;
enum XlBarShape;
enum XlEndStyleCap;
enum XlTrendlineType;
enum XlAxisType;
enum XlAxisCrosses;
enum XlTickMark;
enum XlScaleType;
enum XlTickLabelPosition;
enum XlTimeUnit;
enum XlCategoryType;
enum XlDisplayUnit;
enum XlChartOrientation;
enum XlTickLabelOrientation;
enum XlDisplayBlanksAs;
enum XlDataLabelPosition;
enum XlPivotFieldOrientation;
enum XlHAlign;
enum XlVAlign;
enum XlChartElementPosition;
enum MsoChartElementType;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c172f-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ IMsoChartData;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c1709-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ IMsoChart;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c1714-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ IMsoCorners;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c1710-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ IMsoLegend;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c1717-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ IMsoBorder;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c1715-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ IMsoWalls;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c1716-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ IMsoFloor;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c1724-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ IMsoPlotArea;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c1728-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ IMsoChartArea;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c1729-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ IMsoSeriesLines;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c1723-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ IMsoLeaderLines;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c1725-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ GridLines;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c172a-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ IMsoUpBars;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c172d-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ IMsoDownBars;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c171b-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ IMsoInterior;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c171c-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ ChartFillFormat;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c1719-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* interface */ LegendEntries;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c1718-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ ChartFont;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c171d-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* interface */ ChartColorFormat;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c171a-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* interface */ LegendEntry;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c171e-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* interface */ IMsoLegendKey;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c170a-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* interface */ SeriesCollection;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c170b-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* interface */ IMsoSeries;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c1721-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* interface */ IMsoErrorBars;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c170e-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* interface */ IMsoTrendline;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c1722-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* interface */ Trendlines;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c171f-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* interface */ IMsoDataLabels;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c1720-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* interface */ IMsoDataLabel;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c170d-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* interface */ Points;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c170c-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* interface */ ChartPoint;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c1712-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ Axes;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c1713-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ IMsoAxis;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c1711-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ IMsoDataTable;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c170f-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ IMsoChartTitle;
struct __declspec(uuid("abfa087c-f703-4d53-946e-37ff82b2c994"))
/* dual interface */ IMsoAxisTitle;
struct __declspec(uuid("6ea00553-9439-4d5a-b1e6-dc15a54da8b2"))
/* dual interface */ IMsoDisplayUnitLabel;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c1726-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ IMsoTickLabels;
struct __declspec(uuid("a98639a1-cb0c-4a5c-a511-96547f752acd"))
/* dual interface */ IMsoHyperlinks;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c172c-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ IMsoDropLines;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c172e-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ IMsoHiLoLines;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c1727-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ IMsoChartGroup;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c172b-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ ChartGroups;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c1731-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ IMsoCharacters;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c1730-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ IMsoChartFormat;
enum MsoBulletType;
enum MsoNumberedBulletStyle;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c03b9-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ BulletFormat2;
enum MsoTabStopType;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c03ba-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ TabStops2;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c03bb-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ TabStop2;
enum MsoBaselineAlignment;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c03c1-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ Ruler2;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c03c2-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ RulerLevels2;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c03c3-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ RulerLevel2;
enum EncryptionProviderDetail;
enum EncryptionCipherMode;
struct __declspec(uuid("000cd809-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ EncryptionProvider;
enum MsoClipboardFormat;
enum MsoBlogCategorySupport;
enum MsoBlogImageType;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c03c4-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ IBlogExtensibility;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c03c5-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ IBlogPictureExtensibility;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c03d4-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* interface */ IConverterPreferences;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c03d5-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* interface */ IConverterApplicationPreferences;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c03d6-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* interface */ IConverterUICallback;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c03d7-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* interface */ IConverter;
enum XlPieSliceLocation;
enum XlPieSliceIndex;
enum MsoSmartArtNodePosition;
enum MsoSmartArtNodeType;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c03c6-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ SmartArt;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c03c7-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ SmartArtNodes;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c03c8-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ SmartArtNode;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c03c9-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ SmartArtLayouts;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c03ca-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ SmartArtLayout;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c03cb-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ SmartArtQuickStyles;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c03cc-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ SmartArtQuickStyle;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c03cd-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ SmartArtColors;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c03ce-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ SmartArtColor;
enum MsoPickerField;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c03e0-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ PickerField;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c03e1-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ PickerFields;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c03e2-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ PickerProperty;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c03e3-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ PickerProperties;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c03e4-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ PickerResult;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c03e5-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ PickerResults;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c03e6-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ PickerDialog;
enum MsoContactCardAddressType;
enum MsoContactCardType;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c03f0-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ IMsoContactCard;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c03cf-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ EffectParameter;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c03d0-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ EffectParameters;
enum MsoPictureEffectType;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c03d1-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ PictureEffect;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c03d2-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ PictureEffects;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c03d3-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ Crop;
enum MsoIodGroup;
enum BackstageGroupStyle;
enum MsoFileValidationMode;
enum MsoContactCardStyle;
struct __declspec(uuid("000c03f1-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
/* dual interface */ ContactCard;
typedef long MsoRGBType;

// Smart pointer typedef declarations

_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IAccessible, __uuidof(IAccessible));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_IMsoDispObj, __uuidof(_IMsoDispObj));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_IMsoOleAccDispObj, __uuidof(_IMsoOleAccDispObj));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(Adjustments, __uuidof(Adjustments));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(CalloutFormat, __uuidof(CalloutFormat));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ShapeNode, __uuidof(ShapeNode));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ShapeNodes, __uuidof(ShapeNodes));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(Script, __uuidof(Script));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(Scripts, __uuidof(Scripts));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(TextEffectFormat, __uuidof(TextEffectFormat));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(TextFrame, __uuidof(TextFrame));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IMsoDispCagNotifySink, __uuidof(IMsoDispCagNotifySink));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(Balloon, __uuidof(Balloon));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(BalloonCheckboxes, __uuidof(BalloonCheckboxes));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(BalloonCheckbox, __uuidof(BalloonCheckbox));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(BalloonLabels, __uuidof(BalloonLabels));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(BalloonLabel, __uuidof(BalloonLabel));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(AnswerWizardFiles, __uuidof(AnswerWizardFiles));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(AnswerWizard, __uuidof(AnswerWizard));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(DocumentProperty, __uuidof(DocumentProperty));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(__DocumentProperties, __uuidof(__DocumentProperties));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IFoundFiles, __uuidof(IFoundFiles));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IFind, __uuidof(IFind));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(FoundFiles, __uuidof(FoundFiles));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(PropertyTest, __uuidof(PropertyTest));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(PropertyTests, __uuidof(PropertyTests));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(LanguageSettings, __uuidof(LanguageSettings));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ICommandBarsEvents, __uuidof(ICommandBarsEvents));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_CommandBarsEvents, __uuidof(_CommandBarsEvents));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_CommandBarComboBoxEvents, __uuidof(_CommandBarComboBoxEvents));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ICommandBarComboBoxEvents, __uuidof(ICommandBarComboBoxEvents));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_CommandBarButtonEvents, __uuidof(_CommandBarButtonEvents));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ICommandBarButtonEvents, __uuidof(ICommandBarButtonEvents));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(WebPageFont, __uuidof(WebPageFont));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(WebPageFonts, __uuidof(WebPageFonts));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(HTMLProjectItem, __uuidof(HTMLProjectItem));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(HTMLProjectItems, __uuidof(HTMLProjectItems));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(HTMLProject, __uuidof(HTMLProject));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(MsoDebugOptions, __uuidof(MsoDebugOptions));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(FileDialogSelectedItems, __uuidof(FileDialogSelectedItems));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(FileDialogFilter, __uuidof(FileDialogFilter));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(FileDialogFilters, __uuidof(FileDialogFilters));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(FileDialog, __uuidof(FileDialog));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IMsoEnvelopeVB, __uuidof(IMsoEnvelopeVB));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IMsoEnvelopeVBEvents, __uuidof(IMsoEnvelopeVBEvents));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(Assistant, __uuidof(Assistant));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(FileTypes, __uuidof(FileTypes));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(OfficeDataSourceObject, __uuidof(OfficeDataSourceObject));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ODSOColumn, __uuidof(ODSOColumn));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ODSOColumns, __uuidof(ODSOColumns));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ODSOFilter, __uuidof(ODSOFilter));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ODSOFilters, __uuidof(ODSOFilters));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(NewFile, __uuidof(NewFile));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(WebComponent, __uuidof(WebComponent));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(WebComponentWindowExternal, __uuidof(WebComponentWindowExternal));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(WebComponentFormat, __uuidof(WebComponentFormat));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ILicWizExternal, __uuidof(ILicWizExternal));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ILicValidator, __uuidof(ILicValidator));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ILicAgent, __uuidof(ILicAgent));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IMsoEServicesDialog, __uuidof(IMsoEServicesDialog));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(WebComponentProperties, __uuidof(WebComponentProperties));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(SmartDocument, __uuidof(SmartDocument));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(SharedWorkspaceMember, __uuidof(SharedWorkspaceMember));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(SharedWorkspaceMembers, __uuidof(SharedWorkspaceMembers));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(SharedWorkspaceTask, __uuidof(SharedWorkspaceTask));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(SharedWorkspaceTasks, __uuidof(SharedWorkspaceTasks));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(SharedWorkspaceFile, __uuidof(SharedWorkspaceFile));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(SharedWorkspaceFiles, __uuidof(SharedWorkspaceFiles));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(SharedWorkspaceFolder, __uuidof(SharedWorkspaceFolder));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(SharedWorkspaceFolders, __uuidof(SharedWorkspaceFolders));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(SharedWorkspaceLink, __uuidof(SharedWorkspaceLink));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(SharedWorkspaceLinks, __uuidof(SharedWorkspaceLinks));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(SharedWorkspace, __uuidof(SharedWorkspace));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(Sync, __uuidof(Sync));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(DocumentLibraryVersion, __uuidof(DocumentLibraryVersion));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(DocumentLibraryVersions, __uuidof(DocumentLibraryVersions));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(UserPermission, __uuidof(UserPermission));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(Permission, __uuidof(Permission));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(MsoDebugOptions_UTRunResult, __uuidof(MsoDebugOptions_UTRunResult));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(MsoDebugOptions_UT, __uuidof(MsoDebugOptions_UT));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(MsoDebugOptions_UTs, __uuidof(MsoDebugOptions_UTs));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(MsoDebugOptions_UTManager, __uuidof(MsoDebugOptions_UTManager));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(MetaProperty, __uuidof(MetaProperty));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(MetaProperties, __uuidof(MetaProperties));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(PolicyItem, __uuidof(PolicyItem));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ServerPolicy, __uuidof(ServerPolicy));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(DocumentInspector, __uuidof(DocumentInspector));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(DocumentInspectors, __uuidof(DocumentInspectors));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(WorkflowTask, __uuidof(WorkflowTask));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(WorkflowTasks, __uuidof(WorkflowTasks));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(WorkflowTemplate, __uuidof(WorkflowTemplate));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(WorkflowTemplates, __uuidof(WorkflowTemplates));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IDocumentInspector, __uuidof(IDocumentInspector));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(SignatureSetup, __uuidof(SignatureSetup));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(SignatureInfo, __uuidof(SignatureInfo));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(Signature, __uuidof(Signature));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(SignatureSet, __uuidof(SignatureSet));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(SignatureProvider, __uuidof(SignatureProvider));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(CustomXMLPrefixMapping, __uuidof(CustomXMLPrefixMapping));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(CustomXMLPrefixMappings, __uuidof(CustomXMLPrefixMappings));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(CustomXMLSchema, __uuidof(CustomXMLSchema));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_CustomXMLSchemaCollection, __uuidof(_CustomXMLSchemaCollection));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_CustomXMLPartEvents, __uuidof(_CustomXMLPartEvents));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ICustomXMLPartsEvents, __uuidof(ICustomXMLPartsEvents));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_CustomXMLPartsEvents, __uuidof(_CustomXMLPartsEvents));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_CustomXMLParts, __uuidof(_CustomXMLParts));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(SoftEdgeFormat, __uuidof(SoftEdgeFormat));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ReflectionFormat, __uuidof(ReflectionFormat));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ColorFormat, __uuidof(ColorFormat));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(LineFormat, __uuidof(LineFormat));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ThreeDFormat, __uuidof(ThreeDFormat));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(GradientStop, __uuidof(GradientStop));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(GradientStops, __uuidof(GradientStops));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(GlowFormat, __uuidof(GlowFormat));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ThemeColor, __uuidof(ThemeColor));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ThemeColorScheme, __uuidof(ThemeColorScheme));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ThemeFont, __uuidof(ThemeFont));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ThemeFonts, __uuidof(ThemeFonts));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ThemeFontScheme, __uuidof(ThemeFontScheme));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ThemeEffectScheme, __uuidof(ThemeEffectScheme));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(OfficeTheme, __uuidof(OfficeTheme));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_CustomTaskPane, __uuidof(_CustomTaskPane));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(CustomTaskPaneEvents, __uuidof(CustomTaskPaneEvents));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_CustomTaskPaneEvents, __uuidof(_CustomTaskPaneEvents));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ICTPFactory, __uuidof(ICTPFactory));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ICustomTaskPaneConsumer, __uuidof(ICustomTaskPaneConsumer));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IRibbonUI, __uuidof(IRibbonUI));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IRibbonControl, __uuidof(IRibbonControl));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IRibbonExtensibility, __uuidof(IRibbonExtensibility));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ShadowFormat, __uuidof(ShadowFormat));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(TextColumn2, __uuidof(TextColumn2));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IAssistance, __uuidof(IAssistance));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IMsoChartData, __uuidof(IMsoChartData));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IMsoCorners, __uuidof(IMsoCorners));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IMsoBorder, __uuidof(IMsoBorder));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IMsoInterior, __uuidof(IMsoInterior));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ChartFont, __uuidof(ChartFont));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ChartColorFormat, __uuidof(ChartColorFormat));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ChartFillFormat, __uuidof(ChartFillFormat));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IMsoHyperlinks, __uuidof(IMsoHyperlinks));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IMsoCharacters, __uuidof(IMsoCharacters));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(TabStop2, __uuidof(TabStop2));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(TabStops2, __uuidof(TabStops2));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(RulerLevel2, __uuidof(RulerLevel2));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(RulerLevels2, __uuidof(RulerLevels2));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(Ruler2, __uuidof(Ruler2));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(EncryptionProvider, __uuidof(EncryptionProvider));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IBlogExtensibility, __uuidof(IBlogExtensibility));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IBlogPictureExtensibility, __uuidof(IBlogPictureExtensibility));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IConverterPreferences, __uuidof(IConverterPreferences));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IConverterApplicationPreferences, __uuidof(IConverterApplicationPreferences));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IConverterUICallback, __uuidof(IConverterUICallback));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IConverter, __uuidof(IConverter));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(SmartArtLayout, __uuidof(SmartArtLayout));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(SmartArtLayouts, __uuidof(SmartArtLayouts));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(SmartArtQuickStyle, __uuidof(SmartArtQuickStyle));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(SmartArtQuickStyles, __uuidof(SmartArtQuickStyles));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(SmartArtColor, __uuidof(SmartArtColor));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(SmartArtColors, __uuidof(SmartArtColors));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(PickerField, __uuidof(PickerField));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(PickerFields, __uuidof(PickerFields));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(PickerProperty, __uuidof(PickerProperty));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(PickerProperties, __uuidof(PickerProperties));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(PickerResult, __uuidof(PickerResult));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(PickerResults, __uuidof(PickerResults));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(PickerDialog, __uuidof(PickerDialog));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IMsoContactCard, __uuidof(IMsoContactCard));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(EffectParameter, __uuidof(EffectParameter));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(EffectParameters, __uuidof(EffectParameters));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(PictureEffect, __uuidof(PictureEffect));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(PictureEffects, __uuidof(PictureEffects));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(FillFormat, __uuidof(FillFormat));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(Font2, __uuidof(Font2));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(BulletFormat2, __uuidof(BulletFormat2));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ParagraphFormat2, __uuidof(ParagraphFormat2));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(TextRange2, __uuidof(TextRange2));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(TextFrame2, __uuidof(TextFrame2));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(Crop, __uuidof(Crop));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(PictureFormat, __uuidof(PictureFormat));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IMsoChartFormat, __uuidof(IMsoChartFormat));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IMsoLegend, __uuidof(IMsoLegend));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IMsoWalls, __uuidof(IMsoWalls));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IMsoFloor, __uuidof(IMsoFloor));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IMsoPlotArea, __uuidof(IMsoPlotArea));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IMsoChartArea, __uuidof(IMsoChartArea));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IMsoSeriesLines, __uuidof(IMsoSeriesLines));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IMsoLeaderLines, __uuidof(IMsoLeaderLines));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(GridLines, __uuidof(GridLines));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IMsoUpBars, __uuidof(IMsoUpBars));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IMsoDownBars, __uuidof(IMsoDownBars));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IMsoLegendKey, __uuidof(IMsoLegendKey));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(LegendEntry, __uuidof(LegendEntry));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(LegendEntries, __uuidof(LegendEntries));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IMsoErrorBars, __uuidof(IMsoErrorBars));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IMsoSeries, __uuidof(IMsoSeries));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(SeriesCollection, __uuidof(SeriesCollection));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IMsoDataLabel, __uuidof(IMsoDataLabel));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IMsoTrendline, __uuidof(IMsoTrendline));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(Trendlines, __uuidof(Trendlines));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IMsoDataLabels, __uuidof(IMsoDataLabels));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ChartPoint, __uuidof(ChartPoint));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(Points, __uuidof(Points));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IMsoDataTable, __uuidof(IMsoDataTable));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IMsoChartTitle, __uuidof(IMsoChartTitle));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IMsoAxisTitle, __uuidof(IMsoAxisTitle));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IMsoDisplayUnitLabel, __uuidof(IMsoDisplayUnitLabel));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IMsoTickLabels, __uuidof(IMsoTickLabels));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IMsoAxis, __uuidof(IMsoAxis));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(Axes, __uuidof(Axes));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IMsoDropLines, __uuidof(IMsoDropLines));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IMsoHiLoLines, __uuidof(IMsoHiLoLines));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IMsoChartGroup, __uuidof(IMsoChartGroup));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ChartGroups, __uuidof(ChartGroups));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ContactCard, __uuidof(ContactCard));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_CommandBars, __uuidof(_CommandBars));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(CommandBar, __uuidof(CommandBar));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(CommandBarControl, __uuidof(CommandBarControl));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(CommandBarControls, __uuidof(CommandBarControls));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_CommandBarButton, __uuidof(_CommandBarButton));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(CommandBarPopup, __uuidof(CommandBarPopup));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_CommandBarComboBox, __uuidof(_CommandBarComboBox));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_CommandBarActiveX, __uuidof(_CommandBarActiveX));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ConnectorFormat, __uuidof(ConnectorFormat));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(FreeformBuilder, __uuidof(FreeformBuilder));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(GroupShapes, __uuidof(GroupShapes));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(Shape, __uuidof(Shape));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ShapeRange, __uuidof(ShapeRange));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(Shapes, __uuidof(Shapes));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(CanvasShapes, __uuidof(CanvasShapes));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IMsoChart, __uuidof(IMsoChart));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(FileSearch, __uuidof(FileSearch));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(SearchFolders, __uuidof(SearchFolders));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ScopeFolders, __uuidof(ScopeFolders));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ScopeFolder, __uuidof(ScopeFolder));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(SearchScope, __uuidof(SearchScope));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(SearchScopes, __uuidof(SearchScopes));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IMsoDiagram, __uuidof(IMsoDiagram));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(DiagramNodes, __uuidof(DiagramNodes));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(DiagramNodeChildren, __uuidof(DiagramNodeChildren));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(DiagramNode, __uuidof(DiagramNode));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(CustomXMLNodes, __uuidof(CustomXMLNodes));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(CustomXMLNode, __uuidof(CustomXMLNode));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(CustomXMLValidationError, __uuidof(CustomXMLValidationError));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(CustomXMLValidationErrors, __uuidof(CustomXMLValidationErrors));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_CustomXMLPart, __uuidof(_CustomXMLPart));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ICustomXMLPartEvents, __uuidof(ICustomXMLPartEvents));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(SmartArt, __uuidof(SmartArt));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(SmartArtNodes, __uuidof(SmartArtNodes));
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(SmartArtNode, __uuidof(SmartArtNode));

// Type library items

enum MsoLineDashStyle
    msoLineDashStyleMixed = -2,
    msoLineSolid = 1,
    msoLineSquareDot = 2,
    msoLineRoundDot = 3,
    msoLineDash = 4,
    msoLineDashDot = 5,
    msoLineDashDotDot = 6,
    msoLineLongDash = 7,
    msoLineLongDashDot = 8,
    msoLineLongDashDotDot = 9,
    msoLineSysDash = 10,
    msoLineSysDot = 11,
    msoLineSysDashDot = 12

enum MsoLineStyle
    msoLineStyleMixed = -2,
    msoLineSingle = 1,
    msoLineThinThin = 2,
    msoLineThinThick = 3,
    msoLineThickThin = 4,
    msoLineThickBetweenThin = 5

enum MsoArrowheadStyle
    msoArrowheadStyleMixed = -2,
    msoArrowheadNone = 1,
    msoArrowheadTriangle = 2,
    msoArrowheadOpen = 3,
    msoArrowheadStealth = 4,
    msoArrowheadDiamond = 5,
    msoArrowheadOval = 6

enum MsoArrowheadWidth
    msoArrowheadWidthMixed = -2,
    msoArrowheadNarrow = 1,
    msoArrowheadWidthMedium = 2,
    msoArrowheadWide = 3

enum MsoArrowheadLength
    msoArrowheadLengthMixed = -2,
    msoArrowheadShort = 1,
    msoArrowheadLengthMedium = 2,
    msoArrowheadLong = 3

enum MsoFillType
    msoFillMixed = -2,
    msoFillSolid = 1,
    msoFillPatterned = 2,
    msoFillGradient = 3,
    msoFillTextured = 4,
    msoFillBackground = 5,
    msoFillPicture = 6

enum MsoGradientStyle
    msoGradientMixed = -2,
    msoGradientHorizontal = 1,
    msoGradientVertical = 2,
    msoGradientDiagonalUp = 3,
    msoGradientDiagonalDown = 4,
    msoGradientFromCorner = 5,
    msoGradientFromTitle = 6,
    msoGradientFromCenter = 7

enum MsoGradientColorType
    msoGradientColorMixed = -2,
    msoGradientOneColor = 1,
    msoGradientTwoColors = 2,
    msoGradientPresetColors = 3,
    msoGradientMultiColor = 4

enum MsoTextureType
    msoTextureTypeMixed = -2,
    msoTexturePreset = 1,
    msoTextureUserDefined = 2

enum MsoPresetTexture
    msoPresetTextureMixed = -2,
    msoTexturePapyrus = 1,
    msoTextureCanvas = 2,
    msoTextureDenim = 3,
    msoTextureWovenMat = 4,
    msoTextureWaterDroplets = 5,
    msoTexturePaperBag = 6,
    msoTextureFishFossil = 7,
    msoTextureSand = 8,
    msoTextureGreenMarble = 9,
    msoTextureWhiteMarble = 10,
    msoTextureBrownMarble = 11,
    msoTextureGranite = 12,
    msoTextureNewsprint = 13,
    msoTextureRecycledPaper = 14,
    msoTextureParchment = 15,
    msoTextureStationery = 16,
    msoTextureBlueTissuePaper = 17,
    msoTexturePinkTissuePaper = 18,
    msoTexturePurpleMesh = 19,
    msoTextureBouquet = 20,
    msoTextureCork = 21,
    msoTextureWalnut = 22,
    msoTextureOak = 23,
    msoTextureMediumWood = 24

enum MsoPatternType
    msoPatternMixed = -2,
    msoPattern5Percent = 1,
    msoPattern10Percent = 2,
    msoPattern20Percent = 3,
    msoPattern25Percent = 4,
    msoPattern30Percent = 5,
    msoPattern40Percent = 6,
    msoPattern50Percent = 7,
    msoPattern60Percent = 8,
    msoPattern70Percent = 9,
    msoPattern75Percent = 10,
    msoPattern80Percent = 11,
    msoPattern90Percent = 12,
    msoPatternDarkHorizontal = 13,
    msoPatternDarkVertical = 14,
    msoPatternDarkDownwardDiagonal = 15,
    msoPatternDarkUpwardDiagonal = 16,
    msoPatternSmallCheckerBoard = 17,
    msoPatternTrellis = 18,
    msoPatternLightHorizontal = 19,
    msoPatternLightVertical = 20,
    msoPatternLightDownwardDiagonal = 21,
    msoPatternLightUpwardDiagonal = 22,
    msoPatternSmallGrid = 23,
    msoPatternDottedDiamond = 24,
    msoPatternWideDownwardDiagonal = 25,
    msoPatternWideUpwardDiagonal = 26,
    msoPatternDashedUpwardDiagonal = 27,
    msoPatternDashedDownwardDiagonal = 28,
    msoPatternNarrowVertical = 29,
    msoPatternNarrowHorizontal = 30,
    msoPatternDashedVertical = 31,
    msoPatternDashedHorizontal = 32,
    msoPatternLargeConfetti = 33,
    msoPatternLargeGrid = 34,
    msoPatternHorizontalBrick = 35,
    msoPatternLargeCheckerBoard = 36,
    msoPatternSmallConfetti = 37,
    msoPatternZigZag = 38,
    msoPatternSolidDiamond = 39,
    msoPatternDiagonalBrick = 40,
    msoPatternOutlinedDiamond = 41,
    msoPatternPlaid = 42,
    msoPatternSphere = 43,
    msoPatternWeave = 44,
    msoPatternDottedGrid = 45,
    msoPatternDivot = 46,
    msoPatternShingle = 47,
    msoPatternWave = 48,
    msoPatternHorizontal = 49,
    msoPatternVertical = 50,
    msoPatternCross = 51,
    msoPatternDownwardDiagonal = 52,
    msoPatternUpwardDiagonal = 53,
    msoPatternDiagonalCross = 54

enum MsoPresetGradientType
    msoPresetGradientMixed = -2,
    msoGradientEarlySunset = 1,
    msoGradientLateSunset = 2,
    msoGradientNightfall = 3,
    msoGradientDaybreak = 4,
    msoGradientHorizon = 5,
    msoGradientDesert = 6,
    msoGradientOcean = 7,
    msoGradientCalmWater = 8,
    msoGradientFire = 9,
    msoGradientFog = 10,
    msoGradientMoss = 11,
    msoGradientPeacock = 12,
    msoGradientWheat = 13,
    msoGradientParchment = 14,
    msoGradientMahogany = 15,
    msoGradientRainbow = 16,
    msoGradientRainbowII = 17,
    msoGradientGold = 18,
    msoGradientGoldII = 19,
    msoGradientBrass = 20,
    msoGradientChrome = 21,
    msoGradientChromeII = 22,
    msoGradientSilver = 23,
    msoGradientSapphire = 24

enum MsoShadowType
    msoShadowMixed = -2,
    msoShadow1 = 1,
    msoShadow2 = 2,
    msoShadow3 = 3,
    msoShadow4 = 4,
    msoShadow5 = 5,
    msoShadow6 = 6,
    msoShadow7 = 7,
    msoShadow8 = 8,
    msoShadow9 = 9,
    msoShadow10 = 10,
    msoShadow11 = 11,
    msoShadow12 = 12,
    msoShadow13 = 13,
    msoShadow14 = 14,
    msoShadow15 = 15,
    msoShadow16 = 16,
    msoShadow17 = 17,
    msoShadow18 = 18,
    msoShadow19 = 19,
    msoShadow20 = 20,
    msoShadow21 = 21,
    msoShadow22 = 22,
    msoShadow23 = 23,
    msoShadow24 = 24,
    msoShadow25 = 25,
    msoShadow26 = 26,
    msoShadow27 = 27,
    msoShadow28 = 28,
    msoShadow29 = 29,
    msoShadow30 = 30,
    msoShadow31 = 31,
    msoShadow32 = 32,
    msoShadow33 = 33,
    msoShadow34 = 34,
    msoShadow35 = 35,
    msoShadow36 = 36,
    msoShadow37 = 37,
    msoShadow38 = 38,
    msoShadow39 = 39,
    msoShadow40 = 40,
    msoShadow41 = 41,
    msoShadow42 = 42,
    msoShadow43 = 43

enum MsoPresetTextEffect
    msoTextEffectMixed = -2,
    msoTextEffect1 = 0,
    msoTextEffect2 = 1,
    msoTextEffect3 = 2,
    msoTextEffect4 = 3,
    msoTextEffect5 = 4,
    msoTextEffect6 = 5,
    msoTextEffect7 = 6,
    msoTextEffect8 = 7,
    msoTextEffect9 = 8,
    msoTextEffect10 = 9,
    msoTextEffect11 = 10,
    msoTextEffect12 = 11,
    msoTextEffect13 = 12,
    msoTextEffect14 = 13,
    msoTextEffect15 = 14,
    msoTextEffect16 = 15,
    msoTextEffect17 = 16,
    msoTextEffect18 = 17,
    msoTextEffect19 = 18,
    msoTextEffect20 = 19,
    msoTextEffect21 = 20,
    msoTextEffect22 = 21,
    msoTextEffect23 = 22,
    msoTextEffect24 = 23,
    msoTextEffect25 = 24,
    msoTextEffect26 = 25,
    msoTextEffect27 = 26,
    msoTextEffect28 = 27,
    msoTextEffect29 = 28,
    msoTextEffect30 = 29

enum MsoPresetTextEffectShape
    msoTextEffectShapeMixed = -2,
    msoTextEffectShapePlainText = 1,
    msoTextEffectShapeStop = 2,
    msoTextEffectShapeTriangleUp = 3,
    msoTextEffectShapeTriangleDown = 4,
    msoTextEffectShapeChevronUp = 5,
    msoTextEffectShapeChevronDown = 6,
    msoTextEffectShapeRingInside = 7,
    msoTextEffectShapeRingOutside = 8,
    msoTextEffectShapeArchUpCurve = 9,
    msoTextEffectShapeArchDownCurve = 10,
    msoTextEffectShapeCircleCurve = 11,
    msoTextEffectShapeButtonCurve = 12,
    msoTextEffectShapeArchUpPour = 13,
    msoTextEffectShapeArchDownPour = 14,
    msoTextEffectShapeCirclePour = 15,
    msoTextEffectShapeButtonPour = 16,
    msoTextEffectShapeCurveUp = 17,
    msoTextEffectShapeCurveDown = 18,
    msoTextEffectShapeCanUp = 19,
    msoTextEffectShapeCanDown = 20,
    msoTextEffectShapeWave1 = 21,
    msoTextEffectShapeWave2 = 22,
    msoTextEffectShapeDoubleWave1 = 23,
    msoTextEffectShapeDoubleWave2 = 24,
    msoTextEffectShapeInflate = 25,
    msoTextEffectShapeDeflate = 26,
    msoTextEffectShapeInflateBottom = 27,
    msoTextEffectShapeDeflateBottom = 28,
    msoTextEffectShapeInflateTop = 29,
    msoTextEffectShapeDeflateTop = 30,
    msoTextEffectShapeDeflateInflate = 31,
    msoTextEffectShapeDeflateInflateDeflate = 32,
    msoTextEffectShapeFadeRight = 33,
    msoTextEffectShapeFadeLeft = 34,
    msoTextEffectShapeFadeUp = 35,
    msoTextEffectShapeFadeDown = 36,
    msoTextEffectShapeSlantUp = 37,
    msoTextEffectShapeSlantDown = 38,
    msoTextEffectShapeCascadeUp = 39,
    msoTextEffectShapeCascadeDown = 40

enum MsoTextEffectAlignment
    msoTextEffectAlignmentMixed = -2,
    msoTextEffectAlignmentLeft = 1,
    msoTextEffectAlignmentCentered = 2,
    msoTextEffectAlignmentRight = 3,
    msoTextEffectAlignmentLetterJustify = 4,
    msoTextEffectAlignmentWordJustify = 5,
    msoTextEffectAlignmentStretchJustify = 6

enum MsoPresetLightingDirection
    msoPresetLightingDirectionMixed = -2,
    msoLightingTopLeft = 1,
    msoLightingTop = 2,
    msoLightingTopRight = 3,
    msoLightingLeft = 4,
    msoLightingNone = 5,
    msoLightingRight = 6,
    msoLightingBottomLeft = 7,
    msoLightingBottom = 8,
    msoLightingBottomRight = 9

enum MsoPresetLightingSoftness
    msoPresetLightingSoftnessMixed = -2,
    msoLightingDim = 1,
    msoLightingNormal = 2,
    msoLightingBright = 3

enum MsoPresetMaterial
    msoPresetMaterialMixed = -2,
    msoMaterialMatte = 1,
    msoMaterialPlastic = 2,
    msoMaterialMetal = 3,
    msoMaterialWireFrame = 4,
    msoMaterialMatte2 = 5,
    msoMaterialPlastic2 = 6,
    msoMaterialMetal2 = 7,
    msoMaterialWarmMatte = 8,
    msoMaterialTranslucentPowder = 9,
    msoMaterialPowder = 10,
    msoMaterialDarkEdge = 11,
    msoMaterialSoftEdge = 12,
    msoMaterialClear = 13,
    msoMaterialFlat = 14,
    msoMaterialSoftMetal = 15

enum MsoPresetExtrusionDirection
    msoPresetExtrusionDirectionMixed = -2,
    msoExtrusionBottomRight = 1,
    msoExtrusionBottom = 2,
    msoExtrusionBottomLeft = 3,
    msoExtrusionRight = 4,
    msoExtrusionNone = 5,
    msoExtrusionLeft = 6,
    msoExtrusionTopRight = 7,
    msoExtrusionTop = 8,
    msoExtrusionTopLeft = 9

enum MsoPresetThreeDFormat
    msoPresetThreeDFormatMixed = -2,
    msoThreeD1 = 1,
    msoThreeD2 = 2,
    msoThreeD3 = 3,
    msoThreeD4 = 4,
    msoThreeD5 = 5,
    msoThreeD6 = 6,
    msoThreeD7 = 7,
    msoThreeD8 = 8,
    msoThreeD9 = 9,
    msoThreeD10 = 10,
    msoThreeD11 = 11,
    msoThreeD12 = 12,
    msoThreeD13 = 13,
    msoThreeD14 = 14,
    msoThreeD15 = 15,
    msoThreeD16 = 16,
    msoThreeD17 = 17,
    msoThreeD18 = 18,
    msoThreeD19 = 19,
    msoThreeD20 = 20

enum MsoExtrusionColorType
    msoExtrusionColorTypeMixed = -2,
    msoExtrusionColorAutomatic = 1,
    msoExtrusionColorCustom = 2

enum MsoAlignCmd
    msoAlignLefts = 0,
    msoAlignCenters = 1,
    msoAlignRights = 2,
    msoAlignTops = 3,
    msoAlignMiddles = 4,
    msoAlignBottoms = 5

enum MsoDistributeCmd
    msoDistributeHorizontally = 0,
    msoDistributeVertically = 1

enum MsoConnectorType
    msoConnectorTypeMixed = -2,
    msoConnectorStraight = 1,
    msoConnectorElbow = 2,
    msoConnectorCurve = 3

enum MsoHorizontalAnchor
    msoHorizontalAnchorMixed = -2,
    msoAnchorNone = 1,
    msoAnchorCenter = 2

enum MsoVerticalAnchor
    msoVerticalAnchorMixed = -2,
    msoAnchorTop = 1,
    msoAnchorTopBaseline = 2,
    msoAnchorMiddle = 3,
    msoAnchorBottom = 4,
    msoAnchorBottomBaseLine = 5

enum MsoOrientation
    msoOrientationMixed = -2,
    msoOrientationHorizontal = 1,
    msoOrientationVertical = 2

enum MsoZOrderCmd
    msoBringToFront = 0,
    msoSendToBack = 1,
    msoBringForward = 2,
    msoSendBackward = 3,
    msoBringInFrontOfText = 4,
    msoSendBehindText = 5

enum MsoSegmentType
    msoSegmentLine = 0,
    msoSegmentCurve = 1

enum MsoEditingType
    msoEditingAuto = 0,
    msoEditingCorner = 1,
    msoEditingSmooth = 2,
    msoEditingSymmetric = 3

enum MsoAutoShapeType
    msoShapeMixed = -2,
    msoShapeRectangle = 1,
    msoShapeParallelogram = 2,
    msoShapeTrapezoid = 3,
    msoShapeDiamond = 4,
    msoShapeRoundedRectangle = 5,
    msoShapeOctagon = 6,
    msoShapeIsoscelesTriangle = 7,
    msoShapeRightTriangle = 8,
    msoShapeOval = 9,
    msoShapeHexagon = 10,
    msoShapeCross = 11,
    msoShapeRegularPentagon = 12,
    msoShapeCan = 13,
    msoShapeCube = 14,
    msoShapeBevel = 15,
    msoShapeFoldedCorner = 16,
    msoShapeSmileyFace = 17,
    msoShapeDonut = 18,
    msoShapeNoSymbol = 19,
    msoShapeBlockArc = 20,
    msoShapeHeart = 21,
    msoShapeLightningBolt = 22,
    msoShapeSun = 23,
    msoShapeMoon = 24,
    msoShapeArc = 25,
    msoShapeDoubleBracket = 26,
    msoShapeDoubleBrace = 27,
    msoShapePlaque = 28,
    msoShapeLeftBracket = 29,
    msoShapeRightBracket = 30,
    msoShapeLeftBrace = 31,
    msoShapeRightBrace = 32,
    msoShapeRightArrow = 33,
    msoShapeLeftArrow = 34,
    msoShapeUpArrow = 35,
    msoShapeDownArrow = 36,
    msoShapeLeftRightArrow = 37,
    msoShapeUpDownArrow = 38,
    msoShapeQuadArrow = 39,
    msoShapeLeftRightUpArrow = 40,
    msoShapeBentArrow = 41,
    msoShapeUTurnArrow = 42,
    msoShapeLeftUpArrow = 43,
    msoShapeBentUpArrow = 44,
    msoShapeCurvedRightArrow = 45,
    msoShapeCurvedLeftArrow = 46,
    msoShapeCurvedUpArrow = 47,
    msoShapeCurvedDownArrow = 48,
    msoShapeStripedRightArrow = 49,
    msoShapeNotchedRightArrow = 50,
    msoShapePentagon = 51,
    msoShapeChevron = 52,
    msoShapeRightArrowCallout = 53,
    msoShapeLeftArrowCallout = 54,
    msoShapeUpArrowCallout = 55,
    msoShapeDownArrowCallout = 56,
    msoShapeLeftRightArrowCallout = 57,
    msoShapeUpDownArrowCallout = 58,
    msoShapeQuadArrowCallout = 59,
    msoShapeCircularArrow = 60,
    msoShapeFlowchartProcess = 61,
    msoShapeFlowchartAlternateProcess = 62,
    msoShapeFlowchartDecision = 63,
    msoShapeFlowchartData = 64,
    msoShapeFlowchartPredefinedProcess = 65,
    msoShapeFlowchartInternalStorage = 66,
    msoShapeFlowchartDocument = 67,
    msoShapeFlowchartMultidocument = 68,
    msoShapeFlowchartTerminator = 69,
    msoShapeFlowchartPreparation = 70,
    msoShapeFlowchartManualInput = 71,
    msoShapeFlowchartManualOperation = 72,
    msoShapeFlowchartConnector = 73,
    msoShapeFlowchartOffpageConnector = 74,
    msoShapeFlowchartCard = 75,
    msoShapeFlowchartPunchedTape = 76,
    msoShapeFlowchartSummingJunction = 77,
    msoShapeFlowchartOr = 78,
    msoShapeFlowchartCollate = 79,
    msoShapeFlowchartSort = 80,
    msoShapeFlowchartExtract = 81,
    msoShapeFlowchartMerge = 82,
    msoShapeFlowchartStoredData = 83,
    msoShapeFlowchartDelay = 84,
    msoShapeFlowchartSequentialAccessStorage = 85,
    msoShapeFlowchartMagneticDisk = 86,
    msoShapeFlowchartDirectAccessStorage = 87,
    msoShapeFlowchartDisplay = 88,
    msoShapeExplosion1 = 89,
    msoShapeExplosion2 = 90,
    msoShape4pointStar = 91,
    msoShape5pointStar = 92,
    msoShape8pointStar = 93,
    msoShape16pointStar = 94,
    msoShape24pointStar = 95,
    msoShape32pointStar = 96,
    msoShapeUpRibbon = 97,
    msoShapeDownRibbon = 98,
    msoShapeCurvedUpRibbon = 99,
    msoShapeCurvedDownRibbon = 100,
    msoShapeVerticalScroll = 101,
    msoShapeHorizontalScroll = 102,
    msoShapeWave = 103,
    msoShapeDoubleWave = 104,
    msoShapeRectangularCallout = 105,
    msoShapeRoundedRectangularCallout = 106,
    msoShapeOvalCallout = 107,
    msoShapeCloudCallout = 108,
    msoShapeLineCallout1 = 109,
    msoShapeLineCallout2 = 110,
    msoShapeLineCallout3 = 111,
    msoShapeLineCallout4 = 112,
    msoShapeLineCallout1AccentBar = 113,
    msoShapeLineCallout2AccentBar = 114,
    msoShapeLineCallout3AccentBar = 115,
    msoShapeLineCallout4AccentBar = 116,
    msoShapeLineCallout1NoBorder = 117,
    msoShapeLineCallout2NoBorder = 118,
    msoShapeLineCallout3NoBorder = 119,
    msoShapeLineCallout4NoBorder = 120,
    msoShapeLineCallout1BorderandAccentBar = 121,
    msoShapeLineCallout2BorderandAccentBar = 122,
    msoShapeLineCallout3BorderandAccentBar = 123,
    msoShapeLineCallout4BorderandAccentBar = 124,
    msoShapeActionButtonCustom = 125,
    msoShapeActionButtonHome = 126,
    msoShapeActionButtonHelp = 127,
    msoShapeActionButtonInformation = 128,
    msoShapeActionButtonBackorPrevious = 129,
    msoShapeActionButtonForwardorNext = 130,
    msoShapeActionButtonBeginning = 131,
    msoShapeActionButtonEnd = 132,
    msoShapeActionButtonReturn = 133,
    msoShapeActionButtonDocument = 134,
    msoShapeActionButtonSound = 135,
    msoShapeActionButtonMovie = 136,
    msoShapeBalloon = 137,
    msoShapeNotPrimitive = 138,
    msoShapeFlowchartOfflineStorage = 139,
    msoShapeLeftRightRibbon = 140,
    msoShapeDiagonalStripe = 141,
    msoShapePie = 142,
    msoShapeNonIsoscelesTrapezoid = 143,
    msoShapeDecagon = 144,
    msoShapeHeptagon = 145,
    msoShapeDodecagon = 146,
    msoShape6pointStar = 147,
    msoShape7pointStar = 148,
    msoShape10pointStar = 149,
    msoShape12pointStar = 150,
    msoShapeRound1Rectangle = 151,
    msoShapeRound2SameRectangle = 152,
    msoShapeRound2DiagRectangle = 153,
    msoShapeSnipRoundRectangle = 154,
    msoShapeSnip1Rectangle = 155,
    msoShapeSnip2SameRectangle = 156,
    msoShapeSnip2DiagRectangle = 157,
    msoShapeFrame = 158,
    msoShapeHalfFrame = 159,
    msoShapeTear = 160,
    msoShapeChord = 161,
    msoShapeCorner = 162,
    msoShapeMathPlus = 163,
    msoShapeMathMinus = 164,
    msoShapeMathMultiply = 165,
    msoShapeMathDivide = 166,
    msoShapeMathEqual = 167,
    msoShapeMathNotEqual = 168,
    msoShapeCornerTabs = 169,
    msoShapeSquareTabs = 170,
    msoShapePlaqueTabs = 171,
    msoShapeGear6 = 172,
    msoShapeGear9 = 173,
    msoShapeFunnel = 174,
    msoShapePieWedge = 175,
    msoShapeLeftCircularArrow = 176,
    msoShapeLeftRightCircularArrow = 177,
    msoShapeSwooshArrow = 178,
    msoShapeCloud = 179,
    msoShapeChartX = 180,
    msoShapeChartStar = 181,
    msoShapeChartPlus = 182,
    msoShapeLineInverse = 183

enum MsoShapeType
    msoShapeTypeMixed = -2,
    msoAutoShape = 1,
    msoCallout = 2,
    msoChart = 3,
    msoComment = 4,
    msoFreeform = 5,
    msoGroup = 6,
    msoEmbeddedOLEObject = 7,
    msoFormControl = 8,
    msoLine = 9,
    msoLinkedOLEObject = 10,
    msoLinkedPicture = 11,
    msoOLEControlObject = 12,
    msoPicture = 13,
    msoPlaceholder = 14,
    msoTextEffect = 15,
    msoMedia = 16,
    msoTextBox = 17,
    msoScriptAnchor = 18,
    msoTable = 19,
    msoCanvas = 20,
    msoDiagram = 21,
    msoInk = 22,
    msoInkComment = 23,
    msoSmartArt = 24,
    msoSlicer = 25

enum MsoFlipCmd
    msoFlipHorizontal = 0,
    msoFlipVertical = 1

enum MsoTriState
    msoTrue = -1,
    msoFalse = 0,
    msoCTrue = 1,
    msoTriStateToggle = -3,
    msoTriStateMixed = -2

enum MsoColorType
    msoColorTypeMixed = -2,
    msoColorTypeRGB = 1,
    msoColorTypeScheme = 2,
    msoColorTypeCMYK = 3,
    msoColorTypeCMS = 4,
    msoColorTypeInk = 5

enum MsoPictureColorType
    msoPictureMixed = -2,
    msoPictureAutomatic = 1,
    msoPictureGrayscale = 2,
    msoPictureBlackAndWhite = 3,
    msoPictureWatermark = 4

enum MsoCalloutAngleType
    msoCalloutAngleMixed = -2,
    msoCalloutAngleAutomatic = 1,
    msoCalloutAngle30 = 2,
    msoCalloutAngle45 = 3,
    msoCalloutAngle60 = 4,
    msoCalloutAngle90 = 5

enum MsoCalloutDropType
    msoCalloutDropMixed = -2,
    msoCalloutDropCustom = 1,
    msoCalloutDropTop = 2,
    msoCalloutDropCenter = 3,
    msoCalloutDropBottom = 4

enum MsoCalloutType
    msoCalloutMixed = -2,
    msoCalloutOne = 1,
    msoCalloutTwo = 2,
    msoCalloutThree = 3,
    msoCalloutFour = 4

enum MsoBlackWhiteMode
    msoBlackWhiteMixed = -2,
    msoBlackWhiteAutomatic = 1,
    msoBlackWhiteGrayScale = 2,
    msoBlackWhiteLightGrayScale = 3,
    msoBlackWhiteInverseGrayScale = 4,
    msoBlackWhiteGrayOutline = 5,
    msoBlackWhiteBlackTextAndLine = 6,
    msoBlackWhiteHighContrast = 7,
    msoBlackWhiteBlack = 8,
    msoBlackWhiteWhite = 9,
    msoBlackWhiteDontShow = 10

enum MsoMixedType
    msoIntegerMixed = 32768,
    msoSingleMixed = 0x80000000

enum MsoTextOrientation
    msoTextOrientationMixed = -2,
    msoTextOrientationHorizontal = 1,
    msoTextOrientationUpward = 2,
    msoTextOrientationDownward = 3,
    msoTextOrientationVerticalFarEast = 4,
    msoTextOrientationVertical = 5,
    msoTextOrientationHorizontalRotatedFarEast = 6

enum MsoScaleFrom
    msoScaleFromTopLeft = 0,
    msoScaleFromMiddle = 1,
    msoScaleFromBottomRight = 2

enum MsoBarPosition
    msoBarLeft = 0,
    msoBarTop = 1,
    msoBarRight = 2,
    msoBarBottom = 3,
    msoBarFloating = 4,
    msoBarPopup = 5,
    msoBarMenuBar = 6

enum MsoBarProtection
    msoBarNoProtection = 0,
    msoBarNoCustomize = 1,
    msoBarNoResize = 2,
    msoBarNoMove = 4,
    msoBarNoChangeVisible = 8,
    msoBarNoChangeDock = 16,
    msoBarNoVerticalDock = 32,
    msoBarNoHorizontalDock = 64

enum MsoBarType
    msoBarTypeNormal = 0,
    msoBarTypeMenuBar = 1,
    msoBarTypePopup = 2

enum MsoControlType
    msoControlCustom = 0,
    msoControlButton = 1,
    msoControlEdit = 2,
    msoControlDropdown = 3,
    msoControlComboBox = 4,
    msoControlButtonDropdown = 5,
    msoControlSplitDropdown = 6,
    msoControlOCXDropdown = 7,
    msoControlGenericDropdown = 8,
    msoControlGraphicDropdown = 9,
    msoControlPopup = 10,
    msoControlGraphicPopup = 11,
    msoControlButtonPopup = 12,
    msoControlSplitButtonPopup = 13,
    msoControlSplitButtonMRUPopup = 14,
    msoControlLabel = 15,
    msoControlExpandingGrid = 16,
    msoControlSplitExpandingGrid = 17,
    msoControlGrid = 18,
    msoControlGauge = 19,
    msoControlGraphicCombo = 20,
    msoControlPane = 21,
    msoControlActiveX = 22,
    msoControlSpinner = 23,
    msoControlLabelEx = 24,
    msoControlWorkPane = 25,
    msoControlAutoCompleteCombo = 26

enum MsoButtonState
    msoButtonUp = 0,
    msoButtonDown = -1,
    msoButtonMixed = 2

enum MsoControlOLEUsage
    msoControlOLEUsageNeither = 0,
    msoControlOLEUsageServer = 1,
    msoControlOLEUsageClient = 2,
    msoControlOLEUsageBoth = 3

enum MsoButtonStyleHidden
    msoButtonWrapText = 4,
    msoButtonTextBelow = 8

enum MsoButtonStyle
    msoButtonAutomatic = 0,
    msoButtonIcon = 1,
    msoButtonCaption = 2,
    msoButtonIconAndCaption = 3,
    msoButtonIconAndWrapCaption = 7,
    msoButtonIconAndCaptionBelow = 11,
    msoButtonWrapCaption = 14,
    msoButtonIconAndWrapCaptionBelow = 15

enum MsoComboStyle
    msoComboNormal = 0,
    msoComboLabel = 1

enum MsoOLEMenuGroup
    msoOLEMenuGroupNone = -1,
    msoOLEMenuGroupFile = 0,
    msoOLEMenuGroupEdit = 1,
    msoOLEMenuGroupContainer = 2,
    msoOLEMenuGroupObject = 3,
    msoOLEMenuGroupWindow = 4,
    msoOLEMenuGroupHelp = 5

enum MsoMenuAnimation
    msoMenuAnimationNone = 0,
    msoMenuAnimationRandom = 1,
    msoMenuAnimationUnfold = 2,
    msoMenuAnimationSlide = 3

enum MsoBarRow
    msoBarRowFirst = 0,
    msoBarRowLast = -1

enum MsoCommandBarButtonHyperlinkType
    msoCommandBarButtonHyperlinkNone = 0,
    msoCommandBarButtonHyperlinkOpen = 1,
    msoCommandBarButtonHyperlinkInsertPicture = 2

enum MsoHyperlinkType
    msoHyperlinkRange = 0,
    msoHyperlinkShape = 1,
    msoHyperlinkInlineShape = 2

enum MsoExtraInfoMethod
    msoMethodGet = 0,
    msoMethodPost = 1

enum MsoAnimationType
    msoAnimationIdle = 1,
    msoAnimationGreeting = 2,
    msoAnimationGoodbye = 3,
    msoAnimationBeginSpeaking = 4,
    msoAnimationRestPose = 5,
    msoAnimationCharacterSuccessMajor = 6,
    msoAnimationGetAttentionMajor = 11,
    msoAnimationGetAttentionMinor = 12,
    msoAnimationSearching = 13,
    msoAnimationPrinting = 18,
    msoAnimationGestureRight = 19,
    msoAnimationWritingNotingSomething = 22,
    msoAnimationWorkingAtSomething = 23,
    msoAnimationThinking = 24,
    msoAnimationSendingMail = 25,
    msoAnimationListensToComputer = 26,
    msoAnimationDisappear = 31,
    msoAnimationAppear = 32,
    msoAnimationGetArtsy = 100,
    msoAnimationGetTechy = 101,
    msoAnimationGetWizardy = 102,
    msoAnimationCheckingSomething = 103,
    msoAnimationLookDown = 104,
    msoAnimationLookDownLeft = 105,
    msoAnimationLookDownRight = 106,
    msoAnimationLookLeft = 107,
    msoAnimationLookRight = 108,
    msoAnimationLookUp = 109,
    msoAnimationLookUpLeft = 110,
    msoAnimationLookUpRight = 111,
    msoAnimationSaving = 112,
    msoAnimationGestureDown = 113,
    msoAnimationGestureLeft = 114,
    msoAnimationGestureUp = 115,
    msoAnimationEmptyTrash = 116

enum MsoButtonSetType
    msoButtonSetNone = 0,
    msoButtonSetOK = 1,
    msoButtonSetCancel = 2,
    msoButtonSetOkCancel = 3,
    msoButtonSetYesNo = 4,
    msoButtonSetYesNoCancel = 5,
    msoButtonSetBackClose = 6,
    msoButtonSetNextClose = 7,
    msoButtonSetBackNextClose = 8,
    msoButtonSetRetryCancel = 9,
    msoButtonSetAbortRetryIgnore = 10,
    msoButtonSetSearchClose = 11,
    msoButtonSetBackNextSnooze = 12,
    msoButtonSetTipsOptionsClose = 13,
    msoButtonSetYesAllNoCancel = 14

enum MsoIconType
    msoIconNone = 0,
    msoIconAlert = 2,
    msoIconTip = 3,
    msoIconAlertInfo = 4,
    msoIconAlertWarning = 5,
    msoIconAlertQuery = 6,
    msoIconAlertCritical = 7

enum MsoBalloonType
    msoBalloonTypeButtons = 0,
    msoBalloonTypeBullets = 1,
    msoBalloonTypeNumbers = 2

enum MsoModeType
    msoModeModal = 0,
    msoModeAutoDown = 1,
    msoModeModeless = 2

enum MsoBalloonErrorType
    msoBalloonErrorNone = 0,
    msoBalloonErrorOther = 1,
    msoBalloonErrorTooBig = 2,
    msoBalloonErrorOutOfMemory = 3,
    msoBalloonErrorBadPictureRef = 4,
    msoBalloonErrorBadReference = 5,
    msoBalloonErrorButtonlessModal = 6,
    msoBalloonErrorButtonModeless = 7,
    msoBalloonErrorBadCharacter = 8,
    msoBalloonErrorCOMFailure = 9,
    msoBalloonErrorCharNotTopmostForModal = 10,
    msoBalloonErrorTooManyControls = 11

enum MsoWizardActType
    msoWizardActInactive = 0,
    msoWizardActActive = 1,
    msoWizardActSuspend = 2,
    msoWizardActResume = 3

enum MsoWizardMsgType
    msoWizardMsgLocalStateOn = 1,
    msoWizardMsgLocalStateOff = 2,
    msoWizardMsgShowHelp = 3,
    msoWizardMsgSuspending = 4,
    msoWizardMsgResuming = 5

enum MsoBalloonButtonType
    msoBalloonButtonYesToAll = -15,
    msoBalloonButtonOptions = -14,
    msoBalloonButtonTips = -13,
    msoBalloonButtonClose = -12,
    msoBalloonButtonSnooze = -11,
    msoBalloonButtonSearch = -10,
    msoBalloonButtonIgnore = -9,
    msoBalloonButtonAbort = -8,
    msoBalloonButtonRetry = -7,
    msoBalloonButtonNext = -6,
    msoBalloonButtonBack = -5,
    msoBalloonButtonNo = -4,
    msoBalloonButtonYes = -3,
    msoBalloonButtonCancel = -2,
    msoBalloonButtonOK = -1,
    msoBalloonButtonNull = 0

enum DocProperties
    offPropertyTypeNumber = 1,
    offPropertyTypeBoolean = 2,
    offPropertyTypeDate = 3,
    offPropertyTypeString = 4,
    offPropertyTypeFloat = 5

enum MsoDocProperties
    msoPropertyTypeNumber = 1,
    msoPropertyTypeBoolean = 2,
    msoPropertyTypeDate = 3,
    msoPropertyTypeString = 4,
    msoPropertyTypeFloat = 5

enum MsoAppLanguageID
    msoLanguageIDInstall = 1,
    msoLanguageIDUI = 2,
    msoLanguageIDHelp = 3,
    msoLanguageIDExeMode = 4,
    msoLanguageIDUIPrevious = 5

enum MsoFarEastLineBreakLanguageID
    MsoFarEastLineBreakLanguageJapanese = 1041,
    MsoFarEastLineBreakLanguageKorean = 1042,
    MsoFarEastLineBreakLanguageSimplifiedChinese = 2052,
    MsoFarEastLineBreakLanguageTraditionalChinese = 1028

enum MsoFeatureInstall
    msoFeatureInstallNone = 0,
    msoFeatureInstallOnDemand = 1,
    msoFeatureInstallOnDemandWithUI = 2

struct __declspec(uuid("618736e0-3c3d-11cf-810c-00aa00389b71"))
IAccessible : IDispatch
    // Property data

    _bstr_t accDefaultAction[];
    _variant_t accSelection;
    _variant_t accFocus;
    _bstr_t accKeyboardShortcut[];
    _bstr_t accHelp[];
    _variant_t accState[];
    _variant_t accRole[];
    _bstr_t accDescription[];
    _bstr_t accValue[];
    _bstr_t accName[];
    IDispatchPtr accChild[];
    long accChildCount;
    IDispatchPtr accParent;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    IDispatchPtr GetaccParent ( );
    long GetaccChildCount ( );
    IDispatchPtr GetaccChild (
        const _variant_t & varChild );
    _bstr_t GetaccName (
        const _variant_t & varChild = vtMissing );
    _bstr_t GetaccValue (
        const _variant_t & varChild = vtMissing );
    _bstr_t GetaccDescription (
        const _variant_t & varChild = vtMissing );
    _variant_t GetaccRole (
        const _variant_t & varChild = vtMissing );
    _variant_t GetaccState (
        const _variant_t & varChild = vtMissing );
    _bstr_t GetaccHelp (
        const _variant_t & varChild = vtMissing );
    long GetaccHelpTopic (
        BSTR * pszHelpFile,
        const _variant_t & varChild = vtMissing );
    _bstr_t GetaccKeyboardShortcut (
        const _variant_t & varChild = vtMissing );
    _variant_t GetaccFocus ( );
    _variant_t GetaccSelection ( );
    _bstr_t GetaccDefaultAction (
        const _variant_t & varChild = vtMissing );
    HRESULT accSelect (
        long flagsSelect,
        const _variant_t & varChild = vtMissing );
    HRESULT accLocation (
        long * pxLeft,
        long * pyTop,
        long * pcxWidth,
        long * pcyHeight,
        const _variant_t & varChild = vtMissing );
    _variant_t accNavigate (
        long navDir,
        const _variant_t & varStart = vtMissing );
    _variant_t accHitTest (
        long xLeft,
        long yTop );
    HRESULT accDoDefaultAction (
        const _variant_t & varChild = vtMissing );
    void PutaccName (
        const _variant_t & varChild,
        _bstr_t pszName );
    void PutaccValue (
        const _variant_t & varChild,
        _bstr_t pszValue );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_accParent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppdispParent ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_accChildCount (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * pcountChildren ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_accChild (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT varChild,
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppdispChild ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_accName (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT varChild,
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pszName ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_accValue (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT varChild,
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pszValue ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_accDescription (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT varChild,
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pszDescription ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_accRole (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT varChild,
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pvarRole ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_accState (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT varChild,
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pvarState ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_accHelp (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT varChild,
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pszHelp ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_accHelpTopic (
        /*[out]*/ BSTR * pszHelpFile,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT varChild,
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * pidTopic ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_accKeyboardShortcut (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT varChild,
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pszKeyboardShortcut ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_accFocus (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pvarChild ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_accSelection (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pvarChildren ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_accDefaultAction (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT varChild,
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pszDefaultAction ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_accSelect (
        /*[in]*/ long flagsSelect,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT varChild = vtMissing ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_accLocation (
        /*[out]*/ long * pxLeft,
        /*[out]*/ long * pyTop,
        /*[out]*/ long * pcxWidth,
        /*[out]*/ long * pcyHeight,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT varChild = vtMissing ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_accNavigate (
        /*[in]*/ long navDir,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT varStart,
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pvarEndUpAt ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_accHitTest (
        /*[in]*/ long xLeft,
        /*[in]*/ long yTop,
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pvarChild ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_accDoDefaultAction (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT varChild = vtMissing ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_accName (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT varChild,
        /*[in]*/ BSTR pszName ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_accValue (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT varChild,
        /*[in]*/ BSTR pszValue ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c0300-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
_IMsoDispObj : IDispatch
    // Property data

    IDispatchPtr Application;
    long Creator;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    IDispatchPtr GetApplication ( );
    long GetCreator ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppidisp ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Creator (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * plCreator ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c0301-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
_IMsoOleAccDispObj : IAccessible
    // Property data

    IDispatchPtr Application;
    long Creator;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    IDispatchPtr GetApplication ( );
    long GetCreator ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppidisp ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Creator (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * plCreator ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c0310-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
Adjustments : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    float Item[];
    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    int Count;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    int GetCount ( );
    float GetItem (
        int Index );
    void PutItem (
        int Index,
        float Val );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * Parent ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * Count ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
        /*[in]*/ int Index,
        /*[out,retval]*/ float * Val ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Item (
        /*[in]*/ int Index,
        /*[in]*/ float Val ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c0311-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
CalloutFormat : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    enum MsoTriState Accent;
    enum MsoCalloutAngleType Angle;
    enum MsoTriState AutoAttach;
    enum MsoTriState AutoLength;
    enum MsoTriState Border;
    float Drop;
    enum MsoCalloutDropType DropType;
    float Gap;
    float Length;
    enum MsoCalloutType Type;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    HRESULT AutomaticLength ( );
    HRESULT CustomDrop (
        float Drop );
    HRESULT CustomLength (
        float Length );
    HRESULT PresetDrop (
        enum MsoCalloutDropType DropType );
    enum MsoTriState GetAccent ( );
    void PutAccent (
        enum MsoTriState Accent );
    enum MsoCalloutAngleType GetAngle ( );
    void PutAngle (
        enum MsoCalloutAngleType Angle );
    enum MsoTriState GetAutoAttach ( );
    void PutAutoAttach (
        enum MsoTriState AutoAttach );
    enum MsoTriState GetAutoLength ( );
    enum MsoTriState GetBorder ( );
    void PutBorder (
        enum MsoTriState Border );
    float GetDrop ( );
    enum MsoCalloutDropType GetDropType ( );
    float GetGap ( );
    void PutGap (
        float Gap );
    float GetLength ( );
    enum MsoCalloutType GetType ( );
    void PutType (
        enum MsoCalloutType Type );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * Parent ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AutomaticLength ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CustomDrop (
        /*[in]*/ float Drop ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CustomLength (
        /*[in]*/ float Length ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_PresetDrop (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoCalloutDropType DropType ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Accent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoTriState * Accent ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Accent (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoTriState Accent ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Angle (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoCalloutAngleType * Angle ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Angle (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoCalloutAngleType Angle ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_AutoAttach (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoTriState * AutoAttach ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_AutoAttach (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoTriState AutoAttach ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_AutoLength (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoTriState * AutoLength ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Border (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoTriState * Border ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Border (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoTriState Border ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Drop (
        /*[out,retval]*/ float * Drop ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DropType (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoCalloutDropType * DropType ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Gap (
        /*[out,retval]*/ float * Gap ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Gap (
        /*[in]*/ float Gap ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Length (
        /*[out,retval]*/ float * Length ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Type (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoCalloutType * Type ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Type (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoCalloutType Type ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c0318-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
ShapeNode : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    enum MsoEditingType EditingType;
    _variant_t Points;
    enum MsoSegmentType SegmentType;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    enum MsoEditingType GetEditingType ( );
    _variant_t GetPoints ( );
    enum MsoSegmentType GetSegmentType ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * Parent ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_EditingType (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoEditingType * EditingType ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Points (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * Points ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SegmentType (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoSegmentType * SegmentType ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c0319-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
ShapeNodes : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    int Count;
    IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    int GetCount ( );
    ShapeNodePtr Item (
        const _variant_t & Index );
    IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );
    HRESULT Delete (
        int Index );
    HRESULT Insert (
        int Index,
        enum MsoSegmentType SegmentType,
        enum MsoEditingType EditingType,
        float X1,
        float Y1,
        float X2,
        float Y2,
        float X3,
        float Y3 );
    HRESULT SetEditingType (
        int Index,
        enum MsoEditingType EditingType );
    HRESULT SetPosition (
        int Index,
        float X1,
        float Y1 );
    HRESULT SetSegmentType (
        int Index,
        enum MsoSegmentType SegmentType );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * Parent ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * Count ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Item (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Index,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct ShapeNode * * Item ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * _NewEnum ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Delete (
        /*[in]*/ int Index ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Insert (
        /*[in]*/ int Index,
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoSegmentType SegmentType,
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoEditingType EditingType,
        /*[in]*/ float X1,
        /*[in]*/ float Y1,
        /*[in]*/ float X2,
        /*[in]*/ float Y2,
        /*[in]*/ float X3,
        /*[in]*/ float Y3 ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetEditingType (
        /*[in]*/ int Index,
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoEditingType EditingType ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetPosition (
        /*[in]*/ int Index,
        /*[in]*/ float X1,
        /*[in]*/ float Y1 ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetSegmentType (
        /*[in]*/ int Index,
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoSegmentType SegmentType ) = 0;

enum MsoScriptLanguage
    msoScriptLanguageJava = 1,
    msoScriptLanguageVisualBasic = 2,
    msoScriptLanguageASP = 3,
    msoScriptLanguageOther = 4

enum MsoScriptLocation
    msoScriptLocationInHead = 1,
    msoScriptLocationInBody = 2

struct __declspec(uuid("000c0341-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
Script : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    _bstr_t Extended;
    _bstr_t ScriptText;
    _bstr_t Id;
    enum MsoScriptLanguage Language;
    enum MsoScriptLocation Location;
    IDispatchPtr Shape;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    _bstr_t GetExtended ( );
    void PutExtended (
        _bstr_t Extended );
    _bstr_t GetId ( );
    void PutId (
        _bstr_t Id );
    enum MsoScriptLanguage GetLanguage ( );
    void PutLanguage (
        enum MsoScriptLanguage Language );
    enum MsoScriptLocation GetLocation ( );
    HRESULT Delete ( );
    IDispatchPtr GetShape ( );
    _bstr_t GetScriptText ( );
    void PutScriptText (
        _bstr_t Script );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * Parent ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Extended (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * Extended ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Extended (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR Extended ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Id (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * Id ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Id (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR Id ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Language (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoScriptLanguage * Language ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Language (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoScriptLanguage Language ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Location (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoScriptLocation * Location ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Delete ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Shape (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * Object ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ScriptText (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * Script ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ScriptText (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR Script ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c0340-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
Scripts : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    long Count;
    IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    long GetCount ( );
    IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );
    ScriptPtr Item (
        const _variant_t & Index );
    ScriptPtr Add (
        IDispatch * Anchor,
        enum MsoScriptLocation Location,
        enum MsoScriptLanguage Language,
        _bstr_t Id,
        _bstr_t Extended,
        _bstr_t ScriptText );
    HRESULT Delete ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * Parent ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * Count ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * _NewEnum ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Item (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Index,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct Script * * Item ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Add (
        /*[in]*/ IDispatch * Anchor,
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoScriptLocation Location,
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoScriptLanguage Language,
        /*[in]*/ BSTR Id,
        /*[in]*/ BSTR Extended,
        /*[in]*/ BSTR ScriptText,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct Script * * Add ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Delete ( ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c031f-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
TextEffectFormat : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    enum MsoTextEffectAlignment Alignment;
    enum MsoTriState FontBold;
    enum MsoTriState FontItalic;
    _bstr_t FontName;
    float FontSize;
    enum MsoTriState KernedPairs;
    enum MsoTriState NormalizedHeight;
    enum MsoPresetTextEffectShape PresetShape;
    enum MsoPresetTextEffect PresetTextEffect;
    enum MsoTriState RotatedChars;
    _bstr_t Text;
    float Tracking;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    HRESULT ToggleVerticalText ( );
    enum MsoTextEffectAlignment GetAlignment ( );
    void PutAlignment (
        enum MsoTextEffectAlignment Alignment );
    enum MsoTriState GetFontBold ( );
    void PutFontBold (
        enum MsoTriState FontBold );
    enum MsoTriState GetFontItalic ( );
    void PutFontItalic (
        enum MsoTriState FontItalic );
    _bstr_t GetFontName ( );
    void PutFontName (
        _bstr_t FontName );
    float GetFontSize ( );
    void PutFontSize (
        float FontSize );
    enum MsoTriState GetKernedPairs ( );
    void PutKernedPairs (
        enum MsoTriState KernedPairs );
    enum MsoTriState GetNormalizedHeight ( );
    void PutNormalizedHeight (
        enum MsoTriState NormalizedHeight );
    enum MsoPresetTextEffectShape GetPresetShape ( );
    void PutPresetShape (
        enum MsoPresetTextEffectShape PresetShape );
    enum MsoPresetTextEffect GetPresetTextEffect ( );
    void PutPresetTextEffect (
        enum MsoPresetTextEffect Preset );
    enum MsoTriState GetRotatedChars ( );
    void PutRotatedChars (
        enum MsoTriState RotatedChars );
    _bstr_t GetText ( );
    void PutText (
        _bstr_t Text );
    float GetTracking ( );
    void PutTracking (
        float Tracking );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * Parent ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ToggleVerticalText ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Alignment (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoTextEffectAlignment * Alignment ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Alignment (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoTextEffectAlignment Alignment ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FontBold (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoTriState * FontBold ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_FontBold (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoTriState FontBold ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FontItalic (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoTriState * FontItalic ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_FontItalic (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoTriState FontItalic ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FontName (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * FontName ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_FontName (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR FontName ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FontSize (
        /*[out,retval]*/ float * FontSize ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_FontSize (
        /*[in]*/ float FontSize ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_KernedPairs (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoTriState * KernedPairs ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_KernedPairs (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoTriState KernedPairs ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_NormalizedHeight (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoTriState * NormalizedHeight ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_NormalizedHeight (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoTriState NormalizedHeight ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PresetShape (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoPresetTextEffectShape * PresetShape ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_PresetShape (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoPresetTextEffectShape PresetShape ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PresetTextEffect (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoPresetTextEffect * Preset ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_PresetTextEffect (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoPresetTextEffect Preset ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_RotatedChars (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoTriState * RotatedChars ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_RotatedChars (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoTriState RotatedChars ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Text (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * Text ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Text (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR Text ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Tracking (
        /*[out,retval]*/ float * Tracking ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Tracking (
        /*[in]*/ float Tracking ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c0320-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
TextFrame : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    float MarginBottom;
    float MarginLeft;
    float MarginRight;
    float MarginTop;
    enum MsoTextOrientation Orientation;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    float GetMarginBottom ( );
    void PutMarginBottom (
        float MarginBottom );
    float GetMarginLeft ( );
    void PutMarginLeft (
        float MarginLeft );
    float GetMarginRight ( );
    void PutMarginRight (
        float MarginRight );
    float GetMarginTop ( );
    void PutMarginTop (
        float MarginTop );
    enum MsoTextOrientation GetOrientation ( );
    void PutOrientation (
        enum MsoTextOrientation Orientation );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * Parent ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MarginBottom (
        /*[out,retval]*/ float * MarginBottom ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_MarginBottom (
        /*[in]*/ float MarginBottom ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MarginLeft (
        /*[out,retval]*/ float * MarginLeft ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_MarginLeft (
        /*[in]*/ float MarginLeft ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MarginRight (
        /*[out,retval]*/ float * MarginRight ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_MarginRight (
        /*[in]*/ float MarginRight ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MarginTop (
        /*[out,retval]*/ float * MarginTop ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_MarginTop (
        /*[in]*/ float MarginTop ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Orientation (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoTextOrientation * Orientation ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Orientation (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoTextOrientation Orientation ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c0359-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
IMsoDispCagNotifySink : IDispatch
    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    HRESULT InsertClip (
        IUnknown * pClipMoniker,
        IUnknown * pItemMoniker );
    HRESULT WindowIsClosing ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_InsertClip (
        /*[in]*/ IUnknown * pClipMoniker,
        /*[in]*/ IUnknown * pItemMoniker ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_WindowIsClosing ( ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c0324-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
Balloon : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    IDispatchPtr Checkboxes;
    IDispatchPtr Labels;
    enum MsoBalloonType BalloonType;
    enum MsoIconType Icon;
    _bstr_t Heading;
    _bstr_t Text;
    enum MsoModeType Mode;
    enum MsoAnimationType Animation;
    enum MsoButtonSetType Button;
    _bstr_t Callback;
    long Private;
    _bstr_t Name;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    IDispatchPtr GetCheckboxes ( );
    IDispatchPtr GetLabels ( );
    void PutBalloonType (
        enum MsoBalloonType pbty );
    enum MsoBalloonType GetBalloonType ( );
    void PutIcon (
        enum MsoIconType picn );
    enum MsoIconType GetIcon ( );
    void PutHeading (
        _bstr_t pbstr );
    _bstr_t GetHeading ( );
    void PutText (
        _bstr_t pbstr );
    _bstr_t GetText ( );
    void PutMode (
        enum MsoModeType pmd );
    enum MsoModeType GetMode ( );
    void PutAnimation (
        enum MsoAnimationType pfca );
    enum MsoAnimationType GetAnimation ( );
    void PutButton (
        enum MsoButtonSetType psbs );
    enum MsoButtonSetType GetButton ( );
    void PutCallback (
        _bstr_t pbstr );
    _bstr_t GetCallback ( );
    void PutPrivate (
        long plPrivate );
    long GetPrivate ( );
    HRESULT SetAvoidRectangle (
        int Left,
        int Top,
        int Right,
        int Bottom );
    _bstr_t GetName ( );
    enum MsoBalloonButtonType Show ( );
    HRESULT Close ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppidisp ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Checkboxes (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppidisp ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Labels (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppidisp ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_BalloonType (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoBalloonType pbty ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_BalloonType (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoBalloonType * pbty ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Icon (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoIconType picn ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Icon (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoIconType * picn ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Heading (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR pbstr ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Heading (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstr ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Text (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR pbstr ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Text (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstr ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Mode (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoModeType pmd ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Mode (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoModeType * pmd ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Animation (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoAnimationType pfca ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Animation (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoAnimationType * pfca ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Button (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoButtonSetType psbs ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Button (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoButtonSetType * psbs ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Callback (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR pbstr ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Callback (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstr ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Private (
        /*[in]*/ long plPrivate ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Private (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * plPrivate ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetAvoidRectangle (
        /*[in]*/ int Left,
        /*[in]*/ int Top,
        /*[in]*/ int Right,
        /*[in]*/ int Bottom ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Name (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrName ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Show (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoBalloonButtonType * pibtn ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Close ( ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c0326-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
BalloonCheckboxes : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    _bstr_t Name;
    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    IDispatchPtr Item[];
    int Count;
    IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    _bstr_t GetName ( );
    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    IDispatchPtr GetItem (
        int Index );
    int GetCount ( );
    void PutCount (
        int pccbx );
    IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Name (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrName ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppidisp ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
        /*[in]*/ int Index,
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppidisp ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * pccbx ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Count (
        /*[in]*/ int pccbx ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * ppienum ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c0328-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
BalloonCheckbox : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    _bstr_t Item;
    _bstr_t Name;
    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    VARIANT_BOOL Checked;
    _bstr_t Text;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    _bstr_t GetItem ( );
    _bstr_t GetName ( );
    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    void PutChecked (
        VARIANT_BOOL pvarfChecked );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetChecked ( );
    void PutText (
        _bstr_t pbstr );
    _bstr_t GetText ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrName ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Name (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrName ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppidisp ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Checked (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pvarfChecked ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Checked (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pvarfChecked ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Text (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR pbstr ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Text (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstr ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c032e-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
BalloonLabels : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    _bstr_t Name;
    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    IDispatchPtr Item[];
    int Count;
    IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    _bstr_t GetName ( );
    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    IDispatchPtr GetItem (
        int Index );
    int GetCount ( );
    void PutCount (
        int pcwz );
    IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Name (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrName ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppidisp ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
        /*[in]*/ int Index,
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppidisp ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * pcwz ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Count (
        /*[in]*/ int pcwz ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * ppienum ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c0330-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
BalloonLabel : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    _bstr_t Item;
    _bstr_t Name;
    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    _bstr_t Text;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    _bstr_t GetItem ( );
    _bstr_t GetName ( );
    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    void PutText (
        _bstr_t pbstr );
    _bstr_t GetText ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrName ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Name (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrName ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppidisp ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Text (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR pbstr ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Text (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstr ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c0361-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
AnswerWizardFiles : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    _bstr_t Item[];
    int Count;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    _bstr_t GetItem (
        int Index );
    int GetCount ( );
    HRESULT Add (
        _bstr_t FileName );
    HRESULT Delete (
        _bstr_t FileName );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppidisp ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
        /*[in]*/ int Index,
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstr ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * pCount ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Add (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR FileName ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Delete (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR FileName ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c0360-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
AnswerWizard : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    AnswerWizardFilesPtr Files;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    AnswerWizardFilesPtr GetFiles ( );
    HRESULT ClearFileList ( );
    HRESULT ResetFileList ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppidisp ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Files (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct AnswerWizardFiles * * Files ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ClearFileList ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ResetFileList ( ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("2df8d04e-5bfa-101b-bde5-00aa0044de52"))
DocumentProperty : IDispatch
    // Property data

    _variant_t Value[];
    _bstr_t Name[];
    enum MsoDocProperties Type[];
    VARIANT_BOOL LinkToContent;
    _bstr_t LinkSource;
    IDispatchPtr Application;
    long Creator;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    HRESULT Delete ( );
    _bstr_t GetName (
        long lcid = 0 );
    void PutName (
        long lcid,
        _bstr_t pbstrRetVal );
    _variant_t GetValue (
        long lcid = 0 );
    void PutValue (
        long lcid,
        const _variant_t & pvargRetVal );
    enum MsoDocProperties GetType (
        long lcid = 0 );
    void PutType (
        long lcid,
        enum MsoDocProperties ptypeRetVal );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetLinkToContent ( );
    void PutLinkToContent (
        VARIANT_BOOL pfLinkRetVal );
    _bstr_t GetLinkSource ( );
    void PutLinkSource (
        _bstr_t pbstrSourceRetVal );
    IDispatchPtr GetApplication ( );
    long GetCreator ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual IDispatch * __stdcall get_Parent ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Delete ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Name (
        /*[in,lcid]*/ long lcid,
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrRetVal ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Name (
        /*[in,lcid]*/ long lcid,
        /*[in]*/ BSTR pbstrRetVal ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Value (
        /*[in,lcid]*/ long lcid,
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pvargRetVal ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Value (
        /*[in,lcid]*/ long lcid,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT pvargRetVal ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Type (
        /*[in,lcid]*/ long lcid,
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoDocProperties * ptypeRetVal ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Type (
        /*[in,lcid]*/ long lcid,
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoDocProperties ptypeRetVal ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_LinkToContent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pfLinkRetVal ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_LinkToContent (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pfLinkRetVal ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_LinkSource (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrSourceRetVal ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_LinkSource (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR pbstrSourceRetVal ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppidisp ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Creator (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * plCreator ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("2df8d04d-5bfa-101b-bde5-00aa0044de52"))
__DocumentProperties : IDispatch
    // Property data

    DocumentPropertyPtr Item[][];
    long Count;
    IDispatchPtr Application;
    long Creator;
    IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    DocumentPropertyPtr GetItem (
        const _variant_t & Index,
        long lcid = 0 );
    long GetCount ( );
    DocumentPropertyPtr Add (
        _bstr_t Name,
        VARIANT_BOOL LinkToContent,
        const _variant_t & Type = vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & Value = vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & LinkSource = vtMissing,
        long lcid = 0 );
    IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );
    IDispatchPtr GetApplication ( );
    long GetCreator ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual IDispatch * __stdcall get_Parent ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Index,
        /*[in,lcid]*/ long lcid,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct DocumentProperty * * ppIDocProp ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * pc ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Add (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR Name,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL LinkToContent,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Type,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Value,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT LinkSource,
        /*[in,lcid]*/ long lcid,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct DocumentProperty * * ppIDocProp ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * ppunkEnum ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppidisp ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Creator (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * plCreator ) = 0;

enum MsoFileFindOptions
    msoOptionsNew = 1,
    msoOptionsAdd = 2,
    msoOptionsWithin = 3

enum MsoFileFindView
    msoViewFileInfo = 1,
    msoViewPreview = 2,
    msoViewSummaryInfo = 3

enum MsoFileFindSortBy
    msoFileFindSortbyAuthor = 1,
    msoFileFindSortbyDateCreated = 2,
    msoFileFindSortbyLastSavedBy = 3,
    msoFileFindSortbyDateSaved = 4,
    msoFileFindSortbyFileName = 5,
    msoFileFindSortbySize = 6,
    msoFileFindSortbyTitle = 7

enum MsoFileFindListBy
    msoListbyName = 1,
    msoListbyTitle = 2

struct __declspec(uuid("000c0338-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
IFoundFiles : IDispatch
    // Property data

    _bstr_t Item[];
    int Count;
    IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    _bstr_t GetItem (
        int Index );
    int GetCount ( );
    IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
        /*[in]*/ int Index,
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstr ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * pCount ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * ppunkEnum ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c0337-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
IFind : IDispatch
    // Property data

    _bstr_t __SearchPath;
    _bstr_t Name;
    _bstr_t Title;
    _bstr_t Author;
    _bstr_t Keywords;
    _bstr_t Subject;
    enum MsoFileFindOptions Options;
    VARIANT_BOOL MatchCase;
    _bstr_t Text;
    VARIANT_BOOL PatternMatch;
    _variant_t DateSavedFrom;
    _variant_t DateSavedTo;
    _bstr_t SavedBy;
    _variant_t DateCreatedFrom;
    _variant_t DateCreatedTo;
    enum MsoFileFindView View;
    enum MsoFileFindSortBy SortBy;
    enum MsoFileFindListBy ListBy;
    int SelectedFile;
    IFoundFilesPtr Results;
    long FileType;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    _bstr_t Get__SearchPath ( );
    _bstr_t GetName ( );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetSubDir ( );
    _bstr_t GetTitle ( );
    _bstr_t GetAuthor ( );
    _bstr_t GetKeywords ( );
    _bstr_t GetSubject ( );
    enum MsoFileFindOptions GetOptions ( );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetMatchCase ( );
    _bstr_t GetText ( );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetPatternMatch ( );
    _variant_t GetDateSavedFrom ( );
    _variant_t GetDateSavedTo ( );
    _bstr_t GetSavedBy ( );
    _variant_t GetDateCreatedFrom ( );
    _variant_t GetDateCreatedTo ( );
    enum MsoFileFindView GetView ( );
    enum MsoFileFindSortBy GetSortBy ( );
    enum MsoFileFindListBy GetListBy ( );
    int GetSelectedFile ( );
    IFoundFilesPtr GetResults ( );
    int Show ( );
    void Put__SearchPath (
        _bstr_t pbstr );
    void PutName (
        _bstr_t pbstr );
    void PutSubDir (
        VARIANT_BOOL retval );
    void PutTitle (
        _bstr_t pbstr );
    void PutAuthor (
        _bstr_t pbstr );
    void PutKeywords (
        _bstr_t pbstr );
    void PutSubject (
        _bstr_t pbstr );
    void PutOptions (
        enum MsoFileFindOptions penmOptions );
    void PutMatchCase (
        VARIANT_BOOL retval );
    void PutText (
        _bstr_t pbstr );
    void PutPatternMatch (
        VARIANT_BOOL retval );
    void PutDateSavedFrom (
        const _variant_t & pdatSavedFrom );
    void PutDateSavedTo (
        const _variant_t & pdatSavedTo );
    void PutSavedBy (
        _bstr_t pbstr );
    void PutDateCreatedFrom (
        const _variant_t & pdatCreatedFrom );
    void PutDateCreatedTo (
        const _variant_t & pdatCreatedTo );
    void PutView (
        enum MsoFileFindView penmView );
    void PutSortBy (
        enum MsoFileFindSortBy penmSortBy );
    void PutListBy (
        enum MsoFileFindListBy penmListBy );
    void PutSelectedFile (
        int pintSelectedFile );
    HRESULT Execute ( );
    HRESULT Load (
        _bstr_t bstrQueryName );
    HRESULT Save (
        _bstr_t bstrQueryName );
    HRESULT Delete (
        _bstr_t bstrQueryName );
    long GetFileType ( );
    void PutFileType (
        long plFileType );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get___SearchPath (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstr ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Name (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstr ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SubDir (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * retval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Title (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstr ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Author (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstr ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Keywords (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstr ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Subject (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstr ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Options (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoFileFindOptions * penmOptions ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MatchCase (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * retval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Text (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstr ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PatternMatch (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * retval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DateSavedFrom (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pdatSavedFrom ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DateSavedTo (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pdatSavedTo ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SavedBy (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstr ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DateCreatedFrom (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pdatCreatedFrom ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DateCreatedTo (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pdatCreatedTo ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_View (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoFileFindView * penmView ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SortBy (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoFileFindSortBy * penmSortBy ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ListBy (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoFileFindListBy * penmListBy ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SelectedFile (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * pintSelectedFile ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Results (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct IFoundFiles * * pdisp ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Show (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * pRows ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put___SearchPath (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR pbstr ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Name (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR pbstr ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_SubDir (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL retval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Title (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR pbstr ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Author (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR pbstr ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Keywords (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR pbstr ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Subject (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR pbstr ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Options (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoFileFindOptions penmOptions ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_MatchCase (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL retval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Text (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR pbstr ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_PatternMatch (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL retval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_DateSavedFrom (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT pdatSavedFrom ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_DateSavedTo (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT pdatSavedTo ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_SavedBy (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR pbstr ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_DateCreatedFrom (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT pdatCreatedFrom ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_DateCreatedTo (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT pdatCreatedTo ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_View (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoFileFindView penmView ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_SortBy (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoFileFindSortBy penmSortBy ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ListBy (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoFileFindListBy penmListBy ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_SelectedFile (
        /*[in]*/ int pintSelectedFile ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Execute ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Load (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrQueryName ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Save (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrQueryName ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Delete (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrQueryName ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FileType (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * plFileType ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_FileType (
        /*[in]*/ long plFileType ) = 0;

enum MsoLastModified
    msoLastModifiedYesterday = 1,
    msoLastModifiedToday = 2,
    msoLastModifiedLastWeek = 3,
    msoLastModifiedThisWeek = 4,
    msoLastModifiedLastMonth = 5,
    msoLastModifiedThisMonth = 6,
    msoLastModifiedAnyTime = 7

enum MsoSortBy
    msoSortByFileName = 1,
    msoSortBySize = 2,
    msoSortByFileType = 3,
    msoSortByLastModified = 4,
    msoSortByNone = 5

enum MsoSortOrder
    msoSortOrderAscending = 1,
    msoSortOrderDescending = 2

enum MsoConnector
    msoConnectorAnd = 1,
    msoConnectorOr = 2

enum MsoCondition
    msoConditionFileTypeAllFiles = 1,
    msoConditionFileTypeOfficeFiles = 2,
    msoConditionFileTypeWordDocuments = 3,
    msoConditionFileTypeExcelWorkbooks = 4,
    msoConditionFileTypePowerPointPresentations = 5,
    msoConditionFileTypeBinders = 6,
    msoConditionFileTypeDatabases = 7,
    msoConditionFileTypeTemplates = 8,
    msoConditionIncludes = 9,
    msoConditionIncludesPhrase = 10,
    msoConditionBeginsWith = 11,
    msoConditionEndsWith = 12,
    msoConditionIncludesNearEachOther = 13,
    msoConditionIsExactly = 14,
    msoConditionIsNot = 15,
    msoConditionYesterday = 16,
    msoConditionToday = 17,
    msoConditionTomorrow = 18,
    msoConditionLastWeek = 19,
    msoConditionThisWeek = 20,
    msoConditionNextWeek = 21,
    msoConditionLastMonth = 22,
    msoConditionThisMonth = 23,
    msoConditionNextMonth = 24,
    msoConditionAnytime = 25,
    msoConditionAnytimeBetween = 26,
    msoConditionOn = 27,
    msoConditionOnOrAfter = 28,
    msoConditionOnOrBefore = 29,
    msoConditionInTheNext = 30,
    msoConditionInTheLast = 31,
    msoConditionEquals = 32,
    msoConditionDoesNotEqual = 33,
    msoConditionAnyNumberBetween = 34,
    msoConditionAtMost = 35,
    msoConditionAtLeast = 36,
    msoConditionMoreThan = 37,
    msoConditionLessThan = 38,
    msoConditionIsYes = 39,
    msoConditionIsNo = 40,
    msoConditionIncludesFormsOf = 41,
    msoConditionFreeText = 42,
    msoConditionFileTypeOutlookItems = 43,
    msoConditionFileTypeMailItem = 44,
    msoConditionFileTypeCalendarItem = 45,
    msoConditionFileTypeContactItem = 46,
    msoConditionFileTypeNoteItem = 47,
    msoConditionFileTypeJournalItem = 48,
    msoConditionFileTypeTaskItem = 49,
    msoConditionFileTypePhotoDrawFiles = 50,
    msoConditionFileTypeDataConnectionFiles = 51,
    msoConditionFileTypePublisherFiles = 52,
    msoConditionFileTypeProjectFiles = 53,
    msoConditionFileTypeDocumentImagingFiles = 54,
    msoConditionFileTypeVisioFiles = 55,
    msoConditionFileTypeDesignerFiles = 56,
    msoConditionFileTypeWebPages = 57,
    msoConditionEqualsLow = 58,
    msoConditionEqualsNormal = 59,
    msoConditionEqualsHigh = 60,
    msoConditionNotEqualToLow = 61,
    msoConditionNotEqualToNormal = 62,
    msoConditionNotEqualToHigh = 63,
    msoConditionEqualsNotStarted = 64,
    msoConditionEqualsInProgress = 65,
    msoConditionEqualsCompleted = 66,
    msoConditionEqualsWaitingForSomeoneElse = 67,
    msoConditionEqualsDeferred = 68,
    msoConditionNotEqualToNotStarted = 69,
    msoConditionNotEqualToInProgress = 70,
    msoConditionNotEqualToCompleted = 71,
    msoConditionNotEqualToWaitingForSomeoneElse = 72,
    msoConditionNotEqualToDeferred = 73

enum MsoFileType
    msoFileTypeAllFiles = 1,
    msoFileTypeOfficeFiles = 2,
    msoFileTypeWordDocuments = 3,
    msoFileTypeExcelWorkbooks = 4,
    msoFileTypePowerPointPresentations = 5,
    msoFileTypeBinders = 6,
    msoFileTypeDatabases = 7,
    msoFileTypeTemplates = 8,
    msoFileTypeOutlookItems = 9,
    msoFileTypeMailItem = 10,
    msoFileTypeCalendarItem = 11,
    msoFileTypeContactItem = 12,
    msoFileTypeNoteItem = 13,
    msoFileTypeJournalItem = 14,
    msoFileTypeTaskItem = 15,
    msoFileTypePhotoDrawFiles = 16,
    msoFileTypeDataConnectionFiles = 17,
    msoFileTypePublisherFiles = 18,
    msoFileTypeProjectFiles = 19,
    msoFileTypeDocumentImagingFiles = 20,
    msoFileTypeVisioFiles = 21,
    msoFileTypeDesignerFiles = 22,
    msoFileTypeWebPages = 23

struct __declspec(uuid("000c0331-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
FoundFiles : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    _bstr_t Item[][];
    long Count;
    IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    _bstr_t GetItem (
        int Index,
        long lcid = 0 );
    long GetCount ( );
    IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
        /*[in]*/ int Index,
        /*[in,lcid]*/ long lcid,
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrFile ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * pc ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * ppunkEnum ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c0333-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
PropertyTest : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    _bstr_t Name;
    enum MsoCondition Condition;
    _variant_t Value;
    _variant_t SecondValue;
    enum MsoConnector Connector;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    _bstr_t GetName ( );
    enum MsoCondition GetCondition ( );
    _variant_t GetValue ( );
    _variant_t GetSecondValue ( );
    enum MsoConnector GetConnector ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Name (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrRetVal ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Condition (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoCondition * pConditionRetVal ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Value (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pvargRetVal ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SecondValue (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pvargRetVal2 ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Connector (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoConnector * pConnector ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c0334-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
PropertyTests : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    PropertyTestPtr Item[][];
    long Count;
    IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    PropertyTestPtr GetItem (
        int Index,
        long lcid = 0 );
    long GetCount ( );
    HRESULT Add (
        _bstr_t Name,
        enum MsoCondition Condition,
        const _variant_t & Value,
        const _variant_t & SecondValue,
        enum MsoConnector Connector );
    HRESULT Remove (
        int Index );
    IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
        /*[in]*/ int Index,
        /*[in,lcid]*/ long lcid,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct PropertyTest * * ppIDocProp ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * pc ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Add (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR Name,
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoCondition Condition,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Value,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT SecondValue,
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoConnector Connector ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Remove (
        /*[in]*/ int Index ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * ppunkEnum ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c033a-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
COMAddIn : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    _bstr_t Description;
    _bstr_t ProgId;
    _bstr_t Guid;
    VARIANT_BOOL Connect;
    IDispatchPtr Object;
    IDispatchPtr Parent;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    _bstr_t GetDescription ( );
    void PutDescription (
        _bstr_t RetValue );
    _bstr_t GetProgId ( );
    _bstr_t GetGuid ( );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetConnect ( );
    void PutConnect (
        VARIANT_BOOL RetValue );
    IDispatchPtr GetObject ( );
    void PutObject (
        IDispatch * RetValue );
    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Description (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * RetValue ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Description (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR RetValue ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ProgId (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * RetValue ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Guid (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * RetValue ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Connect (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * RetValue ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Connect (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL RetValue ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Object (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * RetValue ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Object (
        /*[in]*/ IDispatch * RetValue ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * retval ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c0339-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
COMAddIns : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    long Count;
    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    COMAddInPtr Item (
        VARIANT * Index );
    long GetCount ( );
    IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );
    HRESULT Update ( );
    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    HRESULT SetAppModal (
        VARIANT_BOOL varfModal );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Item (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT * Index,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct COMAddIn * * RetValue ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * RetValue ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * RetValue ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Update ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppidisp ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetAppModal (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL varfModal ) = 0;

enum MsoLanguageID
    msoLanguageIDMixed = -2,
    msoLanguageIDNone = 0,
    msoLanguageIDNoProofing = 1024,
    msoLanguageIDAfrikaans = 1078,
    msoLanguageIDAlbanian = 1052,
    msoLanguageIDAmharic = 1118,
    msoLanguageIDArabicAlgeria = 5121,
    msoLanguageIDArabicBahrain = 15361,
    msoLanguageIDArabicEgypt = 3073,
    msoLanguageIDArabicIraq = 2049,
    msoLanguageIDArabicJordan = 11265,
    msoLanguageIDArabicKuwait = 13313,
    msoLanguageIDArabicLebanon = 12289,
    msoLanguageIDArabicLibya = 4097,
    msoLanguageIDArabicMorocco = 6145,
    msoLanguageIDArabicOman = 8193,
    msoLanguageIDArabicQatar = 16385,
    msoLanguageIDArabic = 1025,
    msoLanguageIDArabicSyria = 10241,
    msoLanguageIDArabicTunisia = 7169,
    msoLanguageIDArabicUAE = 14337,
    msoLanguageIDArabicYemen = 9217,
    msoLanguageIDArmenian = 1067,
    msoLanguageIDAssamese = 1101,
    msoLanguageIDAzeriCyrillic = 2092,
    msoLanguageIDAzeriLatin = 1068,
    msoLanguageIDBasque = 1069,
    msoLanguageIDByelorussian = 1059,
    msoLanguageIDBengali = 1093,
    msoLanguageIDBosnian = 4122,
    msoLanguageIDBosnianBosniaHerzegovinaCyrillic = 8218,
    msoLanguageIDBosnianBosniaHerzegovinaLatin = 5146,
    msoLanguageIDBulgarian = 1026,
    msoLanguageIDBurmese = 1109,
    msoLanguageIDCatalan = 1027,
    msoLanguageIDChineseHongKongSAR = 3076,
    msoLanguageIDChineseMacaoSAR = 5124,
    msoLanguageIDSimplifiedChinese = 2052,
    msoLanguageIDChineseSingapore = 4100,
    msoLanguageIDTraditionalChinese = 1028,
    msoLanguageIDCherokee = 1116,
    msoLanguageIDCroatian = 1050,
    msoLanguageIDCzech = 1029,
    msoLanguageIDDanish = 1030,
    msoLanguageIDDivehi = 1125,
    msoLanguageIDBelgianDutch = 2067,
    msoLanguageIDDutch = 1043,
    msoLanguageIDDzongkhaBhutan = 2129,
    msoLanguageIDEdo = 1126,
    msoLanguageIDEnglishAUS = 3081,
    msoLanguageIDEnglishBelize = 10249,
    msoLanguageIDEnglishCanadian = 4105,
    msoLanguageIDEnglishCaribbean = 9225,
    msoLanguageIDEnglishIndonesia = 14345,
    msoLanguageIDEnglishIreland = 6153,
    msoLanguageIDEnglishJamaica = 8201,
    msoLanguageIDEnglishNewZealand = 5129,
    msoLanguageIDEnglishPhilippines = 13321,
    msoLanguageIDEnglishSouthAfrica = 7177,
    msoLanguageIDEnglishTrinidadTobago = 11273,
    msoLanguageIDEnglishUK = 2057,
    msoLanguageIDEnglishUS = 1033,
    msoLanguageIDEnglishZimbabwe = 12297,
    msoLanguageIDEstonian = 1061,
    msoLanguageIDFaeroese = 1080,
    msoLanguageIDFarsi = 1065,
    msoLanguageIDFilipino = 1124,
    msoLanguageIDFinnish = 1035,
    msoLanguageIDBelgianFrench = 2060,
    msoLanguageIDFrenchCameroon = 11276,
    msoLanguageIDFrenchCanadian = 3084,
    msoLanguageIDFrenchCotedIvoire = 12300,
    msoLanguageIDFrench = 1036,
    msoLanguageIDFrenchHaiti = 15372,
    msoLanguageIDFrenchLuxembourg = 5132,
    msoLanguageIDFrenchMali = 13324,
    msoLanguageIDFrenchMonaco = 6156,
    msoLanguageIDFrenchMorocco = 14348,
    msoLanguageIDFrenchReunion = 8204,
    msoLanguageIDFrenchSenegal = 10252,
    msoLanguageIDSwissFrench = 4108,
    msoLanguageIDFrenchWestIndies = 7180,
    msoLanguageIDFrenchZaire = 9228,
    msoLanguageIDFrenchCongoDRC = 9228,
    msoLanguageIDFrisianNetherlands = 1122,
    msoLanguageIDFulfulde = 1127,
    msoLanguageIDGaelicIreland = 2108,
    msoLanguageIDGaelicScotland = 1084,
    msoLanguageIDGalician = 1110,
    msoLanguageIDGeorgian = 1079,
    msoLanguageIDGermanAustria = 3079,
    msoLanguageIDGerman = 1031,
    msoLanguageIDGermanLiechtenstein = 5127,
    msoLanguageIDGermanLuxembourg = 4103,
    msoLanguageIDSwissGerman = 2055,
    msoLanguageIDGreek = 1032,
    msoLanguageIDGuarani = 1140,
    msoLanguageIDGujarati = 1095,
    msoLanguageIDHausa = 1128,
    msoLanguageIDHawaiian = 1141,
    msoLanguageIDHebrew = 1037,
    msoLanguageIDHindi = 1081,
    msoLanguageIDHungarian = 1038,
    msoLanguageIDIbibio = 1129,
    msoLanguageIDIcelandic = 1039,
    msoLanguageIDIgbo = 1136,
    msoLanguageIDIndonesian = 1057,
    msoLanguageIDInuktitut = 1117,
    msoLanguageIDItalian = 1040,
    msoLanguageIDSwissItalian = 2064,
    msoLanguageIDJapanese = 1041,
    msoLanguageIDKannada = 1099,
    msoLanguageIDKanuri = 1137,
    msoLanguageIDKashmiri = 1120,
    msoLanguageIDKashmiriDevanagari = 2144,
    msoLanguageIDKazakh = 1087,
    msoLanguageIDKhmer = 1107,
    msoLanguageIDKirghiz = 1088,
    msoLanguageIDKonkani = 1111,
    msoLanguageIDKorean = 1042,
    msoLanguageIDKyrgyz = 1088,
    msoLanguageIDLatin = 1142,
    msoLanguageIDLao = 1108,
    msoLanguageIDLatvian = 1062,
    msoLanguageIDLithuanian = 1063,
    msoLanguageIDMacedonian = 1071,
    msoLanguageIDMacedonianFYROM = 1071,
    msoLanguageIDMalaysian = 1086,
    msoLanguageIDMalayBruneiDarussalam = 2110,
    msoLanguageIDMalayalam = 1100,
    msoLanguageIDMaltese = 1082,
    msoLanguageIDManipuri = 1112,
    msoLanguageIDMaori = 1153,
    msoLanguageIDMarathi = 1102,
    msoLanguageIDMongolian = 1104,
    msoLanguageIDNepali = 1121,
    msoLanguageIDNorwegianBokmol = 1044,
    msoLanguageIDNorwegianNynorsk = 2068,
    msoLanguageIDOriya = 1096,
    msoLanguageIDOromo = 1138,
    msoLanguageIDPashto = 1123,
    msoLanguageIDPolish = 1045,
    msoLanguageIDBrazilianPortuguese = 1046,
    msoLanguageIDPortuguese = 2070,
    msoLanguageIDPunjabi = 1094,
    msoLanguageIDQuechuaBolivia = 1131,
    msoLanguageIDQuechuaEcuador = 2155,
    msoLanguageIDQuechuaPeru = 3179,
    msoLanguageIDRhaetoRomanic = 1047,
    msoLanguageIDRomanianMoldova = 2072,
    msoLanguageIDRomanian = 1048,
    msoLanguageIDRussianMoldova = 2073,
    msoLanguageIDRussian = 1049,
    msoLanguageIDSamiLappish = 1083,
    msoLanguageIDSanskrit = 1103,
    msoLanguageIDSepedi = 1132,
    msoLanguageIDSerbianBosniaHerzegovinaCyrillic = 7194,
    msoLanguageIDSerbianBosniaHerzegovinaLatin = 6170,
    msoLanguageIDSerbianCyrillic = 3098,
    msoLanguageIDSerbianLatin = 2074,
    msoLanguageIDSesotho = 1072,
    msoLanguageIDSindhi = 1113,
    msoLanguageIDSindhiPakistan = 2137,
    msoLanguageIDSinhalese = 1115,
    msoLanguageIDSlovak = 1051,
    msoLanguageIDSlovenian = 1060,
    msoLanguageIDSomali = 1143,
    msoLanguageIDSorbian = 1070,
    msoLanguageIDSpanishArgentina = 11274,
    msoLanguageIDSpanishBolivia = 16394,
    msoLanguageIDSpanishChile = 13322,
    msoLanguageIDSpanishColombia = 9226,
    msoLanguageIDSpanishCostaRica = 5130,
    msoLanguageIDSpanishDominicanRepublic = 7178,
    msoLanguageIDSpanishEcuador = 12298,
    msoLanguageIDSpanishElSalvador = 17418,
    msoLanguageIDSpanishGuatemala = 4106,
    msoLanguageIDSpanishHonduras = 18442,
    msoLanguageIDMexicanSpanish = 2058,
    msoLanguageIDSpanishNicaragua = 19466,
    msoLanguageIDSpanishPanama = 6154,
    msoLanguageIDSpanishParaguay = 15370,
    msoLanguageIDSpanishPeru = 10250,
    msoLanguageIDSpanishPuertoRico = 20490,
    msoLanguageIDSpanishModernSort = 3082,
    msoLanguageIDSpanish = 1034,
    msoLanguageIDSpanishUruguay = 14346,
    msoLanguageIDSpanishVenezuela = 8202,
    msoLanguageIDSutu = 1072,
    msoLanguageIDSwahili = 1089,
    msoLanguageIDSwedishFinland = 2077,
    msoLanguageIDSwedish = 1053,
    msoLanguageIDSyriac = 1114,
    msoLanguageIDTajik = 1064,
    msoLanguageIDTamil = 1097,
    msoLanguageIDTamazight = 1119,
    msoLanguageIDTamazightLatin = 2143,
    msoLanguageIDTatar = 1092,
    msoLanguageIDTelugu = 1098,
    msoLanguageIDThai = 1054,
    msoLanguageIDTibetan = 1105,
    msoLanguageIDTigrignaEthiopic = 1139,
    msoLanguageIDTigrignaEritrea = 2163,
    msoLanguageIDTsonga = 1073,
    msoLanguageIDTswana = 1074,
    msoLanguageIDTurkish = 1055,
    msoLanguageIDTurkmen = 1090,
    msoLanguageIDUkrainian = 1058,
    msoLanguageIDUrdu = 1056,
    msoLanguageIDUzbekCyrillic = 2115,
    msoLanguageIDUzbekLatin = 1091,
    msoLanguageIDVenda = 1075,
    msoLanguageIDVietnamese = 1066,
    msoLanguageIDWelsh = 1106,
    msoLanguageIDXhosa = 1076,
    msoLanguageIDYi = 1144,
    msoLanguageIDYiddish = 1085,
    msoLanguageIDYoruba = 1130,
    msoLanguageIDZulu = 1077

struct __declspec(uuid("000c0353-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
LanguageSettings : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    int LanguageID[];
    VARIANT_BOOL LanguagePreferredForEditing[];
    IDispatchPtr Parent;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    int GetLanguageID (
        enum MsoAppLanguageID Id );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetLanguagePreferredForEditing (
        enum MsoLanguageID lid );
    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_LanguageID (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoAppLanguageID Id,
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * plid ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_LanguagePreferredForEditing (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoLanguageID lid,
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pf ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppidisp ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("55f88892-7708-11d1-aceb-006008961da5"))
ICommandBarsEvents : IDispatch
    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual void __stdcall OnUpdate ( ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c0352-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
_CommandBarsEvents : IDispatch
    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    // Methods:
    HRESULT OnUpdate ( );

struct __declspec(uuid("55f88893-7708-11d1-aceb-006008961da5"))
    // [ default ] interface _CommandBars
    // [ default, source ] dispinterface _CommandBarsEvents

struct __declspec(uuid("000c0354-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
_CommandBarComboBoxEvents : IDispatch
    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    // Methods:
    HRESULT Change (
        struct _CommandBarComboBox * Ctrl );

struct __declspec(uuid("55f88897-7708-11d1-aceb-006008961da5"))
    // [ default ] interface _CommandBarComboBox
    // [ default, source ] dispinterface _CommandBarComboBoxEvents

struct __declspec(uuid("55f88896-7708-11d1-aceb-006008961da5"))
ICommandBarComboBoxEvents : IDispatch
    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual void __stdcall Change (
        /*[in]*/ struct _CommandBarComboBox * Ctrl ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c0351-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
_CommandBarButtonEvents : IDispatch
    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    // Methods:
    HRESULT Click (
        struct _CommandBarButton * Ctrl,
        VARIANT_BOOL * CancelDefault );

struct __declspec(uuid("55f88891-7708-11d1-aceb-006008961da5"))
    // [ default ] interface _CommandBarButton
    // [ default, source ] dispinterface _CommandBarButtonEvents

struct __declspec(uuid("55f88890-7708-11d1-aceb-006008961da5"))
ICommandBarButtonEvents : IDispatch
    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual void __stdcall Click (
        /*[in]*/ struct _CommandBarButton * Ctrl,
        /*[in,out]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * CancelDefault ) = 0;

enum MsoScreenSize
    msoScreenSize544x376 = 0,
    msoScreenSize640x480 = 1,
    msoScreenSize720x512 = 2,
    msoScreenSize800x600 = 3,
    msoScreenSize1024x768 = 4,
    msoScreenSize1152x882 = 5,
    msoScreenSize1152x900 = 6,
    msoScreenSize1280x1024 = 7,
    msoScreenSize1600x1200 = 8,
    msoScreenSize1800x1440 = 9,
    msoScreenSize1920x1200 = 10

enum MsoCharacterSet
    msoCharacterSetArabic = 1,
    msoCharacterSetCyrillic = 2,
    msoCharacterSetEnglishWesternEuropeanOtherLatinScript = 3,
    msoCharacterSetGreek = 4,
    msoCharacterSetHebrew = 5,
    msoCharacterSetJapanese = 6,
    msoCharacterSetKorean = 7,
    msoCharacterSetMultilingualUnicode = 8,
    msoCharacterSetSimplifiedChinese = 9,
    msoCharacterSetThai = 10,
    msoCharacterSetTraditionalChinese = 11,
    msoCharacterSetVietnamese = 12

enum MsoEncoding
    msoEncodingThai = 874,
    msoEncodingJapaneseShiftJIS = 932,
    msoEncodingSimplifiedChineseGBK = 936,
    msoEncodingKorean = 949,
    msoEncodingTraditionalChineseBig5 = 950,
    msoEncodingUnicodeLittleEndian = 1200,
    msoEncodingUnicodeBigEndian = 1201,
    msoEncodingCentralEuropean = 1250,
    msoEncodingCyrillic = 1251,
    msoEncodingWestern = 1252,
    msoEncodingGreek = 1253,
    msoEncodingTurkish = 1254,
    msoEncodingHebrew = 1255,
    msoEncodingArabic = 1256,
    msoEncodingBaltic = 1257,
    msoEncodingVietnamese = 1258,
    msoEncodingAutoDetect = 50001,
    msoEncodingJapaneseAutoDetect = 50932,
    msoEncodingSimplifiedChineseAutoDetect = 50936,
    msoEncodingKoreanAutoDetect = 50949,
    msoEncodingTraditionalChineseAutoDetect = 50950,
    msoEncodingCyrillicAutoDetect = 51251,
    msoEncodingGreekAutoDetect = 51253,
    msoEncodingArabicAutoDetect = 51256,
    msoEncodingISO88591Latin1 = 28591,
    msoEncodingISO88592CentralEurope = 28592,
    msoEncodingISO88593Latin3 = 28593,
    msoEncodingISO88594Baltic = 28594,
    msoEncodingISO88595Cyrillic = 28595,
    msoEncodingISO88596Arabic = 28596,
    msoEncodingISO88597Greek = 28597,
    msoEncodingISO88598Hebrew = 28598,
    msoEncodingISO88599Turkish = 28599,
    msoEncodingISO885915Latin9 = 28605,
    msoEncodingISO88598HebrewLogical = 38598,
    msoEncodingISO2022JPNoHalfwidthKatakana = 50220,
    msoEncodingISO2022JPJISX02021984 = 50221,
    msoEncodingISO2022JPJISX02011989 = 50222,
    msoEncodingISO2022KR = 50225,
    msoEncodingISO2022CNTraditionalChinese = 50227,
    msoEncodingISO2022CNSimplifiedChinese = 50229,
    msoEncodingMacRoman = 10000,
    msoEncodingMacJapanese = 10001,
    msoEncodingMacTraditionalChineseBig5 = 10002,
    msoEncodingMacKorean = 10003,
    msoEncodingMacArabic = 10004,
    msoEncodingMacHebrew = 10005,
    msoEncodingMacGreek1 = 10006,
    msoEncodingMacCyrillic = 10007,
    msoEncodingMacSimplifiedChineseGB2312 = 10008,
    msoEncodingMacRomania = 10010,
    msoEncodingMacUkraine = 10017,
    msoEncodingMacLatin2 = 10029,
    msoEncodingMacIcelandic = 10079,
    msoEncodingMacTurkish = 10081,
    msoEncodingMacCroatia = 10082,
    msoEncodingEBCDICUSCanada = 37,
    msoEncodingEBCDICInternational = 500,
    msoEncodingEBCDICMultilingualROECELatin2 = 870,
    msoEncodingEBCDICGreekModern = 875,
    msoEncodingEBCDICTurkishLatin5 = 1026,
    msoEncodingEBCDICGermany = 20273,
    msoEncodingEBCDICDenmarkNorway = 20277,
    msoEncodingEBCDICFinlandSweden = 20278,
    msoEncodingEBCDICItaly = 20280,
    msoEncodingEBCDICLatinAmericaSpain = 20284,
    msoEncodingEBCDICUnitedKingdom = 20285,
    msoEncodingEBCDICJapaneseKatakanaExtended = 20290,
    msoEncodingEBCDICFrance = 20297,
    msoEncodingEBCDICArabic = 20420,
    msoEncodingEBCDICGreek = 20423,
    msoEncodingEBCDICHebrew = 20424,
    msoEncodingEBCDICKoreanExtended = 20833,
    msoEncodingEBCDICThai = 20838,
    msoEncodingEBCDICIcelandic = 20871,
    msoEncodingEBCDICTurkish = 20905,
    msoEncodingEBCDICRussian = 20880,
    msoEncodingEBCDICSerbianBulgarian = 21025,
    msoEncodingEBCDICJapaneseKatakanaExtendedAndJapanese = 50930,
    msoEncodingEBCDICUSCanadaAndJapanese = 50931,
    msoEncodingEBCDICKoreanExtendedAndKorean = 50933,
    msoEncodingEBCDICSimplifiedChineseExtendedAndSimplifiedChinese = 50935,
    msoEncodingEBCDICUSCanadaAndTraditionalChinese = 50937,
    msoEncodingEBCDICJapaneseLatinExtendedAndJapanese = 50939,
    msoEncodingOEMUnitedStates = 437,
    msoEncodingOEMGreek437G = 737,
    msoEncodingOEMBaltic = 775,
    msoEncodingOEMMultilingualLatinI = 850,
    msoEncodingOEMMultilingualLatinII = 852,
    msoEncodingOEMCyrillic = 855,
    msoEncodingOEMTurkish = 857,
    msoEncodingOEMPortuguese = 860,
    msoEncodingOEMIcelandic = 861,
    msoEncodingOEMHebrew = 862,
    msoEncodingOEMCanadianFrench = 863,
    msoEncodingOEMArabic = 864,
    msoEncodingOEMNordic = 865,
    msoEncodingOEMCyrillicII = 866,
    msoEncodingOEMModernGreek = 869,
    msoEncodingEUCJapanese = 51932,
    msoEncodingEUCChineseSimplifiedChinese = 51936,
    msoEncodingEUCKorean = 51949,
    msoEncodingEUCTaiwaneseTraditionalChinese = 51950,
    msoEncodingISCIIDevanagari = 57002,
    msoEncodingISCIIBengali = 57003,
    msoEncodingISCIITamil = 57004,
    msoEncodingISCIITelugu = 57005,
    msoEncodingISCIIAssamese = 57006,
    msoEncodingISCIIOriya = 57007,
    msoEncodingISCIIKannada = 57008,
    msoEncodingISCIIMalayalam = 57009,
    msoEncodingISCIIGujarati = 57010,
    msoEncodingISCIIPunjabi = 57011,
    msoEncodingArabicASMO = 708,
    msoEncodingArabicTransparentASMO = 720,
    msoEncodingKoreanJohab = 1361,
    msoEncodingTaiwanCNS = 20000,
    msoEncodingTaiwanTCA = 20001,
    msoEncodingTaiwanEten = 20002,
    msoEncodingTaiwanIBM5550 = 20003,
    msoEncodingTaiwanTeleText = 20004,
    msoEncodingTaiwanWang = 20005,
    msoEncodingIA5IRV = 20105,
    msoEncodingIA5German = 20106,
    msoEncodingIA5Swedish = 20107,
    msoEncodingIA5Norwegian = 20108,
    msoEncodingUSASCII = 20127,
    msoEncodingT61 = 20261,
    msoEncodingISO6937NonSpacingAccent = 20269,
    msoEncodingKOI8R = 20866,
    msoEncodingExtAlphaLowercase = 21027,
    msoEncodingKOI8U = 21866,
    msoEncodingEuropa3 = 29001,
    msoEncodingHZGBSimplifiedChinese = 52936,
    msoEncodingSimplifiedChineseGB18030 = 54936,
    msoEncodingUTF7 = 65000,
    msoEncodingUTF8 = 65001

struct __declspec(uuid("000c0913-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
WebPageFont : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    _bstr_t ProportionalFont;
    float ProportionalFontSize;
    _bstr_t FixedWidthFont;
    float FixedWidthFontSize;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    _bstr_t GetProportionalFont ( );
    void PutProportionalFont (
        _bstr_t pstr );
    float GetProportionalFontSize ( );
    void PutProportionalFontSize (
        float pf );
    _bstr_t GetFixedWidthFont ( );
    void PutFixedWidthFont (
        _bstr_t pstr );
    float GetFixedWidthFontSize ( );
    void PutFixedWidthFontSize (
        float pf );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ProportionalFont (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pstr ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ProportionalFont (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR pstr ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ProportionalFontSize (
        /*[out,retval]*/ float * pf ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ProportionalFontSize (
        /*[in]*/ float pf ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FixedWidthFont (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pstr ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_FixedWidthFont (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR pstr ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FixedWidthFontSize (
        /*[out,retval]*/ float * pf ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_FixedWidthFontSize (
        /*[in]*/ float pf ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c0914-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
WebPageFonts : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    WebPageFontPtr Item[];
    int Count;
    IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    int GetCount ( );
    WebPageFontPtr GetItem (
        enum MsoCharacterSet Index );
    IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * Count ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoCharacterSet Index,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct WebPageFont * * Item ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * _NewEnum ) = 0;

enum MsoHTMLProjectOpen
    msoHTMLProjectOpenSourceView = 1,
    msoHTMLProjectOpenTextView = 2

enum MsoHTMLProjectState
    msoHTMLProjectStateDocumentLocked = 1,
    msoHTMLProjectStateProjectLocked = 2,
    msoHTMLProjectStateDocumentProjectUnlocked = 3

struct __declspec(uuid("000c0358-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
HTMLProjectItem : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    _bstr_t Name;
    _bstr_t Text;
    IDispatchPtr Parent;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    _bstr_t GetName ( );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetIsOpen ( );
    HRESULT LoadFromFile (
        _bstr_t FileName );
    HRESULT Open (
        enum MsoHTMLProjectOpen OpenKind );
    HRESULT SaveCopyAs (
        _bstr_t FileName );
    _bstr_t GetText ( );
    void PutText (
        _bstr_t Text );
    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Name (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * RetValue ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsOpen (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * RetValue ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_LoadFromFile (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR FileName ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Open (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoHTMLProjectOpen OpenKind ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SaveCopyAs (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR FileName ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Text (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * Text ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Text (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR Text ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppidisp ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c0357-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
HTMLProjectItems : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    long Count;
    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    HTMLProjectItemPtr Item (
        VARIANT * Index );
    long GetCount ( );
    IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );
    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Item (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT * Index,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct HTMLProjectItem * * RetValue ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * RetValue ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * RetValue ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppidisp ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c0356-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
HTMLProject : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    enum MsoHTMLProjectState State;
    HTMLProjectItemsPtr HTMLProjectItems;
    IDispatchPtr Parent;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    enum MsoHTMLProjectState GetState ( );
    HRESULT RefreshProject (
        VARIANT_BOOL Refresh );
    HRESULT RefreshDocument (
        VARIANT_BOOL Refresh );
    HTMLProjectItemsPtr GetHTMLProjectItems ( );
    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    HRESULT Open (
        enum MsoHTMLProjectOpen OpenKind );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_State (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoHTMLProjectState * State ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_RefreshProject (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL Refresh ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_RefreshDocument (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL Refresh ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_HTMLProjectItems (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct HTMLProjectItems * * HTMLProjectItems ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppidisp ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Open (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoHTMLProjectOpen OpenKind ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c035a-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
MsoDebugOptions : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    int FeatureReports;
    VARIANT_BOOL OutputToDebugger;
    VARIANT_BOOL OutputToFile;
    VARIANT_BOOL OutputToMessageBox;
    IUnknownPtr UnitTestManager;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    int GetFeatureReports ( );
    void PutFeatureReports (
        int puintFeatureReports );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetOutputToDebugger ( );
    void PutOutputToDebugger (
        VARIANT_BOOL pvarfOutputToDebugger );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetOutputToFile ( );
    void PutOutputToFile (
        VARIANT_BOOL pvarfOutputToFile );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetOutputToMessageBox ( );
    void PutOutputToMessageBox (
        VARIANT_BOOL pvarfOutputToMessageBox );
    IUnknownPtr GetUnitTestManager ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FeatureReports (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * puintFeatureReports ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_FeatureReports (
        /*[in]*/ int puintFeatureReports ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_OutputToDebugger (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pvarfOutputToDebugger ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_OutputToDebugger (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pvarfOutputToDebugger ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_OutputToFile (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pvarfOutputToFile ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_OutputToFile (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pvarfOutputToFile ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_OutputToMessageBox (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pvarfOutputToMessageBox ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_OutputToMessageBox (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pvarfOutputToMessageBox ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_UnitTestManager (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * ppMsoUnitTestManager ) = 0;

enum MsoFileDialogType
    msoFileDialogOpen = 1,
    msoFileDialogSaveAs = 2,
    msoFileDialogFilePicker = 3,
    msoFileDialogFolderPicker = 4

enum MsoFileDialogView
    msoFileDialogViewList = 1,
    msoFileDialogViewDetails = 2,
    msoFileDialogViewProperties = 3,
    msoFileDialogViewPreview = 4,
    msoFileDialogViewThumbnail = 5,
    msoFileDialogViewLargeIcons = 6,
    msoFileDialogViewSmallIcons = 7,
    msoFileDialogViewWebView = 8,
    msoFileDialogViewTiles = 9

struct __declspec(uuid("000c0363-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
FileDialogSelectedItems : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    long Count;
    IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );
    long GetCount ( );
    _bstr_t Item (
        int Index );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * Parent ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * ppienum ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * pcFiles ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Item (
        /*[in]*/ int Index,
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * Item ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c0364-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
FileDialogFilter : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    _bstr_t Extensions;
    _bstr_t Description;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    _bstr_t GetExtensions ( );
    _bstr_t GetDescription ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * Parent ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Extensions (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * Extensions ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Description (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * Description ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c0365-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
FileDialogFilters : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    long Count;
    IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );
    long GetCount ( );
    FileDialogFilterPtr Item (
        int Index );
    HRESULT Delete (
        const _variant_t & filter = vtMissing );
    HRESULT Clear ( );
    FileDialogFilterPtr Add (
        _bstr_t Description,
        _bstr_t Extensions,
        const _variant_t & Position = vtMissing );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * Parent ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * ppienum ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * pcFilters ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Item (
        /*[in]*/ int Index,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct FileDialogFilter * * Item ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Delete (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT filter = vtMissing ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Clear ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Add (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR Description,
        /*[in]*/ BSTR Extensions,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Position,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct FileDialogFilter * * Add ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c0362-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
FileDialog : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    FileDialogFiltersPtr Filters;
    int FilterIndex;
    _bstr_t Item;
    _bstr_t Title;
    _bstr_t ButtonName;
    VARIANT_BOOL AllowMultiSelect;
    enum MsoFileDialogView InitialView;
    _bstr_t InitialFileName;
    FileDialogSelectedItemsPtr SelectedItems;
    enum MsoFileDialogType DialogType;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    FileDialogFiltersPtr GetFilters ( );
    int GetFilterIndex ( );
    void PutFilterIndex (
        int FilterIndex );
    _bstr_t GetTitle ( );
    void PutTitle (
        _bstr_t Title );
    _bstr_t GetButtonName ( );
    void PutButtonName (
        _bstr_t ButtonName );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetAllowMultiSelect ( );
    void PutAllowMultiSelect (
        VARIANT_BOOL pvarfAllowMultiSelect );
    enum MsoFileDialogView GetInitialView ( );
    void PutInitialView (
        enum MsoFileDialogView pinitialview );
    _bstr_t GetInitialFileName ( );
    void PutInitialFileName (
        _bstr_t InitialFileName );
    FileDialogSelectedItemsPtr GetSelectedItems ( );
    enum MsoFileDialogType GetDialogType ( );
    _bstr_t GetItem ( );
    int Show ( );
    HRESULT Execute ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * Parent ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Filters (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct FileDialogFilters * * Filters ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FilterIndex (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * FilterIndex ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_FilterIndex (
        /*[in]*/ int FilterIndex ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Title (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * Title ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Title (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR Title ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ButtonName (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * ButtonName ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ButtonName (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR ButtonName ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_AllowMultiSelect (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pvarfAllowMultiSelect ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_AllowMultiSelect (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pvarfAllowMultiSelect ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_InitialView (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoFileDialogView * pinitialview ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_InitialView (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoFileDialogView pinitialview ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_InitialFileName (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * InitialFileName ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_InitialFileName (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR InitialFileName ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SelectedItems (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct FileDialogSelectedItems * * Files ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DialogType (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoFileDialogType * pdialogtype ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * Name ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Show (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * rval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Execute ( ) = 0;

enum MsoAutomationSecurity
    msoAutomationSecurityLow = 1,
    msoAutomationSecurityByUI = 2,
    msoAutomationSecurityForceDisable = 3

enum MailFormat
    mfPlainText = 1,
    mfHTML = 2,
    mfRTF = 3

struct __declspec(uuid("000672ac-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
IMsoEnvelopeVB : IDispatch
    // Property data

    _bstr_t Introduction;
    IDispatchPtr Item;
    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    IDispatchPtr CommandBars;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    _bstr_t GetIntroduction ( );
    void PutIntroduction (
        _bstr_t pbstrIntro );
    IDispatchPtr GetItem ( );
    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    IDispatchPtr GetCommandBars ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Introduction (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrIntro ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Introduction (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR pbstrIntro ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppdisp ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppdisp ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CommandBars (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppdisp ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000672ad-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
IMsoEnvelopeVBEvents : IDispatch
    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    // Methods:
    HRESULT EnvelopeShow ( );
    HRESULT EnvelopeHide ( );

struct __declspec(uuid("0006f01a-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
    // [ default ] interface IMsoEnvelopeVB
    // [ default, source ] dispinterface IMsoEnvelopeVBEvents

enum MsoAlertButtonType
    msoAlertButtonOK = 0,
    msoAlertButtonOKCancel = 1,
    msoAlertButtonAbortRetryIgnore = 2,
    msoAlertButtonYesNoCancel = 3,
    msoAlertButtonYesNo = 4,
    msoAlertButtonRetryCancel = 5,
    msoAlertButtonYesAllNoCancel = 6

enum MsoAlertIconType
    msoAlertIconNoIcon = 0,
    msoAlertIconCritical = 1,
    msoAlertIconQuery = 2,
    msoAlertIconWarning = 3,
    msoAlertIconInfo = 4

enum MsoAlertDefaultType
    msoAlertDefaultFirst = 0,
    msoAlertDefaultSecond = 1,
    msoAlertDefaultThird = 2,
    msoAlertDefaultFourth = 3,
    msoAlertDefaultFifth = 4

enum MsoAlertCancelType
    msoAlertCancelDefault = -1,
    msoAlertCancelFirst = 0,
    msoAlertCancelSecond = 1,
    msoAlertCancelThird = 2,
    msoAlertCancelFourth = 3,
    msoAlertCancelFifth = 4

struct __declspec(uuid("000c0322-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
Assistant : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    _bstr_t Item;
    int Top;
    _bstr_t FileName;
    int Left;
    _bstr_t Name;
    BalloonPtr NewBalloon;
    enum MsoBalloonErrorType BalloonError;
    VARIANT_BOOL Visible;
    enum MsoAnimationType Animation;
    VARIANT_BOOL Reduced;
    VARIANT_BOOL AssistWithHelp;
    VARIANT_BOOL AssistWithWizards;
    VARIANT_BOOL AssistWithAlerts;
    VARIANT_BOOL MoveWhenInTheWay;
    VARIANT_BOOL Sounds;
    VARIANT_BOOL FeatureTips;
    VARIANT_BOOL MouseTips;
    VARIANT_BOOL KeyboardShortcutTips;
    VARIANT_BOOL HighPriorityTips;
    VARIANT_BOOL GuessHelp;
    VARIANT_BOOL SearchWhenProgramming;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    HRESULT Move (
        int xLeft,
        int yTop );
    void PutTop (
        int pyTop );
    int GetTop ( );
    void PutLeft (
        int pxLeft );
    int GetLeft ( );
    HRESULT Help ( );
    long StartWizard (
        VARIANT_BOOL On,
        _bstr_t Callback,
        long PrivateX,
        const _variant_t & Animation = vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & CustomTeaser = vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & Top = vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & Left = vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & Bottom = vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & Right = vtMissing );
    HRESULT EndWizard (
        long WizardID,
        VARIANT_BOOL varfSuccess,
        const _variant_t & Animation = vtMissing );
    HRESULT ActivateWizard (
        long WizardID,
        enum MsoWizardActType act,
        const _variant_t & Animation = vtMissing );
    HRESULT ResetTips ( );
    BalloonPtr GetNewBalloon ( );
    enum MsoBalloonErrorType GetBalloonError ( );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetVisible ( );
    void PutVisible (
        VARIANT_BOOL pvarfVisible );
    enum MsoAnimationType GetAnimation ( );
    void PutAnimation (
        enum MsoAnimationType pfca );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetReduced ( );
    void PutReduced (
        VARIANT_BOOL pvarfReduced );
    void PutAssistWithHelp (
        VARIANT_BOOL pvarfAssistWithHelp );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetAssistWithHelp ( );
    void PutAssistWithWizards (
        VARIANT_BOOL pvarfAssistWithWizards );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetAssistWithWizards ( );
    void PutAssistWithAlerts (
        VARIANT_BOOL pvarfAssistWithAlerts );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetAssistWithAlerts ( );
    void PutMoveWhenInTheWay (
        VARIANT_BOOL pvarfMove );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetMoveWhenInTheWay ( );
    void PutSounds (
        VARIANT_BOOL pvarfSounds );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetSounds ( );
    void PutFeatureTips (
        VARIANT_BOOL pvarfFeatures );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetFeatureTips ( );
    void PutMouseTips (
        VARIANT_BOOL pvarfMouse );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetMouseTips ( );
    void PutKeyboardShortcutTips (
        VARIANT_BOOL pvarfKeyboardShortcuts );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetKeyboardShortcutTips ( );
    void PutHighPriorityTips (
        VARIANT_BOOL pvarfHighPriorityTips );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetHighPriorityTips ( );
    void PutTipOfDay (
        VARIANT_BOOL pvarfTipOfDay );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetTipOfDay ( );
    void PutGuessHelp (
        VARIANT_BOOL pvarfGuessHelp );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetGuessHelp ( );
    void PutSearchWhenProgramming (
        VARIANT_BOOL pvarfSearchInProgram );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetSearchWhenProgramming ( );
    _bstr_t GetItem ( );
    _bstr_t GetFileName ( );
    void PutFileName (
        _bstr_t pbstr );
    _bstr_t GetName ( );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetOn ( );
    void PutOn (
        VARIANT_BOOL pvarfOn );
    int DoAlert (
        _bstr_t bstrAlertTitle,
        _bstr_t bstrAlertText,
        enum MsoAlertButtonType alb,
        enum MsoAlertIconType alc,
        enum MsoAlertDefaultType ald,
        enum MsoAlertCancelType alq,
        VARIANT_BOOL varfSysAlert );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppidisp ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Move (
        /*[in]*/ int xLeft,
        /*[in]*/ int yTop ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Top (
        /*[in]*/ int pyTop ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Top (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * pyTop ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Left (
        /*[in]*/ int pxLeft ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Left (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * pxLeft ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Help ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_StartWizard (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL On,
        /*[in]*/ BSTR Callback,
        /*[in]*/ long PrivateX,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Animation,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT CustomTeaser,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Top,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Left,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Bottom,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Right,
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * plWizID ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_EndWizard (
        /*[in]*/ long WizardID,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL varfSuccess,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Animation = vtMissing ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ActivateWizard (
        /*[in]*/ long WizardID,
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoWizardActType act,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Animation = vtMissing ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ResetTips ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_NewBalloon (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct Balloon * * ppibal ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_BalloonError (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoBalloonErrorType * pbne ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Visible (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pvarfVisible ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Visible (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pvarfVisible ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Animation (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoAnimationType * pfca ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Animation (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoAnimationType pfca ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Reduced (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pvarfReduced ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Reduced (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pvarfReduced ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_AssistWithHelp (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pvarfAssistWithHelp ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_AssistWithHelp (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pvarfAssistWithHelp ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_AssistWithWizards (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pvarfAssistWithWizards ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_AssistWithWizards (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pvarfAssistWithWizards ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_AssistWithAlerts (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pvarfAssistWithAlerts ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_AssistWithAlerts (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pvarfAssistWithAlerts ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_MoveWhenInTheWay (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pvarfMove ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MoveWhenInTheWay (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pvarfMove ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Sounds (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pvarfSounds ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Sounds (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pvarfSounds ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_FeatureTips (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pvarfFeatures ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FeatureTips (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pvarfFeatures ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_MouseTips (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pvarfMouse ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MouseTips (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pvarfMouse ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_KeyboardShortcutTips (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pvarfKeyboardShortcuts ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_KeyboardShortcutTips (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pvarfKeyboardShortcuts ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_HighPriorityTips (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pvarfHighPriorityTips ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_HighPriorityTips (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pvarfHighPriorityTips ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_TipOfDay (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pvarfTipOfDay ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_TipOfDay (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pvarfTipOfDay ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_GuessHelp (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pvarfGuessHelp ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_GuessHelp (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pvarfGuessHelp ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_SearchWhenProgramming (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pvarfSearchInProgram ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SearchWhenProgramming (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pvarfSearchInProgram ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrName ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FileName (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstr ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_FileName (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR pbstr ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Name (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrName ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_On (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pvarfOn ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_On (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pvarfOn ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_DoAlert (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrAlertTitle,
        /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrAlertText,
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoAlertButtonType alb,
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoAlertIconType alc,
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoAlertDefaultType ald,
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoAlertCancelType alq,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL varfSysAlert,
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * pibtn ) = 0;

enum MsoSearchIn
    msoSearchInMyComputer = 0,
    msoSearchInOutlook = 1,
    msoSearchInMyNetworkPlaces = 2,
    msoSearchInCustom = 3

enum MsoTargetBrowser
    msoTargetBrowserV3 = 0,
    msoTargetBrowserV4 = 1,
    msoTargetBrowserIE4 = 2,
    msoTargetBrowserIE5 = 3,
    msoTargetBrowserIE6 = 4

struct __declspec(uuid("000c036c-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
FileTypes : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    enum MsoFileType Item[];
    int Count;
    IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    enum MsoFileType GetItem (
        int Index );
    int GetCount ( );
    HRESULT Add (
        enum MsoFileType FileType );
    HRESULT Remove (
        int Index );
    IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
        /*[in]*/ int Index,
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoFileType * MsoFileTypeRet ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * iCountRetVal ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Add (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoFileType FileType ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Remove (
        /*[in]*/ int Index ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * ppunkEnum ) = 0;

enum MsoOrgChartOrientation
    msoOrgChartOrientationMixed = -2,
    msoOrgChartOrientationVertical = 1

enum MsoOrgChartLayoutType
    msoOrgChartLayoutMixed = -2,
    msoOrgChartLayoutStandard = 1,
    msoOrgChartLayoutBothHanging = 2,
    msoOrgChartLayoutLeftHanging = 3,
    msoOrgChartLayoutRightHanging = 4,
    msoOrgChartLayoutDefault = 5

enum MsoRelativeNodePosition
    msoBeforeNode = 1,
    msoAfterNode = 2,
    msoBeforeFirstSibling = 3,
    msoAfterLastSibling = 4

enum MsoDiagramType
    msoDiagramMixed = -2,
    msoDiagramOrgChart = 1,
    msoDiagramCycle = 2,
    msoDiagramRadial = 3,
    msoDiagramPyramid = 4,
    msoDiagramVenn = 5,
    msoDiagramTarget = 6

enum MsoDiagramNodeType
    msoDiagramNode = 1,
    msoDiagramAssistant = 2

enum MsoMoveRow
    msoMoveRowFirst = -4,
    msoMoveRowPrev = -3,
    msoMoveRowNext = -2,
    msoMoveRowNbr = -1

struct __declspec(uuid("000c1530-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
OfficeDataSourceObject : IDispatch
    // Property data

    _bstr_t ConnectString;
    _bstr_t Table;
    _bstr_t DataSource;
    IDispatchPtr Columns;
    long RowCount;
    IDispatchPtr Filters;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    _bstr_t GetConnectString ( );
    void PutConnectString (
        _bstr_t pbstrConnect );
    _bstr_t GetTable ( );
    void PutTable (
        _bstr_t pbstrTable );
    _bstr_t GetDataSource ( );
    void PutDataSource (
        _bstr_t pbstrSrc );
    IDispatchPtr GetColumns ( );
    long GetRowCount ( );
    IDispatchPtr GetFilters ( );
    int Move (
        enum MsoMoveRow MsoMoveRow,
        int RowNbr );
    HRESULT Open (
        _bstr_t bstrSrc,
        _bstr_t bstrConnect,
        _bstr_t bstrTable,
        long fOpenExclusive,
        long fNeverPrompt );
    HRESULT SetSortOrder (
        _bstr_t SortField1,
        VARIANT_BOOL SortAscending1,
        _bstr_t SortField2,
        VARIANT_BOOL SortAscending2,
        _bstr_t SortField3,
        VARIANT_BOOL SortAscending3 );
    HRESULT ApplyFilter ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ConnectString (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrConnect ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ConnectString (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR pbstrConnect ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Table (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrTable ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Table (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR pbstrTable ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DataSource (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrSrc ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_DataSource (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR pbstrSrc ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Columns (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppColumns ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_RowCount (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * pcRows ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Filters (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppFilters ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Move (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoMoveRow MsoMoveRow,
        /*[in]*/ int RowNbr,
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * rval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Open (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrSrc,
        /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrConnect,
        /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrTable,
        /*[in]*/ long fOpenExclusive,
        /*[in]*/ long fNeverPrompt ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetSortOrder (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR SortField1,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL SortAscending1,
        /*[in]*/ BSTR SortField2,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL SortAscending2,
        /*[in]*/ BSTR SortField3,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL SortAscending3 ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ApplyFilter ( ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c1531-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
ODSOColumn : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    long Index;
    _bstr_t Name;
    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    _bstr_t Value;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    long GetIndex ( );
    _bstr_t GetName ( );
    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    _bstr_t GetValue ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Index (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * plIndex ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Name (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrName ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppParent ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Value (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrValue ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c1532-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
ODSOColumns : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    long Count;
    IDispatchPtr Parent;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    long GetCount ( );
    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    IDispatchPtr Item (
        const _variant_t & varIndex );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * plCount ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppParentOdso ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Item (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT varIndex,
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppColumn ) = 0;

enum MsoFilterComparison
    msoFilterComparisonEqual = 0,
    msoFilterComparisonNotEqual = 1,
    msoFilterComparisonLessThan = 2,
    msoFilterComparisonGreaterThan = 3,
    msoFilterComparisonLessThanEqual = 4,
    msoFilterComparisonGreaterThanEqual = 5,
    msoFilterComparisonIsBlank = 6,
    msoFilterComparisonIsNotBlank = 7,
    msoFilterComparisonContains = 8,
    msoFilterComparisonNotContains = 9

enum MsoFilterConjunction
    msoFilterConjunctionAnd = 0,
    msoFilterConjunctionOr = 1

struct __declspec(uuid("000c1533-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
ODSOFilter : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    long Index;
    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    _bstr_t Column;
    enum MsoFilterComparison Comparison;
    _bstr_t CompareTo;
    enum MsoFilterConjunction Conjunction;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    long GetIndex ( );
    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    _bstr_t GetColumn ( );
    void PutColumn (
        _bstr_t pbstrCol );
    enum MsoFilterComparison GetComparison ( );
    void PutComparison (
        enum MsoFilterComparison pComparison );
    _bstr_t GetCompareTo ( );
    void PutCompareTo (
        _bstr_t pbstrCompareTo );
    enum MsoFilterConjunction GetConjunction ( );
    void PutConjunction (
        enum MsoFilterConjunction pConjunction );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Index (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * plIndex ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppParent ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Column (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrCol ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Column (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR pbstrCol ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Comparison (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoFilterComparison * pComparison ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Comparison (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoFilterComparison pComparison ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CompareTo (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrCompareTo ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_CompareTo (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR pbstrCompareTo ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Conjunction (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoFilterConjunction * pConjunction ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Conjunction (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoFilterConjunction pConjunction ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c1534-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
ODSOFilters : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    long Count;
    IDispatchPtr Parent;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    long GetCount ( );
    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    IDispatchPtr Item (
        long Index );
    HRESULT Add (
        _bstr_t Column,
        enum MsoFilterComparison Comparison,
        enum MsoFilterConjunction Conjunction,
        _bstr_t bstrCompareTo,
        VARIANT_BOOL DeferUpdate );
    HRESULT Delete (
        long Index,
        VARIANT_BOOL DeferUpdate );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * plCount ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppParentOdso ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Item (
        /*[in]*/ long Index,
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppColumn ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Add (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR Column,
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoFilterComparison Comparison,
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoFilterConjunction Conjunction,
        /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrCompareTo,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL DeferUpdate ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Delete (
        /*[in]*/ long Index,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL DeferUpdate ) = 0;

enum MsoFileNewSection
    msoOpenDocument = 0,
    msoNew = 1,
    msoNewfromExistingFile = 2,
    msoNewfromTemplate = 3,
    msoBottomSection = 4

enum MsoFileNewAction
    msoEditFile = 0,
    msoCreateNewFile = 1,
    msoOpenFile = 2

struct __declspec(uuid("000c0936-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
NewFile : _IMsoDispObj
    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

        _bstr_t FileName,
        const _variant_t & Section = vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & DisplayName = vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & Action = vtMissing );
    VARIANT_BOOL Remove (
        _bstr_t FileName,
        const _variant_t & Section = vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & DisplayName = vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & Action = vtMissing );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Add (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR FileName,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Section,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT DisplayName,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Action,
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pvarf ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Remove (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR FileName,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Section,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT DisplayName,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Action,
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pvarf ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000cd100-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
WebComponent : IDispatch
    // Property data

    IDispatchPtr Shape;
    _bstr_t URL;
    _bstr_t HTML;
    _bstr_t Name;
    long Width;
    long Height;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    IDispatchPtr GetShape ( );
    _bstr_t GetURL ( );
    void PutURL (
        _bstr_t RetValue );
    _bstr_t GetHTML ( );
    void PutHTML (
        _bstr_t RetValue );
    _bstr_t GetName ( );
    void PutName (
        _bstr_t RetValue );
    long GetWidth ( );
    void PutWidth (
        long RetValue );
    long GetHeight ( );
    void PutHeight (
        long RetValue );
    HRESULT SetPlaceHolderGraphic (
        _bstr_t PlaceHolderGraphic );
    HRESULT Commit ( );
    HRESULT Revert ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Shape (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * RetValue ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_URL (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * RetValue ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_URL (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR RetValue ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_HTML (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * RetValue ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_HTML (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR RetValue ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Name (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * RetValue ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Name (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR RetValue ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Width (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * RetValue ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Width (
        /*[in]*/ long RetValue ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Height (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * RetValue ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Height (
        /*[in]*/ long RetValue ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetPlaceHolderGraphic (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR PlaceHolderGraphic ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Commit ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Revert ( ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000cd101-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
WebComponentWindowExternal : IDispatch
    // Property data

    long InterfaceVersion;
    _bstr_t ApplicationName;
    long ApplicationVersion;
    IDispatchPtr Application;
    WebComponentPtr WebComponent;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    long GetInterfaceVersion ( );
    _bstr_t GetApplicationName ( );
    long GetApplicationVersion ( );
    IDispatchPtr GetApplication ( );
    HRESULT CloseWindow ( );
    WebComponentPtr GetWebComponent ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_InterfaceVersion (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * RetValue ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ApplicationName (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * RetValue ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ApplicationVersion (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * RetValue ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * RetValue ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CloseWindow ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_WebComponent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct WebComponent * * RetValue ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000cd102-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
WebComponentFormat : IDispatch
    // Property data

    IDispatchPtr Application;
    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    _bstr_t URL;
    _bstr_t HTML;
    _bstr_t Name;
    long Width;
    long Height;
    _bstr_t PreviewGraphic;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    IDispatchPtr GetApplication ( );
    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    _bstr_t GetURL ( );
    void PutURL (
        _bstr_t RetValue );
    _bstr_t GetHTML ( );
    void PutHTML (
        _bstr_t RetValue );
    _bstr_t GetName ( );
    void PutName (
        _bstr_t RetValue );
    long GetWidth ( );
    void PutWidth (
        long RetValue );
    long GetHeight ( );
    void PutHeight (
        long RetValue );
    _bstr_t GetPreviewGraphic ( );
    void PutPreviewGraphic (
        _bstr_t retval );
    HRESULT LaunchPropertiesWindow ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * RetValue ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * Parent ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_URL (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * RetValue ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_URL (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR RetValue ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_HTML (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * RetValue ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_HTML (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR RetValue ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Name (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * RetValue ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Name (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR RetValue ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Width (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * RetValue ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Width (
        /*[in]*/ long RetValue ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Height (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * RetValue ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Height (
        /*[in]*/ long RetValue ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PreviewGraphic (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * retval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_PreviewGraphic (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR retval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_LaunchPropertiesWindow ( ) = 0;

enum MsoLanguageIDHidden
    msoLanguageIDChineseHongKong = 3076,
    msoLanguageIDChineseMacao = 5124,
    msoLanguageIDEnglishTrinidad = 11273

struct __declspec(uuid("4cac6328-b9b0-11d3-8d59-0050048384e3"))
ILicWizExternal : IDispatch
    // Property data

    long Context;
    IDispatchPtr Validator;
    IDispatchPtr LicAgent;
    _bstr_t CountryInfo;
    int WizardVisible;
    _bstr_t WizardTitle;
    int AnimationEnabled;
    long CurrentHelpId;
    _bstr_t OfficeOnTheWebUrl;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    HRESULT PrintHtmlDocument (
        IUnknown * punkHtmlDoc );
    HRESULT InvokeDateTimeApplet ( );
    _bstr_t FormatDate (
        DATE date,
        _bstr_t pFormat );
    HRESULT ShowHelp (
        VARIANT * pvarId = &vtMissing );
    HRESULT Terminate ( );
    HRESULT DisableVORWReminder (
        long BPC );
    _bstr_t SaveReceipt (
        _bstr_t bstrReceipt );
    HRESULT OpenInDefaultBrowser (
        _bstr_t bstrUrl );
    long MsoAlert (
        _bstr_t bstrText,
        _bstr_t bstrButtons,
        _bstr_t bstrIcon );
    long DepositPidKey (
        _bstr_t bstrKey,
        int fMORW );
    HRESULT WriteLog (
        _bstr_t bstrMessage );
    HRESULT ResignDpc (
        _bstr_t bstrProductCode );
    HRESULT ResetPID ( );
    HRESULT SetDialogSize (
        long dx,
        long dy );
    long VerifyClock (
        long lMode );
    HRESULT SortSelectOptions (
        IDispatch * pdispSelect );
    HRESULT InternetDisconnect ( );
    int GetConnectedState ( );
    long GetContext ( );
    IDispatchPtr GetValidator ( );
    IDispatchPtr GetLicAgent ( );
    _bstr_t GetCountryInfo ( );
    void PutWizardVisible (
        int _arg1 );
    void PutWizardTitle (
        _bstr_t _arg1 );
    int GetAnimationEnabled ( );
    void PutCurrentHelpId (
        long _arg1 );
    _bstr_t GetOfficeOnTheWebUrl ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_PrintHtmlDocument (
        /*[in]*/ IUnknown * punkHtmlDoc ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_InvokeDateTimeApplet ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_FormatDate (
        /*[in]*/ DATE date,
        /*[in]*/ BSTR pFormat,
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pDateString ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ShowHelp (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT * pvarId = &vtMissing ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Terminate ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_DisableVORWReminder (
        /*[in]*/ long BPC ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SaveReceipt (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrReceipt,
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrPath ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_OpenInDefaultBrowser (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrUrl ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_MsoAlert (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrText,
        /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrButtons,
        /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrIcon,
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * plRet ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_DepositPidKey (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrKey,
        /*[in]*/ int fMORW,
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * plRet ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_WriteLog (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrMessage ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ResignDpc (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrProductCode ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ResetPID ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetDialogSize (
        /*[in]*/ long dx,
        /*[in]*/ long dy ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_VerifyClock (
        /*[in]*/ long lMode,
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * plRet ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SortSelectOptions (
        /*[in]*/ IDispatch * pdispSelect ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_InternetDisconnect ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetConnectedState (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * pfConnected ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Context (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * plwctx ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Validator (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppdispValidator ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_LicAgent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppdispLicAgent ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CountryInfo (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrUrl ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_WizardVisible (
        /*[in]*/ int _arg1 ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_WizardTitle (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR _arg1 ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_AnimationEnabled (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * fEnabled ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_CurrentHelpId (
        /*[in]*/ long _arg1 ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_OfficeOnTheWebUrl (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * bstrUrl ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("919aa22c-b9ad-11d3-8d59-0050048384e3"))
ILicValidator : IDispatch
    // Property data

    _variant_t Products;
    int Selection;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    _variant_t GetProducts ( );
    int GetSelection ( );
    void PutSelection (
        int piSel );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Products (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pVariant ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Selection (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * piSel ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Selection (
        /*[in]*/ int piSel ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("00194002-d9c3-11d3-8d59-0050048384e3"))
ILicAgent : IDispatch
    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    unsigned long Initialize (
        unsigned long dwBPC,
        unsigned long dwMode,
        _bstr_t bstrLicSource );
    _bstr_t GetFirstName ( );
    HRESULT SetFirstName (
        _bstr_t bstrNewVal );
    _bstr_t GetLastName ( );
    HRESULT SetLastName (
        _bstr_t bstrNewVal );
    _bstr_t GetOrgName ( );
    HRESULT SetOrgName (
        _bstr_t bstrNewVal );
    _bstr_t GetEmail ( );
    HRESULT SetEmail (
        _bstr_t bstrNewVal );
    _bstr_t GetPhone ( );
    HRESULT SetPhone (
        _bstr_t bstrNewVal );
    _bstr_t GetAddress1 ( );
    HRESULT SetAddress1 (
        _bstr_t bstrNewVal );
    _bstr_t GetCity ( );
    HRESULT SetCity (
        _bstr_t bstrNewVal );
    _bstr_t GetState ( );
    HRESULT SetState (
        _bstr_t bstrNewVal );
    _bstr_t GetCountryCode ( );
    HRESULT SetCountryCode (
        _bstr_t bstrNewVal );
    _bstr_t GetCountryDesc ( );
    HRESULT SetCountryDesc (
        _bstr_t bstrNewVal );
    _bstr_t GetZip ( );
    HRESULT SetZip (
        _bstr_t bstrNewVal );
    unsigned long GetIsoLanguage ( );
    HRESULT SetIsoLanguage (
        unsigned long dwNewVal );
    _bstr_t GetMSUpdate ( );
    HRESULT SetMSUpdate (
        _bstr_t bstrNewVal );
    _bstr_t GetMSOffer ( );
    HRESULT SetMSOffer (
        _bstr_t bstrNewVal );
    _bstr_t GetOtherOffer ( );
    HRESULT SetOtherOffer (
        _bstr_t bstrNewVal );
    _bstr_t GetAddress2 ( );
    HRESULT SetAddress2 (
        _bstr_t bstrNewVal );
    unsigned long CheckSystemClock ( );
    DATE GetExistingExpiryDate ( );
    DATE GetNewExpiryDate ( );
    _bstr_t GetBillingFirstName ( );
    HRESULT SetBillingFirstName (
        _bstr_t bstrNewVal );
    _bstr_t GetBillingLastName ( );
    HRESULT SetBillingLastName (
        _bstr_t bstrNewVal );
    _bstr_t GetBillingPhone ( );
    HRESULT SetBillingPhone (
        _bstr_t bstrNewVal );
    _bstr_t GetBillingAddress1 ( );
    HRESULT SetBillingAddress1 (
        _bstr_t bstrNewVal );
    _bstr_t GetBillingAddress2 ( );
    HRESULT SetBillingAddress2 (
        _bstr_t bstrNewVal );
    _bstr_t GetBillingCity ( );
    HRESULT SetBillingCity (
        _bstr_t bstrNewVal );
    _bstr_t GetBillingState ( );
    HRESULT SetBillingState (
        _bstr_t bstrNewVal );
    _bstr_t GetBillingCountryCode ( );
    HRESULT SetBillingCountryCode (
        _bstr_t bstrNewVal );
    _bstr_t GetBillingZip ( );
    HRESULT SetBillingZip (
        _bstr_t bstrNewVal );
    unsigned long SaveBillingInfo (
        int bSave );
    int IsCCRenewalCountry (
        _bstr_t bstrCountryCode );
    _bstr_t GetVATLabel (
        _bstr_t bstrCountryCode );
    DATE GetCCRenewalExpiryDate ( );
    HRESULT SetVATNumber (
        _bstr_t bstrVATNumber );
    HRESULT SetCreditCardType (
        _bstr_t bstrCCCode );
    HRESULT SetCreditCardNumber (
        _bstr_t bstrCCNumber );
    HRESULT SetCreditCardExpiryYear (
        unsigned long dwCCYear );
    HRESULT SetCreditCardExpiryMonth (
        unsigned long dwCCMonth );
    unsigned long GetCreditCardCount ( );
    _bstr_t GetCreditCardCode (
        unsigned long dwIndex );
    _bstr_t GetCreditCardName (
        unsigned long dwIndex );
    _bstr_t GetVATNumber ( );
    _bstr_t GetCreditCardType ( );
    _bstr_t GetCreditCardNumber ( );
    unsigned long GetCreditCardExpiryYear ( );
    unsigned long GetCreditCardExpiryMonth ( );
    int GetDisconnectOption ( );
    HRESULT SetDisconnectOption (
        int bNewVal );
    HRESULT AsyncProcessHandshakeRequest (
        int bReviseCustInfo );
    HRESULT AsyncProcessNewLicenseRequest ( );
    HRESULT AsyncProcessReissueLicenseRequest ( );
    HRESULT AsyncProcessRetailRenewalLicenseRequest ( );
    HRESULT AsyncProcessReviseCustInfoRequest ( );
    HRESULT AsyncProcessCCRenewalPriceRequest ( );
    HRESULT AsyncProcessCCRenewalLicenseRequest ( );
    unsigned long GetAsyncProcessReturnCode ( );
    int IsUpgradeAvailable ( );
    HRESULT WantUpgrade (
        int bWantUpgrade );
    HRESULT AsyncProcessDroppedLicenseRequest ( );
    _bstr_t GenerateInstallationId ( );
    unsigned long DepositConfirmationId (
        _bstr_t bstrVal );
    int VerifyCheckDigits (
        _bstr_t bstrCIDIID );
    DATE GetCurrentExpiryDate ( );
    HRESULT CancelAsyncProcessRequest (
        int bIsLicenseRequest );
    _bstr_t GetCurrencyDescription (
        unsigned long dwCurrencyIndex );
    unsigned long GetPriceItemCount ( );
    _bstr_t GetPriceItemLabel (
        unsigned long dwIndex );
    _bstr_t GetPriceItemValue (
        unsigned long dwCurrencyIndex,
        unsigned long dwIndex );
    _bstr_t GetInvoiceText ( );
    _bstr_t GetBackendErrorMsg ( );
    unsigned long GetCurrencyOption ( );
    HRESULT SetCurrencyOption (
        unsigned long dwCurrencyOption );
    _bstr_t GetEndOfLifeHtmlText ( );
    unsigned long DisplaySSLCert ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Initialize (
        /*[in]*/ unsigned long dwBPC,
        /*[in]*/ unsigned long dwMode,
        /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrLicSource,
        /*[out,retval]*/ unsigned long * pdwRetCode ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetFirstName (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrVal ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetFirstName (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrNewVal ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetLastName (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrVal ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetLastName (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrNewVal ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetOrgName (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrVal ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetOrgName (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrNewVal ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetEmail (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrVal ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetEmail (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrNewVal ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetPhone (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrVal ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetPhone (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrNewVal ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetAddress1 (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrVal ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetAddress1 (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrNewVal ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetCity (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrVal ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetCity (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrNewVal ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetState (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrVal ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetState (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrNewVal ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetCountryCode (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrVal ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetCountryCode (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrNewVal ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetCountryDesc (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrVal ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetCountryDesc (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrNewVal ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetZip (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrVal ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetZip (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrNewVal ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetIsoLanguage (
        /*[out,retval]*/ unsigned long * pdwVal ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetIsoLanguage (
        /*[in]*/ unsigned long dwNewVal ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetMSUpdate (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrVal ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetMSUpdate (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrNewVal ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetMSOffer (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrVal ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetMSOffer (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrNewVal ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetOtherOffer (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrVal ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetOtherOffer (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrNewVal ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetAddress2 (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrVal ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetAddress2 (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrNewVal ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CheckSystemClock (
        /*[out,retval]*/ unsigned long * pdwRetCode ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetExistingExpiryDate (
        /*[out,retval]*/ DATE * pDateVal ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetNewExpiryDate (
        /*[out,retval]*/ DATE * pDateVal ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetBillingFirstName (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrVal ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetBillingFirstName (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrNewVal ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetBillingLastName (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrVal ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetBillingLastName (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrNewVal ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetBillingPhone (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrVal ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetBillingPhone (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrNewVal ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetBillingAddress1 (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrVal ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetBillingAddress1 (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrNewVal ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetBillingAddress2 (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrVal ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetBillingAddress2 (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrNewVal ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetBillingCity (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrVal ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetBillingCity (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrNewVal ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetBillingState (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrVal ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetBillingState (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrNewVal ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetBillingCountryCode (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrVal ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetBillingCountryCode (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrNewVal ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetBillingZip (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrVal ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetBillingZip (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrNewVal ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SaveBillingInfo (
        /*[in]*/ int bSave,
        /*[out,retval]*/ unsigned long * pdwRetVal ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_IsCCRenewalCountry (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrCountryCode,
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * pbRetVal ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetVATLabel (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrCountryCode,
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrVATLabel ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetCCRenewalExpiryDate (
        /*[out,retval]*/ DATE * pDateVal ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetVATNumber (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrVATNumber ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetCreditCardType (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrCCCode ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetCreditCardNumber (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrCCNumber ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetCreditCardExpiryYear (
        /*[in]*/ unsigned long dwCCYear ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetCreditCardExpiryMonth (
        /*[in]*/ unsigned long dwCCMonth ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetCreditCardCount (
        /*[out,retval]*/ unsigned long * pdwCount ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetCreditCardCode (
        /*[in]*/ unsigned long dwIndex,
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrCode ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetCreditCardName (
        /*[in]*/ unsigned long dwIndex,
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrName ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetVATNumber (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrVATNumber ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetCreditCardType (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrCCCode ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetCreditCardNumber (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrCCNumber ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetCreditCardExpiryYear (
        /*[out,retval]*/ unsigned long * pdwCCYear ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetCreditCardExpiryMonth (
        /*[out,retval]*/ unsigned long * pdwCCMonth ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetDisconnectOption (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * pbRetVal ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetDisconnectOption (
        /*[in]*/ int bNewVal ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AsyncProcessHandshakeRequest (
        /*[in]*/ int bReviseCustInfo ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AsyncProcessNewLicenseRequest ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AsyncProcessReissueLicenseRequest ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AsyncProcessRetailRenewalLicenseRequest ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AsyncProcessReviseCustInfoRequest ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AsyncProcessCCRenewalPriceRequest ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AsyncProcessCCRenewalLicenseRequest ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetAsyncProcessReturnCode (
        /*[out,retval]*/ unsigned long * pdwRetCode ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_IsUpgradeAvailable (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * pbUpgradeAvailable ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_WantUpgrade (
        /*[in]*/ int bWantUpgrade ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AsyncProcessDroppedLicenseRequest ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GenerateInstallationId (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrVal ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_DepositConfirmationId (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrVal,
        /*[out,retval]*/ unsigned long * pdwRetCode ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_VerifyCheckDigits (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrCIDIID,
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * pbValue ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetCurrentExpiryDate (
        /*[out,retval]*/ DATE * pDateVal ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CancelAsyncProcessRequest (
        /*[in]*/ int bIsLicenseRequest ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetCurrencyDescription (
        /*[in]*/ unsigned long dwCurrencyIndex,
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrVal ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetPriceItemCount (
        /*[out,retval]*/ unsigned long * pdwCount ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetPriceItemLabel (
        /*[in]*/ unsigned long dwIndex,
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrVal ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetPriceItemValue (
        /*[in]*/ unsigned long dwCurrencyIndex,
        /*[in]*/ unsigned long dwIndex,
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrVal ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetInvoiceText (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pNewVal ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetBackendErrorMsg (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrErrMsg ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetCurrencyOption (
        /*[out,retval]*/ unsigned long * dwCurrencyOption ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetCurrencyOption (
        /*[in]*/ unsigned long dwCurrencyOption ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetEndOfLifeHtmlText (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrHtmlText ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_DisplaySSLCert (
        /*[out,retval]*/ unsigned long * dwRetCode ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c0372-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
IMsoEServicesDialog : IDispatch
    // Property data

    _bstr_t ApplicationName;
    IDispatchPtr Application;
    IDispatchPtr WebComponent;
    IDispatchPtr ClipArt;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    HRESULT Close (
        VARIANT_BOOL ApplyWebComponentChanges );
    HRESULT AddTrustedDomain (
        _bstr_t Domain );
    _bstr_t GetApplicationName ( );
    IDispatchPtr GetApplication ( );
    IDispatchPtr GetWebComponent ( );
    IDispatchPtr GetClipArt ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Close (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL ApplyWebComponentChanges ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AddTrustedDomain (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR Domain ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ApplicationName (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * retval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppdisp ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_WebComponent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppdisp ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ClipArt (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppdisp ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c0373-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
WebComponentProperties : IDispatch
    // Property data

    IDispatchPtr Shape;
    _bstr_t Name;
    _bstr_t URL;
    _bstr_t HTML;
    _bstr_t PreviewGraphic;
    _bstr_t PreviewHTML;
    long Width;
    long Height;
    _bstr_t Tag;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    IDispatchPtr GetShape ( );
    _bstr_t GetName ( );
    void PutName (
        _bstr_t RetValue );
    _bstr_t GetURL ( );
    void PutURL (
        _bstr_t RetValue );
    _bstr_t GetHTML ( );
    void PutHTML (
        _bstr_t RetValue );
    _bstr_t GetPreviewGraphic ( );
    void PutPreviewGraphic (
        _bstr_t RetValue );
    _bstr_t GetPreviewHTML ( );
    void PutPreviewHTML (
        _bstr_t RetValue );
    long GetWidth ( );
    void PutWidth (
        long RetValue );
    long GetHeight ( );
    void PutHeight (
        long RetValue );
    _bstr_t GetTag ( );
    void PutTag (
        _bstr_t RetValue );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Shape (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * RetValue ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Name (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * RetValue ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Name (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR RetValue ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_URL (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * RetValue ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_URL (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR RetValue ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_HTML (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * RetValue ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_HTML (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR RetValue ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PreviewGraphic (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * RetValue ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_PreviewGraphic (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR RetValue ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PreviewHTML (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * RetValue ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_PreviewHTML (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR RetValue ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Width (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * RetValue ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Width (
        /*[in]*/ long RetValue ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Height (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * RetValue ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Height (
        /*[in]*/ long RetValue ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Tag (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * RetValue ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Tag (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR RetValue ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c0377-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
SmartDocument : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    _bstr_t SolutionID;
    _bstr_t SolutionURL;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    _bstr_t GetSolutionID ( );
    void PutSolutionID (
        _bstr_t pbstrID );
    _bstr_t GetSolutionURL ( );
    void PutSolutionURL (
        _bstr_t pbstrUrl );
    HRESULT PickSolution (
        VARIANT_BOOL ConsiderAllSchemas );
    HRESULT RefreshPane ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SolutionID (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrID ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_SolutionID (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR pbstrID ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SolutionURL (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrUrl ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_SolutionURL (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR pbstrUrl ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_PickSolution (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL ConsiderAllSchemas ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_RefreshPane ( ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c0381-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
SharedWorkspaceMember : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    _bstr_t DomainName;
    _bstr_t Name;
    _bstr_t Email;
    _bstr_t Id;
    IDispatchPtr Parent;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    _bstr_t GetDomainName ( );
    _bstr_t GetName ( );
    _bstr_t GetEmail ( );
    HRESULT Delete ( );
    _bstr_t GetId ( );
    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DomainName (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrDomainName ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Name (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrName ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Email (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrEmail ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Delete ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Id (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * Id ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppidisp ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c0382-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
SharedWorkspaceMembers : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    SharedWorkspaceMemberPtr Item[];
    int Count;
    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    VARIANT_BOOL ItemCountExceeded;
    IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );
    SharedWorkspaceMemberPtr GetItem (
        int Index );
    int GetCount ( );
    SharedWorkspaceMemberPtr Add (
        _bstr_t Email,
        _bstr_t DomainName,
        _bstr_t DisplayName,
        const _variant_t & Role = vtMissing );
    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetItemCountExceeded ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * ppienum ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
        /*[in]*/ int Index,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct SharedWorkspaceMember * * ppidisp ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * pcItems ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Add (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR Email,
        /*[in]*/ BSTR DomainName,
        /*[in]*/ BSTR DisplayName,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Role,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct SharedWorkspaceMember * * ppMember ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppidisp ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ItemCountExceeded (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pf ) = 0;

enum MsoSharedWorkspaceTaskStatus
    msoSharedWorkspaceTaskStatusNotStarted = 1,
    msoSharedWorkspaceTaskStatusInProgress = 2,
    msoSharedWorkspaceTaskStatusCompleted = 3,
    msoSharedWorkspaceTaskStatusDeferred = 4,
    msoSharedWorkspaceTaskStatusWaiting = 5

enum MsoSharedWorkspaceTaskPriority
    msoSharedWorkspaceTaskPriorityHigh = 1,
    msoSharedWorkspaceTaskPriorityNormal = 2,
    msoSharedWorkspaceTaskPriorityLow = 3

struct __declspec(uuid("000c0379-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
SharedWorkspaceTask : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    _bstr_t Title;
    _bstr_t AssignedTo;
    enum MsoSharedWorkspaceTaskStatus Status;
    enum MsoSharedWorkspaceTaskPriority Priority;
    _bstr_t Description;
    _variant_t DueDate;
    _bstr_t CreatedBy;
    _variant_t CreatedDate;
    _bstr_t ModifiedBy;
    _variant_t ModifiedDate;
    IDispatchPtr Parent;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    _bstr_t GetTitle ( );
    void PutTitle (
        _bstr_t Title );
    _bstr_t GetAssignedTo ( );
    void PutAssignedTo (
        _bstr_t AssignedTo );
    enum MsoSharedWorkspaceTaskStatus GetStatus ( );
    void PutStatus (
        enum MsoSharedWorkspaceTaskStatus Status );
    enum MsoSharedWorkspaceTaskPriority GetPriority ( );
    void PutPriority (
        enum MsoSharedWorkspaceTaskPriority Priority );
    _bstr_t GetDescription ( );
    void PutDescription (
        _bstr_t Description );
    _variant_t GetDueDate ( );
    void PutDueDate (
        const _variant_t & DueDate );
    _bstr_t GetCreatedBy ( );
    _variant_t GetCreatedDate ( );
    _bstr_t GetModifiedBy ( );
    _variant_t GetModifiedDate ( );
    HRESULT Save ( );
    HRESULT Delete ( );
    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Title (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * Title ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Title (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR Title ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_AssignedTo (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * AssignedTo ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_AssignedTo (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR AssignedTo ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Status (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoSharedWorkspaceTaskStatus * Status ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Status (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoSharedWorkspaceTaskStatus Status ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Priority (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoSharedWorkspaceTaskPriority * Priority ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Priority (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoSharedWorkspaceTaskPriority Priority ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Description (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * Description ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Description (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR Description ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DueDate (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * DueDate ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_DueDate (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT DueDate ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CreatedBy (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * CreatedBy ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CreatedDate (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * CreatedDate ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ModifiedBy (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * ModifiedBy ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ModifiedDate (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * ModifiedDate ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Save ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Delete ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppidisp ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c037a-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
SharedWorkspaceTasks : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    SharedWorkspaceTaskPtr Item[];
    int Count;
    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    VARIANT_BOOL ItemCountExceeded;
    IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    SharedWorkspaceTaskPtr GetItem (
        int Index );
    int GetCount ( );
    SharedWorkspaceTaskPtr Add (
        _bstr_t Title,
        const _variant_t & Status = vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & Priority = vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & Assignee = vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & Description = vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & DueDate = vtMissing );
    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetItemCountExceeded ( );
    IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
        /*[in]*/ int Index,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct SharedWorkspaceTask * * ppidisp ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * pcItems ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Add (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR Title,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Status,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Priority,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Assignee,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Description,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT DueDate,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct SharedWorkspaceTask * * ppTask ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppidisp ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ItemCountExceeded (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pf ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * ppienum ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c037b-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
SharedWorkspaceFile : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    _bstr_t URL;
    _bstr_t CreatedBy;
    _variant_t CreatedDate;
    _bstr_t ModifiedBy;
    _variant_t ModifiedDate;
    IDispatchPtr Parent;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    _bstr_t GetURL ( );
    _bstr_t GetCreatedBy ( );
    _variant_t GetCreatedDate ( );
    _bstr_t GetModifiedBy ( );
    _variant_t GetModifiedDate ( );
    HRESULT Delete ( );
    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_URL (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrFilename ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CreatedBy (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrCreatedBy ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CreatedDate (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * CreatedDate ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ModifiedBy (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrModifiedBy ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ModifiedDate (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * ModifiedDate ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Delete ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppidisp ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c037c-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
SharedWorkspaceFiles : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    SharedWorkspaceFilePtr Item[];
    int Count;
    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    VARIANT_BOOL ItemCountExceeded;
    IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );
    SharedWorkspaceFilePtr GetItem (
        int Index );
    int GetCount ( );
    SharedWorkspaceFilePtr Add (
        _bstr_t FileName,
        const _variant_t & ParentFolder = vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & OverwriteIfFileAlreadyExists = vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & KeepInSync = vtMissing );
    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetItemCountExceeded ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * ppienum ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
        /*[in]*/ int Index,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct SharedWorkspaceFile * * ppidisp ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * pcItems ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Add (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR FileName,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT ParentFolder,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT OverwriteIfFileAlreadyExists,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT KeepInSync,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct SharedWorkspaceFile * * ppFile ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppidisp ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ItemCountExceeded (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pf ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c037d-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
SharedWorkspaceFolder : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    _bstr_t FolderName;
    IDispatchPtr Parent;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    _bstr_t GetFolderName ( );
    HRESULT Delete (
        const _variant_t & DeleteEventIfFolderContainsFiles = vtMissing );
    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FolderName (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * FolderName ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Delete (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT DeleteEventIfFolderContainsFiles = vtMissing ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppidisp ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c037e-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
SharedWorkspaceFolders : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    SharedWorkspaceFolderPtr Item[];
    int Count;
    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    VARIANT_BOOL ItemCountExceeded;
    IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );
    SharedWorkspaceFolderPtr GetItem (
        int Index );
    int GetCount ( );
    SharedWorkspaceFolderPtr Add (
        _bstr_t FolderName,
        const _variant_t & ParentFolder = vtMissing );
    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetItemCountExceeded ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * ppienum ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
        /*[in]*/ int Index,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct SharedWorkspaceFolder * * ppidisp ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * pcItems ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Add (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR FolderName,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT ParentFolder,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct SharedWorkspaceFolder * * ppFolder ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppidisp ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ItemCountExceeded (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pf ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c037f-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
SharedWorkspaceLink : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    _bstr_t URL;
    _bstr_t Description;
    _bstr_t Notes;
    _bstr_t CreatedBy;
    _variant_t CreatedDate;
    _bstr_t ModifiedBy;
    _variant_t ModifiedDate;
    IDispatchPtr Parent;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    _bstr_t GetURL ( );
    void PutURL (
        _bstr_t URL );
    _bstr_t GetDescription ( );
    void PutDescription (
        _bstr_t Description );
    _bstr_t GetNotes ( );
    void PutNotes (
        _bstr_t Notes );
    _bstr_t GetCreatedBy ( );
    _variant_t GetCreatedDate ( );
    _bstr_t GetModifiedBy ( );
    _variant_t GetModifiedDate ( );
    HRESULT Save ( );
    HRESULT Delete ( );
    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_URL (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * URL ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_URL (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR URL ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Description (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * Description ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Description (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR Description ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Notes (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * Notes ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Notes (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR Notes ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CreatedBy (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * CreatedBy ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CreatedDate (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * CreatedDate ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ModifiedBy (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * ModifiedBy ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ModifiedDate (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * ModifiedDate ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Save ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Delete ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppidisp ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c0380-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
SharedWorkspaceLinks : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    SharedWorkspaceLinkPtr Item[];
    int Count;
    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    VARIANT_BOOL ItemCountExceeded;
    IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );
    SharedWorkspaceLinkPtr GetItem (
        int Index );
    int GetCount ( );
    SharedWorkspaceLinkPtr Add (
        _bstr_t URL,
        const _variant_t & Description = vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & Notes = vtMissing );
    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetItemCountExceeded ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * ppienum ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
        /*[in]*/ int Index,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct SharedWorkspaceLink * * ppidisp ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * pcItems ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Add (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR URL,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Description,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Notes,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct SharedWorkspaceLink * * ppLink ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppidisp ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ItemCountExceeded (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pf ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c0385-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
SharedWorkspace : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    _bstr_t Name;
    SharedWorkspaceMembersPtr Members;
    SharedWorkspaceTasksPtr Tasks;
    SharedWorkspaceFilesPtr Files;
    SharedWorkspaceFoldersPtr Folders;
    SharedWorkspaceLinksPtr Links;
    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    _bstr_t URL;
    VARIANT_BOOL Connected;
    _variant_t LastRefreshed;
    _bstr_t SourceURL;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    _bstr_t GetName ( );
    void PutName (
        _bstr_t Name );
    SharedWorkspaceMembersPtr GetMembers ( );
    SharedWorkspaceTasksPtr GetTasks ( );
    SharedWorkspaceFilesPtr GetFiles ( );
    SharedWorkspaceFoldersPtr GetFolders ( );
    SharedWorkspaceLinksPtr GetLinks ( );
    HRESULT Refresh ( );
    HRESULT CreateNew (
        const _variant_t & URL = vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & Name = vtMissing );
    HRESULT Delete ( );
    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    _bstr_t GetURL ( );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetConnected ( );
    _variant_t GetLastRefreshed ( );
    _bstr_t GetSourceURL ( );
    void PutSourceURL (
        _bstr_t pbstrSourceURL );
    HRESULT RemoveDocument ( );
    HRESULT Disconnect ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Name (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * Name ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Name (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR Name ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Members (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct SharedWorkspaceMembers * * ppMembers ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Tasks (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct SharedWorkspaceTasks * * ppTasks ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Files (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct SharedWorkspaceFiles * * ppFiles ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Folders (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct SharedWorkspaceFolders * * ppFolders ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Links (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct SharedWorkspaceLinks * * ppLinks ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Refresh ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateNew (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT URL = vtMissing,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Name = vtMissing ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Delete ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppidisp ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_URL (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrUrl ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Connected (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pfConnected ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_LastRefreshed (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pvarLastRefreshed ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SourceURL (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrSourceURL ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_SourceURL (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR pbstrSourceURL ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_RemoveDocument ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Disconnect ( ) = 0;

enum MsoSyncVersionType
    msoSyncVersionLastViewed = 0,
    msoSyncVersionServer = 1

enum MsoSyncConflictResolutionType
    msoSyncConflictClientWins = 0,
    msoSyncConflictServerWins = 1,
    msoSyncConflictMerge = 2

enum MsoSyncCompareType
    msoSyncCompareAndMerge = 0,
    msoSyncCompareSideBySide = 1

enum MsoSyncAvailableType
    msoSyncAvailableNone = 0,
    msoSyncAvailableOffline = 1,
    msoSyncAvailableAnywhere = 2

enum MsoSyncEventType
    msoSyncEventDownloadInitiated = 0,
    msoSyncEventDownloadSucceeded = 1,
    msoSyncEventDownloadFailed = 2,
    msoSyncEventUploadInitiated = 3,
    msoSyncEventUploadSucceeded = 4,
    msoSyncEventUploadFailed = 5,
    msoSyncEventDownloadNoChange = 6,
    msoSyncEventOffline = 7

enum MsoSyncErrorType
    msoSyncErrorNone = 0,
    msoSyncErrorUnauthorizedUser = 1,
    msoSyncErrorCouldNotConnect = 2,
    msoSyncErrorOutOfSpace = 3,
    msoSyncErrorFileNotFound = 4,
    msoSyncErrorFileTooLarge = 5,
    msoSyncErrorFileInUse = 6,
    msoSyncErrorVirusUpload = 7,
    msoSyncErrorVirusDownload = 8,
    msoSyncErrorUnknownUpload = 9,
    msoSyncErrorUnknownDownload = 10,
    msoSyncErrorCouldNotOpen = 11,
    msoSyncErrorCouldNotUpdate = 12,
    msoSyncErrorCouldNotCompare = 13,
    msoSyncErrorCouldNotResolve = 14,
    msoSyncErrorNoNetwork = 15,
    msoSyncErrorUnknown = 16

enum MsoSyncStatusType
    msoSyncStatusNoSharedWorkspace = 0,
    msoSyncStatusNotRoaming = 0,
    msoSyncStatusLatest = 1,
    msoSyncStatusNewerAvailable = 2,
    msoSyncStatusLocalChanges = 3,
    msoSyncStatusConflict = 4,
    msoSyncStatusSuspended = 5,
    msoSyncStatusError = 6

struct __declspec(uuid("000c0386-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
Sync : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    enum MsoSyncStatusType Status;
    _bstr_t WorkspaceLastChangedBy;
    _variant_t LastSyncTime;
    enum MsoSyncErrorType ErrorType;
    IDispatchPtr Parent;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    enum MsoSyncStatusType GetStatus ( );
    _bstr_t GetWorkspaceLastChangedBy ( );
    _variant_t GetLastSyncTime ( );
    enum MsoSyncErrorType GetErrorType ( );
    HRESULT GetUpdate ( );
    HRESULT PutUpdate ( );
    HRESULT OpenVersion (
        enum MsoSyncVersionType SyncVersionType );
    HRESULT ResolveConflict (
        enum MsoSyncConflictResolutionType SyncConflictResolution );
    HRESULT Unsuspend ( );
    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Status (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoSyncStatusType * pStatusType ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_WorkspaceLastChangedBy (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrWorkspaceLastChangedBy ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_LastSyncTime (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pdatSavedTo ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ErrorType (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoSyncErrorType * pErrorType ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetUpdate ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_PutUpdate ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_OpenVersion (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoSyncVersionType SyncVersionType ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ResolveConflict (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoSyncConflictResolutionType SyncConflictResolution ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Unsuspend ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppidisp ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c0387-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
DocumentLibraryVersion : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    _variant_t Modified;
    long Index;
    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    _bstr_t ModifiedBy;
    _bstr_t Comments;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    _variant_t GetModified ( );
    long GetIndex ( );
    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    _bstr_t GetModifiedBy ( );
    _bstr_t GetComments ( );
    HRESULT Delete ( );
    IDispatchPtr Open ( );
    IDispatchPtr Restore ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Modified (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pvarDate ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Index (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * lIndex ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppidisp ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ModifiedBy (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * userName ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Comments (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * Comments ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Delete ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Open (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppdispOpened ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Restore (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppdispOpened ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c0388-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
DocumentLibraryVersions : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    DocumentLibraryVersionPtr Item[];
    long Count;
    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    VARIANT_BOOL IsVersioningEnabled;
    IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    DocumentLibraryVersionPtr GetItem (
        long lIndex );
    long GetCount ( );
    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetIsVersioningEnabled ( );
    IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
        /*[in]*/ long lIndex,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct DocumentLibraryVersion * * ppidisp ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * lCount ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppidisp ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsVersioningEnabled (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pvarfVersioningOn ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * ppienum ) = 0;

enum MsoPermission
    msoPermissionView = 1,
    msoPermissionRead = 1,
    msoPermissionEdit = 2,
    msoPermissionSave = 4,
    msoPermissionExtract = 8,
    msoPermissionChange = 15,
    msoPermissionPrint = 16,
    msoPermissionObjModel = 32,
    msoPermissionFullControl = 64,
    msoPermissionAllCommon = 127

struct __declspec(uuid("000c0375-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
UserPermission : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    _bstr_t UserId;
    long Permission;
    _variant_t ExpirationDate;
    IDispatchPtr Parent;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    _bstr_t GetUserId ( );
    long GetPermission ( );
    void PutPermission (
        long Permission );
    _variant_t GetExpirationDate ( );
    void PutExpirationDate (
        const _variant_t & ExpirationDate );
    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    HRESULT Remove ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_UserId (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * UserId ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Permission (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * Permission ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Permission (
        /*[in]*/ long Permission ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ExpirationDate (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * ExpirationDate ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ExpirationDate (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT ExpirationDate ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppidisp ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Remove ( ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c0376-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
Permission : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    UserPermissionPtr Item[];
    long Count;
    VARIANT_BOOL EnableTrustedBrowser;
    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    VARIANT_BOOL Enabled;
    _bstr_t RequestPermissionURL;
    _bstr_t PolicyName;
    _bstr_t PolicyDescription;
    VARIANT_BOOL StoreLicenses;
    _bstr_t DocumentAuthor;
    VARIANT_BOOL PermissionFromPolicy;
    IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    UserPermissionPtr GetItem (
        const _variant_t & Index );
    long GetCount ( );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetEnableTrustedBrowser ( );
    void PutEnableTrustedBrowser (
        VARIANT_BOOL Enable );
    UserPermissionPtr Add (
        _bstr_t UserId,
        const _variant_t & Permission = vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & ExpirationDate = vtMissing );
    HRESULT ApplyPolicy (
        _bstr_t FileName );
    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    HRESULT RemoveAll ( );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetEnabled ( );
    void PutEnabled (
        VARIANT_BOOL Enabled );
    _bstr_t GetRequestPermissionURL ( );
    void PutRequestPermissionURL (
        _bstr_t Contact );
    _bstr_t GetPolicyName ( );
    _bstr_t GetPolicyDescription ( );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetStoreLicenses ( );
    void PutStoreLicenses (
        VARIANT_BOOL Enabled );
    _bstr_t GetDocumentAuthor ( );
    void PutDocumentAuthor (
        _bstr_t Author );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetPermissionFromPolicy ( );
    IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Index,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct UserPermission * * UserPerm ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * Count ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_EnableTrustedBrowser (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * Enable ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_EnableTrustedBrowser (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL Enable ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Add (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR UserId,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Permission,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT ExpirationDate,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct UserPermission * * UserPerm ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ApplyPolicy (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR FileName ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppidisp ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_RemoveAll ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Enabled (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * Enabled ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Enabled (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL Enabled ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_RequestPermissionURL (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * Contact ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_RequestPermissionURL (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR Contact ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PolicyName (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * PolicyName ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PolicyDescription (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * PolicyDescription ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_StoreLicenses (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * Enabled ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_StoreLicenses (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL Enabled ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DocumentAuthor (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * Author ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_DocumentAuthor (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR Author ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PermissionFromPolicy (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * FromPolicy ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * ppunkEnum ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c038c-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
MsoDebugOptions_UTRunResult : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    VARIANT_BOOL Passed;
    _bstr_t ErrorString;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    VARIANT_BOOL GetPassed ( );
    _bstr_t GetErrorString ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Passed (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * Passed ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ErrorString (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * Error ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c038b-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
MsoDebugOptions_UT : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    _bstr_t Name;
    _bstr_t CollectionName;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    _bstr_t GetName ( );
    _bstr_t GetCollectionName ( );
    MsoDebugOptions_UTRunResultPtr Run ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Name (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrName ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CollectionName (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrColName ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Run (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct MsoDebugOptions_UTRunResult * * ppRunResult ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c038a-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
MsoDebugOptions_UTs : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    MsoDebugOptions_UTPtr Item[];
    int Count;
    IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    MsoDebugOptions_UTPtr GetItem (
        int Index );
    int GetCount ( );
    IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );
    MsoDebugOptions_UTsPtr GetUnitTestsInCollection (
        _bstr_t bstrCollectionName );
    MsoDebugOptions_UTPtr GetUnitTest (
        _bstr_t bstrCollectionName,
        _bstr_t bstrUnitTestName );
    MsoDebugOptions_UTsPtr GetMatchingUnitTestsInCollection (
        _bstr_t bstrCollectionName,
        _bstr_t bstrUnitTestNameFilter );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
        /*[in]*/ int Index,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct MsoDebugOptions_UT * * ppUnitTest ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * iCountRetVal ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * ppunkEnum ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetUnitTestsInCollection (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrCollectionName,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct MsoDebugOptions_UTs * * MsoDebugOptions_UTs ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetUnitTest (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrCollectionName,
        /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrUnitTestName,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct MsoDebugOptions_UT * * MsoDebugOptions_UT ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetMatchingUnitTestsInCollection (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrCollectionName,
        /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrUnitTestNameFilter,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct MsoDebugOptions_UTs * * MsoDebugOptions_UTs ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c0389-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
MsoDebugOptions_UTManager : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    MsoDebugOptions_UTsPtr UnitTests;
    VARIANT_BOOL ReportErrors;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    MsoDebugOptions_UTsPtr GetUnitTests ( );
    HRESULT NotifyStartOfTestSuiteRun ( );
    HRESULT NotifyEndOfTestSuiteRun ( );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetReportErrors ( );
    void PutReportErrors (
        VARIANT_BOOL pfReportErrors );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_UnitTests (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct MsoDebugOptions_UTs * * ppMsoUnitTests ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_NotifyStartOfTestSuiteRun ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_NotifyEndOfTestSuiteRun ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ReportErrors (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pfReportErrors ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ReportErrors (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pfReportErrors ) = 0;

enum MsoMetaPropertyType
    msoMetaPropertyTypeUnknown = 0,
    msoMetaPropertyTypeBoolean = 1,
    msoMetaPropertyTypeChoice = 2,
    msoMetaPropertyTypeCalculated = 3,
    msoMetaPropertyTypeComputed = 4,
    msoMetaPropertyTypeCurrency = 5,
    msoMetaPropertyTypeDateTime = 6,
    msoMetaPropertyTypeFillInChoice = 7,
    msoMetaPropertyTypeGuid = 8,
    msoMetaPropertyTypeInteger = 9,
    msoMetaPropertyTypeLookup = 10,
    msoMetaPropertyTypeMultiChoiceLookup = 11,
    msoMetaPropertyTypeMultiChoice = 12,
    msoMetaPropertyTypeMultiChoiceFillIn = 13,
    msoMetaPropertyTypeNote = 14,
    msoMetaPropertyTypeNumber = 15,
    msoMetaPropertyTypeText = 16,
    msoMetaPropertyTypeUrl = 17,
    msoMetaPropertyTypeUser = 18,
    msoMetaPropertyTypeUserMulti = 19,
    msoMetaPropertyTypeBusinessData = 20,
    msoMetaPropertyTypeBusinessDataSecondary = 21,
    msoMetaPropertyTypeMax = 22

struct __declspec(uuid("000c038f-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
MetaProperty : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    _variant_t Value;
    _bstr_t Name;
    _bstr_t Id;
    VARIANT_BOOL IsReadOnly;
    VARIANT_BOOL IsRequired;
    enum MsoMetaPropertyType Type;
    _bstr_t ValidationError;
    IDispatchPtr Parent;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    _variant_t GetValue ( );
    void PutValue (
        const _variant_t & pvarValue );
    _bstr_t GetName ( );
    _bstr_t GetId ( );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetIsReadOnly ( );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetIsRequired ( );
    enum MsoMetaPropertyType GetType ( );
    _bstr_t Validate ( );
    _bstr_t GetValidationError ( );
    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Value (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pvarValue ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Value (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT pvarValue ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Name (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrName ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Id (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrID ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsReadOnly (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pfReadOnly ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsRequired (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pfRequired ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Type (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoMetaPropertyType * ptype ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Validate (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrError ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ValidationError (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstr ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppidisp ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c038e-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
MetaProperties : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    MetaPropertyPtr Item[];
    long Count;
    _bstr_t ValidationError;
    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    _bstr_t SchemaXml;
    IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    MetaPropertyPtr GetItem (
        const _variant_t & Index );
    MetaPropertyPtr GetItemByInternalName (
        _bstr_t InternalName );
    long GetCount ( );
    _bstr_t Validate ( );
    _bstr_t GetValidationError ( );
    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    _bstr_t GetSchemaXml ( );
    IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Index,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct MetaProperty * * ppmp ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetItemByInternalName (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR InternalName,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct MetaProperty * * ppmp ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * pc ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Validate (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrError ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ValidationError (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstr ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppidisp ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SchemaXml (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstr ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * ppunkEnum ) = 0;

enum MsoSignatureSubset
    msoSignatureSubsetSignaturesAllSigs = 0,
    msoSignatureSubsetSignaturesNonVisible = 1,
    msoSignatureSubsetSignatureLines = 2,
    msoSignatureSubsetSignatureLinesSigned = 3,
    msoSignatureSubsetSignatureLinesUnsigned = 4,
    msoSignatureSubsetAll = 5

struct __declspec(uuid("000c0391-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
PolicyItem : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    _bstr_t Id;
    _bstr_t Name;
    _bstr_t Description;
    _bstr_t Data;
    IDispatchPtr Parent;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    _bstr_t GetId ( );
    _bstr_t GetName ( );
    _bstr_t GetDescription ( );
    _bstr_t GetData ( );
    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Id (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrID ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Name (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrName ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Description (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrDescription ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Data (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrStatement ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppidisp ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c0390-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
ServerPolicy : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    PolicyItemPtr Item[];
    _bstr_t Id;
    _bstr_t Name;
    _bstr_t Description;
    _bstr_t Statement;
    long Count;
    VARIANT_BOOL BlockPreview;
    IDispatchPtr Parent;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    PolicyItemPtr GetItem (
        const _variant_t & Index );
    _bstr_t GetId ( );
    _bstr_t GetName ( );
    _bstr_t GetDescription ( );
    _bstr_t GetStatement ( );
    long GetCount ( );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetBlockPreview ( );
    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Index,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct PolicyItem * * pppi ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Id (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrID ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Name (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrName ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Description (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrDescription ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Statement (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrStatement ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * pc ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_BlockPreview (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pfBlockPreview ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppidisp ) = 0;

enum MsoDocInspectorStatus
    msoDocInspectorStatusDocOk = 0,
    msoDocInspectorStatusIssueFound = 1,
    msoDocInspectorStatusError = 2

struct __declspec(uuid("000c0393-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
DocumentInspector : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    _bstr_t Name;
    _bstr_t Description;
    IDispatchPtr Parent;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    _bstr_t GetName ( );
    _bstr_t GetDescription ( );
    HRESULT Inspect (
        enum MsoDocInspectorStatus * Status,
        BSTR * Results );
    HRESULT Fix (
        enum MsoDocInspectorStatus * Status,
        BSTR * Results );
    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Name (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * Name ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Description (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * Description ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Inspect (
        /*[out]*/ enum MsoDocInspectorStatus * Status,
        /*[out]*/ BSTR * Results ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Fix (
        /*[out]*/ enum MsoDocInspectorStatus * Status,
        /*[out]*/ BSTR * Results ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppidisp ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c0392-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
DocumentInspectors : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    DocumentInspectorPtr Item[];
    int Count;
    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );
    DocumentInspectorPtr GetItem (
        int Index );
    int GetCount ( );
    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * ppienum ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
        /*[in]*/ int Index,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct DocumentInspector * * ppidisp ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * pcItems ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppidisp ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000cd900-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
WorkflowTask : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    _bstr_t Id;
    _bstr_t ListID;
    _bstr_t WorkflowID;
    _bstr_t Name;
    _bstr_t Description;
    _bstr_t AssignedTo;
    _bstr_t CreatedBy;
    DATE DueDate;
    DATE CreatedDate;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    _bstr_t GetId ( );
    _bstr_t GetListID ( );
    _bstr_t GetWorkflowID ( );
    _bstr_t GetName ( );
    _bstr_t GetDescription ( );
    _bstr_t GetAssignedTo ( );
    _bstr_t GetCreatedBy ( );
    DATE GetDueDate ( );
    DATE GetCreatedDate ( );
    int Show ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Id (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstr ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ListID (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstr ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_WorkflowID (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstr ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Name (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstr ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Description (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstr ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_AssignedTo (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstr ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CreatedBy (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstr ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DueDate (
        /*[out,retval]*/ DATE * pdate ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CreatedDate (
        /*[out,retval]*/ DATE * pdate ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Show (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * pRet ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000cd901-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
WorkflowTasks : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    WorkflowTaskPtr Item[];
    long Count;
    IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    WorkflowTaskPtr GetItem (
        long Index );
    long GetCount ( );
    IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
        /*[in]*/ long Index,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct WorkflowTask * * ppret ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * pCount ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * ppunkEnum ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000cd902-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
WorkflowTemplate : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    _bstr_t Id;
    _bstr_t Name;
    _bstr_t Description;
    _bstr_t DocumentLibraryName;
    _bstr_t DocumentLibraryURL;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    _bstr_t GetId ( );
    _bstr_t GetName ( );
    _bstr_t GetDescription ( );
    _bstr_t GetDocumentLibraryName ( );
    _bstr_t GetDocumentLibraryURL ( );
    int Show ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Id (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstr ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Name (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstr ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Description (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstr ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DocumentLibraryName (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstr ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DocumentLibraryURL (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstr ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Show (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * pRet ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000cd903-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
WorkflowTemplates : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    WorkflowTemplatePtr Item[];
    long Count;
    IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    WorkflowTemplatePtr GetItem (
        long Index );
    long GetCount ( );
    IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
        /*[in]*/ long Index,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct WorkflowTemplate * * ppret ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * pCount ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * ppunkEnum ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000cd706-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
IDocumentInspector : IUnknown
    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    HRESULT GetInfo (
        BSTR * Name,
        BSTR * Desc );
    HRESULT Inspect (
        IDispatch * Doc,
        enum MsoDocInspectorStatus * Status,
        BSTR * Result,
        BSTR * Action );
    HRESULT Fix (
        IDispatch * Doc,
        long hwnd,
        enum MsoDocInspectorStatus * Status,
        BSTR * Result );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetInfo (
        /*[out]*/ BSTR * Name,
        /*[out]*/ BSTR * Desc ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Inspect (
        /*[in]*/ IDispatch * Doc,
        /*[out]*/ enum MsoDocInspectorStatus * Status,
        /*[out]*/ BSTR * Result,
        /*[out]*/ BSTR * Action ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Fix (
        /*[in]*/ IDispatch * Doc,
        /*[in]*/ long hwnd,
        /*[out]*/ enum MsoDocInspectorStatus * Status,
        /*[out]*/ BSTR * Result ) = 0;

enum SignatureDetail
    sigdetLocalSigningTime = 0,
    sigdetApplicationName = 1,
    sigdetApplicationVersion = 2,
    sigdetOfficeVersion = 3,
    sigdetWindowsVersion = 4,
    sigdetNumberOfMonitors = 5,
    sigdetHorizResolution = 6,
    sigdetVertResolution = 7,
    sigdetColorDepth = 8,
    sigdetSignedData = 9,
    sigdetDocPreviewImg = 10,
    sigdetIPFormHash = 11,
    sigdetIPCurrentView = 12,
    sigdetSignatureType = 13,
    sigdetHashAlgorithm = 14,
    sigdetShouldShowViewWarning = 15,
    sigdetDelSuggSigner = 16,
    sigdetDelSuggSignerSet = 17,
    sigdetDelSuggSignerLine2 = 18,
    sigdetDelSuggSignerLine2Set = 19,
    sigdetDelSuggSignerEmail = 20,
    sigdetDelSuggSignerEmailSet = 21

enum CertificateDetail
    certdetAvailable = 0,
    certdetSubject = 1,
    certdetIssuer = 2,
    certdetExpirationDate = 3,
    certdetThumbprint = 4

enum ContentVerificationResults
    contverresError = 0,
    contverresVerifying = 1,
    contverresUnverified = 2,
    contverresValid = 3,
    contverresModified = 4

enum CertificateVerificationResults
    certverresError = 0,
    certverresVerifying = 1,
    certverresUnverified = 2,
    certverresValid = 3,
    certverresInvalid = 4,
    certverresExpired = 5,
    certverresRevoked = 6,
    certverresUntrusted = 7

enum SignatureLineImage
    siglnimgSoftwareRequired = 0,
    siglnimgUnsigned = 1,
    siglnimgSignedValid = 2,
    siglnimgSignedInvalid = 3,
    siglnimgSigned = 4

enum SignatureProviderDetail
    sigprovdetUrl = 0,
    sigprovdetHashAlgorithm = 1,
    sigprovdetUIOnly = 2,
    sigprovdetUseOfficeUI = 3,
    sigprovdetUseOfficeStampUI = 4

enum SignatureType
    sigtypeUnknown = 0,
    sigtypeNonVisible = 1,
    sigtypeSignatureLine = 2,
    sigtypeMax = 3

struct __declspec(uuid("000cd6a1-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
SignatureSetup : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    VARIANT_BOOL ReadOnly;
    _bstr_t Id;
    _bstr_t SignatureProvider;
    _bstr_t SuggestedSigner;
    _bstr_t SuggestedSignerLine2;
    _bstr_t SuggestedSignerEmail;
    _bstr_t SigningInstructions;
    VARIANT_BOOL AllowComments;
    VARIANT_BOOL ShowSignDate;
    _bstr_t AdditionalXml;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    VARIANT_BOOL GetReadOnly ( );
    _bstr_t GetId ( );
    _bstr_t GetSignatureProvider ( );
    _bstr_t GetSuggestedSigner ( );
    void PutSuggestedSigner (
        _bstr_t pbstr );
    _bstr_t GetSuggestedSignerLine2 ( );
    void PutSuggestedSignerLine2 (
        _bstr_t pbstr );
    _bstr_t GetSuggestedSignerEmail ( );
    void PutSuggestedSignerEmail (
        _bstr_t pbstr );
    _bstr_t GetSigningInstructions ( );
    void PutSigningInstructions (
        _bstr_t pbstr );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetAllowComments ( );
    void PutAllowComments (
        VARIANT_BOOL pvarf );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetShowSignDate ( );
    void PutShowSignDate (
        VARIANT_BOOL pvarf );
    _bstr_t GetAdditionalXml ( );
    void PutAdditionalXml (
        _bstr_t pbstr );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ReadOnly (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pvarf ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Id (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstr ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SignatureProvider (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrSigProv ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SuggestedSigner (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstr ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_SuggestedSigner (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR pbstr ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SuggestedSignerLine2 (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstr ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_SuggestedSignerLine2 (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR pbstr ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SuggestedSignerEmail (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstr ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_SuggestedSignerEmail (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR pbstr ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SigningInstructions (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstr ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_SigningInstructions (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR pbstr ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_AllowComments (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pvarf ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_AllowComments (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pvarf ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ShowSignDate (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pvarf ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ShowSignDate (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pvarf ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_AdditionalXml (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstr ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_AdditionalXml (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR pbstr ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000cd6a2-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
SignatureInfo : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    VARIANT_BOOL ReadOnly;
    _bstr_t SignatureProvider;
    _bstr_t SignatureText;
    _bstr_t SignatureComment;
    enum ContentVerificationResults _ContentVerificationResults;
    enum CertificateVerificationResults _CertificateVerificationResults;
    VARIANT_BOOL IsCertificateExpired;
    VARIANT_BOOL IsCertificateRevoked;
    VARIANT_BOOL IsCertificateUntrusted;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    VARIANT_BOOL GetReadOnly ( );
    _bstr_t GetSignatureProvider ( );
    _bstr_t GetSignatureText ( );
    void PutSignatureText (
        _bstr_t pbstr );
    IPictureDisp * GetSignatureImage ( );
    void PutSignatureImage (
        IPictureDisp * ppipictdisp );
    _bstr_t GetSignatureComment ( );
    void PutSignatureComment (
        _bstr_t pbstr );
    _variant_t GetSignatureDetail (
        enum SignatureDetail sigdet );
    _variant_t GetCertificateDetail (
        enum CertificateDetail certdet );
    enum ContentVerificationResults GetContentVerificationResults ( );
    enum CertificateVerificationResults GetCertificateVerificationResults ( );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetIsValid ( );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetIsCertificateExpired ( );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetIsCertificateRevoked ( );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetIsCertificateUntrusted ( );
    HRESULT ShowSignatureCertificate (
        IUnknown * ParentWindow );
    HRESULT SelectSignatureCertificate (
        IUnknown * ParentWindow );
    HRESULT SelectCertificateDetailByThumbprint (
        _bstr_t bstrThumbprint );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ReadOnly (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pvarf ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SignatureProvider (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrSigProv ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SignatureText (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstr ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_SignatureText (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR pbstr ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SignatureImage (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IPictureDisp * * ppipictdisp ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_SignatureImage (
        /*[in]*/ IPictureDisp * ppipictdisp ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SignatureComment (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstr ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_SignatureComment (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR pbstr ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetSignatureDetail (
        /*[in]*/ enum SignatureDetail sigdet,
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pvar ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetCertificateDetail (
        /*[in]*/ enum CertificateDetail certdet,
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pvar ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ContentVerificationResults (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum ContentVerificationResults * pcontverres ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CertificateVerificationResults (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum CertificateVerificationResults * pcertverres ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsValid (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pvarfValid ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsCertificateExpired (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pvarfExpired ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsCertificateRevoked (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pvarfRevoked ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsCertificateUntrusted (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pvarfUntrusted ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ShowSignatureCertificate (
        /*[in]*/ IUnknown * ParentWindow ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SelectSignatureCertificate (
        /*[in]*/ IUnknown * ParentWindow ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SelectCertificateDetailByThumbprint (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrThumbprint ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c0411-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
Signature : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    _bstr_t Signer;
    _bstr_t Issuer;
    _variant_t ExpireDate;
    VARIANT_BOOL AttachCertificate;
    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    VARIANT_BOOL IsCertificateExpired;
    VARIANT_BOOL IsCertificateRevoked;
    _variant_t SignDate;
    VARIANT_BOOL IsSigned;
    SignatureInfoPtr Details;
    VARIANT_BOOL CanSetup;
    SignatureSetupPtr Setup;
    VARIANT_BOOL IsSignatureLine;
    IDispatchPtr SignatureLineShape;
    long SortHint;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    _bstr_t GetSigner ( );
    _bstr_t GetIssuer ( );
    _variant_t GetExpireDate ( );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetIsValid ( );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetAttachCertificate ( );
    void PutAttachCertificate (
        VARIANT_BOOL pvarfAttach );
    HRESULT Delete ( );
    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetIsCertificateExpired ( );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetIsCertificateRevoked ( );
    _variant_t GetSignDate ( );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetIsSigned ( );
    HRESULT Sign (
        const _variant_t & varSigImg = vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & varDelSuggSigner = vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & varDelSuggSignerLine2 = vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & varDelSuggSignerEmail = vtMissing );
    SignatureInfoPtr GetDetails ( );
    HRESULT ShowDetails ( );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetCanSetup ( );
    SignatureSetupPtr GetSetup ( );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetIsSignatureLine ( );
    IDispatchPtr GetSignatureLineShape ( );
    long GetSortHint ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Signer (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstr ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Issuer (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstr ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ExpireDate (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pvarDate ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsValid (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pvarfValid ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_AttachCertificate (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pvarfAttach ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_AttachCertificate (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pvarfAttach ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Delete ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppidisp ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsCertificateExpired (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pvarfExpired ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsCertificateRevoked (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pvarfRevoked ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SignDate (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pvarDate ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsSigned (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pvarfSigned ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Sign (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT varSigImg = vtMissing,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT varDelSuggSigner = vtMissing,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT varDelSuggSignerLine2 = vtMissing,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT varDelSuggSignerEmail = vtMissing ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Details (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct SignatureInfo * * ppsiginfo ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ShowDetails ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CanSetup (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pvarfCanSetup ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Setup (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct SignatureSetup * * ppsigsetup ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsSignatureLine (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pvarfSignatureLine ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SignatureLineShape (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppidispShape ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SortHint (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * plSortHint ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c0410-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
SignatureSet : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    SignaturePtr Item[];
    int Count;
    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    VARIANT_BOOL CanAddSignatureLine;
    enum MsoSignatureSubset Subset;
    VARIANT_BOOL ShowSignaturesPane;
    IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );
    int GetCount ( );
    SignaturePtr GetItem (
        int iSig );
    SignaturePtr Add ( );
    HRESULT Commit ( );
    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    SignaturePtr AddNonVisibleSignature (
        const _variant_t & varSigProv = vtMissing );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetCanAddSignatureLine ( );
    SignaturePtr AddSignatureLine (
        const _variant_t & varSigProv = vtMissing );
    enum MsoSignatureSubset GetSubset ( );
    void PutSubset (
        enum MsoSignatureSubset psubset );
    void PutShowSignaturesPane (
        VARIANT_BOOL _arg1 );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * ppienum ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * pcSig ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
        /*[in]*/ int iSig,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct Signature * * ppidisp ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Add (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct Signature * * ppidisp ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Commit ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppidisp ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AddNonVisibleSignature (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT varSigProv,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct Signature * * ppidisp ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CanAddSignatureLine (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pvarfCanAddSigLine ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AddSignatureLine (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT varSigProv,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct Signature * * ppidisp ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Subset (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoSignatureSubset * psubset ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Subset (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoSignatureSubset psubset ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ShowSignaturesPane (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL _arg1 ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000cd6a3-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
SignatureProvider : IDispatch
    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    IPictureDisp * GenerateSignatureLineImage (
        enum SignatureLineImage siglnimg,
        struct SignatureSetup * psigsetup,
        struct SignatureInfo * psiginfo,
        IUnknown * XmlDsigStream );
    HRESULT ShowSignatureSetup (
        IUnknown * ParentWindow,
        struct SignatureSetup * psigsetup );
    HRESULT ShowSigningCeremony (
        IUnknown * ParentWindow,
        struct SignatureSetup * psigsetup,
        struct SignatureInfo * psiginfo );
    HRESULT SignXmlDsig (
        IUnknown * QueryContinue,
        struct SignatureSetup * psigsetup,
        struct SignatureInfo * psiginfo,
        IUnknown * XmlDsigStream );
    HRESULT NotifySignatureAdded (
        IUnknown * ParentWindow,
        struct SignatureSetup * psigsetup,
        struct SignatureInfo * psiginfo );
    HRESULT VerifyXmlDsig (
        IUnknown * QueryContinue,
        struct SignatureSetup * psigsetup,
        struct SignatureInfo * psiginfo,
        IUnknown * XmlDsigStream,
        enum ContentVerificationResults * pcontverres,
        enum CertificateVerificationResults * pcertverres );
    HRESULT ShowSignatureDetails (
        IUnknown * ParentWindow,
        struct SignatureSetup * psigsetup,
        struct SignatureInfo * psiginfo,
        IUnknown * XmlDsigStream,
        enum ContentVerificationResults * pcontverres,
        enum CertificateVerificationResults * pcertverres );
    _variant_t GetProviderDetail (
        enum SignatureProviderDetail sigprovdet );
    SAFEARRAY * HashStream (
        IUnknown * QueryContinue,
        IUnknown * Stream );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GenerateSignatureLineImage (
        /*[in]*/ enum SignatureLineImage siglnimg,
        /*[in]*/ struct SignatureSetup * psigsetup,
        /*[in]*/ struct SignatureInfo * psiginfo,
        /*[in]*/ IUnknown * XmlDsigStream,
        /*[out,retval]*/ IPictureDisp * * ppipictdisp ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ShowSignatureSetup (
        /*[in]*/ IUnknown * ParentWindow,
        /*[in]*/ struct SignatureSetup * psigsetup ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ShowSigningCeremony (
        /*[in]*/ IUnknown * ParentWindow,
        /*[in]*/ struct SignatureSetup * psigsetup,
        /*[in]*/ struct SignatureInfo * psiginfo ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SignXmlDsig (
        /*[in]*/ IUnknown * QueryContinue,
        /*[in]*/ struct SignatureSetup * psigsetup,
        /*[in]*/ struct SignatureInfo * psiginfo,
        /*[in]*/ IUnknown * XmlDsigStream ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_NotifySignatureAdded (
        /*[in]*/ IUnknown * ParentWindow,
        /*[in]*/ struct SignatureSetup * psigsetup,
        /*[in]*/ struct SignatureInfo * psiginfo ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_VerifyXmlDsig (
        /*[in]*/ IUnknown * QueryContinue,
        /*[in]*/ struct SignatureSetup * psigsetup,
        /*[in]*/ struct SignatureInfo * psiginfo,
        /*[in]*/ IUnknown * XmlDsigStream,
        /*[in,out]*/ enum ContentVerificationResults * pcontverres,
        /*[in,out]*/ enum CertificateVerificationResults * pcertverres ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ShowSignatureDetails (
        /*[in]*/ IUnknown * ParentWindow,
        /*[in]*/ struct SignatureSetup * psigsetup,
        /*[in]*/ struct SignatureInfo * psiginfo,
        /*[in]*/ IUnknown * XmlDsigStream,
        /*[in,out]*/ enum ContentVerificationResults * pcontverres,
        /*[in,out]*/ enum CertificateVerificationResults * pcertverres ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetProviderDetail (
        /*[in]*/ enum SignatureProviderDetail sigprovdet,
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pvar ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_HashStream (
        /*[in]*/ IUnknown * QueryContinue,
        /*[in]*/ IUnknown * Stream,
        /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * ppsargb ) = 0;

enum MsoCustomXMLNodeType
    msoCustomXMLNodeElement = 1,
    msoCustomXMLNodeAttribute = 2,
    msoCustomXMLNodeText = 3,
    msoCustomXMLNodeCData = 4,
    msoCustomXMLNodeProcessingInstruction = 7,
    msoCustomXMLNodeComment = 8,
    msoCustomXMLNodeDocument = 9

enum MsoCustomXMLValidationErrorType
    msoCustomXMLValidationErrorSchemaGenerated = 0,
    msoCustomXMLValidationErrorAutomaticallyCleared = 1,
    msoCustomXMLValidationErrorManual = 2

struct __declspec(uuid("000cdb10-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
CustomXMLPrefixMapping : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    _bstr_t Prefix;
    _bstr_t NamespaceURI;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    _bstr_t GetPrefix ( );
    _bstr_t GetNamespaceURI ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppdispParent ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Prefix (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrPrefix ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_NamespaceURI (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrNamespaceURI ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000cdb00-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
CustomXMLPrefixMappings : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    long Count;
    CustomXMLPrefixMappingPtr Item[];
    IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    long GetCount ( );
    CustomXMLPrefixMappingPtr GetItem (
        const _variant_t & Index );
    HRESULT AddNamespace (
        _bstr_t Prefix,
        _bstr_t NamespaceURI );
    _bstr_t LookupNamespace (
        _bstr_t Prefix );
    _bstr_t LookupPrefix (
        _bstr_t NamespaceURI );
    IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppdispParent ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * plCount ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Index,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct CustomXMLPrefixMapping * * ppPrefixMapping ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AddNamespace (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR Prefix,
        /*[in]*/ BSTR NamespaceURI ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_LookupNamespace (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR Prefix,
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrNamespaceURI ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_LookupPrefix (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR NamespaceURI,
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrPrefix ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * ppunkEnum ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000cdb01-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
CustomXMLSchema : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    _bstr_t Location;
    _bstr_t NamespaceURI;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    _bstr_t GetLocation ( );
    _bstr_t GetNamespaceURI ( );
    HRESULT Delete ( );
    HRESULT Reload ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppdispParent ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Location (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrLocation ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_NamespaceURI (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrNamespaceURI ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Delete ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Reload ( ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000cdb0d-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
    // [ default ] interface _CustomXMLSchemaCollection

struct __declspec(uuid("000cdb02-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
_CustomXMLSchemaCollection : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    long Count;
    CustomXMLSchemaPtr Item[];
    _bstr_t NamespaceURI[];
    IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    long GetCount ( );
    CustomXMLSchemaPtr GetItem (
        const _variant_t & Index );
    _bstr_t GetNamespaceURI (
        long Index );
    CustomXMLSchemaPtr Add (
        _bstr_t NamespaceURI,
        _bstr_t Alias,
        _bstr_t FileName,
        VARIANT_BOOL InstallForAllUsers );
    HRESULT AddCollection (
        struct _CustomXMLSchemaCollection * SchemaCollection );
    VARIANT_BOOL Validate ( );
    IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppdispParent ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * plCount ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Index,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct CustomXMLSchema * * ppSchema ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_NamespaceURI (
        /*[in]*/ long Index,
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrNamespaceURI ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Add (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR NamespaceURI,
        /*[in]*/ BSTR Alias,
        /*[in]*/ BSTR FileName,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL InstallForAllUsers,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct CustomXMLSchema * * ppSchema ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AddCollection (
        /*[in]*/ struct _CustomXMLSchemaCollection * SchemaCollection ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Validate (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pfResult ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * ppunkEnum ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000cdb07-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
_CustomXMLPartEvents : IDispatch
    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    // Methods:
    HRESULT NodeAfterInsert (
        struct CustomXMLNode * NewNode,
        VARIANT_BOOL InUndoRedo );
    HRESULT NodeAfterDelete (
        struct CustomXMLNode * OldNode,
        struct CustomXMLNode * OldParentNode,
        struct CustomXMLNode * OldNextSibling,
        VARIANT_BOOL InUndoRedo );
    HRESULT NodeAfterReplace (
        struct CustomXMLNode * OldNode,
        struct CustomXMLNode * NewNode,
        VARIANT_BOOL InUndoRedo );

struct __declspec(uuid("000cdb08-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
    // [ default ] interface _CustomXMLPart
    // [ default, source ] dispinterface _CustomXMLPartEvents

struct __declspec(uuid("000cdb0a-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
ICustomXMLPartsEvents : IDispatch
    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual void __stdcall PartAfterAdd (
        /*[in]*/ struct _CustomXMLPart * NewPart ) = 0;
      virtual void __stdcall PartBeforeDelete (
        /*[in]*/ struct _CustomXMLPart * OldPart ) = 0;
      virtual void __stdcall PartAfterLoad (
        /*[in]*/ struct _CustomXMLPart * Part ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000cdb0b-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
_CustomXMLPartsEvents : IDispatch
    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    // Methods:
    HRESULT PartAfterAdd (
        struct _CustomXMLPart * NewPart );
    HRESULT PartBeforeDelete (
        struct _CustomXMLPart * OldPart );
    HRESULT PartAfterLoad (
        struct _CustomXMLPart * Part );

struct __declspec(uuid("000cdb0c-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
    // [ default ] interface _CustomXMLParts
    // [ default, source ] dispinterface _CustomXMLPartsEvents

struct __declspec(uuid("000cdb09-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
_CustomXMLParts : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    long Count;
    _CustomXMLPartPtr Item[];
    IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    long GetCount ( );
    _CustomXMLPartPtr GetItem (
        const _variant_t & Index );
    _CustomXMLPartPtr Add (
        _bstr_t XML,
        const _variant_t & SchemaCollection = vtMissing );
    _CustomXMLPartPtr SelectByID (
        _bstr_t Id );
    _CustomXMLPartsPtr SelectByNamespace (
        _bstr_t NamespaceURI );
    IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppdispParent ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * plCount ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Index,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct _CustomXMLPart * * ppPart ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Add (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR XML,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT SchemaCollection,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct _CustomXMLPart * * ppPart ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SelectByID (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR Id,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct _CustomXMLPart * * ppPart ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SelectByNamespace (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR NamespaceURI,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct _CustomXMLParts * * ppParts ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * ppunkEnum ) = 0;

enum MsoTextureAlignment
    msoTextureAlignmentMixed = -2,
    msoTextureTopLeft = 0,
    msoTextureTop = 1,
    msoTextureTopRight = 2,
    msoTextureLeft = 3,
    msoTextureCenter = 4,
    msoTextureRight = 5,
    msoTextureBottomLeft = 6,
    msoTextureBottom = 7,
    msoTextureBottomRight = 8

enum MsoSoftEdgeType
    msoSoftEdgeTypeMixed = -2,
    msoSoftEdgeTypeNone = 0,
    msoSoftEdgeType1 = 1,
    msoSoftEdgeType2 = 2,
    msoSoftEdgeType3 = 3,
    msoSoftEdgeType4 = 4,
    msoSoftEdgeType5 = 5,
    msoSoftEdgeType6 = 6

enum MsoReflectionType
    msoReflectionTypeMixed = -2,
    msoReflectionTypeNone = 0,
    msoReflectionType1 = 1,
    msoReflectionType2 = 2,
    msoReflectionType3 = 3,
    msoReflectionType4 = 4,
    msoReflectionType5 = 5,
    msoReflectionType6 = 6,
    msoReflectionType7 = 7,
    msoReflectionType8 = 8,
    msoReflectionType9 = 9

struct __declspec(uuid("000c03bc-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
SoftEdgeFormat : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    enum MsoSoftEdgeType Type;
    float Radius;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    enum MsoSoftEdgeType GetType ( );
    void PutType (
        enum MsoSoftEdgeType Type );
    float GetRadius ( );
    void PutRadius (
        float Radius );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Type (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoSoftEdgeType * Type ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Type (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoSoftEdgeType Type ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Radius (
        /*[out,retval]*/ float * Radius ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Radius (
        /*[in]*/ float Radius ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c03be-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
ReflectionFormat : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    enum MsoReflectionType Type;
    float Transparency;
    float Size;
    float Offset;
    float Blur;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    enum MsoReflectionType GetType ( );
    void PutType (
        enum MsoReflectionType Type );
    float GetTransparency ( );
    void PutTransparency (
        float Transparency );
    float GetSize ( );
    void PutSize (
        float Size );
    float GetOffset ( );
    void PutOffset (
        float Offset );
    float GetBlur ( );
    void PutBlur (
        float Blur );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Type (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoReflectionType * Type ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Type (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoReflectionType Type ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Transparency (
        /*[out,retval]*/ float * Transparency ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Transparency (
        /*[in]*/ float Transparency ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Size (
        /*[out,retval]*/ float * Size ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Size (
        /*[in]*/ float Size ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Offset (
        /*[out,retval]*/ float * Offset ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Offset (
        /*[in]*/ float Offset ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Blur (
        /*[out,retval]*/ float * Blur ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Blur (
        /*[in]*/ float Blur ) = 0;

enum MsoPresetCamera
    msoPresetCameraMixed = -2,
    msoCameraLegacyObliqueTopLeft = 1,
    msoCameraLegacyObliqueTop = 2,
    msoCameraLegacyObliqueTopRight = 3,
    msoCameraLegacyObliqueLeft = 4,
    msoCameraLegacyObliqueFront = 5,
    msoCameraLegacyObliqueRight = 6,
    msoCameraLegacyObliqueBottomLeft = 7,
    msoCameraLegacyObliqueBottom = 8,
    msoCameraLegacyObliqueBottomRight = 9,
    msoCameraLegacyPerspectiveTopLeft = 10,
    msoCameraLegacyPerspectiveTop = 11,
    msoCameraLegacyPerspectiveTopRight = 12,
    msoCameraLegacyPerspectiveLeft = 13,
    msoCameraLegacyPerspectiveFront = 14,
    msoCameraLegacyPerspectiveRight = 15,
    msoCameraLegacyPerspectiveBottomLeft = 16,
    msoCameraLegacyPerspectiveBottom = 17,
    msoCameraLegacyPerspectiveBottomRight = 18,
    msoCameraOrthographicFront = 19,
    msoCameraIsometricTopUp = 20,
    msoCameraIsometricTopDown = 21,
    msoCameraIsometricBottomUp = 22,
    msoCameraIsometricBottomDown = 23,
    msoCameraIsometricLeftUp = 24,
    msoCameraIsometricLeftDown = 25,
    msoCameraIsometricRightUp = 26,
    msoCameraIsometricRightDown = 27,
    msoCameraIsometricOffAxis1Left = 28,
    msoCameraIsometricOffAxis1Right = 29,
    msoCameraIsometricOffAxis1Top = 30,
    msoCameraIsometricOffAxis2Left = 31,
    msoCameraIsometricOffAxis2Right = 32,
    msoCameraIsometricOffAxis2Top = 33,
    msoCameraIsometricOffAxis3Left = 34,
    msoCameraIsometricOffAxis3Right = 35,
    msoCameraIsometricOffAxis3Bottom = 36,
    msoCameraIsometricOffAxis4Left = 37,
    msoCameraIsometricOffAxis4Right = 38,
    msoCameraIsometricOffAxis4Bottom = 39,
    msoCameraObliqueTopLeft = 40,
    msoCameraObliqueTop = 41,
    msoCameraObliqueTopRight = 42,
    msoCameraObliqueLeft = 43,
    msoCameraObliqueRight = 44,
    msoCameraObliqueBottomLeft = 45,
    msoCameraObliqueBottom = 46,
    msoCameraObliqueBottomRight = 47,
    msoCameraPerspectiveFront = 48,
    msoCameraPerspectiveLeft = 49,
    msoCameraPerspectiveRight = 50,
    msoCameraPerspectiveAbove = 51,
    msoCameraPerspectiveBelow = 52,
    msoCameraPerspectiveAboveLeftFacing = 53,
    msoCameraPerspectiveAboveRightFacing = 54,
    msoCameraPerspectiveContrastingLeftFacing = 55,
    msoCameraPerspectiveContrastingRightFacing = 56,
    msoCameraPerspectiveHeroicLeftFacing = 57,
    msoCameraPerspectiveHeroicRightFacing = 58,
    msoCameraPerspectiveHeroicExtremeLeftFacing = 59,
    msoCameraPerspectiveHeroicExtremeRightFacing = 60,
    msoCameraPerspectiveRelaxed = 61,
    msoCameraPerspectiveRelaxedModerately = 62

enum MsoBevelType
    msoBevelTypeMixed = -2,
    msoBevelNone = 1,
    msoBevelRelaxedInset = 2,
    msoBevelCircle = 3,
    msoBevelSlope = 4,
    msoBevelCross = 5,
    msoBevelAngle = 6,
    msoBevelSoftRound = 7,
    msoBevelConvex = 8,
    msoBevelCoolSlant = 9,
    msoBevelDivot = 10,
    msoBevelRiblet = 11,
    msoBevelHardEdge = 12,
    msoBevelArtDeco = 13

enum MsoLightRigType
    msoLightRigMixed = -2,
    msoLightRigLegacyFlat1 = 1,
    msoLightRigLegacyFlat2 = 2,
    msoLightRigLegacyFlat3 = 3,
    msoLightRigLegacyFlat4 = 4,
    msoLightRigLegacyNormal1 = 5,
    msoLightRigLegacyNormal2 = 6,
    msoLightRigLegacyNormal3 = 7,
    msoLightRigLegacyNormal4 = 8,
    msoLightRigLegacyHarsh1 = 9,
    msoLightRigLegacyHarsh2 = 10,
    msoLightRigLegacyHarsh3 = 11,
    msoLightRigLegacyHarsh4 = 12,
    msoLightRigThreePoint = 13,
    msoLightRigBalanced = 14,
    msoLightRigSoft = 15,
    msoLightRigHarsh = 16,
    msoLightRigFlood = 17,
    msoLightRigContrasting = 18,
    msoLightRigMorning = 19,
    msoLightRigSunrise = 20,
    msoLightRigSunset = 21,
    msoLightRigChilly = 22,
    msoLightRigFreezing = 23,
    msoLightRigFlat = 24,
    msoLightRigTwoPoint = 25,
    msoLightRigGlow = 26,
    msoLightRigBrightRoom = 27

enum MsoParagraphAlignment
    msoAlignMixed = -2,
    msoAlignLeft = 1,
    msoAlignCenter = 2,
    msoAlignRight = 3,
    msoAlignJustify = 4,
    msoAlignDistribute = 5,
    msoAlignThaiDistribute = 6,
    msoAlignJustifyLow = 7

enum MsoTextStrike
    msoStrikeMixed = -2,
    msoNoStrike = 0,
    msoSingleStrike = 1,
    msoDoubleStrike = 2

enum MsoTextCaps
    msoCapsMixed = -2,
    msoNoCaps = 0,
    msoSmallCaps = 1,
    msoAllCaps = 2

enum MsoTextUnderlineType
    msoUnderlineMixed = -2,
    msoNoUnderline = 0,
    msoUnderlineWords = 1,
    msoUnderlineSingleLine = 2,
    msoUnderlineDoubleLine = 3,
    msoUnderlineHeavyLine = 4,
    msoUnderlineDottedLine = 5,
    msoUnderlineDottedHeavyLine = 6,
    msoUnderlineDashLine = 7,
    msoUnderlineDashHeavyLine = 8,
    msoUnderlineDashLongLine = 9,
    msoUnderlineDashLongHeavyLine = 10,
    msoUnderlineDotDashLine = 11,
    msoUnderlineDotDashHeavyLine = 12,
    msoUnderlineDotDotDashLine = 13,
    msoUnderlineDotDotDashHeavyLine = 14,
    msoUnderlineWavyLine = 15,
    msoUnderlineWavyHeavyLine = 16,
    msoUnderlineWavyDoubleLine = 17

enum MsoTextTabAlign
    msoTabAlignMixed = -2,
    msoTabAlignLeft = 0,
    msoTabAlignCenter = 1,
    msoTabAlignRight = 2,
    msoTabAlignDecimal = 3

enum MsoTextCharWrap
    msoCharWrapMixed = -2,
    msoNoCharWrap = 0,
    msoStandardCharWrap = 1,
    msoStrictCharWrap = 2,
    msoCustomCharWrap = 3

enum MsoTextFontAlign
    msoFontAlignMixed = -2,
    msoFontAlignAuto = 0,
    msoFontAlignTop = 1,
    msoFontAlignCenter = 2,
    msoFontAlignBaseline = 3,
    msoFontAlignBottom = 4

enum MsoAutoSize
    msoAutoSizeMixed = -2,
    msoAutoSizeNone = 0,
    msoAutoSizeShapeToFitText = 1,
    msoAutoSizeTextToFitShape = 2

enum MsoPathFormat
    msoPathTypeMixed = -2,
    msoPathTypeNone = 0,
    msoPathType1 = 1,
    msoPathType2 = 2,
    msoPathType3 = 3,
    msoPathType4 = 4

enum MsoWarpFormat
    msoWarpFormatMixed = -2,
    msoWarpFormat1 = 0,
    msoWarpFormat2 = 1,
    msoWarpFormat3 = 2,
    msoWarpFormat4 = 3,
    msoWarpFormat5 = 4,
    msoWarpFormat6 = 5,
    msoWarpFormat7 = 6,
    msoWarpFormat8 = 7,
    msoWarpFormat9 = 8,
    msoWarpFormat10 = 9,
    msoWarpFormat11 = 10,
    msoWarpFormat12 = 11,
    msoWarpFormat13 = 12,
    msoWarpFormat14 = 13,
    msoWarpFormat15 = 14,
    msoWarpFormat16 = 15,
    msoWarpFormat17 = 16,
    msoWarpFormat18 = 17,
    msoWarpFormat19 = 18,
    msoWarpFormat20 = 19,
    msoWarpFormat21 = 20,
    msoWarpFormat22 = 21,
    msoWarpFormat23 = 22,
    msoWarpFormat24 = 23,
    msoWarpFormat25 = 24,
    msoWarpFormat26 = 25,
    msoWarpFormat27 = 26,
    msoWarpFormat28 = 27,
    msoWarpFormat29 = 28,
    msoWarpFormat30 = 29,
    msoWarpFormat31 = 30,
    msoWarpFormat32 = 31,
    msoWarpFormat33 = 32,
    msoWarpFormat34 = 33,
    msoWarpFormat35 = 34,
    msoWarpFormat36 = 35

enum MsoTextChangeCase
    msoCaseSentence = 1,
    msoCaseLower = 2,
    msoCaseUpper = 3,
    msoCaseTitle = 4,
    msoCaseToggle = 5

enum MsoDateTimeFormat
    msoDateTimeFormatMixed = -2,
    msoDateTimeMdyy = 1,
    msoDateTimeddddMMMMddyyyy = 2,
    msoDateTimedMMMMyyyy = 3,
    msoDateTimeMMMMdyyyy = 4,
    msoDateTimedMMMyy = 5,
    msoDateTimeMMMMyy = 6,
    msoDateTimeMMyy = 7,
    msoDateTimeMMddyyHmm = 8,
    msoDateTimeMMddyyhmmAMPM = 9,
    msoDateTimeHmm = 10,
    msoDateTimeHmmss = 11,
    msoDateTimehmmAMPM = 12,
    msoDateTimehmmssAMPM = 13,
    msoDateTimeFigureOut = 14

enum MsoThemeColorSchemeIndex
    msoThemeDark1 = 1,
    msoThemeLight1 = 2,
    msoThemeDark2 = 3,
    msoThemeLight2 = 4,
    msoThemeAccent1 = 5,
    msoThemeAccent2 = 6,
    msoThemeAccent3 = 7,
    msoThemeAccent4 = 8,
    msoThemeAccent5 = 9,
    msoThemeAccent6 = 10,
    msoThemeHyperlink = 11,
    msoThemeFollowedHyperlink = 12

enum MsoThemeColorIndex
    msoThemeColorMixed = -2,
    msoNotThemeColor = 0,
    msoThemeColorDark1 = 1,
    msoThemeColorLight1 = 2,
    msoThemeColorDark2 = 3,
    msoThemeColorLight2 = 4,
    msoThemeColorAccent1 = 5,
    msoThemeColorAccent2 = 6,
    msoThemeColorAccent3 = 7,
    msoThemeColorAccent4 = 8,
    msoThemeColorAccent5 = 9,
    msoThemeColorAccent6 = 10,
    msoThemeColorHyperlink = 11,
    msoThemeColorFollowedHyperlink = 12,
    msoThemeColorText1 = 13,
    msoThemeColorBackground1 = 14,
    msoThemeColorText2 = 15,
    msoThemeColorBackground2 = 16

struct __declspec(uuid("000c0312-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
ColorFormat : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    MsoRGBType __RGB;
    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    int SchemeColor;
    enum MsoColorType Type;
    float TintAndShade;
    enum MsoThemeColorIndex ObjectThemeColor;
    float Brightness;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    MsoRGBType Get__RGB ( );
    void Put__RGB (
        MsoRGBType __RGB );
    int GetSchemeColor ( );
    void PutSchemeColor (
        int SchemeColor );
    enum MsoColorType GetType ( );
    float GetTintAndShade ( );
    void PutTintAndShade (
        float pValue );
    enum MsoThemeColorIndex GetObjectThemeColor ( );
    void PutObjectThemeColor (
        enum MsoThemeColorIndex ObjectThemeColor );
    float GetBrightness ( );
    void PutBrightness (
        float Brightness );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * Parent ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get___RGB (
        /*[out,retval]*/ MsoRGBType * __RGB ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put___RGB (
        /*[in]*/ MsoRGBType __RGB ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SchemeColor (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * SchemeColor ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_SchemeColor (
        /*[in]*/ int SchemeColor ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Type (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoColorType * Type ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_TintAndShade (
        /*[out,retval]*/ float * pValue ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_TintAndShade (
        /*[in]*/ float pValue ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ObjectThemeColor (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoThemeColorIndex * ObjectThemeColor ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ObjectThemeColor (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoThemeColorIndex ObjectThemeColor ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Brightness (
        /*[out,retval]*/ float * Brightness ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Brightness (
        /*[in]*/ float Brightness ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c0317-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
LineFormat : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    ColorFormatPtr BackColor;
    enum MsoArrowheadLength BeginArrowheadLength;
    enum MsoArrowheadStyle BeginArrowheadStyle;
    enum MsoArrowheadWidth BeginArrowheadWidth;
    enum MsoLineDashStyle DashStyle;
    enum MsoArrowheadLength EndArrowheadLength;
    enum MsoArrowheadStyle EndArrowheadStyle;
    enum MsoArrowheadWidth EndArrowheadWidth;
    ColorFormatPtr ForeColor;
    enum MsoPatternType Pattern;
    enum MsoLineStyle Style;
    float Transparency;
    enum MsoTriState Visible;
    float Weight;
    enum MsoTriState InsetPen;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    ColorFormatPtr GetBackColor ( );
    void PutBackColor (
        struct ColorFormat * BackColor );
    enum MsoArrowheadLength GetBeginArrowheadLength ( );
    void PutBeginArrowheadLength (
        enum MsoArrowheadLength BeginArrowheadLength );
    enum MsoArrowheadStyle GetBeginArrowheadStyle ( );
    void PutBeginArrowheadStyle (
        enum MsoArrowheadStyle BeginArrowheadStyle );
    enum MsoArrowheadWidth GetBeginArrowheadWidth ( );
    void PutBeginArrowheadWidth (
        enum MsoArrowheadWidth BeginArrowheadWidth );
    enum MsoLineDashStyle GetDashStyle ( );
    void PutDashStyle (
        enum MsoLineDashStyle DashStyle );
    enum MsoArrowheadLength GetEndArrowheadLength ( );
    void PutEndArrowheadLength (
        enum MsoArrowheadLength EndArrowheadLength );
    enum MsoArrowheadStyle GetEndArrowheadStyle ( );
    void PutEndArrowheadStyle (
        enum MsoArrowheadStyle EndArrowheadStyle );
    enum MsoArrowheadWidth GetEndArrowheadWidth ( );
    void PutEndArrowheadWidth (
        enum MsoArrowheadWidth EndArrowheadWidth );
    ColorFormatPtr GetForeColor ( );
    void PutForeColor (
        struct ColorFormat * ForeColor );
    enum MsoPatternType GetPattern ( );
    void PutPattern (
        enum MsoPatternType Pattern );
    enum MsoLineStyle GetStyle ( );
    void PutStyle (
        enum MsoLineStyle Style );
    float GetTransparency ( );
    void PutTransparency (
        float Transparency );
    enum MsoTriState GetVisible ( );
    void PutVisible (
        enum MsoTriState Visible );
    float GetWeight ( );
    void PutWeight (
        float Weight );
    enum MsoTriState GetInsetPen ( );
    void PutInsetPen (
        enum MsoTriState InsetPen );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * Parent ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_BackColor (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct ColorFormat * * BackColor ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_BackColor (
        /*[in]*/ struct ColorFormat * BackColor ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_BeginArrowheadLength (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoArrowheadLength * BeginArrowheadLength ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_BeginArrowheadLength (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoArrowheadLength BeginArrowheadLength ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_BeginArrowheadStyle (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoArrowheadStyle * BeginArrowheadStyle ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_BeginArrowheadStyle (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoArrowheadStyle BeginArrowheadStyle ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_BeginArrowheadWidth (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoArrowheadWidth * BeginArrowheadWidth ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_BeginArrowheadWidth (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoArrowheadWidth BeginArrowheadWidth ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DashStyle (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoLineDashStyle * DashStyle ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_DashStyle (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoLineDashStyle DashStyle ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_EndArrowheadLength (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoArrowheadLength * EndArrowheadLength ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_EndArrowheadLength (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoArrowheadLength EndArrowheadLength ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_EndArrowheadStyle (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoArrowheadStyle * EndArrowheadStyle ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_EndArrowheadStyle (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoArrowheadStyle EndArrowheadStyle ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_EndArrowheadWidth (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoArrowheadWidth * EndArrowheadWidth ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_EndArrowheadWidth (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoArrowheadWidth EndArrowheadWidth ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ForeColor (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct ColorFormat * * ForeColor ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ForeColor (
        /*[in]*/ struct ColorFormat * ForeColor ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Pattern (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoPatternType * Pattern ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Pattern (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoPatternType Pattern ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Style (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoLineStyle * Style ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Style (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoLineStyle Style ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Transparency (
        /*[out,retval]*/ float * Transparency ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Transparency (
        /*[in]*/ float Transparency ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Visible (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoTriState * Visible ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Visible (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoTriState Visible ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Weight (
        /*[out,retval]*/ float * Weight ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Weight (
        /*[in]*/ float Weight ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_InsetPen (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoTriState * InsetPen ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_InsetPen (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoTriState InsetPen ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c0321-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
ThreeDFormat : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    float Depth;
    ColorFormatPtr ExtrusionColor;
    enum MsoExtrusionColorType ExtrusionColorType;
    enum MsoTriState Perspective;
    enum MsoPresetExtrusionDirection PresetExtrusionDirection;
    enum MsoPresetLightingDirection PresetLightingDirection;
    enum MsoPresetLightingSoftness PresetLightingSoftness;
    enum MsoPresetMaterial PresetMaterial;
    enum MsoPresetThreeDFormat PresetThreeDFormat;
    float RotationX;
    float RotationY;
    enum MsoTriState Visible;
    enum MsoLightRigType PresetLighting;
    float Z;
    enum MsoBevelType BevelTopType;
    float BevelTopInset;
    float BevelTopDepth;
    enum MsoBevelType BevelBottomType;
    float BevelBottomInset;
    float BevelBottomDepth;
    enum MsoPresetCamera PresetCamera;
    float RotationZ;
    float ContourWidth;
    ColorFormatPtr ContourColor;
    float FieldOfView;
    enum MsoTriState ProjectText;
    float LightAngle;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    HRESULT IncrementRotationX (
        float Increment );
    HRESULT IncrementRotationY (
        float Increment );
    HRESULT ResetRotation ( );
    HRESULT SetThreeDFormat (
        enum MsoPresetThreeDFormat PresetThreeDFormat );
    HRESULT SetExtrusionDirection (
        enum MsoPresetExtrusionDirection PresetExtrusionDirection );
    float GetDepth ( );
    void PutDepth (
        float Depth );
    ColorFormatPtr GetExtrusionColor ( );
    enum MsoExtrusionColorType GetExtrusionColorType ( );
    void PutExtrusionColorType (
        enum MsoExtrusionColorType ExtrusionColorType );
    enum MsoTriState GetPerspective ( );
    void PutPerspective (
        enum MsoTriState Perspective );
    enum MsoPresetExtrusionDirection GetPresetExtrusionDirection ( );
    enum MsoPresetLightingDirection GetPresetLightingDirection ( );
    void PutPresetLightingDirection (
        enum MsoPresetLightingDirection PresetLightingDirection );
    enum MsoPresetLightingSoftness GetPresetLightingSoftness ( );
    void PutPresetLightingSoftness (
        enum MsoPresetLightingSoftness PresetLightingSoftness );
    enum MsoPresetMaterial GetPresetMaterial ( );
    void PutPresetMaterial (
        enum MsoPresetMaterial PresetMaterial );
    enum MsoPresetThreeDFormat GetPresetThreeDFormat ( );
    float GetRotationX ( );
    void PutRotationX (
        float RotationX );
    float GetRotationY ( );
    void PutRotationY (
        float RotationY );
    enum MsoTriState GetVisible ( );
    void PutVisible (
        enum MsoTriState Visible );
    HRESULT SetPresetCamera (
        enum MsoPresetCamera PresetCamera );
    HRESULT IncrementRotationZ (
        float Increment );
    HRESULT IncrementRotationHorizontal (
        float Increment );
    HRESULT IncrementRotationVertical (
        float Increment );
    enum MsoLightRigType GetPresetLighting ( );
    void PutPresetLighting (
        enum MsoLightRigType PresetLightRigType );
    float GetZ ( );
    void PutZ (
        float Z );
    enum MsoBevelType GetBevelTopType ( );
    void PutBevelTopType (
        enum MsoBevelType BevelTopType );
    float GetBevelTopInset ( );
    void PutBevelTopInset (
        float BevelTopInset );
    float GetBevelTopDepth ( );
    void PutBevelTopDepth (
        float BevelTopDepth );
    enum MsoBevelType GetBevelBottomType ( );
    void PutBevelBottomType (
        enum MsoBevelType BevelBottomType );
    float GetBevelBottomInset ( );
    void PutBevelBottomInset (
        float BevelBottomInset );
    float GetBevelBottomDepth ( );
    void PutBevelBottomDepth (
        float BevelBottomDepth );
    enum MsoPresetCamera GetPresetCamera ( );
    float GetRotationZ ( );
    void PutRotationZ (
        float RotationZ );
    float GetContourWidth ( );
    void PutContourWidth (
        float Width );
    ColorFormatPtr GetContourColor ( );
    float GetFieldOfView ( );
    void PutFieldOfView (
        float FOV );
    enum MsoTriState GetProjectText ( );
    void PutProjectText (
        enum MsoTriState ProjectText );
    float GetLightAngle ( );
    void PutLightAngle (
        float LightAngle );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * Parent ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_IncrementRotationX (
        /*[in]*/ float Increment ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_IncrementRotationY (
        /*[in]*/ float Increment ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ResetRotation ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetThreeDFormat (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoPresetThreeDFormat PresetThreeDFormat ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetExtrusionDirection (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoPresetExtrusionDirection PresetExtrusionDirection ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Depth (
        /*[out,retval]*/ float * Depth ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Depth (
        /*[in]*/ float Depth ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ExtrusionColor (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct ColorFormat * * ExtrusionColor ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ExtrusionColorType (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoExtrusionColorType * ExtrusionColorType ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ExtrusionColorType (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoExtrusionColorType ExtrusionColorType ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Perspective (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoTriState * Perspective ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Perspective (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoTriState Perspective ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PresetExtrusionDirection (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoPresetExtrusionDirection * PresetExtrusionDirection ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PresetLightingDirection (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoPresetLightingDirection * PresetLightingDirection ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_PresetLightingDirection (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoPresetLightingDirection PresetLightingDirection ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PresetLightingSoftness (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoPresetLightingSoftness * PresetLightingSoftness ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_PresetLightingSoftness (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoPresetLightingSoftness PresetLightingSoftness ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PresetMaterial (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoPresetMaterial * PresetMaterial ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_PresetMaterial (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoPresetMaterial PresetMaterial ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PresetThreeDFormat (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoPresetThreeDFormat * PresetThreeDFormat ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_RotationX (
        /*[out,retval]*/ float * RotationX ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_RotationX (
        /*[in]*/ float RotationX ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_RotationY (
        /*[out,retval]*/ float * RotationY ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_RotationY (
        /*[in]*/ float RotationY ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Visible (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoTriState * Visible ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Visible (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoTriState Visible ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetPresetCamera (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoPresetCamera PresetCamera ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_IncrementRotationZ (
        /*[in]*/ float Increment ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_IncrementRotationHorizontal (
        /*[in]*/ float Increment ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_IncrementRotationVertical (
        /*[in]*/ float Increment ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PresetLighting (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoLightRigType * PresetLightRigType ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_PresetLighting (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoLightRigType PresetLightRigType ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Z (
        /*[out,retval]*/ float * Z ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Z (
        /*[in]*/ float Z ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_BevelTopType (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoBevelType * BevelTopType ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_BevelTopType (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoBevelType BevelTopType ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_BevelTopInset (
        /*[out,retval]*/ float * BevelTopInset ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_BevelTopInset (
        /*[in]*/ float BevelTopInset ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_BevelTopDepth (
        /*[out,retval]*/ float * BevelTopDepth ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_BevelTopDepth (
        /*[in]*/ float BevelTopDepth ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_BevelBottomType (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoBevelType * BevelBottomType ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_BevelBottomType (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoBevelType BevelBottomType ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_BevelBottomInset (
        /*[out,retval]*/ float * BevelBottomInset ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_BevelBottomInset (
        /*[in]*/ float BevelBottomInset ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_BevelBottomDepth (
        /*[out,retval]*/ float * BevelBottomDepth ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_BevelBottomDepth (
        /*[in]*/ float BevelBottomDepth ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PresetCamera (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoPresetCamera * PresetCamera ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_RotationZ (
        /*[out,retval]*/ float * RotationZ ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_RotationZ (
        /*[in]*/ float RotationZ ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ContourWidth (
        /*[out,retval]*/ float * Width ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ContourWidth (
        /*[in]*/ float Width ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ContourColor (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct ColorFormat * * ContourColor ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FieldOfView (
        /*[out,retval]*/ float * FOV ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_FieldOfView (
        /*[in]*/ float FOV ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ProjectText (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoTriState * ProjectText ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ProjectText (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoTriState ProjectText ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_LightAngle (
        /*[out,retval]*/ float * LightAngle ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_LightAngle (
        /*[in]*/ float LightAngle ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c03bf-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
GradientStop : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    ColorFormatPtr Color;
    float Position;
    float Transparency;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    ColorFormatPtr GetColor ( );
    float GetPosition ( );
    void PutPosition (
        float Position );
    float GetTransparency ( );
    void PutTransparency (
        float Transparency );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Color (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct ColorFormat * * Color ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Position (
        /*[out,retval]*/ float * Position ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Position (
        /*[in]*/ float Position ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Transparency (
        /*[out,retval]*/ float * Transparency ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Transparency (
        /*[in]*/ float Transparency ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c03c0-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
GradientStops : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    GradientStopPtr Item[];
    int Count;
    IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    GradientStopPtr GetItem (
        int Index );
    int GetCount ( );
    IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );
    HRESULT Delete (
        int Index );
    HRESULT Insert (
        MsoRGBType __RGB,
        float Position,
        float Transparency,
        int Index );
    HRESULT Insert2 (
        MsoRGBType __RGB,
        float Position,
        float Transparency,
        int Index,
        float Brightness );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
        /*[in]*/ int Index,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct GradientStop * * Item ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * Count ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * _NewEnum ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Delete (
        /*[in]*/ int Index ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Insert (
        /*[in]*/ MsoRGBType __RGB,
        /*[in]*/ float Position,
        /*[in]*/ float Transparency,
        /*[in]*/ int Index ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Insert2 (
        /*[in]*/ MsoRGBType __RGB,
        /*[in]*/ float Position,
        /*[in]*/ float Transparency,
        /*[in]*/ int Index,
        /*[in]*/ float Brightness ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c03bd-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
GlowFormat : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    float Radius;
    ColorFormatPtr Color;
    float Transparency;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    float GetRadius ( );
    void PutRadius (
        float Radius );
    ColorFormatPtr GetColor ( );
    float GetTransparency ( );
    void PutTransparency (
        float Transparency );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Radius (
        /*[out,retval]*/ float * Radius ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Radius (
        /*[in]*/ float Radius ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Color (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct ColorFormat * * Color ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Transparency (
        /*[out,retval]*/ float * Transparency ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Transparency (
        /*[in]*/ float Transparency ) = 0;

enum MsoFontLanguageIndex
    msoThemeLatin = 1,
    msoThemeComplexScript = 2,
    msoThemeEastAsian = 3

enum MsoShapeStyleIndex
    msoShapeStyleMixed = -2,
    msoShapeStyleNotAPreset = 0,
    msoShapeStylePreset1 = 1,
    msoShapeStylePreset2 = 2,
    msoShapeStylePreset3 = 3,
    msoShapeStylePreset4 = 4,
    msoShapeStylePreset5 = 5,
    msoShapeStylePreset6 = 6,
    msoShapeStylePreset7 = 7,
    msoShapeStylePreset8 = 8,
    msoShapeStylePreset9 = 9,
    msoShapeStylePreset10 = 10,
    msoShapeStylePreset11 = 11,
    msoShapeStylePreset12 = 12,
    msoShapeStylePreset13 = 13,
    msoShapeStylePreset14 = 14,
    msoShapeStylePreset15 = 15,
    msoShapeStylePreset16 = 16,
    msoShapeStylePreset17 = 17,
    msoShapeStylePreset18 = 18,
    msoShapeStylePreset19 = 19,
    msoShapeStylePreset20 = 20,
    msoShapeStylePreset21 = 21,
    msoShapeStylePreset22 = 22,
    msoShapeStylePreset23 = 23,
    msoShapeStylePreset24 = 24,
    msoShapeStylePreset25 = 25,
    msoShapeStylePreset26 = 26,
    msoShapeStylePreset27 = 27,
    msoShapeStylePreset28 = 28,
    msoShapeStylePreset29 = 29,
    msoShapeStylePreset30 = 30,
    msoShapeStylePreset31 = 31,
    msoShapeStylePreset32 = 32,
    msoShapeStylePreset33 = 33,
    msoShapeStylePreset34 = 34,
    msoShapeStylePreset35 = 35,
    msoShapeStylePreset36 = 36,
    msoShapeStylePreset37 = 37,
    msoShapeStylePreset38 = 38,
    msoShapeStylePreset39 = 39,
    msoShapeStylePreset40 = 40,
    msoShapeStylePreset41 = 41,
    msoShapeStylePreset42 = 42,
    msoLineStylePreset1 = 10001,
    msoLineStylePreset2 = 10002,
    msoLineStylePreset3 = 10003,
    msoLineStylePreset4 = 10004,
    msoLineStylePreset5 = 10005,
    msoLineStylePreset6 = 10006,
    msoLineStylePreset7 = 10007,
    msoLineStylePreset8 = 10008,
    msoLineStylePreset9 = 10009,
    msoLineStylePreset10 = 10010,
    msoLineStylePreset11 = 10011,
    msoLineStylePreset12 = 10012,
    msoLineStylePreset13 = 10013,
    msoLineStylePreset14 = 10014,
    msoLineStylePreset15 = 10015,
    msoLineStylePreset16 = 10016,
    msoLineStylePreset17 = 10017,
    msoLineStylePreset18 = 10018,
    msoLineStylePreset19 = 10019,
    msoLineStylePreset20 = 10020,
    msoLineStylePreset21 = 10021

enum MsoBackgroundStyleIndex
    msoBackgroundStyleMixed = -2,
    msoBackgroundStyleNotAPreset = 0,
    msoBackgroundStylePreset1 = 1,
    msoBackgroundStylePreset2 = 2,
    msoBackgroundStylePreset3 = 3,
    msoBackgroundStylePreset4 = 4,
    msoBackgroundStylePreset5 = 5,
    msoBackgroundStylePreset6 = 6,
    msoBackgroundStylePreset7 = 7,
    msoBackgroundStylePreset8 = 8,
    msoBackgroundStylePreset9 = 9,
    msoBackgroundStylePreset10 = 10,
    msoBackgroundStylePreset11 = 11,
    msoBackgroundStylePreset12 = 12

struct __declspec(uuid("000c03a1-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
ThemeColor : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    MsoRGBType __RGB;
    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    enum MsoThemeColorSchemeIndex ThemeColorSchemeIndex;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    MsoRGBType Get__RGB ( );
    void Put__RGB (
        MsoRGBType __RGB );
    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    enum MsoThemeColorSchemeIndex GetThemeColorSchemeIndex ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get___RGB (
        /*[out,retval]*/ MsoRGBType * __RGB ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put___RGB (
        /*[in]*/ MsoRGBType __RGB ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * Parent ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ThemeColorSchemeIndex (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoThemeColorSchemeIndex * pValue ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c03a2-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
ThemeColorScheme : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    int Count;
    IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    int GetCount ( );
    ThemeColorPtr Colors (
        enum MsoThemeColorSchemeIndex Index );
    IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );
    HRESULT Load (
        _bstr_t FileName );
    HRESULT Save (
        _bstr_t FileName );
    MsoRGBType GetCustomColor (
        _bstr_t Name );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * Parent ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * Count ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Colors (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoThemeColorSchemeIndex Index,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct ThemeColor * * Color ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * ppienum ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Load (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR FileName ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Save (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR FileName ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetCustomColor (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR Name,
        /*[out,retval]*/ MsoRGBType * CustomColor ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c03a3-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
ThemeFont : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    _bstr_t Name;
    IDispatchPtr Parent;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    _bstr_t GetName ( );
    void PutName (
        _bstr_t Val );
    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Name (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * Val ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Name (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR Val ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * Parent ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c03a4-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
ThemeFonts : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    int Count;
    IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    int GetCount ( );
    ThemeFontPtr Item (
        enum MsoFontLanguageIndex Index );
    IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * Parent ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * Count ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Item (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoFontLanguageIndex Index,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct ThemeFont * * Val ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * ppienum ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c03a5-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
ThemeFontScheme : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    ThemeFontsPtr MinorFont;
    ThemeFontsPtr MajorFont;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    HRESULT Load (
        _bstr_t FileName );
    HRESULT Save (
        _bstr_t FileName );
    ThemeFontsPtr GetMinorFont ( );
    ThemeFontsPtr GetMajorFont ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * Parent ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Load (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR FileName ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Save (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR FileName ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MinorFont (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct ThemeFonts * * MinorFont ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MajorFont (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct ThemeFonts * * MajorFont ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c03a6-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
ThemeEffectScheme : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    IDispatchPtr Parent;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    HRESULT Load (
        _bstr_t FileName );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * Parent ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Load (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR FileName ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c03a0-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
OfficeTheme : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    ThemeColorSchemePtr ThemeColorScheme;
    ThemeFontSchemePtr ThemeFontScheme;
    ThemeEffectSchemePtr ThemeEffectScheme;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    ThemeColorSchemePtr GetThemeColorScheme ( );
    ThemeFontSchemePtr GetThemeFontScheme ( );
    ThemeEffectSchemePtr GetThemeEffectScheme ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * Parent ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ThemeColorScheme (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct ThemeColorScheme * * ThemeColorScheme ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ThemeFontScheme (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct ThemeFontScheme * * ThemeFontScheme ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ThemeEffectScheme (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct ThemeEffectScheme * * ThemeEffectScheme ) = 0;

enum MsoCTPDockPosition
    msoCTPDockPositionLeft = 0,
    msoCTPDockPositionTop = 1,
    msoCTPDockPositionRight = 2,
    msoCTPDockPositionBottom = 3,
    msoCTPDockPositionFloating = 4

enum MsoCTPDockPositionRestrict
    msoCTPDockPositionRestrictNone = 0,
    msoCTPDockPositionRestrictNoChange = 1,
    msoCTPDockPositionRestrictNoHorizontal = 2,
    msoCTPDockPositionRestrictNoVertical = 3

struct __declspec(uuid("000c033b-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
_CustomTaskPane : IDispatch
    // Property data

    _bstr_t Title;
    IDispatchPtr Application;
    IDispatchPtr Window;
    VARIANT_BOOL Visible;
    IDispatchPtr ContentControl;
    int Height;
    int Width;
    enum MsoCTPDockPosition DockPosition;
    enum MsoCTPDockPositionRestrict DockPositionRestrict;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    _bstr_t GetTitle ( );
    IDispatchPtr GetApplication ( );
    IDispatchPtr GetWindow ( );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetVisible ( );
    void PutVisible (
        VARIANT_BOOL prop );
    IDispatchPtr GetContentControl ( );
    int GetHeight ( );
    void PutHeight (
        int prop );
    int GetWidth ( );
    void PutWidth (
        int prop );
    enum MsoCTPDockPosition GetDockPosition ( );
    void PutDockPosition (
        enum MsoCTPDockPosition prop );
    enum MsoCTPDockPositionRestrict GetDockPositionRestrict ( );
    void PutDockPositionRestrict (
        enum MsoCTPDockPositionRestrict prop );
    HRESULT Delete ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Title (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * prop ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * prop ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Window (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * prop ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Visible (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * prop ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Visible (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL prop ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ContentControl (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * prop ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Height (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * prop ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Height (
        /*[in]*/ int prop ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Width (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * prop ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Width (
        /*[in]*/ int prop ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DockPosition (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoCTPDockPosition * prop ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_DockPosition (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoCTPDockPosition prop ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DockPositionRestrict (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoCTPDockPositionRestrict * prop ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_DockPositionRestrict (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoCTPDockPositionRestrict prop ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Delete ( ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("8a64a872-fc6b-4d4a-926e-3a3689562c1c"))
CustomTaskPaneEvents : IDispatch
    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual void __stdcall VisibleStateChange (
        /*[in]*/ struct _CustomTaskPane * CustomTaskPaneInst ) = 0;
      virtual void __stdcall DockPositionStateChange (
        /*[in]*/ struct _CustomTaskPane * CustomTaskPaneInst ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c033c-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
_CustomTaskPaneEvents : IDispatch
    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    // Methods:
    HRESULT VisibleStateChange (
        struct _CustomTaskPane * CustomTaskPaneInst );
    HRESULT DockPositionStateChange (
        struct _CustomTaskPane * CustomTaskPaneInst );

struct __declspec(uuid("c5771be5-a188-466b-ab31-00a6a32b1b1c"))
    // [ default ] interface _CustomTaskPane
    // [ default, source ] dispinterface _CustomTaskPaneEvents

struct __declspec(uuid("000c033d-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
ICTPFactory : IDispatch
    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    _CustomTaskPanePtr CreateCTP (
        _bstr_t CTPAxID,
        _bstr_t CTPTitle,
        const _variant_t & CTPParentWindow = vtMissing );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateCTP (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR CTPAxID,
        /*[in]*/ BSTR CTPTitle,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT CTPParentWindow,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct _CustomTaskPane * * CTPInst ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c033e-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
ICustomTaskPaneConsumer : IDispatch
    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    HRESULT CTPFactoryAvailable (
        struct ICTPFactory * CTPFactoryInst );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CTPFactoryAvailable (
        /*[in]*/ struct ICTPFactory * CTPFactoryInst ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c03a7-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
IRibbonUI : IDispatch
    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    HRESULT Invalidate ( );
    HRESULT InvalidateControl (
        _bstr_t ControlID );
    HRESULT InvalidateControlMso (
        _bstr_t ControlID );
    HRESULT ActivateTab (
        _bstr_t ControlID );
    HRESULT ActivateTabMso (
        _bstr_t ControlID );
    HRESULT ActivateTabQ (
        _bstr_t ControlID,
        _bstr_t Namespace );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Invalidate ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_InvalidateControl (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR ControlID ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_InvalidateControlMso (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR ControlID ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ActivateTab (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR ControlID ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ActivateTabMso (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR ControlID ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ActivateTabQ (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR ControlID,
        /*[in]*/ BSTR Namespace ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c0395-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
IRibbonControl : IDispatch
    // Property data

    _bstr_t Id;
    IDispatchPtr Context;
    _bstr_t Tag;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    _bstr_t GetId ( );
    IDispatchPtr GetContext ( );
    _bstr_t GetTag ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Id (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * Id ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Context (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * Context ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Tag (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * Tag ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c0396-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
IRibbonExtensibility : IDispatch
    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    _bstr_t GetCustomUI (
        _bstr_t RibbonID );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetCustomUI (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR RibbonID,
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * RibbonXml ) = 0;

enum RibbonControlSize
    RibbonControlSizeRegular = 0,
    RibbonControlSizeLarge = 1

enum MsoShadowStyle
    msoShadowStyleMixed = -2,
    msoShadowStyleInnerShadow = 1,
    msoShadowStyleOuterShadow = 2

struct __declspec(uuid("000c031b-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
ShadowFormat : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    ColorFormatPtr ForeColor;
    enum MsoTriState Obscured;
    float OffsetX;
    float OffsetY;
    float Transparency;
    enum MsoShadowType Type;
    enum MsoTriState Visible;
    enum MsoShadowStyle Style;
    float Blur;
    float Size;
    enum MsoTriState RotateWithShape;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    HRESULT IncrementOffsetX (
        float Increment );
    HRESULT IncrementOffsetY (
        float Increment );
    ColorFormatPtr GetForeColor ( );
    void PutForeColor (
        struct ColorFormat * ForeColor );
    enum MsoTriState GetObscured ( );
    void PutObscured (
        enum MsoTriState Obscured );
    float GetOffsetX ( );
    void PutOffsetX (
        float OffsetX );
    float GetOffsetY ( );
    void PutOffsetY (
        float OffsetY );
    float GetTransparency ( );
    void PutTransparency (
        float Transparency );
    enum MsoShadowType GetType ( );
    void PutType (
        enum MsoShadowType Type );
    enum MsoTriState GetVisible ( );
    void PutVisible (
        enum MsoTriState Visible );
    enum MsoShadowStyle GetStyle ( );
    void PutStyle (
        enum MsoShadowStyle ShadowStyle );
    float GetBlur ( );
    void PutBlur (
        float Blur );
    float GetSize ( );
    void PutSize (
        float Size );
    enum MsoTriState GetRotateWithShape ( );
    void PutRotateWithShape (
        enum MsoTriState RotateWithShape );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * Parent ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_IncrementOffsetX (
        /*[in]*/ float Increment ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_IncrementOffsetY (
        /*[in]*/ float Increment ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ForeColor (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct ColorFormat * * ForeColor ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ForeColor (
        /*[in]*/ struct ColorFormat * ForeColor ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Obscured (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoTriState * Obscured ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Obscured (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoTriState Obscured ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_OffsetX (
        /*[out,retval]*/ float * OffsetX ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_OffsetX (
        /*[in]*/ float OffsetX ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_OffsetY (
        /*[out,retval]*/ float * OffsetY ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_OffsetY (
        /*[in]*/ float OffsetY ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Transparency (
        /*[out,retval]*/ float * Transparency ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Transparency (
        /*[in]*/ float Transparency ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Type (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoShadowType * Type ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Type (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoShadowType Type ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Visible (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoTriState * Visible ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Visible (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoTriState Visible ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Style (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoShadowStyle * ShadowStyle ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Style (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoShadowStyle ShadowStyle ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Blur (
        /*[out,retval]*/ float * Blur ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Blur (
        /*[in]*/ float Blur ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Size (
        /*[out,retval]*/ float * Size ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Size (
        /*[in]*/ float Size ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_RotateWithShape (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoTriState * RotateWithShape ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_RotateWithShape (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoTriState RotateWithShape ) = 0;

enum MsoTextDirection
    msoTextDirectionMixed = -2,
    msoTextDirectionLeftToRight = 1,
    msoTextDirectionRightToLeft = 2

struct __declspec(uuid("000c03b2-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
TextColumn2 : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    int Number;
    float Spacing;
    enum MsoTextDirection TextDirection;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    int GetNumber ( );
    void PutNumber (
        int Number );
    float GetSpacing ( );
    void PutSpacing (
        float Spacing );
    enum MsoTextDirection GetTextDirection ( );
    void PutTextDirection (
        enum MsoTextDirection Direction );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Number (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * Number ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Number (
        /*[in]*/ int Number ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Spacing (
        /*[out,retval]*/ float * Spacing ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Spacing (
        /*[in]*/ float Spacing ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_TextDirection (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoTextDirection * Direction ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_TextDirection (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoTextDirection Direction ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("4291224c-defe-485b-8e69-6cf8aa85cb76"))
IAssistance : IDispatch
    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    HRESULT ShowHelp (
        _bstr_t HelpId,
        _bstr_t Scope );
    HRESULT SearchHelp (
        _bstr_t Query,
        _bstr_t Scope );
    HRESULT SetDefaultContext (
        _bstr_t HelpId );
    HRESULT ClearDefaultContext (
        _bstr_t HelpId );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ShowHelp (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR HelpId,
        /*[in]*/ BSTR Scope ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SearchHelp (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR Query,
        /*[in]*/ BSTR Scope ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetDefaultContext (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR HelpId ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ClearDefaultContext (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR HelpId ) = 0;

enum XlChartType
    xlColumnClustered = 51,
    xlColumnStacked = 52,
    xlColumnStacked100 = 53,
    xl3DColumnClustered = 54,
    xl3DColumnStacked = 55,
    xl3DColumnStacked100 = 56,
    xlBarClustered = 57,
    xlBarStacked = 58,
    xlBarStacked100 = 59,
    xl3DBarClustered = 60,
    xl3DBarStacked = 61,
    xl3DBarStacked100 = 62,
    xlLineStacked = 63,
    xlLineStacked100 = 64,
    xlLineMarkers = 65,
    xlLineMarkersStacked = 66,
    xlLineMarkersStacked100 = 67,
    xlPieOfPie = 68,
    xlPieExploded = 69,
    xl3DPieExploded = 70,
    xlBarOfPie = 71,
    xlXYScatterSmooth = 72,
    xlXYScatterSmoothNoMarkers = 73,
    xlXYScatterLines = 74,
    xlXYScatterLinesNoMarkers = 75,
    xlAreaStacked = 76,
    xlAreaStacked100 = 77,
    xl3DAreaStacked = 78,
    xl3DAreaStacked100 = 79,
    xlDoughnutExploded = 80,
    xlRadarMarkers = 81,
    xlRadarFilled = 82,
    xlSurface = 83,
    xlSurfaceWireframe = 84,
    xlSurfaceTopView = 85,
    xlSurfaceTopViewWireframe = 86,
    xlBubble = 15,
    xlBubble3DEffect = 87,
    xlStockHLC = 88,
    xlStockOHLC = 89,
    xlStockVHLC = 90,
    xlStockVOHLC = 91,
    xlCylinderColClustered = 92,
    xlCylinderColStacked = 93,
    xlCylinderColStacked100 = 94,
    xlCylinderBarClustered = 95,
    xlCylinderBarStacked = 96,
    xlCylinderBarStacked100 = 97,
    xlCylinderCol = 98,
    xlConeColClustered = 99,
    xlConeColStacked = 100,
    xlConeColStacked100 = 101,
    xlConeBarClustered = 102,
    xlConeBarStacked = 103,
    xlConeBarStacked100 = 104,
    xlConeCol = 105,
    xlPyramidColClustered = 106,
    xlPyramidColStacked = 107,
    xlPyramidColStacked100 = 108,
    xlPyramidBarClustered = 109,
    xlPyramidBarStacked = 110,
    xlPyramidBarStacked100 = 111,
    xlPyramidCol = 112,
    xl3DColumn = -4100,
    xlLine = 4,
    xl3DLine = -4101,
    xl3DPie = -4102,
    xlPie = 5,
    xlXYScatter = -4169,
    xl3DArea = -4098,
    xlArea = 1,
    xlDoughnut = -4120,
    xlRadar = -4151

enum __declspec(uuid("732091cb-0a8d-44bc-b977-418ccb37b552"))
    xlSplitByPosition = 1,
    xlSplitByPercentValue = 3,
    xlSplitByCustomSplit = 4,
    xlSplitByValue = 2

enum __declspec(uuid("8b544093-ecc1-43e3-80ef-25d6fbcc7540"))
    xlSizeIsWidth = 2,
    xlSizeIsArea = 1

enum __declspec(uuid("7d8d95f5-efe7-4189-8d68-0b3bccea097a"))
    xlPrimary = 1,
    xlSecondary = 2

enum XlConstants
    xlAutomatic = -4105,
    xlCombination = -4111,
    xlCustom = -4114,
    xlBar = 2,
    xlColumn = 3,
    xl3DBar = -4099,
    xl3DSurface = -4103,
    xlDefaultAutoFormat = -1,
    xlNone = -4142,
    xlAbove = 0,
    xlBelow = 1,
    xlBoth = 1,
    xlBottom = -4107,
    xlCenter = -4108,
    xlChecker = 9,
    xlCircle = 8,
    xlCorner = 2,
    xlCrissCross = 16,
    xlCross = 4,
    xlDiamond = 2,
    xlDistributed = -4117,
    xlFill = 5,
    xlFixedValue = 1,
    xlGeneral = 1,
    xlGray16 = 17,
    xlGray25 = -4124,
    xlGray50 = -4125,
    xlGray75 = -4126,
    xlGray8 = 18,
    xlGrid = 15,
    xlHigh = -4127,
    xlInside = 2,
    xlJustify = -4130,
    xlLeft = -4131,
    xlLightDown = 13,
    xlLightHorizontal = 11,
    xlLightUp = 14,
    xlLightVertical = 12,
    xlLow = -4134,
    xlMaximum = 2,
    xlMinimum = 4,
    xlMinusValues = 3,
    xlNextToAxis = 4,
    xlOpaque = 3,
    xlOutside = 3,
    xlPercent = 2,
    xlPlus = 9,
    xlPlusValues = 2,
    xlRight = -4152,
    xlScale = 3,
    xlSemiGray75 = 10,
    xlShowLabel = 4,
    xlShowLabelAndPercent = 5,
    xlShowPercent = 3,
    xlShowValue = 2,
    xlSingle = 2,
    xlSolid = 1,
    xlSquare = 1,
    xlStar = 5,
    xlStError = 4,
    xlTop = -4160,
    xlTransparent = 2,
    xlTriangle = 3

enum XlReadingOrder
    xlContext = -5002,
    xlLTR = -5003,
    xlRTL = -5004

enum XlBorderWeight
    xlHairline = 1,
    xlMedium = -4138,
    xlThick = 4,
    xlThin = 2

enum __declspec(uuid("04d217cd-1859-4786-b583-07ba2092a552"))
    xlLegendPositionBottom = -4107,
    xlLegendPositionCorner = 2,
    xlLegendPositionLeft = -4131,
    xlLegendPositionRight = -4152,
    xlLegendPositionTop = -4160,
    xlLegendPositionCustom = -4161

enum __declspec(uuid("9b1665ea-5ea9-4d9b-9b61-d6d1e7c087e2"))
    xlUnderlineStyleDouble = -4119,
    xlUnderlineStyleDoubleAccounting = 5,
    xlUnderlineStyleNone = -4142,
    xlUnderlineStyleSingle = 2,
    xlUnderlineStyleSingleAccounting = 4

enum __declspec(uuid("f6ba0ed9-b530-466e-83d5-325653cc1068"))
    xlColorIndexAutomatic = -4105,
    xlColorIndexNone = -4142

enum __declspec(uuid("7cc8c2d6-8f8a-490b-b6f8-3c410554f9e4"))
    xlMarkerStyleAutomatic = -4105,
    xlMarkerStyleCircle = 8,
    xlMarkerStyleDash = -4115,
    xlMarkerStyleDiamond = 2,
    xlMarkerStyleDot = -4118,
    xlMarkerStyleNone = -4142,
    xlMarkerStylePicture = -4147,
    xlMarkerStylePlus = 9,
    xlMarkerStyleSquare = 1,
    xlMarkerStyleStar = 5,
    xlMarkerStyleTriangle = 3,
    xlMarkerStyleX = -4168

enum XlRowCol
    xlColumns = 2,
    xlRows = 1

enum XlDataLabelsType
    xlDataLabelsShowNone = -4142,
    xlDataLabelsShowValue = 2,
    xlDataLabelsShowPercent = 3,
    xlDataLabelsShowLabel = 4,
    xlDataLabelsShowLabelAndPercent = 5,
    xlDataLabelsShowBubbleSizes = 6

enum XlErrorBarInclude
    xlErrorBarIncludeBoth = 1,
    xlErrorBarIncludeMinusValues = 3,
    xlErrorBarIncludeNone = -4142,
    xlErrorBarIncludePlusValues = 2

enum XlErrorBarType
    xlErrorBarTypeCustom = -4114,
    xlErrorBarTypeFixedValue = 1,
    xlErrorBarTypePercent = 2,
    xlErrorBarTypeStDev = -4155,
    xlErrorBarTypeStError = 4

enum XlErrorBarDirection
    xlChartX = -4168,
    xlChartY = 1

enum XlChartPictureType
    xlStackScale = 3,
    xlStack = 2,
    xlStretch = 1

enum XlChartItem
    xlDataLabel = 0,
    xlChartArea = 2,
    xlSeries = 3,
    xlChartTitle = 4,
    xlWalls = 5,
    xlCorners = 6,
    xlDataTable = 7,
    xlTrendline = 8,
    xlErrorBars = 9,
    xlXErrorBars = 10,
    xlYErrorBars = 11,
    xlLegendEntry = 12,
    xlLegendKey = 13,
    xlShape = 14,
    xlMajorGridlines = 15,
    xlMinorGridlines = 16,
    xlAxisTitle = 17,
    xlUpBars = 18,
    xlPlotArea = 19,
    xlDownBars = 20,
    xlAxis = 21,
    xlSeriesLines = 22,
    xlFloor = 23,
    xlLegend = 24,
    xlHiLoLines = 25,
    xlDropLines = 26,
    xlRadarAxisLabels = 27,
    xlNothing = 28,
    xlLeaderLines = 29,
    xlDisplayUnitLabel = 30,
    xlPivotChartFieldButton = 31,
    xlPivotChartDropZone = 32

enum XlBarShape
    xlBox = 0,
    xlPyramidToPoint = 1,
    xlPyramidToMax = 2,
    xlCylinder = 3,
    xlConeToPoint = 4,
    xlConeToMax = 5

enum XlEndStyleCap
    xlCap = 1,
    xlNoCap = 2

enum XlTrendlineType
    xlExponential = 5,
    xlLinear = -4132,
    xlLogarithmic = -4133,
    xlMovingAvg = 6,
    xlPolynomial = 3,
    xlPower = 4

enum __declspec(uuid("23d8fdaa-abf3-4735-99b8-f234ea2be64c"))
    xlCategory = 1,
    xlSeriesAxis = 3,
    xlValue = 2

enum __declspec(uuid("89ff0bfe-5e70-4183-88c8-5ef4b213451f"))
    xlAxisCrossesAutomatic = -4105,
    xlAxisCrossesCustom = -4114,
    xlAxisCrossesMaximum = 2,
    xlAxisCrossesMinimum = 4

enum __declspec(uuid("e5ead0bb-3a16-48f3-becd-5839f6b552ca"))
    xlTickMarkCross = 4,
    xlTickMarkInside = 2,
    xlTickMarkNone = -4142,
    xlTickMarkOutside = 3

enum __declspec(uuid("6a0d7e5c-f9ad-4927-a850-5638891724b2"))
    xlScaleLinear = -4132,
    xlScaleLogarithmic = -4133

enum __declspec(uuid("964562fd-22b1-4e15-9931-c555434e6538"))
    xlTickLabelPositionHigh = -4127,
    xlTickLabelPositionLow = -4134,
    xlTickLabelPositionNextToAxis = 4,
    xlTickLabelPositionNone = -4142

enum __declspec(uuid("14710a1d-071f-4bff-b1c2-4bef5e8b2cea"))
    xlDays = 0,
    xlMonths = 1,
    xlYears = 2

enum __declspec(uuid("78f07e6c-4bc5-41b8-8fe1-f1643184ba3f"))
    xlCategoryScale = 2,
    xlTimeScale = 3,
    xlAutomaticScale = -4105

enum __declspec(uuid("bf78d790-8dcf-4cf1-9cd4-4fceb78ebe14"))
    xlHundreds = -2,
    xlThousands = -3,
    xlTenThousands = -4,
    xlHundredThousands = -5,
    xlMillions = -6,
    xlTenMillions = -7,
    xlHundredMillions = -8,
    xlThousandMillions = -9,
    xlMillionMillions = -10,
    xlDisplayUnitCustom = -4114,
    xlDisplayUnitNone = -4142

enum __declspec(uuid("94e08815-49e8-45bb-9bc2-8972405756cf"))
    xlDownward = -4170,
    xlHorizontal = -4128,
    xlUpward = -4171,
    xlVertical = -4166

enum __declspec(uuid("3a6700b4-6bc6-4848-aaa4-d360573f448c"))
    xlTickLabelOrientationAutomatic = -4105,
    xlTickLabelOrientationDownward = -4170,
    xlTickLabelOrientationHorizontal = -4128,
    xlTickLabelOrientationUpward = -4171,
    xlTickLabelOrientationVertical = -4166

enum __declspec(uuid("3439ea79-5069-4404-a6e3-8ee3a1b9bd0e"))
    xlInterpolated = 3,
    xlNotPlotted = 1,
    xlZero = 2

enum XlDataLabelPosition
    xlLabelPositionCenter = -4108,
    xlLabelPositionAbove = 0,
    xlLabelPositionBelow = 1,
    xlLabelPositionLeft = -4131,
    xlLabelPositionRight = -4152,
    xlLabelPositionOutsideEnd = 2,
    xlLabelPositionInsideEnd = 3,
    xlLabelPositionInsideBase = 4,
    xlLabelPositionBestFit = 5,
    xlLabelPositionMixed = 6,
    xlLabelPositionCustom = 7

enum XlPivotFieldOrientation
    xlColumnField = 2,
    xlDataField = 4,
    xlHidden = 0,
    xlPageField = 3,
    xlRowField = 1

enum XlHAlign
    xlHAlignCenter = -4108,
    xlHAlignCenterAcrossSelection = 7,
    xlHAlignDistributed = -4117,
    xlHAlignFill = 5,
    xlHAlignGeneral = 1,
    xlHAlignJustify = -4130,
    xlHAlignLeft = -4131,
    xlHAlignRight = -4152

enum XlVAlign
    xlVAlignBottom = -4107,
    xlVAlignCenter = -4108,
    xlVAlignDistributed = -4117,
    xlVAlignJustify = -4130,
    xlVAlignTop = -4160

enum __declspec(uuid("05b0478c-9cd6-4f60-b113-a55e6a6cb1dc"))
    xlChartElementPositionAutomatic = -4105,
    xlChartElementPositionCustom = -4114

enum MsoChartElementType
    msoElementChartTitleNone = 0,
    msoElementChartTitleCenteredOverlay = 1,
    msoElementChartTitleAboveChart = 2,
    msoElementLegendNone = 100,
    msoElementLegendRight = 101,
    msoElementLegendTop = 102,
    msoElementLegendLeft = 103,
    msoElementLegendBottom = 104,
    msoElementLegendRightOverlay = 105,
    msoElementLegendLeftOverlay = 106,
    msoElementDataLabelNone = 200,
    msoElementDataLabelShow = 201,
    msoElementDataLabelCenter = 202,
    msoElementDataLabelInsideEnd = 203,
    msoElementDataLabelInsideBase = 204,
    msoElementDataLabelOutSideEnd = 205,
    msoElementDataLabelLeft = 206,
    msoElementDataLabelRight = 207,
    msoElementDataLabelTop = 208,
    msoElementDataLabelBottom = 209,
    msoElementDataLabelBestFit = 210,
    msoElementPrimaryCategoryAxisTitleNone = 300,
    msoElementPrimaryCategoryAxisTitleAdjacentToAxis = 301,
    msoElementPrimaryCategoryAxisTitleBelowAxis = 302,
    msoElementPrimaryCategoryAxisTitleRotated = 303,
    msoElementPrimaryCategoryAxisTitleVertical = 304,
    msoElementPrimaryCategoryAxisTitleHorizontal = 305,
    msoElementPrimaryValueAxisTitleNone = 306,
    msoElementPrimaryValueAxisTitleAdjacentToAxis = 306,
    msoElementPrimaryValueAxisTitleBelowAxis = 308,
    msoElementPrimaryValueAxisTitleRotated = 309,
    msoElementPrimaryValueAxisTitleVertical = 310,
    msoElementPrimaryValueAxisTitleHorizontal = 311,
    msoElementSecondaryCategoryAxisTitleNone = 312,
    msoElementSecondaryCategoryAxisTitleAdjacentToAxis = 313,
    msoElementSecondaryCategoryAxisTitleBelowAxis = 314,
    msoElementSecondaryCategoryAxisTitleRotated = 315,
    msoElementSecondaryCategoryAxisTitleVertical = 316,
    msoElementSecondaryCategoryAxisTitleHorizontal = 317,
    msoElementSecondaryValueAxisTitleNone = 318,
    msoElementSecondaryValueAxisTitleAdjacentToAxis = 319,
    msoElementSecondaryValueAxisTitleBelowAxis = 320,
    msoElementSecondaryValueAxisTitleRotated = 321,
    msoElementSecondaryValueAxisTitleVertical = 322,
    msoElementSecondaryValueAxisTitleHorizontal = 323,
    msoElementSeriesAxisTitleNone = 324,
    msoElementSeriesAxisTitleRotated = 325,
    msoElementSeriesAxisTitleVertical = 326,
    msoElementSeriesAxisTitleHorizontal = 327,
    msoElementPrimaryValueGridLinesNone = 328,
    msoElementPrimaryValueGridLinesMinor = 329,
    msoElementPrimaryValueGridLinesMajor = 330,
    msoElementPrimaryValueGridLinesMinorMajor = 331,
    msoElementPrimaryCategoryGridLinesNone = 332,
    msoElementPrimaryCategoryGridLinesMinor = 333,
    msoElementPrimaryCategoryGridLinesMajor = 334,
    msoElementPrimaryCategoryGridLinesMinorMajor = 335,
    msoElementSecondaryValueGridLinesNone = 336,
    msoElementSecondaryValueGridLinesMinor = 337,
    msoElementSecondaryValueGridLinesMajor = 338,
    msoElementSecondaryValueGridLinesMinorMajor = 339,
    msoElementSecondaryCategoryGridLinesNone = 340,
    msoElementSecondaryCategoryGridLinesMinor = 341,
    msoElementSecondaryCategoryGridLinesMajor = 342,
    msoElementSecondaryCategoryGridLinesMinorMajor = 343,
    msoElementSeriesAxisGridLinesNone = 344,
    msoElementSeriesAxisGridLinesMinor = 345,
    msoElementSeriesAxisGridLinesMajor = 346,
    msoElementSeriesAxisGridLinesMinorMajor = 347,
    msoElementPrimaryCategoryAxisNone = 348,
    msoElementPrimaryCategoryAxisShow = 349,
    msoElementPrimaryCategoryAxisWithoutLabels = 350,
    msoElementPrimaryCategoryAxisReverse = 351,
    msoElementPrimaryValueAxisNone = 352,
    msoElementPrimaryValueAxisShow = 353,
    msoElementPrimaryValueAxisThousands = 354,
    msoElementPrimaryValueAxisMillions = 355,
    msoElementPrimaryValueAxisBillions = 356,
    msoElementPrimaryValueAxisLogScale = 357,
    msoElementSecondaryCategoryAxisNone = 358,
    msoElementSecondaryCategoryAxisShow = 359,
    msoElementSecondaryCategoryAxisWithoutLabels = 360,
    msoElementSecondaryCategoryAxisReverse = 361,
    msoElementSecondaryValueAxisNone = 362,
    msoElementSecondaryValueAxisShow = 363,
    msoElementSecondaryValueAxisThousands = 364,
    msoElementSecondaryValueAxisMillions = 365,
    msoElementSecondaryValueAxisBillions = 366,
    msoElementSecondaryValueAxisLogScale = 367,
    msoElementSeriesAxisNone = 368,
    msoElementSeriesAxisShow = 369,
    msoElementSeriesAxisWithoutLabeling = 370,
    msoElementSeriesAxisReverse = 371,
    msoElementPrimaryCategoryAxisThousands = 372,
    msoElementPrimaryCategoryAxisMillions = 373,
    msoElementPrimaryCategoryAxisBillions = 374,
    msoElementPrimaryCategoryAxisLogScale = 375,
    msoElementSecondaryCategoryAxisThousands = 376,
    msoElementSecondaryCategoryAxisMillions = 377,
    msoElementSecondaryCategoryAxisBillions = 378,
    msoElementSecondaryCategoryAxisLogScale = 379,
    msoElementDataTableNone = 500,
    msoElementDataTableShow = 501,
    msoElementDataTableWithLegendKeys = 502,
    msoElementTrendlineNone = 600,
    msoElementTrendlineAddLinear = 601,
    msoElementTrendlineAddExponential = 602,
    msoElementTrendlineAddLinearForecast = 603,
    msoElementTrendlineAddTwoPeriodMovingAverage = 604,
    msoElementErrorBarNone = 700,
    msoElementErrorBarStandardError = 701,
    msoElementErrorBarPercentage = 702,
    msoElementErrorBarStandardDeviation = 703,
    msoElementLineNone = 800,
    msoElementLineDropLine = 801,
    msoElementLineHiLoLine = 802,
    msoElementLineSeriesLine = 803,
    msoElementLineDropHiLoLine = 804,
    msoElementUpDownBarsNone = 900,
    msoElementUpDownBarsShow = 901,
    msoElementPlotAreaNone = 1000,
    msoElementPlotAreaShow = 1001,
    msoElementChartWallNone = 1100,
    msoElementChartWallShow = 1101,
    msoElementChartFloorNone = 1200,
    msoElementChartFloorShow = 1201

struct __declspec(uuid("000c172f-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
IMsoChartData : IDispatch
    // Property data

    IDispatchPtr Workbook;
    VARIANT_BOOL IsLinked;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    IDispatchPtr GetWorkbook ( );
    HRESULT Activate ( );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetIsLinked ( );
    HRESULT BreakLink ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Workbook (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppdispWorkbook ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Activate ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsLinked (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pfIsLinked ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_BreakLink ( ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c1714-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
IMsoCorners : IDispatch
    // Property data

    _bstr_t Name;
    IDispatchPtr Application;
    long Creator;
    IDispatchPtr Parent;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    _bstr_t GetName ( );
    _variant_t Select ( );
    IDispatchPtr GetApplication ( );
    long GetCreator ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Name (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Select (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Creator (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * pval ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c1717-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
IMsoBorder : IDispatch
    // Property data

    _variant_t Color;
    _variant_t ColorIndex;
    _variant_t LineStyle;
    _variant_t Weight;
    IDispatchPtr Application;
    long Creator;
    IDispatchPtr Parent;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    void PutColor (
        const _variant_t & pval );
    _variant_t GetColor ( );
    void PutColorIndex (
        const _variant_t & pval );
    _variant_t GetColorIndex ( );
    void PutLineStyle (
        const _variant_t & pval );
    _variant_t GetLineStyle ( );
    void PutWeight (
        const _variant_t & pval );
    _variant_t GetWeight ( );
    IDispatchPtr GetApplication ( );
    long GetCreator ( );
    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Color (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Color (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ColorIndex (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ColorIndex (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_LineStyle (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_LineStyle (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Weight (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Weight (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Creator (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * RHS ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c171b-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
IMsoInterior : IDispatch
    // Property data

    _variant_t Color;
    _variant_t ColorIndex;
    _variant_t InvertIfNegative;
    _variant_t Pattern;
    _variant_t PatternColor;
    _variant_t PatternColorIndex;
    IDispatchPtr Application;
    long Creator;
    IDispatchPtr Parent;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    void PutColor (
        const _variant_t & pval );
    _variant_t GetColor ( );
    void PutColorIndex (
        const _variant_t & pval );
    _variant_t GetColorIndex ( );
    void PutInvertIfNegative (
        const _variant_t & pval );
    _variant_t GetInvertIfNegative ( );
    void PutPattern (
        const _variant_t & pval );
    _variant_t GetPattern ( );
    void PutPatternColor (
        const _variant_t & pval );
    _variant_t GetPatternColor ( );
    void PutPatternColorIndex (
        const _variant_t & pval );
    _variant_t GetPatternColorIndex ( );
    IDispatchPtr GetApplication ( );
    long GetCreator ( );
    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Color (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Color (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ColorIndex (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ColorIndex (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_InvertIfNegative (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_InvertIfNegative (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Pattern (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Pattern (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_PatternColor (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PatternColor (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_PatternColorIndex (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PatternColorIndex (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Creator (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * RHS ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c1718-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
ChartFont : IDispatch
    // Property data

    _variant_t Background;
    _variant_t Bold;
    _variant_t Color;
    _variant_t ColorIndex;
    _variant_t FontStyle;
    _variant_t Italic;
    _variant_t Name;
    _variant_t OutlineFont;
    _variant_t Shadow;
    _variant_t Size;
    _variant_t StrikeThrough;
    IDispatchPtr Application;
    _variant_t Subscript;
    long Creator;
    _variant_t Superscript;
    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    _variant_t Underline;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    void PutBackground (
        const _variant_t & pval );
    _variant_t GetBackground ( );
    void PutBold (
        const _variant_t & pval );
    _variant_t GetBold ( );
    void PutColor (
        const _variant_t & pval );
    _variant_t GetColor ( );
    void PutColorIndex (
        const _variant_t & pval );
    _variant_t GetColorIndex ( );
    void PutFontStyle (
        const _variant_t & pval );
    _variant_t GetFontStyle ( );
    void PutItalic (
        const _variant_t & pval );
    _variant_t GetItalic ( );
    void PutName (
        const _variant_t & pval );
    _variant_t GetName ( );
    void PutOutlineFont (
        const _variant_t & pval );
    _variant_t GetOutlineFont ( );
    void PutShadow (
        const _variant_t & pval );
    _variant_t GetShadow ( );
    void PutSize (
        const _variant_t & pval );
    _variant_t GetSize ( );
    void PutStrikeThrough (
        const _variant_t & pval );
    _variant_t GetStrikeThrough ( );
    void PutSubscript (
        const _variant_t & pval );
    _variant_t GetSubscript ( );
    void PutSuperscript (
        const _variant_t & pval );
    _variant_t GetSuperscript ( );
    void PutUnderline (
        const _variant_t & pval );
    _variant_t GetUnderline ( );
    IDispatchPtr GetApplication ( );
    long GetCreator ( );
    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Background (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Background (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Bold (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Bold (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Color (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Color (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ColorIndex (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ColorIndex (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_FontStyle (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FontStyle (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Italic (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Italic (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Name (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Name (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_OutlineFont (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_OutlineFont (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Shadow (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Shadow (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Size (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Size (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_StrikeThrough (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_StrikeThrough (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Subscript (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Subscript (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Superscript (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Superscript (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Underline (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Underline (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Creator (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * RHS ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c171d-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
ChartColorFormat : IDispatch
    // Property data

    long _Default;
    long Type;
    long SchemeColor;
    IDispatchPtr Application;
    long Creator;
    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    long __RGB;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    long GetSchemeColor ( );
    void PutSchemeColor (
        long RHS );
    long Get__RGB ( );
    void Put__RGB (
        long RHS );
    long Get_Default ( );
    long GetType ( );
    IDispatchPtr GetApplication ( );
    long GetCreator ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SchemeColor (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_SchemeColor (
        /*[in]*/ long RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get___RGB (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put___RGB (
        /*[in]*/ long RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__Default (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Type (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Creator (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * pval ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c171c-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
ChartFillFormat : IDispatch
    // Property data

    ChartColorFormatPtr BackColor;
    ChartColorFormatPtr ForeColor;
    int GradientColorType;
    float GradientDegree;
    int GradientStyle;
    int GradientVariant;
    int Pattern;
    int PresetGradientType;
    int PresetTexture;
    _bstr_t TextureName;
    int TextureType;
    int Type;
    int Visible;
    IDispatchPtr Application;
    long Creator;
    IDispatchPtr Parent;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    HRESULT OneColorGradient (
        int Style,
        int Variant,
        float Degree );
    HRESULT TwoColorGradient (
        int Style,
        int Variant );
    HRESULT PresetTextured (
        int PresetTexture );
    HRESULT Solid ( );
    HRESULT Patterned (
        int Pattern );
    HRESULT UserPicture (
        const _variant_t & PictureFile,
        const _variant_t & PictureFormat,
        const _variant_t & PictureStackUnit,
        const _variant_t & PicturePlacement );
    HRESULT UserTextured (
        _bstr_t TextureFile );
    HRESULT PresetGradient (
        int Style,
        int Variant,
        int PresetGradientType );
    ChartColorFormatPtr GetBackColor ( );
    ChartColorFormatPtr GetForeColor ( );
    int GetGradientColorType ( );
    float GetGradientDegree ( );
    int GetGradientStyle ( );
    int GetGradientVariant ( );
    int GetPattern ( );
    int GetPresetGradientType ( );
    int GetPresetTexture ( );
    _bstr_t GetTextureName ( );
    int GetTextureType ( );
    int GetType ( );
    void PutVisible (
        int pval );
    int GetVisible ( );
    IDispatchPtr GetApplication ( );
    long GetCreator ( );
    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_OneColorGradient (
        /*[in]*/ int Style,
        /*[in]*/ int Variant,
        /*[in]*/ float Degree ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_TwoColorGradient (
        /*[in]*/ int Style,
        /*[in]*/ int Variant ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_PresetTextured (
        /*[in]*/ int PresetTexture ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Solid ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Patterned (
        /*[in]*/ int Pattern ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_UserPicture (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT PictureFile,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT PictureFormat,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT PictureStackUnit,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT PicturePlacement ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_UserTextured (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR TextureFile ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_PresetGradient (
        /*[in]*/ int Style,
        /*[in]*/ int Variant,
        /*[in]*/ int PresetGradientType ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_BackColor (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct ChartColorFormat * * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ForeColor (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct ChartColorFormat * * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_GradientColorType (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_GradientDegree (
        /*[out,retval]*/ float * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_GradientStyle (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_GradientVariant (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Pattern (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PresetGradientType (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PresetTexture (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_TextureName (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_TextureType (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Type (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Visible (
        /*[in]*/ int pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Visible (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Creator (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * RHS ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("a98639a1-cb0c-4a5c-a511-96547f752acd"))
IMsoHyperlinks : IDispatch

struct __declspec(uuid("000c1731-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
IMsoCharacters : IDispatch
    // Property data

    _bstr_t Text;
    _bstr_t Caption;
    ChartFontPtr Font;
    _bstr_t PhoneticCharacters;
    IDispatchPtr Application;
    long Creator;
    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    long Count;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    _bstr_t GetCaption ( );
    void PutCaption (
        _bstr_t RHS );
    long GetCount ( );
    _variant_t Delete ( );
    ChartFontPtr GetFont ( );
    _variant_t Insert (
        _bstr_t bstr );
    _bstr_t GetText ( );
    void PutText (
        _bstr_t RHS );
    _bstr_t GetPhoneticCharacters ( );
    void PutPhoneticCharacters (
        _bstr_t RHS );
    IDispatchPtr GetApplication ( );
    long GetCreator ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Caption (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Caption (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Delete (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Font (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct ChartFont * * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Insert (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR bstr,
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Text (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Text (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PhoneticCharacters (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_PhoneticCharacters (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Creator (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * pval ) = 0;

enum MsoBulletType
    msoBulletMixed = -2,
    msoBulletNone = 0,
    msoBulletUnnumbered = 1,
    msoBulletNumbered = 2,
    msoBulletPicture = 3

enum MsoNumberedBulletStyle
    msoBulletStyleMixed = -2,
    msoBulletAlphaLCPeriod = 0,
    msoBulletAlphaUCPeriod = 1,
    msoBulletArabicParenRight = 2,
    msoBulletArabicPeriod = 3,
    msoBulletRomanLCParenBoth = 4,
    msoBulletRomanLCParenRight = 5,
    msoBulletRomanLCPeriod = 6,
    msoBulletRomanUCPeriod = 7,
    msoBulletAlphaLCParenBoth = 8,
    msoBulletAlphaLCParenRight = 9,
    msoBulletAlphaUCParenBoth = 10,
    msoBulletAlphaUCParenRight = 11,
    msoBulletArabicParenBoth = 12,
    msoBulletArabicPlain = 13,
    msoBulletRomanUCParenBoth = 14,
    msoBulletRomanUCParenRight = 15,
    msoBulletSimpChinPlain = 16,
    msoBulletSimpChinPeriod = 17,
    msoBulletCircleNumDBPlain = 18,
    msoBulletCircleNumWDWhitePlain = 19,
    msoBulletCircleNumWDBlackPlain = 20,
    msoBulletTradChinPlain = 21,
    msoBulletTradChinPeriod = 22,
    msoBulletArabicAlphaDash = 23,
    msoBulletArabicAbjadDash = 24,
    msoBulletHebrewAlphaDash = 25,
    msoBulletKanjiKoreanPlain = 26,
    msoBulletKanjiKoreanPeriod = 27,
    msoBulletArabicDBPlain = 28,
    msoBulletArabicDBPeriod = 29,
    msoBulletThaiAlphaPeriod = 30,
    msoBulletThaiAlphaParenRight = 31,
    msoBulletThaiAlphaParenBoth = 32,
    msoBulletThaiNumPeriod = 33,
    msoBulletThaiNumParenRight = 34,
    msoBulletThaiNumParenBoth = 35,
    msoBulletHindiAlphaPeriod = 36,
    msoBulletHindiNumPeriod = 37,
    msoBulletKanjiSimpChinDBPeriod = 38,
    msoBulletHindiNumParenRight = 39,
    msoBulletHindiAlpha1Period = 40

enum MsoTabStopType
    msoTabStopMixed = -2,
    msoTabStopLeft = 1,
    msoTabStopCenter = 2,
    msoTabStopRight = 3,
    msoTabStopDecimal = 4

struct __declspec(uuid("000c03bb-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
TabStop2 : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    float Position;
    enum MsoTabStopType Type;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    HRESULT Clear ( );
    float GetPosition ( );
    void PutPosition (
        float Position );
    enum MsoTabStopType GetType ( );
    void PutType (
        enum MsoTabStopType Type );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * Parent ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Clear ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Position (
        /*[out,retval]*/ float * Position ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Position (
        /*[in]*/ float Position ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Type (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoTabStopType * Type ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Type (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoTabStopType Type ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c03ba-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
TabStops2 : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    int Count;
    float DefaultSpacing;
    IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    TabStop2Ptr Item (
        const _variant_t & Index );
    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    TabStop2Ptr Add (
        enum MsoTabStopType Type,
        float Position );
    int GetCount ( );
    float GetDefaultSpacing ( );
    void PutDefaultSpacing (
        float Spacing );
    IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Item (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Index,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct TabStop2 * * TabStop ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * Parent ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Add (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoTabStopType Type,
        /*[in]*/ float Position,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct TabStop2 * * TabStop ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * Count ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DefaultSpacing (
        /*[out,retval]*/ float * Spacing ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_DefaultSpacing (
        /*[in]*/ float Spacing ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * _NewEnum ) = 0;

enum MsoBaselineAlignment
    msoBaselineAlignMixed = -2,
    msoBaselineAlignBaseline = 1,
    msoBaselineAlignTop = 2,
    msoBaselineAlignCenter = 3,
    msoBaselineAlignFarEast50 = 4,
    msoBaselineAlignAuto = 5

struct __declspec(uuid("000c03c3-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
RulerLevel2 : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    float FirstMargin;
    float LeftMargin;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    float GetFirstMargin ( );
    void PutFirstMargin (
        float FirstMargin );
    float GetLeftMargin ( );
    void PutLeftMargin (
        float LeftMargin );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * Parent ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FirstMargin (
        /*[out,retval]*/ float * FirstMargin ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_FirstMargin (
        /*[in]*/ float FirstMargin ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_LeftMargin (
        /*[out,retval]*/ float * LeftMargin ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_LeftMargin (
        /*[in]*/ float LeftMargin ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c03c2-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
RulerLevels2 : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    int Count;
    IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    int GetCount ( );
    RulerLevel2Ptr Item (
        const _variant_t & Index );
    IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * Parent ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * Count ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Item (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Index,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct RulerLevel2 * * RulerLevel ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * _NewEnum ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c03c1-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
Ruler2 : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    RulerLevels2Ptr Levels;
    TabStops2Ptr TabStops;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    RulerLevels2Ptr GetLevels ( );
    TabStops2Ptr GetTabStops ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * Parent ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Levels (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct RulerLevels2 * * RulerLevels ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_TabStops (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct TabStops2 * * TabStops ) = 0;

enum EncryptionProviderDetail
    encprovdetUrl = 0,
    encprovdetAlgorithm = 1,
    encprovdetBlockCipher = 2,
    encprovdetCipherBlockSize = 3,
    encprovdetCipherMode = 4

enum EncryptionCipherMode
    cipherModeECB = 0,
    cipherModeCBC = 1

struct __declspec(uuid("000cd809-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
EncryptionProvider : IDispatch
    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    _variant_t GetProviderDetail (
        enum EncryptionProviderDetail encprovdet );
    int NewSession (
        IUnknown * ParentWindow );
    int Authenticate (
        IUnknown * ParentWindow,
        IUnknown * EncryptionData,
        unsigned int * PermissionsMask );
    int CloneSession (
        int SessionHandle );
    HRESULT EndSession (
        int SessionHandle );
    int Save (
        int SessionHandle,
        IUnknown * EncryptionData );
    HRESULT EncryptStream (
        int SessionHandle,
        _bstr_t StreamName,
        IUnknown * UnencryptedStream,
        IUnknown * EncryptedStream );
    HRESULT DecryptStream (
        int SessionHandle,
        _bstr_t StreamName,
        IUnknown * EncryptedStream,
        IUnknown * UnencryptedStream );
    HRESULT ShowSettings (
        int SessionHandle,
        IUnknown * ParentWindow,
        VARIANT_BOOL ReadOnly,
        VARIANT_BOOL * Remove );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetProviderDetail (
        /*[in]*/ enum EncryptionProviderDetail encprovdet,
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pvar ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_NewSession (
        /*[in]*/ IUnknown * ParentWindow,
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * SessionHandle ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Authenticate (
        /*[in]*/ IUnknown * ParentWindow,
        /*[in]*/ IUnknown * EncryptionData,
        /*[out]*/ unsigned int * PermissionsMask,
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * SessionHandle ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CloneSession (
        /*[in]*/ int SessionHandle,
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * SessionHandleClone ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_EndSession (
        /*[in]*/ int SessionHandle ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Save (
        /*[in]*/ int SessionHandle,
        /*[in]*/ IUnknown * EncryptionData,
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * EncryptionDataSize ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_EncryptStream (
        /*[in]*/ int SessionHandle,
        /*[in]*/ BSTR StreamName,
        /*[in]*/ IUnknown * UnencryptedStream,
        /*[in]*/ IUnknown * EncryptedStream ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_DecryptStream (
        /*[in]*/ int SessionHandle,
        /*[in]*/ BSTR StreamName,
        /*[in]*/ IUnknown * EncryptedStream,
        /*[in]*/ IUnknown * UnencryptedStream ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ShowSettings (
        /*[in]*/ int SessionHandle,
        /*[in]*/ IUnknown * ParentWindow,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL ReadOnly,
        /*[out]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * Remove ) = 0;

enum MsoClipboardFormat
    msoClipboardFormatMixed = -2,
    msoClipboardFormatNative = 1,
    msoClipboardFormatHTML = 2,
    msoClipboardFormatRTF = 3,
    msoClipboardFormatPlainText = 4

enum MsoBlogCategorySupport
    msoBlogNoCategories = 0,
    msoBlogOneCategory = 1,
    msoBlogMultipleCategories = 2

enum MsoBlogImageType
    msoblogImageTypeJPEG = 1,
    msoblogImageTypeGIF = 2,
    msoblogImageTypePNG = 3

struct __declspec(uuid("000c03c4-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
IBlogExtensibility : IDispatch
    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    HRESULT BlogProviderProperties (
        BSTR * BlogProvider,
        BSTR * FriendlyName,
        enum MsoBlogCategorySupport * CategorySupport,
        VARIANT_BOOL * Padding );
    HRESULT SetupBlogAccount (
        _bstr_t Account,
        long ParentWindow,
        IDispatch * Document,
        VARIANT_BOOL NewAccount,
        VARIANT_BOOL * ShowPictureUI );
    HRESULT GetUserBlogs (
        _bstr_t Account,
        long ParentWindow,
        IDispatch * Document,
        SAFEARRAY * * BlogNames,
        SAFEARRAY * * BlogIDs,
        SAFEARRAY * * BlogURLs );
    HRESULT GetRecentPosts (
        _bstr_t Account,
        long ParentWindow,
        IDispatch * Document,
        SAFEARRAY * * PostTitles,
        SAFEARRAY * * PostDates,
        SAFEARRAY * * PostIDs );
    HRESULT Open (
        _bstr_t Account,
        _bstr_t PostID,
        long ParentWindow,
        BSTR * xHTML,
        BSTR * Title,
        BSTR * DatePosted,
        SAFEARRAY * * Categories );
    HRESULT PublishPost (
        _bstr_t Account,
        long ParentWindow,
        IDispatch * Document,
        _bstr_t xHTML,
        _bstr_t Title,
        _bstr_t DateTime,
        SAFEARRAY * Categories,
        VARIANT_BOOL Draft,
        BSTR * PostID,
        BSTR * PublishMessage );
    HRESULT RepublishPost (
        _bstr_t Account,
        long ParentWindow,
        IDispatch * Document,
        _bstr_t PostID,
        _bstr_t xHTML,
        _bstr_t Title,
        _bstr_t DateTime,
        SAFEARRAY * Categories,
        VARIANT_BOOL Draft,
        BSTR * PublishMessage );
    HRESULT GetCategories (
        _bstr_t Account,
        long ParentWindow,
        IDispatch * Document,
        SAFEARRAY * * Categories );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_BlogProviderProperties (
        /*[out]*/ BSTR * BlogProvider,
        /*[out]*/ BSTR * FriendlyName,
        /*[out]*/ enum MsoBlogCategorySupport * CategorySupport,
        /*[out]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * Padding ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetupBlogAccount (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR Account,
        /*[in]*/ long ParentWindow,
        /*[in]*/ IDispatch * Document,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL NewAccount,
        /*[out]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * ShowPictureUI ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetUserBlogs (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR Account,
        /*[in]*/ long ParentWindow,
        /*[in]*/ IDispatch * Document,
        /*[out]*/ SAFEARRAY * * BlogNames,
        /*[out]*/ SAFEARRAY * * BlogIDs,
        /*[out]*/ SAFEARRAY * * BlogURLs ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetRecentPosts (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR Account,
        /*[in]*/ long ParentWindow,
        /*[in]*/ IDispatch * Document,
        /*[out]*/ SAFEARRAY * * PostTitles,
        /*[out]*/ SAFEARRAY * * PostDates,
        /*[out]*/ SAFEARRAY * * PostIDs ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Open (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR Account,
        /*[in]*/ BSTR PostID,
        /*[in]*/ long ParentWindow,
        /*[out]*/ BSTR * xHTML,
        /*[out]*/ BSTR * Title,
        /*[out]*/ BSTR * DatePosted,
        /*[out]*/ SAFEARRAY * * Categories ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_PublishPost (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR Account,
        /*[in]*/ long ParentWindow,
        /*[in]*/ IDispatch * Document,
        /*[in]*/ BSTR xHTML,
        /*[in]*/ BSTR Title,
        /*[in]*/ BSTR DateTime,
        /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * Categories,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL Draft,
        /*[out]*/ BSTR * PostID,
        /*[out]*/ BSTR * PublishMessage ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_RepublishPost (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR Account,
        /*[in]*/ long ParentWindow,
        /*[in]*/ IDispatch * Document,
        /*[in]*/ BSTR PostID,
        /*[in]*/ BSTR xHTML,
        /*[in]*/ BSTR Title,
        /*[in]*/ BSTR DateTime,
        /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * Categories,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL Draft,
        /*[out]*/ BSTR * PublishMessage ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetCategories (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR Account,
        /*[in]*/ long ParentWindow,
        /*[in]*/ IDispatch * Document,
        /*[out]*/ SAFEARRAY * * Categories ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c03c5-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
IBlogPictureExtensibility : IDispatch
    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    HRESULT BlogPictureProviderProperties (
        BSTR * BlogPictureProvider,
        BSTR * FriendlyName );
    HRESULT CreatePictureAccount (
        _bstr_t Account,
        _bstr_t BlogProvider,
        long ParentWindow,
        IDispatch * Document );
    HRESULT PublishPicture (
        _bstr_t Account,
        long ParentWindow,
        IDispatch * Document,
        IUnknown * Image,
        BSTR * PictureURI,
        long ImageType );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_BlogPictureProviderProperties (
        /*[out]*/ BSTR * BlogPictureProvider,
        /*[out]*/ BSTR * FriendlyName ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreatePictureAccount (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR Account,
        /*[in]*/ BSTR BlogProvider,
        /*[in]*/ long ParentWindow,
        /*[in]*/ IDispatch * Document ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_PublishPicture (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR Account,
        /*[in]*/ long ParentWindow,
        /*[in]*/ IDispatch * Document,
        /*[in]*/ IUnknown * Image,
        /*[out]*/ BSTR * PictureURI,
        /*[in]*/ long ImageType ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c03d4-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
IConverterPreferences : IUnknown
    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    HRESULT HrGetMacroEnabled (
        int * pfMacroEnabled );
    HRESULT HrCheckFormat (
        int * pFormat );
    HRESULT HrGetLossySave (
        int * pfLossySave );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_HrGetMacroEnabled (
        /*[out]*/ int * pfMacroEnabled ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_HrCheckFormat (
        /*[out]*/ int * pFormat ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_HrGetLossySave (
        /*[out]*/ int * pfLossySave ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c03d5-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
IConverterApplicationPreferences : IUnknown
    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    HRESULT HrGetLcid (
        unsigned long * plcid );
    HRESULT HrGetHwnd (
        long * phwnd );
    HRESULT HrGetApplication (
        BSTR * pbstrApplication );
    HRESULT HrCheckFormat (
        int * pFormat );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_HrGetLcid (
        /*[out]*/ unsigned long * plcid ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_HrGetHwnd (
        /*[out]*/ long * phwnd ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_HrGetApplication (
        /*[out]*/ BSTR * pbstrApplication ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_HrCheckFormat (
        /*[out]*/ int * pFormat ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c03d6-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
IConverterUICallback : IUnknown
    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    HRESULT HrReportProgress (
        unsigned int uPercentComplete );
    HRESULT HrMessageBox (
        _bstr_t bstrText,
        _bstr_t bstrCaption,
        unsigned int uType,
        int * pidResult );
    HRESULT HrInputBox (
        _bstr_t bstrText,
        _bstr_t bstrCaption,
        BSTR * pbstrInput,
        int fPassword );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_HrReportProgress (
        /*[in]*/ unsigned int uPercentComplete ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_HrMessageBox (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrText,
        /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrCaption,
        /*[in]*/ unsigned int uType,
        /*[out]*/ int * pidResult ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_HrInputBox (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrText,
        /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrCaption,
        /*[out]*/ BSTR * pbstrInput,
        /*[in]*/ int fPassword ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c03d7-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
IConverter : IUnknown
    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    HRESULT HrInitConverter (
        struct IConverterApplicationPreferences * pcap,
        struct IConverterPreferences * * ppcp,
        struct IConverterUICallback * pcuic );
    HRESULT HrUninitConverter (
        struct IConverterUICallback * pcuic );
    HRESULT HrImport (
        _bstr_t bstrSourcePath,
        _bstr_t bstrDestPath,
        struct IConverterApplicationPreferences * pcap,
        struct IConverterPreferences * * ppcp,
        struct IConverterUICallback * pcuic );
    HRESULT HrExport (
        _bstr_t bstrSourcePath,
        _bstr_t bstrDestPath,
        _bstr_t bstrClass,
        struct IConverterApplicationPreferences * pcap,
        struct IConverterPreferences * * ppcp,
        struct IConverterUICallback * pcuic );
    HRESULT HrGetFormat (
        _bstr_t bstrPath,
        BSTR * pbstrClass,
        struct IConverterApplicationPreferences * pcap,
        struct IConverterPreferences * * ppcp,
        struct IConverterUICallback * pcuic );
    HRESULT HrGetErrorString (
        long hrErr,
        BSTR * pbstrErrorMsg,
        struct IConverterApplicationPreferences * pcap );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_HrInitConverter (
        /*[in]*/ struct IConverterApplicationPreferences * pcap,
        /*[out]*/ struct IConverterPreferences * * ppcp,
        /*[in]*/ struct IConverterUICallback * pcuic ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_HrUninitConverter (
        /*[in]*/ struct IConverterUICallback * pcuic ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_HrImport (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrSourcePath,
        /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrDestPath,
        /*[in]*/ struct IConverterApplicationPreferences * pcap,
        /*[out]*/ struct IConverterPreferences * * ppcp,
        /*[in]*/ struct IConverterUICallback * pcuic ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_HrExport (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrSourcePath,
        /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrDestPath,
        /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrClass,
        /*[in]*/ struct IConverterApplicationPreferences * pcap,
        /*[out]*/ struct IConverterPreferences * * ppcp,
        /*[in]*/ struct IConverterUICallback * pcuic ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_HrGetFormat (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrPath,
        /*[out]*/ BSTR * pbstrClass,
        /*[in]*/ struct IConverterApplicationPreferences * pcap,
        /*[out]*/ struct IConverterPreferences * * ppcp,
        /*[in]*/ struct IConverterUICallback * pcuic ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_HrGetErrorString (
        /*[in]*/ long hrErr,
        /*[out]*/ BSTR * pbstrErrorMsg,
        /*[in]*/ struct IConverterApplicationPreferences * pcap ) = 0;

enum __declspec(uuid("b270c821-56a3-4f6d-9274-74e6cdf4d10c"))
    xlHorizontalCoordinate = 1,
    xlVerticalCoordinate = 2

enum __declspec(uuid("2b4c8ab7-6e70-422a-b7cc-206452289f16"))
    xlOuterCounterClockwisePoint = 1,
    xlOuterCenterPoint = 2,
    xlOuterClockwisePoint = 3,
    xlMidClockwiseRadiusPoint = 4,
    xlCenterPoint = 5,
    xlMidCounterClockwiseRadiusPoint = 6,
    xlInnerClockwisePoint = 7,
    xlInnerCenterPoint = 8,
    xlInnerCounterClockwisePoint = 9

enum MsoSmartArtNodePosition
    msoSmartArtNodeDefault = 1,
    msoSmartArtNodeAfter = 2,
    msoSmartArtNodeBefore = 3,
    msoSmartArtNodeAbove = 4,
    msoSmartArtNodeBelow = 5

enum MsoSmartArtNodeType
    msoSmartArtNodeTypeDefault = 1,
    msoSmartArtNodeTypeAssistant = 2

struct __declspec(uuid("000c03ca-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
SmartArtLayout : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    _bstr_t Id;
    _bstr_t Name;
    _bstr_t Description;
    _bstr_t Category;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    _bstr_t GetId ( );
    _bstr_t GetName ( );
    _bstr_t GetDescription ( );
    _bstr_t GetCategory ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * Parent ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Id (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * LayoutId ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Name (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * Name ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Description (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * Description ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Category (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * Category ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c03c9-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
SmartArtLayouts : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    int Count;
    IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );
    SmartArtLayoutPtr Item (
        const _variant_t & Index );
    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    int GetCount ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * _NewEnum ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Item (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Index,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct SmartArtLayout * * SmartArtLayout ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * Parent ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * Count ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c03cc-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
SmartArtQuickStyle : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    _bstr_t Id;
    _bstr_t Name;
    _bstr_t Description;
    _bstr_t Category;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    _bstr_t GetId ( );
    _bstr_t GetName ( );
    _bstr_t GetDescription ( );
    _bstr_t GetCategory ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * Parent ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Id (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * StyleId ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Name (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * Name ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Description (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * Description ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Category (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * Category ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c03cb-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
SmartArtQuickStyles : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    int Count;
    IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );
    SmartArtQuickStylePtr Item (
        const _variant_t & Index );
    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    int GetCount ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * _NewEnum ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Item (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Index,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct SmartArtQuickStyle * * Style ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * Parent ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * Count ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c03ce-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
SmartArtColor : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    _bstr_t Id;
    _bstr_t Name;
    _bstr_t Description;
    _bstr_t Category;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    _bstr_t GetId ( );
    _bstr_t GetName ( );
    _bstr_t GetDescription ( );
    _bstr_t GetCategory ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * Parent ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Id (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * ColorStyleId ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Name (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * Name ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Description (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * Description ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Category (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * Category ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c03cd-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
SmartArtColors : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    int Count;
    IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );
    SmartArtColorPtr Item (
        const _variant_t & Index );
    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    int GetCount ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * _NewEnum ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Item (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Index,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct SmartArtColor * * SmartArtColor ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * Parent ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * Count ) = 0;

enum __declspec(uuid("c4b07795-ae88-400c-af72-6f7f75a3ec0b"))
    msoPickerFieldUnknown = 0,
    msoPickerFieldDateTime = 1,
    msoPickerFieldNumber = 2,
    msoPickerFieldText = 3,
    msoPickerFieldUser = 4,
    msoPickerFieldMax = 5

struct __declspec(uuid("000c03e0-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
PickerField : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    _bstr_t Name;
    enum MsoPickerField Type;
    VARIANT_BOOL IsHidden;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    _bstr_t GetName ( );
    enum MsoPickerField GetType ( );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetIsHidden ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Name (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * Name ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Type (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoPickerField * Type ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsHidden (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * IsHidden ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c03e1-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
PickerFields : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    PickerFieldPtr Item[];
    long Count;
    IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    PickerFieldPtr GetItem (
        int Index );
    long GetCount ( );
    IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
        /*[in]*/ int Index,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct PickerField * * Field ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * Count ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * _NewEnum ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c03e2-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
PickerProperty : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    _bstr_t Id;
    _variant_t Value;
    enum MsoPickerField Type;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    _bstr_t GetId ( );
    _variant_t GetValue ( );
    enum MsoPickerField GetType ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Id (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * Id ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Value (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * Value ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Type (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoPickerField * Type ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c03e3-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
PickerProperties : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    PickerPropertyPtr Item[];
    long Count;
    IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    PickerPropertyPtr GetItem (
        int Index );
    long GetCount ( );
    PickerPropertyPtr Add (
        _bstr_t Id,
        _bstr_t Value,
        enum MsoPickerField Type );
    HRESULT Remove (
        _bstr_t Id );
    IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
        /*[in]*/ int Index,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct PickerProperty * * prop ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * Count ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Add (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR Id,
        /*[in]*/ BSTR Value,
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoPickerField Type,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct PickerProperty * * prop ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Remove (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR Id ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * _NewEnum ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c03e4-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
PickerResult : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    _bstr_t Id;
    _bstr_t DisplayName;
    _bstr_t Type;
    _bstr_t SIPId;
    _variant_t ItemData;
    _variant_t SubItems;
    _variant_t DuplicateResults;
    PickerFieldsPtr Fields;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    _bstr_t GetId ( );
    _bstr_t GetDisplayName ( );
    void PutDisplayName (
        _bstr_t DisplayName );
    _bstr_t GetType ( );
    void PutType (
        _bstr_t Type );
    _bstr_t GetSIPId ( );
    void PutSIPId (
        _bstr_t SIPId );
    _variant_t GetItemData ( );
    void PutItemData (
        const _variant_t & ItemData );
    _variant_t GetSubItems ( );
    void PutSubItems (
        const _variant_t & SubItems );
    _variant_t GetDuplicateResults ( );
    PickerFieldsPtr GetFields ( );
    void PutFields (
        struct PickerFields * Fields );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Id (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * Id ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DisplayName (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * DisplayName ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_DisplayName (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR DisplayName ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Type (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * Type ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Type (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR Type ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SIPId (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * SIPId ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_SIPId (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR SIPId ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ItemData (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * ItemData ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ItemData (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT ItemData ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SubItems (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * SubItems ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_SubItems (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT SubItems ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DuplicateResults (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * DuplicateResults ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Fields (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct PickerFields * * Fields ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Fields (
        /*[in]*/ struct PickerFields * Fields ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c03e5-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
PickerResults : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    PickerResultPtr Item[];
    long Count;
    IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    PickerResultPtr GetItem (
        int Index );
    long GetCount ( );
    PickerResultPtr Add (
        _bstr_t Id,
        _bstr_t DisplayName,
        _bstr_t Type,
        _bstr_t SIPId,
        const _variant_t & ItemData = vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & SubItems = vtMissing );
    IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
        /*[in]*/ int Index,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct PickerResult * * Result ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * Count ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Add (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR Id,
        /*[in]*/ BSTR DisplayName,
        /*[in]*/ BSTR Type,
        /*[in]*/ BSTR SIPId,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT ItemData,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT SubItems,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct PickerResult * * Result ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * _NewEnum ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c03e6-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
PickerDialog : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    _bstr_t DataHandlerId;
    _bstr_t Title;
    PickerPropertiesPtr Properties;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    _bstr_t GetDataHandlerId ( );
    void PutDataHandlerId (
        _bstr_t Id );
    _bstr_t GetTitle ( );
    void PutTitle (
        _bstr_t Title );
    PickerPropertiesPtr GetProperties ( );
    PickerResultsPtr CreatePickerResults ( );
    PickerResultsPtr Show (
        VARIANT_BOOL IsMultiSelect,
        struct PickerResults * ExistingResults );
    PickerResultsPtr Resolve (
        _bstr_t TokenText,
        int duplicateDlgMode );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DataHandlerId (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * Id ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_DataHandlerId (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR Id ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Title (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * Title ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Title (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR Title ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Properties (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct PickerProperties * * Props ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreatePickerResults (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct PickerResults * * Results ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Show (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL IsMultiSelect,
        /*[in]*/ struct PickerResults * ExistingResults,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct PickerResults * * Results ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Resolve (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR TokenText,
        /*[in]*/ int duplicateDlgMode,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct PickerResults * * Results ) = 0;

enum __declspec(uuid("ec67af3b-f2df-4a52-9b85-e06a7ff28db7"))
    msoContactCardAddressTypeUnknown = 0,
    msoContactCardAddressTypeOutlook = 1,
    msoContactCardAddressTypeSMTP = 2,
    msoContactCardAddressTypeIM = 3

enum __declspec(uuid("310803cd-c69d-4371-98c9-40ce4e9bfd5a"))
    msoContactCardTypeEnterpriseContact = 0,
    msoContactCardTypePersonalContact = 1,
    msoContactCardTypeUnknownContact = 2,
    msoContactCardTypeEnterpriseGroup = 3,
    msoContactCardTypePersonalDistributionList = 4

struct __declspec(uuid("000c03f0-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
IMsoContactCard : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    _bstr_t Address;
    enum MsoContactCardAddressType AddressType;
    enum MsoContactCardType CardType;
    IDispatchPtr Parent;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    _bstr_t GetAddress ( );
    enum MsoContactCardAddressType GetAddressType ( );
    enum MsoContactCardType GetCardType ( );
    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Address (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pAddress ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_AddressType (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoContactCardAddressType * pAddressType ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CardType (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoContactCardType * pCardType ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppdispParent ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c03cf-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
EffectParameter : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    _bstr_t Name;
    _variant_t Value;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    _bstr_t GetName ( );
    _variant_t GetValue ( );
    void PutValue (
        const _variant_t & Value );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Name (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * Name ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Value (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * Value ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Value (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Value ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c03d0-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
EffectParameters : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    EffectParameterPtr Item[];
    int Count;
    IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    EffectParameterPtr GetItem (
        const _variant_t & Index );
    int GetCount ( );
    IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Index,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct EffectParameter * * EffectParameter ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * Count ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * _NewEnum ) = 0;

enum MsoPictureEffectType
    msoEffectNone = 0,
    msoEffectBackgroundRemoval = 1,
    msoEffectBlur = 2,
    msoEffectBrightnessContrast = 3,
    msoEffectCement = 4,
    msoEffectCrisscrossEtching = 5,
    msoEffectChalkSketch = 6,
    msoEffectColorTemperature = 7,
    msoEffectCutout = 8,
    msoEffectFilmGrain = 9,
    msoEffectGlass = 10,
    msoEffectGlowDiffused = 11,
    msoEffectGlowEdges = 12,
    msoEffectLightScreen = 13,
    msoEffectLineDrawing = 14,
    msoEffectMarker = 15,
    msoEffectMosiaicBubbles = 16,
    msoEffectPaintBrush = 17,
    msoEffectPaintStrokes = 18,
    msoEffectPastelsSmooth = 19,
    msoEffectPencilGrayscale = 20,
    msoEffectPencilSketch = 21,
    msoEffectPhotocopy = 22,
    msoEffectPlasticWrap = 23,
    msoEffectSaturation = 24,
    msoEffectSharpenSoften = 25,
    msoEffectTexturizer = 26,
    msoEffectWatercolorSponge = 27

struct __declspec(uuid("000c03d1-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
PictureEffect : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    enum MsoPictureEffectType Type;
    int Position;
    EffectParametersPtr EffectParameters;
    enum MsoTriState Visible;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    enum MsoPictureEffectType GetType ( );
    void PutPosition (
        int Position );
    int GetPosition ( );
    HRESULT Delete ( );
    EffectParametersPtr GetEffectParameters ( );
    void PutVisible (
        enum MsoTriState Visible );
    enum MsoTriState GetVisible ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Type (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoPictureEffectType * EffectType ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Position (
        /*[in]*/ int Position ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Position (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * Position ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Delete ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_EffectParameters (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct EffectParameters * * EffectParameters ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Visible (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoTriState Visible ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Visible (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoTriState * Visible ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c03d2-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
PictureEffects : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    PictureEffectPtr Item[];
    int Count;
    IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    PictureEffectPtr GetItem (
        int Index );
    int GetCount ( );
    IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );
    PictureEffectPtr Insert (
        enum MsoPictureEffectType EffectType,
        int Position );
    HRESULT Delete (
        int Index );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
        /*[in]*/ int Index,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct PictureEffect * * Item ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * Count ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * _NewEnum ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Insert (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoPictureEffectType EffectType,
        /*[in]*/ int Position,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct PictureEffect * * Effect ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Delete (
        /*[in]*/ int Index ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c0314-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
FillFormat : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    ColorFormatPtr BackColor;
    ColorFormatPtr ForeColor;
    enum MsoGradientColorType GradientColorType;
    float GradientDegree;
    enum MsoGradientStyle GradientStyle;
    int GradientVariant;
    enum MsoPatternType Pattern;
    enum MsoPresetGradientType PresetGradientType;
    enum MsoPresetTexture PresetTexture;
    _bstr_t TextureName;
    enum MsoTextureType TextureType;
    float Transparency;
    enum MsoFillType Type;
    enum MsoTriState Visible;
    GradientStopsPtr GradientStops;
    float TextureOffsetX;
    float TextureOffsetY;
    enum MsoTextureAlignment TextureAlignment;
    float TextureHorizontalScale;
    float TextureVerticalScale;
    enum MsoTriState TextureTile;
    enum MsoTriState RotateWithObject;
    PictureEffectsPtr PictureEffects;
    float GradientAngle;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    HRESULT Background ( );
    HRESULT OneColorGradient (
        enum MsoGradientStyle Style,
        int Variant,
        float Degree );
    HRESULT Patterned (
        enum MsoPatternType Pattern );
    HRESULT PresetGradient (
        enum MsoGradientStyle Style,
        int Variant,
        enum MsoPresetGradientType PresetGradientType );
    HRESULT PresetTextured (
        enum MsoPresetTexture PresetTexture );
    HRESULT Solid ( );
    HRESULT TwoColorGradient (
        enum MsoGradientStyle Style,
        int Variant );
    HRESULT UserPicture (
        _bstr_t PictureFile );
    HRESULT UserTextured (
        _bstr_t TextureFile );
    ColorFormatPtr GetBackColor ( );
    void PutBackColor (
        struct ColorFormat * BackColor );
    ColorFormatPtr GetForeColor ( );
    void PutForeColor (
        struct ColorFormat * ForeColor );
    enum MsoGradientColorType GetGradientColorType ( );
    float GetGradientDegree ( );
    enum MsoGradientStyle GetGradientStyle ( );
    int GetGradientVariant ( );
    enum MsoPatternType GetPattern ( );
    enum MsoPresetGradientType GetPresetGradientType ( );
    enum MsoPresetTexture GetPresetTexture ( );
    _bstr_t GetTextureName ( );
    enum MsoTextureType GetTextureType ( );
    float GetTransparency ( );
    void PutTransparency (
        float Transparency );
    enum MsoFillType GetType ( );
    enum MsoTriState GetVisible ( );
    void PutVisible (
        enum MsoTriState Visible );
    GradientStopsPtr GetGradientStops ( );
    float GetTextureOffsetX ( );
    void PutTextureOffsetX (
        float TextureOffsetX );
    float GetTextureOffsetY ( );
    void PutTextureOffsetY (
        float TextureOffsetY );
    enum MsoTextureAlignment GetTextureAlignment ( );
    void PutTextureAlignment (
        enum MsoTextureAlignment TextureAlignment );
    float GetTextureHorizontalScale ( );
    void PutTextureHorizontalScale (
        float HorizontalScale );
    float GetTextureVerticalScale ( );
    void PutTextureVerticalScale (
        float VerticalScale );
    enum MsoTriState GetTextureTile ( );
    void PutTextureTile (
        enum MsoTriState TextureTile );
    enum MsoTriState GetRotateWithObject ( );
    void PutRotateWithObject (
        enum MsoTriState RotateWithObject );
    PictureEffectsPtr GetPictureEffects ( );
    float GetGradientAngle ( );
    void PutGradientAngle (
        float GradientAngle );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * Parent ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Background ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_OneColorGradient (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoGradientStyle Style,
        /*[in]*/ int Variant,
        /*[in]*/ float Degree ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Patterned (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoPatternType Pattern ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_PresetGradient (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoGradientStyle Style,
        /*[in]*/ int Variant,
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoPresetGradientType PresetGradientType ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_PresetTextured (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoPresetTexture PresetTexture ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Solid ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_TwoColorGradient (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoGradientStyle Style,
        /*[in]*/ int Variant ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_UserPicture (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR PictureFile ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_UserTextured (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR TextureFile ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_BackColor (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct ColorFormat * * BackColor ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_BackColor (
        /*[in]*/ struct ColorFormat * BackColor ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ForeColor (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct ColorFormat * * ForeColor ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ForeColor (
        /*[in]*/ struct ColorFormat * ForeColor ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_GradientColorType (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoGradientColorType * GradientColorType ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_GradientDegree (
        /*[out,retval]*/ float * GradientDegree ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_GradientStyle (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoGradientStyle * GradientStyle ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_GradientVariant (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * GradientVariant ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Pattern (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoPatternType * Pattern ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PresetGradientType (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoPresetGradientType * PresetGradientType ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PresetTexture (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoPresetTexture * PresetTexture ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_TextureName (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * TextureName ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_TextureType (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoTextureType * TextureType ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Transparency (
        /*[out,retval]*/ float * Transparency ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Transparency (
        /*[in]*/ float Transparency ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Type (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoFillType * Type ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Visible (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoTriState * Visible ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Visible (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoTriState Visible ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_GradientStops (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct GradientStops * * GradientStops ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_TextureOffsetX (
        /*[out,retval]*/ float * TextureOffsetX ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_TextureOffsetX (
        /*[in]*/ float TextureOffsetX ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_TextureOffsetY (
        /*[out,retval]*/ float * TextureOffsetY ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_TextureOffsetY (
        /*[in]*/ float TextureOffsetY ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_TextureAlignment (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoTextureAlignment * TextureAlignment ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_TextureAlignment (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoTextureAlignment TextureAlignment ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_TextureHorizontalScale (
        /*[out,retval]*/ float * HorizontalScale ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_TextureHorizontalScale (
        /*[in]*/ float HorizontalScale ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_TextureVerticalScale (
        /*[out,retval]*/ float * VerticalScale ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_TextureVerticalScale (
        /*[in]*/ float VerticalScale ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_TextureTile (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoTriState * TextureTile ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_TextureTile (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoTriState TextureTile ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_RotateWithObject (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoTriState * RotateWithObject ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_RotateWithObject (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoTriState RotateWithObject ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PictureEffects (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct PictureEffects * * PictureEffects ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_GradientAngle (
        /*[out,retval]*/ float * GradientAngle ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_GradientAngle (
        /*[in]*/ float GradientAngle ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c039a-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
Font2 : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    enum MsoTriState Bold;
    enum MsoTriState Italic;
    enum MsoTextStrike Strike;
    enum MsoTextCaps Caps;
    enum MsoTriState AutorotateNumbers;
    float BaselineOffset;
    float Kerning;
    float Size;
    float Spacing;
    enum MsoTextUnderlineType UnderlineStyle;
    enum MsoTriState Allcaps;
    enum MsoTriState DoubleStrikeThrough;
    enum MsoTriState Equalize;
    FillFormatPtr Fill;
    GlowFormatPtr Glow;
    ReflectionFormatPtr Reflection;
    LineFormatPtr Line;
    ShadowFormatPtr Shadow;
    ColorFormatPtr Highlight;
    ColorFormatPtr UnderlineColor;
    enum MsoTriState Smallcaps;
    enum MsoSoftEdgeType SoftEdgeFormat;
    enum MsoTriState StrikeThrough;
    enum MsoTriState Subscript;
    enum MsoTriState Superscript;
    enum MsoPresetTextEffect WordArtformat;
    enum MsoTriState Embeddable;
    enum MsoTriState Embedded;
    _bstr_t Name;
    _bstr_t NameAscii;
    _bstr_t NameComplexScript;
    _bstr_t NameFarEast;
    _bstr_t NameOther;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    enum MsoTriState GetBold ( );
    void PutBold (
        enum MsoTriState Bold );
    enum MsoTriState GetItalic ( );
    void PutItalic (
        enum MsoTriState Italic );
    enum MsoTextStrike GetStrike ( );
    void PutStrike (
        enum MsoTextStrike Strike );
    enum MsoTextCaps GetCaps ( );
    void PutCaps (
        enum MsoTextCaps Caps );
    enum MsoTriState GetAutorotateNumbers ( );
    void PutAutorotateNumbers (
        enum MsoTriState RotateNumbers );
    float GetBaselineOffset ( );
    void PutBaselineOffset (
        float Offset );
    float GetKerning ( );
    void PutKerning (
        float KerningSize );
    float GetSize ( );
    void PutSize (
        float Size );
    float GetSpacing ( );
    void PutSpacing (
        float Spacing );
    enum MsoTextUnderlineType GetUnderlineStyle ( );
    void PutUnderlineStyle (
        enum MsoTextUnderlineType Style );
    enum MsoTriState GetAllcaps ( );
    void PutAllcaps (
        enum MsoTriState Allcaps );
    enum MsoTriState GetDoubleStrikeThrough ( );
    void PutDoubleStrikeThrough (
        enum MsoTriState DoubleStrikeThrough );
    enum MsoTriState GetEqualize ( );
    void PutEqualize (
        enum MsoTriState Equalize );
    FillFormatPtr GetFill ( );
    GlowFormatPtr GetGlow ( );
    ReflectionFormatPtr GetReflection ( );
    LineFormatPtr GetLine ( );
    ShadowFormatPtr GetShadow ( );
    ColorFormatPtr GetHighlight ( );
    ColorFormatPtr GetUnderlineColor ( );
    enum MsoTriState GetSmallcaps ( );
    void PutSmallcaps (
        enum MsoTriState Smallcaps );
    enum MsoSoftEdgeType GetSoftEdgeFormat ( );
    void PutSoftEdgeFormat (
        enum MsoSoftEdgeType SoftEdgeFormat );
    enum MsoTriState GetStrikeThrough ( );
    void PutStrikeThrough (
        enum MsoTriState StrikeThrough );
    enum MsoTriState GetSubscript ( );
    void PutSubscript (
        enum MsoTriState Subscript );
    enum MsoTriState GetSuperscript ( );
    void PutSuperscript (
        enum MsoTriState Superscript );
    enum MsoPresetTextEffect GetWordArtformat ( );
    void PutWordArtformat (
        enum MsoPresetTextEffect WordArtformat );
    enum MsoTriState GetEmbeddable ( );
    enum MsoTriState GetEmbedded ( );
    _bstr_t GetName ( );
    void PutName (
        _bstr_t Name );
    _bstr_t GetNameAscii ( );
    void PutNameAscii (
        _bstr_t NameAscii );
    _bstr_t GetNameComplexScript ( );
    void PutNameComplexScript (
        _bstr_t NameComplexScript );
    _bstr_t GetNameFarEast ( );
    void PutNameFarEast (
        _bstr_t NameFarEast );
    _bstr_t GetNameOther ( );
    void PutNameOther (
        _bstr_t NameOther );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * Parent ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Bold (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoTriState * Bold ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Bold (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoTriState Bold ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Italic (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoTriState * Italic ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Italic (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoTriState Italic ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Strike (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoTextStrike * Strike ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Strike (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoTextStrike Strike ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Caps (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoTextCaps * Caps ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Caps (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoTextCaps Caps ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_AutorotateNumbers (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoTriState * RotateNumbers ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_AutorotateNumbers (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoTriState RotateNumbers ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_BaselineOffset (
        /*[out,retval]*/ float * Offset ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_BaselineOffset (
        /*[in]*/ float Offset ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Kerning (
        /*[out,retval]*/ float * KerningSize ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Kerning (
        /*[in]*/ float KerningSize ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Size (
        /*[out,retval]*/ float * Size ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Size (
        /*[in]*/ float Size ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Spacing (
        /*[out,retval]*/ float * Spacing ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Spacing (
        /*[in]*/ float Spacing ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_UnderlineStyle (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoTextUnderlineType * Style ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_UnderlineStyle (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoTextUnderlineType Style ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Allcaps (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoTriState * Allcaps ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Allcaps (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoTriState Allcaps ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DoubleStrikeThrough (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoTriState * DoubleStrikeThrough ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_DoubleStrikeThrough (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoTriState DoubleStrikeThrough ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Equalize (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoTriState * Equalize ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Equalize (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoTriState Equalize ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Fill (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct FillFormat * * Fill ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Glow (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct GlowFormat * * Glow ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Reflection (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct ReflectionFormat * * Reflection ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Line (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct LineFormat * * Line ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Shadow (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct ShadowFormat * * Shadow ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Highlight (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct ColorFormat * * Highlight ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_UnderlineColor (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct ColorFormat * * UnderlineColor ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Smallcaps (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoTriState * Smallcaps ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Smallcaps (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoTriState Smallcaps ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SoftEdgeFormat (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoSoftEdgeType * SoftEdgeFormat ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_SoftEdgeFormat (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoSoftEdgeType SoftEdgeFormat ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_StrikeThrough (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoTriState * StrikeThrough ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_StrikeThrough (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoTriState StrikeThrough ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Subscript (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoTriState * Subscript ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Subscript (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoTriState Subscript ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Superscript (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoTriState * Superscript ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Superscript (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoTriState Superscript ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_WordArtformat (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoPresetTextEffect * WordArtformat ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_WordArtformat (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoPresetTextEffect WordArtformat ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Embeddable (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoTriState * Embeddable ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Embedded (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoTriState * Embedded ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Name (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * Name ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Name (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR Name ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_NameAscii (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * NameAscii ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_NameAscii (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR NameAscii ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_NameComplexScript (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * NameComplexScript ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_NameComplexScript (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR NameComplexScript ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_NameFarEast (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * NameFarEast ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_NameFarEast (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR NameFarEast ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_NameOther (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * NameOther ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_NameOther (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR NameOther ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c03b9-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
BulletFormat2 : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    int Character;
    Font2Ptr Font;
    int Number;
    float RelativeSize;
    int StartValue;
    enum MsoNumberedBulletStyle Style;
    enum MsoBulletType Type;
    enum MsoTriState UseTextColor;
    enum MsoTriState UseTextFont;
    enum MsoTriState Visible;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    int GetCharacter ( );
    void PutCharacter (
        int Character );
    Font2Ptr GetFont ( );
    int GetNumber ( );
    HRESULT Picture (
        _bstr_t FileName );
    float GetRelativeSize ( );
    void PutRelativeSize (
        float Size );
    int GetStartValue ( );
    void PutStartValue (
        int Start );
    enum MsoNumberedBulletStyle GetStyle ( );
    void PutStyle (
        enum MsoNumberedBulletStyle Style );
    enum MsoBulletType GetType ( );
    void PutType (
        enum MsoBulletType Type );
    enum MsoTriState GetUseTextColor ( );
    void PutUseTextColor (
        enum MsoTriState UseTextColor );
    enum MsoTriState GetUseTextFont ( );
    void PutUseTextFont (
        enum MsoTriState UseTextFont );
    enum MsoTriState GetVisible ( );
    void PutVisible (
        enum MsoTriState Visible );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * Parent ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Character (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * Character ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Character (
        /*[in]*/ int Character ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Font (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct Font2 * * Font ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Number (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * Number ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Picture (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR FileName ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_RelativeSize (
        /*[out,retval]*/ float * Size ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_RelativeSize (
        /*[in]*/ float Size ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_StartValue (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * Start ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_StartValue (
        /*[in]*/ int Start ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Style (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoNumberedBulletStyle * Style ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Style (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoNumberedBulletStyle Style ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Type (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoBulletType * Type ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Type (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoBulletType Type ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_UseTextColor (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoTriState * UseTextColor ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_UseTextColor (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoTriState UseTextColor ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_UseTextFont (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoTriState * UseTextFont ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_UseTextFont (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoTriState UseTextFont ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Visible (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoTriState * Visible ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Visible (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoTriState Visible ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c0399-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
ParagraphFormat2 : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    enum MsoParagraphAlignment Alignment;
    enum MsoBaselineAlignment BaselineAlignment;
    BulletFormat2Ptr Bullet;
    enum MsoTriState FarEastLineBreakLevel;
    float FirstLineIndent;
    enum MsoTriState HangingPunctuation;
    int IndentLevel;
    float LeftIndent;
    enum MsoTriState LineRuleAfter;
    enum MsoTriState LineRuleBefore;
    enum MsoTriState LineRuleWithin;
    float RightIndent;
    float SpaceAfter;
    float SpaceBefore;
    float SpaceWithin;
    TabStops2Ptr TabStops;
    enum MsoTextDirection TextDirection;
    enum MsoTriState WordWrap;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    enum MsoParagraphAlignment GetAlignment ( );
    void PutAlignment (
        enum MsoParagraphAlignment Alignment );
    enum MsoBaselineAlignment GetBaselineAlignment ( );
    void PutBaselineAlignment (
        enum MsoBaselineAlignment BaselineAlignment );
    BulletFormat2Ptr GetBullet ( );
    enum MsoTriState GetFarEastLineBreakLevel ( );
    void PutFarEastLineBreakLevel (
        enum MsoTriState Break );
    float GetFirstLineIndent ( );
    void PutFirstLineIndent (
        float Indent );
    enum MsoTriState GetHangingPunctuation ( );
    void PutHangingPunctuation (
        enum MsoTriState Hanging );
    int GetIndentLevel ( );
    void PutIndentLevel (
        int Level );
    float GetLeftIndent ( );
    void PutLeftIndent (
        float Indent );
    enum MsoTriState GetLineRuleAfter ( );
    void PutLineRuleAfter (
        enum MsoTriState LineRule );
    enum MsoTriState GetLineRuleBefore ( );
    void PutLineRuleBefore (
        enum MsoTriState LineRule );
    enum MsoTriState GetLineRuleWithin ( );
    void PutLineRuleWithin (
        enum MsoTriState LineRule );
    float GetRightIndent ( );
    void PutRightIndent (
        float Indent );
    float GetSpaceAfter ( );
    void PutSpaceAfter (
        float Space );
    float GetSpaceBefore ( );
    void PutSpaceBefore (
        float Space );
    float GetSpaceWithin ( );
    void PutSpaceWithin (
        float Space );
    TabStops2Ptr GetTabStops ( );
    enum MsoTextDirection GetTextDirection ( );
    void PutTextDirection (
        enum MsoTextDirection Direction );
    enum MsoTriState GetWordWrap ( );
    void PutWordWrap (
        enum MsoTriState WordWrap );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * Parent ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Alignment (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoParagraphAlignment * Alignment ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Alignment (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoParagraphAlignment Alignment ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_BaselineAlignment (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoBaselineAlignment * BaselineAlignment ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_BaselineAlignment (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoBaselineAlignment BaselineAlignment ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Bullet (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct BulletFormat2 * * Bullet ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FarEastLineBreakLevel (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoTriState * Break ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_FarEastLineBreakLevel (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoTriState Break ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FirstLineIndent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ float * Indent ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_FirstLineIndent (
        /*[in]*/ float Indent ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_HangingPunctuation (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoTriState * Hanging ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_HangingPunctuation (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoTriState Hanging ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IndentLevel (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * Level ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_IndentLevel (
        /*[in]*/ int Level ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_LeftIndent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ float * Indent ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_LeftIndent (
        /*[in]*/ float Indent ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_LineRuleAfter (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoTriState * LineRule ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_LineRuleAfter (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoTriState LineRule ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_LineRuleBefore (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoTriState * LineRule ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_LineRuleBefore (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoTriState LineRule ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_LineRuleWithin (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoTriState * LineRule ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_LineRuleWithin (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoTriState LineRule ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_RightIndent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ float * Indent ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_RightIndent (
        /*[in]*/ float Indent ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SpaceAfter (
        /*[out,retval]*/ float * Space ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_SpaceAfter (
        /*[in]*/ float Space ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SpaceBefore (
        /*[out,retval]*/ float * Space ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_SpaceBefore (
        /*[in]*/ float Space ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SpaceWithin (
        /*[out,retval]*/ float * Space ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_SpaceWithin (
        /*[in]*/ float Space ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_TabStops (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct TabStops2 * * TabStops ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_TextDirection (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoTextDirection * Direction ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_TextDirection (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoTextDirection Direction ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_WordWrap (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoTriState * WordWrap ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_WordWrap (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoTriState WordWrap ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c0397-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
TextRange2 : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    _bstr_t Text;
    int Count;
    enum MsoLanguageID LanguageID;
    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    TextRange2Ptr Paragraphs[][];
    TextRange2Ptr Sentences[][];
    TextRange2Ptr Words[][];
    TextRange2Ptr Characters[][];
    TextRange2Ptr Lines[][];
    TextRange2Ptr Runs[][];
    ParagraphFormat2Ptr ParagraphFormat;
    Font2Ptr Font;
    int Length;
    int Start;
    float BoundLeft;
    float BoundTop;
    float BoundWidth;
    float BoundHeight;
    TextRange2Ptr MathZones[][];
    IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    _bstr_t GetText ( );
    void PutText (
        _bstr_t pbstrText );
    int GetCount ( );
    TextRange2Ptr Item (
        const _variant_t & Index );
    IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );
    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    TextRange2Ptr GetParagraphs (
        int Start,
        int Length );
    TextRange2Ptr GetSentences (
        int Start,
        int Length );
    TextRange2Ptr GetWords (
        int Start,
        int Length );
    TextRange2Ptr GetCharacters (
        int Start,
        int Length );
    TextRange2Ptr GetLines (
        int Start,
        int Length );
    TextRange2Ptr GetRuns (
        int Start,
        int Length );
    ParagraphFormat2Ptr GetParagraphFormat ( );
    Font2Ptr GetFont ( );
    int GetLength ( );
    int GetStart ( );
    float GetBoundLeft ( );
    float GetBoundTop ( );
    float GetBoundWidth ( );
    float GetBoundHeight ( );
    TextRange2Ptr TrimText ( );
    TextRange2Ptr InsertAfter (
        _bstr_t NewText );
    TextRange2Ptr InsertBefore (
        _bstr_t NewText );
    TextRange2Ptr InsertSymbol (
        _bstr_t FontName,
        int CharNumber,
        enum MsoTriState Unicode );
    HRESULT Select ( );
    HRESULT Cut ( );
    HRESULT Copy ( );
    HRESULT Delete ( );
    TextRange2Ptr Paste ( );
    TextRange2Ptr PasteSpecial (
        enum MsoClipboardFormat Format );
    HRESULT ChangeCase (
        enum MsoTextChangeCase Type );
    HRESULT AddPeriods ( );
    HRESULT RemovePeriods ( );
    TextRange2Ptr Find (
        _bstr_t FindWhat,
        int After,
        enum MsoTriState MatchCase,
        enum MsoTriState WholeWords );
    TextRange2Ptr Replace (
        _bstr_t FindWhat,
        _bstr_t ReplaceWhat,
        int After,
        enum MsoTriState MatchCase,
        enum MsoTriState WholeWords );
    HRESULT RotatedBounds (
        float * X1,
        float * Y1,
        float * X2,
        float * Y2,
        float * X3,
        float * Y3,
        float * x4,
        float * y4 );
    enum MsoLanguageID GetLanguageID ( );
    void PutLanguageID (
        enum MsoLanguageID LanguageID );
    HRESULT RtlRun ( );
    HRESULT LtrRun ( );
    TextRange2Ptr GetMathZones (
        int Start,
        int Length );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Text (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrText ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Text (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR pbstrText ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * Count ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Item (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Index,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct TextRange2 * * Item ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * _NewEnum ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * Parent ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Paragraphs (
        /*[in]*/ int Start,
        /*[in]*/ int Length,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct TextRange2 * * Range ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Sentences (
        /*[in]*/ int Start,
        /*[in]*/ int Length,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct TextRange2 * * Range ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Words (
        /*[in]*/ int Start,
        /*[in]*/ int Length,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct TextRange2 * * Range ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Characters (
        /*[in]*/ int Start,
        /*[in]*/ int Length,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct TextRange2 * * Range ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Lines (
        /*[in]*/ int Start,
        /*[in]*/ int Length,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct TextRange2 * * Range ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Runs (
        /*[in]*/ int Start,
        /*[in]*/ int Length,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct TextRange2 * * Range ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ParagraphFormat (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct ParagraphFormat2 * * Format ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Font (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct Font2 * * Font ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Length (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * Length ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Start (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * Start ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_BoundLeft (
        /*[out,retval]*/ float * BoundLeft ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_BoundTop (
        /*[out,retval]*/ float * BoundTop ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_BoundWidth (
        /*[out,retval]*/ float * BoundWidth ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_BoundHeight (
        /*[out,retval]*/ float * BoundHeight ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_TrimText (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct TextRange2 * * TrimText ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_InsertAfter (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR NewText,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct TextRange2 * * TextRange ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_InsertBefore (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR NewText,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct TextRange2 * * TextRange ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_InsertSymbol (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR FontName,
        /*[in]*/ int CharNumber,
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoTriState Unicode,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct TextRange2 * * TextRange ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Select ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Cut ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Copy ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Delete ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Paste (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct TextRange2 * * TextRange ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_PasteSpecial (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoClipboardFormat Format,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct TextRange2 * * TextRange ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ChangeCase (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoTextChangeCase Type ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AddPeriods ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_RemovePeriods ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Find (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR FindWhat,
        /*[in]*/ int After,
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoTriState MatchCase,
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoTriState WholeWords,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct TextRange2 * * TextRange ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Replace (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR FindWhat,
        /*[in]*/ BSTR ReplaceWhat,
        /*[in]*/ int After,
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoTriState MatchCase,
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoTriState WholeWords,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct TextRange2 * * TextRange ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_RotatedBounds (
        /*[out]*/ float * X1,
        /*[out]*/ float * Y1,
        /*[out]*/ float * X2,
        /*[out]*/ float * Y2,
        /*[out]*/ float * X3,
        /*[out]*/ float * Y3,
        /*[out]*/ float * x4,
        /*[out]*/ float * y4 ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_LanguageID (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoLanguageID * LanguageID ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_LanguageID (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoLanguageID LanguageID ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_RtlRun ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_LtrRun ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MathZones (
        /*[in]*/ int Start,
        /*[in]*/ int Length,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct TextRange2 * * Range ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c0398-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
TextFrame2 : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    float MarginBottom;
    float MarginLeft;
    float MarginRight;
    float MarginTop;
    enum MsoTextOrientation Orientation;
    enum MsoHorizontalAnchor HorizontalAnchor;
    enum MsoVerticalAnchor VerticalAnchor;
    enum MsoPathFormat PathFormat;
    enum MsoWarpFormat WarpFormat;
    enum MsoPresetTextEffect WordArtformat;
    enum MsoTriState WordWrap;
    enum MsoAutoSize AutoSize;
    ThreeDFormatPtr ThreeD;
    enum MsoTriState HasText;
    TextRange2Ptr TextRange;
    TextColumn2Ptr Column;
    Ruler2Ptr Ruler;
    enum MsoTriState NoTextRotation;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    float GetMarginBottom ( );
    void PutMarginBottom (
        float MarginBottom );
    float GetMarginLeft ( );
    void PutMarginLeft (
        float MarginLeft );
    float GetMarginRight ( );
    void PutMarginRight (
        float MarginRight );
    float GetMarginTop ( );
    void PutMarginTop (
        float MarginTop );
    enum MsoTextOrientation GetOrientation ( );
    void PutOrientation (
        enum MsoTextOrientation Orientation );
    enum MsoHorizontalAnchor GetHorizontalAnchor ( );
    void PutHorizontalAnchor (
        enum MsoHorizontalAnchor HorizontalAnchor );
    enum MsoVerticalAnchor GetVerticalAnchor ( );
    void PutVerticalAnchor (
        enum MsoVerticalAnchor VerticalAnchor );
    enum MsoPathFormat GetPathFormat ( );
    void PutPathFormat (
        enum MsoPathFormat PathFormat );
    enum MsoWarpFormat GetWarpFormat ( );
    void PutWarpFormat (
        enum MsoWarpFormat WarpFormat );
    enum MsoPresetTextEffect GetWordArtformat ( );
    void PutWordArtformat (
        enum MsoPresetTextEffect WordArtformat );
    enum MsoTriState GetWordWrap ( );
    void PutWordWrap (
        enum MsoTriState WordWrap );
    enum MsoAutoSize GetAutoSize ( );
    void PutAutoSize (
        enum MsoAutoSize AutoSize );
    ThreeDFormatPtr GetThreeD ( );
    enum MsoTriState GetHasText ( );
    TextRange2Ptr GetTextRange ( );
    TextColumn2Ptr GetColumn ( );
    Ruler2Ptr GetRuler ( );
    HRESULT DeleteText ( );
    enum MsoTriState GetNoTextRotation ( );
    void PutNoTextRotation (
        enum MsoTriState NoTextRotation );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * Parent ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MarginBottom (
        /*[out,retval]*/ float * MarginBottom ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_MarginBottom (
        /*[in]*/ float MarginBottom ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MarginLeft (
        /*[out,retval]*/ float * MarginLeft ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_MarginLeft (
        /*[in]*/ float MarginLeft ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MarginRight (
        /*[out,retval]*/ float * MarginRight ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_MarginRight (
        /*[in]*/ float MarginRight ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MarginTop (
        /*[out,retval]*/ float * MarginTop ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_MarginTop (
        /*[in]*/ float MarginTop ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Orientation (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoTextOrientation * Orientation ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Orientation (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoTextOrientation Orientation ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_HorizontalAnchor (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoHorizontalAnchor * HorizontalAnchor ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_HorizontalAnchor (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoHorizontalAnchor HorizontalAnchor ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_VerticalAnchor (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoVerticalAnchor * VerticalAnchor ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_VerticalAnchor (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoVerticalAnchor VerticalAnchor ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PathFormat (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoPathFormat * PathFormat ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_PathFormat (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoPathFormat PathFormat ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_WarpFormat (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoWarpFormat * WarpFormat ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_WarpFormat (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoWarpFormat WarpFormat ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_WordArtformat (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoPresetTextEffect * WordArtformat ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_WordArtformat (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoPresetTextEffect WordArtformat ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_WordWrap (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoTriState * WordWrap ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_WordWrap (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoTriState WordWrap ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_AutoSize (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoAutoSize * AutoSize ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_AutoSize (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoAutoSize AutoSize ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ThreeD (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct ThreeDFormat * * ThreeD ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_HasText (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoTriState * pHasText ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_TextRange (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct TextRange2 * * Range ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Column (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct TextColumn2 * * Column ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Ruler (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct Ruler2 * * Ruler ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_DeleteText ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_NoTextRotation (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoTriState * NoTextRotation ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_NoTextRotation (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoTriState NoTextRotation ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c03d3-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
Crop : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    float PictureOffsetX;
    float PictureOffsetY;
    float PictureWidth;
    float PictureHeight;
    float ShapeLeft;
    float ShapeTop;
    float ShapeWidth;
    float ShapeHeight;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    float GetPictureOffsetX ( );
    void PutPictureOffsetX (
        float PictureOffsetX );
    float GetPictureOffsetY ( );
    void PutPictureOffsetY (
        float PictureOffsetY );
    float GetPictureWidth ( );
    void PutPictureWidth (
        float PictureWidth );
    float GetPictureHeight ( );
    void PutPictureHeight (
        float PictureHeight );
    float GetShapeLeft ( );
    void PutShapeLeft (
        float ShapeLeft );
    float GetShapeTop ( );
    void PutShapeTop (
        float ShapeTop );
    float GetShapeWidth ( );
    void PutShapeWidth (
        float ShapeWidth );
    float GetShapeHeight ( );
    void PutShapeHeight (
        float ShapeHeight );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PictureOffsetX (
        /*[out,retval]*/ float * PictureOffsetX ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_PictureOffsetX (
        /*[in]*/ float PictureOffsetX ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PictureOffsetY (
        /*[out,retval]*/ float * PictureOffsetY ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_PictureOffsetY (
        /*[in]*/ float PictureOffsetY ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PictureWidth (
        /*[out,retval]*/ float * PictureWidth ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_PictureWidth (
        /*[in]*/ float PictureWidth ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PictureHeight (
        /*[out,retval]*/ float * PictureHeight ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_PictureHeight (
        /*[in]*/ float PictureHeight ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ShapeLeft (
        /*[out,retval]*/ float * ShapeLeft ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ShapeLeft (
        /*[in]*/ float ShapeLeft ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ShapeTop (
        /*[out,retval]*/ float * ShapeTop ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ShapeTop (
        /*[in]*/ float ShapeTop ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ShapeWidth (
        /*[out,retval]*/ float * ShapeWidth ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ShapeWidth (
        /*[in]*/ float ShapeWidth ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ShapeHeight (
        /*[out,retval]*/ float * ShapeHeight ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ShapeHeight (
        /*[in]*/ float ShapeHeight ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c031a-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
PictureFormat : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    float Brightness;
    enum MsoPictureColorType ColorType;
    float Contrast;
    float CropBottom;
    float CropLeft;
    float CropRight;
    float CropTop;
    MsoRGBType TransparencyColor;
    enum MsoTriState TransparentBackground;
    CropPtr Crop;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    HRESULT IncrementBrightness (
        float Increment );
    HRESULT IncrementContrast (
        float Increment );
    float GetBrightness ( );
    void PutBrightness (
        float Brightness );
    enum MsoPictureColorType GetColorType ( );
    void PutColorType (
        enum MsoPictureColorType ColorType );
    float GetContrast ( );
    void PutContrast (
        float Contrast );
    float GetCropBottom ( );
    void PutCropBottom (
        float CropBottom );
    float GetCropLeft ( );
    void PutCropLeft (
        float CropLeft );
    float GetCropRight ( );
    void PutCropRight (
        float CropRight );
    float GetCropTop ( );
    void PutCropTop (
        float CropTop );
    MsoRGBType GetTransparencyColor ( );
    void PutTransparencyColor (
        MsoRGBType TransparencyColor );
    enum MsoTriState GetTransparentBackground ( );
    void PutTransparentBackground (
        enum MsoTriState TransparentBackground );
    CropPtr GetCrop ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * Parent ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_IncrementBrightness (
        /*[in]*/ float Increment ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_IncrementContrast (
        /*[in]*/ float Increment ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Brightness (
        /*[out,retval]*/ float * Brightness ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Brightness (
        /*[in]*/ float Brightness ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ColorType (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoPictureColorType * ColorType ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ColorType (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoPictureColorType ColorType ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Contrast (
        /*[out,retval]*/ float * Contrast ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Contrast (
        /*[in]*/ float Contrast ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CropBottom (
        /*[out,retval]*/ float * CropBottom ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_CropBottom (
        /*[in]*/ float CropBottom ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CropLeft (
        /*[out,retval]*/ float * CropLeft ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_CropLeft (
        /*[in]*/ float CropLeft ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CropRight (
        /*[out,retval]*/ float * CropRight ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_CropRight (
        /*[in]*/ float CropRight ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CropTop (
        /*[out,retval]*/ float * CropTop ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_CropTop (
        /*[in]*/ float CropTop ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_TransparencyColor (
        /*[out,retval]*/ MsoRGBType * TransparencyColor ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_TransparencyColor (
        /*[in]*/ MsoRGBType TransparencyColor ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_TransparentBackground (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoTriState * TransparentBackground ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_TransparentBackground (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoTriState TransparentBackground ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Crop (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct Crop * * Crop ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c1730-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
IMsoChartFormat : IDispatch
    // Property data

    FillFormatPtr Fill;
    GlowFormatPtr Glow;
    LineFormatPtr Line;
    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    PictureFormatPtr PictureFormat;
    ShadowFormatPtr Shadow;
    SoftEdgeFormatPtr SoftEdge;
    TextFrame2Ptr TextFrame2;
    ThreeDFormatPtr ThreeD;
    IDispatchPtr Application;
    long Creator;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    FillFormatPtr GetFill ( );
    GlowFormatPtr GetGlow ( );
    LineFormatPtr GetLine ( );
    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    PictureFormatPtr GetPictureFormat ( );
    ShadowFormatPtr GetShadow ( );
    SoftEdgeFormatPtr GetSoftEdge ( );
    TextFrame2Ptr GetTextFrame2 ( );
    ThreeDFormatPtr GetThreeD ( );
    IDispatchPtr GetApplication ( );
    long GetCreator ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Fill (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct FillFormat * * ppfill ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Glow (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct GlowFormat * * ppGlow ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Line (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct LineFormat * * ppline ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppParent ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PictureFormat (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct PictureFormat * * ppPictureFormat ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Shadow (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct ShadowFormat * * ppShadow ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SoftEdge (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct SoftEdgeFormat * * ppSoftEdge ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_TextFrame2 (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct TextFrame2 * * ppTextFrame ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ThreeD (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct ThreeDFormat * * ppThreeD ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Creator (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * pval ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c1710-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
IMsoLegend : IDispatch
    // Property data

    IMsoBorderPtr Border;
    IMsoInteriorPtr Interior;
    double Left;
    enum XlLegendPosition Position;
    VARIANT_BOOL Shadow;
    _bstr_t Name;
    ChartFontPtr Font;
    VARIANT_BOOL IncludeInLayout;
    IDispatchPtr Application;
    _variant_t AutoScaleFont;
    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    long Creator;
    double Width;
    double Height;
    IMsoChartFormatPtr Format;
    double Top;
    ChartFillFormatPtr Fill;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    _bstr_t GetName ( );
    _variant_t Select ( );
    IMsoBorderPtr GetBorder ( );
    _variant_t Delete ( );
    ChartFontPtr GetFont ( );
    IDispatchPtr LegendEntries (
        const _variant_t & Index = vtMissing );
    enum XlLegendPosition GetPosition ( );
    void PutPosition (
        enum XlLegendPosition RHS );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetShadow ( );
    void PutShadow (
    _variant_t Clear ( );
    double GetHeight ( );
    void PutHeight (
        double RHS );
    IMsoInteriorPtr GetInterior ( );
    ChartFillFormatPtr GetFill ( );
    double GetLeft ( );
    void PutLeft (
        double RHS );
    double GetTop ( );
    void PutTop (
        double RHS );
    double GetWidth ( );
    void PutWidth (
        double RHS );
    _variant_t GetAutoScaleFont ( );
    void PutAutoScaleFont (
        const _variant_t & RHS );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetIncludeInLayout ( );
    void PutIncludeInLayout (
    IMsoChartFormatPtr GetFormat ( );
    IDispatchPtr GetApplication ( );
    long GetCreator ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Name (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Select (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Border (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMsoBorder * * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Delete (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Font (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct ChartFont * * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_LegendEntries (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Index,
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Position (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum XlLegendPosition * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Position (
        /*[in]*/ enum XlLegendPosition RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Shadow (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Shadow (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Clear (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Height (
        /*[out,retval]*/ double * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Height (
        /*[in]*/ double RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Interior (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMsoInterior * * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Fill (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct ChartFillFormat * * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Left (
        /*[out,retval]*/ double * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Left (
        /*[in]*/ double RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Top (
        /*[out,retval]*/ double * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Top (
        /*[in]*/ double RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Width (
        /*[out,retval]*/ double * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Width (
        /*[in]*/ double RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_AutoScaleFont (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_AutoScaleFont (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IncludeInLayout (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_IncludeInLayout (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Format (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMsoChartFormat * * ppChartFormat ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Creator (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * pval ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c1715-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
IMsoWalls : IDispatch
    // Property data

    IMsoBorderPtr Border;
    IMsoInteriorPtr Interior;
    _variant_t PictureType;
    _variant_t PictureUnit;
    _bstr_t Name;
    IMsoChartFormatPtr Format;
    long Thickness;
    IDispatchPtr Application;
    long Creator;
    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    ChartFillFormatPtr Fill;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    _bstr_t GetName ( );
    _variant_t Select ( );
    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    IMsoBorderPtr GetBorder ( );
    _variant_t ClearFormats ( );
    IMsoInteriorPtr GetInterior ( );
    ChartFillFormatPtr GetFill ( );
    _variant_t GetPictureType ( );
    void PutPictureType (
        const _variant_t & pvar );
    HRESULT Paste ( );
    _variant_t GetPictureUnit ( );
    void PutPictureUnit (
        const _variant_t & pvar );
    long GetThickness ( );
    void PutThickness (
        long RHS );
    IMsoChartFormatPtr GetFormat ( );
    IDispatchPtr GetApplication ( );
    long GetCreator ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Name (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * bstr ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Select (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pvar ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppParent ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Border (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMsoBorder * * ppborder ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ClearFormats (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pvar ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Interior (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMsoInterior * * ppinterior ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Fill (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct ChartFillFormat * * ppfill ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PictureType (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pvar ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_PictureType (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT pvar ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Paste ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PictureUnit (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pvar ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_PictureUnit (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT pvar ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Thickness (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Thickness (
        /*[in]*/ long RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Format (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMsoChartFormat * * ppChartFormat ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Creator (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * pval ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c1716-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
IMsoFloor : IDispatch
    // Property data

    IMsoBorderPtr Border;
    IMsoInteriorPtr Interior;
    _variant_t PictureType;
    IMsoChartFormatPtr Format;
    _bstr_t Name;
    long Thickness;
    IDispatchPtr Application;
    long Creator;
    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    ChartFillFormatPtr Fill;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    _bstr_t GetName ( );
    _variant_t Select ( );
    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    IMsoBorderPtr GetBorder ( );
    _variant_t ClearFormats ( );
    IMsoInteriorPtr GetInterior ( );
    ChartFillFormatPtr GetFill ( );
    _variant_t GetPictureType ( );
    void PutPictureType (
        const _variant_t & pvar );
    HRESULT Paste ( );
    long GetThickness ( );
    void PutThickness (
        long RHS );
    IMsoChartFormatPtr GetFormat ( );
    IDispatchPtr GetApplication ( );
    long GetCreator ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Name (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * bstr ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Select (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pvar ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppParent ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Border (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMsoBorder * * ppborder ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ClearFormats (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pvar ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Interior (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMsoInterior * * ppinterior ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Fill (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct ChartFillFormat * * ppfill ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PictureType (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pvar ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_PictureType (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT pvar ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Paste ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Thickness (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Thickness (
        /*[in]*/ long RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Format (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMsoChartFormat * * ppChartFormat ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Creator (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * pval ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c1724-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
IMsoPlotArea : IDispatch
    // Property data

    IMsoBorderPtr Border;
    IMsoInteriorPtr Interior;
    double Left;
    double InsideLeft;
    double InsideTop;
    double InsideWidth;
    double InsideHeight;
    enum XlChartElementPosition Position;
    _bstr_t Name;
    IDispatchPtr Application;
    long Creator;
    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    IMsoChartFormatPtr Format;
    double Width;
    double Height;
    double Top;
    ChartFillFormatPtr Fill;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    _bstr_t GetName ( );
    _variant_t Select ( );
    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    IMsoBorderPtr GetBorder ( );
    _variant_t ClearFormats ( );
    double GetHeight ( );
    void PutHeight (
        double pd );
    IMsoInteriorPtr GetInterior ( );
    ChartFillFormatPtr GetFill ( );
    double GetLeft ( );
    void PutLeft (
        double pd );
    double GetTop ( );
    void PutTop (
        double pd );
    double GetWidth ( );
    void PutWidth (
        double pd );
    double GetInsideLeft ( );
    void PutInsideLeft (
        double pd );
    double GetInsideTop ( );
    void PutInsideTop (
        double pd );
    double GetInsideWidth ( );
    void PutInsideWidth (
        double pd );
    double GetInsideHeight ( );
    void PutInsideHeight (
        double pd );
    enum XlChartElementPosition GetPosition ( );
    void PutPosition (
        enum XlChartElementPosition pval );
    IMsoChartFormatPtr GetFormat ( );
    IDispatchPtr GetApplication ( );
    long GetCreator ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Name (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * bstr ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Select (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pvar ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppParent ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Border (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMsoBorder * * ppborder ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ClearFormats (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pvar ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Height (
        /*[out,retval]*/ double * pd ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Height (
        /*[in]*/ double pd ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Interior (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMsoInterior * * ppinterior ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Fill (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct ChartFillFormat * * ppfill ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Left (
        /*[out,retval]*/ double * pd ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Left (
        /*[in]*/ double pd ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Top (
        /*[out,retval]*/ double * pd ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Top (
        /*[in]*/ double pd ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Width (
        /*[out,retval]*/ double * pd ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Width (
        /*[in]*/ double pd ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_InsideLeft (
        /*[out,retval]*/ double * pd ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_InsideLeft (
        /*[in]*/ double pd ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_InsideTop (
        /*[out,retval]*/ double * pd ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_InsideTop (
        /*[in]*/ double pd ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_InsideWidth (
        /*[out,retval]*/ double * pd ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_InsideWidth (
        /*[in]*/ double pd ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_InsideHeight (
        /*[out,retval]*/ double * pd ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_InsideHeight (
        /*[in]*/ double pd ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Position (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum XlChartElementPosition * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Position (
        /*[in]*/ enum XlChartElementPosition pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Format (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMsoChartFormat * * ppChartFormat ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Creator (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * pval ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c1728-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
IMsoChartArea : IDispatch
    // Property data

    IMsoBorderPtr Border;
    IMsoInteriorPtr Interior;
    double Left;
    VARIANT_BOOL Shadow;
    _bstr_t Name;
    ChartFontPtr Font;
    IDispatchPtr Application;
    _variant_t AutoScaleFont;
    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    IMsoChartFormatPtr Format;
    VARIANT_BOOL RoundedCorners;
    long Creator;
    double Width;
    double Height;
    double Top;
    ChartFillFormatPtr Fill;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    _bstr_t GetName ( );
    _variant_t Select ( );
    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    IMsoBorderPtr GetBorder ( );
    _variant_t Clear ( );
    _variant_t ClearContents ( );
    _variant_t Copy ( );
    ChartFontPtr GetFont ( );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetShadow ( );
    void PutShadow (
        VARIANT_BOOL pf );
    _variant_t ClearFormats ( );
    double GetHeight ( );
    void PutHeight (
        double pd );
    IMsoInteriorPtr GetInterior ( );
    ChartFillFormatPtr GetFill ( );
    double GetLeft ( );
    void PutLeft (
        double pd );
    double GetTop ( );
    void PutTop (
        double pd );
    double GetWidth ( );
    void PutWidth (
        double pd );
    _variant_t GetAutoScaleFont ( );
    void PutAutoScaleFont (
        const _variant_t & pvar );
    IMsoChartFormatPtr GetFormat ( );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetRoundedCorners ( );
    void PutRoundedCorners (
        VARIANT_BOOL pval );
    IDispatchPtr GetApplication ( );
    long GetCreator ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Name (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * bstr ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Select (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pvar ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppParent ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Border (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMsoBorder * * ppborder ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Clear (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pvar ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ClearContents (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pvar ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Copy (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pvar ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Font (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct ChartFont * * ppfont ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Shadow (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pf ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Shadow (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pf ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ClearFormats (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pvar ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Height (
        /*[out,retval]*/ double * pd ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Height (
        /*[in]*/ double pd ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Interior (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMsoInterior * * ppinterior ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Fill (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct ChartFillFormat * * ppfill ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Left (
        /*[out,retval]*/ double * pd ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Left (
        /*[in]*/ double pd ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Top (
        /*[out,retval]*/ double * pd ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Top (
        /*[in]*/ double pd ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Width (
        /*[out,retval]*/ double * pd ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Width (
        /*[in]*/ double pd ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_AutoScaleFont (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pvar ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_AutoScaleFont (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT pvar ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Format (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMsoChartFormat * * ppChartFormat ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_RoundedCorners (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_RoundedCorners (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Creator (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * pval ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c1729-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
IMsoSeriesLines : IDispatch
    // Property data

    IMsoBorderPtr Border;
    IMsoChartFormatPtr Format;
    _bstr_t Name;
    IDispatchPtr Application;
    long Creator;
    IDispatchPtr Parent;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    _bstr_t GetName ( );
    _variant_t Select ( );
    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    IMsoBorderPtr GetBorder ( );
    _variant_t Delete ( );
    IMsoChartFormatPtr GetFormat ( );
    IDispatchPtr GetApplication ( );
    long GetCreator ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Name (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * bstr ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Select (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pvar ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppParent ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Border (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMsoBorder * * ppborder ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Delete (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pvar ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Format (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMsoChartFormat * * ppChartFormat ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Creator (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * pval ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c1723-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
IMsoLeaderLines : IDispatch
    // Property data

    IMsoBorderPtr Border;
    IMsoChartFormatPtr Format;
    IDispatchPtr Application;
    long Creator;
    IDispatchPtr Parent;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    HRESULT Select ( );
    IMsoBorderPtr GetBorder ( );
    HRESULT Delete ( );
    IMsoChartFormatPtr GetFormat ( );
    IDispatchPtr GetApplication ( );
    long GetCreator ( );
    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Select ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Border (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMsoBorder * * ppborder ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Delete ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Format (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMsoChartFormat * * ppChartFormat ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Creator (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * RHS ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c1725-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
GridLines : IDispatch
    // Property data

    IMsoBorderPtr Border;
    IMsoChartFormatPtr Format;
    _bstr_t Name;
    IDispatchPtr Application;
    long Creator;
    IDispatchPtr Parent;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    _bstr_t GetName ( );
    _variant_t Select ( );
    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    IMsoBorderPtr GetBorder ( );
    _variant_t Delete ( );
    IMsoChartFormatPtr GetFormat ( );
    IDispatchPtr GetApplication ( );
    long GetCreator ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Name (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * bstr ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Select (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pvar ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppParent ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Border (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMsoBorder * * ppborder ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Delete (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pvar ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Format (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMsoChartFormat * * ppChartFormat ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Creator (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * pval ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c172a-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
IMsoUpBars : IDispatch
    // Property data

    IMsoBorderPtr Border;
    IMsoInteriorPtr Interior;
    IMsoChartFormatPtr Format;
    _bstr_t Name;
    IDispatchPtr Application;
    long Creator;
    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    ChartFillFormatPtr Fill;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    _bstr_t GetName ( );
    _variant_t Select ( );
    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    IMsoBorderPtr GetBorder ( );
    _variant_t Delete ( );
    IMsoInteriorPtr GetInterior ( );
    ChartFillFormatPtr GetFill ( );
    IMsoChartFormatPtr GetFormat ( );
    IDispatchPtr GetApplication ( );
    long GetCreator ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Name (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * bstr ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Select (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pvar ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppParent ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Border (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMsoBorder * * ppborder ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Delete (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pvar ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Interior (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMsoInterior * * ppinterior ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Fill (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct ChartFillFormat * * ppfill ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Format (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMsoChartFormat * * ppChartFormat ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Creator (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * pval ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c172d-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
IMsoDownBars : IDispatch
    // Property data

    IMsoBorderPtr Border;
    IMsoInteriorPtr Interior;
    IMsoChartFormatPtr Format;
    _bstr_t Name;
    IDispatchPtr Application;
    long Creator;
    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    ChartFillFormatPtr Fill;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    _bstr_t GetName ( );
    _variant_t Select ( );
    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    IMsoBorderPtr GetBorder ( );
    _variant_t Delete ( );
    IMsoInteriorPtr GetInterior ( );
    ChartFillFormatPtr GetFill ( );
    IMsoChartFormatPtr GetFormat ( );
    IDispatchPtr GetApplication ( );
    long GetCreator ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Name (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * bstr ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Select (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pvar ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppParent ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Border (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMsoBorder * * ppborder ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Delete (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pvar ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Interior (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMsoInterior * * ppinterior ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Fill (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct ChartFillFormat * * ppfill ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Format (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMsoChartFormat * * ppChartFormat ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Creator (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * pval ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c171e-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
IMsoLegendKey : IDispatch
    // Property data

    VARIANT_BOOL InvertIfNegative;
    double PictureUnit2;
    long MarkerSize;
    VARIANT_BOOL Shadow;
    IDispatchPtr Application;
    long Creator;
    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    enum XlMarkerStyle MarkerStyle;
    long PictureType;
    double PictureUnit;
    VARIANT_BOOL Smooth;
    long MarkerBackgroundColor;
    enum XlColorIndex MarkerBackgroundColorIndex;
    long MarkerForegroundColor;
    enum XlColorIndex MarkerForegroundColorIndex;
    IMsoChartFormatPtr Format;
    double Width;
    double Height;
    double Left;
    IMsoBorderPtr Border;
    IMsoInteriorPtr Interior;
    double Top;
    ChartFillFormatPtr Fill;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    IMsoBorderPtr GetBorder ( );
    _variant_t ClearFormats ( );
    _variant_t Delete ( );
    IMsoInteriorPtr GetInterior ( );
    ChartFillFormatPtr GetFill ( );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetInvertIfNegative ( );
    void PutInvertIfNegative (
    long GetMarkerBackgroundColor ( );
    void PutMarkerBackgroundColor (
        long RHS );
    enum XlColorIndex GetMarkerBackgroundColorIndex ( );
    void PutMarkerBackgroundColorIndex (
        enum XlColorIndex RHS );
    long GetMarkerForegroundColor ( );
    void PutMarkerForegroundColor (
        long RHS );
    enum XlColorIndex GetMarkerForegroundColorIndex ( );
    void PutMarkerForegroundColorIndex (
        enum XlColorIndex RHS );
    long GetMarkerSize ( );
    void PutMarkerSize (
        long RHS );
    enum XlMarkerStyle GetMarkerStyle ( );
    void PutMarkerStyle (
        enum XlMarkerStyle RHS );
    long GetPictureType ( );
    void PutPictureType (
        long RHS );
    double GetPictureUnit ( );
    void PutPictureUnit (
        double RHS );
    _variant_t Select ( );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetSmooth ( );
    void PutSmooth (
    double GetLeft ( );
    double GetTop ( );
    double GetWidth ( );
    double GetHeight ( );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetShadow ( );
    void PutShadow (
    IMsoChartFormatPtr GetFormat ( );
    IDispatchPtr GetApplication ( );
    long GetCreator ( );
    double GetPictureUnit2 ( );
    void PutPictureUnit2 (
        double RHS );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Border (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMsoBorder * * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ClearFormats (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Delete (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Interior (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMsoInterior * * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Fill (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct ChartFillFormat * * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_InvertIfNegative (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_InvertIfNegative (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MarkerBackgroundColor (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_MarkerBackgroundColor (
        /*[in]*/ long RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MarkerBackgroundColorIndex (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum XlColorIndex * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_MarkerBackgroundColorIndex (
        /*[in]*/ enum XlColorIndex RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MarkerForegroundColor (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_MarkerForegroundColor (
        /*[in]*/ long RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MarkerForegroundColorIndex (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum XlColorIndex * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_MarkerForegroundColorIndex (
        /*[in]*/ enum XlColorIndex RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MarkerSize (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_MarkerSize (
        /*[in]*/ long RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MarkerStyle (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum XlMarkerStyle * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_MarkerStyle (
        /*[in]*/ enum XlMarkerStyle RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PictureType (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_PictureType (
        /*[in]*/ long RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PictureUnit (
        /*[out,retval]*/ double * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_PictureUnit (
        /*[in]*/ double RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Select (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Smooth (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Smooth (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Left (
        /*[out,retval]*/ double * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Top (
        /*[out,retval]*/ double * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Width (
        /*[out,retval]*/ double * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Height (
        /*[out,retval]*/ double * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Shadow (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Shadow (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Format (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMsoChartFormat * * ppChartFormat ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Creator (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PictureUnit2 (
        /*[out,retval]*/ double * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_PictureUnit2 (
        /*[in]*/ double RHS ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c171a-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
LegendEntry : IDispatch
    // Property data

    long Index;
    IMsoChartFormatPtr Format;
    IMsoLegendKeyPtr LegendKey;
    ChartFontPtr Font;
    IDispatchPtr Application;
    _variant_t AutoScaleFont;
    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    long Creator;
    double Width;
    double Height;
    double Top;
    double Left;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    _variant_t Delete ( );
    ChartFontPtr GetFont ( );
    long GetIndex ( );
    IMsoLegendKeyPtr GetLegendKey ( );
    _variant_t Select ( );
    _variant_t GetAutoScaleFont ( );
    void PutAutoScaleFont (
        const _variant_t & RHS );
    double GetLeft ( );
    double GetTop ( );
    double GetWidth ( );
    double GetHeight ( );
    IMsoChartFormatPtr GetFormat ( );
    IDispatchPtr GetApplication ( );
    long GetCreator ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Delete (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Font (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct ChartFont * * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Index (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_LegendKey (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMsoLegendKey * * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Select (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_AutoScaleFont (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_AutoScaleFont (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Left (
        /*[out,retval]*/ double * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Top (
        /*[out,retval]*/ double * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Width (
        /*[out,retval]*/ double * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Height (
        /*[out,retval]*/ double * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Format (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMsoChartFormat * * ppChartFormat ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Creator (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * pval ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c1719-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
LegendEntries : IDispatch
    // Property data

    LegendEntryPtr _Default[];
    IDispatchPtr Application;
    long Creator;
    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    long Count;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    long GetCount ( );
    LegendEntryPtr Item (
        const _variant_t & Index );
    IUnknownPtr _NewEnum ( );
    IDispatchPtr GetApplication ( );
    long GetCreator ( );
    LegendEntryPtr Get_Default (
        const _variant_t & Index );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Item (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Index,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct LegendEntry * * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw__NewEnum (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Creator (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__Default (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Index,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct LegendEntry * * RHS ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c1721-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
IMsoErrorBars : IDispatch
    // Property data

    IMsoBorderPtr Border;
    enum XlEndStyleCap EndStyle;
    IMsoChartFormatPtr Format;
    _bstr_t Name;
    IDispatchPtr Application;
    long Creator;
    IDispatchPtr Parent;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    _bstr_t GetName ( );
    _variant_t Select ( );
    IMsoBorderPtr GetBorder ( );
    _variant_t Delete ( );
    _variant_t ClearFormats ( );
    enum XlEndStyleCap GetEndStyle ( );
    void PutEndStyle (
        enum XlEndStyleCap RHS );
    IMsoChartFormatPtr GetFormat ( );
    IDispatchPtr GetApplication ( );
    long GetCreator ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Name (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Select (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Border (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMsoBorder * * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Delete (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ClearFormats (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_EndStyle (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum XlEndStyleCap * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_EndStyle (
        /*[in]*/ enum XlEndStyleCap RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Format (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMsoChartFormat * * ppChartFormat ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Creator (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * pval ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c170b-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
IMsoSeries : IDispatch
    // Property data

    VARIANT_BOOL HasLeaderLines;
    IMsoChartFormatPtr Format;
    _variant_t Values;
    VARIANT_BOOL Smooth;
    enum XlChartType ChartType;
    enum XlBarShape BarShape;
    long InvertColor;
    _bstr_t Formula;
    enum XlColorIndex InvertColorIndex;
    _bstr_t FormulaLocal;
    long Explosion;
    _bstr_t FormulaR1C1;
    _bstr_t FormulaR1C1Local;
    VARIANT_BOOL ApplyPictToSides;
    VARIANT_BOOL ApplyPictToFront;
    ChartFillFormatPtr Fill;
    _variant_t BubbleSizes;
    VARIANT_BOOL ApplyPictToEnd;
    long Type;
    VARIANT_BOOL Has3DEffect;
    _bstr_t Name;
    VARIANT_BOOL Shadow;
    IMsoLeaderLinesPtr LeaderLines;
    double PictureUnit2;
    long PlotColorIndex;
    _variant_t XValues;
    IMsoBorderPtr Border;
    IMsoInteriorPtr Interior;
    enum XlAxisGroup AxisGroup;
    VARIANT_BOOL InvertIfNegative;
    long PlotOrder;
    IDispatchPtr Application;
    long Creator;
    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    long MarkerSize;
    enum XlMarkerStyle MarkerStyle;
    long MarkerBackgroundColor;
    enum XlColorIndex MarkerBackgroundColorIndex;
    long MarkerForegroundColor;
    enum XlColorIndex MarkerForegroundColorIndex;
    IMsoErrorBarsPtr ErrorBars;
    VARIANT_BOOL HasDataLabels;
    VARIANT_BOOL HasErrorBars;
    enum XlChartPictureType PictureType;
    double PictureUnit;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    _variant_t _ApplyDataLabels (
        enum XlDataLabelsType Type,
        const _variant_t & IMsoLegendKey = vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & AutoText = vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & HasLeaderLines = vtMissing );
    enum XlAxisGroup GetAxisGroup ( );
    void PutAxisGroup (
        enum XlAxisGroup RHS );
    IMsoBorderPtr GetBorder ( );
    _variant_t ClearFormats ( );
    _variant_t Copy ( );
    IDispatchPtr DataLabels (
        const _variant_t & Index = vtMissing );
    _variant_t Delete ( );
    _variant_t ErrorBar (
        enum XlErrorBarDirection Direction,
        enum XlErrorBarInclude Include,
        enum XlErrorBarType Type,
        const _variant_t & Amount = vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & MinusValues = vtMissing );
    IMsoErrorBarsPtr GetErrorBars ( );
    long GetExplosion ( );
    void PutExplosion (
        long RHS );
    _bstr_t GetFormula ( );
    void PutFormula (
        _bstr_t RHS );
    _bstr_t GetFormulaLocal ( );
    void PutFormulaLocal (
        _bstr_t RHS );
    _bstr_t GetFormulaR1C1 ( );
    void PutFormulaR1C1 (
        _bstr_t RHS );
    _bstr_t GetFormulaR1C1Local ( );
    void PutFormulaR1C1Local (
        _bstr_t RHS );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetHasDataLabels ( );
    void PutHasDataLabels (
    VARIANT_BOOL GetHasErrorBars ( );
    void PutHasErrorBars (
    IMsoInteriorPtr GetInterior ( );
    ChartFillFormatPtr GetFill ( );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetInvertIfNegative ( );
    void PutInvertIfNegative (
    long GetMarkerBackgroundColor ( );
    void PutMarkerBackgroundColor (
        long RHS );
    enum XlColorIndex GetMarkerBackgroundColorIndex ( );
    void PutMarkerBackgroundColorIndex (
        enum XlColorIndex RHS );
    long GetMarkerForegroundColor ( );
    void PutMarkerForegroundColor (
        long RHS );
    enum XlColorIndex GetMarkerForegroundColorIndex ( );
    void PutMarkerForegroundColorIndex (
        enum XlColorIndex RHS );
    long GetMarkerSize ( );
    void PutMarkerSize (
        long RHS );
    enum XlMarkerStyle GetMarkerStyle ( );
    void PutMarkerStyle (
        enum XlMarkerStyle RHS );
    _bstr_t GetName ( );
    void PutName (
        _bstr_t RHS );
    _variant_t Paste ( );
    enum XlChartPictureType GetPictureType ( );
    void PutPictureType (
        enum XlChartPictureType RHS );
    double GetPictureUnit ( );
    void PutPictureUnit (
        double RHS );
    long GetPlotOrder ( );
    void PutPlotOrder (
        long RHS );
    IDispatchPtr Points (
        const _variant_t & Index = vtMissing );
    _variant_t Select ( );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetSmooth ( );
    void PutSmooth (
    IDispatchPtr Trendlines (
        const _variant_t & Index = vtMissing );
    long GetType ( );
    void PutType (
        long RHS );
    enum XlChartType GetChartType ( );
    void PutChartType (
        enum XlChartType RHS );
    HRESULT ApplyCustomType (
        enum XlChartType ChartType );
    _variant_t GetValues ( );
    void PutValues (
        const _variant_t & RHS );
    _variant_t GetXValues ( );
    void PutXValues (
        const _variant_t & RHS );
    _variant_t GetBubbleSizes ( );
    void PutBubbleSizes (
        const _variant_t & RHS );
    enum XlBarShape GetBarShape ( );
    void PutBarShape (
        enum XlBarShape RHS );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetApplyPictToSides ( );
    void PutApplyPictToSides (
    VARIANT_BOOL GetApplyPictToFront ( );
    void PutApplyPictToFront (
    VARIANT_BOOL GetApplyPictToEnd ( );
    void PutApplyPictToEnd (
    VARIANT_BOOL GetHas3DEffect ( );
    void PutHas3DEffect (
    VARIANT_BOOL GetShadow ( );
    void PutShadow (
    VARIANT_BOOL GetHasLeaderLines ( );
    void PutHasLeaderLines (
    IMsoLeaderLinesPtr GetLeaderLines ( );
    _variant_t ApplyDataLabels (
        enum XlDataLabelsType Type,
        const _variant_t & IMsoLegendKey = vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & AutoText = vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & HasLeaderLines = vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & ShowSeriesName = vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & ShowCategoryName = vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & ShowValue = vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & ShowPercentage = vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & ShowBubbleSize = vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & Separator = vtMissing );
    IMsoChartFormatPtr GetFormat ( );
    IDispatchPtr GetApplication ( );
    long GetCreator ( );
    double GetPictureUnit2 ( );
    void PutPictureUnit2 (
        double RHS );
    long GetPlotColorIndex ( );
    long GetInvertColor ( );
    void PutInvertColor (
        long RHS );
    enum XlColorIndex GetInvertColorIndex ( );
    void PutInvertColorIndex (
        enum XlColorIndex RHS );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw__ApplyDataLabels (
        /*[in]*/ enum XlDataLabelsType Type,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT IMsoLegendKey,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT AutoText,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT HasLeaderLines,
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_AxisGroup (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum XlAxisGroup * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_AxisGroup (
        /*[in]*/ enum XlAxisGroup RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Border (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMsoBorder * * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ClearFormats (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Copy (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_DataLabels (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Index,
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Delete (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ErrorBar (
        /*[in]*/ enum XlErrorBarDirection Direction,
        /*[in]*/ enum XlErrorBarInclude Include,
        /*[in]*/ enum XlErrorBarType Type,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Amount,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT MinusValues,
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ErrorBars (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMsoErrorBars * * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Explosion (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Explosion (
        /*[in]*/ long RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Formula (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Formula (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FormulaLocal (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_FormulaLocal (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FormulaR1C1 (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_FormulaR1C1 (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FormulaR1C1Local (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_FormulaR1C1Local (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_HasDataLabels (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_HasDataLabels (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_HasErrorBars (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_HasErrorBars (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Interior (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMsoInterior * * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Fill (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct ChartFillFormat * * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_InvertIfNegative (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_InvertIfNegative (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MarkerBackgroundColor (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_MarkerBackgroundColor (
        /*[in]*/ long RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MarkerBackgroundColorIndex (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum XlColorIndex * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_MarkerBackgroundColorIndex (
        /*[in]*/ enum XlColorIndex RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MarkerForegroundColor (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_MarkerForegroundColor (
        /*[in]*/ long RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MarkerForegroundColorIndex (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum XlColorIndex * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_MarkerForegroundColorIndex (
        /*[in]*/ enum XlColorIndex RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MarkerSize (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_MarkerSize (
        /*[in]*/ long RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MarkerStyle (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum XlMarkerStyle * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_MarkerStyle (
        /*[in]*/ enum XlMarkerStyle RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Name (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Name (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Paste (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PictureType (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum XlChartPictureType * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_PictureType (
        /*[in]*/ enum XlChartPictureType RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PictureUnit (
        /*[out,retval]*/ double * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_PictureUnit (
        /*[in]*/ double RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PlotOrder (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_PlotOrder (
        /*[in]*/ long RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Points (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Index,
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Select (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Smooth (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Smooth (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Trendlines (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Index,
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Type (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Type (
        /*[in]*/ long RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ChartType (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum XlChartType * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ChartType (
        /*[in]*/ enum XlChartType RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ApplyCustomType (
        /*[in]*/ enum XlChartType ChartType ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Values (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Values (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_XValues (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_XValues (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_BubbleSizes (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_BubbleSizes (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_BarShape (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum XlBarShape * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_BarShape (
        /*[in]*/ enum XlBarShape RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ApplyPictToSides (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ApplyPictToSides (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ApplyPictToFront (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ApplyPictToFront (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ApplyPictToEnd (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ApplyPictToEnd (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Has3DEffect (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Has3DEffect (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Shadow (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Shadow (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_HasLeaderLines (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_HasLeaderLines (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_LeaderLines (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMsoLeaderLines * * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ApplyDataLabels (
        /*[in]*/ enum XlDataLabelsType Type,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT IMsoLegendKey,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT AutoText,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT HasLeaderLines,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT ShowSeriesName,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT ShowCategoryName,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT ShowValue,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT ShowPercentage,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT ShowBubbleSize,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Separator,
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Format (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMsoChartFormat * * ppChartFormat ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Creator (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PictureUnit2 (
        /*[out,retval]*/ double * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_PictureUnit2 (
        /*[in]*/ double RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PlotColorIndex (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_InvertColor (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_InvertColor (
        /*[in]*/ long RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_InvertColorIndex (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum XlColorIndex * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_InvertColorIndex (
        /*[in]*/ enum XlColorIndex RHS ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c170a-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
SeriesCollection : IDispatch
    // Property data

    IMsoSeriesPtr _Default[];
    IDispatchPtr Application;
    long Creator;
    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    long Count;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    IMsoSeriesPtr Add (
        const _variant_t & Source,
        enum XlRowCol Rowcol,
        const _variant_t & SeriesLabels = vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & CategoryLabels = vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & Replace = vtMissing );
    long GetCount ( );
    _variant_t Extend (
        const _variant_t & Source,
        const _variant_t & Rowcol = vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & CategoryLabels = vtMissing );
    IMsoSeriesPtr Item (
        const _variant_t & Index );
    IUnknownPtr _NewEnum ( );
    _variant_t Paste (
        enum XlRowCol Rowcol,
        const _variant_t & SeriesLabels = vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & CategoryLabels = vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & Replace = vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & NewSeries = vtMissing );
    IMsoSeriesPtr NewSeries ( );
    IDispatchPtr GetApplication ( );
    long GetCreator ( );
    IMsoSeriesPtr Get_Default (
        const _variant_t & Index );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Add (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Source,
        /*[in]*/ enum XlRowCol Rowcol,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT SeriesLabels,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT CategoryLabels,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Replace,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMsoSeries * * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Extend (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Source,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Rowcol,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT CategoryLabels,
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Item (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Index,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMsoSeries * * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw__NewEnum (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Paste (
        /*[in]*/ enum XlRowCol Rowcol,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT SeriesLabels,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT CategoryLabels,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Replace,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT NewSeries,
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_NewSeries (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMsoSeries * * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Creator (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__Default (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Index,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMsoSeries * * RHS ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c1720-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
IMsoDataLabel : IDispatch
    // Property data

    IMsoCharactersPtr Characters[][];
    double Top;
    double Left;
    IMsoBorderPtr Border;
    IMsoInteriorPtr Interior;
    enum XlDataLabelPosition Position;
    _variant_t Orientation;
    VARIANT_BOOL AutoText;
    _variant_t HorizontalAlignment;
    _variant_t VerticalAlignment;
    _bstr_t Text;
    _bstr_t Caption;
    long ReadingOrder;
    _bstr_t NumberFormat;
    VARIANT_BOOL NumberFormatLinked;
    _variant_t NumberFormatLocal;
    _variant_t AutoScaleFont;
    ChartFontPtr Font;
    IDispatchPtr Application;
    long Creator;
    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    VARIANT_BOOL ShowSeriesName;
    VARIANT_BOOL ShowCategoryName;
    VARIANT_BOOL ShowValue;
    VARIANT_BOOL ShowPercentage;
    VARIANT_BOOL ShowBubbleSize;
    _variant_t Separator;
    VARIANT_BOOL Shadow;
    _variant_t Type;
    _bstr_t Name;
    ChartFillFormatPtr Fill;
    VARIANT_BOOL ShowLegendKey;
    double Width;
    _bstr_t Formula;
    IMsoChartFormatPtr Format;
    double Height;
    _bstr_t FormulaR1C1;
    _bstr_t FormulaLocal;
    _bstr_t FormulaR1C1Local;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    _bstr_t GetName ( );
    _variant_t Select ( );
    IMsoBorderPtr GetBorder ( );
    _variant_t Delete ( );
    IMsoInteriorPtr GetInterior ( );
    ChartFillFormatPtr GetFill ( );
    _bstr_t GetCaption ( );
    void PutCaption (
        _bstr_t RHS );
    IMsoCharactersPtr GetCharacters (
        const _variant_t & Start = vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & Length = vtMissing );
    ChartFontPtr GetFont ( );
    _variant_t GetHorizontalAlignment ( );
    void PutHorizontalAlignment (
        const _variant_t & RHS );
    double GetLeft ( );
    void PutLeft (
        double RHS );
    _variant_t GetOrientation ( );
    void PutOrientation (
        const _variant_t & RHS );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetShadow ( );
    void PutShadow (
    _bstr_t GetText ( );
    void PutText (
        _bstr_t RHS );
    double GetTop ( );
    void PutTop (
        double RHS );
    _variant_t GetVerticalAlignment ( );
    void PutVerticalAlignment (
        const _variant_t & RHS );
    long GetReadingOrder ( );
    void PutReadingOrder (
        long RHS );
    _variant_t GetAutoScaleFont ( );
    void PutAutoScaleFont (
        const _variant_t & RHS );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetAutoText ( );
    void PutAutoText (
    _bstr_t GetNumberFormat ( );
    void PutNumberFormat (
        _bstr_t RHS );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetNumberFormatLinked ( );
    void PutNumberFormatLinked (
    _variant_t GetNumberFormatLocal ( );
    void PutNumberFormatLocal (
        const _variant_t & RHS );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetShowLegendKey ( );
    void PutShowLegendKey (
    _variant_t GetType ( );
    void PutType (
        const _variant_t & RHS );
    enum XlDataLabelPosition GetPosition ( );
    void PutPosition (
        enum XlDataLabelPosition RHS );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetShowSeriesName ( );
    void PutShowSeriesName (
    VARIANT_BOOL GetShowCategoryName ( );
    void PutShowCategoryName (
    VARIANT_BOOL GetShowValue ( );
    void PutShowValue (
    VARIANT_BOOL GetShowPercentage ( );
    void PutShowPercentage (
    VARIANT_BOOL GetShowBubbleSize ( );
    void PutShowBubbleSize (
    _variant_t GetSeparator ( );
    void PutSeparator (
        const _variant_t & RHS );
    IMsoChartFormatPtr GetFormat ( );
    double GetHeight ( );
    IDispatchPtr GetApplication ( );
    long GetCreator ( );
    double GetWidth ( );
    void PutFormula (
        _bstr_t pbstr );
    _bstr_t GetFormula ( );
    void PutFormulaR1C1 (
        _bstr_t pbstr );
    _bstr_t GetFormulaR1C1 ( );
    void PutFormulaLocal (
        _bstr_t pbstr );
    _bstr_t GetFormulaLocal ( );
    void PutFormulaR1C1Local (
        _bstr_t pbstr );
    _bstr_t GetFormulaR1C1Local ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Name (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Select (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Border (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMsoBorder * * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Delete (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Interior (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMsoInterior * * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Fill (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct ChartFillFormat * * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Caption (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Caption (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Characters (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Start,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Length,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMsoCharacters * * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Font (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct ChartFont * * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_HorizontalAlignment (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_HorizontalAlignment (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Left (
        /*[out,retval]*/ double * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Left (
        /*[in]*/ double RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Orientation (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Orientation (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Shadow (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Shadow (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Text (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Text (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Top (
        /*[out,retval]*/ double * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Top (
        /*[in]*/ double RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_VerticalAlignment (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_VerticalAlignment (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ReadingOrder (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ReadingOrder (
        /*[in]*/ long RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_AutoScaleFont (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_AutoScaleFont (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_AutoText (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_AutoText (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_NumberFormat (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_NumberFormat (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_NumberFormatLinked (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_NumberFormatLinked (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_NumberFormatLocal (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_NumberFormatLocal (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ShowLegendKey (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ShowLegendKey (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Type (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Type (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Position (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum XlDataLabelPosition * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Position (
        /*[in]*/ enum XlDataLabelPosition RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ShowSeriesName (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ShowSeriesName (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ShowCategoryName (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ShowCategoryName (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ShowValue (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ShowValue (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ShowPercentage (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ShowPercentage (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ShowBubbleSize (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ShowBubbleSize (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Separator (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Separator (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Format (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMsoChartFormat * * ppChartFormat ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Height (
        /*[out,retval]*/ double * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Creator (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Width (
        /*[out,retval]*/ double * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Formula (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR pbstr ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Formula (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstr ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_FormulaR1C1 (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR pbstr ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FormulaR1C1 (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstr ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_FormulaLocal (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR pbstr ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FormulaLocal (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstr ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_FormulaR1C1Local (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR pbstr ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FormulaR1C1Local (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstr ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c170e-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
IMsoTrendline : IDispatch
    // Property data

    IMsoBorderPtr Border;
    double Forward;
    long Order;
    IMsoChartFormatPtr Format;
    double Backward2;
    double Forward2;
    long Index;
    enum XlTrendlineType Type;
    _bstr_t Name;
    IDispatchPtr Application;
    long Creator;
    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    long Period;
    double Backward;
    double Intercept;
    VARIANT_BOOL InterceptIsAuto;
    VARIANT_BOOL NameIsAuto;
    VARIANT_BOOL DisplayRSquared;
    IMsoDataLabelPtr DataLabel;
    VARIANT_BOOL DisplayEquation;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    double GetBackward ( );
    void PutBackward (
        double RHS );
    IMsoBorderPtr GetBorder ( );
    _variant_t ClearFormats ( );
    IMsoDataLabelPtr GetDataLabel ( );
    _variant_t Delete ( );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetDisplayEquation ( );
    void PutDisplayEquation (
    VARIANT_BOOL GetDisplayRSquared ( );
    void PutDisplayRSquared (
    double GetForward ( );
    void PutForward (
        double RHS );
    long GetIndex ( );
    double GetIntercept ( );
    void PutIntercept (
        double RHS );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetInterceptIsAuto ( );
    void PutInterceptIsAuto (
    _bstr_t GetName ( );
    void PutName (
        _bstr_t RHS );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetNameIsAuto ( );
    void PutNameIsAuto (
    long GetOrder ( );
    void PutOrder (
        long RHS );
    long GetPeriod ( );
    void PutPeriod (
        long RHS );
    _variant_t Select ( );
    enum XlTrendlineType GetType ( );
    void PutType (
        enum XlTrendlineType RHS );
    IMsoChartFormatPtr GetFormat ( );
    IDispatchPtr GetApplication ( );
    long GetCreator ( );
    double GetBackward2 ( );
    void PutBackward2 (
        double RHS );
    double GetForward2 ( );
    void PutForward2 (
        double RHS );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Backward (
        /*[out,retval]*/ double * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Backward (
        /*[in]*/ double RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Border (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMsoBorder * * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ClearFormats (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DataLabel (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMsoDataLabel * * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Delete (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DisplayEquation (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_DisplayEquation (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DisplayRSquared (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_DisplayRSquared (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Forward (
        /*[out,retval]*/ double * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Forward (
        /*[in]*/ double RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Index (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Intercept (
        /*[out,retval]*/ double * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Intercept (
        /*[in]*/ double RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_InterceptIsAuto (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_InterceptIsAuto (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Name (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Name (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_NameIsAuto (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_NameIsAuto (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Order (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Order (
        /*[in]*/ long RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Period (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Period (
        /*[in]*/ long RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Select (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Type (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum XlTrendlineType * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Type (
        /*[in]*/ enum XlTrendlineType RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Format (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMsoChartFormat * * ppChartFormat ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Creator (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Backward2 (
        /*[out,retval]*/ double * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Backward2 (
        /*[in]*/ double RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Forward2 (
        /*[out,retval]*/ double * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Forward2 (
        /*[in]*/ double RHS ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c1722-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
Trendlines : IDispatch
    // Property data

    IMsoTrendlinePtr _Default[];
    IDispatchPtr Application;
    long Creator;
    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    long Count;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    IMsoTrendlinePtr Add (
        enum XlTrendlineType Type,
        const _variant_t & Order = vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & Period = vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & Forward = vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & Backward = vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & Intercept = vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & DisplayEquation = vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & DisplayRSquared = vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & Name = vtMissing );
    long GetCount ( );
    IMsoTrendlinePtr Item (
        const _variant_t & Index = vtMissing );
    IUnknownPtr _NewEnum ( );
    IDispatchPtr GetApplication ( );
    long GetCreator ( );
    IMsoTrendlinePtr Get_Default (
        const _variant_t & Index = vtMissing );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Add (
        /*[in]*/ enum XlTrendlineType Type,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Order,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Period,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Forward,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Backward,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Intercept,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT DisplayEquation,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT DisplayRSquared,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Name,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMsoTrendline * * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Item (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Index,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMsoTrendline * * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw__NewEnum (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Creator (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__Default (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Index,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMsoTrendline * * RHS ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c171f-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
IMsoDataLabels : IDispatch
    // Property data

    IMsoDataLabelPtr _Default[];
    IMsoCharactersPtr Characters[][];
    IMsoBorderPtr Border;
    IMsoInteriorPtr Interior;
    enum XlDataLabelPosition Position;
    _variant_t Orientation;
    VARIANT_BOOL AutoText;
    _variant_t HorizontalAlignment;
    _variant_t VerticalAlignment;
    long ReadingOrder;
    _bstr_t NumberFormat;
    VARIANT_BOOL NumberFormatLinked;
    _variant_t NumberFormatLocal;
    _variant_t AutoScaleFont;
    ChartFontPtr Font;
    IDispatchPtr Application;
    long Creator;
    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    VARIANT_BOOL ShowSeriesName;
    VARIANT_BOOL ShowCategoryName;
    VARIANT_BOOL ShowValue;
    VARIANT_BOOL ShowPercentage;
    VARIANT_BOOL ShowBubbleSize;
    _variant_t Separator;
    VARIANT_BOOL Shadow;
    _variant_t Type;
    IMsoChartFormatPtr Format;
    _bstr_t Name;
    ChartFillFormatPtr Fill;
    VARIANT_BOOL ShowLegendKey;
    long Count;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    _bstr_t GetName ( );
    _variant_t Select ( );
    IMsoBorderPtr GetBorder ( );
    _variant_t Delete ( );
    IMsoInteriorPtr GetInterior ( );
    ChartFillFormatPtr GetFill ( );
    IMsoCharactersPtr GetCharacters (
        const _variant_t & Start = vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & Length = vtMissing );
    ChartFontPtr GetFont ( );
    _variant_t GetHorizontalAlignment ( );
    void PutHorizontalAlignment (
        const _variant_t & RHS );
    _variant_t GetOrientation ( );
    void PutOrientation (
        const _variant_t & RHS );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetShadow ( );
    void PutShadow (
    _variant_t GetVerticalAlignment ( );
    void PutVerticalAlignment (
        const _variant_t & RHS );
    long GetReadingOrder ( );
    void PutReadingOrder (
        long RHS );
    _variant_t GetAutoScaleFont ( );
    void PutAutoScaleFont (
        const _variant_t & RHS );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetAutoText ( );
    void PutAutoText (
    _bstr_t GetNumberFormat ( );
    void PutNumberFormat (
        _bstr_t RHS );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetNumberFormatLinked ( );
    void PutNumberFormatLinked (
    _variant_t GetNumberFormatLocal ( );
    void PutNumberFormatLocal (
        const _variant_t & RHS );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetShowLegendKey ( );
    void PutShowLegendKey (
    _variant_t GetType ( );
    void PutType (
        const _variant_t & RHS );
    enum XlDataLabelPosition GetPosition ( );
    void PutPosition (
        enum XlDataLabelPosition RHS );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetShowSeriesName ( );
    void PutShowSeriesName (
    VARIANT_BOOL GetShowCategoryName ( );
    void PutShowCategoryName (
    VARIANT_BOOL GetShowValue ( );
    void PutShowValue (
    VARIANT_BOOL GetShowPercentage ( );
    void PutShowPercentage (
    VARIANT_BOOL GetShowBubbleSize ( );
    void PutShowBubbleSize (
    _variant_t GetSeparator ( );
    void PutSeparator (
        const _variant_t & RHS );
    long GetCount ( );
    IMsoDataLabelPtr Item (
        const _variant_t & Index );
    IUnknownPtr _NewEnum ( );
    IMsoChartFormatPtr GetFormat ( );
    IDispatchPtr GetApplication ( );
    long GetCreator ( );
    IMsoDataLabelPtr Get_Default (
        const _variant_t & Index );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Name (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Select (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Border (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMsoBorder * * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Delete (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Interior (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMsoInterior * * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Fill (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct ChartFillFormat * * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Characters (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Start,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Length,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMsoCharacters * * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Font (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct ChartFont * * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_HorizontalAlignment (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_HorizontalAlignment (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Orientation (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Orientation (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Shadow (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Shadow (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_VerticalAlignment (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_VerticalAlignment (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ReadingOrder (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ReadingOrder (
        /*[in]*/ long RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_AutoScaleFont (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_AutoScaleFont (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_AutoText (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_AutoText (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_NumberFormat (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_NumberFormat (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_NumberFormatLinked (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_NumberFormatLinked (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_NumberFormatLocal (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_NumberFormatLocal (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ShowLegendKey (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ShowLegendKey (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Type (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Type (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Position (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum XlDataLabelPosition * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Position (
        /*[in]*/ enum XlDataLabelPosition RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ShowSeriesName (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ShowSeriesName (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ShowCategoryName (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ShowCategoryName (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ShowValue (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ShowValue (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ShowPercentage (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ShowPercentage (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ShowBubbleSize (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ShowBubbleSize (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Separator (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Separator (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Item (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Index,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMsoDataLabel * * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw__NewEnum (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Format (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMsoChartFormat * * ppChartFormat ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Creator (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__Default (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Index,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMsoDataLabel * * RHS ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c170c-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
ChartPoint : IDispatch
    // Property data

    long Explosion;
    IMsoBorderPtr Border;
    double PictureUnit2;
    IMsoInteriorPtr Interior;
    _bstr_t Name;
    VARIANT_BOOL InvertIfNegative;
    double Height;
    double Width;
    double Left;
    enum XlMarkerStyle MarkerStyle;
    long MarkerBackgroundColor;
    enum XlColorIndex MarkerBackgroundColorIndex;
    long MarkerForegroundColor;
    enum XlColorIndex MarkerForegroundColorIndex;
    VARIANT_BOOL HasDataLabel;
    double Top;
    IDispatchPtr Application;
    long Creator;
    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    IMsoDataLabelPtr DataLabel;
    VARIANT_BOOL ApplyPictToSides;
    VARIANT_BOOL ApplyPictToFront;
    enum XlChartPictureType PictureType;
    double PictureUnit;
    VARIANT_BOOL Shadow;
    ChartFillFormatPtr Fill;
    VARIANT_BOOL Has3DEffect;
    IMsoChartFormatPtr Format;
    VARIANT_BOOL ApplyPictToEnd;
    VARIANT_BOOL SecondaryPlot;
    long MarkerSize;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    _variant_t _ApplyDataLabels (
        enum XlDataLabelsType Type,
        const _variant_t & IMsoLegendKey = vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & AutoText = vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & HasLeaderLines = vtMissing );
    IMsoBorderPtr GetBorder ( );
    _variant_t ClearFormats ( );
    _variant_t Copy ( );
    IMsoDataLabelPtr GetDataLabel ( );
    _variant_t Delete ( );
    long GetExplosion ( );
    void PutExplosion (
        long RHS );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetHasDataLabel ( );
    void PutHasDataLabel (
    IMsoInteriorPtr GetInterior ( );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetInvertIfNegative ( );
    void PutInvertIfNegative (
    long GetMarkerBackgroundColor ( );
    void PutMarkerBackgroundColor (
        long RHS );
    enum XlColorIndex GetMarkerBackgroundColorIndex ( );
    void PutMarkerBackgroundColorIndex (
        enum XlColorIndex RHS );
    long GetMarkerForegroundColor ( );
    void PutMarkerForegroundColor (
        long RHS );
    enum XlColorIndex GetMarkerForegroundColorIndex ( );
    void PutMarkerForegroundColorIndex (
        enum XlColorIndex RHS );
    long GetMarkerSize ( );
    void PutMarkerSize (
        long RHS );
    enum XlMarkerStyle GetMarkerStyle ( );
    void PutMarkerStyle (
        enum XlMarkerStyle RHS );
    _variant_t Paste ( );
    enum XlChartPictureType GetPictureType ( );
    void PutPictureType (
        enum XlChartPictureType RHS );
    double GetPictureUnit ( );
    void PutPictureUnit (
        double RHS );
    _variant_t Select ( );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetApplyPictToSides ( );
    void PutApplyPictToSides (
    VARIANT_BOOL GetApplyPictToFront ( );
    void PutApplyPictToFront (
    VARIANT_BOOL GetApplyPictToEnd ( );
    void PutApplyPictToEnd (
    VARIANT_BOOL GetShadow ( );
    void PutShadow (
    VARIANT_BOOL GetSecondaryPlot ( );
    void PutSecondaryPlot (
    ChartFillFormatPtr GetFill ( );
    _variant_t ApplyDataLabels (
        enum XlDataLabelsType Type,
        const _variant_t & IMsoLegendKey = vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & AutoText = vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & HasLeaderLines = vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & ShowSeriesName = vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & ShowCategoryName = vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & ShowValue = vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & ShowPercentage = vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & ShowBubbleSize = vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & Separator = vtMissing );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetHas3DEffect ( );
    void PutHas3DEffect (
    IMsoChartFormatPtr GetFormat ( );
    IDispatchPtr GetApplication ( );
    long GetCreator ( );
    double GetPictureUnit2 ( );
    void PutPictureUnit2 (
        double RHS );
    _bstr_t GetName ( );
    double GetHeight ( );
    double GetWidth ( );
    double GetLeft ( );
    double GetTop ( );
    double PieSliceLocation (
        enum XlPieSliceLocation loc,
        enum XlPieSliceIndex Index );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw__ApplyDataLabels (
        /*[in]*/ enum XlDataLabelsType Type,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT IMsoLegendKey,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT AutoText,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT HasLeaderLines,
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Border (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMsoBorder * * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ClearFormats (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Copy (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DataLabel (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMsoDataLabel * * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Delete (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Explosion (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Explosion (
        /*[in]*/ long RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_HasDataLabel (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_HasDataLabel (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Interior (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMsoInterior * * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_InvertIfNegative (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_InvertIfNegative (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MarkerBackgroundColor (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_MarkerBackgroundColor (
        /*[in]*/ long RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MarkerBackgroundColorIndex (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum XlColorIndex * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_MarkerBackgroundColorIndex (
        /*[in]*/ enum XlColorIndex RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MarkerForegroundColor (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_MarkerForegroundColor (
        /*[in]*/ long RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MarkerForegroundColorIndex (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum XlColorIndex * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_MarkerForegroundColorIndex (
        /*[in]*/ enum XlColorIndex RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MarkerSize (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_MarkerSize (
        /*[in]*/ long RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MarkerStyle (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum XlMarkerStyle * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_MarkerStyle (
        /*[in]*/ enum XlMarkerStyle RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Paste (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PictureType (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum XlChartPictureType * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_PictureType (
        /*[in]*/ enum XlChartPictureType RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PictureUnit (
        /*[out,retval]*/ double * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_PictureUnit (
        /*[in]*/ double RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Select (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ApplyPictToSides (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ApplyPictToSides (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ApplyPictToFront (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ApplyPictToFront (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ApplyPictToEnd (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ApplyPictToEnd (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Shadow (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Shadow (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SecondaryPlot (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_SecondaryPlot (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Fill (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct ChartFillFormat * * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ApplyDataLabels (
        /*[in]*/ enum XlDataLabelsType Type,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT IMsoLegendKey,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT AutoText,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT HasLeaderLines,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT ShowSeriesName,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT ShowCategoryName,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT ShowValue,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT ShowPercentage,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT ShowBubbleSize,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Separator,
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Has3DEffect (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Has3DEffect (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Format (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMsoChartFormat * * ppChartFormat ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Creator (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PictureUnit2 (
        /*[out,retval]*/ double * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_PictureUnit2 (
        /*[in]*/ double RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Name (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Height (
        /*[out,retval]*/ double * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Width (
        /*[out,retval]*/ double * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Left (
        /*[out,retval]*/ double * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Top (
        /*[out,retval]*/ double * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_PieSliceLocation (
        /*[in]*/ enum XlPieSliceLocation loc,
        /*[in]*/ enum XlPieSliceIndex Index,
        /*[out,retval]*/ double * pval ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c170d-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
Points : IDispatch
    // Property data

    ChartPointPtr _Default[];
    IDispatchPtr Application;
    long Creator;
    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    long Count;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    long GetCount ( );
    ChartPointPtr Item (
        long Index );
    IUnknownPtr _NewEnum ( );
    IDispatchPtr GetApplication ( );
    long GetCreator ( );
    ChartPointPtr Get_Default (
        long Index );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Item (
        /*[in]*/ long Index,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct ChartPoint * * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw__NewEnum (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Creator (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__Default (
        /*[in]*/ long Index,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct ChartPoint * * RHS ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c1711-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
IMsoDataTable : IDispatch
    // Property data

    VARIANT_BOOL ShowLegendKey;
    VARIANT_BOOL HasBorderHorizontal;
    VARIANT_BOOL HasBorderVertical;
    VARIANT_BOOL HasBorderOutline;
    IMsoBorderPtr Border;
    ChartFontPtr Font;
    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    _variant_t AutoScaleFont;
    IMsoChartFormatPtr Format;
    IDispatchPtr Application;
    long Creator;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    void PutShowLegendKey (
        VARIANT_BOOL pfVisible );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetShowLegendKey ( );
    void PutHasBorderHorizontal (
        VARIANT_BOOL pfVisible );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetHasBorderHorizontal ( );
    void PutHasBorderVertical (
        VARIANT_BOOL pfVisible );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetHasBorderVertical ( );
    void PutHasBorderOutline (
        VARIANT_BOOL pfVisible );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetHasBorderOutline ( );
    IMsoBorderPtr GetBorder ( );
    ChartFontPtr GetFont ( );
    HRESULT Select ( );
    HRESULT Delete ( );
    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    _variant_t GetAutoScaleFont ( );
    void PutAutoScaleFont (
        const _variant_t & RHS );
    IMsoChartFormatPtr GetFormat ( );
    IDispatchPtr GetApplication ( );
    long GetCreator ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ShowLegendKey (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pfVisible ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ShowLegendKey (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pfVisible ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_HasBorderHorizontal (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pfVisible ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_HasBorderHorizontal (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pfVisible ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_HasBorderVertical (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pfVisible ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_HasBorderVertical (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pfVisible ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_HasBorderOutline (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pfVisible ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_HasBorderOutline (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pfVisible ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Border (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMsoBorder * * ppline ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Font (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct ChartFont * * pfont ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Select ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Delete ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_AutoScaleFont (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_AutoScaleFont (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Format (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMsoChartFormat * * ppChartFormat ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Creator (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * pval ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c170f-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
IMsoChartTitle : IDispatch
    // Property data

    _bstr_t Caption;
    _bstr_t FormulaLocal;
    IMsoCharactersPtr Characters[][];
    ChartFontPtr Font;
    _variant_t HorizontalAlignment;
    _bstr_t FormulaR1C1Local;
    double Left;
    _variant_t Orientation;
    VARIANT_BOOL Shadow;
    _bstr_t Text;
    double Top;
    _variant_t VerticalAlignment;
    IDispatchPtr Application;
    int ReadingOrder;
    long Creator;
    _variant_t AutoScaleFont;
    IMsoInteriorPtr Interior;
    ChartFillFormatPtr Fill;
    IMsoBorderPtr Border;
    _bstr_t Name;
    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    IMsoChartFormatPtr Format;
    double Height;
    double Width;
    _bstr_t Formula;
    _bstr_t FormulaR1C1;
    VARIANT_BOOL IncludeInLayout;
    enum XlChartElementPosition Position;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    void PutCaption (
        _bstr_t pbstr );
    _bstr_t GetCaption ( );
    IMsoCharactersPtr GetCharacters (
        const _variant_t & Start = vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & Length = vtMissing );
    ChartFontPtr GetFont ( );
    void PutHorizontalAlignment (
        const _variant_t & Val );
    _variant_t GetHorizontalAlignment ( );
    double GetLeft ( );
    void PutLeft (
        double pval );
    void PutOrientation (
        const _variant_t & Val );
    _variant_t GetOrientation ( );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetShadow ( );
    void PutShadow (
        VARIANT_BOOL pval );
    void PutText (
        _bstr_t pbstr );
    _bstr_t GetText ( );
    double GetTop ( );
    void PutTop (
        double pval );
    void PutVerticalAlignment (
        const _variant_t & Val );
    _variant_t GetVerticalAlignment ( );
    int GetReadingOrder ( );
    void PutReadingOrder (
        int pval );
    void PutAutoScaleFont (
        const _variant_t & Val );
    _variant_t GetAutoScaleFont ( );
    IMsoInteriorPtr GetInterior ( );
    ChartFillFormatPtr GetFill ( );
    _variant_t Delete ( );
    IMsoBorderPtr GetBorder ( );
    _bstr_t GetName ( );
    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    _variant_t Select ( );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetIncludeInLayout ( );
    void PutIncludeInLayout (
    enum XlChartElementPosition GetPosition ( );
    void PutPosition (
        enum XlChartElementPosition pval );
    IMsoChartFormatPtr GetFormat ( );
    double GetHeight ( );
    IDispatchPtr GetApplication ( );
    long GetCreator ( );
    double GetWidth ( );
    void PutFormula (
        _bstr_t pbstr );
    _bstr_t GetFormula ( );
    void PutFormulaR1C1 (
        _bstr_t pbstr );
    _bstr_t GetFormulaR1C1 ( );
    void PutFormulaLocal (
        _bstr_t pbstr );
    _bstr_t GetFormulaLocal ( );
    void PutFormulaR1C1Local (
        _bstr_t pbstr );
    _bstr_t GetFormulaR1C1Local ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Caption (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR pbstr ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Caption (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstr ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Characters (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Start,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Length,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMsoCharacters * * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Font (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct ChartFont * * ppfont ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_HorizontalAlignment (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Val ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_HorizontalAlignment (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * Val ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Left (
        /*[out,retval]*/ double * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Left (
        /*[in]*/ double pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Orientation (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Val ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Orientation (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * Val ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Shadow (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Shadow (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Text (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR pbstr ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Text (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstr ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Top (
        /*[out,retval]*/ double * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Top (
        /*[in]*/ double pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_VerticalAlignment (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Val ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_VerticalAlignment (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * Val ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ReadingOrder (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ReadingOrder (
        /*[in]*/ int pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_AutoScaleFont (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Val ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_AutoScaleFont (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * Val ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Interior (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMsoInterior * * ppinterior ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Fill (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct ChartFillFormat * * ppinterior ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Delete (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Border (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMsoBorder * * ppborder ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Name (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Select (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IncludeInLayout (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_IncludeInLayout (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Position (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum XlChartElementPosition * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Position (
        /*[in]*/ enum XlChartElementPosition pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Format (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMsoChartFormat * * ppval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Height (
        /*[out,retval]*/ double * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Creator (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Width (
        /*[out,retval]*/ double * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Formula (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR pbstr ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Formula (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstr ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_FormulaR1C1 (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR pbstr ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FormulaR1C1 (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstr ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_FormulaLocal (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR pbstr ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FormulaLocal (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstr ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_FormulaR1C1Local (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR pbstr ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FormulaR1C1Local (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstr ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("abfa087c-f703-4d53-946e-37ff82b2c994"))
IMsoAxisTitle : IMsoChartTitle

struct __declspec(uuid("6ea00553-9439-4d5a-b1e6-dc15a54da8b2"))
IMsoDisplayUnitLabel : IMsoChartTitle

struct __declspec(uuid("000c1726-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
IMsoTickLabels : IDispatch
    // Property data

    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    ChartFontPtr Font;
    _bstr_t Name;
    _bstr_t NumberFormat;
    VARIANT_BOOL NumberFormatLinked;
    _variant_t NumberFormatLocal;
    enum XlTickLabelOrientation Orientation;
    int ReadingOrder;
    _variant_t AutoScaleFont;
    int Depth;
    int Offset;
    int Alignment;
    IDispatchPtr Application;
    VARIANT_BOOL MultiLevel;
    long Creator;
    IMsoChartFormatPtr Format;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    _variant_t Delete ( );
    ChartFontPtr GetFont ( );
    _bstr_t GetName ( );
    _bstr_t GetNumberFormat ( );
    void PutNumberFormat (
        _bstr_t pval );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetNumberFormatLinked ( );
    void PutNumberFormatLinked (
        VARIANT_BOOL pval );
    _variant_t GetNumberFormatLocal ( );
    void PutNumberFormatLocal (
        const _variant_t & pval );
    enum XlTickLabelOrientation GetOrientation ( );
    void PutOrientation (
        enum XlTickLabelOrientation pval );
    _variant_t Select ( );
    int GetReadingOrder ( );
    void PutReadingOrder (
        int pval );
    _variant_t GetAutoScaleFont ( );
    void PutAutoScaleFont (
        const _variant_t & pval );
    int GetDepth ( );
    int GetOffset ( );
    void PutOffset (
        int pval );
    int GetAlignment ( );
    void PutAlignment (
        int pval );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetMultiLevel ( );
    void PutMultiLevel (
        VARIANT_BOOL pval );
    IMsoChartFormatPtr GetFormat ( );
    IDispatchPtr GetApplication ( );
    long GetCreator ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Delete (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Font (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct ChartFont * * ppval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Name (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_NumberFormat (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_NumberFormat (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_NumberFormatLinked (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_NumberFormatLinked (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_NumberFormatLocal (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_NumberFormatLocal (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Orientation (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum XlTickLabelOrientation * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Orientation (
        /*[in]*/ enum XlTickLabelOrientation pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Select (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ReadingOrder (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ReadingOrder (
        /*[in]*/ int pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_AutoScaleFont (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_AutoScaleFont (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Depth (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Offset (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Offset (
        /*[in]*/ int pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Alignment (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Alignment (
        /*[in]*/ int pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MultiLevel (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_MultiLevel (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Format (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMsoChartFormat * * ppChartFormat ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Creator (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * pval ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c1713-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
IMsoAxis : IDispatch
    // Property data

    VARIANT_BOOL AxisBetweenCategories;
    enum XlAxisGroup AxisGroup;
    IMsoAxisTitlePtr AxisTitle;
    _variant_t CategoryNames;
    enum XlAxisCrosses Crosses;
    double CrossesAt;
    VARIANT_BOOL HasMajorGridlines;
    VARIANT_BOOL HasMinorGridlines;
    VARIANT_BOOL HasTitle;
    GridLinesPtr MajorGridlines;
    enum XlTickMark MajorTickMark;
    double MajorUnit;
    double LogBase;
    VARIANT_BOOL TickLabelSpacingIsAuto;
    VARIANT_BOOL MajorUnitIsAuto;
    double MaximumScale;
    VARIANT_BOOL MaximumScaleIsAuto;
    double MinimumScale;
    VARIANT_BOOL MinimumScaleIsAuto;
    GridLinesPtr MinorGridlines;
    enum XlTickMark MinorTickMark;
    double MinorUnit;
    VARIANT_BOOL MinorUnitIsAuto;
    VARIANT_BOOL ReversePlotOrder;
    enum XlScaleType ScaleType;
    enum XlTickLabelPosition TickLabelPosition;
    IMsoTickLabelsPtr TickLabels;
    int TickLabelSpacing;
    int TickMarkSpacing;
    enum XlAxisType Type;
    enum XlTimeUnit BaseUnit;
    VARIANT_BOOL BaseUnitIsAuto;
    enum XlTimeUnit MajorUnitScale;
    enum XlTimeUnit MinorUnitScale;
    enum XlCategoryType CategoryType;
    IDispatchPtr Application;
    double Left;
    double Top;
    double Width;
    double Height;
    enum XlDisplayUnit DisplayUnit;
    long Creator;
    double DisplayUnitCustom;
    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    VARIANT_BOOL HasDisplayUnitLabel;
    IMsoDisplayUnitLabelPtr DisplayUnitLabel;
    IMsoBorderPtr Border;
    _bstr_t Name;
    IMsoChartFormatPtr Format;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    VARIANT_BOOL GetAxisBetweenCategories ( );
    void PutAxisBetweenCategories (
        VARIANT_BOOL pval );
    enum XlAxisGroup GetAxisGroup ( );
    IMsoAxisTitlePtr GetAxisTitle ( );
    _variant_t GetCategoryNames ( );
    void PutCategoryNames (
        const _variant_t & pval );
    enum XlAxisCrosses GetCrosses ( );
    void PutCrosses (
        enum XlAxisCrosses pval );
    double GetCrossesAt ( );
    void PutCrossesAt (
        double pval );
    _variant_t Delete ( );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetHasMajorGridlines ( );
    void PutHasMajorGridlines (
        VARIANT_BOOL pval );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetHasMinorGridlines ( );
    void PutHasMinorGridlines (
        VARIANT_BOOL pval );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetHasTitle ( );
    void PutHasTitle (
        VARIANT_BOOL pval );
    GridLinesPtr GetMajorGridlines ( );
    enum XlTickMark GetMajorTickMark ( );
    void PutMajorTickMark (
        enum XlTickMark pval );
    double GetMajorUnit ( );
    void PutMajorUnit (
        double pval );
    double GetLogBase ( );
    void PutLogBase (
        double pval );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetTickLabelSpacingIsAuto ( );
    void PutTickLabelSpacingIsAuto (
        VARIANT_BOOL pval );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetMajorUnitIsAuto ( );
    void PutMajorUnitIsAuto (
        VARIANT_BOOL pval );
    double GetMaximumScale ( );
    void PutMaximumScale (
        double pval );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetMaximumScaleIsAuto ( );
    void PutMaximumScaleIsAuto (
        VARIANT_BOOL pval );
    double GetMinimumScale ( );
    void PutMinimumScale (
        double pval );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetMinimumScaleIsAuto ( );
    void PutMinimumScaleIsAuto (
        VARIANT_BOOL pval );
    GridLinesPtr GetMinorGridlines ( );
    enum XlTickMark GetMinorTickMark ( );
    void PutMinorTickMark (
        enum XlTickMark pval );
    double GetMinorUnit ( );
    void PutMinorUnit (
        double pval );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetMinorUnitIsAuto ( );
    void PutMinorUnitIsAuto (
        VARIANT_BOOL pval );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetReversePlotOrder ( );
    void PutReversePlotOrder (
        VARIANT_BOOL pval );
    enum XlScaleType GetScaleType ( );
    void PutScaleType (
        enum XlScaleType pval );
    _variant_t Select ( );
    enum XlTickLabelPosition GetTickLabelPosition ( );
    void PutTickLabelPosition (
        enum XlTickLabelPosition pval );
    IMsoTickLabelsPtr GetTickLabels ( );
    int GetTickLabelSpacing ( );
    void PutTickLabelSpacing (
        int pval );
    int GetTickMarkSpacing ( );
    void PutTickMarkSpacing (
        int pval );
    enum XlAxisType GetType ( );
    void PutType (
        enum XlAxisType pval );
    enum XlTimeUnit GetBaseUnit ( );
    void PutBaseUnit (
        enum XlTimeUnit pval );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetBaseUnitIsAuto ( );
    void PutBaseUnitIsAuto (
        VARIANT_BOOL pval );
    enum XlTimeUnit GetMajorUnitScale ( );
    void PutMajorUnitScale (
        enum XlTimeUnit pval );
    enum XlTimeUnit GetMinorUnitScale ( );
    void PutMinorUnitScale (
        enum XlTimeUnit pval );
    enum XlCategoryType GetCategoryType ( );
    void PutCategoryType (
        enum XlCategoryType pval );
    double GetLeft ( );
    double GetTop ( );
    double GetWidth ( );
    double GetHeight ( );
    enum XlDisplayUnit GetDisplayUnit ( );
    void PutDisplayUnit (
        enum XlDisplayUnit pval );
    double GetDisplayUnitCustom ( );
    void PutDisplayUnitCustom (
        double pval );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetHasDisplayUnitLabel ( );
    void PutHasDisplayUnitLabel (
        VARIANT_BOOL pval );
    IMsoDisplayUnitLabelPtr GetDisplayUnitLabel ( );
    IMsoBorderPtr GetBorder ( );
    _bstr_t GetName ( );
    IMsoChartFormatPtr GetFormat ( );
    IDispatchPtr GetApplication ( );
    long GetCreator ( );
    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_AxisBetweenCategories (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_AxisBetweenCategories (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_AxisGroup (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum XlAxisGroup * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_AxisTitle (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMsoAxisTitle * * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CategoryNames (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_CategoryNames (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Crosses (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum XlAxisCrosses * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Crosses (
        /*[in]*/ enum XlAxisCrosses pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CrossesAt (
        /*[out,retval]*/ double * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_CrossesAt (
        /*[in]*/ double pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Delete (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_HasMajorGridlines (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_HasMajorGridlines (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_HasMinorGridlines (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_HasMinorGridlines (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_HasTitle (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_HasTitle (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MajorGridlines (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct GridLines * * ppval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MajorTickMark (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum XlTickMark * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_MajorTickMark (
        /*[in]*/ enum XlTickMark pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MajorUnit (
        /*[out,retval]*/ double * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_MajorUnit (
        /*[in]*/ double pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_LogBase (
        /*[out,retval]*/ double * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_LogBase (
        /*[in]*/ double pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_TickLabelSpacingIsAuto (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_TickLabelSpacingIsAuto (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MajorUnitIsAuto (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_MajorUnitIsAuto (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MaximumScale (
        /*[out,retval]*/ double * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_MaximumScale (
        /*[in]*/ double pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MaximumScaleIsAuto (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_MaximumScaleIsAuto (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MinimumScale (
        /*[out,retval]*/ double * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_MinimumScale (
        /*[in]*/ double pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MinimumScaleIsAuto (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_MinimumScaleIsAuto (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MinorGridlines (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct GridLines * * ppval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MinorTickMark (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum XlTickMark * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_MinorTickMark (
        /*[in]*/ enum XlTickMark pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MinorUnit (
        /*[out,retval]*/ double * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_MinorUnit (
        /*[in]*/ double pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MinorUnitIsAuto (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_MinorUnitIsAuto (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ReversePlotOrder (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ReversePlotOrder (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ScaleType (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum XlScaleType * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ScaleType (
        /*[in]*/ enum XlScaleType pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Select (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_TickLabelPosition (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum XlTickLabelPosition * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_TickLabelPosition (
        /*[in]*/ enum XlTickLabelPosition pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_TickLabels (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMsoTickLabels * * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_TickLabelSpacing (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_TickLabelSpacing (
        /*[in]*/ int pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_TickMarkSpacing (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_TickMarkSpacing (
        /*[in]*/ int pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Type (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum XlAxisType * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Type (
        /*[in]*/ enum XlAxisType pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_BaseUnit (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum XlTimeUnit * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_BaseUnit (
        /*[in]*/ enum XlTimeUnit pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_BaseUnitIsAuto (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_BaseUnitIsAuto (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MajorUnitScale (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum XlTimeUnit * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_MajorUnitScale (
        /*[in]*/ enum XlTimeUnit pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MinorUnitScale (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum XlTimeUnit * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_MinorUnitScale (
        /*[in]*/ enum XlTimeUnit pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CategoryType (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum XlCategoryType * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_CategoryType (
        /*[in]*/ enum XlCategoryType pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Left (
        /*[out,retval]*/ double * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Top (
        /*[out,retval]*/ double * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Width (
        /*[out,retval]*/ double * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Height (
        /*[out,retval]*/ double * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DisplayUnit (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum XlDisplayUnit * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_DisplayUnit (
        /*[in]*/ enum XlDisplayUnit pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DisplayUnitCustom (
        /*[out,retval]*/ double * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_DisplayUnitCustom (
        /*[in]*/ double pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_HasDisplayUnitLabel (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_HasDisplayUnitLabel (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DisplayUnitLabel (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMsoDisplayUnitLabel * * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Border (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMsoBorder * * ppborder ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Name (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstr ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Format (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMsoChartFormat * * ppChartFormat ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Creator (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * RHS ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c1712-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
Axes : IDispatch
    // Property data

    long Count;
    IMsoAxisPtr Item[][];
    IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;
    IMsoAxisPtr _Default[][];
    IDispatchPtr Application;
    long Creator;
    IDispatchPtr Parent;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    long GetCount ( );
    IMsoAxisPtr GetItem (
        enum XlAxisType Type,
        enum XlAxisGroup AxisGroup );
    IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );
    IDispatchPtr GetApplication ( );
    long GetCreator ( );
    IMsoAxisPtr Get_Default (
        enum XlAxisType Type,
        enum XlAxisGroup AxisGroup );
    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
        /*[in]*/ enum XlAxisType Type,
        /*[in]*/ enum XlAxisGroup AxisGroup,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMsoAxis * * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Creator (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__Default (
        /*[in]*/ enum XlAxisType Type,
        /*[in]*/ enum XlAxisGroup AxisGroup,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMsoAxis * * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * RHS ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c172c-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
IMsoDropLines : IDispatch
    // Property data

    _bstr_t Name;
    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    IMsoBorderPtr Border;
    IMsoChartFormatPtr Format;
    IDispatchPtr Application;
    long Creator;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    _bstr_t GetName ( );
    HRESULT Select ( );
    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    IMsoBorderPtr GetBorder ( );
    HRESULT Delete ( );
    IMsoChartFormatPtr GetFormat ( );
    IDispatchPtr GetApplication ( );
    long GetCreator ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Name (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Select ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Border (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMsoBorder * * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Delete ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Format (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMsoChartFormat * * ppChartFormat ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Creator (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * pval ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c172e-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
IMsoHiLoLines : IDispatch
    // Property data

    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    _bstr_t Name;
    IMsoBorderPtr Border;
    IMsoChartFormatPtr Format;
    IDispatchPtr Application;
    long Creator;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    _bstr_t GetName ( );
    HRESULT Select ( );
    IMsoBorderPtr GetBorder ( );
    HRESULT Delete ( );
    IMsoChartFormatPtr GetFormat ( );
    IDispatchPtr GetApplication ( );
    long GetCreator ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Name (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Select ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Border (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMsoBorder * * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Delete ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Format (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMsoChartFormat * * ppChartFormat ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Creator (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * pval ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c1727-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
IMsoChartGroup : IDispatch
    // Property data

    int AxisGroup;
    int DoughnutHoleSize;
    IMsoDownBarsPtr DownBars;
    IMsoDropLinesPtr DropLines;
    int FirstSliceAngle;
    int GapWidth;
    VARIANT_BOOL HasDropLines;
    VARIANT_BOOL HasHiLoLines;
    VARIANT_BOOL HasRadarAxisLabels;
    VARIANT_BOOL HasSeriesLines;
    VARIANT_BOOL HasUpDownBars;
    IMsoHiLoLinesPtr HiLoLines;
    int Index;
    int Overlap;
    IDispatchPtr RadarAxisLabels;
    IMsoSeriesLinesPtr SeriesLines;
    int SubType;
    IDispatchPtr Application;
    long Creator;
    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    int Type;
    IMsoUpBarsPtr UpBars;
    VARIANT_BOOL VaryByCategories;
    enum XlSizeRepresents SizeRepresents;
    int BubbleScale;
    VARIANT_BOOL ShowNegativeBubbles;
    enum XlChartSplitType SplitType;
    _variant_t SplitValue;
    int SecondPlotSize;
    VARIANT_BOOL Has3DShading;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    void PutAxisGroup (
        int piGroup );
    int GetAxisGroup ( );
    void PutDoughnutHoleSize (
        int pDoughnutHoleSize );
    int GetDoughnutHoleSize ( );
    IMsoDownBarsPtr GetDownBars ( );
    IMsoDropLinesPtr GetDropLines ( );
    void PutFirstSliceAngle (
        int pFirstSliceAngle );
    int GetFirstSliceAngle ( );
    void PutGapWidth (
        int pGapWidth );
    int GetGapWidth ( );
    void PutHasDropLines (
        VARIANT_BOOL pfHasDropLines );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetHasDropLines ( );
    void PutHasHiLoLines (
        VARIANT_BOOL pfHasHiLoLines );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetHasHiLoLines ( );
    void PutHasRadarAxisLabels (
        VARIANT_BOOL pfHasRadarAxisLabels );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetHasRadarAxisLabels ( );
    void PutHasSeriesLines (
        VARIANT_BOOL pfHasSeriesLines );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetHasSeriesLines ( );
    void PutHasUpDownBars (
        VARIANT_BOOL pfHasUpDownBars );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetHasUpDownBars ( );
    IMsoHiLoLinesPtr GetHiLoLines ( );
    int GetIndex ( );
    void PutOverlap (
        int pOverlap );
    int GetOverlap ( );
    IDispatchPtr GetRadarAxisLabels ( );
    IDispatchPtr SeriesCollection (
        const _variant_t & Index = vtMissing );
    IMsoSeriesLinesPtr GetSeriesLines ( );
    void PutSubType (
        int pSubType );
    int GetSubType ( );
    void PutType (
        int ptype );
    int GetType ( );
    IMsoUpBarsPtr GetUpBars ( );
    void PutVaryByCategories (
        VARIANT_BOOL pfVaryByCategories );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetVaryByCategories ( );
    enum XlSizeRepresents GetSizeRepresents ( );
    void PutSizeRepresents (
        enum XlSizeRepresents pXlSizeRepresents );
    void PutBubbleScale (
        int pbubblescale );
    int GetBubbleScale ( );
    void PutShowNegativeBubbles (
        VARIANT_BOOL pfShowNegativeBubbles );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetShowNegativeBubbles ( );
    void PutSplitType (
        enum XlChartSplitType pChartSplitType );
    enum XlChartSplitType GetSplitType ( );
    _variant_t GetSplitValue ( );
    void PutSplitValue (
        const _variant_t & pSplitValue );
    int GetSecondPlotSize ( );
    void PutSecondPlotSize (
        int pSecondPlotSize );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetHas3DShading ( );
    void PutHas3DShading (
    IDispatchPtr GetApplication ( );
    long GetCreator ( );
    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_AxisGroup (
        /*[in]*/ int piGroup ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_AxisGroup (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * piGroup ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_DoughnutHoleSize (
        /*[in]*/ int pDoughnutHoleSize ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DoughnutHoleSize (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * pDoughnutHoleSize ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DownBars (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMsoDownBars * * ppdownbars ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DropLines (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMsoDropLines * * ppdroplines ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_FirstSliceAngle (
        /*[in]*/ int pFirstSliceAngle ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FirstSliceAngle (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * pFirstSliceAngle ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_GapWidth (
        /*[in]*/ int pGapWidth ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_GapWidth (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * pGapWidth ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_HasDropLines (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pfHasDropLines ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_HasDropLines (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pfHasDropLines ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_HasHiLoLines (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pfHasHiLoLines ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_HasHiLoLines (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pfHasHiLoLines ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_HasRadarAxisLabels (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pfHasRadarAxisLabels ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_HasRadarAxisLabels (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pfHasRadarAxisLabels ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_HasSeriesLines (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pfHasSeriesLines ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_HasSeriesLines (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pfHasSeriesLines ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_HasUpDownBars (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pfHasUpDownBars ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_HasUpDownBars (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pfHasUpDownBars ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_HiLoLines (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMsoHiLoLines * * ppHiLoLines ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Index (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * pIndex ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Overlap (
        /*[in]*/ int pOverlap ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Overlap (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * pOverlap ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_RadarAxisLabels (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppRadarAxisLabels ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SeriesCollection (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Index,
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppSeriesCollection ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SeriesLines (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMsoSeriesLines * * ppSeriesLines ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_SubType (
        /*[in]*/ int pSubType ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SubType (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * pSubType ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Type (
        /*[in]*/ int ptype ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Type (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * ptype ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_UpBars (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMsoUpBars * * ppUpBars ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_VaryByCategories (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pfVaryByCategories ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_VaryByCategories (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pfVaryByCategories ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SizeRepresents (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum XlSizeRepresents * pXlSizeRepresents ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_SizeRepresents (
        /*[in]*/ enum XlSizeRepresents pXlSizeRepresents ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_BubbleScale (
        /*[in]*/ int pbubblescale ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_BubbleScale (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * pbubblescale ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ShowNegativeBubbles (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pfShowNegativeBubbles ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ShowNegativeBubbles (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pfShowNegativeBubbles ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_SplitType (
        /*[in]*/ enum XlChartSplitType pChartSplitType ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SplitType (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum XlChartSplitType * pChartSplitType ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SplitValue (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pSplitValue ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_SplitValue (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT pSplitValue ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SecondPlotSize (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * pSecondPlotSize ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_SecondPlotSize (
        /*[in]*/ int pSecondPlotSize ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Has3DShading (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Has3DShading (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Creator (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * RHS ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c172b-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
ChartGroups : IDispatch
    // Property data

    IDispatchPtr Application;
    long Creator;
    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    long Count;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    long GetCount ( );
    IMsoChartGroupPtr Item (
        const _variant_t & Index );
    IUnknownPtr _NewEnum ( );
    IDispatchPtr GetApplication ( );
    long GetCreator ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Item (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Index,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMsoChartGroup * * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw__NewEnum (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Creator (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * pval ) = 0;

enum __declspec(uuid("750d0562-9930-40dd-9da7-887b50f2111f"))
    msoIodGroupPIAs = 0,
    msoIodGroupVSTOR35Mgd = 1,
    msoIodGroupVSTOR40Mgd = 2

enum BackstageGroupStyle
    BackstageGroupStyleNormal = 0,
    BackstageGroupStyleWarning = 1,
    BackstageGroupStyleError = 2

enum MsoFileValidationMode
    msoFileValidationDefault = 0,
    msoFileValidationSkip = 1

enum __declspec(uuid("0739eeef-d856-414c-9494-f2f791fd1f22"))
    msoContactCardHover = 0,
    msoContactCardFull = 1

struct __declspec(uuid("000c03f1-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
ContactCard : _IMsoDispObj
    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    HRESULT Close ( );
    HRESULT Show (
        enum MsoContactCardStyle CardStyle,
        long RectangleLeft,
        long RectangleRight,
        long RectangleTop,
        long RectangleBottom,
        long HorizontalPosition,
        VARIANT_BOOL ShowWithDelay );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Close ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Show (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoContactCardStyle CardStyle,
        /*[in]*/ long RectangleLeft,
        /*[in]*/ long RectangleRight,
        /*[in]*/ long RectangleTop,
        /*[in]*/ long RectangleBottom,
        /*[in]*/ long HorizontalPosition,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL ShowWithDelay ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c0302-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
_CommandBars : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    CommandBarControlPtr ActionControl;
    CommandBarPtr ActiveMenuBar;
    CommandBarPtr Item[];
    int Count;
    VARIANT_BOOL DisplayTooltips;
    VARIANT_BOOL DisplayKeysInTooltips;
    VARIANT_BOOL LargeButtons;
    enum MsoMenuAnimation MenuAnimationStyle;
    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    VARIANT_BOOL AdaptiveMenus;
    VARIANT_BOOL DisplayFonts;
    VARIANT_BOOL DisableCustomize;
    VARIANT_BOOL DisableAskAQuestionDropdown;
    IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    CommandBarControlPtr GetActionControl ( );
    CommandBarPtr GetActiveMenuBar ( );
    CommandBarPtr Add (
        const _variant_t & Name = vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & Position = vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & MenuBar = vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & Temporary = vtMissing );
    int GetCount ( );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetDisplayTooltips ( );
    void PutDisplayTooltips (
        VARIANT_BOOL pvarfDisplayTooltips );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetDisplayKeysInTooltips ( );
    void PutDisplayKeysInTooltips (
        VARIANT_BOOL pvarfDisplayKeys );
    CommandBarControlPtr FindControl (
        const _variant_t & Type = vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & Id = vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & Tag = vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & Visible = vtMissing );
    CommandBarPtr GetItem (
        const _variant_t & Index );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetLargeButtons ( );
    void PutLargeButtons (
        VARIANT_BOOL pvarfLargeButtons );
    enum MsoMenuAnimation GetMenuAnimationStyle ( );
    void PutMenuAnimationStyle (
        enum MsoMenuAnimation pma );
    IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );
    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    HRESULT ReleaseFocus ( );
    int GetIdsString (
        int ids,
        BSTR * pbstrName );
    int GetTmcGetName (
        int tmc,
        BSTR * pbstrName );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetAdaptiveMenus ( );
    void PutAdaptiveMenus (
        VARIANT_BOOL pvarfAdaptiveMenus );
    CommandBarControlsPtr FindControls (
        const _variant_t & Type = vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & Id = vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & Tag = vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & Visible = vtMissing );
    CommandBarPtr AddEx (
        const _variant_t & TbidOrName = vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & Position = vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & MenuBar = vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & Temporary = vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & TbtrProtection = vtMissing );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetDisplayFonts ( );
    void PutDisplayFonts (
        VARIANT_BOOL pvarfDisplayFonts );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetDisableCustomize ( );
    void PutDisableCustomize (
        VARIANT_BOOL pvarfDisableCustomize );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetDisableAskAQuestionDropdown ( );
    void PutDisableAskAQuestionDropdown (
        VARIANT_BOOL pvarfDisableAskAQuestionDropdown );
    HRESULT ExecuteMso (
        _bstr_t idMso );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetEnabledMso (
        _bstr_t idMso );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetVisibleMso (
        _bstr_t idMso );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetPressedMso (
        _bstr_t idMso );
    _bstr_t GetLabelMso (
        _bstr_t idMso );
    _bstr_t GetScreentipMso (
        _bstr_t idMso );
    _bstr_t GetSupertipMso (
        _bstr_t idMso );
    IPictureDisp * GetImageMso (
        _bstr_t idMso,
        int Width,
        int Height );
    HRESULT CommitRenderingTransaction (
        long hwnd );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ActionControl (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct CommandBarControl * * ppcbc ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ActiveMenuBar (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct CommandBar * * ppcb ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Add (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Name,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Position,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT MenuBar,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Temporary,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct CommandBar * * ppcb ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * pcToolbars ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DisplayTooltips (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pvarfDisplayTooltips ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_DisplayTooltips (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pvarfDisplayTooltips ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DisplayKeysInTooltips (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pvarfDisplayKeys ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_DisplayKeysInTooltips (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pvarfDisplayKeys ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_FindControl (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Type,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Id,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Tag,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Visible,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct CommandBarControl * * ppcbc ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Index,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct CommandBar * * ppcb ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_LargeButtons (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pvarfLargeButtons ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_LargeButtons (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pvarfLargeButtons ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MenuAnimationStyle (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoMenuAnimation * pma ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_MenuAnimationStyle (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoMenuAnimation pma ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * ppienum ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppidisp ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ReleaseFocus ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IdsString (
        /*[in]*/ int ids,
        /*[out]*/ BSTR * pbstrName,
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * pcch ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_TmcGetName (
        /*[in]*/ int tmc,
        /*[out]*/ BSTR * pbstrName,
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * pcch ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_AdaptiveMenus (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pvarfAdaptiveMenus ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_AdaptiveMenus (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pvarfAdaptiveMenus ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_FindControls (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Type,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Id,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Tag,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Visible,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct CommandBarControls * * ppcbcs ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AddEx (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT TbidOrName,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Position,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT MenuBar,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Temporary,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT TbtrProtection,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct CommandBar * * ppcb ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DisplayFonts (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pvarfDisplayFonts ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_DisplayFonts (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pvarfDisplayFonts ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DisableCustomize (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pvarfDisableCustomize ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_DisableCustomize (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pvarfDisableCustomize ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DisableAskAQuestionDropdown (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pvarfDisableAskAQuestionDropdown ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_DisableAskAQuestionDropdown (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pvarfDisableAskAQuestionDropdown ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ExecuteMso (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR idMso ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetEnabledMso (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR idMso,
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * Enabled ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetVisibleMso (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR idMso,
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * Visible ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetPressedMso (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR idMso,
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * Pressed ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetLabelMso (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR idMso,
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * Label ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetScreentipMso (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR idMso,
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * Screentip ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetSupertipMso (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR idMso,
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * Supertip ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetImageMso (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR idMso,
        /*[in]*/ int Width,
        /*[in]*/ int Height,
        /*[out,retval]*/ IPictureDisp * * Image ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CommitRenderingTransaction (
        /*[in]*/ long hwnd ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c0304-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
CommandBar : _IMsoOleAccDispObj
    // Property data

    _bstr_t Context;
    int Width;
    CommandBarControlsPtr Controls;
    VARIANT_BOOL AdaptiveMenu;
    VARIANT_BOOL Enabled;
    int Id;
    _variant_t InstanceIdPtr;
    int Height;
    int Index;
    long InstanceId;
    int Left;
    _bstr_t Name;
    _bstr_t NameLocal;
    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    enum MsoBarPosition Position;
    int RowIndex;
    enum MsoBarProtection Protection;
    int Top;
    enum MsoBarType Type;
    VARIANT_BOOL Visible;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    VARIANT_BOOL GetBuiltIn ( );
    _bstr_t GetContext ( );
    void PutContext (
        _bstr_t pbstrContext );
    CommandBarControlsPtr GetControls ( );
    HRESULT Delete ( );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetEnabled ( );
    void PutEnabled (
        VARIANT_BOOL pvarfEnabled );
    CommandBarControlPtr FindControl (
        const _variant_t & Type = vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & Id = vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & Tag = vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & Visible = vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & Recursive = vtMissing );
    int GetHeight ( );
    void PutHeight (
        int pdy );
    int GetIndex ( );
    long GetInstanceId ( );
    int GetLeft ( );
    void PutLeft (
        int pxpLeft );
    _bstr_t GetName ( );
    void PutName (
        _bstr_t pbstrName );
    _bstr_t GetNameLocal ( );
    void PutNameLocal (
        _bstr_t pbstrNameLocal );
    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    enum MsoBarPosition GetPosition ( );
    void PutPosition (
        enum MsoBarPosition ppos );
    int GetRowIndex ( );
    void PutRowIndex (
        int piRow );
    enum MsoBarProtection GetProtection ( );
    void PutProtection (
        enum MsoBarProtection pprot );
    HRESULT Reset ( );
    HRESULT ShowPopup (
        const _variant_t & x = vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & y = vtMissing );
    int GetTop ( );
    void PutTop (
        int pypTop );
    enum MsoBarType GetType ( );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetVisible ( );
    void PutVisible (
        VARIANT_BOOL pvarfVisible );
    int GetWidth ( );
    void PutWidth (
        int pdx );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetAdaptiveMenu ( );
    void PutAdaptiveMenu (
        VARIANT_BOOL pvarfAdaptiveMenu );
    int GetId ( );
    _variant_t GetInstanceIdPtr ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_BuiltIn (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pvarfBuiltIn ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Context (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrContext ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Context (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR pbstrContext ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Controls (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct CommandBarControls * * ppcbcs ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Delete ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Enabled (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pvarfEnabled ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Enabled (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pvarfEnabled ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_FindControl (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Type,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Id,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Tag,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Visible,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Recursive,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct CommandBarControl * * ppcbc ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Height (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * pdy ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Height (
        /*[in]*/ int pdy ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Index (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * pi ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_InstanceId (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * pid ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Left (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * pxpLeft ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Left (
        /*[in]*/ int pxpLeft ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Name (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrName ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Name (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR pbstrName ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_NameLocal (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrNameLocal ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_NameLocal (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR pbstrNameLocal ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppidisp ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Position (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoBarPosition * ppos ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Position (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoBarPosition ppos ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_RowIndex (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * piRow ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_RowIndex (
        /*[in]*/ int piRow ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Protection (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoBarProtection * pprot ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Protection (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoBarProtection pprot ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Reset ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ShowPopup (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT x = vtMissing,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT y = vtMissing ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Top (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * pypTop ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Top (
        /*[in]*/ int pypTop ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Type (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoBarType * ptype ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Visible (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pvarfVisible ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Visible (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pvarfVisible ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Width (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * pdx ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Width (
        /*[in]*/ int pdx ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_AdaptiveMenu (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pvarfAdaptiveMenu ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_AdaptiveMenu (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pvarfAdaptiveMenu ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Id (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * pid ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_InstanceIdPtr (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pvarPitb ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c0308-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
CommandBarControl : _IMsoOleAccDispObj
    // Property data

    VARIANT_BOOL BeginGroup;
    VARIANT_BOOL IsPriorityDropped;
    _bstr_t Caption;
    IDispatchPtr Control;
    _bstr_t DescriptionText;
    VARIANT_BOOL Enabled;
    int Height;
    int HelpContextId;
    _bstr_t HelpFile;
    int Id;
    int Index;
    long InstanceId;
    int Left;
    enum MsoControlOLEUsage OLEUsage;
    _bstr_t OnAction;
    CommandBarPtr Parent;
    _bstr_t Parameter;
    int Priority;
    _bstr_t Tag;
    _bstr_t TooltipText;
    int Top;
    enum MsoControlType Type;
    VARIANT_BOOL Visible;
    int Width;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    VARIANT_BOOL GetBeginGroup ( );
    void PutBeginGroup (
        VARIANT_BOOL pvarfBeginGroup );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetBuiltIn ( );
    _bstr_t GetCaption ( );
    void PutCaption (
        _bstr_t pbstrCaption );
    IDispatchPtr GetControl ( );
    CommandBarControlPtr Copy (
        const _variant_t & Bar = vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & Before = vtMissing );
    HRESULT Delete (
        const _variant_t & Temporary = vtMissing );
    _bstr_t GetDescriptionText ( );
    void PutDescriptionText (
        _bstr_t pbstrText );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetEnabled ( );
    void PutEnabled (
        VARIANT_BOOL pvarfEnabled );
    HRESULT Execute ( );
    int GetHeight ( );
    void PutHeight (
        int pdy );
    int GetHelpContextId ( );
    void PutHelpContextId (
        int pid );
    _bstr_t GetHelpFile ( );
    void PutHelpFile (
        _bstr_t pbstrFilename );
    int GetId ( );
    int GetIndex ( );
    long GetInstanceId ( );
    CommandBarControlPtr Move (
        const _variant_t & Bar = vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & Before = vtMissing );
    int GetLeft ( );
    enum MsoControlOLEUsage GetOLEUsage ( );
    void PutOLEUsage (
        enum MsoControlOLEUsage pcou );
    _bstr_t GetOnAction ( );
    void PutOnAction (
        _bstr_t pbstrOnAction );
    CommandBarPtr GetParent ( );
    _bstr_t GetParameter ( );
    void PutParameter (
        _bstr_t pbstrParam );
    int GetPriority ( );
    void PutPriority (
        int pnPri );
    HRESULT Reset ( );
    HRESULT SetFocus ( );
    _bstr_t GetTag ( );
    void PutTag (
        _bstr_t pbstrTag );
    _bstr_t GetTooltipText ( );
    void PutTooltipText (
        _bstr_t pbstrTooltip );
    int GetTop ( );
    enum MsoControlType GetType ( );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetVisible ( );
    void PutVisible (
        VARIANT_BOOL pvarfVisible );
    int GetWidth ( );
    void PutWidth (
        int pdx );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetIsPriorityDropped ( );
    HRESULT Reserved1 ( );
    HRESULT Reserved2 ( );
    HRESULT Reserved3 ( );
    HRESULT Reserved4 ( );
    HRESULT Reserved5 ( );
    HRESULT Reserved6 ( );
    HRESULT Reserved7 ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_BeginGroup (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pvarfBeginGroup ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_BeginGroup (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pvarfBeginGroup ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_BuiltIn (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pvarfBuiltIn ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Caption (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrCaption ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Caption (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR pbstrCaption ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Control (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppidisp ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Copy (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Bar,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Before,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct CommandBarControl * * ppcbc ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Delete (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Temporary = vtMissing ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DescriptionText (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrText ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_DescriptionText (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR pbstrText ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Enabled (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pvarfEnabled ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Enabled (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pvarfEnabled ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Execute ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Height (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * pdy ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Height (
        /*[in]*/ int pdy ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_HelpContextId (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * pid ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_HelpContextId (
        /*[in]*/ int pid ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_HelpFile (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrFilename ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_HelpFile (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR pbstrFilename ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Id (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * pid ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Index (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * pi ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_InstanceId (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * pid ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Move (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Bar,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Before,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct CommandBarControl * * ppcbc ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Left (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * px ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_OLEUsage (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoControlOLEUsage * pcou ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_OLEUsage (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoControlOLEUsage pcou ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_OnAction (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrOnAction ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_OnAction (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR pbstrOnAction ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct CommandBar * * ppcb ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parameter (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrParam ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Parameter (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR pbstrParam ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Priority (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * pnPri ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Priority (
        /*[in]*/ int pnPri ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Reset ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetFocus ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Tag (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrTag ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Tag (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR pbstrTag ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_TooltipText (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrTooltip ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_TooltipText (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR pbstrTooltip ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Top (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * py ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Type (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoControlType * ptype ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Visible (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pvarfVisible ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Visible (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pvarfVisible ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Width (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * pdx ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Width (
        /*[in]*/ int pdx ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsPriorityDropped (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pvarfDropped ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Reserved1 ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Reserved2 ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Reserved3 ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Reserved4 ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Reserved5 ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Reserved6 ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Reserved7 ( ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c0306-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
CommandBarControls : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    CommandBarControlPtr Item[];
    int Count;
    CommandBarPtr Parent;
    IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    CommandBarControlPtr Add (
        const _variant_t & Type = vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & Id = vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & Parameter = vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & Before = vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & Temporary = vtMissing );
    int GetCount ( );
    CommandBarControlPtr GetItem (
        const _variant_t & Index );
    IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );
    CommandBarPtr GetParent ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Add (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Type,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Id,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Parameter,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Before,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Temporary,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct CommandBarControl * * ppcbc ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * pcToolbarControls ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Index,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct CommandBarControl * * ppcbc ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * ppienum ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct CommandBar * * ppcb ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c030e-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
_CommandBarButton : CommandBarControl
    // Property data

    VARIANT_BOOL BuiltInFace;
    int FaceId;
    _bstr_t ShortcutText;
    enum MsoButtonState State;
    enum MsoButtonStyle Style;
    enum MsoCommandBarButtonHyperlinkType HyperlinkType;
    _variant_t InstanceIdPtr;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    VARIANT_BOOL GetBuiltInFace ( );
    void PutBuiltInFace (
        VARIANT_BOOL pvarfBuiltIn );
    HRESULT CopyFace ( );
    int GetFaceId ( );
    void PutFaceId (
        int pid );
    HRESULT PasteFace ( );
    _bstr_t GetShortcutText ( );
    void PutShortcutText (
        _bstr_t pbstrText );
    enum MsoButtonState GetState ( );
    void PutState (
        enum MsoButtonState pstate );
    enum MsoButtonStyle GetStyle ( );
    void PutStyle (
        enum MsoButtonStyle pstyle );
    enum MsoCommandBarButtonHyperlinkType GetHyperlinkType ( );
    void PutHyperlinkType (
        enum MsoCommandBarButtonHyperlinkType phlType );
    IPictureDisp * GetPicture ( );
    void PutPicture (
        IPictureDisp * ppdispPicture );
    IPictureDisp * GetMask ( );
    void PutMask (
        IPictureDisp * ppipictdispMask );
    _variant_t GetInstanceIdPtr ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_BuiltInFace (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pvarfBuiltIn ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_BuiltInFace (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pvarfBuiltIn ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CopyFace ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FaceId (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * pid ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_FaceId (
        /*[in]*/ int pid ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_PasteFace ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ShortcutText (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrText ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ShortcutText (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR pbstrText ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_State (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoButtonState * pstate ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_State (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoButtonState pstate ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Style (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoButtonStyle * pstyle ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Style (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoButtonStyle pstyle ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_HyperlinkType (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoCommandBarButtonHyperlinkType * phlType ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_HyperlinkType (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoCommandBarButtonHyperlinkType phlType ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Picture (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IPictureDisp * * ppdispPicture ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Picture (
        /*[in]*/ IPictureDisp * ppdispPicture ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Mask (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IPictureDisp * * ppipictdispMask ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Mask (
        /*[in]*/ IPictureDisp * ppipictdispMask ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_InstanceIdPtr (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pvarPic ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c030a-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
CommandBarPopup : CommandBarControl
    // Property data

    CommandBarPtr CommandBar;
    CommandBarControlsPtr Controls;
    enum MsoOLEMenuGroup OLEMenuGroup;
    _variant_t InstanceIdPtr;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    CommandBarPtr GetCommandBar ( );
    CommandBarControlsPtr GetControls ( );
    enum MsoOLEMenuGroup GetOLEMenuGroup ( );
    void PutOLEMenuGroup (
        enum MsoOLEMenuGroup pomg );
    _variant_t GetInstanceIdPtr ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CommandBar (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct CommandBar * * ppcb ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Controls (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct CommandBarControls * * ppcbcs ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_OLEMenuGroup (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoOLEMenuGroup * pomg ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_OLEMenuGroup (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoOLEMenuGroup pomg ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_InstanceIdPtr (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pvarPic ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c030c-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
_CommandBarComboBox : CommandBarControl
    // Property data

    int DropDownLines;
    int DropDownWidth;
    _bstr_t List[];
    int ListCount;
    int ListHeaderCount;
    int ListIndex;
    enum MsoComboStyle Style;
    _bstr_t Text;
    _variant_t InstanceIdPtr;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    HRESULT AddItem (
        _bstr_t Text,
        const _variant_t & Index = vtMissing );
    HRESULT Clear ( );
    int GetDropDownLines ( );
    void PutDropDownLines (
        int pcLines );
    int GetDropDownWidth ( );
    void PutDropDownWidth (
        int pdx );
    _bstr_t GetList (
        int Index );
    void PutList (
        int Index,
        _bstr_t pbstrItem );
    int GetListCount ( );
    int GetListHeaderCount ( );
    void PutListHeaderCount (
        int pcItems );
    int GetListIndex ( );
    void PutListIndex (
        int pi );
    HRESULT RemoveItem (
        int Index );
    enum MsoComboStyle GetStyle ( );
    void PutStyle (
        enum MsoComboStyle pstyle );
    _bstr_t GetText ( );
    void PutText (
        _bstr_t pbstrText );
    _variant_t GetInstanceIdPtr ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AddItem (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR Text,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Index = vtMissing ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Clear ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DropDownLines (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * pcLines ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_DropDownLines (
        /*[in]*/ int pcLines ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DropDownWidth (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * pdx ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_DropDownWidth (
        /*[in]*/ int pdx ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_List (
        /*[in]*/ int Index,
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrItem ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_List (
        /*[in]*/ int Index,
        /*[in]*/ BSTR pbstrItem ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ListCount (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * pcItems ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ListHeaderCount (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * pcItems ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ListHeaderCount (
        /*[in]*/ int pcItems ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ListIndex (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * pi ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ListIndex (
        /*[in]*/ int pi ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_RemoveItem (
        /*[in]*/ int Index ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Style (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoComboStyle * pstyle ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Style (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoComboStyle pstyle ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Text (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrText ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Text (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR pbstrText ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_InstanceIdPtr (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pvarPic ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c030d-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
_CommandBarActiveX : CommandBarControl
    // Property data

    _bstr_t ControlCLSID;
    IUnknownPtr QueryControlInterface[];
    IUnknownPtr InitWith;
    _variant_t InstanceIdPtr;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    _bstr_t GetControlCLSID ( );
    void PutControlCLSID (
        _bstr_t pbstrClsid );
    IUnknownPtr GetQueryControlInterface (
        _bstr_t bstrIid );
    HRESULT SetInnerObjectFactory (
        IUnknown * pUnk );
    HRESULT EnsureControl ( );
    void PutInitWith (
        IUnknown * _arg1 );
    _variant_t GetInstanceIdPtr ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ControlCLSID (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrClsid ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ControlCLSID (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR pbstrClsid ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_QueryControlInterface (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrIid,
        /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * ppUnk ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetInnerObjectFactory (
        /*[in]*/ IUnknown * pUnk ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_EnsureControl ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_InitWith (
        /*[in]*/ IUnknown * _arg1 ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_InstanceIdPtr (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pvarPic ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c0313-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
ConnectorFormat : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    enum MsoTriState BeginConnected;
    ShapePtr BeginConnectedShape;
    int BeginConnectionSite;
    enum MsoTriState EndConnected;
    ShapePtr EndConnectedShape;
    int EndConnectionSite;
    enum MsoConnectorType Type;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    HRESULT BeginConnect (
        struct Shape * ConnectedShape,
        int ConnectionSite );
    HRESULT BeginDisconnect ( );
    HRESULT EndConnect (
        struct Shape * ConnectedShape,
        int ConnectionSite );
    HRESULT EndDisconnect ( );
    enum MsoTriState GetBeginConnected ( );
    ShapePtr GetBeginConnectedShape ( );
    int GetBeginConnectionSite ( );
    enum MsoTriState GetEndConnected ( );
    ShapePtr GetEndConnectedShape ( );
    int GetEndConnectionSite ( );
    enum MsoConnectorType GetType ( );
    void PutType (
        enum MsoConnectorType Type );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * Parent ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_BeginConnect (
        /*[in]*/ struct Shape * ConnectedShape,
        /*[in]*/ int ConnectionSite ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_BeginDisconnect ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_EndConnect (
        /*[in]*/ struct Shape * ConnectedShape,
        /*[in]*/ int ConnectionSite ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_EndDisconnect ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_BeginConnected (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoTriState * BeginConnected ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_BeginConnectedShape (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct Shape * * BeginConnectedShape ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_BeginConnectionSite (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * BeginConnectionSite ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_EndConnected (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoTriState * EndConnected ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_EndConnectedShape (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct Shape * * EndConnectedShape ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_EndConnectionSite (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * EndConnectionSite ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Type (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoConnectorType * Type ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Type (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoConnectorType Type ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c0315-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
FreeformBuilder : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    IDispatchPtr Parent;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    HRESULT AddNodes (
        enum MsoSegmentType SegmentType,
        enum MsoEditingType EditingType,
        float X1,
        float Y1,
        float X2,
        float Y2,
        float X3,
        float Y3 );
    ShapePtr ConvertToShape ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * Parent ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AddNodes (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoSegmentType SegmentType,
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoEditingType EditingType,
        /*[in]*/ float X1,
        /*[in]*/ float Y1,
        /*[in]*/ float X2,
        /*[in]*/ float Y2,
        /*[in]*/ float X3,
        /*[in]*/ float Y3 ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ConvertToShape (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct Shape * * Freeform ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c0316-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
GroupShapes : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    int Count;
    IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    int GetCount ( );
    ShapePtr Item (
        const _variant_t & Index );
    IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );
    ShapeRangePtr Range (
        const _variant_t & Index );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppidisp ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * pnShapes ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Item (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Index,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct Shape * * Item ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * ppienum ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Range (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Index,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct ShapeRange * * Range ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c031c-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
Shape : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    AdjustmentsPtr Adjustments;
    enum MsoAutoShapeType AutoShapeType;
    enum MsoBlackWhiteMode BlackWhiteMode;
    CalloutFormatPtr Callout;
    int ConnectionSiteCount;
    enum MsoTriState Connector;
    ConnectorFormatPtr ConnectorFormat;
    FillFormatPtr Fill;
    GroupShapesPtr GroupItems;
    float Height;
    enum MsoTriState HorizontalFlip;
    float Left;
    LineFormatPtr Line;
    enum MsoTriState LockAspectRatio;
    _bstr_t Name;
    ShapeNodesPtr Nodes;
    float Rotation;
    PictureFormatPtr PictureFormat;
    ShadowFormatPtr Shadow;
    TextEffectFormatPtr TextEffect;
    TextFramePtr TextFrame;
    ThreeDFormatPtr ThreeD;
    float Top;
    enum MsoShapeType Type;
    enum MsoTriState VerticalFlip;
    _variant_t Vertices;
    enum MsoTriState Visible;
    float Width;
    int ZOrderPosition;
    ScriptPtr Script;
    _bstr_t AlternativeText;
    enum MsoTriState HasDiagram;
    IMsoDiagramPtr Diagram;
    enum MsoTriState HasDiagramNode;
    DiagramNodePtr DiagramNode;
    enum MsoTriState Child;
    ShapePtr ParentGroup;
    CanvasShapesPtr CanvasItems;
    int Id;
    _bstr_t RTF;
    TextFrame2Ptr TextFrame2;
    enum MsoTriState HasChart;
    IMsoChartPtr Chart;
    enum MsoShapeStyleIndex ShapeStyle;
    enum MsoBackgroundStyleIndex BackgroundStyle;
    SoftEdgeFormatPtr SoftEdge;
    GlowFormatPtr Glow;
    ReflectionFormatPtr Reflection;
    enum MsoTriState HasSmartArt;
    SmartArtPtr SmartArt;
    _bstr_t Title;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    HRESULT Apply ( );
    HRESULT Delete ( );
    ShapePtr Duplicate ( );
    HRESULT Flip (
        enum MsoFlipCmd FlipCmd );
    HRESULT IncrementLeft (
        float Increment );
    HRESULT IncrementRotation (
        float Increment );
    HRESULT IncrementTop (
        float Increment );
    HRESULT PickUp ( );
    HRESULT RerouteConnections ( );
    HRESULT ScaleHeight (
        float Factor,
        enum MsoTriState RelativeToOriginalSize,
        enum MsoScaleFrom fScale );
    HRESULT ScaleWidth (
        float Factor,
        enum MsoTriState RelativeToOriginalSize,
        enum MsoScaleFrom fScale );
    HRESULT Select (
        const _variant_t & Replace = vtMissing );
    HRESULT SetShapesDefaultProperties ( );
    ShapeRangePtr Ungroup ( );
    HRESULT ZOrder (
        enum MsoZOrderCmd ZOrderCmd );
    AdjustmentsPtr GetAdjustments ( );
    enum MsoAutoShapeType GetAutoShapeType ( );
    void PutAutoShapeType (
        enum MsoAutoShapeType AutoShapeType );
    enum MsoBlackWhiteMode GetBlackWhiteMode ( );
    void PutBlackWhiteMode (
        enum MsoBlackWhiteMode BlackWhiteMode );
    CalloutFormatPtr GetCallout ( );
    int GetConnectionSiteCount ( );
    enum MsoTriState GetConnector ( );
    ConnectorFormatPtr GetConnectorFormat ( );
    FillFormatPtr GetFill ( );
    GroupShapesPtr GetGroupItems ( );
    float GetHeight ( );
    void PutHeight (
        float Height );
    enum MsoTriState GetHorizontalFlip ( );
    float GetLeft ( );
    void PutLeft (
        float Left );
    LineFormatPtr GetLine ( );
    enum MsoTriState GetLockAspectRatio ( );
    void PutLockAspectRatio (
        enum MsoTriState LockAspectRatio );
    _bstr_t GetName ( );
    void PutName (
        _bstr_t Name );
    ShapeNodesPtr GetNodes ( );
    float GetRotation ( );
    void PutRotation (
        float Rotation );
    PictureFormatPtr GetPictureFormat ( );
    ShadowFormatPtr GetShadow ( );
    TextEffectFormatPtr GetTextEffect ( );
    TextFramePtr GetTextFrame ( );
    ThreeDFormatPtr GetThreeD ( );
    float GetTop ( );
    void PutTop (
        float Top );
    enum MsoShapeType GetType ( );
    enum MsoTriState GetVerticalFlip ( );
    _variant_t GetVertices ( );
    enum MsoTriState GetVisible ( );
    void PutVisible (
        enum MsoTriState Visible );
    float GetWidth ( );
    void PutWidth (
        float Width );
    int GetZOrderPosition ( );
    ScriptPtr GetScript ( );
    _bstr_t GetAlternativeText ( );
    void PutAlternativeText (
        _bstr_t AlternativeText );
    enum MsoTriState GetHasDiagram ( );
    IMsoDiagramPtr GetDiagram ( );
    enum MsoTriState GetHasDiagramNode ( );
    DiagramNodePtr GetDiagramNode ( );
    enum MsoTriState GetChild ( );
    ShapePtr GetParentGroup ( );
    CanvasShapesPtr GetCanvasItems ( );
    int GetId ( );
    HRESULT CanvasCropLeft (
        float Increment );
    HRESULT CanvasCropTop (
        float Increment );
    HRESULT CanvasCropRight (
        float Increment );
    HRESULT CanvasCropBottom (
        float Increment );
    void PutRTF (
        _bstr_t _arg1 );
    TextFrame2Ptr GetTextFrame2 ( );
    HRESULT Cut ( );
    HRESULT Copy ( );
    enum MsoTriState GetHasChart ( );
    IMsoChartPtr GetChart ( );
    enum MsoShapeStyleIndex GetShapeStyle ( );
    void PutShapeStyle (
        enum MsoShapeStyleIndex ShapeStyle );
    enum MsoBackgroundStyleIndex GetBackgroundStyle ( );
    void PutBackgroundStyle (
        enum MsoBackgroundStyleIndex BackgroundStyle );
    SoftEdgeFormatPtr GetSoftEdge ( );
    GlowFormatPtr GetGlow ( );
    ReflectionFormatPtr GetReflection ( );
    enum MsoTriState GetHasSmartArt ( );
    SmartArtPtr GetSmartArt ( );
    HRESULT ConvertTextToSmartArt (
        struct SmartArtLayout * Layout );
    _bstr_t GetTitle ( );
    void PutTitle (
        _bstr_t Title );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * Parent ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Apply ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Delete ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Duplicate (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct Shape * * Duplicate ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Flip (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoFlipCmd FlipCmd ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_IncrementLeft (
        /*[in]*/ float Increment ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_IncrementRotation (
        /*[in]*/ float Increment ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_IncrementTop (
        /*[in]*/ float Increment ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_PickUp ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_RerouteConnections ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ScaleHeight (
        /*[in]*/ float Factor,
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoTriState RelativeToOriginalSize,
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoScaleFrom fScale ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ScaleWidth (
        /*[in]*/ float Factor,
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoTriState RelativeToOriginalSize,
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoScaleFrom fScale ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Select (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Replace = vtMissing ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetShapesDefaultProperties ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Ungroup (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct ShapeRange * * Ungroup ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ZOrder (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoZOrderCmd ZOrderCmd ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Adjustments (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct Adjustments * * Adjustments ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_AutoShapeType (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoAutoShapeType * AutoShapeType ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_AutoShapeType (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoAutoShapeType AutoShapeType ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_BlackWhiteMode (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoBlackWhiteMode * BlackWhiteMode ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_BlackWhiteMode (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoBlackWhiteMode BlackWhiteMode ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Callout (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct CalloutFormat * * Callout ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ConnectionSiteCount (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * ConnectionSiteCount ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Connector (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoTriState * Connector ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ConnectorFormat (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct ConnectorFormat * * ConnectorFormat ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Fill (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct FillFormat * * Fill ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_GroupItems (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct GroupShapes * * GroupItems ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Height (
        /*[out,retval]*/ float * Height ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Height (
        /*[in]*/ float Height ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_HorizontalFlip (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoTriState * HorizontalFlip ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Left (
        /*[out,retval]*/ float * Left ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Left (
        /*[in]*/ float Left ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Line (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct LineFormat * * Line ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_LockAspectRatio (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoTriState * LockAspectRatio ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_LockAspectRatio (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoTriState LockAspectRatio ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Name (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * Name ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Name (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR Name ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Nodes (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct ShapeNodes * * Nodes ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Rotation (
        /*[out,retval]*/ float * Rotation ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Rotation (
        /*[in]*/ float Rotation ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PictureFormat (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct PictureFormat * * Picture ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Shadow (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct ShadowFormat * * Shadow ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_TextEffect (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct TextEffectFormat * * TextEffect ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_TextFrame (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct TextFrame * * TextFrame ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ThreeD (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct ThreeDFormat * * ThreeD ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Top (
        /*[out,retval]*/ float * Top ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Top (
        /*[in]*/ float Top ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Type (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoShapeType * Type ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_VerticalFlip (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoTriState * VerticalFlip ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Vertices (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * Vertices ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Visible (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoTriState * Visible ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Visible (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoTriState Visible ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Width (
        /*[out,retval]*/ float * Width ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Width (
        /*[in]*/ float Width ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ZOrderPosition (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * ZOrderPosition ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Script (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct Script * * Script ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_AlternativeText (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * AlternativeText ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_AlternativeText (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR AlternativeText ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_HasDiagram (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoTriState * pHasDiagram ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Diagram (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMsoDiagram * * Diagram ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_HasDiagramNode (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoTriState * pHasDiagram ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DiagramNode (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct DiagramNode * * DiagramNode ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Child (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoTriState * Child ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ParentGroup (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct Shape * * Parent ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CanvasItems (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct CanvasShapes * * CanvasShapes ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Id (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * pid ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CanvasCropLeft (
        /*[in]*/ float Increment ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CanvasCropTop (
        /*[in]*/ float Increment ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CanvasCropRight (
        /*[in]*/ float Increment ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CanvasCropBottom (
        /*[in]*/ float Increment ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_RTF (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR _arg1 ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_TextFrame2 (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct TextFrame2 * * Frame ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Cut ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Copy ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_HasChart (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoTriState * pHasChart ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Chart (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMsoChart * * Chart ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ShapeStyle (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoShapeStyleIndex * ShapeStyle ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ShapeStyle (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoShapeStyleIndex ShapeStyle ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_BackgroundStyle (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoBackgroundStyleIndex * BackgroundStyle ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_BackgroundStyle (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoBackgroundStyleIndex BackgroundStyle ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SoftEdge (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct SoftEdgeFormat * * SoftEdge ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Glow (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct GlowFormat * * Glow ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Reflection (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct ReflectionFormat * * Reflection ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_HasSmartArt (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoTriState * HasSmartArt ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SmartArt (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct SmartArt * * SmartArt ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ConvertTextToSmartArt (
        /*[in]*/ struct SmartArtLayout * Layout ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Title (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * Title ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Title (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR Title ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c031d-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
ShapeRange : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    int Count;
    IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;
    AdjustmentsPtr Adjustments;
    enum MsoAutoShapeType AutoShapeType;
    enum MsoBlackWhiteMode BlackWhiteMode;
    CalloutFormatPtr Callout;
    int ConnectionSiteCount;
    enum MsoTriState Connector;
    ConnectorFormatPtr ConnectorFormat;
    FillFormatPtr Fill;
    GroupShapesPtr GroupItems;
    float Height;
    enum MsoTriState HorizontalFlip;
    float Left;
    LineFormatPtr Line;
    enum MsoTriState LockAspectRatio;
    _bstr_t Name;
    ShapeNodesPtr Nodes;
    float Rotation;
    PictureFormatPtr PictureFormat;
    ShadowFormatPtr Shadow;
    TextEffectFormatPtr TextEffect;
    TextFramePtr TextFrame;
    ThreeDFormatPtr ThreeD;
    float Top;
    enum MsoShapeType Type;
    enum MsoTriState VerticalFlip;
    _variant_t Vertices;
    enum MsoTriState Visible;
    float Width;
    int ZOrderPosition;
    ScriptPtr Script;
    _bstr_t AlternativeText;
    enum MsoTriState HasDiagram;
    IMsoDiagramPtr Diagram;
    enum MsoTriState HasDiagramNode;
    DiagramNodePtr DiagramNode;
    enum MsoTriState Child;
    ShapePtr ParentGroup;
    CanvasShapesPtr CanvasItems;
    int Id;
    _bstr_t RTF;
    TextFrame2Ptr TextFrame2;
    enum MsoTriState HasChart;
    IMsoChartPtr Chart;
    enum MsoShapeStyleIndex ShapeStyle;
    enum MsoBackgroundStyleIndex BackgroundStyle;
    SoftEdgeFormatPtr SoftEdge;
    GlowFormatPtr Glow;
    ReflectionFormatPtr Reflection;
    _bstr_t Title;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    int GetCount ( );
    ShapePtr Item (
        const _variant_t & Index );
    IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );
    HRESULT Align (
        enum MsoAlignCmd AlignCmd,
        enum MsoTriState RelativeTo );
    HRESULT Apply ( );
    HRESULT Delete ( );
    HRESULT Distribute (
        enum MsoDistributeCmd DistributeCmd,
        enum MsoTriState RelativeTo );
    ShapeRangePtr Duplicate ( );
    HRESULT Flip (
        enum MsoFlipCmd FlipCmd );
    HRESULT IncrementLeft (
        float Increment );
    HRESULT IncrementRotation (
        float Increment );
    HRESULT IncrementTop (
        float Increment );
    ShapePtr Group ( );
    HRESULT PickUp ( );
    ShapePtr Regroup ( );
    HRESULT RerouteConnections ( );
    HRESULT ScaleHeight (
        float Factor,
        enum MsoTriState RelativeToOriginalSize,
        enum MsoScaleFrom fScale );
    HRESULT ScaleWidth (
        float Factor,
        enum MsoTriState RelativeToOriginalSize,
        enum MsoScaleFrom fScale );
    HRESULT Select (
        const _variant_t & Replace = vtMissing );
    HRESULT SetShapesDefaultProperties ( );
    ShapeRangePtr Ungroup ( );
    HRESULT ZOrder (
        enum MsoZOrderCmd ZOrderCmd );
    AdjustmentsPtr GetAdjustments ( );
    enum MsoAutoShapeType GetAutoShapeType ( );
    void PutAutoShapeType (
        enum MsoAutoShapeType AutoShapeType );
    enum MsoBlackWhiteMode GetBlackWhiteMode ( );
    void PutBlackWhiteMode (
        enum MsoBlackWhiteMode BlackWhiteMode );
    CalloutFormatPtr GetCallout ( );
    int GetConnectionSiteCount ( );
    enum MsoTriState GetConnector ( );
    ConnectorFormatPtr GetConnectorFormat ( );
    FillFormatPtr GetFill ( );
    GroupShapesPtr GetGroupItems ( );
    float GetHeight ( );
    void PutHeight (
        float Height );
    enum MsoTriState GetHorizontalFlip ( );
    float GetLeft ( );
    void PutLeft (
        float Left );
    LineFormatPtr GetLine ( );
    enum MsoTriState GetLockAspectRatio ( );
    void PutLockAspectRatio (
        enum MsoTriState LockAspectRatio );
    _bstr_t GetName ( );
    void PutName (
        _bstr_t Name );
    ShapeNodesPtr GetNodes ( );
    float GetRotation ( );
    void PutRotation (
        float Rotation );
    PictureFormatPtr GetPictureFormat ( );
    ShadowFormatPtr GetShadow ( );
    TextEffectFormatPtr GetTextEffect ( );
    TextFramePtr GetTextFrame ( );
    ThreeDFormatPtr GetThreeD ( );
    float GetTop ( );
    void PutTop (
        float Top );
    enum MsoShapeType GetType ( );
    enum MsoTriState GetVerticalFlip ( );
    _variant_t GetVertices ( );
    enum MsoTriState GetVisible ( );
    void PutVisible (
        enum MsoTriState Visible );
    float GetWidth ( );
    void PutWidth (
        float Width );
    int GetZOrderPosition ( );
    ScriptPtr GetScript ( );
    _bstr_t GetAlternativeText ( );
    void PutAlternativeText (
        _bstr_t AlternativeText );
    enum MsoTriState GetHasDiagram ( );
    IMsoDiagramPtr GetDiagram ( );
    enum MsoTriState GetHasDiagramNode ( );
    DiagramNodePtr GetDiagramNode ( );
    enum MsoTriState GetChild ( );
    ShapePtr GetParentGroup ( );
    CanvasShapesPtr GetCanvasItems ( );
    int GetId ( );
    HRESULT CanvasCropLeft (
        float Increment );
    HRESULT CanvasCropTop (
        float Increment );
    HRESULT CanvasCropRight (
        float Increment );
    HRESULT CanvasCropBottom (
        float Increment );
    void PutRTF (
        _bstr_t _arg1 );
    TextFrame2Ptr GetTextFrame2 ( );
    HRESULT Cut ( );
    HRESULT Copy ( );
    enum MsoTriState GetHasChart ( );
    IMsoChartPtr GetChart ( );
    enum MsoShapeStyleIndex GetShapeStyle ( );
    void PutShapeStyle (
        enum MsoShapeStyleIndex ShapeStyle );
    enum MsoBackgroundStyleIndex GetBackgroundStyle ( );
    void PutBackgroundStyle (
        enum MsoBackgroundStyleIndex BackgroundStyle );
    SoftEdgeFormatPtr GetSoftEdge ( );
    GlowFormatPtr GetGlow ( );
    ReflectionFormatPtr GetReflection ( );
    _bstr_t GetTitle ( );
    void PutTitle (
        _bstr_t Title );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * Parent ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * Count ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Item (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Index,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct Shape * * Item ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * _NewEnum ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Align (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoAlignCmd AlignCmd,
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoTriState RelativeTo ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Apply ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Delete ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Distribute (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoDistributeCmd DistributeCmd,
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoTriState RelativeTo ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Duplicate (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct ShapeRange * * Duplicate ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Flip (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoFlipCmd FlipCmd ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_IncrementLeft (
        /*[in]*/ float Increment ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_IncrementRotation (
        /*[in]*/ float Increment ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_IncrementTop (
        /*[in]*/ float Increment ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Group (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct Shape * * Group ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_PickUp ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Regroup (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct Shape * * Regroup ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_RerouteConnections ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ScaleHeight (
        /*[in]*/ float Factor,
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoTriState RelativeToOriginalSize,
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoScaleFrom fScale ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ScaleWidth (
        /*[in]*/ float Factor,
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoTriState RelativeToOriginalSize,
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoScaleFrom fScale ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Select (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Replace = vtMissing ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetShapesDefaultProperties ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Ungroup (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct ShapeRange * * Ungroup ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ZOrder (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoZOrderCmd ZOrderCmd ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Adjustments (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct Adjustments * * Adjustments ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_AutoShapeType (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoAutoShapeType * AutoShapeType ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_AutoShapeType (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoAutoShapeType AutoShapeType ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_BlackWhiteMode (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoBlackWhiteMode * BlackWhiteMode ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_BlackWhiteMode (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoBlackWhiteMode BlackWhiteMode ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Callout (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct CalloutFormat * * Callout ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ConnectionSiteCount (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * ConnectionSiteCount ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Connector (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoTriState * Connector ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ConnectorFormat (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct ConnectorFormat * * ConnectorFormat ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Fill (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct FillFormat * * Fill ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_GroupItems (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct GroupShapes * * GroupItems ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Height (
        /*[out,retval]*/ float * Height ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Height (
        /*[in]*/ float Height ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_HorizontalFlip (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoTriState * HorizontalFlip ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Left (
        /*[out,retval]*/ float * Left ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Left (
        /*[in]*/ float Left ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Line (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct LineFormat * * Line ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_LockAspectRatio (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoTriState * LockAspectRatio ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_LockAspectRatio (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoTriState LockAspectRatio ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Name (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * Name ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Name (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR Name ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Nodes (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct ShapeNodes * * Nodes ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Rotation (
        /*[out,retval]*/ float * Rotation ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Rotation (
        /*[in]*/ float Rotation ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PictureFormat (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct PictureFormat * * Picture ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Shadow (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct ShadowFormat * * Shadow ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_TextEffect (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct TextEffectFormat * * TextEffect ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_TextFrame (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct TextFrame * * TextFrame ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ThreeD (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct ThreeDFormat * * ThreeD ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Top (
        /*[out,retval]*/ float * Top ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Top (
        /*[in]*/ float Top ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Type (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoShapeType * Type ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_VerticalFlip (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoTriState * VerticalFlip ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Vertices (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * Vertices ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Visible (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoTriState * Visible ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Visible (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoTriState Visible ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Width (
        /*[out,retval]*/ float * Width ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Width (
        /*[in]*/ float Width ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ZOrderPosition (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * ZOrderPosition ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Script (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct Script * * Script ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_AlternativeText (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * AlternativeText ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_AlternativeText (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR AlternativeText ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_HasDiagram (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoTriState * pHasDiagram ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Diagram (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMsoDiagram * * Diagram ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_HasDiagramNode (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoTriState * pHasDiagram ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DiagramNode (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct DiagramNode * * DiagramNode ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Child (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoTriState * Child ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ParentGroup (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct Shape * * Parent ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CanvasItems (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct CanvasShapes * * CanvasShapes ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Id (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * pid ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CanvasCropLeft (
        /*[in]*/ float Increment ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CanvasCropTop (
        /*[in]*/ float Increment ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CanvasCropRight (
        /*[in]*/ float Increment ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CanvasCropBottom (
        /*[in]*/ float Increment ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_RTF (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR _arg1 ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_TextFrame2 (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct TextFrame2 * * Frame ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Cut ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Copy ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_HasChart (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoTriState * pHasChart ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Chart (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMsoChart * * Chart ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ShapeStyle (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoShapeStyleIndex * ShapeStyle ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ShapeStyle (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoShapeStyleIndex ShapeStyle ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_BackgroundStyle (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoBackgroundStyleIndex * BackgroundStyle ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_BackgroundStyle (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoBackgroundStyleIndex BackgroundStyle ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SoftEdge (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct SoftEdgeFormat * * SoftEdge ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Glow (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct GlowFormat * * Glow ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Reflection (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct ReflectionFormat * * Reflection ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Title (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * Title ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Title (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR Title ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c031e-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
Shapes : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    int Count;
    ShapePtr Background;
    ShapePtr Default;
    IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    int GetCount ( );
    ShapePtr Item (
        const _variant_t & Index );
    IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );
    ShapePtr AddCallout (
        enum MsoCalloutType Type,
        float Left,
        float Top,
        float Width,
        float Height );
    ShapePtr AddConnector (
        enum MsoConnectorType Type,
        float BeginX,
        float BeginY,
        float EndX,
        float EndY );
    ShapePtr AddCurve (
        const _variant_t & SafeArrayOfPoints );
    ShapePtr AddLabel (
        enum MsoTextOrientation Orientation,
        float Left,
        float Top,
        float Width,
        float Height );
    ShapePtr AddLine (
        float BeginX,
        float BeginY,
        float EndX,
        float EndY );
    ShapePtr AddPicture (
        _bstr_t FileName,
        enum MsoTriState LinkToFile,
        enum MsoTriState SaveWithDocument,
        float Left,
        float Top,
        float Width,
        float Height );
    ShapePtr AddPolyline (
        const _variant_t & SafeArrayOfPoints );
    ShapePtr AddShape (
        enum MsoAutoShapeType Type,
        float Left,
        float Top,
        float Width,
        float Height );
    ShapePtr AddTextEffect (
        enum MsoPresetTextEffect PresetTextEffect,
        _bstr_t Text,
        _bstr_t FontName,
        float FontSize,
        enum MsoTriState FontBold,
        enum MsoTriState FontItalic,
        float Left,
        float Top );
    ShapePtr AddTextbox (
        enum MsoTextOrientation Orientation,
        float Left,
        float Top,
        float Width,
        float Height );
    FreeformBuilderPtr BuildFreeform (
        enum MsoEditingType EditingType,
        float X1,
        float Y1 );
    ShapeRangePtr Range (
        const _variant_t & Index );
    HRESULT SelectAll ( );
    ShapePtr GetBackground ( );
    ShapePtr GetDefault ( );
    ShapePtr AddDiagram (
        enum MsoDiagramType Type,
        float Left,
        float Top,
        float Width,
        float Height );
    ShapePtr AddCanvas (
        float Left,
        float Top,
        float Width,
        float Height );
    ShapePtr AddChart (
        enum XlChartType Type,
        float Left,
        float Top,
        float Width,
        float Height );
    ShapePtr AddTable (
        int NumRows,
        int NumColumns,
        float Left,
        float Top,
        float Width,
        float Height );
    ShapePtr AddSmartArt (
        struct SmartArtLayout * Layout,
        float Left,
        float Top,
        float Width,
        float Height );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * Parent ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * Count ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Item (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Index,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct Shape * * Item ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * _NewEnum ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AddCallout (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoCalloutType Type,
        /*[in]*/ float Left,
        /*[in]*/ float Top,
        /*[in]*/ float Width,
        /*[in]*/ float Height,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct Shape * * Callout ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AddConnector (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoConnectorType Type,
        /*[in]*/ float BeginX,
        /*[in]*/ float BeginY,
        /*[in]*/ float EndX,
        /*[in]*/ float EndY,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct Shape * * Connector ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AddCurve (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT SafeArrayOfPoints,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct Shape * * Curve ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AddLabel (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoTextOrientation Orientation,
        /*[in]*/ float Left,
        /*[in]*/ float Top,
        /*[in]*/ float Width,
        /*[in]*/ float Height,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct Shape * * Label ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AddLine (
        /*[in]*/ float BeginX,
        /*[in]*/ float BeginY,
        /*[in]*/ float EndX,
        /*[in]*/ float EndY,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct Shape * * Line ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AddPicture (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR FileName,
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoTriState LinkToFile,
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoTriState SaveWithDocument,
        /*[in]*/ float Left,
        /*[in]*/ float Top,
        /*[in]*/ float Width,
        /*[in]*/ float Height,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct Shape * * Picture ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AddPolyline (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT SafeArrayOfPoints,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct Shape * * Polyline ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AddShape (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoAutoShapeType Type,
        /*[in]*/ float Left,
        /*[in]*/ float Top,
        /*[in]*/ float Width,
        /*[in]*/ float Height,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct Shape * * Shape ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AddTextEffect (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoPresetTextEffect PresetTextEffect,
        /*[in]*/ BSTR Text,
        /*[in]*/ BSTR FontName,
        /*[in]*/ float FontSize,
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoTriState FontBold,
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoTriState FontItalic,
        /*[in]*/ float Left,
        /*[in]*/ float Top,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct Shape * * TextEffect ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AddTextbox (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoTextOrientation Orientation,
        /*[in]*/ float Left,
        /*[in]*/ float Top,
        /*[in]*/ float Width,
        /*[in]*/ float Height,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct Shape * * Textbox ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_BuildFreeform (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoEditingType EditingType,
        /*[in]*/ float X1,
        /*[in]*/ float Y1,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct FreeformBuilder * * FreeformBuilder ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Range (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Index,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct ShapeRange * * Range ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SelectAll ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Background (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct Shape * * Background ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Default (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct Shape * * Default ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AddDiagram (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoDiagramType Type,
        /*[in]*/ float Left,
        /*[in]*/ float Top,
        /*[in]*/ float Width,
        /*[in]*/ float Height,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct Shape * * Diagram ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AddCanvas (
        /*[in]*/ float Left,
        /*[in]*/ float Top,
        /*[in]*/ float Width,
        /*[in]*/ float Height,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct Shape * * Shape ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AddChart (
        /*[in]*/ enum XlChartType Type,
        /*[in]*/ float Left,
        /*[in]*/ float Top,
        /*[in]*/ float Width,
        /*[in]*/ float Height,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct Shape * * Chart ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AddTable (
        /*[in]*/ int NumRows,
        /*[in]*/ int NumColumns,
        /*[in]*/ float Left,
        /*[in]*/ float Top,
        /*[in]*/ float Width,
        /*[in]*/ float Height,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct Shape * * Table ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AddSmartArt (
        /*[in]*/ struct SmartArtLayout * Layout,
        /*[in]*/ float Left,
        /*[in]*/ float Top,
        /*[in]*/ float Width,
        /*[in]*/ float Height,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct Shape * * SmartArt ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c0371-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
CanvasShapes : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    int Count;
    ShapePtr Background;
    IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    int GetCount ( );
    ShapePtr Item (
        const _variant_t & Index );
    IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );
    ShapePtr AddCallout (
        enum MsoCalloutType Type,
        float Left,
        float Top,
        float Width,
        float Height );
    ShapePtr AddConnector (
        enum MsoConnectorType Type,
        float BeginX,
        float BeginY,
        float EndX,
        float EndY );
    ShapePtr AddCurve (
        const _variant_t & SafeArrayOfPoints );
    ShapePtr AddLabel (
        enum MsoTextOrientation Orientation,
        float Left,
        float Top,
        float Width,
        float Height );
    ShapePtr AddLine (
        float BeginX,
        float BeginY,
        float EndX,
        float EndY );
    ShapePtr AddPicture (
        _bstr_t FileName,
        enum MsoTriState LinkToFile,
        enum MsoTriState SaveWithDocument,
        float Left,
        float Top,
        float Width,
        float Height );
    ShapePtr AddPolyline (
        const _variant_t & SafeArrayOfPoints );
    ShapePtr AddShape (
        enum MsoAutoShapeType Type,
        float Left,
        float Top,
        float Width,
        float Height );
    ShapePtr AddTextEffect (
        enum MsoPresetTextEffect PresetTextEffect,
        _bstr_t Text,
        _bstr_t FontName,
        float FontSize,
        enum MsoTriState FontBold,
        enum MsoTriState FontItalic,
        float Left,
        float Top );
    ShapePtr AddTextbox (
        enum MsoTextOrientation Orientation,
        float Left,
        float Top,
        float Width,
        float Height );
    FreeformBuilderPtr BuildFreeform (
        enum MsoEditingType EditingType,
        float X1,
        float Y1 );
    ShapeRangePtr Range (
        const _variant_t & Index );
    HRESULT SelectAll ( );
    ShapePtr GetBackground ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * Parent ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * Count ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Item (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Index,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct Shape * * Item ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * _NewEnum ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AddCallout (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoCalloutType Type,
        /*[in]*/ float Left,
        /*[in]*/ float Top,
        /*[in]*/ float Width,
        /*[in]*/ float Height,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct Shape * * Callout ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AddConnector (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoConnectorType Type,
        /*[in]*/ float BeginX,
        /*[in]*/ float BeginY,
        /*[in]*/ float EndX,
        /*[in]*/ float EndY,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct Shape * * Connector ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AddCurve (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT SafeArrayOfPoints,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct Shape * * Curve ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AddLabel (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoTextOrientation Orientation,
        /*[in]*/ float Left,
        /*[in]*/ float Top,
        /*[in]*/ float Width,
        /*[in]*/ float Height,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct Shape * * Label ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AddLine (
        /*[in]*/ float BeginX,
        /*[in]*/ float BeginY,
        /*[in]*/ float EndX,
        /*[in]*/ float EndY,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct Shape * * Line ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AddPicture (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR FileName,
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoTriState LinkToFile,
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoTriState SaveWithDocument,
        /*[in]*/ float Left,
        /*[in]*/ float Top,
        /*[in]*/ float Width,
        /*[in]*/ float Height,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct Shape * * Picture ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AddPolyline (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT SafeArrayOfPoints,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct Shape * * Polyline ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AddShape (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoAutoShapeType Type,
        /*[in]*/ float Left,
        /*[in]*/ float Top,
        /*[in]*/ float Width,
        /*[in]*/ float Height,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct Shape * * Shape ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AddTextEffect (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoPresetTextEffect PresetTextEffect,
        /*[in]*/ BSTR Text,
        /*[in]*/ BSTR FontName,
        /*[in]*/ float FontSize,
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoTriState FontBold,
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoTriState FontItalic,
        /*[in]*/ float Left,
        /*[in]*/ float Top,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct Shape * * TextEffect ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AddTextbox (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoTextOrientation Orientation,
        /*[in]*/ float Left,
        /*[in]*/ float Top,
        /*[in]*/ float Width,
        /*[in]*/ float Height,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct Shape * * Textbox ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_BuildFreeform (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoEditingType EditingType,
        /*[in]*/ float X1,
        /*[in]*/ float Y1,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct FreeformBuilder * * FreeformBuilder ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Range (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Index,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct ShapeRange * * Range ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SelectAll ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Background (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct Shape * * Background ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c1709-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
IMsoChart : IDispatch
    // Property data

    VARIANT_BOOL HasTitle;
    IMsoChartTitlePtr ChartTitle;
    int DepthPercent;
    VARIANT_BOOL ShowReportFilterFieldButtons;
    int Elevation;
    VARIANT_BOOL ShowLegendFieldButtons;
    int GapDepth;
    IDispatchPtr ChartGroups[][][];
    int HeightPercent;
    VARIANT_BOOL ShowAxisFieldButtons;
    int Perspective;
    VARIANT_BOOL ShowValueFieldButtons;
    _variant_t RightAngleAxes;
    VARIANT_BOOL ShowAllFieldButtons;
    _variant_t Rotation;
    IMsoChartGroupPtr Area3DGroup[];
    enum XlDisplayBlanksAs DisplayBlanksAs;
    IMsoChartGroupPtr Bar3DGroup[];
    VARIANT_BOOL ProtectData;
    IMsoChartGroupPtr Column3DGroup[];
    VARIANT_BOOL ProtectFormatting;
    IMsoChartGroupPtr Line3DGroup[];
    VARIANT_BOOL ProtectGoalSeek;
    IMsoChartGroupPtr Pie3DGroup[];
    VARIANT_BOOL ProtectSelection;
    IMsoChartGroupPtr SurfaceGroup[];
    VARIANT_BOOL ProtectChartObjects;
    IDispatchPtr Application;
    long Creator;
    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    _variant_t ChartStyle;
    VARIANT_BOOL HasLegend;
    IDispatchPtr PivotLayout;
    VARIANT_BOOL HasPivotFields;
    _variant_t HasAxis[][];
    IMsoWallsPtr Walls[];
    IMsoFloorPtr Floor;
    IMsoPlotAreaPtr PlotArea;
    IMsoChartAreaPtr ChartArea;
    VARIANT_BOOL AutoScaling;
    IMsoWallsPtr SideWall;
    IMsoWallsPtr BackWall;
    IMsoDataTablePtr DataTable;
    enum XlBarShape BarShape;
    VARIANT_BOOL HasDataTable;
    IMsoCornersPtr Corners;
    enum XlChartType ChartType;
    IMsoLegendPtr Legend;
    VARIANT_BOOL ShowDataLabelsOverMaximum;
    IDispatchPtr Selection;
    VARIANT_BOOL PlotVisibleOnly;
    IMsoChartDataPtr ChartData;
    IMsoChartFormatPtr Format;
    ShapesPtr Shapes;
    enum XlRowCol PlotBy;
    long Type;
    long SubType;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    void PutHasTitle (
        VARIANT_BOOL fTitle );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetHasTitle ( );
    IMsoChartTitlePtr GetChartTitle ( );
    int GetDepthPercent ( );
    void PutDepthPercent (
        int pwDepthPercent );
    int GetElevation ( );
    void PutElevation (
        int pwElevation );
    int GetGapDepth ( );
    void PutGapDepth (
        int pwGapDepth );
    int GetHeightPercent ( );
    void PutHeightPercent (
        int pwHeightPercent );
    int GetPerspective ( );
    void PutPerspective (
        int pwPerspective );
    _variant_t GetRightAngleAxes ( );
    void PutRightAngleAxes (
        const _variant_t & pvarRightAngleAxes );
    _variant_t GetRotation ( );
    void PutRotation (
        const _variant_t & pvarRotation );
    void PutDisplayBlanksAs (
        enum XlDisplayBlanksAs pres );
    enum XlDisplayBlanksAs GetDisplayBlanksAs ( );
    void PutProtectData (
        VARIANT_BOOL pres );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetProtectData ( );
    void PutProtectFormatting (
        VARIANT_BOOL pres );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetProtectFormatting ( );
    void PutProtectGoalSeek (
        VARIANT_BOOL pres );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetProtectGoalSeek ( );
    void PutProtectSelection (
        VARIANT_BOOL pres );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetProtectSelection ( );
    void PutProtectChartObjects (
        VARIANT_BOOL pres );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetProtectChartObjects ( );
    HRESULT UnProtect (
        const _variant_t & Password = vtMissing );
    HRESULT Protect (
        const _variant_t & Password = vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & DrawingObjects = vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & Contents = vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & Scenarios = vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & UserInterfaceOnly = vtMissing );
    IDispatchPtr GetChartGroups (
        VARIANT * pvarIndex = &vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & varIgallery = vtMissing,
        long lcid = 0 );
    IDispatchPtr SeriesCollection (
        const _variant_t & Index = vtMissing );
    HRESULT _ApplyDataLabels (
        enum XlDataLabelsType Type,
        const _variant_t & IMsoLegendKey = vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & AutoText = vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & HasLeaderLines = vtMissing );
    long GetSubType ( );
    void PutSubType (
        long RHS );
    long GetType ( );
    void PutType (
        long RHS );
    IMsoCornersPtr GetCorners ( );
    HRESULT ApplyDataLabels (
        enum XlDataLabelsType Type,
        const _variant_t & IMsoLegendKey = vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & AutoText = vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & HasLeaderLines = vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & ShowSeriesName = vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & ShowCategoryName = vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & ShowValue = vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & ShowPercentage = vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & ShowBubbleSize = vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & Separator = vtMissing );
    enum XlChartType GetChartType ( );
    void PutChartType (
        enum XlChartType RHS );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetHasDataTable ( );
    void PutHasDataTable (
    HRESULT ApplyCustomType (
        enum XlChartType ChartType,
        const _variant_t & TypeName = vtMissing );
    HRESULT GetChartElement (
        long x,
        long y,
        long * ElementID,
        long * Arg1,
        long * Arg2 );
    HRESULT SetSourceData (
        _bstr_t Source,
        const _variant_t & PlotBy = vtMissing );
    enum XlRowCol GetPlotBy ( );
    void PutPlotBy (
        enum XlRowCol PlotBy );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetHasLegend ( );
    void PutHasLegend (
    IMsoLegendPtr GetLegend ( );
    IDispatchPtr Axes (
        const _variant_t & Type,
        enum XlAxisGroup AxisGroup );
    void PutHasAxis (
        const _variant_t & axisType,
        const _variant_t & AxisGroup = vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & pval = vtMissing );
    _variant_t GetHasAxis (
        const _variant_t & axisType = vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & AxisGroup = vtMissing );
    IMsoWallsPtr GetWalls (
        VARIANT_BOOL fBackWall );
    IMsoFloorPtr GetFloor ( );
    IMsoPlotAreaPtr GetPlotArea ( );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetPlotVisibleOnly ( );
    void PutPlotVisibleOnly (
    IMsoChartAreaPtr GetChartArea ( );
    HRESULT AutoFormat (
        long rGallery,
        const _variant_t & varFormat = vtMissing );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetAutoScaling ( );
    void PutAutoScaling (
        VARIANT_BOOL f );
    HRESULT SetBackgroundPicture (
        _bstr_t bstr );
    HRESULT ChartWizard (
        const _variant_t & varSource = vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & varGallery = vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & varFormat = vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & varPlotBy = vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & varCategoryLabels = vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & varSeriesLabels = vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & varHasLegend = vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & varTitle = vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & varCategoryTitle = vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & varValueTitle = vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & varExtraTitle = vtMissing,
        long LocaleID = 0 );
    HRESULT CopyPicture (
        int Appearance,
        int Format,
        int Size,
        long LocaleID = 0 );
    IMsoDataTablePtr GetDataTable ( );
    _variant_t Evaluate (
        const _variant_t & varName,
        long LocaleID,
        long * ObjType );
    _variant_t _Evaluate (
        const _variant_t & varName,
        long LocaleID );
    HRESULT Paste (
        const _variant_t & varType = vtMissing,
        long LocaleID = 0 );
    enum XlBarShape GetBarShape ( );
    void PutBarShape (
        enum XlBarShape pShape );
    VARIANT_BOOL Export (
        _bstr_t bstr,
        const _variant_t & varFilterName = vtMissing,
        const _variant_t & varInteractive = vtMissing );
    HRESULT SetDefaultChart (
        const _variant_t & varName );
    HRESULT ApplyChartTemplate (
        _bstr_t bstrFileName );
    HRESULT SaveChartTemplate (
        _bstr_t bstrFileName );
    IMsoWallsPtr GetSideWall ( );
    IMsoWallsPtr GetBackWall ( );
    _variant_t GetChartStyle ( );
    void PutChartStyle (
        const _variant_t & RHS );
    HRESULT ClearToMatchStyle ( );
    IDispatchPtr GetPivotLayout ( );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetHasPivotFields ( );
    void PutHasPivotFields (
    HRESULT RefreshPivotTable ( );
    void PutShowDataLabelsOverMaximum (
        VARIANT_BOOL pRHS );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetShowDataLabelsOverMaximum ( );
    HRESULT ApplyLayout (
        long Layout,
        const _variant_t & varChartType = vtMissing );
    IDispatchPtr GetSelection ( );
    HRESULT Refresh ( );
    HRESULT SetElement (
        enum MsoChartElementType RHS );
    IMsoChartDataPtr GetChartData ( );
    IMsoChartFormatPtr GetFormat ( );
    ShapesPtr GetShapes ( );
    IDispatchPtr GetApplication ( );
    long GetCreator ( );
    IMsoChartGroupPtr GetArea3DGroup (
        long lcid = 0 );
    IDispatchPtr AreaGroups (
        const _variant_t & Index = vtMissing,
        long lcid = 0 );
    IMsoChartGroupPtr GetBar3DGroup (
        long lcid = 0 );
    IDispatchPtr BarGroups (
        const _variant_t & Index = vtMissing,
        long lcid = 0 );
    IMsoChartGroupPtr GetColumn3DGroup (
        long lcid = 0 );
    IDispatchPtr ColumnGroups (
        const _variant_t & Index = vtMissing,
        long lcid = 0 );
    IMsoChartGroupPtr GetLine3DGroup (
        long lcid = 0 );
    IDispatchPtr LineGroups (
        const _variant_t & Index = vtMissing,
        long lcid = 0 );
    IMsoChartGroupPtr GetPie3DGroup (
        long lcid = 0 );
    IDispatchPtr PieGroups (
        const _variant_t & Index = vtMissing,
        long lcid = 0 );
    IDispatchPtr DoughnutGroups (
        const _variant_t & Index = vtMissing,
        long lcid = 0 );
    IDispatchPtr RadarGroups (
        const _variant_t & Index = vtMissing,
        long lcid = 0 );
    IMsoChartGroupPtr GetSurfaceGroup (
        long lcid = 0 );
    IDispatchPtr XYGroups (
        const _variant_t & Index = vtMissing,
        long lcid = 0 );
    _variant_t Delete ( );
    _variant_t Copy ( );
    _variant_t Select (
        const _variant_t & Replace = vtMissing );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetShowReportFilterFieldButtons ( );
    void PutShowReportFilterFieldButtons (
        VARIANT_BOOL res );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetShowLegendFieldButtons ( );
    void PutShowLegendFieldButtons (
        VARIANT_BOOL res );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetShowAxisFieldButtons ( );
    void PutShowAxisFieldButtons (
        VARIANT_BOOL res );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetShowValueFieldButtons ( );
    void PutShowValueFieldButtons (
        VARIANT_BOOL res );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetShowAllFieldButtons ( );
    void PutShowAllFieldButtons (
        VARIANT_BOOL res );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_HasTitle (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL fTitle ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_HasTitle (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * fTitle ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ChartTitle (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMsoChartTitle * * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DepthPercent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * pwDepthPercent ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_DepthPercent (
        /*[in]*/ int pwDepthPercent ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Elevation (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * pwElevation ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Elevation (
        /*[in]*/ int pwElevation ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_GapDepth (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * pwGapDepth ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_GapDepth (
        /*[in]*/ int pwGapDepth ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_HeightPercent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * pwHeightPercent ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_HeightPercent (
        /*[in]*/ int pwHeightPercent ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Perspective (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * pwPerspective ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Perspective (
        /*[in]*/ int pwPerspective ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_RightAngleAxes (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pvarRightAngleAxes ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_RightAngleAxes (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT pvarRightAngleAxes ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Rotation (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pvarRotation ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Rotation (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT pvarRotation ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_DisplayBlanksAs (
        /*[in]*/ enum XlDisplayBlanksAs pres ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DisplayBlanksAs (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum XlDisplayBlanksAs * pres ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ProtectData (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pres ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ProtectData (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pres ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ProtectFormatting (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pres ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ProtectFormatting (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pres ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ProtectGoalSeek (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pres ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ProtectGoalSeek (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pres ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ProtectSelection (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pres ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ProtectSelection (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pres ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ProtectChartObjects (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pres ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ProtectChartObjects (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pres ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_UnProtect (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Password = vtMissing ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Protect (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Password = vtMissing,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT DrawingObjects = vtMissing,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Contents = vtMissing,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Scenarios = vtMissing,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT UserInterfaceOnly = vtMissing ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ChartGroups (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT * pvarIndex,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT varIgallery,
        /*[in,lcid]*/ long lcid,
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SeriesCollection (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Index,
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw__ApplyDataLabels (
        /*[in]*/ enum XlDataLabelsType Type,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT IMsoLegendKey = vtMissing,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT AutoText = vtMissing,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT HasLeaderLines = vtMissing ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SubType (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_SubType (
        /*[in]*/ long RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Type (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Type (
        /*[in]*/ long RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Corners (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMsoCorners * * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ApplyDataLabels (
        /*[in]*/ enum XlDataLabelsType Type,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT IMsoLegendKey = vtMissing,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT AutoText = vtMissing,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT HasLeaderLines = vtMissing,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT ShowSeriesName = vtMissing,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT ShowCategoryName = vtMissing,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT ShowValue = vtMissing,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT ShowPercentage = vtMissing,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT ShowBubbleSize = vtMissing,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Separator = vtMissing ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ChartType (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum XlChartType * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ChartType (
        /*[in]*/ enum XlChartType RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_HasDataTable (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_HasDataTable (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ApplyCustomType (
        /*[in]*/ enum XlChartType ChartType,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT TypeName = vtMissing ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetChartElement (
        /*[in]*/ long x,
        /*[in]*/ long y,
        /*[in,out]*/ long * ElementID,
        /*[in,out]*/ long * Arg1,
        /*[in,out]*/ long * Arg2 ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetSourceData (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR Source,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT PlotBy = vtMissing ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PlotBy (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum XlRowCol * PlotBy ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_PlotBy (
        /*[in]*/ enum XlRowCol PlotBy ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_HasLegend (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_HasLegend (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Legend (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMsoLegend * * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Axes (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Type,
        /*[in]*/ enum XlAxisGroup AxisGroup,
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppAxes ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_HasAxis (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT axisType,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT AxisGroup = vtMissing,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT pval = vtMissing ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_HasAxis (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT axisType,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT AxisGroup,
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Walls (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL fBackWall,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMsoWalls * * ppwalls ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Floor (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMsoFloor * * ppfloor ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PlotArea (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMsoPlotArea * * ppplotarea ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PlotVisibleOnly (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_PlotVisibleOnly (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ChartArea (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMsoChartArea * * ppchartarea ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AutoFormat (
        /*[in]*/ long rGallery,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT varFormat = vtMissing ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_AutoScaling (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * f ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_AutoScaling (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL f ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetBackgroundPicture (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR bstr ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ChartWizard (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT varSource = vtMissing,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT varGallery = vtMissing,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT varFormat = vtMissing,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT varPlotBy = vtMissing,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT varCategoryLabels = vtMissing,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT varSeriesLabels = vtMissing,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT varHasLegend = vtMissing,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT varTitle = vtMissing,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT varCategoryTitle = vtMissing,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT varValueTitle = vtMissing,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT varExtraTitle = vtMissing,
        /*[in,lcid]*/ long LocaleID = 0 ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CopyPicture (
        /*[in]*/ int Appearance,
        /*[in]*/ int Format,
        /*[in]*/ int Size,
        /*[in,lcid]*/ long LocaleID = 0 ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DataTable (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMsoDataTable * * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Evaluate (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT varName,
        /*[in]*/ long LocaleID,
        /*[out]*/ long * ObjType,
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pvar ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw__Evaluate (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT varName,
        /*[in]*/ long LocaleID,
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pvar ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Paste (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT varType = vtMissing,
        /*[in,lcid]*/ long LocaleID = 0 ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_BarShape (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum XlBarShape * pShape ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_BarShape (
        /*[in]*/ enum XlBarShape pShape ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Export (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR bstr,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT varFilterName,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT varInteractive,
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * f ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetDefaultChart (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT varName ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ApplyChartTemplate (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrFileName ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SaveChartTemplate (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrFileName ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SideWall (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMsoWalls * * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_BackWall (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMsoWalls * * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ChartStyle (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ChartStyle (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ClearToMatchStyle ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PivotLayout (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_HasPivotFields (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_HasPivotFields (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_RefreshPivotTable ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ShowDataLabelsOverMaximum (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pRHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ShowDataLabelsOverMaximum (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ApplyLayout (
        /*[in]*/ long Layout,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT varChartType = vtMissing ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Selection (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Refresh ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetElement (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoChartElementType RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ChartData (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMsoChartData * * ppchartdata ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Format (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMsoChartFormat * * ppChartFormat ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Shapes (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct Shapes * * ppShapes ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Creator (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * pval ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Area3DGroup (
        /*[in,lcid]*/ long lcid,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMsoChartGroup * * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AreaGroups (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Index,
        /*[in,lcid]*/ long lcid,
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Bar3DGroup (
        /*[in,lcid]*/ long lcid,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMsoChartGroup * * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_BarGroups (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Index,
        /*[in,lcid]*/ long lcid,
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Column3DGroup (
        /*[in,lcid]*/ long lcid,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMsoChartGroup * * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ColumnGroups (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Index,
        /*[in,lcid]*/ long lcid,
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Line3DGroup (
        /*[in,lcid]*/ long lcid,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMsoChartGroup * * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_LineGroups (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Index,
        /*[in,lcid]*/ long lcid,
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Pie3DGroup (
        /*[in,lcid]*/ long lcid,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMsoChartGroup * * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_PieGroups (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Index,
        /*[in,lcid]*/ long lcid,
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_DoughnutGroups (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Index,
        /*[in,lcid]*/ long lcid,
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_RadarGroups (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Index,
        /*[in,lcid]*/ long lcid,
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SurfaceGroup (
        /*[in,lcid]*/ long lcid,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMsoChartGroup * * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_XYGroups (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Index,
        /*[in,lcid]*/ long lcid,
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Delete (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Copy (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Select (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Replace,
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * RHS ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ShowReportFilterFieldButtons (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * res ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ShowReportFilterFieldButtons (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL res ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ShowLegendFieldButtons (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * res ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ShowLegendFieldButtons (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL res ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ShowAxisFieldButtons (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * res ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ShowAxisFieldButtons (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL res ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ShowValueFieldButtons (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * res ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ShowValueFieldButtons (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL res ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ShowAllFieldButtons (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * res ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ShowAllFieldButtons (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL res ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c0332-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
FileSearch : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    VARIANT_BOOL SearchSubFolders;
    VARIANT_BOOL MatchTextExactly;
    VARIANT_BOOL MatchAllWordForms;
    _bstr_t FileName;
    enum MsoFileType FileType;
    enum MsoLastModified LastModified;
    _bstr_t TextOrProperty;
    _bstr_t LookIn;
    FoundFilesPtr FoundFiles;
    PropertyTestsPtr PropertyTests;
    SearchScopesPtr SearchScopes;
    SearchFoldersPtr SearchFolders;
    FileTypesPtr FileTypes;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    VARIANT_BOOL GetSearchSubFolders ( );
    void PutSearchSubFolders (
        VARIANT_BOOL SearchSubFoldersRetVal );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetMatchTextExactly ( );
    void PutMatchTextExactly (
        VARIANT_BOOL MatchTextRetVal );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetMatchAllWordForms ( );
    void PutMatchAllWordForms (
        VARIANT_BOOL MatchAllWordFormsRetVal );
    _bstr_t GetFileName ( );
    void PutFileName (
        _bstr_t FileNameRetVal );
    enum MsoFileType GetFileType ( );
    void PutFileType (
        enum MsoFileType FileTypeRetVal );
    enum MsoLastModified GetLastModified ( );
    void PutLastModified (
        enum MsoLastModified LastModifiedRetVal );
    _bstr_t GetTextOrProperty ( );
    void PutTextOrProperty (
        _bstr_t TextOrProperty );
    _bstr_t GetLookIn ( );
    void PutLookIn (
        _bstr_t LookInRetVal );
    int Execute (
        enum MsoSortBy SortBy,
        enum MsoSortOrder SortOrder,
        VARIANT_BOOL AlwaysAccurate );
    HRESULT NewSearch ( );
    FoundFilesPtr GetFoundFiles ( );
    PropertyTestsPtr GetPropertyTests ( );
    SearchScopesPtr GetSearchScopes ( );
    SearchFoldersPtr GetSearchFolders ( );
    FileTypesPtr GetFileTypes ( );
    HRESULT RefreshScopes ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SearchSubFolders (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * SearchSubFoldersRetVal ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_SearchSubFolders (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL SearchSubFoldersRetVal ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MatchTextExactly (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * MatchTextRetVal ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_MatchTextExactly (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL MatchTextRetVal ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MatchAllWordForms (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * MatchAllWordFormsRetVal ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_MatchAllWordForms (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL MatchAllWordFormsRetVal ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FileName (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * FileNameRetVal ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_FileName (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR FileNameRetVal ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FileType (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoFileType * FileTypeRetVal ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_FileType (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoFileType FileTypeRetVal ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_LastModified (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoLastModified * LastModifiedRetVal ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_LastModified (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoLastModified LastModifiedRetVal ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_TextOrProperty (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * TextOrProperty ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_TextOrProperty (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR TextOrProperty ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_LookIn (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * LookInRetVal ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_LookIn (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR LookInRetVal ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Execute (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoSortBy SortBy,
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoSortOrder SortOrder,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL AlwaysAccurate,
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * pRet ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_NewSearch ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FoundFiles (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct FoundFiles * * FoundFilesRet ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PropertyTests (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct PropertyTests * * PropTestsRet ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SearchScopes (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct SearchScopes * * SearchScopesRet ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SearchFolders (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct SearchFolders * * SearchFoldersRet ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FileTypes (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct FileTypes * * FileTypesRet ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_RefreshScopes ( ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c036a-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
SearchFolders : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    ScopeFolderPtr Item[];
    int Count;
    IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    ScopeFolderPtr GetItem (
        int Index );
    int GetCount ( );
    HRESULT Add (
        struct ScopeFolder * ScopeFolder );
    HRESULT Remove (
        int Index );
    IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
        /*[in]*/ int Index,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct ScopeFolder * * ScopeFolderRet ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * iCountRetVal ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Add (
        /*[in]*/ struct ScopeFolder * ScopeFolder ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Remove (
        /*[in]*/ int Index ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * ppunkEnum ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c0369-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
ScopeFolders : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    ScopeFolderPtr Item[];
    int Count;
    IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    ScopeFolderPtr GetItem (
        int Index );
    int GetCount ( );
    IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
        /*[in]*/ int Index,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct ScopeFolder * * ScopeFolderRet ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * iCountRetVal ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * ppunkEnum ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c0368-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
ScopeFolder : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    _bstr_t Name;
    _bstr_t Path;
    ScopeFoldersPtr ScopeFolders;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    _bstr_t GetName ( );
    _bstr_t GetPath ( );
    ScopeFoldersPtr GetScopeFolders ( );
    HRESULT AddToSearchFolders ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Name (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrName ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Path (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrPath ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ScopeFolders (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct ScopeFolders * * ScopeFoldersRet ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AddToSearchFolders ( ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c0367-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
SearchScope : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    enum MsoSearchIn Type;
    ScopeFolderPtr ScopeFolder;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    enum MsoSearchIn GetType ( );
    ScopeFolderPtr GetScopeFolder ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Type (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoSearchIn * MsoSearchInRetVal ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ScopeFolder (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct ScopeFolder * * ScopeFolderRet ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c0366-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
SearchScopes : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    SearchScopePtr Item[];
    int Count;
    IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    SearchScopePtr GetItem (
        int Index );
    int GetCount ( );
    IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
        /*[in]*/ int Index,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct SearchScope * * SearchScopeRet ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * iCountRetVal ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * ppunkEnum ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c036d-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
IMsoDiagram : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    DiagramNodesPtr Nodes;
    enum MsoDiagramType Type;
    enum MsoTriState AutoLayout;
    enum MsoTriState Reverse;
    enum MsoTriState AutoFormat;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    DiagramNodesPtr GetNodes ( );
    enum MsoDiagramType GetType ( );
    enum MsoTriState GetAutoLayout ( );
    void PutAutoLayout (
        enum MsoTriState AutoLayout );
    enum MsoTriState GetReverse ( );
    void PutReverse (
        enum MsoTriState Reverse );
    enum MsoTriState GetAutoFormat ( );
    void PutAutoFormat (
        enum MsoTriState AutoFormat );
    HRESULT Convert (
        enum MsoDiagramType Type );
    HRESULT FitText ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * Parent ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Nodes (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct DiagramNodes * * Nodes ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Type (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoDiagramType * Type ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_AutoLayout (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoTriState * AutoLayout ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_AutoLayout (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoTriState AutoLayout ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Reverse (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoTriState * Reverse ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Reverse (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoTriState Reverse ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_AutoFormat (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoTriState * AutoFormat ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_AutoFormat (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoTriState AutoFormat ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Convert (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoDiagramType Type ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_FitText ( ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c036e-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
DiagramNodes : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    int Count;
    IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );
    DiagramNodePtr Item (
        const _variant_t & Index );
    HRESULT SelectAll ( );
    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    int GetCount ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * ppunkEnum ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Item (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Index,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct DiagramNode * * ppdn ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SelectAll ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * Parent ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * iDiagramNodes ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c036f-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
DiagramNodeChildren : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    int Count;
    DiagramNodePtr FirstChild;
    DiagramNodePtr LastChild;
    IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );
    DiagramNodePtr Item (
        const _variant_t & Index );
    DiagramNodePtr AddNode (
        const _variant_t & Index,
        enum MsoDiagramNodeType NodeType );
    HRESULT SelectAll ( );
    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    int GetCount ( );
    DiagramNodePtr GetFirstChild ( );
    DiagramNodePtr GetLastChild ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * ppunkEnum ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Item (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Index,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct DiagramNode * * Node ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AddNode (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Index,
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoDiagramNodeType NodeType,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct DiagramNode * * NewNode ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SelectAll ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * Parent ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * iDiagramNodes ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FirstChild (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct DiagramNode * * First ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_LastChild (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct DiagramNode * * Last ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c0370-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
DiagramNode : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    DiagramNodeChildrenPtr Children;
    ShapePtr Shape;
    DiagramNodePtr Root;
    IMsoDiagramPtr Diagram;
    enum MsoOrgChartLayoutType Layout;
    ShapePtr TextShape;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    DiagramNodePtr AddNode (
        enum MsoRelativeNodePosition Pos,
        enum MsoDiagramNodeType NodeType );
    HRESULT Delete ( );
    HRESULT MoveNode (
        struct DiagramNode * TargetNode,
        enum MsoRelativeNodePosition Pos );
    HRESULT ReplaceNode (
        struct DiagramNode * TargetNode );
    HRESULT SwapNode (
        struct DiagramNode * TargetNode,
        VARIANT_BOOL SwapChildren );
    DiagramNodePtr CloneNode (
        VARIANT_BOOL CopyChildren,
        struct DiagramNode * TargetNode,
        enum MsoRelativeNodePosition Pos );
    HRESULT TransferChildren (
        struct DiagramNode * ReceivingNode );
    DiagramNodePtr NextNode ( );
    DiagramNodePtr PrevNode ( );
    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    DiagramNodeChildrenPtr GetChildren ( );
    ShapePtr GetShape ( );
    DiagramNodePtr GetRoot ( );
    IMsoDiagramPtr GetDiagram ( );
    enum MsoOrgChartLayoutType GetLayout ( );
    void PutLayout (
        enum MsoOrgChartLayoutType Type );
    ShapePtr GetTextShape ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AddNode (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoRelativeNodePosition Pos,
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoDiagramNodeType NodeType,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct DiagramNode * * NewNode ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Delete ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_MoveNode (
        /*[in]*/ struct DiagramNode * TargetNode,
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoRelativeNodePosition Pos ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ReplaceNode (
        /*[in]*/ struct DiagramNode * TargetNode ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SwapNode (
        /*[in]*/ struct DiagramNode * TargetNode,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL SwapChildren ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CloneNode (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL CopyChildren,
        /*[in]*/ struct DiagramNode * TargetNode,
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoRelativeNodePosition Pos,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct DiagramNode * * Node ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_TransferChildren (
        /*[in]*/ struct DiagramNode * ReceivingNode ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_NextNode (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct DiagramNode * * NextNode ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_PrevNode (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct DiagramNode * * PrevNode ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * Parent ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Children (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct DiagramNodeChildren * * Children ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Shape (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct Shape * * Shape ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Root (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct DiagramNode * * Root ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Diagram (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMsoDiagram * * Diagram ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Layout (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoOrgChartLayoutType * Type ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Layout (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoOrgChartLayoutType Type ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_TextShape (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct Shape * * Shape ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000cdb03-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
CustomXMLNodes : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    long Count;
    CustomXMLNodePtr Item[];
    IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    long GetCount ( );
    CustomXMLNodePtr GetItem (
        long Index );
    IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppdispParent ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * plCount ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
        /*[in]*/ long Index,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct CustomXMLNode * * ppNode ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * ppunkEnum ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000cdb04-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
CustomXMLNode : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    CustomXMLNodesPtr Attributes;
    _bstr_t BaseName;
    CustomXMLNodesPtr ChildNodes;
    CustomXMLNodePtr FirstChild;
    CustomXMLNodePtr LastChild;
    _bstr_t NamespaceURI;
    CustomXMLNodePtr NextSibling;
    enum MsoCustomXMLNodeType NodeType;
    _bstr_t NodeValue;
    IDispatchPtr OwnerDocument;
    _CustomXMLPartPtr OwnerPart;
    CustomXMLNodePtr PreviousSibling;
    CustomXMLNodePtr ParentNode;
    _bstr_t Text;
    _bstr_t XPath;
    _bstr_t XML;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    CustomXMLNodesPtr GetAttributes ( );
    _bstr_t GetBaseName ( );
    CustomXMLNodesPtr GetChildNodes ( );
    CustomXMLNodePtr GetFirstChild ( );
    CustomXMLNodePtr GetLastChild ( );
    _bstr_t GetNamespaceURI ( );
    CustomXMLNodePtr GetNextSibling ( );
    enum MsoCustomXMLNodeType GetNodeType ( );
    _bstr_t GetNodeValue ( );
    void PutNodeValue (
        _bstr_t pbstrNodeValue );
    IDispatchPtr GetOwnerDocument ( );
    _CustomXMLPartPtr GetOwnerPart ( );
    CustomXMLNodePtr GetPreviousSibling ( );
    CustomXMLNodePtr GetParentNode ( );
    _bstr_t GetText ( );
    void PutText (
        _bstr_t pbstrText );
    _bstr_t GetXPath ( );
    _bstr_t GetXML ( );
    HRESULT AppendChildNode (
        _bstr_t Name,
        _bstr_t NamespaceURI,
        enum MsoCustomXMLNodeType NodeType,
        _bstr_t NodeValue );
    HRESULT AppendChildSubtree (
        _bstr_t XML );
    HRESULT Delete ( );
    VARIANT_BOOL HasChildNodes ( );
    HRESULT InsertNodeBefore (
        _bstr_t Name,
        _bstr_t NamespaceURI,
        enum MsoCustomXMLNodeType NodeType,
        _bstr_t NodeValue,
        struct CustomXMLNode * NextSibling );
    HRESULT InsertSubtreeBefore (
        _bstr_t XML,
        struct CustomXMLNode * NextSibling );
    HRESULT RemoveChild (
        struct CustomXMLNode * Child );
    HRESULT ReplaceChildNode (
        struct CustomXMLNode * OldNode,
        _bstr_t Name,
        _bstr_t NamespaceURI,
        enum MsoCustomXMLNodeType NodeType,
        _bstr_t NodeValue );
    HRESULT ReplaceChildSubtree (
        _bstr_t XML,
        struct CustomXMLNode * OldNode );
    CustomXMLNodesPtr SelectNodes (
        _bstr_t XPath );
    CustomXMLNodePtr SelectSingleNode (
        _bstr_t XPath );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppdispParent ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Attributes (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct CustomXMLNodes * * ppAttributes ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_BaseName (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrBaseName ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ChildNodes (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct CustomXMLNodes * * ppChildNodes ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FirstChild (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct CustomXMLNode * * ppFirstChild ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_LastChild (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct CustomXMLNode * * ppLastChild ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_NamespaceURI (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrNamespaceURI ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_NextSibling (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct CustomXMLNode * * ppNextSibling ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_NodeType (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoCustomXMLNodeType * pNodeType ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_NodeValue (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrNodeValue ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_NodeValue (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR pbstrNodeValue ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_OwnerDocument (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppdispDoc ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_OwnerPart (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct _CustomXMLPart * * ppOwnerPart ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PreviousSibling (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct CustomXMLNode * * ppPreviousSibling ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ParentNode (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct CustomXMLNode * * ppParentNode ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Text (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrText ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Text (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR pbstrText ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_XPath (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrXPath ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_XML (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrXML ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AppendChildNode (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR Name,
        /*[in]*/ BSTR NamespaceURI,
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoCustomXMLNodeType NodeType,
        /*[in]*/ BSTR NodeValue ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AppendChildSubtree (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR XML ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Delete ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_HasChildNodes (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pfHasChildNodes ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_InsertNodeBefore (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR Name,
        /*[in]*/ BSTR NamespaceURI,
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoCustomXMLNodeType NodeType,
        /*[in]*/ BSTR NodeValue,
        /*[in]*/ struct CustomXMLNode * NextSibling ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_InsertSubtreeBefore (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR XML,
        /*[in]*/ struct CustomXMLNode * NextSibling ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_RemoveChild (
        /*[in]*/ struct CustomXMLNode * Child ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ReplaceChildNode (
        /*[in]*/ struct CustomXMLNode * OldNode,
        /*[in]*/ BSTR Name,
        /*[in]*/ BSTR NamespaceURI,
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoCustomXMLNodeType NodeType,
        /*[in]*/ BSTR NodeValue ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ReplaceChildSubtree (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR XML,
        /*[in]*/ struct CustomXMLNode * OldNode ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SelectNodes (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR XPath,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct CustomXMLNodes * * ppNodes ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SelectSingleNode (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR XPath,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct CustomXMLNode * * ppNode ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000cdb0e-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
CustomXMLValidationError : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    _bstr_t Name;
    CustomXMLNodePtr Node;
    _bstr_t Text;
    enum MsoCustomXMLValidationErrorType Type;
    long ErrorCode;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    _bstr_t GetName ( );
    CustomXMLNodePtr GetNode ( );
    _bstr_t GetText ( );
    enum MsoCustomXMLValidationErrorType GetType ( );
    HRESULT Delete ( );
    long GetErrorCode ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppdispParent ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Name (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrName ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Node (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct CustomXMLNode * * ppNode ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Text (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrText ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Type (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoCustomXMLValidationErrorType * pErrorType ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Delete ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ErrorCode (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * plErrorCode ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000cdb0f-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
CustomXMLValidationErrors : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    long Count;
    CustomXMLValidationErrorPtr Item[];
    IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    long GetCount ( );
    CustomXMLValidationErrorPtr GetItem (
        long Index );
    HRESULT Add (
        struct CustomXMLNode * Node,
        _bstr_t ErrorName,
        _bstr_t ErrorText,
        VARIANT_BOOL ClearedOnUpdate );
    IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppdispParent ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
        /*[out,retval]*/ long * plCount ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
        /*[in]*/ long Index,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct CustomXMLValidationError * * ppError ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Add (
        /*[in]*/ struct CustomXMLNode * Node,
        /*[in]*/ BSTR ErrorName,
        /*[in]*/ BSTR ErrorText,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL ClearedOnUpdate ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * ppunkEnum ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000cdb05-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
_CustomXMLPart : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    CustomXMLNodePtr DocumentElement;
    _bstr_t Id;
    _bstr_t NamespaceURI;
    _CustomXMLSchemaCollectionPtr SchemaCollection;
    CustomXMLPrefixMappingsPtr NamespaceManager;
    _bstr_t XML;
    CustomXMLValidationErrorsPtr Errors;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    CustomXMLNodePtr GetDocumentElement ( );
    _bstr_t GetId ( );
    _bstr_t GetNamespaceURI ( );
    _CustomXMLSchemaCollectionPtr GetSchemaCollection ( );
    void PutSchemaCollection (
        struct _CustomXMLSchemaCollection * ppSchemaCollection );
    CustomXMLPrefixMappingsPtr GetNamespaceManager ( );
    _bstr_t GetXML ( );
    HRESULT AddNode (
        struct CustomXMLNode * Parent,
        _bstr_t Name,
        _bstr_t NamespaceURI,
        struct CustomXMLNode * NextSibling,
        enum MsoCustomXMLNodeType NodeType,
        _bstr_t NodeValue );
    HRESULT Delete ( );
        _bstr_t FilePath );
        _bstr_t XML );
    CustomXMLNodesPtr SelectNodes (
        _bstr_t XPath );
    CustomXMLNodePtr SelectSingleNode (
        _bstr_t XPath );
    CustomXMLValidationErrorsPtr GetErrors ( );
    VARIANT_BOOL GetBuiltIn ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppdispParent ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DocumentElement (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct CustomXMLNode * * ppDocumentElement ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Id (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrID ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_NamespaceURI (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrNamespaceURI ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SchemaCollection (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct _CustomXMLSchemaCollection * * ppSchemaCollection ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_SchemaCollection (
        /*[in]*/ struct _CustomXMLSchemaCollection * ppSchemaCollection ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_NamespaceManager (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct CustomXMLPrefixMappings * * ppPrefixMappings ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_XML (
        /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrXML ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AddNode (
        /*[in]*/ struct CustomXMLNode * Parent,
        /*[in]*/ BSTR Name,
        /*[in]*/ BSTR NamespaceURI,
        /*[in]*/ struct CustomXMLNode * NextSibling,
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoCustomXMLNodeType NodeType,
        /*[in]*/ BSTR NodeValue ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Delete ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Load (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR FilePath,
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pfRet ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_LoadXML (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR XML,
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pfRet ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SelectNodes (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR XPath,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct CustomXMLNodes * * ppNodes ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SelectSingleNode (
        /*[in]*/ BSTR XPath,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct CustomXMLNode * * ppNode ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Errors (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct CustomXMLValidationErrors * * ppErrors ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_BuiltIn (
        /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pfRet ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000cdb06-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
ICustomXMLPartEvents : IDispatch
    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual void __stdcall NodeAfterInsert (
        /*[in]*/ struct CustomXMLNode * NewNode,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL InUndoRedo ) = 0;
      virtual void __stdcall NodeAfterDelete (
        /*[in]*/ struct CustomXMLNode * OldNode,
        /*[in]*/ struct CustomXMLNode * OldParentNode,
        /*[in]*/ struct CustomXMLNode * OldNextSibling,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL InUndoRedo ) = 0;
      virtual void __stdcall NodeAfterReplace (
        /*[in]*/ struct CustomXMLNode * OldNode,
        /*[in]*/ struct CustomXMLNode * NewNode,
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL InUndoRedo ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c03c6-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
SmartArt : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    SmartArtNodesPtr AllNodes;
    SmartArtNodesPtr Nodes;
    SmartArtLayoutPtr Layout;
    SmartArtQuickStylePtr QuickStyle;
    SmartArtColorPtr Color;
    enum MsoTriState Reverse;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    SmartArtNodesPtr GetAllNodes ( );
    SmartArtNodesPtr GetNodes ( );
    SmartArtLayoutPtr GetLayout ( );
    void PutLayout (
        struct SmartArtLayout * Layout );
    SmartArtQuickStylePtr GetQuickStyle ( );
    void PutQuickStyle (
        struct SmartArtQuickStyle * Style );
    SmartArtColorPtr GetColor ( );
    void PutColor (
        struct SmartArtColor * ColorStyle );
    enum MsoTriState GetReverse ( );
    void PutReverse (
        enum MsoTriState Reverse );
    HRESULT Reset ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * Parent ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_AllNodes (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct SmartArtNodes * * Nodes ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Nodes (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct SmartArtNodes * * Nodes ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Layout (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct SmartArtLayout * * Layout ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Layout (
        /*[in]*/ struct SmartArtLayout * Layout ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_QuickStyle (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct SmartArtQuickStyle * * Style ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_QuickStyle (
        /*[in]*/ struct SmartArtQuickStyle * Style ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Color (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct SmartArtColor * * ColorStyle ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Color (
        /*[in]*/ struct SmartArtColor * ColorStyle ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Reverse (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoTriState * Reverse ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Reverse (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoTriState Reverse ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Reset ( ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c03c7-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
SmartArtNodes : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    int Count;
    IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );
    SmartArtNodePtr Item (
        const _variant_t & Index );
    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    int GetCount ( );
    SmartArtNodePtr Add ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * _NewEnum ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Item (
        /*[in]*/ VARIANT Index,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct SmartArtNode * * SmartArtNode ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * Parent ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * Count ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Add (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct SmartArtNode * * NewNode ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("000c03c8-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"))
SmartArtNode : _IMsoDispObj
    // Property data

    IDispatchPtr Parent;
    enum MsoOrgChartLayoutType OrgChartLayout;
    ShapeRangePtr Shapes;
    TextFrame2Ptr TextFrame2;
    int Level;
    enum MsoTriState Hidden;
    SmartArtNodesPtr Nodes;
    SmartArtNodePtr ParentNode;
    enum MsoSmartArtNodeType Type;

    // Wrapper methods for error-handling

    IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
    SmartArtNodePtr AddNode (
        enum MsoSmartArtNodePosition Position,
        enum MsoSmartArtNodeType Type );
    HRESULT Delete ( );
    HRESULT Promote ( );
    HRESULT Demote ( );
    enum MsoOrgChartLayoutType GetOrgChartLayout ( );
    void PutOrgChartLayout (
        enum MsoOrgChartLayoutType Type );
    ShapeRangePtr GetShapes ( );
    TextFrame2Ptr GetTextFrame2 ( );
    HRESULT Larger ( );
    HRESULT Smaller ( );
    int GetLevel ( );
    enum MsoTriState GetHidden ( );
    SmartArtNodesPtr GetNodes ( );
    SmartArtNodePtr GetParentNode ( );
    enum MsoSmartArtNodeType GetType ( );
    HRESULT ReorderUp ( );
    HRESULT ReorderDown ( );

    // Raw methods provided by interface

      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
        /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * Parent ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AddNode (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoSmartArtNodePosition Position,
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoSmartArtNodeType Type,
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct SmartArtNode * * NewNode ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Delete ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Promote ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Demote ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_OrgChartLayout (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoOrgChartLayoutType * Type ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_OrgChartLayout (
        /*[in]*/ enum MsoOrgChartLayoutType Type ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Shapes (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct ShapeRange * * Shape ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_TextFrame2 (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct TextFrame2 * * Frame ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Larger ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Smaller ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Level (
        /*[out,retval]*/ int * Level ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Hidden (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoTriState * Hidden ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Nodes (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct SmartArtNodes * * Nodes ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ParentNode (
        /*[out,retval]*/ struct SmartArtNode * * Node ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Type (
        /*[out,retval]*/ enum MsoSmartArtNodeType * Type ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ReorderUp ( ) = 0;
      virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ReorderDown ( ) = 0;

// Function implementation mapping

#pragma start_map_region("d:\sources\pmiefuck-winword\pmiefuck-winword\debug\mso.tli")
__declspec(implementation_key(1)) IDispatchPtr IAccessible::GetaccParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2)) long IAccessible::GetaccChildCount ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3)) IDispatchPtr IAccessible::GetaccChild ( const _variant_t & varChild );
__declspec(implementation_key(4)) _bstr_t IAccessible::GetaccName ( const _variant_t & varChild );
__declspec(implementation_key(5)) _bstr_t IAccessible::GetaccValue ( const _variant_t & varChild );
__declspec(implementation_key(6)) _bstr_t IAccessible::GetaccDescription ( const _variant_t & varChild );
__declspec(implementation_key(7)) _variant_t IAccessible::GetaccRole ( const _variant_t & varChild );
__declspec(implementation_key(8)) _variant_t IAccessible::GetaccState ( const _variant_t & varChild );
__declspec(implementation_key(9)) _bstr_t IAccessible::GetaccHelp ( const _variant_t & varChild );
__declspec(implementation_key(10)) long IAccessible::GetaccHelpTopic ( BSTR * pszHelpFile, const _variant_t & varChild );
__declspec(implementation_key(11)) _bstr_t IAccessible::GetaccKeyboardShortcut ( const _variant_t & varChild );
__declspec(implementation_key(12)) _variant_t IAccessible::GetaccFocus ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(13)) _variant_t IAccessible::GetaccSelection ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(14)) _bstr_t IAccessible::GetaccDefaultAction ( const _variant_t & varChild );
__declspec(implementation_key(15)) HRESULT IAccessible::accSelect ( long flagsSelect, const _variant_t & varChild );
__declspec(implementation_key(16)) HRESULT IAccessible::accLocation ( long * pxLeft, long * pyTop, long * pcxWidth, long * pcyHeight, const _variant_t & varChild );
__declspec(implementation_key(17)) _variant_t IAccessible::accNavigate ( long navDir, const _variant_t & varStart );
__declspec(implementation_key(18)) _variant_t IAccessible::accHitTest ( long xLeft, long yTop );
__declspec(implementation_key(19)) HRESULT IAccessible::accDoDefaultAction ( const _variant_t & varChild );
__declspec(implementation_key(20)) void IAccessible::PutaccName ( const _variant_t & varChild, _bstr_t pszName );
__declspec(implementation_key(21)) void IAccessible::PutaccValue ( const _variant_t & varChild, _bstr_t pszValue );
__declspec(implementation_key(22)) IDispatchPtr _IMsoDispObj::GetApplication ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(23)) long _IMsoDispObj::GetCreator ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(24)) IDispatchPtr _IMsoOleAccDispObj::GetApplication ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(25)) long _IMsoOleAccDispObj::GetCreator ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(26)) IDispatchPtr Adjustments::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(27)) int Adjustments::GetCount ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(28)) float Adjustments::GetItem ( int Index );
__declspec(implementation_key(29)) void Adjustments::PutItem ( int Index, float Val );
__declspec(implementation_key(30)) IDispatchPtr CalloutFormat::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(31)) HRESULT CalloutFormat::AutomaticLength ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(32)) HRESULT CalloutFormat::CustomDrop ( float Drop );
__declspec(implementation_key(33)) HRESULT CalloutFormat::CustomLength ( float Length );
__declspec(implementation_key(34)) HRESULT CalloutFormat::PresetDrop ( enum MsoCalloutDropType DropType );
__declspec(implementation_key(35)) enum MsoTriState CalloutFormat::GetAccent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(36)) void CalloutFormat::PutAccent ( enum MsoTriState Accent );
__declspec(implementation_key(37)) enum MsoCalloutAngleType CalloutFormat::GetAngle ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(38)) void CalloutFormat::PutAngle ( enum MsoCalloutAngleType Angle );
__declspec(implementation_key(39)) enum MsoTriState CalloutFormat::GetAutoAttach ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(40)) void CalloutFormat::PutAutoAttach ( enum MsoTriState AutoAttach );
__declspec(implementation_key(41)) enum MsoTriState CalloutFormat::GetAutoLength ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(42)) enum MsoTriState CalloutFormat::GetBorder ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(43)) void CalloutFormat::PutBorder ( enum MsoTriState Border );
__declspec(implementation_key(44)) float CalloutFormat::GetDrop ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(45)) enum MsoCalloutDropType CalloutFormat::GetDropType ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(46)) float CalloutFormat::GetGap ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(47)) void CalloutFormat::PutGap ( float Gap );
__declspec(implementation_key(48)) float CalloutFormat::GetLength ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(49)) enum MsoCalloutType CalloutFormat::GetType ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(50)) void CalloutFormat::PutType ( enum MsoCalloutType Type );
__declspec(implementation_key(51)) IDispatchPtr ShapeNode::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(52)) enum MsoEditingType ShapeNode::GetEditingType ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(53)) _variant_t ShapeNode::GetPoints ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(54)) enum MsoSegmentType ShapeNode::GetSegmentType ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(55)) IDispatchPtr ShapeNodes::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(56)) int ShapeNodes::GetCount ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(57)) ShapeNodePtr ShapeNodes::Item ( const _variant_t & Index );
__declspec(implementation_key(58)) IUnknownPtr ShapeNodes::Get_NewEnum ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(59)) HRESULT ShapeNodes::Delete ( int Index );
__declspec(implementation_key(60)) HRESULT ShapeNodes::Insert ( int Index, enum MsoSegmentType SegmentType, enum MsoEditingType EditingType, float X1, float Y1, float X2, float Y2, float X3, float Y3 );
__declspec(implementation_key(61)) HRESULT ShapeNodes::SetEditingType ( int Index, enum MsoEditingType EditingType );
__declspec(implementation_key(62)) HRESULT ShapeNodes::SetPosition ( int Index, float X1, float Y1 );
__declspec(implementation_key(63)) HRESULT ShapeNodes::SetSegmentType ( int Index, enum MsoSegmentType SegmentType );
__declspec(implementation_key(64)) IDispatchPtr Script::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(65)) _bstr_t Script::GetExtended ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(66)) void Script::PutExtended ( _bstr_t Extended );
__declspec(implementation_key(67)) _bstr_t Script::GetId ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(68)) void Script::PutId ( _bstr_t Id );
__declspec(implementation_key(69)) enum MsoScriptLanguage Script::GetLanguage ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(70)) void Script::PutLanguage ( enum MsoScriptLanguage Language );
__declspec(implementation_key(71)) enum MsoScriptLocation Script::GetLocation ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(72)) HRESULT Script::Delete ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(73)) IDispatchPtr Script::GetShape ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(74)) _bstr_t Script::GetScriptText ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(75)) void Script::PutScriptText ( _bstr_t Script );
__declspec(implementation_key(76)) IDispatchPtr Scripts::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(77)) long Scripts::GetCount ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(78)) IUnknownPtr Scripts::Get_NewEnum ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(79)) ScriptPtr Scripts::Item ( const _variant_t & Index );
__declspec(implementation_key(80)) ScriptPtr Scripts::Add ( IDispatch * Anchor, enum MsoScriptLocation Location, enum MsoScriptLanguage Language, _bstr_t Id, _bstr_t Extended, _bstr_t ScriptText );
__declspec(implementation_key(81)) HRESULT Scripts::Delete ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(82)) IDispatchPtr TextEffectFormat::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(83)) HRESULT TextEffectFormat::ToggleVerticalText ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(84)) enum MsoTextEffectAlignment TextEffectFormat::GetAlignment ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(85)) void TextEffectFormat::PutAlignment ( enum MsoTextEffectAlignment Alignment );
__declspec(implementation_key(86)) enum MsoTriState TextEffectFormat::GetFontBold ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(87)) void TextEffectFormat::PutFontBold ( enum MsoTriState FontBold );
__declspec(implementation_key(88)) enum MsoTriState TextEffectFormat::GetFontItalic ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(89)) void TextEffectFormat::PutFontItalic ( enum MsoTriState FontItalic );
__declspec(implementation_key(90)) _bstr_t TextEffectFormat::GetFontName ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(91)) void TextEffectFormat::PutFontName ( _bstr_t FontName );
__declspec(implementation_key(92)) float TextEffectFormat::GetFontSize ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(93)) void TextEffectFormat::PutFontSize ( float FontSize );
__declspec(implementation_key(94)) enum MsoTriState TextEffectFormat::GetKernedPairs ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(95)) void TextEffectFormat::PutKernedPairs ( enum MsoTriState KernedPairs );
__declspec(implementation_key(96)) enum MsoTriState TextEffectFormat::GetNormalizedHeight ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(97)) void TextEffectFormat::PutNormalizedHeight ( enum MsoTriState NormalizedHeight );
__declspec(implementation_key(98)) enum MsoPresetTextEffectShape TextEffectFormat::GetPresetShape ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(99)) void TextEffectFormat::PutPresetShape ( enum MsoPresetTextEffectShape PresetShape );
__declspec(implementation_key(100)) enum MsoPresetTextEffect TextEffectFormat::GetPresetTextEffect ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(101)) void TextEffectFormat::PutPresetTextEffect ( enum MsoPresetTextEffect Preset );
__declspec(implementation_key(102)) enum MsoTriState TextEffectFormat::GetRotatedChars ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(103)) void TextEffectFormat::PutRotatedChars ( enum MsoTriState RotatedChars );
__declspec(implementation_key(104)) _bstr_t TextEffectFormat::GetText ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(105)) void TextEffectFormat::PutText ( _bstr_t Text );
__declspec(implementation_key(106)) float TextEffectFormat::GetTracking ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(107)) void TextEffectFormat::PutTracking ( float Tracking );
__declspec(implementation_key(108)) IDispatchPtr TextFrame::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(109)) float TextFrame::GetMarginBottom ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(110)) void TextFrame::PutMarginBottom ( float MarginBottom );
__declspec(implementation_key(111)) float TextFrame::GetMarginLeft ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(112)) void TextFrame::PutMarginLeft ( float MarginLeft );
__declspec(implementation_key(113)) float TextFrame::GetMarginRight ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(114)) void TextFrame::PutMarginRight ( float MarginRight );
__declspec(implementation_key(115)) float TextFrame::GetMarginTop ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(116)) void TextFrame::PutMarginTop ( float MarginTop );
__declspec(implementation_key(117)) enum MsoTextOrientation TextFrame::GetOrientation ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(118)) void TextFrame::PutOrientation ( enum MsoTextOrientation Orientation );
__declspec(implementation_key(119)) HRESULT IMsoDispCagNotifySink::InsertClip ( IUnknown * pClipMoniker, IUnknown * pItemMoniker );
__declspec(implementation_key(120)) HRESULT IMsoDispCagNotifySink::WindowIsClosing ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(121)) IDispatchPtr Balloon::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(122)) IDispatchPtr Balloon::GetCheckboxes ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(123)) IDispatchPtr Balloon::GetLabels ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(124)) void Balloon::PutBalloonType ( enum MsoBalloonType pbty );
__declspec(implementation_key(125)) enum MsoBalloonType Balloon::GetBalloonType ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(126)) void Balloon::PutIcon ( enum MsoIconType picn );
__declspec(implementation_key(127)) enum MsoIconType Balloon::GetIcon ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(128)) void Balloon::PutHeading ( _bstr_t pbstr );
__declspec(implementation_key(129)) _bstr_t Balloon::GetHeading ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(130)) void Balloon::PutText ( _bstr_t pbstr );
__declspec(implementation_key(131)) _bstr_t Balloon::GetText ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(132)) void Balloon::PutMode ( enum MsoModeType pmd );
__declspec(implementation_key(133)) enum MsoModeType Balloon::GetMode ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(134)) void Balloon::PutAnimation ( enum MsoAnimationType pfca );
__declspec(implementation_key(135)) enum MsoAnimationType Balloon::GetAnimation ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(136)) void Balloon::PutButton ( enum MsoButtonSetType psbs );
__declspec(implementation_key(137)) enum MsoButtonSetType Balloon::GetButton ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(138)) void Balloon::PutCallback ( _bstr_t pbstr );
__declspec(implementation_key(139)) _bstr_t Balloon::GetCallback ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(140)) void Balloon::PutPrivate ( long plPrivate );
__declspec(implementation_key(141)) long Balloon::GetPrivate ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(142)) HRESULT Balloon::SetAvoidRectangle ( int Left, int Top, int Right, int Bottom );
__declspec(implementation_key(143)) _bstr_t Balloon::GetName ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(144)) enum MsoBalloonButtonType Balloon::Show ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(145)) HRESULT Balloon::Close ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(146)) _bstr_t BalloonCheckboxes::GetName ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(147)) IDispatchPtr BalloonCheckboxes::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(148)) IDispatchPtr BalloonCheckboxes::GetItem ( int Index );
__declspec(implementation_key(149)) int BalloonCheckboxes::GetCount ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(150)) void BalloonCheckboxes::PutCount ( int pccbx );
__declspec(implementation_key(151)) IUnknownPtr BalloonCheckboxes::Get_NewEnum ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(152)) _bstr_t BalloonCheckbox::GetItem ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(153)) _bstr_t BalloonCheckbox::GetName ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(154)) IDispatchPtr BalloonCheckbox::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(155)) void BalloonCheckbox::PutChecked ( VARIANT_BOOL pvarfChecked );
__declspec(implementation_key(156)) VARIANT_BOOL BalloonCheckbox::GetChecked ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(157)) void BalloonCheckbox::PutText ( _bstr_t pbstr );
__declspec(implementation_key(158)) _bstr_t BalloonCheckbox::GetText ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(159)) _bstr_t BalloonLabels::GetName ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(160)) IDispatchPtr BalloonLabels::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(161)) IDispatchPtr BalloonLabels::GetItem ( int Index );
__declspec(implementation_key(162)) int BalloonLabels::GetCount ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(163)) void BalloonLabels::PutCount ( int pcwz );
__declspec(implementation_key(164)) IUnknownPtr BalloonLabels::Get_NewEnum ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(165)) _bstr_t BalloonLabel::GetItem ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(166)) _bstr_t BalloonLabel::GetName ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(167)) IDispatchPtr BalloonLabel::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(168)) void BalloonLabel::PutText ( _bstr_t pbstr );
__declspec(implementation_key(169)) _bstr_t BalloonLabel::GetText ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(170)) IDispatchPtr AnswerWizardFiles::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(171)) _bstr_t AnswerWizardFiles::GetItem ( int Index );
__declspec(implementation_key(172)) int AnswerWizardFiles::GetCount ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(173)) HRESULT AnswerWizardFiles::Add ( _bstr_t FileName );
__declspec(implementation_key(174)) HRESULT AnswerWizardFiles::Delete ( _bstr_t FileName );
__declspec(implementation_key(175)) IDispatchPtr AnswerWizard::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(176)) AnswerWizardFilesPtr AnswerWizard::GetFiles ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(177)) HRESULT AnswerWizard::ClearFileList ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(178)) HRESULT AnswerWizard::ResetFileList ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(179)) HRESULT DocumentProperty::Delete ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(180)) _bstr_t DocumentProperty::GetName ( long lcid );
__declspec(implementation_key(181)) void DocumentProperty::PutName ( long lcid, _bstr_t pbstrRetVal );
__declspec(implementation_key(182)) _variant_t DocumentProperty::GetValue ( long lcid );
__declspec(implementation_key(183)) void DocumentProperty::PutValue ( long lcid, const _variant_t & pvargRetVal );
__declspec(implementation_key(184)) enum MsoDocProperties DocumentProperty::GetType ( long lcid );
__declspec(implementation_key(185)) void DocumentProperty::PutType ( long lcid, enum MsoDocProperties ptypeRetVal );
__declspec(implementation_key(186)) VARIANT_BOOL DocumentProperty::GetLinkToContent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(187)) void DocumentProperty::PutLinkToContent ( VARIANT_BOOL pfLinkRetVal );
__declspec(implementation_key(188)) _bstr_t DocumentProperty::GetLinkSource ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(189)) void DocumentProperty::PutLinkSource ( _bstr_t pbstrSourceRetVal );
__declspec(implementation_key(190)) IDispatchPtr DocumentProperty::GetApplication ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(191)) long DocumentProperty::GetCreator ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(192)) DocumentPropertyPtr __DocumentProperties::GetItem ( const _variant_t & Index, long lcid );
__declspec(implementation_key(193)) long __DocumentProperties::GetCount ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(194)) DocumentPropertyPtr __DocumentProperties::Add ( _bstr_t Name, VARIANT_BOOL LinkToContent, const _variant_t & Type, const _variant_t & Value, const _variant_t & LinkSource, long lcid );
__declspec(implementation_key(195)) IUnknownPtr __DocumentProperties::Get_NewEnum ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(196)) IDispatchPtr __DocumentProperties::GetApplication ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(197)) long __DocumentProperties::GetCreator ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(198)) _bstr_t IFoundFiles::GetItem ( int Index );
__declspec(implementation_key(199)) int IFoundFiles::GetCount ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(200)) IUnknownPtr IFoundFiles::Get_NewEnum ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(201)) _bstr_t IFind::Get__SearchPath ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(202)) _bstr_t IFind::GetName ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(203)) VARIANT_BOOL IFind::GetSubDir ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(204)) _bstr_t IFind::GetTitle ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(205)) _bstr_t IFind::GetAuthor ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(206)) _bstr_t IFind::GetKeywords ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(207)) _bstr_t IFind::GetSubject ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(208)) enum MsoFileFindOptions IFind::GetOptions ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(209)) VARIANT_BOOL IFind::GetMatchCase ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(210)) _bstr_t IFind::GetText ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(211)) VARIANT_BOOL IFind::GetPatternMatch ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(212)) _variant_t IFind::GetDateSavedFrom ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(213)) _variant_t IFind::GetDateSavedTo ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(214)) _bstr_t IFind::GetSavedBy ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(215)) _variant_t IFind::GetDateCreatedFrom ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(216)) _variant_t IFind::GetDateCreatedTo ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(217)) enum MsoFileFindView IFind::GetView ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(218)) enum MsoFileFindSortBy IFind::GetSortBy ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(219)) enum MsoFileFindListBy IFind::GetListBy ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(220)) int IFind::GetSelectedFile ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(221)) IFoundFilesPtr IFind::GetResults ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(222)) int IFind::Show ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(223)) void IFind::Put__SearchPath ( _bstr_t pbstr );
__declspec(implementation_key(224)) void IFind::PutName ( _bstr_t pbstr );
__declspec(implementation_key(225)) void IFind::PutSubDir ( VARIANT_BOOL retval );
__declspec(implementation_key(226)) void IFind::PutTitle ( _bstr_t pbstr );
__declspec(implementation_key(227)) void IFind::PutAuthor ( _bstr_t pbstr );
__declspec(implementation_key(228)) void IFind::PutKeywords ( _bstr_t pbstr );
__declspec(implementation_key(229)) void IFind::PutSubject ( _bstr_t pbstr );
__declspec(implementation_key(230)) void IFind::PutOptions ( enum MsoFileFindOptions penmOptions );
__declspec(implementation_key(231)) void IFind::PutMatchCase ( VARIANT_BOOL retval );
__declspec(implementation_key(232)) void IFind::PutText ( _bstr_t pbstr );
__declspec(implementation_key(233)) void IFind::PutPatternMatch ( VARIANT_BOOL retval );
__declspec(implementation_key(234)) void IFind::PutDateSavedFrom ( const _variant_t & pdatSavedFrom );
__declspec(implementation_key(235)) void IFind::PutDateSavedTo ( const _variant_t & pdatSavedTo );
__declspec(implementation_key(236)) void IFind::PutSavedBy ( _bstr_t pbstr );
__declspec(implementation_key(237)) void IFind::PutDateCreatedFrom ( const _variant_t & pdatCreatedFrom );
__declspec(implementation_key(238)) void IFind::PutDateCreatedTo ( const _variant_t & pdatCreatedTo );
__declspec(implementation_key(239)) void IFind::PutView ( enum MsoFileFindView penmView );
__declspec(implementation_key(240)) void IFind::PutSortBy ( enum MsoFileFindSortBy penmSortBy );
__declspec(implementation_key(241)) void IFind::PutListBy ( enum MsoFileFindListBy penmListBy );
__declspec(implementation_key(242)) void IFind::PutSelectedFile ( int pintSelectedFile );
__declspec(implementation_key(243)) HRESULT IFind::Execute ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(244)) HRESULT IFind::Load ( _bstr_t bstrQueryName );
__declspec(implementation_key(245)) HRESULT IFind::Save ( _bstr_t bstrQueryName );
__declspec(implementation_key(246)) HRESULT IFind::Delete ( _bstr_t bstrQueryName );
__declspec(implementation_key(247)) long IFind::GetFileType ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(248)) void IFind::PutFileType ( long plFileType );
__declspec(implementation_key(249)) _bstr_t FoundFiles::GetItem ( int Index, long lcid );
__declspec(implementation_key(250)) long FoundFiles::GetCount ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(251)) IUnknownPtr FoundFiles::Get_NewEnum ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(252)) _bstr_t PropertyTest::GetName ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(253)) enum MsoCondition PropertyTest::GetCondition ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(254)) _variant_t PropertyTest::GetValue ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(255)) _variant_t PropertyTest::GetSecondValue ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(256)) enum MsoConnector PropertyTest::GetConnector ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(257)) PropertyTestPtr PropertyTests::GetItem ( int Index, long lcid );
__declspec(implementation_key(258)) long PropertyTests::GetCount ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(259)) HRESULT PropertyTests::Add ( _bstr_t Name, enum MsoCondition Condition, const _variant_t & Value, const _variant_t & SecondValue, enum MsoConnector Connector );
__declspec(implementation_key(260)) HRESULT PropertyTests::Remove ( int Index );
__declspec(implementation_key(261)) IUnknownPtr PropertyTests::Get_NewEnum ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(262)) _bstr_t COMAddIn::GetDescription ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(263)) void COMAddIn::PutDescription ( _bstr_t RetValue );
__declspec(implementation_key(264)) _bstr_t COMAddIn::GetProgId ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(265)) _bstr_t COMAddIn::GetGuid ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(266)) VARIANT_BOOL COMAddIn::GetConnect ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(267)) void COMAddIn::PutConnect ( VARIANT_BOOL RetValue );
__declspec(implementation_key(268)) IDispatchPtr COMAddIn::GetObject ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(269)) void COMAddIn::PutObject ( IDispatch * RetValue );
__declspec(implementation_key(270)) IDispatchPtr COMAddIn::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(271)) COMAddInPtr COMAddIns::Item ( VARIANT * Index );
__declspec(implementation_key(272)) long COMAddIns::GetCount ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(273)) IUnknownPtr COMAddIns::Get_NewEnum ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(274)) HRESULT COMAddIns::Update ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(275)) IDispatchPtr COMAddIns::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(276)) HRESULT COMAddIns::SetAppModal ( VARIANT_BOOL varfModal );
__declspec(implementation_key(277)) int LanguageSettings::GetLanguageID ( enum MsoAppLanguageID Id );
__declspec(implementation_key(278)) VARIANT_BOOL LanguageSettings::GetLanguagePreferredForEditing ( enum MsoLanguageID lid );
__declspec(implementation_key(279)) IDispatchPtr LanguageSettings::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(280)) HRESULT _CommandBarsEvents::OnUpdate ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(281)) HRESULT _CommandBarComboBoxEvents::Change ( struct _CommandBarComboBox * Ctrl );
__declspec(implementation_key(282)) HRESULT _CommandBarButtonEvents::Click ( struct _CommandBarButton * Ctrl, VARIANT_BOOL * CancelDefault );
__declspec(implementation_key(283)) _bstr_t WebPageFont::GetProportionalFont ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(284)) void WebPageFont::PutProportionalFont ( _bstr_t pstr );
__declspec(implementation_key(285)) float WebPageFont::GetProportionalFontSize ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(286)) void WebPageFont::PutProportionalFontSize ( float pf );
__declspec(implementation_key(287)) _bstr_t WebPageFont::GetFixedWidthFont ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(288)) void WebPageFont::PutFixedWidthFont ( _bstr_t pstr );
__declspec(implementation_key(289)) float WebPageFont::GetFixedWidthFontSize ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(290)) void WebPageFont::PutFixedWidthFontSize ( float pf );
__declspec(implementation_key(291)) int WebPageFonts::GetCount ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(292)) WebPageFontPtr WebPageFonts::GetItem ( enum MsoCharacterSet Index );
__declspec(implementation_key(293)) IUnknownPtr WebPageFonts::Get_NewEnum ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(294)) _bstr_t HTMLProjectItem::GetName ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(295)) VARIANT_BOOL HTMLProjectItem::GetIsOpen ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(296)) HRESULT HTMLProjectItem::LoadFromFile ( _bstr_t FileName );
__declspec(implementation_key(297)) HRESULT HTMLProjectItem::Open ( enum MsoHTMLProjectOpen OpenKind );
__declspec(implementation_key(298)) HRESULT HTMLProjectItem::SaveCopyAs ( _bstr_t FileName );
__declspec(implementation_key(299)) _bstr_t HTMLProjectItem::GetText ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(300)) void HTMLProjectItem::PutText ( _bstr_t Text );
__declspec(implementation_key(301)) IDispatchPtr HTMLProjectItem::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(302)) HTMLProjectItemPtr HTMLProjectItems::Item ( VARIANT * Index );
__declspec(implementation_key(303)) long HTMLProjectItems::GetCount ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(304)) IUnknownPtr HTMLProjectItems::Get_NewEnum ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(305)) IDispatchPtr HTMLProjectItems::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(306)) enum MsoHTMLProjectState HTMLProject::GetState ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(307)) HRESULT HTMLProject::RefreshProject ( VARIANT_BOOL Refresh );
__declspec(implementation_key(308)) HRESULT HTMLProject::RefreshDocument ( VARIANT_BOOL Refresh );
__declspec(implementation_key(309)) HTMLProjectItemsPtr HTMLProject::GetHTMLProjectItems ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(310)) IDispatchPtr HTMLProject::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(311)) HRESULT HTMLProject::Open ( enum MsoHTMLProjectOpen OpenKind );
__declspec(implementation_key(312)) int MsoDebugOptions::GetFeatureReports ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(313)) void MsoDebugOptions::PutFeatureReports ( int puintFeatureReports );
__declspec(implementation_key(314)) VARIANT_BOOL MsoDebugOptions::GetOutputToDebugger ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(315)) void MsoDebugOptions::PutOutputToDebugger ( VARIANT_BOOL pvarfOutputToDebugger );
__declspec(implementation_key(316)) VARIANT_BOOL MsoDebugOptions::GetOutputToFile ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(317)) void MsoDebugOptions::PutOutputToFile ( VARIANT_BOOL pvarfOutputToFile );
__declspec(implementation_key(318)) VARIANT_BOOL MsoDebugOptions::GetOutputToMessageBox ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(319)) void MsoDebugOptions::PutOutputToMessageBox ( VARIANT_BOOL pvarfOutputToMessageBox );
__declspec(implementation_key(320)) IUnknownPtr MsoDebugOptions::GetUnitTestManager ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(321)) IDispatchPtr FileDialogSelectedItems::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(322)) IUnknownPtr FileDialogSelectedItems::Get_NewEnum ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(323)) long FileDialogSelectedItems::GetCount ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(324)) _bstr_t FileDialogSelectedItems::Item ( int Index );
__declspec(implementation_key(325)) IDispatchPtr FileDialogFilter::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(326)) _bstr_t FileDialogFilter::GetExtensions ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(327)) _bstr_t FileDialogFilter::GetDescription ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(328)) IDispatchPtr FileDialogFilters::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(329)) IUnknownPtr FileDialogFilters::Get_NewEnum ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(330)) long FileDialogFilters::GetCount ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(331)) FileDialogFilterPtr FileDialogFilters::Item ( int Index );
__declspec(implementation_key(332)) HRESULT FileDialogFilters::Delete ( const _variant_t & filter );
__declspec(implementation_key(333)) HRESULT FileDialogFilters::Clear ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(334)) FileDialogFilterPtr FileDialogFilters::Add ( _bstr_t Description, _bstr_t Extensions, const _variant_t & Position );
__declspec(implementation_key(335)) IDispatchPtr FileDialog::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(336)) FileDialogFiltersPtr FileDialog::GetFilters ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(337)) int FileDialog::GetFilterIndex ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(338)) void FileDialog::PutFilterIndex ( int FilterIndex );
__declspec(implementation_key(339)) _bstr_t FileDialog::GetTitle ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(340)) void FileDialog::PutTitle ( _bstr_t Title );
__declspec(implementation_key(341)) _bstr_t FileDialog::GetButtonName ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(342)) void FileDialog::PutButtonName ( _bstr_t ButtonName );
__declspec(implementation_key(343)) VARIANT_BOOL FileDialog::GetAllowMultiSelect ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(344)) void FileDialog::PutAllowMultiSelect ( VARIANT_BOOL pvarfAllowMultiSelect );
__declspec(implementation_key(345)) enum MsoFileDialogView FileDialog::GetInitialView ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(346)) void FileDialog::PutInitialView ( enum MsoFileDialogView pinitialview );
__declspec(implementation_key(347)) _bstr_t FileDialog::GetInitialFileName ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(348)) void FileDialog::PutInitialFileName ( _bstr_t InitialFileName );
__declspec(implementation_key(349)) FileDialogSelectedItemsPtr FileDialog::GetSelectedItems ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(350)) enum MsoFileDialogType FileDialog::GetDialogType ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(351)) _bstr_t FileDialog::GetItem ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(352)) int FileDialog::Show ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(353)) HRESULT FileDialog::Execute ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(354)) _bstr_t IMsoEnvelopeVB::GetIntroduction ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(355)) void IMsoEnvelopeVB::PutIntroduction ( _bstr_t pbstrIntro );
__declspec(implementation_key(356)) IDispatchPtr IMsoEnvelopeVB::GetItem ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(357)) IDispatchPtr IMsoEnvelopeVB::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(358)) IDispatchPtr IMsoEnvelopeVB::GetCommandBars ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(359)) HRESULT IMsoEnvelopeVBEvents::EnvelopeShow ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(360)) HRESULT IMsoEnvelopeVBEvents::EnvelopeHide ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(361)) IDispatchPtr Assistant::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(362)) HRESULT Assistant::Move ( int xLeft, int yTop );
__declspec(implementation_key(363)) void Assistant::PutTop ( int pyTop );
__declspec(implementation_key(364)) int Assistant::GetTop ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(365)) void Assistant::PutLeft ( int pxLeft );
__declspec(implementation_key(366)) int Assistant::GetLeft ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(367)) HRESULT Assistant::Help ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(368)) long Assistant::StartWizard ( VARIANT_BOOL On, _bstr_t Callback, long PrivateX, const _variant_t & Animation, const _variant_t & CustomTeaser, const _variant_t & Top, const _variant_t & Left, const _variant_t & Bottom, const _variant_t & Right );
__declspec(implementation_key(369)) HRESULT Assistant::EndWizard ( long WizardID, VARIANT_BOOL varfSuccess, const _variant_t & Animation );
__declspec(implementation_key(370)) HRESULT Assistant::ActivateWizard ( long WizardID, enum MsoWizardActType act, const _variant_t & Animation );
__declspec(implementation_key(371)) HRESULT Assistant::ResetTips ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(372)) BalloonPtr Assistant::GetNewBalloon ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(373)) enum MsoBalloonErrorType Assistant::GetBalloonError ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(374)) VARIANT_BOOL Assistant::GetVisible ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(375)) void Assistant::PutVisible ( VARIANT_BOOL pvarfVisible );
__declspec(implementation_key(376)) enum MsoAnimationType Assistant::GetAnimation ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(377)) void Assistant::PutAnimation ( enum MsoAnimationType pfca );
__declspec(implementation_key(378)) VARIANT_BOOL Assistant::GetReduced ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(379)) void Assistant::PutReduced ( VARIANT_BOOL pvarfReduced );
__declspec(implementation_key(380)) void Assistant::PutAssistWithHelp ( VARIANT_BOOL pvarfAssistWithHelp );
__declspec(implementation_key(381)) VARIANT_BOOL Assistant::GetAssistWithHelp ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(382)) void Assistant::PutAssistWithWizards ( VARIANT_BOOL pvarfAssistWithWizards );
__declspec(implementation_key(383)) VARIANT_BOOL Assistant::GetAssistWithWizards ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(384)) void Assistant::PutAssistWithAlerts ( VARIANT_BOOL pvarfAssistWithAlerts );
__declspec(implementation_key(385)) VARIANT_BOOL Assistant::GetAssistWithAlerts ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(386)) void Assistant::PutMoveWhenInTheWay ( VARIANT_BOOL pvarfMove );
__declspec(implementation_key(387)) VARIANT_BOOL Assistant::GetMoveWhenInTheWay ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(388)) void Assistant::PutSounds ( VARIANT_BOOL pvarfSounds );
__declspec(implementation_key(389)) VARIANT_BOOL Assistant::GetSounds ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(390)) void Assistant::PutFeatureTips ( VARIANT_BOOL pvarfFeatures );
__declspec(implementation_key(391)) VARIANT_BOOL Assistant::GetFeatureTips ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(392)) void Assistant::PutMouseTips ( VARIANT_BOOL pvarfMouse );
__declspec(implementation_key(393)) VARIANT_BOOL Assistant::GetMouseTips ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(394)) void Assistant::PutKeyboardShortcutTips ( VARIANT_BOOL pvarfKeyboardShortcuts );
__declspec(implementation_key(395)) VARIANT_BOOL Assistant::GetKeyboardShortcutTips ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(396)) void Assistant::PutHighPriorityTips ( VARIANT_BOOL pvarfHighPriorityTips );
__declspec(implementation_key(397)) VARIANT_BOOL Assistant::GetHighPriorityTips ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(398)) void Assistant::PutTipOfDay ( VARIANT_BOOL pvarfTipOfDay );
__declspec(implementation_key(399)) VARIANT_BOOL Assistant::GetTipOfDay ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(400)) void Assistant::PutGuessHelp ( VARIANT_BOOL pvarfGuessHelp );
__declspec(implementation_key(401)) VARIANT_BOOL Assistant::GetGuessHelp ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(402)) void Assistant::PutSearchWhenProgramming ( VARIANT_BOOL pvarfSearchInProgram );
__declspec(implementation_key(403)) VARIANT_BOOL Assistant::GetSearchWhenProgramming ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(404)) _bstr_t Assistant::GetItem ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(405)) _bstr_t Assistant::GetFileName ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(406)) void Assistant::PutFileName ( _bstr_t pbstr );
__declspec(implementation_key(407)) _bstr_t Assistant::GetName ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(408)) VARIANT_BOOL Assistant::GetOn ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(409)) void Assistant::PutOn ( VARIANT_BOOL pvarfOn );
__declspec(implementation_key(410)) int Assistant::DoAlert ( _bstr_t bstrAlertTitle, _bstr_t bstrAlertText, enum MsoAlertButtonType alb, enum MsoAlertIconType alc, enum MsoAlertDefaultType ald, enum MsoAlertCancelType alq, VARIANT_BOOL varfSysAlert );
__declspec(implementation_key(411)) enum MsoFileType FileTypes::GetItem ( int Index );
__declspec(implementation_key(412)) int FileTypes::GetCount ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(413)) HRESULT FileTypes::Add ( enum MsoFileType FileType );
__declspec(implementation_key(414)) HRESULT FileTypes::Remove ( int Index );
__declspec(implementation_key(415)) IUnknownPtr FileTypes::Get_NewEnum ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(416)) _bstr_t OfficeDataSourceObject::GetConnectString ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(417)) void OfficeDataSourceObject::PutConnectString ( _bstr_t pbstrConnect );
__declspec(implementation_key(418)) _bstr_t OfficeDataSourceObject::GetTable ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(419)) void OfficeDataSourceObject::PutTable ( _bstr_t pbstrTable );
__declspec(implementation_key(420)) _bstr_t OfficeDataSourceObject::GetDataSource ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(421)) void OfficeDataSourceObject::PutDataSource ( _bstr_t pbstrSrc );
__declspec(implementation_key(422)) IDispatchPtr OfficeDataSourceObject::GetColumns ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(423)) long OfficeDataSourceObject::GetRowCount ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(424)) IDispatchPtr OfficeDataSourceObject::GetFilters ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(425)) int OfficeDataSourceObject::Move ( enum MsoMoveRow MsoMoveRow, int RowNbr );
__declspec(implementation_key(426)) HRESULT OfficeDataSourceObject::Open ( _bstr_t bstrSrc, _bstr_t bstrConnect, _bstr_t bstrTable, long fOpenExclusive, long fNeverPrompt );
__declspec(implementation_key(427)) HRESULT OfficeDataSourceObject::SetSortOrder ( _bstr_t SortField1, VARIANT_BOOL SortAscending1, _bstr_t SortField2, VARIANT_BOOL SortAscending2, _bstr_t SortField3, VARIANT_BOOL SortAscending3 );
__declspec(implementation_key(428)) HRESULT OfficeDataSourceObject::ApplyFilter ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(429)) long ODSOColumn::GetIndex ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(430)) _bstr_t ODSOColumn::GetName ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(431)) IDispatchPtr ODSOColumn::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(432)) _bstr_t ODSOColumn::GetValue ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(433)) long ODSOColumns::GetCount ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(434)) IDispatchPtr ODSOColumns::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(435)) IDispatchPtr ODSOColumns::Item ( const _variant_t & varIndex );
__declspec(implementation_key(436)) long ODSOFilter::GetIndex ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(437)) IDispatchPtr ODSOFilter::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(438)) _bstr_t ODSOFilter::GetColumn ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(439)) void ODSOFilter::PutColumn ( _bstr_t pbstrCol );
__declspec(implementation_key(440)) enum MsoFilterComparison ODSOFilter::GetComparison ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(441)) void ODSOFilter::PutComparison ( enum MsoFilterComparison pComparison );
__declspec(implementation_key(442)) _bstr_t ODSOFilter::GetCompareTo ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(443)) void ODSOFilter::PutCompareTo ( _bstr_t pbstrCompareTo );
__declspec(implementation_key(444)) enum MsoFilterConjunction ODSOFilter::GetConjunction ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(445)) void ODSOFilter::PutConjunction ( enum MsoFilterConjunction pConjunction );
__declspec(implementation_key(446)) long ODSOFilters::GetCount ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(447)) IDispatchPtr ODSOFilters::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(448)) IDispatchPtr ODSOFilters::Item ( long Index );
__declspec(implementation_key(449)) HRESULT ODSOFilters::Add ( _bstr_t Column, enum MsoFilterComparison Comparison, enum MsoFilterConjunction Conjunction, _bstr_t bstrCompareTo, VARIANT_BOOL DeferUpdate );
__declspec(implementation_key(450)) HRESULT ODSOFilters::Delete ( long Index, VARIANT_BOOL DeferUpdate );
__declspec(implementation_key(451)) VARIANT_BOOL NewFile::Add ( _bstr_t FileName, const _variant_t & Section, const _variant_t & DisplayName, const _variant_t & Action );
__declspec(implementation_key(452)) VARIANT_BOOL NewFile::Remove ( _bstr_t FileName, const _variant_t & Section, const _variant_t & DisplayName, const _variant_t & Action );
__declspec(implementation_key(453)) IDispatchPtr WebComponent::GetShape ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(454)) _bstr_t WebComponent::GetURL ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(455)) void WebComponent::PutURL ( _bstr_t RetValue );
__declspec(implementation_key(456)) _bstr_t WebComponent::GetHTML ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(457)) void WebComponent::PutHTML ( _bstr_t RetValue );
__declspec(implementation_key(458)) _bstr_t WebComponent::GetName ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(459)) void WebComponent::PutName ( _bstr_t RetValue );
__declspec(implementation_key(460)) long WebComponent::GetWidth ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(461)) void WebComponent::PutWidth ( long RetValue );
__declspec(implementation_key(462)) long WebComponent::GetHeight ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(463)) void WebComponent::PutHeight ( long RetValue );
__declspec(implementation_key(464)) HRESULT WebComponent::SetPlaceHolderGraphic ( _bstr_t PlaceHolderGraphic );
__declspec(implementation_key(465)) HRESULT WebComponent::Commit ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(466)) HRESULT WebComponent::Revert ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(467)) long WebComponentWindowExternal::GetInterfaceVersion ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(468)) _bstr_t WebComponentWindowExternal::GetApplicationName ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(469)) long WebComponentWindowExternal::GetApplicationVersion ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(470)) IDispatchPtr WebComponentWindowExternal::GetApplication ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(471)) HRESULT WebComponentWindowExternal::CloseWindow ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(472)) WebComponentPtr WebComponentWindowExternal::GetWebComponent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(473)) IDispatchPtr WebComponentFormat::GetApplication ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(474)) IDispatchPtr WebComponentFormat::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(475)) _bstr_t WebComponentFormat::GetURL ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(476)) void WebComponentFormat::PutURL ( _bstr_t RetValue );
__declspec(implementation_key(477)) _bstr_t WebComponentFormat::GetHTML ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(478)) void WebComponentFormat::PutHTML ( _bstr_t RetValue );
__declspec(implementation_key(479)) _bstr_t WebComponentFormat::GetName ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(480)) void WebComponentFormat::PutName ( _bstr_t RetValue );
__declspec(implementation_key(481)) long WebComponentFormat::GetWidth ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(482)) void WebComponentFormat::PutWidth ( long RetValue );
__declspec(implementation_key(483)) long WebComponentFormat::GetHeight ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(484)) void WebComponentFormat::PutHeight ( long RetValue );
__declspec(implementation_key(485)) _bstr_t WebComponentFormat::GetPreviewGraphic ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(486)) void WebComponentFormat::PutPreviewGraphic ( _bstr_t retval );
__declspec(implementation_key(487)) HRESULT WebComponentFormat::LaunchPropertiesWindow ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(488)) HRESULT ILicWizExternal::PrintHtmlDocument ( IUnknown * punkHtmlDoc );
__declspec(implementation_key(489)) HRESULT ILicWizExternal::InvokeDateTimeApplet ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(490)) _bstr_t ILicWizExternal::FormatDate ( DATE date, _bstr_t pFormat );
__declspec(implementation_key(491)) HRESULT ILicWizExternal::ShowHelp ( VARIANT * pvarId );
__declspec(implementation_key(492)) HRESULT ILicWizExternal::Terminate ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(493)) HRESULT ILicWizExternal::DisableVORWReminder ( long BPC );
__declspec(implementation_key(494)) _bstr_t ILicWizExternal::SaveReceipt ( _bstr_t bstrReceipt );
__declspec(implementation_key(495)) HRESULT ILicWizExternal::OpenInDefaultBrowser ( _bstr_t bstrUrl );
__declspec(implementation_key(496)) long ILicWizExternal::MsoAlert ( _bstr_t bstrText, _bstr_t bstrButtons, _bstr_t bstrIcon );
__declspec(implementation_key(497)) long ILicWizExternal::DepositPidKey ( _bstr_t bstrKey, int fMORW );
__declspec(implementation_key(498)) HRESULT ILicWizExternal::WriteLog ( _bstr_t bstrMessage );
__declspec(implementation_key(499)) HRESULT ILicWizExternal::ResignDpc ( _bstr_t bstrProductCode );
__declspec(implementation_key(500)) HRESULT ILicWizExternal::ResetPID ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(501)) HRESULT ILicWizExternal::SetDialogSize ( long dx, long dy );
__declspec(implementation_key(502)) long ILicWizExternal::VerifyClock ( long lMode );
__declspec(implementation_key(503)) HRESULT ILicWizExternal::SortSelectOptions ( IDispatch * pdispSelect );
__declspec(implementation_key(504)) HRESULT ILicWizExternal::InternetDisconnect ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(505)) int ILicWizExternal::GetConnectedState ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(506)) long ILicWizExternal::GetContext ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(507)) IDispatchPtr ILicWizExternal::GetValidator ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(508)) IDispatchPtr ILicWizExternal::GetLicAgent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(509)) _bstr_t ILicWizExternal::GetCountryInfo ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(510)) void ILicWizExternal::PutWizardVisible ( int _arg1 );
__declspec(implementation_key(511)) void ILicWizExternal::PutWizardTitle ( _bstr_t _arg1 );
__declspec(implementation_key(512)) int ILicWizExternal::GetAnimationEnabled ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(513)) void ILicWizExternal::PutCurrentHelpId ( long _arg1 );
__declspec(implementation_key(514)) _bstr_t ILicWizExternal::GetOfficeOnTheWebUrl ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(515)) _variant_t ILicValidator::GetProducts ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(516)) int ILicValidator::GetSelection ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(517)) void ILicValidator::PutSelection ( int piSel );
__declspec(implementation_key(518)) unsigned long ILicAgent::Initialize ( unsigned long dwBPC, unsigned long dwMode, _bstr_t bstrLicSource );
__declspec(implementation_key(519)) _bstr_t ILicAgent::GetFirstName ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(520)) HRESULT ILicAgent::SetFirstName ( _bstr_t bstrNewVal );
__declspec(implementation_key(521)) _bstr_t ILicAgent::GetLastName ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(522)) HRESULT ILicAgent::SetLastName ( _bstr_t bstrNewVal );
__declspec(implementation_key(523)) _bstr_t ILicAgent::GetOrgName ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(524)) HRESULT ILicAgent::SetOrgName ( _bstr_t bstrNewVal );
__declspec(implementation_key(525)) _bstr_t ILicAgent::GetEmail ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(526)) HRESULT ILicAgent::SetEmail ( _bstr_t bstrNewVal );
__declspec(implementation_key(527)) _bstr_t ILicAgent::GetPhone ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(528)) HRESULT ILicAgent::SetPhone ( _bstr_t bstrNewVal );
__declspec(implementation_key(529)) _bstr_t ILicAgent::GetAddress1 ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(530)) HRESULT ILicAgent::SetAddress1 ( _bstr_t bstrNewVal );
__declspec(implementation_key(531)) _bstr_t ILicAgent::GetCity ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(532)) HRESULT ILicAgent::SetCity ( _bstr_t bstrNewVal );
__declspec(implementation_key(533)) _bstr_t ILicAgent::GetState ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(534)) HRESULT ILicAgent::SetState ( _bstr_t bstrNewVal );
__declspec(implementation_key(535)) _bstr_t ILicAgent::GetCountryCode ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(536)) HRESULT ILicAgent::SetCountryCode ( _bstr_t bstrNewVal );
__declspec(implementation_key(537)) _bstr_t ILicAgent::GetCountryDesc ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(538)) HRESULT ILicAgent::SetCountryDesc ( _bstr_t bstrNewVal );
__declspec(implementation_key(539)) _bstr_t ILicAgent::GetZip ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(540)) HRESULT ILicAgent::SetZip ( _bstr_t bstrNewVal );
__declspec(implementation_key(541)) unsigned long ILicAgent::GetIsoLanguage ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(542)) HRESULT ILicAgent::SetIsoLanguage ( unsigned long dwNewVal );
__declspec(implementation_key(543)) _bstr_t ILicAgent::GetMSUpdate ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(544)) HRESULT ILicAgent::SetMSUpdate ( _bstr_t bstrNewVal );
__declspec(implementation_key(545)) _bstr_t ILicAgent::GetMSOffer ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(546)) HRESULT ILicAgent::SetMSOffer ( _bstr_t bstrNewVal );
__declspec(implementation_key(547)) _bstr_t ILicAgent::GetOtherOffer ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(548)) HRESULT ILicAgent::SetOtherOffer ( _bstr_t bstrNewVal );
__declspec(implementation_key(549)) _bstr_t ILicAgent::GetAddress2 ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(550)) HRESULT ILicAgent::SetAddress2 ( _bstr_t bstrNewVal );
__declspec(implementation_key(551)) unsigned long ILicAgent::CheckSystemClock ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(552)) DATE ILicAgent::GetExistingExpiryDate ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(553)) DATE ILicAgent::GetNewExpiryDate ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(554)) _bstr_t ILicAgent::GetBillingFirstName ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(555)) HRESULT ILicAgent::SetBillingFirstName ( _bstr_t bstrNewVal );
__declspec(implementation_key(556)) _bstr_t ILicAgent::GetBillingLastName ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(557)) HRESULT ILicAgent::SetBillingLastName ( _bstr_t bstrNewVal );
__declspec(implementation_key(558)) _bstr_t ILicAgent::GetBillingPhone ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(559)) HRESULT ILicAgent::SetBillingPhone ( _bstr_t bstrNewVal );
__declspec(implementation_key(560)) _bstr_t ILicAgent::GetBillingAddress1 ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(561)) HRESULT ILicAgent::SetBillingAddress1 ( _bstr_t bstrNewVal );
__declspec(implementation_key(562)) _bstr_t ILicAgent::GetBillingAddress2 ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(563)) HRESULT ILicAgent::SetBillingAddress2 ( _bstr_t bstrNewVal );
__declspec(implementation_key(564)) _bstr_t ILicAgent::GetBillingCity ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(565)) HRESULT ILicAgent::SetBillingCity ( _bstr_t bstrNewVal );
__declspec(implementation_key(566)) _bstr_t ILicAgent::GetBillingState ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(567)) HRESULT ILicAgent::SetBillingState ( _bstr_t bstrNewVal );
__declspec(implementation_key(568)) _bstr_t ILicAgent::GetBillingCountryCode ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(569)) HRESULT ILicAgent::SetBillingCountryCode ( _bstr_t bstrNewVal );
__declspec(implementation_key(570)) _bstr_t ILicAgent::GetBillingZip ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(571)) HRESULT ILicAgent::SetBillingZip ( _bstr_t bstrNewVal );
__declspec(implementation_key(572)) unsigned long ILicAgent::SaveBillingInfo ( int bSave );
__declspec(implementation_key(573)) int ILicAgent::IsCCRenewalCountry ( _bstr_t bstrCountryCode );
__declspec(implementation_key(574)) _bstr_t ILicAgent::GetVATLabel ( _bstr_t bstrCountryCode );
__declspec(implementation_key(575)) DATE ILicAgent::GetCCRenewalExpiryDate ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(576)) HRESULT ILicAgent::SetVATNumber ( _bstr_t bstrVATNumber );
__declspec(implementation_key(577)) HRESULT ILicAgent::SetCreditCardType ( _bstr_t bstrCCCode );
__declspec(implementation_key(578)) HRESULT ILicAgent::SetCreditCardNumber ( _bstr_t bstrCCNumber );
__declspec(implementation_key(579)) HRESULT ILicAgent::SetCreditCardExpiryYear ( unsigned long dwCCYear );
__declspec(implementation_key(580)) HRESULT ILicAgent::SetCreditCardExpiryMonth ( unsigned long dwCCMonth );
__declspec(implementation_key(581)) unsigned long ILicAgent::GetCreditCardCount ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(582)) _bstr_t ILicAgent::GetCreditCardCode ( unsigned long dwIndex );
__declspec(implementation_key(583)) _bstr_t ILicAgent::GetCreditCardName ( unsigned long dwIndex );
__declspec(implementation_key(584)) _bstr_t ILicAgent::GetVATNumber ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(585)) _bstr_t ILicAgent::GetCreditCardType ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(586)) _bstr_t ILicAgent::GetCreditCardNumber ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(587)) unsigned long ILicAgent::GetCreditCardExpiryYear ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(588)) unsigned long ILicAgent::GetCreditCardExpiryMonth ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(589)) int ILicAgent::GetDisconnectOption ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(590)) HRESULT ILicAgent::SetDisconnectOption ( int bNewVal );
__declspec(implementation_key(591)) HRESULT ILicAgent::AsyncProcessHandshakeRequest ( int bReviseCustInfo );
__declspec(implementation_key(592)) HRESULT ILicAgent::AsyncProcessNewLicenseRequest ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(593)) HRESULT ILicAgent::AsyncProcessReissueLicenseRequest ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(594)) HRESULT ILicAgent::AsyncProcessRetailRenewalLicenseRequest ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(595)) HRESULT ILicAgent::AsyncProcessReviseCustInfoRequest ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(596)) HRESULT ILicAgent::AsyncProcessCCRenewalPriceRequest ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(597)) HRESULT ILicAgent::AsyncProcessCCRenewalLicenseRequest ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(598)) unsigned long ILicAgent::GetAsyncProcessReturnCode ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(599)) int ILicAgent::IsUpgradeAvailable ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(600)) HRESULT ILicAgent::WantUpgrade ( int bWantUpgrade );
__declspec(implementation_key(601)) HRESULT ILicAgent::AsyncProcessDroppedLicenseRequest ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(602)) _bstr_t ILicAgent::GenerateInstallationId ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(603)) unsigned long ILicAgent::DepositConfirmationId ( _bstr_t bstrVal );
__declspec(implementation_key(604)) int ILicAgent::VerifyCheckDigits ( _bstr_t bstrCIDIID );
__declspec(implementation_key(605)) DATE ILicAgent::GetCurrentExpiryDate ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(606)) HRESULT ILicAgent::CancelAsyncProcessRequest ( int bIsLicenseRequest );
__declspec(implementation_key(607)) _bstr_t ILicAgent::GetCurrencyDescription ( unsigned long dwCurrencyIndex );
__declspec(implementation_key(608)) unsigned long ILicAgent::GetPriceItemCount ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(609)) _bstr_t ILicAgent::GetPriceItemLabel ( unsigned long dwIndex );
__declspec(implementation_key(610)) _bstr_t ILicAgent::GetPriceItemValue ( unsigned long dwCurrencyIndex, unsigned long dwIndex );
__declspec(implementation_key(611)) _bstr_t ILicAgent::GetInvoiceText ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(612)) _bstr_t ILicAgent::GetBackendErrorMsg ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(613)) unsigned long ILicAgent::GetCurrencyOption ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(614)) HRESULT ILicAgent::SetCurrencyOption ( unsigned long dwCurrencyOption );
__declspec(implementation_key(615)) _bstr_t ILicAgent::GetEndOfLifeHtmlText ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(616)) unsigned long ILicAgent::DisplaySSLCert ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(617)) HRESULT IMsoEServicesDialog::Close ( VARIANT_BOOL ApplyWebComponentChanges );
__declspec(implementation_key(618)) HRESULT IMsoEServicesDialog::AddTrustedDomain ( _bstr_t Domain );
__declspec(implementation_key(619)) _bstr_t IMsoEServicesDialog::GetApplicationName ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(620)) IDispatchPtr IMsoEServicesDialog::GetApplication ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(621)) IDispatchPtr IMsoEServicesDialog::GetWebComponent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(622)) IDispatchPtr IMsoEServicesDialog::GetClipArt ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(623)) IDispatchPtr WebComponentProperties::GetShape ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(624)) _bstr_t WebComponentProperties::GetName ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(625)) void WebComponentProperties::PutName ( _bstr_t RetValue );
__declspec(implementation_key(626)) _bstr_t WebComponentProperties::GetURL ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(627)) void WebComponentProperties::PutURL ( _bstr_t RetValue );
__declspec(implementation_key(628)) _bstr_t WebComponentProperties::GetHTML ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(629)) void WebComponentProperties::PutHTML ( _bstr_t RetValue );
__declspec(implementation_key(630)) _bstr_t WebComponentProperties::GetPreviewGraphic ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(631)) void WebComponentProperties::PutPreviewGraphic ( _bstr_t RetValue );
__declspec(implementation_key(632)) _bstr_t WebComponentProperties::GetPreviewHTML ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(633)) void WebComponentProperties::PutPreviewHTML ( _bstr_t RetValue );
__declspec(implementation_key(634)) long WebComponentProperties::GetWidth ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(635)) void WebComponentProperties::PutWidth ( long RetValue );
__declspec(implementation_key(636)) long WebComponentProperties::GetHeight ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(637)) void WebComponentProperties::PutHeight ( long RetValue );
__declspec(implementation_key(638)) _bstr_t WebComponentProperties::GetTag ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(639)) void WebComponentProperties::PutTag ( _bstr_t RetValue );
__declspec(implementation_key(640)) _bstr_t SmartDocument::GetSolutionID ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(641)) void SmartDocument::PutSolutionID ( _bstr_t pbstrID );
__declspec(implementation_key(642)) _bstr_t SmartDocument::GetSolutionURL ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(643)) void SmartDocument::PutSolutionURL ( _bstr_t pbstrUrl );
__declspec(implementation_key(644)) HRESULT SmartDocument::PickSolution ( VARIANT_BOOL ConsiderAllSchemas );
__declspec(implementation_key(645)) HRESULT SmartDocument::RefreshPane ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(646)) _bstr_t SharedWorkspaceMember::GetDomainName ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(647)) _bstr_t SharedWorkspaceMember::GetName ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(648)) _bstr_t SharedWorkspaceMember::GetEmail ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(649)) HRESULT SharedWorkspaceMember::Delete ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(650)) _bstr_t SharedWorkspaceMember::GetId ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(651)) IDispatchPtr SharedWorkspaceMember::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(652)) IUnknownPtr SharedWorkspaceMembers::Get_NewEnum ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(653)) SharedWorkspaceMemberPtr SharedWorkspaceMembers::GetItem ( int Index );
__declspec(implementation_key(654)) int SharedWorkspaceMembers::GetCount ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(655)) SharedWorkspaceMemberPtr SharedWorkspaceMembers::Add ( _bstr_t Email, _bstr_t DomainName, _bstr_t DisplayName, const _variant_t & Role );
__declspec(implementation_key(656)) IDispatchPtr SharedWorkspaceMembers::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(657)) VARIANT_BOOL SharedWorkspaceMembers::GetItemCountExceeded ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(658)) _bstr_t SharedWorkspaceTask::GetTitle ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(659)) void SharedWorkspaceTask::PutTitle ( _bstr_t Title );
__declspec(implementation_key(660)) _bstr_t SharedWorkspaceTask::GetAssignedTo ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(661)) void SharedWorkspaceTask::PutAssignedTo ( _bstr_t AssignedTo );
__declspec(implementation_key(662)) enum MsoSharedWorkspaceTaskStatus SharedWorkspaceTask::GetStatus ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(663)) void SharedWorkspaceTask::PutStatus ( enum MsoSharedWorkspaceTaskStatus Status );
__declspec(implementation_key(664)) enum MsoSharedWorkspaceTaskPriority SharedWorkspaceTask::GetPriority ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(665)) void SharedWorkspaceTask::PutPriority ( enum MsoSharedWorkspaceTaskPriority Priority );
__declspec(implementation_key(666)) _bstr_t SharedWorkspaceTask::GetDescription ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(667)) void SharedWorkspaceTask::PutDescription ( _bstr_t Description );
__declspec(implementation_key(668)) _variant_t SharedWorkspaceTask::GetDueDate ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(669)) void SharedWorkspaceTask::PutDueDate ( const _variant_t & DueDate );
__declspec(implementation_key(670)) _bstr_t SharedWorkspaceTask::GetCreatedBy ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(671)) _variant_t SharedWorkspaceTask::GetCreatedDate ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(672)) _bstr_t SharedWorkspaceTask::GetModifiedBy ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(673)) _variant_t SharedWorkspaceTask::GetModifiedDate ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(674)) HRESULT SharedWorkspaceTask::Save ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(675)) HRESULT SharedWorkspaceTask::Delete ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(676)) IDispatchPtr SharedWorkspaceTask::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(677)) SharedWorkspaceTaskPtr SharedWorkspaceTasks::GetItem ( int Index );
__declspec(implementation_key(678)) int SharedWorkspaceTasks::GetCount ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(679)) SharedWorkspaceTaskPtr SharedWorkspaceTasks::Add ( _bstr_t Title, const _variant_t & Status, const _variant_t & Priority, const _variant_t & Assignee, const _variant_t & Description, const _variant_t & DueDate );
__declspec(implementation_key(680)) IDispatchPtr SharedWorkspaceTasks::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(681)) VARIANT_BOOL SharedWorkspaceTasks::GetItemCountExceeded ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(682)) IUnknownPtr SharedWorkspaceTasks::Get_NewEnum ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(683)) _bstr_t SharedWorkspaceFile::GetURL ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(684)) _bstr_t SharedWorkspaceFile::GetCreatedBy ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(685)) _variant_t SharedWorkspaceFile::GetCreatedDate ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(686)) _bstr_t SharedWorkspaceFile::GetModifiedBy ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(687)) _variant_t SharedWorkspaceFile::GetModifiedDate ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(688)) HRESULT SharedWorkspaceFile::Delete ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(689)) IDispatchPtr SharedWorkspaceFile::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(690)) IUnknownPtr SharedWorkspaceFiles::Get_NewEnum ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(691)) SharedWorkspaceFilePtr SharedWorkspaceFiles::GetItem ( int Index );
__declspec(implementation_key(692)) int SharedWorkspaceFiles::GetCount ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(693)) SharedWorkspaceFilePtr SharedWorkspaceFiles::Add ( _bstr_t FileName, const _variant_t & ParentFolder, const _variant_t & OverwriteIfFileAlreadyExists, const _variant_t & KeepInSync );
__declspec(implementation_key(694)) IDispatchPtr SharedWorkspaceFiles::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(695)) VARIANT_BOOL SharedWorkspaceFiles::GetItemCountExceeded ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(696)) _bstr_t SharedWorkspaceFolder::GetFolderName ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(697)) HRESULT SharedWorkspaceFolder::Delete ( const _variant_t & DeleteEventIfFolderContainsFiles );
__declspec(implementation_key(698)) IDispatchPtr SharedWorkspaceFolder::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(699)) IUnknownPtr SharedWorkspaceFolders::Get_NewEnum ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(700)) SharedWorkspaceFolderPtr SharedWorkspaceFolders::GetItem ( int Index );
__declspec(implementation_key(701)) int SharedWorkspaceFolders::GetCount ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(702)) SharedWorkspaceFolderPtr SharedWorkspaceFolders::Add ( _bstr_t FolderName, const _variant_t & ParentFolder );
__declspec(implementation_key(703)) IDispatchPtr SharedWorkspaceFolders::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(704)) VARIANT_BOOL SharedWorkspaceFolders::GetItemCountExceeded ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(705)) _bstr_t SharedWorkspaceLink::GetURL ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(706)) void SharedWorkspaceLink::PutURL ( _bstr_t URL );
__declspec(implementation_key(707)) _bstr_t SharedWorkspaceLink::GetDescription ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(708)) void SharedWorkspaceLink::PutDescription ( _bstr_t Description );
__declspec(implementation_key(709)) _bstr_t SharedWorkspaceLink::GetNotes ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(710)) void SharedWorkspaceLink::PutNotes ( _bstr_t Notes );
__declspec(implementation_key(711)) _bstr_t SharedWorkspaceLink::GetCreatedBy ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(712)) _variant_t SharedWorkspaceLink::GetCreatedDate ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(713)) _bstr_t SharedWorkspaceLink::GetModifiedBy ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(714)) _variant_t SharedWorkspaceLink::GetModifiedDate ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(715)) HRESULT SharedWorkspaceLink::Save ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(716)) HRESULT SharedWorkspaceLink::Delete ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(717)) IDispatchPtr SharedWorkspaceLink::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(718)) IUnknownPtr SharedWorkspaceLinks::Get_NewEnum ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(719)) SharedWorkspaceLinkPtr SharedWorkspaceLinks::GetItem ( int Index );
__declspec(implementation_key(720)) int SharedWorkspaceLinks::GetCount ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(721)) SharedWorkspaceLinkPtr SharedWorkspaceLinks::Add ( _bstr_t URL, const _variant_t & Description, const _variant_t & Notes );
__declspec(implementation_key(722)) IDispatchPtr SharedWorkspaceLinks::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(723)) VARIANT_BOOL SharedWorkspaceLinks::GetItemCountExceeded ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(724)) _bstr_t SharedWorkspace::GetName ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(725)) void SharedWorkspace::PutName ( _bstr_t Name );
__declspec(implementation_key(726)) SharedWorkspaceMembersPtr SharedWorkspace::GetMembers ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(727)) SharedWorkspaceTasksPtr SharedWorkspace::GetTasks ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(728)) SharedWorkspaceFilesPtr SharedWorkspace::GetFiles ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(729)) SharedWorkspaceFoldersPtr SharedWorkspace::GetFolders ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(730)) SharedWorkspaceLinksPtr SharedWorkspace::GetLinks ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(731)) HRESULT SharedWorkspace::Refresh ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(732)) HRESULT SharedWorkspace::CreateNew ( const _variant_t & URL, const _variant_t & Name );
__declspec(implementation_key(733)) HRESULT SharedWorkspace::Delete ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(734)) IDispatchPtr SharedWorkspace::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(735)) _bstr_t SharedWorkspace::GetURL ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(736)) VARIANT_BOOL SharedWorkspace::GetConnected ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(737)) _variant_t SharedWorkspace::GetLastRefreshed ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(738)) _bstr_t SharedWorkspace::GetSourceURL ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(739)) void SharedWorkspace::PutSourceURL ( _bstr_t pbstrSourceURL );
__declspec(implementation_key(740)) HRESULT SharedWorkspace::RemoveDocument ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(741)) HRESULT SharedWorkspace::Disconnect ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(742)) enum MsoSyncStatusType Sync::GetStatus ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(743)) _bstr_t Sync::GetWorkspaceLastChangedBy ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(744)) _variant_t Sync::GetLastSyncTime ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(745)) enum MsoSyncErrorType Sync::GetErrorType ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(746)) HRESULT Sync::GetUpdate ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(747)) HRESULT Sync::PutUpdate ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(748)) HRESULT Sync::OpenVersion ( enum MsoSyncVersionType SyncVersionType );
__declspec(implementation_key(749)) HRESULT Sync::ResolveConflict ( enum MsoSyncConflictResolutionType SyncConflictResolution );
__declspec(implementation_key(750)) HRESULT Sync::Unsuspend ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(751)) IDispatchPtr Sync::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(752)) _variant_t DocumentLibraryVersion::GetModified ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(753)) long DocumentLibraryVersion::GetIndex ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(754)) IDispatchPtr DocumentLibraryVersion::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(755)) _bstr_t DocumentLibraryVersion::GetModifiedBy ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(756)) _bstr_t DocumentLibraryVersion::GetComments ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(757)) HRESULT DocumentLibraryVersion::Delete ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(758)) IDispatchPtr DocumentLibraryVersion::Open ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(759)) IDispatchPtr DocumentLibraryVersion::Restore ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(760)) DocumentLibraryVersionPtr DocumentLibraryVersions::GetItem ( long lIndex );
__declspec(implementation_key(761)) long DocumentLibraryVersions::GetCount ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(762)) IDispatchPtr DocumentLibraryVersions::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(763)) VARIANT_BOOL DocumentLibraryVersions::GetIsVersioningEnabled ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(764)) IUnknownPtr DocumentLibraryVersions::Get_NewEnum ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(765)) _bstr_t UserPermission::GetUserId ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(766)) long UserPermission::GetPermission ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(767)) void UserPermission::PutPermission ( long Permission );
__declspec(implementation_key(768)) _variant_t UserPermission::GetExpirationDate ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(769)) void UserPermission::PutExpirationDate ( const _variant_t & ExpirationDate );
__declspec(implementation_key(770)) IDispatchPtr UserPermission::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(771)) HRESULT UserPermission::Remove ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(772)) UserPermissionPtr Permission::GetItem ( const _variant_t & Index );
__declspec(implementation_key(773)) long Permission::GetCount ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(774)) VARIANT_BOOL Permission::GetEnableTrustedBrowser ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(775)) void Permission::PutEnableTrustedBrowser ( VARIANT_BOOL Enable );
__declspec(implementation_key(776)) UserPermissionPtr Permission::Add ( _bstr_t UserId, const _variant_t & Permission, const _variant_t & ExpirationDate );
__declspec(implementation_key(777)) HRESULT Permission::ApplyPolicy ( _bstr_t FileName );
__declspec(implementation_key(778)) IDispatchPtr Permission::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(779)) HRESULT Permission::RemoveAll ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(780)) VARIANT_BOOL Permission::GetEnabled ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(781)) void Permission::PutEnabled ( VARIANT_BOOL Enabled );
__declspec(implementation_key(782)) _bstr_t Permission::GetRequestPermissionURL ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(783)) void Permission::PutRequestPermissionURL ( _bstr_t Contact );
__declspec(implementation_key(784)) _bstr_t Permission::GetPolicyName ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(785)) _bstr_t Permission::GetPolicyDescription ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(786)) VARIANT_BOOL Permission::GetStoreLicenses ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(787)) void Permission::PutStoreLicenses ( VARIANT_BOOL Enabled );
__declspec(implementation_key(788)) _bstr_t Permission::GetDocumentAuthor ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(789)) void Permission::PutDocumentAuthor ( _bstr_t Author );
__declspec(implementation_key(790)) VARIANT_BOOL Permission::GetPermissionFromPolicy ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(791)) IUnknownPtr Permission::Get_NewEnum ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(792)) VARIANT_BOOL MsoDebugOptions_UTRunResult::GetPassed ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(793)) _bstr_t MsoDebugOptions_UTRunResult::GetErrorString ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(794)) _bstr_t MsoDebugOptions_UT::GetName ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(795)) _bstr_t MsoDebugOptions_UT::GetCollectionName ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(796)) MsoDebugOptions_UTRunResultPtr MsoDebugOptions_UT::Run ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(797)) MsoDebugOptions_UTPtr MsoDebugOptions_UTs::GetItem ( int Index );
__declspec(implementation_key(798)) int MsoDebugOptions_UTs::GetCount ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(799)) IUnknownPtr MsoDebugOptions_UTs::Get_NewEnum ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(800)) MsoDebugOptions_UTsPtr MsoDebugOptions_UTs::GetUnitTestsInCollection ( _bstr_t bstrCollectionName );
__declspec(implementation_key(801)) MsoDebugOptions_UTPtr MsoDebugOptions_UTs::GetUnitTest ( _bstr_t bstrCollectionName, _bstr_t bstrUnitTestName );
__declspec(implementation_key(802)) MsoDebugOptions_UTsPtr MsoDebugOptions_UTs::GetMatchingUnitTestsInCollection ( _bstr_t bstrCollectionName, _bstr_t bstrUnitTestNameFilter );
__declspec(implementation_key(803)) MsoDebugOptions_UTsPtr MsoDebugOptions_UTManager::GetUnitTests ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(804)) HRESULT MsoDebugOptions_UTManager::NotifyStartOfTestSuiteRun ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(805)) HRESULT MsoDebugOptions_UTManager::NotifyEndOfTestSuiteRun ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(806)) VARIANT_BOOL MsoDebugOptions_UTManager::GetReportErrors ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(807)) void MsoDebugOptions_UTManager::PutReportErrors ( VARIANT_BOOL pfReportErrors );
__declspec(implementation_key(808)) _variant_t MetaProperty::GetValue ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(809)) void MetaProperty::PutValue ( const _variant_t & pvarValue );
__declspec(implementation_key(810)) _bstr_t MetaProperty::GetName ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(811)) _bstr_t MetaProperty::GetId ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(812)) VARIANT_BOOL MetaProperty::GetIsReadOnly ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(813)) VARIANT_BOOL MetaProperty::GetIsRequired ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(814)) enum MsoMetaPropertyType MetaProperty::GetType ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(815)) _bstr_t MetaProperty::Validate ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(816)) _bstr_t MetaProperty::GetValidationError ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(817)) IDispatchPtr MetaProperty::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(818)) MetaPropertyPtr MetaProperties::GetItem ( const _variant_t & Index );
__declspec(implementation_key(819)) MetaPropertyPtr MetaProperties::GetItemByInternalName ( _bstr_t InternalName );
__declspec(implementation_key(820)) long MetaProperties::GetCount ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(821)) _bstr_t MetaProperties::Validate ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(822)) _bstr_t MetaProperties::GetValidationError ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(823)) IDispatchPtr MetaProperties::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(824)) _bstr_t MetaProperties::GetSchemaXml ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(825)) IUnknownPtr MetaProperties::Get_NewEnum ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(826)) _bstr_t PolicyItem::GetId ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(827)) _bstr_t PolicyItem::GetName ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(828)) _bstr_t PolicyItem::GetDescription ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(829)) _bstr_t PolicyItem::GetData ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(830)) IDispatchPtr PolicyItem::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(831)) PolicyItemPtr ServerPolicy::GetItem ( const _variant_t & Index );
__declspec(implementation_key(832)) _bstr_t ServerPolicy::GetId ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(833)) _bstr_t ServerPolicy::GetName ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(834)) _bstr_t ServerPolicy::GetDescription ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(835)) _bstr_t ServerPolicy::GetStatement ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(836)) long ServerPolicy::GetCount ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(837)) VARIANT_BOOL ServerPolicy::GetBlockPreview ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(838)) IDispatchPtr ServerPolicy::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(839)) _bstr_t DocumentInspector::GetName ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(840)) _bstr_t DocumentInspector::GetDescription ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(841)) HRESULT DocumentInspector::Inspect ( enum MsoDocInspectorStatus * Status, BSTR * Results );
__declspec(implementation_key(842)) HRESULT DocumentInspector::Fix ( enum MsoDocInspectorStatus * Status, BSTR * Results );
__declspec(implementation_key(843)) IDispatchPtr DocumentInspector::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(844)) IUnknownPtr DocumentInspectors::Get_NewEnum ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(845)) DocumentInspectorPtr DocumentInspectors::GetItem ( int Index );
__declspec(implementation_key(846)) int DocumentInspectors::GetCount ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(847)) IDispatchPtr DocumentInspectors::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(848)) _bstr_t WorkflowTask::GetId ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(849)) _bstr_t WorkflowTask::GetListID ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(850)) _bstr_t WorkflowTask::GetWorkflowID ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(851)) _bstr_t WorkflowTask::GetName ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(852)) _bstr_t WorkflowTask::GetDescription ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(853)) _bstr_t WorkflowTask::GetAssignedTo ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(854)) _bstr_t WorkflowTask::GetCreatedBy ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(855)) DATE WorkflowTask::GetDueDate ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(856)) DATE WorkflowTask::GetCreatedDate ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(857)) int WorkflowTask::Show ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(858)) WorkflowTaskPtr WorkflowTasks::GetItem ( long Index );
__declspec(implementation_key(859)) long WorkflowTasks::GetCount ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(860)) IUnknownPtr WorkflowTasks::Get_NewEnum ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(861)) _bstr_t WorkflowTemplate::GetId ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(862)) _bstr_t WorkflowTemplate::GetName ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(863)) _bstr_t WorkflowTemplate::GetDescription ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(864)) _bstr_t WorkflowTemplate::GetDocumentLibraryName ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(865)) _bstr_t WorkflowTemplate::GetDocumentLibraryURL ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(866)) int WorkflowTemplate::Show ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(867)) WorkflowTemplatePtr WorkflowTemplates::GetItem ( long Index );
__declspec(implementation_key(868)) long WorkflowTemplates::GetCount ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(869)) IUnknownPtr WorkflowTemplates::Get_NewEnum ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(870)) HRESULT IDocumentInspector::GetInfo ( BSTR * Name, BSTR * Desc );
__declspec(implementation_key(871)) HRESULT IDocumentInspector::Inspect ( IDispatch * Doc, enum MsoDocInspectorStatus * Status, BSTR * Result, BSTR * Action );
__declspec(implementation_key(872)) HRESULT IDocumentInspector::Fix ( IDispatch * Doc, long hwnd, enum MsoDocInspectorStatus * Status, BSTR * Result );
__declspec(implementation_key(873)) VARIANT_BOOL SignatureSetup::GetReadOnly ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(874)) _bstr_t SignatureSetup::GetId ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(875)) _bstr_t SignatureSetup::GetSignatureProvider ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(876)) _bstr_t SignatureSetup::GetSuggestedSigner ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(877)) void SignatureSetup::PutSuggestedSigner ( _bstr_t pbstr );
__declspec(implementation_key(878)) _bstr_t SignatureSetup::GetSuggestedSignerLine2 ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(879)) void SignatureSetup::PutSuggestedSignerLine2 ( _bstr_t pbstr );
__declspec(implementation_key(880)) _bstr_t SignatureSetup::GetSuggestedSignerEmail ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(881)) void SignatureSetup::PutSuggestedSignerEmail ( _bstr_t pbstr );
__declspec(implementation_key(882)) _bstr_t SignatureSetup::GetSigningInstructions ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(883)) void SignatureSetup::PutSigningInstructions ( _bstr_t pbstr );
__declspec(implementation_key(884)) VARIANT_BOOL SignatureSetup::GetAllowComments ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(885)) void SignatureSetup::PutAllowComments ( VARIANT_BOOL pvarf );
__declspec(implementation_key(886)) VARIANT_BOOL SignatureSetup::GetShowSignDate ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(887)) void SignatureSetup::PutShowSignDate ( VARIANT_BOOL pvarf );
__declspec(implementation_key(888)) _bstr_t SignatureSetup::GetAdditionalXml ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(889)) void SignatureSetup::PutAdditionalXml ( _bstr_t pbstr );
__declspec(implementation_key(890)) VARIANT_BOOL SignatureInfo::GetReadOnly ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(891)) _bstr_t SignatureInfo::GetSignatureProvider ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(892)) _bstr_t SignatureInfo::GetSignatureText ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(893)) void SignatureInfo::PutSignatureText ( _bstr_t pbstr );
__declspec(implementation_key(894)) IPictureDisp * SignatureInfo::GetSignatureImage ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(895)) void SignatureInfo::PutSignatureImage ( IPictureDisp * ppipictdisp );
__declspec(implementation_key(896)) _bstr_t SignatureInfo::GetSignatureComment ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(897)) void SignatureInfo::PutSignatureComment ( _bstr_t pbstr );
__declspec(implementation_key(898)) _variant_t SignatureInfo::GetSignatureDetail ( enum SignatureDetail sigdet );
__declspec(implementation_key(899)) _variant_t SignatureInfo::GetCertificateDetail ( enum CertificateDetail certdet );
__declspec(implementation_key(900)) enum ContentVerificationResults SignatureInfo::GetContentVerificationResults ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(901)) enum CertificateVerificationResults SignatureInfo::GetCertificateVerificationResults ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(902)) VARIANT_BOOL SignatureInfo::GetIsValid ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(903)) VARIANT_BOOL SignatureInfo::GetIsCertificateExpired ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(904)) VARIANT_BOOL SignatureInfo::GetIsCertificateRevoked ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(905)) VARIANT_BOOL SignatureInfo::GetIsCertificateUntrusted ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(906)) HRESULT SignatureInfo::ShowSignatureCertificate ( IUnknown * ParentWindow );
__declspec(implementation_key(907)) HRESULT SignatureInfo::SelectSignatureCertificate ( IUnknown * ParentWindow );
__declspec(implementation_key(908)) HRESULT SignatureInfo::SelectCertificateDetailByThumbprint ( _bstr_t bstrThumbprint );
__declspec(implementation_key(909)) _bstr_t Signature::GetSigner ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(910)) _bstr_t Signature::GetIssuer ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(911)) _variant_t Signature::GetExpireDate ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(912)) VARIANT_BOOL Signature::GetIsValid ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(913)) VARIANT_BOOL Signature::GetAttachCertificate ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(914)) void Signature::PutAttachCertificate ( VARIANT_BOOL pvarfAttach );
__declspec(implementation_key(915)) HRESULT Signature::Delete ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(916)) IDispatchPtr Signature::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(917)) VARIANT_BOOL Signature::GetIsCertificateExpired ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(918)) VARIANT_BOOL Signature::GetIsCertificateRevoked ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(919)) _variant_t Signature::GetSignDate ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(920)) VARIANT_BOOL Signature::GetIsSigned ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(921)) HRESULT Signature::Sign ( const _variant_t & varSigImg, const _variant_t & varDelSuggSigner, const _variant_t & varDelSuggSignerLine2, const _variant_t & varDelSuggSignerEmail );
__declspec(implementation_key(922)) SignatureInfoPtr Signature::GetDetails ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(923)) HRESULT Signature::ShowDetails ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(924)) VARIANT_BOOL Signature::GetCanSetup ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(925)) SignatureSetupPtr Signature::GetSetup ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(926)) VARIANT_BOOL Signature::GetIsSignatureLine ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(927)) IDispatchPtr Signature::GetSignatureLineShape ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(928)) long Signature::GetSortHint ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(929)) IUnknownPtr SignatureSet::Get_NewEnum ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(930)) int SignatureSet::GetCount ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(931)) SignaturePtr SignatureSet::GetItem ( int iSig );
__declspec(implementation_key(932)) SignaturePtr SignatureSet::Add ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(933)) HRESULT SignatureSet::Commit ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(934)) IDispatchPtr SignatureSet::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(935)) SignaturePtr SignatureSet::AddNonVisibleSignature ( const _variant_t & varSigProv );
__declspec(implementation_key(936)) VARIANT_BOOL SignatureSet::GetCanAddSignatureLine ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(937)) SignaturePtr SignatureSet::AddSignatureLine ( const _variant_t & varSigProv );
__declspec(implementation_key(938)) enum MsoSignatureSubset SignatureSet::GetSubset ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(939)) void SignatureSet::PutSubset ( enum MsoSignatureSubset psubset );
__declspec(implementation_key(940)) void SignatureSet::PutShowSignaturesPane ( VARIANT_BOOL _arg1 );
__declspec(implementation_key(941)) IPictureDisp * SignatureProvider::GenerateSignatureLineImage ( enum SignatureLineImage siglnimg, struct SignatureSetup * psigsetup, struct SignatureInfo * psiginfo, IUnknown * XmlDsigStream );
__declspec(implementation_key(942)) HRESULT SignatureProvider::ShowSignatureSetup ( IUnknown * ParentWindow, struct SignatureSetup * psigsetup );
__declspec(implementation_key(943)) HRESULT SignatureProvider::ShowSigningCeremony ( IUnknown * ParentWindow, struct SignatureSetup * psigsetup, struct SignatureInfo * psiginfo );
__declspec(implementation_key(944)) HRESULT SignatureProvider::SignXmlDsig ( IUnknown * QueryContinue, struct SignatureSetup * psigsetup, struct SignatureInfo * psiginfo, IUnknown * XmlDsigStream );
__declspec(implementation_key(945)) HRESULT SignatureProvider::NotifySignatureAdded ( IUnknown * ParentWindow, struct SignatureSetup * psigsetup, struct SignatureInfo * psiginfo );
__declspec(implementation_key(946)) HRESULT SignatureProvider::VerifyXmlDsig ( IUnknown * QueryContinue, struct SignatureSetup * psigsetup, struct SignatureInfo * psiginfo, IUnknown * XmlDsigStream, enum ContentVerificationResults * pcontverres, enum CertificateVerificationResults * pcertverres );
__declspec(implementation_key(947)) HRESULT SignatureProvider::ShowSignatureDetails ( IUnknown * ParentWindow, struct SignatureSetup * psigsetup, struct SignatureInfo * psiginfo, IUnknown * XmlDsigStream, enum ContentVerificationResults * pcontverres, enum CertificateVerificationResults * pcertverres );
__declspec(implementation_key(948)) _variant_t SignatureProvider::GetProviderDetail ( enum SignatureProviderDetail sigprovdet );
__declspec(implementation_key(949)) SAFEARRAY * SignatureProvider::HashStream ( IUnknown * QueryContinue, IUnknown * Stream );
__declspec(implementation_key(950)) IDispatchPtr CustomXMLPrefixMapping::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(951)) _bstr_t CustomXMLPrefixMapping::GetPrefix ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(952)) _bstr_t CustomXMLPrefixMapping::GetNamespaceURI ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(953)) IDispatchPtr CustomXMLPrefixMappings::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(954)) long CustomXMLPrefixMappings::GetCount ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(955)) CustomXMLPrefixMappingPtr CustomXMLPrefixMappings::GetItem ( const _variant_t & Index );
__declspec(implementation_key(956)) HRESULT CustomXMLPrefixMappings::AddNamespace ( _bstr_t Prefix, _bstr_t NamespaceURI );
__declspec(implementation_key(957)) _bstr_t CustomXMLPrefixMappings::LookupNamespace ( _bstr_t Prefix );
__declspec(implementation_key(958)) _bstr_t CustomXMLPrefixMappings::LookupPrefix ( _bstr_t NamespaceURI );
__declspec(implementation_key(959)) IUnknownPtr CustomXMLPrefixMappings::Get_NewEnum ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(960)) IDispatchPtr CustomXMLSchema::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(961)) _bstr_t CustomXMLSchema::GetLocation ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(962)) _bstr_t CustomXMLSchema::GetNamespaceURI ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(963)) HRESULT CustomXMLSchema::Delete ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(964)) HRESULT CustomXMLSchema::Reload ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(965)) IDispatchPtr _CustomXMLSchemaCollection::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(966)) long _CustomXMLSchemaCollection::GetCount ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(967)) CustomXMLSchemaPtr _CustomXMLSchemaCollection::GetItem ( const _variant_t & Index );
__declspec(implementation_key(968)) _bstr_t _CustomXMLSchemaCollection::GetNamespaceURI ( long Index );
__declspec(implementation_key(969)) CustomXMLSchemaPtr _CustomXMLSchemaCollection::Add ( _bstr_t NamespaceURI, _bstr_t Alias, _bstr_t FileName, VARIANT_BOOL InstallForAllUsers );
__declspec(implementation_key(970)) HRESULT _CustomXMLSchemaCollection::AddCollection ( struct _CustomXMLSchemaCollection * SchemaCollection );
__declspec(implementation_key(971)) VARIANT_BOOL _CustomXMLSchemaCollection::Validate ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(972)) IUnknownPtr _CustomXMLSchemaCollection::Get_NewEnum ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(973)) HRESULT _CustomXMLPartEvents::NodeAfterInsert ( struct CustomXMLNode * NewNode, VARIANT_BOOL InUndoRedo );
__declspec(implementation_key(974)) HRESULT _CustomXMLPartEvents::NodeAfterDelete ( struct CustomXMLNode * OldNode, struct CustomXMLNode * OldParentNode, struct CustomXMLNode * OldNextSibling, VARIANT_BOOL InUndoRedo );
__declspec(implementation_key(975)) HRESULT _CustomXMLPartEvents::NodeAfterReplace ( struct CustomXMLNode * OldNode, struct CustomXMLNode * NewNode, VARIANT_BOOL InUndoRedo );
__declspec(implementation_key(976)) HRESULT _CustomXMLPartsEvents::PartAfterAdd ( struct _CustomXMLPart * NewPart );
__declspec(implementation_key(977)) HRESULT _CustomXMLPartsEvents::PartBeforeDelete ( struct _CustomXMLPart * OldPart );
__declspec(implementation_key(978)) HRESULT _CustomXMLPartsEvents::PartAfterLoad ( struct _CustomXMLPart * Part );
__declspec(implementation_key(979)) IDispatchPtr _CustomXMLParts::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(980)) long _CustomXMLParts::GetCount ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(981)) _CustomXMLPartPtr _CustomXMLParts::GetItem ( const _variant_t & Index );
__declspec(implementation_key(982)) _CustomXMLPartPtr _CustomXMLParts::Add ( _bstr_t XML, const _variant_t & SchemaCollection );
__declspec(implementation_key(983)) _CustomXMLPartPtr _CustomXMLParts::SelectByID ( _bstr_t Id );
__declspec(implementation_key(984)) _CustomXMLPartsPtr _CustomXMLParts::SelectByNamespace ( _bstr_t NamespaceURI );
__declspec(implementation_key(985)) IUnknownPtr _CustomXMLParts::Get_NewEnum ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(986)) enum MsoSoftEdgeType SoftEdgeFormat::GetType ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(987)) void SoftEdgeFormat::PutType ( enum MsoSoftEdgeType Type );
__declspec(implementation_key(988)) float SoftEdgeFormat::GetRadius ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(989)) void SoftEdgeFormat::PutRadius ( float Radius );
__declspec(implementation_key(990)) enum MsoReflectionType ReflectionFormat::GetType ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(991)) void ReflectionFormat::PutType ( enum MsoReflectionType Type );
__declspec(implementation_key(992)) float ReflectionFormat::GetTransparency ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(993)) void ReflectionFormat::PutTransparency ( float Transparency );
__declspec(implementation_key(994)) float ReflectionFormat::GetSize ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(995)) void ReflectionFormat::PutSize ( float Size );
__declspec(implementation_key(996)) float ReflectionFormat::GetOffset ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(997)) void ReflectionFormat::PutOffset ( float Offset );
__declspec(implementation_key(998)) float ReflectionFormat::GetBlur ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(999)) void ReflectionFormat::PutBlur ( float Blur );
__declspec(implementation_key(1000)) IDispatchPtr ColorFormat::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1001)) MsoRGBType ColorFormat::Get__RGB ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1002)) void ColorFormat::Put__RGB ( MsoRGBType __RGB );
__declspec(implementation_key(1003)) int ColorFormat::GetSchemeColor ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1004)) void ColorFormat::PutSchemeColor ( int SchemeColor );
__declspec(implementation_key(1005)) enum MsoColorType ColorFormat::GetType ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1006)) float ColorFormat::GetTintAndShade ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1007)) void ColorFormat::PutTintAndShade ( float pValue );
__declspec(implementation_key(1008)) enum MsoThemeColorIndex ColorFormat::GetObjectThemeColor ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1009)) void ColorFormat::PutObjectThemeColor ( enum MsoThemeColorIndex ObjectThemeColor );
__declspec(implementation_key(1010)) float ColorFormat::GetBrightness ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1011)) void ColorFormat::PutBrightness ( float Brightness );
__declspec(implementation_key(1012)) IDispatchPtr LineFormat::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1013)) ColorFormatPtr LineFormat::GetBackColor ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1014)) void LineFormat::PutBackColor ( struct ColorFormat * BackColor );
__declspec(implementation_key(1015)) enum MsoArrowheadLength LineFormat::GetBeginArrowheadLength ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1016)) void LineFormat::PutBeginArrowheadLength ( enum MsoArrowheadLength BeginArrowheadLength );
__declspec(implementation_key(1017)) enum MsoArrowheadStyle LineFormat::GetBeginArrowheadStyle ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1018)) void LineFormat::PutBeginArrowheadStyle ( enum MsoArrowheadStyle BeginArrowheadStyle );
__declspec(implementation_key(1019)) enum MsoArrowheadWidth LineFormat::GetBeginArrowheadWidth ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1020)) void LineFormat::PutBeginArrowheadWidth ( enum MsoArrowheadWidth BeginArrowheadWidth );
__declspec(implementation_key(1021)) enum MsoLineDashStyle LineFormat::GetDashStyle ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1022)) void LineFormat::PutDashStyle ( enum MsoLineDashStyle DashStyle );
__declspec(implementation_key(1023)) enum MsoArrowheadLength LineFormat::GetEndArrowheadLength ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1024)) void LineFormat::PutEndArrowheadLength ( enum MsoArrowheadLength EndArrowheadLength );
__declspec(implementation_key(1025)) enum MsoArrowheadStyle LineFormat::GetEndArrowheadStyle ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1026)) void LineFormat::PutEndArrowheadStyle ( enum MsoArrowheadStyle EndArrowheadStyle );
__declspec(implementation_key(1027)) enum MsoArrowheadWidth LineFormat::GetEndArrowheadWidth ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1028)) void LineFormat::PutEndArrowheadWidth ( enum MsoArrowheadWidth EndArrowheadWidth );
__declspec(implementation_key(1029)) ColorFormatPtr LineFormat::GetForeColor ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1030)) void LineFormat::PutForeColor ( struct ColorFormat * ForeColor );
__declspec(implementation_key(1031)) enum MsoPatternType LineFormat::GetPattern ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1032)) void LineFormat::PutPattern ( enum MsoPatternType Pattern );
__declspec(implementation_key(1033)) enum MsoLineStyle LineFormat::GetStyle ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1034)) void LineFormat::PutStyle ( enum MsoLineStyle Style );
__declspec(implementation_key(1035)) float LineFormat::GetTransparency ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1036)) void LineFormat::PutTransparency ( float Transparency );
__declspec(implementation_key(1037)) enum MsoTriState LineFormat::GetVisible ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1038)) void LineFormat::PutVisible ( enum MsoTriState Visible );
__declspec(implementation_key(1039)) float LineFormat::GetWeight ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1040)) void LineFormat::PutWeight ( float Weight );
__declspec(implementation_key(1041)) enum MsoTriState LineFormat::GetInsetPen ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1042)) void LineFormat::PutInsetPen ( enum MsoTriState InsetPen );
__declspec(implementation_key(1043)) IDispatchPtr ThreeDFormat::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1044)) HRESULT ThreeDFormat::IncrementRotationX ( float Increment );
__declspec(implementation_key(1045)) HRESULT ThreeDFormat::IncrementRotationY ( float Increment );
__declspec(implementation_key(1046)) HRESULT ThreeDFormat::ResetRotation ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1047)) HRESULT ThreeDFormat::SetThreeDFormat ( enum MsoPresetThreeDFormat PresetThreeDFormat );
__declspec(implementation_key(1048)) HRESULT ThreeDFormat::SetExtrusionDirection ( enum MsoPresetExtrusionDirection PresetExtrusionDirection );
__declspec(implementation_key(1049)) float ThreeDFormat::GetDepth ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1050)) void ThreeDFormat::PutDepth ( float Depth );
__declspec(implementation_key(1051)) ColorFormatPtr ThreeDFormat::GetExtrusionColor ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1052)) enum MsoExtrusionColorType ThreeDFormat::GetExtrusionColorType ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1053)) void ThreeDFormat::PutExtrusionColorType ( enum MsoExtrusionColorType ExtrusionColorType );
__declspec(implementation_key(1054)) enum MsoTriState ThreeDFormat::GetPerspective ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1055)) void ThreeDFormat::PutPerspective ( enum MsoTriState Perspective );
__declspec(implementation_key(1056)) enum MsoPresetExtrusionDirection ThreeDFormat::GetPresetExtrusionDirection ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1057)) enum MsoPresetLightingDirection ThreeDFormat::GetPresetLightingDirection ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1058)) void ThreeDFormat::PutPresetLightingDirection ( enum MsoPresetLightingDirection PresetLightingDirection );
__declspec(implementation_key(1059)) enum MsoPresetLightingSoftness ThreeDFormat::GetPresetLightingSoftness ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1060)) void ThreeDFormat::PutPresetLightingSoftness ( enum MsoPresetLightingSoftness PresetLightingSoftness );
__declspec(implementation_key(1061)) enum MsoPresetMaterial ThreeDFormat::GetPresetMaterial ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1062)) void ThreeDFormat::PutPresetMaterial ( enum MsoPresetMaterial PresetMaterial );
__declspec(implementation_key(1063)) enum MsoPresetThreeDFormat ThreeDFormat::GetPresetThreeDFormat ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1064)) float ThreeDFormat::GetRotationX ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1065)) void ThreeDFormat::PutRotationX ( float RotationX );
__declspec(implementation_key(1066)) float ThreeDFormat::GetRotationY ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1067)) void ThreeDFormat::PutRotationY ( float RotationY );
__declspec(implementation_key(1068)) enum MsoTriState ThreeDFormat::GetVisible ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1069)) void ThreeDFormat::PutVisible ( enum MsoTriState Visible );
__declspec(implementation_key(1070)) HRESULT ThreeDFormat::SetPresetCamera ( enum MsoPresetCamera PresetCamera );
__declspec(implementation_key(1071)) HRESULT ThreeDFormat::IncrementRotationZ ( float Increment );
__declspec(implementation_key(1072)) HRESULT ThreeDFormat::IncrementRotationHorizontal ( float Increment );
__declspec(implementation_key(1073)) HRESULT ThreeDFormat::IncrementRotationVertical ( float Increment );
__declspec(implementation_key(1074)) enum MsoLightRigType ThreeDFormat::GetPresetLighting ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1075)) void ThreeDFormat::PutPresetLighting ( enum MsoLightRigType PresetLightRigType );
__declspec(implementation_key(1076)) float ThreeDFormat::GetZ ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1077)) void ThreeDFormat::PutZ ( float Z );
__declspec(implementation_key(1078)) enum MsoBevelType ThreeDFormat::GetBevelTopType ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1079)) void ThreeDFormat::PutBevelTopType ( enum MsoBevelType BevelTopType );
__declspec(implementation_key(1080)) float ThreeDFormat::GetBevelTopInset ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1081)) void ThreeDFormat::PutBevelTopInset ( float BevelTopInset );
__declspec(implementation_key(1082)) float ThreeDFormat::GetBevelTopDepth ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1083)) void ThreeDFormat::PutBevelTopDepth ( float BevelTopDepth );
__declspec(implementation_key(1084)) enum MsoBevelType ThreeDFormat::GetBevelBottomType ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1085)) void ThreeDFormat::PutBevelBottomType ( enum MsoBevelType BevelBottomType );
__declspec(implementation_key(1086)) float ThreeDFormat::GetBevelBottomInset ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1087)) void ThreeDFormat::PutBevelBottomInset ( float BevelBottomInset );
__declspec(implementation_key(1088)) float ThreeDFormat::GetBevelBottomDepth ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1089)) void ThreeDFormat::PutBevelBottomDepth ( float BevelBottomDepth );
__declspec(implementation_key(1090)) enum MsoPresetCamera ThreeDFormat::GetPresetCamera ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1091)) float ThreeDFormat::GetRotationZ ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1092)) void ThreeDFormat::PutRotationZ ( float RotationZ );
__declspec(implementation_key(1093)) float ThreeDFormat::GetContourWidth ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1094)) void ThreeDFormat::PutContourWidth ( float Width );
__declspec(implementation_key(1095)) ColorFormatPtr ThreeDFormat::GetContourColor ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1096)) float ThreeDFormat::GetFieldOfView ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1097)) void ThreeDFormat::PutFieldOfView ( float FOV );
__declspec(implementation_key(1098)) enum MsoTriState ThreeDFormat::GetProjectText ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1099)) void ThreeDFormat::PutProjectText ( enum MsoTriState ProjectText );
__declspec(implementation_key(1100)) float ThreeDFormat::GetLightAngle ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1101)) void ThreeDFormat::PutLightAngle ( float LightAngle );
__declspec(implementation_key(1102)) ColorFormatPtr GradientStop::GetColor ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1103)) float GradientStop::GetPosition ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1104)) void GradientStop::PutPosition ( float Position );
__declspec(implementation_key(1105)) float GradientStop::GetTransparency ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1106)) void GradientStop::PutTransparency ( float Transparency );
__declspec(implementation_key(1107)) GradientStopPtr GradientStops::GetItem ( int Index );
__declspec(implementation_key(1108)) int GradientStops::GetCount ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1109)) IUnknownPtr GradientStops::Get_NewEnum ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1110)) HRESULT GradientStops::Delete ( int Index );
__declspec(implementation_key(1111)) HRESULT GradientStops::Insert ( MsoRGBType __RGB, float Position, float Transparency, int Index );
__declspec(implementation_key(1112)) HRESULT GradientStops::Insert2 ( MsoRGBType __RGB, float Position, float Transparency, int Index, float Brightness );
__declspec(implementation_key(1113)) float GlowFormat::GetRadius ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1114)) void GlowFormat::PutRadius ( float Radius );
__declspec(implementation_key(1115)) ColorFormatPtr GlowFormat::GetColor ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1116)) float GlowFormat::GetTransparency ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1117)) void GlowFormat::PutTransparency ( float Transparency );
__declspec(implementation_key(1118)) MsoRGBType ThemeColor::Get__RGB ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1119)) void ThemeColor::Put__RGB ( MsoRGBType __RGB );
__declspec(implementation_key(1120)) IDispatchPtr ThemeColor::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1121)) enum MsoThemeColorSchemeIndex ThemeColor::GetThemeColorSchemeIndex ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1122)) IDispatchPtr ThemeColorScheme::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1123)) int ThemeColorScheme::GetCount ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1124)) ThemeColorPtr ThemeColorScheme::Colors ( enum MsoThemeColorSchemeIndex Index );
__declspec(implementation_key(1125)) IUnknownPtr ThemeColorScheme::Get_NewEnum ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1126)) HRESULT ThemeColorScheme::Load ( _bstr_t FileName );
__declspec(implementation_key(1127)) HRESULT ThemeColorScheme::Save ( _bstr_t FileName );
__declspec(implementation_key(1128)) MsoRGBType ThemeColorScheme::GetCustomColor ( _bstr_t Name );
__declspec(implementation_key(1129)) _bstr_t ThemeFont::GetName ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1130)) void ThemeFont::PutName ( _bstr_t Val );
__declspec(implementation_key(1131)) IDispatchPtr ThemeFont::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1132)) IDispatchPtr ThemeFonts::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1133)) int ThemeFonts::GetCount ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1134)) ThemeFontPtr ThemeFonts::Item ( enum MsoFontLanguageIndex Index );
__declspec(implementation_key(1135)) IUnknownPtr ThemeFonts::Get_NewEnum ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1136)) IDispatchPtr ThemeFontScheme::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1137)) HRESULT ThemeFontScheme::Load ( _bstr_t FileName );
__declspec(implementation_key(1138)) HRESULT ThemeFontScheme::Save ( _bstr_t FileName );
__declspec(implementation_key(1139)) ThemeFontsPtr ThemeFontScheme::GetMinorFont ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1140)) ThemeFontsPtr ThemeFontScheme::GetMajorFont ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1141)) IDispatchPtr ThemeEffectScheme::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1142)) HRESULT ThemeEffectScheme::Load ( _bstr_t FileName );
__declspec(implementation_key(1143)) IDispatchPtr OfficeTheme::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1144)) ThemeColorSchemePtr OfficeTheme::GetThemeColorScheme ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1145)) ThemeFontSchemePtr OfficeTheme::GetThemeFontScheme ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1146)) ThemeEffectSchemePtr OfficeTheme::GetThemeEffectScheme ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1147)) _bstr_t _CustomTaskPane::GetTitle ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1148)) IDispatchPtr _CustomTaskPane::GetApplication ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1149)) IDispatchPtr _CustomTaskPane::GetWindow ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1150)) VARIANT_BOOL _CustomTaskPane::GetVisible ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1151)) void _CustomTaskPane::PutVisible ( VARIANT_BOOL prop );
__declspec(implementation_key(1152)) IDispatchPtr _CustomTaskPane::GetContentControl ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1153)) int _CustomTaskPane::GetHeight ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1154)) void _CustomTaskPane::PutHeight ( int prop );
__declspec(implementation_key(1155)) int _CustomTaskPane::GetWidth ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1156)) void _CustomTaskPane::PutWidth ( int prop );
__declspec(implementation_key(1157)) enum MsoCTPDockPosition _CustomTaskPane::GetDockPosition ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1158)) void _CustomTaskPane::PutDockPosition ( enum MsoCTPDockPosition prop );
__declspec(implementation_key(1159)) enum MsoCTPDockPositionRestrict _CustomTaskPane::GetDockPositionRestrict ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1160)) void _CustomTaskPane::PutDockPositionRestrict ( enum MsoCTPDockPositionRestrict prop );
__declspec(implementation_key(1161)) HRESULT _CustomTaskPane::Delete ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1162)) HRESULT _CustomTaskPaneEvents::VisibleStateChange ( struct _CustomTaskPane * CustomTaskPaneInst );
__declspec(implementation_key(1163)) HRESULT _CustomTaskPaneEvents::DockPositionStateChange ( struct _CustomTaskPane * CustomTaskPaneInst );
__declspec(implementation_key(1164)) _CustomTaskPanePtr ICTPFactory::CreateCTP ( _bstr_t CTPAxID, _bstr_t CTPTitle, const _variant_t & CTPParentWindow );
__declspec(implementation_key(1165)) HRESULT ICustomTaskPaneConsumer::CTPFactoryAvailable ( struct ICTPFactory * CTPFactoryInst );
__declspec(implementation_key(1166)) HRESULT IRibbonUI::Invalidate ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1167)) HRESULT IRibbonUI::InvalidateControl ( _bstr_t ControlID );
__declspec(implementation_key(1168)) HRESULT IRibbonUI::InvalidateControlMso ( _bstr_t ControlID );
__declspec(implementation_key(1169)) HRESULT IRibbonUI::ActivateTab ( _bstr_t ControlID );
__declspec(implementation_key(1170)) HRESULT IRibbonUI::ActivateTabMso ( _bstr_t ControlID );
__declspec(implementation_key(1171)) HRESULT IRibbonUI::ActivateTabQ ( _bstr_t ControlID, _bstr_t Namespace );
__declspec(implementation_key(1172)) _bstr_t IRibbonControl::GetId ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1173)) IDispatchPtr IRibbonControl::GetContext ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1174)) _bstr_t IRibbonControl::GetTag ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1175)) _bstr_t IRibbonExtensibility::GetCustomUI ( _bstr_t RibbonID );
__declspec(implementation_key(1176)) IDispatchPtr ShadowFormat::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1177)) HRESULT ShadowFormat::IncrementOffsetX ( float Increment );
__declspec(implementation_key(1178)) HRESULT ShadowFormat::IncrementOffsetY ( float Increment );
__declspec(implementation_key(1179)) ColorFormatPtr ShadowFormat::GetForeColor ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1180)) void ShadowFormat::PutForeColor ( struct ColorFormat * ForeColor );
__declspec(implementation_key(1181)) enum MsoTriState ShadowFormat::GetObscured ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1182)) void ShadowFormat::PutObscured ( enum MsoTriState Obscured );
__declspec(implementation_key(1183)) float ShadowFormat::GetOffsetX ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1184)) void ShadowFormat::PutOffsetX ( float OffsetX );
__declspec(implementation_key(1185)) float ShadowFormat::GetOffsetY ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1186)) void ShadowFormat::PutOffsetY ( float OffsetY );
__declspec(implementation_key(1187)) float ShadowFormat::GetTransparency ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1188)) void ShadowFormat::PutTransparency ( float Transparency );
__declspec(implementation_key(1189)) enum MsoShadowType ShadowFormat::GetType ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1190)) void ShadowFormat::PutType ( enum MsoShadowType Type );
__declspec(implementation_key(1191)) enum MsoTriState ShadowFormat::GetVisible ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1192)) void ShadowFormat::PutVisible ( enum MsoTriState Visible );
__declspec(implementation_key(1193)) enum MsoShadowStyle ShadowFormat::GetStyle ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1194)) void ShadowFormat::PutStyle ( enum MsoShadowStyle ShadowStyle );
__declspec(implementation_key(1195)) float ShadowFormat::GetBlur ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1196)) void ShadowFormat::PutBlur ( float Blur );
__declspec(implementation_key(1197)) float ShadowFormat::GetSize ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1198)) void ShadowFormat::PutSize ( float Size );
__declspec(implementation_key(1199)) enum MsoTriState ShadowFormat::GetRotateWithShape ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1200)) void ShadowFormat::PutRotateWithShape ( enum MsoTriState RotateWithShape );
__declspec(implementation_key(1201)) int TextColumn2::GetNumber ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1202)) void TextColumn2::PutNumber ( int Number );
__declspec(implementation_key(1203)) float TextColumn2::GetSpacing ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1204)) void TextColumn2::PutSpacing ( float Spacing );
__declspec(implementation_key(1205)) enum MsoTextDirection TextColumn2::GetTextDirection ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1206)) void TextColumn2::PutTextDirection ( enum MsoTextDirection Direction );
__declspec(implementation_key(1207)) HRESULT IAssistance::ShowHelp ( _bstr_t HelpId, _bstr_t Scope );
__declspec(implementation_key(1208)) HRESULT IAssistance::SearchHelp ( _bstr_t Query, _bstr_t Scope );
__declspec(implementation_key(1209)) HRESULT IAssistance::SetDefaultContext ( _bstr_t HelpId );
__declspec(implementation_key(1210)) HRESULT IAssistance::ClearDefaultContext ( _bstr_t HelpId );
__declspec(implementation_key(1211)) IDispatchPtr IMsoChartData::GetWorkbook ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1212)) HRESULT IMsoChartData::Activate ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1213)) VARIANT_BOOL IMsoChartData::GetIsLinked ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1214)) HRESULT IMsoChartData::BreakLink ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1215)) IDispatchPtr IMsoCorners::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1216)) _bstr_t IMsoCorners::GetName ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1217)) _variant_t IMsoCorners::Select ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1218)) IDispatchPtr IMsoCorners::GetApplication ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1219)) long IMsoCorners::GetCreator ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1220)) void IMsoBorder::PutColor ( const _variant_t & pval );
__declspec(implementation_key(1221)) _variant_t IMsoBorder::GetColor ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1222)) void IMsoBorder::PutColorIndex ( const _variant_t & pval );
__declspec(implementation_key(1223)) _variant_t IMsoBorder::GetColorIndex ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1224)) void IMsoBorder::PutLineStyle ( const _variant_t & pval );
__declspec(implementation_key(1225)) _variant_t IMsoBorder::GetLineStyle ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1226)) void IMsoBorder::PutWeight ( const _variant_t & pval );
__declspec(implementation_key(1227)) _variant_t IMsoBorder::GetWeight ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1228)) IDispatchPtr IMsoBorder::GetApplication ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1229)) long IMsoBorder::GetCreator ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1230)) IDispatchPtr IMsoBorder::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1231)) void IMsoInterior::PutColor ( const _variant_t & pval );
__declspec(implementation_key(1232)) _variant_t IMsoInterior::GetColor ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1233)) void IMsoInterior::PutColorIndex ( const _variant_t & pval );
__declspec(implementation_key(1234)) _variant_t IMsoInterior::GetColorIndex ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1235)) void IMsoInterior::PutInvertIfNegative ( const _variant_t & pval );
__declspec(implementation_key(1236)) _variant_t IMsoInterior::GetInvertIfNegative ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1237)) void IMsoInterior::PutPattern ( const _variant_t & pval );
__declspec(implementation_key(1238)) _variant_t IMsoInterior::GetPattern ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1239)) void IMsoInterior::PutPatternColor ( const _variant_t & pval );
__declspec(implementation_key(1240)) _variant_t IMsoInterior::GetPatternColor ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1241)) void IMsoInterior::PutPatternColorIndex ( const _variant_t & pval );
__declspec(implementation_key(1242)) _variant_t IMsoInterior::GetPatternColorIndex ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1243)) IDispatchPtr IMsoInterior::GetApplication ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1244)) long IMsoInterior::GetCreator ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1245)) IDispatchPtr IMsoInterior::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1246)) void ChartFont::PutBackground ( const _variant_t & pval );
__declspec(implementation_key(1247)) _variant_t ChartFont::GetBackground ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1248)) void ChartFont::PutBold ( const _variant_t & pval );
__declspec(implementation_key(1249)) _variant_t ChartFont::GetBold ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1250)) void ChartFont::PutColor ( const _variant_t & pval );
__declspec(implementation_key(1251)) _variant_t ChartFont::GetColor ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1252)) void ChartFont::PutColorIndex ( const _variant_t & pval );
__declspec(implementation_key(1253)) _variant_t ChartFont::GetColorIndex ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1254)) void ChartFont::PutFontStyle ( const _variant_t & pval );
__declspec(implementation_key(1255)) _variant_t ChartFont::GetFontStyle ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1256)) void ChartFont::PutItalic ( const _variant_t & pval );
__declspec(implementation_key(1257)) _variant_t ChartFont::GetItalic ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1258)) void ChartFont::PutName ( const _variant_t & pval );
__declspec(implementation_key(1259)) _variant_t ChartFont::GetName ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1260)) void ChartFont::PutOutlineFont ( const _variant_t & pval );
__declspec(implementation_key(1261)) _variant_t ChartFont::GetOutlineFont ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1262)) void ChartFont::PutShadow ( const _variant_t & pval );
__declspec(implementation_key(1263)) _variant_t ChartFont::GetShadow ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1264)) void ChartFont::PutSize ( const _variant_t & pval );
__declspec(implementation_key(1265)) _variant_t ChartFont::GetSize ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1266)) void ChartFont::PutStrikeThrough ( const _variant_t & pval );
__declspec(implementation_key(1267)) _variant_t ChartFont::GetStrikeThrough ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1268)) void ChartFont::PutSubscript ( const _variant_t & pval );
__declspec(implementation_key(1269)) _variant_t ChartFont::GetSubscript ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1270)) void ChartFont::PutSuperscript ( const _variant_t & pval );
__declspec(implementation_key(1271)) _variant_t ChartFont::GetSuperscript ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1272)) void ChartFont::PutUnderline ( const _variant_t & pval );
__declspec(implementation_key(1273)) _variant_t ChartFont::GetUnderline ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1274)) IDispatchPtr ChartFont::GetApplication ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1275)) long ChartFont::GetCreator ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1276)) IDispatchPtr ChartFont::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1277)) IDispatchPtr ChartColorFormat::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1278)) long ChartColorFormat::GetSchemeColor ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1279)) void ChartColorFormat::PutSchemeColor ( long RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(1280)) long ChartColorFormat::Get__RGB ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1281)) void ChartColorFormat::Put__RGB ( long RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(1282)) long ChartColorFormat::Get_Default ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1283)) long ChartColorFormat::GetType ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1284)) IDispatchPtr ChartColorFormat::GetApplication ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1285)) long ChartColorFormat::GetCreator ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1286)) HRESULT ChartFillFormat::OneColorGradient ( int Style, int Variant, float Degree );
__declspec(implementation_key(1287)) HRESULT ChartFillFormat::TwoColorGradient ( int Style, int Variant );
__declspec(implementation_key(1288)) HRESULT ChartFillFormat::PresetTextured ( int PresetTexture );
__declspec(implementation_key(1289)) HRESULT ChartFillFormat::Solid ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1290)) HRESULT ChartFillFormat::Patterned ( int Pattern );
__declspec(implementation_key(1291)) HRESULT ChartFillFormat::UserPicture ( const _variant_t & PictureFile, const _variant_t & PictureFormat, const _variant_t & PictureStackUnit, const _variant_t & PicturePlacement );
__declspec(implementation_key(1292)) HRESULT ChartFillFormat::UserTextured ( _bstr_t TextureFile );
__declspec(implementation_key(1293)) HRESULT ChartFillFormat::PresetGradient ( int Style, int Variant, int PresetGradientType );
__declspec(implementation_key(1294)) ChartColorFormatPtr ChartFillFormat::GetBackColor ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1295)) ChartColorFormatPtr ChartFillFormat::GetForeColor ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1296)) int ChartFillFormat::GetGradientColorType ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1297)) float ChartFillFormat::GetGradientDegree ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1298)) int ChartFillFormat::GetGradientStyle ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1299)) int ChartFillFormat::GetGradientVariant ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1300)) int ChartFillFormat::GetPattern ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1301)) int ChartFillFormat::GetPresetGradientType ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1302)) int ChartFillFormat::GetPresetTexture ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1303)) _bstr_t ChartFillFormat::GetTextureName ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1304)) int ChartFillFormat::GetTextureType ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1305)) int ChartFillFormat::GetType ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1306)) void ChartFillFormat::PutVisible ( int pval );
__declspec(implementation_key(1307)) int ChartFillFormat::GetVisible ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1308)) IDispatchPtr ChartFillFormat::GetApplication ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1309)) long ChartFillFormat::GetCreator ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1310)) IDispatchPtr ChartFillFormat::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1311)) IDispatchPtr IMsoCharacters::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1312)) _bstr_t IMsoCharacters::GetCaption ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1313)) void IMsoCharacters::PutCaption ( _bstr_t RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(1314)) long IMsoCharacters::GetCount ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1315)) _variant_t IMsoCharacters::Delete ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1316)) ChartFontPtr IMsoCharacters::GetFont ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1317)) _variant_t IMsoCharacters::Insert ( _bstr_t bstr );
__declspec(implementation_key(1318)) _bstr_t IMsoCharacters::GetText ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1319)) void IMsoCharacters::PutText ( _bstr_t RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(1320)) _bstr_t IMsoCharacters::GetPhoneticCharacters ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1321)) void IMsoCharacters::PutPhoneticCharacters ( _bstr_t RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(1322)) IDispatchPtr IMsoCharacters::GetApplication ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1323)) long IMsoCharacters::GetCreator ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1324)) IDispatchPtr TabStop2::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1325)) HRESULT TabStop2::Clear ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1326)) float TabStop2::GetPosition ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1327)) void TabStop2::PutPosition ( float Position );
__declspec(implementation_key(1328)) enum MsoTabStopType TabStop2::GetType ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1329)) void TabStop2::PutType ( enum MsoTabStopType Type );
__declspec(implementation_key(1330)) TabStop2Ptr TabStops2::Item ( const _variant_t & Index );
__declspec(implementation_key(1331)) IDispatchPtr TabStops2::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1332)) TabStop2Ptr TabStops2::Add ( enum MsoTabStopType Type, float Position );
__declspec(implementation_key(1333)) int TabStops2::GetCount ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1334)) float TabStops2::GetDefaultSpacing ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1335)) void TabStops2::PutDefaultSpacing ( float Spacing );
__declspec(implementation_key(1336)) IUnknownPtr TabStops2::Get_NewEnum ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1337)) IDispatchPtr RulerLevel2::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1338)) float RulerLevel2::GetFirstMargin ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1339)) void RulerLevel2::PutFirstMargin ( float FirstMargin );
__declspec(implementation_key(1340)) float RulerLevel2::GetLeftMargin ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1341)) void RulerLevel2::PutLeftMargin ( float LeftMargin );
__declspec(implementation_key(1342)) IDispatchPtr RulerLevels2::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1343)) int RulerLevels2::GetCount ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1344)) RulerLevel2Ptr RulerLevels2::Item ( const _variant_t & Index );
__declspec(implementation_key(1345)) IUnknownPtr RulerLevels2::Get_NewEnum ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1346)) IDispatchPtr Ruler2::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1347)) RulerLevels2Ptr Ruler2::GetLevels ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1348)) TabStops2Ptr Ruler2::GetTabStops ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1349)) _variant_t EncryptionProvider::GetProviderDetail ( enum EncryptionProviderDetail encprovdet );
__declspec(implementation_key(1350)) int EncryptionProvider::NewSession ( IUnknown * ParentWindow );
__declspec(implementation_key(1351)) int EncryptionProvider::Authenticate ( IUnknown * ParentWindow, IUnknown * EncryptionData, unsigned int * PermissionsMask );
__declspec(implementation_key(1352)) int EncryptionProvider::CloneSession ( int SessionHandle );
__declspec(implementation_key(1353)) HRESULT EncryptionProvider::EndSession ( int SessionHandle );
__declspec(implementation_key(1354)) int EncryptionProvider::Save ( int SessionHandle, IUnknown * EncryptionData );
__declspec(implementation_key(1355)) HRESULT EncryptionProvider::EncryptStream ( int SessionHandle, _bstr_t StreamName, IUnknown * UnencryptedStream, IUnknown * EncryptedStream );
__declspec(implementation_key(1356)) HRESULT EncryptionProvider::DecryptStream ( int SessionHandle, _bstr_t StreamName, IUnknown * EncryptedStream, IUnknown * UnencryptedStream );
__declspec(implementation_key(1357)) HRESULT EncryptionProvider::ShowSettings ( int SessionHandle, IUnknown * ParentWindow, VARIANT_BOOL ReadOnly, VARIANT_BOOL * Remove );
__declspec(implementation_key(1358)) HRESULT IBlogExtensibility::BlogProviderProperties ( BSTR * BlogProvider, BSTR * FriendlyName, enum MsoBlogCategorySupport * CategorySupport, VARIANT_BOOL * Padding );
__declspec(implementation_key(1359)) HRESULT IBlogExtensibility::SetupBlogAccount ( _bstr_t Account, long ParentWindow, IDispatch * Document, VARIANT_BOOL NewAccount, VARIANT_BOOL * ShowPictureUI );
__declspec(implementation_key(1360)) HRESULT IBlogExtensibility::GetUserBlogs ( _bstr_t Account, long ParentWindow, IDispatch * Document, SAFEARRAY * * BlogNames, SAFEARRAY * * BlogIDs, SAFEARRAY * * BlogURLs );
__declspec(implementation_key(1361)) HRESULT IBlogExtensibility::GetRecentPosts ( _bstr_t Account, long ParentWindow, IDispatch * Document, SAFEARRAY * * PostTitles, SAFEARRAY * * PostDates, SAFEARRAY * * PostIDs );
__declspec(implementation_key(1362)) HRESULT IBlogExtensibility::Open ( _bstr_t Account, _bstr_t PostID, long ParentWindow, BSTR * xHTML, BSTR * Title, BSTR * DatePosted, SAFEARRAY * * Categories );
__declspec(implementation_key(1363)) HRESULT IBlogExtensibility::PublishPost ( _bstr_t Account, long ParentWindow, IDispatch * Document, _bstr_t xHTML, _bstr_t Title, _bstr_t DateTime, SAFEARRAY * Categories, VARIANT_BOOL Draft, BSTR * PostID, BSTR * PublishMessage );
__declspec(implementation_key(1364)) HRESULT IBlogExtensibility::RepublishPost ( _bstr_t Account, long ParentWindow, IDispatch * Document, _bstr_t PostID, _bstr_t xHTML, _bstr_t Title, _bstr_t DateTime, SAFEARRAY * Categories, VARIANT_BOOL Draft, BSTR * PublishMessage );
__declspec(implementation_key(1365)) HRESULT IBlogExtensibility::GetCategories ( _bstr_t Account, long ParentWindow, IDispatch * Document, SAFEARRAY * * Categories );
__declspec(implementation_key(1366)) HRESULT IBlogPictureExtensibility::BlogPictureProviderProperties ( BSTR * BlogPictureProvider, BSTR * FriendlyName );
__declspec(implementation_key(1367)) HRESULT IBlogPictureExtensibility::CreatePictureAccount ( _bstr_t Account, _bstr_t BlogProvider, long ParentWindow, IDispatch * Document );
__declspec(implementation_key(1368)) HRESULT IBlogPictureExtensibility::PublishPicture ( _bstr_t Account, long ParentWindow, IDispatch * Document, IUnknown * Image, BSTR * PictureURI, long ImageType );
__declspec(implementation_key(1369)) HRESULT IConverterPreferences::HrGetMacroEnabled ( int * pfMacroEnabled );
__declspec(implementation_key(1370)) HRESULT IConverterPreferences::HrCheckFormat ( int * pFormat );
__declspec(implementation_key(1371)) HRESULT IConverterPreferences::HrGetLossySave ( int * pfLossySave );
__declspec(implementation_key(1372)) HRESULT IConverterApplicationPreferences::HrGetLcid ( unsigned long * plcid );
__declspec(implementation_key(1373)) HRESULT IConverterApplicationPreferences::HrGetHwnd ( long * phwnd );
__declspec(implementation_key(1374)) HRESULT IConverterApplicationPreferences::HrGetApplication ( BSTR * pbstrApplication );
__declspec(implementation_key(1375)) HRESULT IConverterApplicationPreferences::HrCheckFormat ( int * pFormat );
__declspec(implementation_key(1376)) HRESULT IConverterUICallback::HrReportProgress ( unsigned int uPercentComplete );
__declspec(implementation_key(1377)) HRESULT IConverterUICallback::HrMessageBox ( _bstr_t bstrText, _bstr_t bstrCaption, unsigned int uType, int * pidResult );
__declspec(implementation_key(1378)) HRESULT IConverterUICallback::HrInputBox ( _bstr_t bstrText, _bstr_t bstrCaption, BSTR * pbstrInput, int fPassword );
__declspec(implementation_key(1379)) HRESULT IConverter::HrInitConverter ( struct IConverterApplicationPreferences * pcap, struct IConverterPreferences * * ppcp, struct IConverterUICallback * pcuic );
__declspec(implementation_key(1380)) HRESULT IConverter::HrUninitConverter ( struct IConverterUICallback * pcuic );
__declspec(implementation_key(1381)) HRESULT IConverter::HrImport ( _bstr_t bstrSourcePath, _bstr_t bstrDestPath, struct IConverterApplicationPreferences * pcap, struct IConverterPreferences * * ppcp, struct IConverterUICallback * pcuic );
__declspec(implementation_key(1382)) HRESULT IConverter::HrExport ( _bstr_t bstrSourcePath, _bstr_t bstrDestPath, _bstr_t bstrClass, struct IConverterApplicationPreferences * pcap, struct IConverterPreferences * * ppcp, struct IConverterUICallback * pcuic );
__declspec(implementation_key(1383)) HRESULT IConverter::HrGetFormat ( _bstr_t bstrPath, BSTR * pbstrClass, struct IConverterApplicationPreferences * pcap, struct IConverterPreferences * * ppcp, struct IConverterUICallback * pcuic );
__declspec(implementation_key(1384)) HRESULT IConverter::HrGetErrorString ( long hrErr, BSTR * pbstrErrorMsg, struct IConverterApplicationPreferences * pcap );
__declspec(implementation_key(1385)) IDispatchPtr SmartArtLayout::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1386)) _bstr_t SmartArtLayout::GetId ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1387)) _bstr_t SmartArtLayout::GetName ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1388)) _bstr_t SmartArtLayout::GetDescription ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1389)) _bstr_t SmartArtLayout::GetCategory ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1390)) IUnknownPtr SmartArtLayouts::Get_NewEnum ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1391)) SmartArtLayoutPtr SmartArtLayouts::Item ( const _variant_t & Index );
__declspec(implementation_key(1392)) IDispatchPtr SmartArtLayouts::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1393)) int SmartArtLayouts::GetCount ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1394)) IDispatchPtr SmartArtQuickStyle::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1395)) _bstr_t SmartArtQuickStyle::GetId ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1396)) _bstr_t SmartArtQuickStyle::GetName ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1397)) _bstr_t SmartArtQuickStyle::GetDescription ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1398)) _bstr_t SmartArtQuickStyle::GetCategory ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1399)) IUnknownPtr SmartArtQuickStyles::Get_NewEnum ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1400)) SmartArtQuickStylePtr SmartArtQuickStyles::Item ( const _variant_t & Index );
__declspec(implementation_key(1401)) IDispatchPtr SmartArtQuickStyles::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1402)) int SmartArtQuickStyles::GetCount ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1403)) IDispatchPtr SmartArtColor::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1404)) _bstr_t SmartArtColor::GetId ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1405)) _bstr_t SmartArtColor::GetName ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1406)) _bstr_t SmartArtColor::GetDescription ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1407)) _bstr_t SmartArtColor::GetCategory ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1408)) IUnknownPtr SmartArtColors::Get_NewEnum ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1409)) SmartArtColorPtr SmartArtColors::Item ( const _variant_t & Index );
__declspec(implementation_key(1410)) IDispatchPtr SmartArtColors::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1411)) int SmartArtColors::GetCount ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1412)) _bstr_t PickerField::GetName ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1413)) enum MsoPickerField PickerField::GetType ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1414)) VARIANT_BOOL PickerField::GetIsHidden ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1415)) PickerFieldPtr PickerFields::GetItem ( int Index );
__declspec(implementation_key(1416)) long PickerFields::GetCount ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1417)) IUnknownPtr PickerFields::Get_NewEnum ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1418)) _bstr_t PickerProperty::GetId ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1419)) _variant_t PickerProperty::GetValue ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1420)) enum MsoPickerField PickerProperty::GetType ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1421)) PickerPropertyPtr PickerProperties::GetItem ( int Index );
__declspec(implementation_key(1422)) long PickerProperties::GetCount ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1423)) PickerPropertyPtr PickerProperties::Add ( _bstr_t Id, _bstr_t Value, enum MsoPickerField Type );
__declspec(implementation_key(1424)) HRESULT PickerProperties::Remove ( _bstr_t Id );
__declspec(implementation_key(1425)) IUnknownPtr PickerProperties::Get_NewEnum ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1426)) _bstr_t PickerResult::GetId ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1427)) _bstr_t PickerResult::GetDisplayName ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1428)) void PickerResult::PutDisplayName ( _bstr_t DisplayName );
__declspec(implementation_key(1429)) _bstr_t PickerResult::GetType ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1430)) void PickerResult::PutType ( _bstr_t Type );
__declspec(implementation_key(1431)) _bstr_t PickerResult::GetSIPId ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1432)) void PickerResult::PutSIPId ( _bstr_t SIPId );
__declspec(implementation_key(1433)) _variant_t PickerResult::GetItemData ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1434)) void PickerResult::PutItemData ( const _variant_t & ItemData );
__declspec(implementation_key(1435)) _variant_t PickerResult::GetSubItems ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1436)) void PickerResult::PutSubItems ( const _variant_t & SubItems );
__declspec(implementation_key(1437)) _variant_t PickerResult::GetDuplicateResults ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1438)) PickerFieldsPtr PickerResult::GetFields ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1439)) void PickerResult::PutFields ( struct PickerFields * Fields );
__declspec(implementation_key(1440)) PickerResultPtr PickerResults::GetItem ( int Index );
__declspec(implementation_key(1441)) long PickerResults::GetCount ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1442)) PickerResultPtr PickerResults::Add ( _bstr_t Id, _bstr_t DisplayName, _bstr_t Type, _bstr_t SIPId, const _variant_t & ItemData, const _variant_t & SubItems );
__declspec(implementation_key(1443)) IUnknownPtr PickerResults::Get_NewEnum ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1444)) _bstr_t PickerDialog::GetDataHandlerId ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1445)) void PickerDialog::PutDataHandlerId ( _bstr_t Id );
__declspec(implementation_key(1446)) _bstr_t PickerDialog::GetTitle ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1447)) void PickerDialog::PutTitle ( _bstr_t Title );
__declspec(implementation_key(1448)) PickerPropertiesPtr PickerDialog::GetProperties ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1449)) PickerResultsPtr PickerDialog::CreatePickerResults ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1450)) PickerResultsPtr PickerDialog::Show ( VARIANT_BOOL IsMultiSelect, struct PickerResults * ExistingResults );
__declspec(implementation_key(1451)) PickerResultsPtr PickerDialog::Resolve ( _bstr_t TokenText, int duplicateDlgMode );
__declspec(implementation_key(1452)) _bstr_t IMsoContactCard::GetAddress ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1453)) enum MsoContactCardAddressType IMsoContactCard::GetAddressType ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1454)) enum MsoContactCardType IMsoContactCard::GetCardType ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1455)) IDispatchPtr IMsoContactCard::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1456)) _bstr_t EffectParameter::GetName ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1457)) _variant_t EffectParameter::GetValue ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1458)) void EffectParameter::PutValue ( const _variant_t & Value );
__declspec(implementation_key(1459)) EffectParameterPtr EffectParameters::GetItem ( const _variant_t & Index );
__declspec(implementation_key(1460)) int EffectParameters::GetCount ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1461)) IUnknownPtr EffectParameters::Get_NewEnum ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1462)) enum MsoPictureEffectType PictureEffect::GetType ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1463)) void PictureEffect::PutPosition ( int Position );
__declspec(implementation_key(1464)) int PictureEffect::GetPosition ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1465)) HRESULT PictureEffect::Delete ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1466)) EffectParametersPtr PictureEffect::GetEffectParameters ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1467)) void PictureEffect::PutVisible ( enum MsoTriState Visible );
__declspec(implementation_key(1468)) enum MsoTriState PictureEffect::GetVisible ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1469)) PictureEffectPtr PictureEffects::GetItem ( int Index );
__declspec(implementation_key(1470)) int PictureEffects::GetCount ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1471)) IUnknownPtr PictureEffects::Get_NewEnum ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1472)) PictureEffectPtr PictureEffects::Insert ( enum MsoPictureEffectType EffectType, int Position );
__declspec(implementation_key(1473)) HRESULT PictureEffects::Delete ( int Index );
__declspec(implementation_key(1474)) IDispatchPtr FillFormat::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1475)) HRESULT FillFormat::Background ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1476)) HRESULT FillFormat::OneColorGradient ( enum MsoGradientStyle Style, int Variant, float Degree );
__declspec(implementation_key(1477)) HRESULT FillFormat::Patterned ( enum MsoPatternType Pattern );
__declspec(implementation_key(1478)) HRESULT FillFormat::PresetGradient ( enum MsoGradientStyle Style, int Variant, enum MsoPresetGradientType PresetGradientType );
__declspec(implementation_key(1479)) HRESULT FillFormat::PresetTextured ( enum MsoPresetTexture PresetTexture );
__declspec(implementation_key(1480)) HRESULT FillFormat::Solid ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1481)) HRESULT FillFormat::TwoColorGradient ( enum MsoGradientStyle Style, int Variant );
__declspec(implementation_key(1482)) HRESULT FillFormat::UserPicture ( _bstr_t PictureFile );
__declspec(implementation_key(1483)) HRESULT FillFormat::UserTextured ( _bstr_t TextureFile );
__declspec(implementation_key(1484)) ColorFormatPtr FillFormat::GetBackColor ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1485)) void FillFormat::PutBackColor ( struct ColorFormat * BackColor );
__declspec(implementation_key(1486)) ColorFormatPtr FillFormat::GetForeColor ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1487)) void FillFormat::PutForeColor ( struct ColorFormat * ForeColor );
__declspec(implementation_key(1488)) enum MsoGradientColorType FillFormat::GetGradientColorType ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1489)) float FillFormat::GetGradientDegree ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1490)) enum MsoGradientStyle FillFormat::GetGradientStyle ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1491)) int FillFormat::GetGradientVariant ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1492)) enum MsoPatternType FillFormat::GetPattern ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1493)) enum MsoPresetGradientType FillFormat::GetPresetGradientType ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1494)) enum MsoPresetTexture FillFormat::GetPresetTexture ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1495)) _bstr_t FillFormat::GetTextureName ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1496)) enum MsoTextureType FillFormat::GetTextureType ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1497)) float FillFormat::GetTransparency ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1498)) void FillFormat::PutTransparency ( float Transparency );
__declspec(implementation_key(1499)) enum MsoFillType FillFormat::GetType ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1500)) enum MsoTriState FillFormat::GetVisible ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1501)) void FillFormat::PutVisible ( enum MsoTriState Visible );
__declspec(implementation_key(1502)) GradientStopsPtr FillFormat::GetGradientStops ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1503)) float FillFormat::GetTextureOffsetX ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1504)) void FillFormat::PutTextureOffsetX ( float TextureOffsetX );
__declspec(implementation_key(1505)) float FillFormat::GetTextureOffsetY ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1506)) void FillFormat::PutTextureOffsetY ( float TextureOffsetY );
__declspec(implementation_key(1507)) enum MsoTextureAlignment FillFormat::GetTextureAlignment ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1508)) void FillFormat::PutTextureAlignment ( enum MsoTextureAlignment TextureAlignment );
__declspec(implementation_key(1509)) float FillFormat::GetTextureHorizontalScale ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1510)) void FillFormat::PutTextureHorizontalScale ( float HorizontalScale );
__declspec(implementation_key(1511)) float FillFormat::GetTextureVerticalScale ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1512)) void FillFormat::PutTextureVerticalScale ( float VerticalScale );
__declspec(implementation_key(1513)) enum MsoTriState FillFormat::GetTextureTile ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1514)) void FillFormat::PutTextureTile ( enum MsoTriState TextureTile );
__declspec(implementation_key(1515)) enum MsoTriState FillFormat::GetRotateWithObject ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1516)) void FillFormat::PutRotateWithObject ( enum MsoTriState RotateWithObject );
__declspec(implementation_key(1517)) PictureEffectsPtr FillFormat::GetPictureEffects ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1518)) float FillFormat::GetGradientAngle ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1519)) void FillFormat::PutGradientAngle ( float GradientAngle );
__declspec(implementation_key(1520)) IDispatchPtr Font2::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1521)) enum MsoTriState Font2::GetBold ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1522)) void Font2::PutBold ( enum MsoTriState Bold );
__declspec(implementation_key(1523)) enum MsoTriState Font2::GetItalic ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1524)) void Font2::PutItalic ( enum MsoTriState Italic );
__declspec(implementation_key(1525)) enum MsoTextStrike Font2::GetStrike ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1526)) void Font2::PutStrike ( enum MsoTextStrike Strike );
__declspec(implementation_key(1527)) enum MsoTextCaps Font2::GetCaps ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1528)) void Font2::PutCaps ( enum MsoTextCaps Caps );
__declspec(implementation_key(1529)) enum MsoTriState Font2::GetAutorotateNumbers ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1530)) void Font2::PutAutorotateNumbers ( enum MsoTriState RotateNumbers );
__declspec(implementation_key(1531)) float Font2::GetBaselineOffset ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1532)) void Font2::PutBaselineOffset ( float Offset );
__declspec(implementation_key(1533)) float Font2::GetKerning ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1534)) void Font2::PutKerning ( float KerningSize );
__declspec(implementation_key(1535)) float Font2::GetSize ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1536)) void Font2::PutSize ( float Size );
__declspec(implementation_key(1537)) float Font2::GetSpacing ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1538)) void Font2::PutSpacing ( float Spacing );
__declspec(implementation_key(1539)) enum MsoTextUnderlineType Font2::GetUnderlineStyle ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1540)) void Font2::PutUnderlineStyle ( enum MsoTextUnderlineType Style );
__declspec(implementation_key(1541)) enum MsoTriState Font2::GetAllcaps ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1542)) void Font2::PutAllcaps ( enum MsoTriState Allcaps );
__declspec(implementation_key(1543)) enum MsoTriState Font2::GetDoubleStrikeThrough ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1544)) void Font2::PutDoubleStrikeThrough ( enum MsoTriState DoubleStrikeThrough );
__declspec(implementation_key(1545)) enum MsoTriState Font2::GetEqualize ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1546)) void Font2::PutEqualize ( enum MsoTriState Equalize );
__declspec(implementation_key(1547)) FillFormatPtr Font2::GetFill ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1548)) GlowFormatPtr Font2::GetGlow ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1549)) ReflectionFormatPtr Font2::GetReflection ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1550)) LineFormatPtr Font2::GetLine ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1551)) ShadowFormatPtr Font2::GetShadow ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1552)) ColorFormatPtr Font2::GetHighlight ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1553)) ColorFormatPtr Font2::GetUnderlineColor ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1554)) enum MsoTriState Font2::GetSmallcaps ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1555)) void Font2::PutSmallcaps ( enum MsoTriState Smallcaps );
__declspec(implementation_key(1556)) enum MsoSoftEdgeType Font2::GetSoftEdgeFormat ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1557)) void Font2::PutSoftEdgeFormat ( enum MsoSoftEdgeType SoftEdgeFormat );
__declspec(implementation_key(1558)) enum MsoTriState Font2::GetStrikeThrough ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1559)) void Font2::PutStrikeThrough ( enum MsoTriState StrikeThrough );
__declspec(implementation_key(1560)) enum MsoTriState Font2::GetSubscript ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1561)) void Font2::PutSubscript ( enum MsoTriState Subscript );
__declspec(implementation_key(1562)) enum MsoTriState Font2::GetSuperscript ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1563)) void Font2::PutSuperscript ( enum MsoTriState Superscript );
__declspec(implementation_key(1564)) enum MsoPresetTextEffect Font2::GetWordArtformat ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1565)) void Font2::PutWordArtformat ( enum MsoPresetTextEffect WordArtformat );
__declspec(implementation_key(1566)) enum MsoTriState Font2::GetEmbeddable ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1567)) enum MsoTriState Font2::GetEmbedded ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1568)) _bstr_t Font2::GetName ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1569)) void Font2::PutName ( _bstr_t Name );
__declspec(implementation_key(1570)) _bstr_t Font2::GetNameAscii ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1571)) void Font2::PutNameAscii ( _bstr_t NameAscii );
__declspec(implementation_key(1572)) _bstr_t Font2::GetNameComplexScript ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1573)) void Font2::PutNameComplexScript ( _bstr_t NameComplexScript );
__declspec(implementation_key(1574)) _bstr_t Font2::GetNameFarEast ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1575)) void Font2::PutNameFarEast ( _bstr_t NameFarEast );
__declspec(implementation_key(1576)) _bstr_t Font2::GetNameOther ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1577)) void Font2::PutNameOther ( _bstr_t NameOther );
__declspec(implementation_key(1578)) IDispatchPtr BulletFormat2::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1579)) int BulletFormat2::GetCharacter ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1580)) void BulletFormat2::PutCharacter ( int Character );
__declspec(implementation_key(1581)) Font2Ptr BulletFormat2::GetFont ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1582)) int BulletFormat2::GetNumber ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1583)) HRESULT BulletFormat2::Picture ( _bstr_t FileName );
__declspec(implementation_key(1584)) float BulletFormat2::GetRelativeSize ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1585)) void BulletFormat2::PutRelativeSize ( float Size );
__declspec(implementation_key(1586)) int BulletFormat2::GetStartValue ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1587)) void BulletFormat2::PutStartValue ( int Start );
__declspec(implementation_key(1588)) enum MsoNumberedBulletStyle BulletFormat2::GetStyle ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1589)) void BulletFormat2::PutStyle ( enum MsoNumberedBulletStyle Style );
__declspec(implementation_key(1590)) enum MsoBulletType BulletFormat2::GetType ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1591)) void BulletFormat2::PutType ( enum MsoBulletType Type );
__declspec(implementation_key(1592)) enum MsoTriState BulletFormat2::GetUseTextColor ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1593)) void BulletFormat2::PutUseTextColor ( enum MsoTriState UseTextColor );
__declspec(implementation_key(1594)) enum MsoTriState BulletFormat2::GetUseTextFont ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1595)) void BulletFormat2::PutUseTextFont ( enum MsoTriState UseTextFont );
__declspec(implementation_key(1596)) enum MsoTriState BulletFormat2::GetVisible ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1597)) void BulletFormat2::PutVisible ( enum MsoTriState Visible );
__declspec(implementation_key(1598)) IDispatchPtr ParagraphFormat2::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1599)) enum MsoParagraphAlignment ParagraphFormat2::GetAlignment ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1600)) void ParagraphFormat2::PutAlignment ( enum MsoParagraphAlignment Alignment );
__declspec(implementation_key(1601)) enum MsoBaselineAlignment ParagraphFormat2::GetBaselineAlignment ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1602)) void ParagraphFormat2::PutBaselineAlignment ( enum MsoBaselineAlignment BaselineAlignment );
__declspec(implementation_key(1603)) BulletFormat2Ptr ParagraphFormat2::GetBullet ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1604)) enum MsoTriState ParagraphFormat2::GetFarEastLineBreakLevel ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1605)) void ParagraphFormat2::PutFarEastLineBreakLevel ( enum MsoTriState Break );
__declspec(implementation_key(1606)) float ParagraphFormat2::GetFirstLineIndent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1607)) void ParagraphFormat2::PutFirstLineIndent ( float Indent );
__declspec(implementation_key(1608)) enum MsoTriState ParagraphFormat2::GetHangingPunctuation ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1609)) void ParagraphFormat2::PutHangingPunctuation ( enum MsoTriState Hanging );
__declspec(implementation_key(1610)) int ParagraphFormat2::GetIndentLevel ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1611)) void ParagraphFormat2::PutIndentLevel ( int Level );
__declspec(implementation_key(1612)) float ParagraphFormat2::GetLeftIndent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1613)) void ParagraphFormat2::PutLeftIndent ( float Indent );
__declspec(implementation_key(1614)) enum MsoTriState ParagraphFormat2::GetLineRuleAfter ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1615)) void ParagraphFormat2::PutLineRuleAfter ( enum MsoTriState LineRule );
__declspec(implementation_key(1616)) enum MsoTriState ParagraphFormat2::GetLineRuleBefore ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1617)) void ParagraphFormat2::PutLineRuleBefore ( enum MsoTriState LineRule );
__declspec(implementation_key(1618)) enum MsoTriState ParagraphFormat2::GetLineRuleWithin ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1619)) void ParagraphFormat2::PutLineRuleWithin ( enum MsoTriState LineRule );
__declspec(implementation_key(1620)) float ParagraphFormat2::GetRightIndent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1621)) void ParagraphFormat2::PutRightIndent ( float Indent );
__declspec(implementation_key(1622)) float ParagraphFormat2::GetSpaceAfter ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1623)) void ParagraphFormat2::PutSpaceAfter ( float Space );
__declspec(implementation_key(1624)) float ParagraphFormat2::GetSpaceBefore ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1625)) void ParagraphFormat2::PutSpaceBefore ( float Space );
__declspec(implementation_key(1626)) float ParagraphFormat2::GetSpaceWithin ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1627)) void ParagraphFormat2::PutSpaceWithin ( float Space );
__declspec(implementation_key(1628)) TabStops2Ptr ParagraphFormat2::GetTabStops ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1629)) enum MsoTextDirection ParagraphFormat2::GetTextDirection ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1630)) void ParagraphFormat2::PutTextDirection ( enum MsoTextDirection Direction );
__declspec(implementation_key(1631)) enum MsoTriState ParagraphFormat2::GetWordWrap ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1632)) void ParagraphFormat2::PutWordWrap ( enum MsoTriState WordWrap );
__declspec(implementation_key(1633)) _bstr_t TextRange2::GetText ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1634)) void TextRange2::PutText ( _bstr_t pbstrText );
__declspec(implementation_key(1635)) int TextRange2::GetCount ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1636)) TextRange2Ptr TextRange2::Item ( const _variant_t & Index );
__declspec(implementation_key(1637)) IUnknownPtr TextRange2::Get_NewEnum ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1638)) IDispatchPtr TextRange2::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1639)) TextRange2Ptr TextRange2::GetParagraphs ( int Start, int Length );
__declspec(implementation_key(1640)) TextRange2Ptr TextRange2::GetSentences ( int Start, int Length );
__declspec(implementation_key(1641)) TextRange2Ptr TextRange2::GetWords ( int Start, int Length );
__declspec(implementation_key(1642)) TextRange2Ptr TextRange2::GetCharacters ( int Start, int Length );
__declspec(implementation_key(1643)) TextRange2Ptr TextRange2::GetLines ( int Start, int Length );
__declspec(implementation_key(1644)) TextRange2Ptr TextRange2::GetRuns ( int Start, int Length );
__declspec(implementation_key(1645)) ParagraphFormat2Ptr TextRange2::GetParagraphFormat ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1646)) Font2Ptr TextRange2::GetFont ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1647)) int TextRange2::GetLength ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1648)) int TextRange2::GetStart ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1649)) float TextRange2::GetBoundLeft ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1650)) float TextRange2::GetBoundTop ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1651)) float TextRange2::GetBoundWidth ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1652)) float TextRange2::GetBoundHeight ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1653)) TextRange2Ptr TextRange2::TrimText ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1654)) TextRange2Ptr TextRange2::InsertAfter ( _bstr_t NewText );
__declspec(implementation_key(1655)) TextRange2Ptr TextRange2::InsertBefore ( _bstr_t NewText );
__declspec(implementation_key(1656)) TextRange2Ptr TextRange2::InsertSymbol ( _bstr_t FontName, int CharNumber, enum MsoTriState Unicode );
__declspec(implementation_key(1657)) HRESULT TextRange2::Select ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1658)) HRESULT TextRange2::Cut ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1659)) HRESULT TextRange2::Copy ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1660)) HRESULT TextRange2::Delete ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1661)) TextRange2Ptr TextRange2::Paste ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1662)) TextRange2Ptr TextRange2::PasteSpecial ( enum MsoClipboardFormat Format );
__declspec(implementation_key(1663)) HRESULT TextRange2::ChangeCase ( enum MsoTextChangeCase Type );
__declspec(implementation_key(1664)) HRESULT TextRange2::AddPeriods ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1665)) HRESULT TextRange2::RemovePeriods ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1666)) TextRange2Ptr TextRange2::Find ( _bstr_t FindWhat, int After, enum MsoTriState MatchCase, enum MsoTriState WholeWords );
__declspec(implementation_key(1667)) TextRange2Ptr TextRange2::Replace ( _bstr_t FindWhat, _bstr_t ReplaceWhat, int After, enum MsoTriState MatchCase, enum MsoTriState WholeWords );
__declspec(implementation_key(1668)) HRESULT TextRange2::RotatedBounds ( float * X1, float * Y1, float * X2, float * Y2, float * X3, float * Y3, float * x4, float * y4 );
__declspec(implementation_key(1669)) enum MsoLanguageID TextRange2::GetLanguageID ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1670)) void TextRange2::PutLanguageID ( enum MsoLanguageID LanguageID );
__declspec(implementation_key(1671)) HRESULT TextRange2::RtlRun ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1672)) HRESULT TextRange2::LtrRun ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1673)) TextRange2Ptr TextRange2::GetMathZones ( int Start, int Length );
__declspec(implementation_key(1674)) IDispatchPtr TextFrame2::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1675)) float TextFrame2::GetMarginBottom ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1676)) void TextFrame2::PutMarginBottom ( float MarginBottom );
__declspec(implementation_key(1677)) float TextFrame2::GetMarginLeft ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1678)) void TextFrame2::PutMarginLeft ( float MarginLeft );
__declspec(implementation_key(1679)) float TextFrame2::GetMarginRight ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1680)) void TextFrame2::PutMarginRight ( float MarginRight );
__declspec(implementation_key(1681)) float TextFrame2::GetMarginTop ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1682)) void TextFrame2::PutMarginTop ( float MarginTop );
__declspec(implementation_key(1683)) enum MsoTextOrientation TextFrame2::GetOrientation ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1684)) void TextFrame2::PutOrientation ( enum MsoTextOrientation Orientation );
__declspec(implementation_key(1685)) enum MsoHorizontalAnchor TextFrame2::GetHorizontalAnchor ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1686)) void TextFrame2::PutHorizontalAnchor ( enum MsoHorizontalAnchor HorizontalAnchor );
__declspec(implementation_key(1687)) enum MsoVerticalAnchor TextFrame2::GetVerticalAnchor ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1688)) void TextFrame2::PutVerticalAnchor ( enum MsoVerticalAnchor VerticalAnchor );
__declspec(implementation_key(1689)) enum MsoPathFormat TextFrame2::GetPathFormat ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1690)) void TextFrame2::PutPathFormat ( enum MsoPathFormat PathFormat );
__declspec(implementation_key(1691)) enum MsoWarpFormat TextFrame2::GetWarpFormat ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1692)) void TextFrame2::PutWarpFormat ( enum MsoWarpFormat WarpFormat );
__declspec(implementation_key(1693)) enum MsoPresetTextEffect TextFrame2::GetWordArtformat ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1694)) void TextFrame2::PutWordArtformat ( enum MsoPresetTextEffect WordArtformat );
__declspec(implementation_key(1695)) enum MsoTriState TextFrame2::GetWordWrap ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1696)) void TextFrame2::PutWordWrap ( enum MsoTriState WordWrap );
__declspec(implementation_key(1697)) enum MsoAutoSize TextFrame2::GetAutoSize ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1698)) void TextFrame2::PutAutoSize ( enum MsoAutoSize AutoSize );
__declspec(implementation_key(1699)) ThreeDFormatPtr TextFrame2::GetThreeD ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1700)) enum MsoTriState TextFrame2::GetHasText ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1701)) TextRange2Ptr TextFrame2::GetTextRange ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1702)) TextColumn2Ptr TextFrame2::GetColumn ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1703)) Ruler2Ptr TextFrame2::GetRuler ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1704)) HRESULT TextFrame2::DeleteText ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1705)) enum MsoTriState TextFrame2::GetNoTextRotation ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1706)) void TextFrame2::PutNoTextRotation ( enum MsoTriState NoTextRotation );
__declspec(implementation_key(1707)) float Crop::GetPictureOffsetX ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1708)) void Crop::PutPictureOffsetX ( float PictureOffsetX );
__declspec(implementation_key(1709)) float Crop::GetPictureOffsetY ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1710)) void Crop::PutPictureOffsetY ( float PictureOffsetY );
__declspec(implementation_key(1711)) float Crop::GetPictureWidth ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1712)) void Crop::PutPictureWidth ( float PictureWidth );
__declspec(implementation_key(1713)) float Crop::GetPictureHeight ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1714)) void Crop::PutPictureHeight ( float PictureHeight );
__declspec(implementation_key(1715)) float Crop::GetShapeLeft ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1716)) void Crop::PutShapeLeft ( float ShapeLeft );
__declspec(implementation_key(1717)) float Crop::GetShapeTop ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1718)) void Crop::PutShapeTop ( float ShapeTop );
__declspec(implementation_key(1719)) float Crop::GetShapeWidth ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1720)) void Crop::PutShapeWidth ( float ShapeWidth );
__declspec(implementation_key(1721)) float Crop::GetShapeHeight ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1722)) void Crop::PutShapeHeight ( float ShapeHeight );
__declspec(implementation_key(1723)) IDispatchPtr PictureFormat::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1724)) HRESULT PictureFormat::IncrementBrightness ( float Increment );
__declspec(implementation_key(1725)) HRESULT PictureFormat::IncrementContrast ( float Increment );
__declspec(implementation_key(1726)) float PictureFormat::GetBrightness ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1727)) void PictureFormat::PutBrightness ( float Brightness );
__declspec(implementation_key(1728)) enum MsoPictureColorType PictureFormat::GetColorType ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1729)) void PictureFormat::PutColorType ( enum MsoPictureColorType ColorType );
__declspec(implementation_key(1730)) float PictureFormat::GetContrast ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1731)) void PictureFormat::PutContrast ( float Contrast );
__declspec(implementation_key(1732)) float PictureFormat::GetCropBottom ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1733)) void PictureFormat::PutCropBottom ( float CropBottom );
__declspec(implementation_key(1734)) float PictureFormat::GetCropLeft ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1735)) void PictureFormat::PutCropLeft ( float CropLeft );
__declspec(implementation_key(1736)) float PictureFormat::GetCropRight ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1737)) void PictureFormat::PutCropRight ( float CropRight );
__declspec(implementation_key(1738)) float PictureFormat::GetCropTop ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1739)) void PictureFormat::PutCropTop ( float CropTop );
__declspec(implementation_key(1740)) MsoRGBType PictureFormat::GetTransparencyColor ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1741)) void PictureFormat::PutTransparencyColor ( MsoRGBType TransparencyColor );
__declspec(implementation_key(1742)) enum MsoTriState PictureFormat::GetTransparentBackground ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1743)) void PictureFormat::PutTransparentBackground ( enum MsoTriState TransparentBackground );
__declspec(implementation_key(1744)) CropPtr PictureFormat::GetCrop ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1745)) FillFormatPtr IMsoChartFormat::GetFill ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1746)) GlowFormatPtr IMsoChartFormat::GetGlow ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1747)) LineFormatPtr IMsoChartFormat::GetLine ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1748)) IDispatchPtr IMsoChartFormat::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1749)) PictureFormatPtr IMsoChartFormat::GetPictureFormat ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1750)) ShadowFormatPtr IMsoChartFormat::GetShadow ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1751)) SoftEdgeFormatPtr IMsoChartFormat::GetSoftEdge ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1752)) TextFrame2Ptr IMsoChartFormat::GetTextFrame2 ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1753)) ThreeDFormatPtr IMsoChartFormat::GetThreeD ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1754)) IDispatchPtr IMsoChartFormat::GetApplication ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1755)) long IMsoChartFormat::GetCreator ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1756)) IDispatchPtr IMsoLegend::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1757)) _bstr_t IMsoLegend::GetName ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1758)) _variant_t IMsoLegend::Select ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1759)) IMsoBorderPtr IMsoLegend::GetBorder ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1760)) _variant_t IMsoLegend::Delete ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1761)) ChartFontPtr IMsoLegend::GetFont ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1762)) IDispatchPtr IMsoLegend::LegendEntries ( const _variant_t & Index );
__declspec(implementation_key(1763)) enum XlLegendPosition IMsoLegend::GetPosition ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1764)) void IMsoLegend::PutPosition ( enum XlLegendPosition RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(1765)) VARIANT_BOOL IMsoLegend::GetShadow ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1766)) void IMsoLegend::PutShadow ( VARIANT_BOOL RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(1767)) _variant_t IMsoLegend::Clear ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1768)) double IMsoLegend::GetHeight ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1769)) void IMsoLegend::PutHeight ( double RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(1770)) IMsoInteriorPtr IMsoLegend::GetInterior ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1771)) ChartFillFormatPtr IMsoLegend::GetFill ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1772)) double IMsoLegend::GetLeft ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1773)) void IMsoLegend::PutLeft ( double RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(1774)) double IMsoLegend::GetTop ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1775)) void IMsoLegend::PutTop ( double RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(1776)) double IMsoLegend::GetWidth ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1777)) void IMsoLegend::PutWidth ( double RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(1778)) _variant_t IMsoLegend::GetAutoScaleFont ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1779)) void IMsoLegend::PutAutoScaleFont ( const _variant_t & RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(1780)) VARIANT_BOOL IMsoLegend::GetIncludeInLayout ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1781)) void IMsoLegend::PutIncludeInLayout ( VARIANT_BOOL RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(1782)) IMsoChartFormatPtr IMsoLegend::GetFormat ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1783)) IDispatchPtr IMsoLegend::GetApplication ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1784)) long IMsoLegend::GetCreator ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1785)) _bstr_t IMsoWalls::GetName ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1786)) _variant_t IMsoWalls::Select ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1787)) IDispatchPtr IMsoWalls::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1788)) IMsoBorderPtr IMsoWalls::GetBorder ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1789)) _variant_t IMsoWalls::ClearFormats ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1790)) IMsoInteriorPtr IMsoWalls::GetInterior ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1791)) ChartFillFormatPtr IMsoWalls::GetFill ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1792)) _variant_t IMsoWalls::GetPictureType ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1793)) void IMsoWalls::PutPictureType ( const _variant_t & pvar );
__declspec(implementation_key(1794)) HRESULT IMsoWalls::Paste ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1795)) _variant_t IMsoWalls::GetPictureUnit ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1796)) void IMsoWalls::PutPictureUnit ( const _variant_t & pvar );
__declspec(implementation_key(1797)) long IMsoWalls::GetThickness ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1798)) void IMsoWalls::PutThickness ( long RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(1799)) IMsoChartFormatPtr IMsoWalls::GetFormat ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1800)) IDispatchPtr IMsoWalls::GetApplication ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1801)) long IMsoWalls::GetCreator ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1802)) _bstr_t IMsoFloor::GetName ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1803)) _variant_t IMsoFloor::Select ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1804)) IDispatchPtr IMsoFloor::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1805)) IMsoBorderPtr IMsoFloor::GetBorder ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1806)) _variant_t IMsoFloor::ClearFormats ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1807)) IMsoInteriorPtr IMsoFloor::GetInterior ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1808)) ChartFillFormatPtr IMsoFloor::GetFill ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1809)) _variant_t IMsoFloor::GetPictureType ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1810)) void IMsoFloor::PutPictureType ( const _variant_t & pvar );
__declspec(implementation_key(1811)) HRESULT IMsoFloor::Paste ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1812)) long IMsoFloor::GetThickness ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1813)) void IMsoFloor::PutThickness ( long RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(1814)) IMsoChartFormatPtr IMsoFloor::GetFormat ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1815)) IDispatchPtr IMsoFloor::GetApplication ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1816)) long IMsoFloor::GetCreator ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1817)) _bstr_t IMsoPlotArea::GetName ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1818)) _variant_t IMsoPlotArea::Select ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1819)) IDispatchPtr IMsoPlotArea::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1820)) IMsoBorderPtr IMsoPlotArea::GetBorder ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1821)) _variant_t IMsoPlotArea::ClearFormats ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1822)) double IMsoPlotArea::GetHeight ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1823)) void IMsoPlotArea::PutHeight ( double pd );
__declspec(implementation_key(1824)) IMsoInteriorPtr IMsoPlotArea::GetInterior ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1825)) ChartFillFormatPtr IMsoPlotArea::GetFill ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1826)) double IMsoPlotArea::GetLeft ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1827)) void IMsoPlotArea::PutLeft ( double pd );
__declspec(implementation_key(1828)) double IMsoPlotArea::GetTop ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1829)) void IMsoPlotArea::PutTop ( double pd );
__declspec(implementation_key(1830)) double IMsoPlotArea::GetWidth ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1831)) void IMsoPlotArea::PutWidth ( double pd );
__declspec(implementation_key(1832)) double IMsoPlotArea::GetInsideLeft ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1833)) void IMsoPlotArea::PutInsideLeft ( double pd );
__declspec(implementation_key(1834)) double IMsoPlotArea::GetInsideTop ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1835)) void IMsoPlotArea::PutInsideTop ( double pd );
__declspec(implementation_key(1836)) double IMsoPlotArea::GetInsideWidth ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1837)) void IMsoPlotArea::PutInsideWidth ( double pd );
__declspec(implementation_key(1838)) double IMsoPlotArea::GetInsideHeight ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1839)) void IMsoPlotArea::PutInsideHeight ( double pd );
__declspec(implementation_key(1840)) enum XlChartElementPosition IMsoPlotArea::GetPosition ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1841)) void IMsoPlotArea::PutPosition ( enum XlChartElementPosition pval );
__declspec(implementation_key(1842)) IMsoChartFormatPtr IMsoPlotArea::GetFormat ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1843)) IDispatchPtr IMsoPlotArea::GetApplication ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1844)) long IMsoPlotArea::GetCreator ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1845)) _bstr_t IMsoChartArea::GetName ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1846)) _variant_t IMsoChartArea::Select ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1847)) IDispatchPtr IMsoChartArea::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1848)) IMsoBorderPtr IMsoChartArea::GetBorder ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1849)) _variant_t IMsoChartArea::Clear ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1850)) _variant_t IMsoChartArea::ClearContents ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1851)) _variant_t IMsoChartArea::Copy ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1852)) ChartFontPtr IMsoChartArea::GetFont ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1853)) VARIANT_BOOL IMsoChartArea::GetShadow ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1854)) void IMsoChartArea::PutShadow ( VARIANT_BOOL pf );
__declspec(implementation_key(1855)) _variant_t IMsoChartArea::ClearFormats ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1856)) double IMsoChartArea::GetHeight ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1857)) void IMsoChartArea::PutHeight ( double pd );
__declspec(implementation_key(1858)) IMsoInteriorPtr IMsoChartArea::GetInterior ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1859)) ChartFillFormatPtr IMsoChartArea::GetFill ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1860)) double IMsoChartArea::GetLeft ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1861)) void IMsoChartArea::PutLeft ( double pd );
__declspec(implementation_key(1862)) double IMsoChartArea::GetTop ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1863)) void IMsoChartArea::PutTop ( double pd );
__declspec(implementation_key(1864)) double IMsoChartArea::GetWidth ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1865)) void IMsoChartArea::PutWidth ( double pd );
__declspec(implementation_key(1866)) _variant_t IMsoChartArea::GetAutoScaleFont ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1867)) void IMsoChartArea::PutAutoScaleFont ( const _variant_t & pvar );
__declspec(implementation_key(1868)) IMsoChartFormatPtr IMsoChartArea::GetFormat ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1869)) VARIANT_BOOL IMsoChartArea::GetRoundedCorners ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1870)) void IMsoChartArea::PutRoundedCorners ( VARIANT_BOOL pval );
__declspec(implementation_key(1871)) IDispatchPtr IMsoChartArea::GetApplication ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1872)) long IMsoChartArea::GetCreator ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1873)) _bstr_t IMsoSeriesLines::GetName ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1874)) _variant_t IMsoSeriesLines::Select ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1875)) IDispatchPtr IMsoSeriesLines::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1876)) IMsoBorderPtr IMsoSeriesLines::GetBorder ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1877)) _variant_t IMsoSeriesLines::Delete ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1878)) IMsoChartFormatPtr IMsoSeriesLines::GetFormat ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1879)) IDispatchPtr IMsoSeriesLines::GetApplication ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1880)) long IMsoSeriesLines::GetCreator ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1881)) HRESULT IMsoLeaderLines::Select ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1882)) IMsoBorderPtr IMsoLeaderLines::GetBorder ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1883)) HRESULT IMsoLeaderLines::Delete ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1884)) IMsoChartFormatPtr IMsoLeaderLines::GetFormat ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1885)) IDispatchPtr IMsoLeaderLines::GetApplication ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1886)) long IMsoLeaderLines::GetCreator ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1887)) IDispatchPtr IMsoLeaderLines::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1888)) _bstr_t GridLines::GetName ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1889)) _variant_t GridLines::Select ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1890)) IDispatchPtr GridLines::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1891)) IMsoBorderPtr GridLines::GetBorder ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1892)) _variant_t GridLines::Delete ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1893)) IMsoChartFormatPtr GridLines::GetFormat ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1894)) IDispatchPtr GridLines::GetApplication ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1895)) long GridLines::GetCreator ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1896)) _bstr_t IMsoUpBars::GetName ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1897)) _variant_t IMsoUpBars::Select ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1898)) IDispatchPtr IMsoUpBars::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1899)) IMsoBorderPtr IMsoUpBars::GetBorder ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1900)) _variant_t IMsoUpBars::Delete ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1901)) IMsoInteriorPtr IMsoUpBars::GetInterior ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1902)) ChartFillFormatPtr IMsoUpBars::GetFill ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1903)) IMsoChartFormatPtr IMsoUpBars::GetFormat ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1904)) IDispatchPtr IMsoUpBars::GetApplication ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1905)) long IMsoUpBars::GetCreator ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1906)) _bstr_t IMsoDownBars::GetName ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1907)) _variant_t IMsoDownBars::Select ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1908)) IDispatchPtr IMsoDownBars::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1909)) IMsoBorderPtr IMsoDownBars::GetBorder ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1910)) _variant_t IMsoDownBars::Delete ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1911)) IMsoInteriorPtr IMsoDownBars::GetInterior ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1912)) ChartFillFormatPtr IMsoDownBars::GetFill ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1913)) IMsoChartFormatPtr IMsoDownBars::GetFormat ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1914)) IDispatchPtr IMsoDownBars::GetApplication ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1915)) long IMsoDownBars::GetCreator ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1916)) IDispatchPtr IMsoLegendKey::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1917)) IMsoBorderPtr IMsoLegendKey::GetBorder ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1918)) _variant_t IMsoLegendKey::ClearFormats ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1919)) _variant_t IMsoLegendKey::Delete ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1920)) IMsoInteriorPtr IMsoLegendKey::GetInterior ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1921)) ChartFillFormatPtr IMsoLegendKey::GetFill ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1922)) VARIANT_BOOL IMsoLegendKey::GetInvertIfNegative ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1923)) void IMsoLegendKey::PutInvertIfNegative ( VARIANT_BOOL RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(1924)) long IMsoLegendKey::GetMarkerBackgroundColor ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1925)) void IMsoLegendKey::PutMarkerBackgroundColor ( long RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(1926)) enum XlColorIndex IMsoLegendKey::GetMarkerBackgroundColorIndex ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1927)) void IMsoLegendKey::PutMarkerBackgroundColorIndex ( enum XlColorIndex RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(1928)) long IMsoLegendKey::GetMarkerForegroundColor ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1929)) void IMsoLegendKey::PutMarkerForegroundColor ( long RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(1930)) enum XlColorIndex IMsoLegendKey::GetMarkerForegroundColorIndex ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1931)) void IMsoLegendKey::PutMarkerForegroundColorIndex ( enum XlColorIndex RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(1932)) long IMsoLegendKey::GetMarkerSize ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1933)) void IMsoLegendKey::PutMarkerSize ( long RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(1934)) enum XlMarkerStyle IMsoLegendKey::GetMarkerStyle ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1935)) void IMsoLegendKey::PutMarkerStyle ( enum XlMarkerStyle RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(1936)) long IMsoLegendKey::GetPictureType ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1937)) void IMsoLegendKey::PutPictureType ( long RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(1938)) double IMsoLegendKey::GetPictureUnit ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1939)) void IMsoLegendKey::PutPictureUnit ( double RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(1940)) _variant_t IMsoLegendKey::Select ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1941)) VARIANT_BOOL IMsoLegendKey::GetSmooth ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1942)) void IMsoLegendKey::PutSmooth ( VARIANT_BOOL RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(1943)) double IMsoLegendKey::GetLeft ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1944)) double IMsoLegendKey::GetTop ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1945)) double IMsoLegendKey::GetWidth ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1946)) double IMsoLegendKey::GetHeight ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1947)) VARIANT_BOOL IMsoLegendKey::GetShadow ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1948)) void IMsoLegendKey::PutShadow ( VARIANT_BOOL RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(1949)) IMsoChartFormatPtr IMsoLegendKey::GetFormat ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1950)) IDispatchPtr IMsoLegendKey::GetApplication ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1951)) long IMsoLegendKey::GetCreator ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1952)) double IMsoLegendKey::GetPictureUnit2 ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1953)) void IMsoLegendKey::PutPictureUnit2 ( double RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(1954)) IDispatchPtr LegendEntry::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1955)) _variant_t LegendEntry::Delete ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1956)) ChartFontPtr LegendEntry::GetFont ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1957)) long LegendEntry::GetIndex ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1958)) IMsoLegendKeyPtr LegendEntry::GetLegendKey ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1959)) _variant_t LegendEntry::Select ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1960)) _variant_t LegendEntry::GetAutoScaleFont ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1961)) void LegendEntry::PutAutoScaleFont ( const _variant_t & RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(1962)) double LegendEntry::GetLeft ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1963)) double LegendEntry::GetTop ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1964)) double LegendEntry::GetWidth ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1965)) double LegendEntry::GetHeight ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1966)) IMsoChartFormatPtr LegendEntry::GetFormat ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1967)) IDispatchPtr LegendEntry::GetApplication ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1968)) long LegendEntry::GetCreator ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1969)) IDispatchPtr LegendEntries::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1970)) long LegendEntries::GetCount ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1971)) LegendEntryPtr LegendEntries::Item ( const _variant_t & Index );
__declspec(implementation_key(1972)) IUnknownPtr LegendEntries::_NewEnum ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1973)) IDispatchPtr LegendEntries::GetApplication ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1974)) long LegendEntries::GetCreator ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1975)) LegendEntryPtr LegendEntries::Get_Default ( const _variant_t & Index );
__declspec(implementation_key(1976)) IDispatchPtr IMsoErrorBars::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1977)) _bstr_t IMsoErrorBars::GetName ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1978)) _variant_t IMsoErrorBars::Select ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1979)) IMsoBorderPtr IMsoErrorBars::GetBorder ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1980)) _variant_t IMsoErrorBars::Delete ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1981)) _variant_t IMsoErrorBars::ClearFormats ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1982)) enum XlEndStyleCap IMsoErrorBars::GetEndStyle ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1983)) void IMsoErrorBars::PutEndStyle ( enum XlEndStyleCap RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(1984)) IMsoChartFormatPtr IMsoErrorBars::GetFormat ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1985)) IDispatchPtr IMsoErrorBars::GetApplication ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1986)) long IMsoErrorBars::GetCreator ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1987)) IDispatchPtr IMsoSeries::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1988)) _variant_t IMsoSeries::_ApplyDataLabels ( enum XlDataLabelsType Type, const _variant_t & IMsoLegendKey, const _variant_t & AutoText, const _variant_t & HasLeaderLines );
__declspec(implementation_key(1989)) enum XlAxisGroup IMsoSeries::GetAxisGroup ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1990)) void IMsoSeries::PutAxisGroup ( enum XlAxisGroup RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(1991)) IMsoBorderPtr IMsoSeries::GetBorder ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1992)) _variant_t IMsoSeries::ClearFormats ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1993)) _variant_t IMsoSeries::Copy ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1994)) IDispatchPtr IMsoSeries::DataLabels ( const _variant_t & Index );
__declspec(implementation_key(1995)) _variant_t IMsoSeries::Delete ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1996)) _variant_t IMsoSeries::ErrorBar ( enum XlErrorBarDirection Direction, enum XlErrorBarInclude Include, enum XlErrorBarType Type, const _variant_t & Amount, const _variant_t & MinusValues );
__declspec(implementation_key(1997)) IMsoErrorBarsPtr IMsoSeries::GetErrorBars ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1998)) long IMsoSeries::GetExplosion ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(1999)) void IMsoSeries::PutExplosion ( long RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(2000)) _bstr_t IMsoSeries::GetFormula ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2001)) void IMsoSeries::PutFormula ( _bstr_t RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(2002)) _bstr_t IMsoSeries::GetFormulaLocal ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2003)) void IMsoSeries::PutFormulaLocal ( _bstr_t RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(2004)) _bstr_t IMsoSeries::GetFormulaR1C1 ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2005)) void IMsoSeries::PutFormulaR1C1 ( _bstr_t RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(2006)) _bstr_t IMsoSeries::GetFormulaR1C1Local ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2007)) void IMsoSeries::PutFormulaR1C1Local ( _bstr_t RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(2008)) VARIANT_BOOL IMsoSeries::GetHasDataLabels ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2009)) void IMsoSeries::PutHasDataLabels ( VARIANT_BOOL RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(2010)) VARIANT_BOOL IMsoSeries::GetHasErrorBars ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2011)) void IMsoSeries::PutHasErrorBars ( VARIANT_BOOL RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(2012)) IMsoInteriorPtr IMsoSeries::GetInterior ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2013)) ChartFillFormatPtr IMsoSeries::GetFill ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2014)) VARIANT_BOOL IMsoSeries::GetInvertIfNegative ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2015)) void IMsoSeries::PutInvertIfNegative ( VARIANT_BOOL RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(2016)) long IMsoSeries::GetMarkerBackgroundColor ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2017)) void IMsoSeries::PutMarkerBackgroundColor ( long RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(2018)) enum XlColorIndex IMsoSeries::GetMarkerBackgroundColorIndex ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2019)) void IMsoSeries::PutMarkerBackgroundColorIndex ( enum XlColorIndex RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(2020)) long IMsoSeries::GetMarkerForegroundColor ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2021)) void IMsoSeries::PutMarkerForegroundColor ( long RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(2022)) enum XlColorIndex IMsoSeries::GetMarkerForegroundColorIndex ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2023)) void IMsoSeries::PutMarkerForegroundColorIndex ( enum XlColorIndex RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(2024)) long IMsoSeries::GetMarkerSize ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2025)) void IMsoSeries::PutMarkerSize ( long RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(2026)) enum XlMarkerStyle IMsoSeries::GetMarkerStyle ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2027)) void IMsoSeries::PutMarkerStyle ( enum XlMarkerStyle RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(2028)) _bstr_t IMsoSeries::GetName ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2029)) void IMsoSeries::PutName ( _bstr_t RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(2030)) _variant_t IMsoSeries::Paste ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2031)) enum XlChartPictureType IMsoSeries::GetPictureType ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2032)) void IMsoSeries::PutPictureType ( enum XlChartPictureType RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(2033)) double IMsoSeries::GetPictureUnit ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2034)) void IMsoSeries::PutPictureUnit ( double RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(2035)) long IMsoSeries::GetPlotOrder ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2036)) void IMsoSeries::PutPlotOrder ( long RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(2037)) IDispatchPtr IMsoSeries::Points ( const _variant_t & Index );
__declspec(implementation_key(2038)) _variant_t IMsoSeries::Select ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2039)) VARIANT_BOOL IMsoSeries::GetSmooth ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2040)) void IMsoSeries::PutSmooth ( VARIANT_BOOL RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(2041)) IDispatchPtr IMsoSeries::Trendlines ( const _variant_t & Index );
__declspec(implementation_key(2042)) long IMsoSeries::GetType ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2043)) void IMsoSeries::PutType ( long RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(2044)) enum XlChartType IMsoSeries::GetChartType ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2045)) void IMsoSeries::PutChartType ( enum XlChartType RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(2046)) HRESULT IMsoSeries::ApplyCustomType ( enum XlChartType ChartType );
__declspec(implementation_key(2047)) _variant_t IMsoSeries::GetValues ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2048)) void IMsoSeries::PutValues ( const _variant_t & RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(2049)) _variant_t IMsoSeries::GetXValues ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2050)) void IMsoSeries::PutXValues ( const _variant_t & RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(2051)) _variant_t IMsoSeries::GetBubbleSizes ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2052)) void IMsoSeries::PutBubbleSizes ( const _variant_t & RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(2053)) enum XlBarShape IMsoSeries::GetBarShape ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2054)) void IMsoSeries::PutBarShape ( enum XlBarShape RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(2055)) VARIANT_BOOL IMsoSeries::GetApplyPictToSides ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2056)) void IMsoSeries::PutApplyPictToSides ( VARIANT_BOOL RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(2057)) VARIANT_BOOL IMsoSeries::GetApplyPictToFront ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2058)) void IMsoSeries::PutApplyPictToFront ( VARIANT_BOOL RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(2059)) VARIANT_BOOL IMsoSeries::GetApplyPictToEnd ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2060)) void IMsoSeries::PutApplyPictToEnd ( VARIANT_BOOL RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(2061)) VARIANT_BOOL IMsoSeries::GetHas3DEffect ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2062)) void IMsoSeries::PutHas3DEffect ( VARIANT_BOOL RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(2063)) VARIANT_BOOL IMsoSeries::GetShadow ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2064)) void IMsoSeries::PutShadow ( VARIANT_BOOL RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(2065)) VARIANT_BOOL IMsoSeries::GetHasLeaderLines ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2066)) void IMsoSeries::PutHasLeaderLines ( VARIANT_BOOL RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(2067)) IMsoLeaderLinesPtr IMsoSeries::GetLeaderLines ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2068)) _variant_t IMsoSeries::ApplyDataLabels ( enum XlDataLabelsType Type, const _variant_t & IMsoLegendKey, const _variant_t & AutoText, const _variant_t & HasLeaderLines, const _variant_t & ShowSeriesName, const _variant_t & ShowCategoryName, const _variant_t & ShowValue, const _variant_t & ShowPercentage, const _variant_t & ShowBubbleSize, const _variant_t & Separator );
__declspec(implementation_key(2069)) IMsoChartFormatPtr IMsoSeries::GetFormat ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2070)) IDispatchPtr IMsoSeries::GetApplication ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2071)) long IMsoSeries::GetCreator ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2072)) double IMsoSeries::GetPictureUnit2 ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2073)) void IMsoSeries::PutPictureUnit2 ( double RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(2074)) long IMsoSeries::GetPlotColorIndex ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2075)) long IMsoSeries::GetInvertColor ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2076)) void IMsoSeries::PutInvertColor ( long RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(2077)) enum XlColorIndex IMsoSeries::GetInvertColorIndex ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2078)) void IMsoSeries::PutInvertColorIndex ( enum XlColorIndex RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(2079)) IDispatchPtr SeriesCollection::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2080)) IMsoSeriesPtr SeriesCollection::Add ( const _variant_t & Source, enum XlRowCol Rowcol, const _variant_t & SeriesLabels, const _variant_t & CategoryLabels, const _variant_t & Replace );
__declspec(implementation_key(2081)) long SeriesCollection::GetCount ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2082)) _variant_t SeriesCollection::Extend ( const _variant_t & Source, const _variant_t & Rowcol, const _variant_t & CategoryLabels );
__declspec(implementation_key(2083)) IMsoSeriesPtr SeriesCollection::Item ( const _variant_t & Index );
__declspec(implementation_key(2084)) IUnknownPtr SeriesCollection::_NewEnum ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2085)) _variant_t SeriesCollection::Paste ( enum XlRowCol Rowcol, const _variant_t & SeriesLabels, const _variant_t & CategoryLabels, const _variant_t & Replace, const _variant_t & NewSeries );
__declspec(implementation_key(2086)) IMsoSeriesPtr SeriesCollection::NewSeries ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2087)) IDispatchPtr SeriesCollection::GetApplication ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2088)) long SeriesCollection::GetCreator ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2089)) IMsoSeriesPtr SeriesCollection::Get_Default ( const _variant_t & Index );
__declspec(implementation_key(2090)) IDispatchPtr IMsoDataLabel::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2091)) _bstr_t IMsoDataLabel::GetName ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2092)) _variant_t IMsoDataLabel::Select ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2093)) IMsoBorderPtr IMsoDataLabel::GetBorder ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2094)) _variant_t IMsoDataLabel::Delete ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2095)) IMsoInteriorPtr IMsoDataLabel::GetInterior ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2096)) ChartFillFormatPtr IMsoDataLabel::GetFill ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2097)) _bstr_t IMsoDataLabel::GetCaption ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2098)) void IMsoDataLabel::PutCaption ( _bstr_t RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(2099)) IMsoCharactersPtr IMsoDataLabel::GetCharacters ( const _variant_t & Start, const _variant_t & Length );
__declspec(implementation_key(2100)) ChartFontPtr IMsoDataLabel::GetFont ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2101)) _variant_t IMsoDataLabel::GetHorizontalAlignment ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2102)) void IMsoDataLabel::PutHorizontalAlignment ( const _variant_t & RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(2103)) double IMsoDataLabel::GetLeft ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2104)) void IMsoDataLabel::PutLeft ( double RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(2105)) _variant_t IMsoDataLabel::GetOrientation ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2106)) void IMsoDataLabel::PutOrientation ( const _variant_t & RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(2107)) VARIANT_BOOL IMsoDataLabel::GetShadow ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2108)) void IMsoDataLabel::PutShadow ( VARIANT_BOOL RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(2109)) _bstr_t IMsoDataLabel::GetText ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2110)) void IMsoDataLabel::PutText ( _bstr_t RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(2111)) double IMsoDataLabel::GetTop ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2112)) void IMsoDataLabel::PutTop ( double RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(2113)) _variant_t IMsoDataLabel::GetVerticalAlignment ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2114)) void IMsoDataLabel::PutVerticalAlignment ( const _variant_t & RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(2115)) long IMsoDataLabel::GetReadingOrder ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2116)) void IMsoDataLabel::PutReadingOrder ( long RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(2117)) _variant_t IMsoDataLabel::GetAutoScaleFont ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2118)) void IMsoDataLabel::PutAutoScaleFont ( const _variant_t & RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(2119)) VARIANT_BOOL IMsoDataLabel::GetAutoText ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2120)) void IMsoDataLabel::PutAutoText ( VARIANT_BOOL RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(2121)) _bstr_t IMsoDataLabel::GetNumberFormat ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2122)) void IMsoDataLabel::PutNumberFormat ( _bstr_t RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(2123)) VARIANT_BOOL IMsoDataLabel::GetNumberFormatLinked ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2124)) void IMsoDataLabel::PutNumberFormatLinked ( VARIANT_BOOL RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(2125)) _variant_t IMsoDataLabel::GetNumberFormatLocal ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2126)) void IMsoDataLabel::PutNumberFormatLocal ( const _variant_t & RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(2127)) VARIANT_BOOL IMsoDataLabel::GetShowLegendKey ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2128)) void IMsoDataLabel::PutShowLegendKey ( VARIANT_BOOL RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(2129)) _variant_t IMsoDataLabel::GetType ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2130)) void IMsoDataLabel::PutType ( const _variant_t & RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(2131)) enum XlDataLabelPosition IMsoDataLabel::GetPosition ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2132)) void IMsoDataLabel::PutPosition ( enum XlDataLabelPosition RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(2133)) VARIANT_BOOL IMsoDataLabel::GetShowSeriesName ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2134)) void IMsoDataLabel::PutShowSeriesName ( VARIANT_BOOL RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(2135)) VARIANT_BOOL IMsoDataLabel::GetShowCategoryName ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2136)) void IMsoDataLabel::PutShowCategoryName ( VARIANT_BOOL RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(2137)) VARIANT_BOOL IMsoDataLabel::GetShowValue ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2138)) void IMsoDataLabel::PutShowValue ( VARIANT_BOOL RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(2139)) VARIANT_BOOL IMsoDataLabel::GetShowPercentage ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2140)) void IMsoDataLabel::PutShowPercentage ( VARIANT_BOOL RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(2141)) VARIANT_BOOL IMsoDataLabel::GetShowBubbleSize ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2142)) void IMsoDataLabel::PutShowBubbleSize ( VARIANT_BOOL RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(2143)) _variant_t IMsoDataLabel::GetSeparator ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2144)) void IMsoDataLabel::PutSeparator ( const _variant_t & RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(2145)) IMsoChartFormatPtr IMsoDataLabel::GetFormat ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2146)) double IMsoDataLabel::GetHeight ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2147)) IDispatchPtr IMsoDataLabel::GetApplication ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2148)) long IMsoDataLabel::GetCreator ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2149)) double IMsoDataLabel::GetWidth ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2150)) void IMsoDataLabel::PutFormula ( _bstr_t pbstr );
__declspec(implementation_key(2151)) _bstr_t IMsoDataLabel::GetFormula ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2152)) void IMsoDataLabel::PutFormulaR1C1 ( _bstr_t pbstr );
__declspec(implementation_key(2153)) _bstr_t IMsoDataLabel::GetFormulaR1C1 ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2154)) void IMsoDataLabel::PutFormulaLocal ( _bstr_t pbstr );
__declspec(implementation_key(2155)) _bstr_t IMsoDataLabel::GetFormulaLocal ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2156)) void IMsoDataLabel::PutFormulaR1C1Local ( _bstr_t pbstr );
__declspec(implementation_key(2157)) _bstr_t IMsoDataLabel::GetFormulaR1C1Local ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2158)) IDispatchPtr IMsoTrendline::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2159)) double IMsoTrendline::GetBackward ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2160)) void IMsoTrendline::PutBackward ( double RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(2161)) IMsoBorderPtr IMsoTrendline::GetBorder ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2162)) _variant_t IMsoTrendline::ClearFormats ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2163)) IMsoDataLabelPtr IMsoTrendline::GetDataLabel ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2164)) _variant_t IMsoTrendline::Delete ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2165)) VARIANT_BOOL IMsoTrendline::GetDisplayEquation ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2166)) void IMsoTrendline::PutDisplayEquation ( VARIANT_BOOL RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(2167)) VARIANT_BOOL IMsoTrendline::GetDisplayRSquared ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2168)) void IMsoTrendline::PutDisplayRSquared ( VARIANT_BOOL RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(2169)) double IMsoTrendline::GetForward ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2170)) void IMsoTrendline::PutForward ( double RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(2171)) long IMsoTrendline::GetIndex ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2172)) double IMsoTrendline::GetIntercept ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2173)) void IMsoTrendline::PutIntercept ( double RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(2174)) VARIANT_BOOL IMsoTrendline::GetInterceptIsAuto ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2175)) void IMsoTrendline::PutInterceptIsAuto ( VARIANT_BOOL RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(2176)) _bstr_t IMsoTrendline::GetName ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2177)) void IMsoTrendline::PutName ( _bstr_t RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(2178)) VARIANT_BOOL IMsoTrendline::GetNameIsAuto ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2179)) void IMsoTrendline::PutNameIsAuto ( VARIANT_BOOL RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(2180)) long IMsoTrendline::GetOrder ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2181)) void IMsoTrendline::PutOrder ( long RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(2182)) long IMsoTrendline::GetPeriod ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2183)) void IMsoTrendline::PutPeriod ( long RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(2184)) _variant_t IMsoTrendline::Select ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2185)) enum XlTrendlineType IMsoTrendline::GetType ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2186)) void IMsoTrendline::PutType ( enum XlTrendlineType RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(2187)) IMsoChartFormatPtr IMsoTrendline::GetFormat ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2188)) IDispatchPtr IMsoTrendline::GetApplication ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2189)) long IMsoTrendline::GetCreator ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2190)) double IMsoTrendline::GetBackward2 ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2191)) void IMsoTrendline::PutBackward2 ( double RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(2192)) double IMsoTrendline::GetForward2 ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2193)) void IMsoTrendline::PutForward2 ( double RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(2194)) IDispatchPtr Trendlines::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2195)) IMsoTrendlinePtr Trendlines::Add ( enum XlTrendlineType Type, const _variant_t & Order, const _variant_t & Period, const _variant_t & Forward, const _variant_t & Backward, const _variant_t & Intercept, const _variant_t & DisplayEquation, const _variant_t & DisplayRSquared, const _variant_t & Name );
__declspec(implementation_key(2196)) long Trendlines::GetCount ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2197)) IMsoTrendlinePtr Trendlines::Item ( const _variant_t & Index );
__declspec(implementation_key(2198)) IUnknownPtr Trendlines::_NewEnum ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2199)) IDispatchPtr Trendlines::GetApplication ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2200)) long Trendlines::GetCreator ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2201)) IMsoTrendlinePtr Trendlines::Get_Default ( const _variant_t & Index );
__declspec(implementation_key(2202)) IDispatchPtr IMsoDataLabels::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2203)) _bstr_t IMsoDataLabels::GetName ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2204)) _variant_t IMsoDataLabels::Select ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2205)) IMsoBorderPtr IMsoDataLabels::GetBorder ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2206)) _variant_t IMsoDataLabels::Delete ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2207)) IMsoInteriorPtr IMsoDataLabels::GetInterior ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2208)) ChartFillFormatPtr IMsoDataLabels::GetFill ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2209)) IMsoCharactersPtr IMsoDataLabels::GetCharacters ( const _variant_t & Start, const _variant_t & Length );
__declspec(implementation_key(2210)) ChartFontPtr IMsoDataLabels::GetFont ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2211)) _variant_t IMsoDataLabels::GetHorizontalAlignment ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2212)) void IMsoDataLabels::PutHorizontalAlignment ( const _variant_t & RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(2213)) _variant_t IMsoDataLabels::GetOrientation ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2214)) void IMsoDataLabels::PutOrientation ( const _variant_t & RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(2215)) VARIANT_BOOL IMsoDataLabels::GetShadow ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2216)) void IMsoDataLabels::PutShadow ( VARIANT_BOOL RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(2217)) _variant_t IMsoDataLabels::GetVerticalAlignment ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2218)) void IMsoDataLabels::PutVerticalAlignment ( const _variant_t & RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(2219)) long IMsoDataLabels::GetReadingOrder ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2220)) void IMsoDataLabels::PutReadingOrder ( long RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(2221)) _variant_t IMsoDataLabels::GetAutoScaleFont ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2222)) void IMsoDataLabels::PutAutoScaleFont ( const _variant_t & RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(2223)) VARIANT_BOOL IMsoDataLabels::GetAutoText ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2224)) void IMsoDataLabels::PutAutoText ( VARIANT_BOOL RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(2225)) _bstr_t IMsoDataLabels::GetNumberFormat ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2226)) void IMsoDataLabels::PutNumberFormat ( _bstr_t RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(2227)) VARIANT_BOOL IMsoDataLabels::GetNumberFormatLinked ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2228)) void IMsoDataLabels::PutNumberFormatLinked ( VARIANT_BOOL RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(2229)) _variant_t IMsoDataLabels::GetNumberFormatLocal ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2230)) void IMsoDataLabels::PutNumberFormatLocal ( const _variant_t & RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(2231)) VARIANT_BOOL IMsoDataLabels::GetShowLegendKey ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2232)) void IMsoDataLabels::PutShowLegendKey ( VARIANT_BOOL RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(2233)) _variant_t IMsoDataLabels::GetType ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2234)) void IMsoDataLabels::PutType ( const _variant_t & RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(2235)) enum XlDataLabelPosition IMsoDataLabels::GetPosition ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2236)) void IMsoDataLabels::PutPosition ( enum XlDataLabelPosition RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(2237)) VARIANT_BOOL IMsoDataLabels::GetShowSeriesName ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2238)) void IMsoDataLabels::PutShowSeriesName ( VARIANT_BOOL RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(2239)) VARIANT_BOOL IMsoDataLabels::GetShowCategoryName ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2240)) void IMsoDataLabels::PutShowCategoryName ( VARIANT_BOOL RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(2241)) VARIANT_BOOL IMsoDataLabels::GetShowValue ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2242)) void IMsoDataLabels::PutShowValue ( VARIANT_BOOL RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(2243)) VARIANT_BOOL IMsoDataLabels::GetShowPercentage ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2244)) void IMsoDataLabels::PutShowPercentage ( VARIANT_BOOL RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(2245)) VARIANT_BOOL IMsoDataLabels::GetShowBubbleSize ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2246)) void IMsoDataLabels::PutShowBubbleSize ( VARIANT_BOOL RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(2247)) _variant_t IMsoDataLabels::GetSeparator ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2248)) void IMsoDataLabels::PutSeparator ( const _variant_t & RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(2249)) long IMsoDataLabels::GetCount ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2250)) IMsoDataLabelPtr IMsoDataLabels::Item ( const _variant_t & Index );
__declspec(implementation_key(2251)) IUnknownPtr IMsoDataLabels::_NewEnum ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2252)) IMsoChartFormatPtr IMsoDataLabels::GetFormat ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2253)) IDispatchPtr IMsoDataLabels::GetApplication ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2254)) long IMsoDataLabels::GetCreator ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2255)) IMsoDataLabelPtr IMsoDataLabels::Get_Default ( const _variant_t & Index );
__declspec(implementation_key(2256)) IDispatchPtr ChartPoint::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2257)) _variant_t ChartPoint::_ApplyDataLabels ( enum XlDataLabelsType Type, const _variant_t & IMsoLegendKey, const _variant_t & AutoText, const _variant_t & HasLeaderLines );
__declspec(implementation_key(2258)) IMsoBorderPtr ChartPoint::GetBorder ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2259)) _variant_t ChartPoint::ClearFormats ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2260)) _variant_t ChartPoint::Copy ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2261)) IMsoDataLabelPtr ChartPoint::GetDataLabel ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2262)) _variant_t ChartPoint::Delete ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2263)) long ChartPoint::GetExplosion ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2264)) void ChartPoint::PutExplosion ( long RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(2265)) VARIANT_BOOL ChartPoint::GetHasDataLabel ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2266)) void ChartPoint::PutHasDataLabel ( VARIANT_BOOL RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(2267)) IMsoInteriorPtr ChartPoint::GetInterior ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2268)) VARIANT_BOOL ChartPoint::GetInvertIfNegative ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2269)) void ChartPoint::PutInvertIfNegative ( VARIANT_BOOL RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(2270)) long ChartPoint::GetMarkerBackgroundColor ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2271)) void ChartPoint::PutMarkerBackgroundColor ( long RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(2272)) enum XlColorIndex ChartPoint::GetMarkerBackgroundColorIndex ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2273)) void ChartPoint::PutMarkerBackgroundColorIndex ( enum XlColorIndex RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(2274)) long ChartPoint::GetMarkerForegroundColor ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2275)) void ChartPoint::PutMarkerForegroundColor ( long RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(2276)) enum XlColorIndex ChartPoint::GetMarkerForegroundColorIndex ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2277)) void ChartPoint::PutMarkerForegroundColorIndex ( enum XlColorIndex RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(2278)) long ChartPoint::GetMarkerSize ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2279)) void ChartPoint::PutMarkerSize ( long RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(2280)) enum XlMarkerStyle ChartPoint::GetMarkerStyle ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2281)) void ChartPoint::PutMarkerStyle ( enum XlMarkerStyle RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(2282)) _variant_t ChartPoint::Paste ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2283)) enum XlChartPictureType ChartPoint::GetPictureType ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2284)) void ChartPoint::PutPictureType ( enum XlChartPictureType RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(2285)) double ChartPoint::GetPictureUnit ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2286)) void ChartPoint::PutPictureUnit ( double RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(2287)) _variant_t ChartPoint::Select ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2288)) VARIANT_BOOL ChartPoint::GetApplyPictToSides ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2289)) void ChartPoint::PutApplyPictToSides ( VARIANT_BOOL RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(2290)) VARIANT_BOOL ChartPoint::GetApplyPictToFront ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2291)) void ChartPoint::PutApplyPictToFront ( VARIANT_BOOL RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(2292)) VARIANT_BOOL ChartPoint::GetApplyPictToEnd ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2293)) void ChartPoint::PutApplyPictToEnd ( VARIANT_BOOL RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(2294)) VARIANT_BOOL ChartPoint::GetShadow ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2295)) void ChartPoint::PutShadow ( VARIANT_BOOL RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(2296)) VARIANT_BOOL ChartPoint::GetSecondaryPlot ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2297)) void ChartPoint::PutSecondaryPlot ( VARIANT_BOOL RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(2298)) ChartFillFormatPtr ChartPoint::GetFill ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2299)) _variant_t ChartPoint::ApplyDataLabels ( enum XlDataLabelsType Type, const _variant_t & IMsoLegendKey, const _variant_t & AutoText, const _variant_t & HasLeaderLines, const _variant_t & ShowSeriesName, const _variant_t & ShowCategoryName, const _variant_t & ShowValue, const _variant_t & ShowPercentage, const _variant_t & ShowBubbleSize, const _variant_t & Separator );
__declspec(implementation_key(2300)) VARIANT_BOOL ChartPoint::GetHas3DEffect ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2301)) void ChartPoint::PutHas3DEffect ( VARIANT_BOOL RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(2302)) IMsoChartFormatPtr ChartPoint::GetFormat ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2303)) IDispatchPtr ChartPoint::GetApplication ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2304)) long ChartPoint::GetCreator ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2305)) double ChartPoint::GetPictureUnit2 ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2306)) void ChartPoint::PutPictureUnit2 ( double RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(2307)) _bstr_t ChartPoint::GetName ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2308)) double ChartPoint::GetHeight ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2309)) double ChartPoint::GetWidth ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2310)) double ChartPoint::GetLeft ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2311)) double ChartPoint::GetTop ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2312)) double ChartPoint::PieSliceLocation ( enum XlPieSliceLocation loc, enum XlPieSliceIndex Index );
__declspec(implementation_key(2313)) IDispatchPtr Points::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2314)) long Points::GetCount ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2315)) ChartPointPtr Points::Item ( long Index );
__declspec(implementation_key(2316)) IUnknownPtr Points::_NewEnum ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2317)) IDispatchPtr Points::GetApplication ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2318)) long Points::GetCreator ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2319)) ChartPointPtr Points::Get_Default ( long Index );
__declspec(implementation_key(2320)) void IMsoDataTable::PutShowLegendKey ( VARIANT_BOOL pfVisible );
__declspec(implementation_key(2321)) VARIANT_BOOL IMsoDataTable::GetShowLegendKey ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2322)) void IMsoDataTable::PutHasBorderHorizontal ( VARIANT_BOOL pfVisible );
__declspec(implementation_key(2323)) VARIANT_BOOL IMsoDataTable::GetHasBorderHorizontal ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2324)) void IMsoDataTable::PutHasBorderVertical ( VARIANT_BOOL pfVisible );
__declspec(implementation_key(2325)) VARIANT_BOOL IMsoDataTable::GetHasBorderVertical ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2326)) void IMsoDataTable::PutHasBorderOutline ( VARIANT_BOOL pfVisible );
__declspec(implementation_key(2327)) VARIANT_BOOL IMsoDataTable::GetHasBorderOutline ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2328)) IMsoBorderPtr IMsoDataTable::GetBorder ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2329)) ChartFontPtr IMsoDataTable::GetFont ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2330)) HRESULT IMsoDataTable::Select ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2331)) HRESULT IMsoDataTable::Delete ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2332)) IDispatchPtr IMsoDataTable::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2333)) _variant_t IMsoDataTable::GetAutoScaleFont ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2334)) void IMsoDataTable::PutAutoScaleFont ( const _variant_t & RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(2335)) IMsoChartFormatPtr IMsoDataTable::GetFormat ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2336)) IDispatchPtr IMsoDataTable::GetApplication ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2337)) long IMsoDataTable::GetCreator ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2338)) void IMsoChartTitle::PutCaption ( _bstr_t pbstr );
__declspec(implementation_key(2339)) _bstr_t IMsoChartTitle::GetCaption ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2340)) IMsoCharactersPtr IMsoChartTitle::GetCharacters ( const _variant_t & Start, const _variant_t & Length );
__declspec(implementation_key(2341)) ChartFontPtr IMsoChartTitle::GetFont ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2342)) void IMsoChartTitle::PutHorizontalAlignment ( const _variant_t & Val );
__declspec(implementation_key(2343)) _variant_t IMsoChartTitle::GetHorizontalAlignment ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2344)) double IMsoChartTitle::GetLeft ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2345)) void IMsoChartTitle::PutLeft ( double pval );
__declspec(implementation_key(2346)) void IMsoChartTitle::PutOrientation ( const _variant_t & Val );
__declspec(implementation_key(2347)) _variant_t IMsoChartTitle::GetOrientation ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2348)) VARIANT_BOOL IMsoChartTitle::GetShadow ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2349)) void IMsoChartTitle::PutShadow ( VARIANT_BOOL pval );
__declspec(implementation_key(2350)) void IMsoChartTitle::PutText ( _bstr_t pbstr );
__declspec(implementation_key(2351)) _bstr_t IMsoChartTitle::GetText ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2352)) double IMsoChartTitle::GetTop ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2353)) void IMsoChartTitle::PutTop ( double pval );
__declspec(implementation_key(2354)) void IMsoChartTitle::PutVerticalAlignment ( const _variant_t & Val );
__declspec(implementation_key(2355)) _variant_t IMsoChartTitle::GetVerticalAlignment ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2356)) int IMsoChartTitle::GetReadingOrder ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2357)) void IMsoChartTitle::PutReadingOrder ( int pval );
__declspec(implementation_key(2358)) void IMsoChartTitle::PutAutoScaleFont ( const _variant_t & Val );
__declspec(implementation_key(2359)) _variant_t IMsoChartTitle::GetAutoScaleFont ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2360)) IMsoInteriorPtr IMsoChartTitle::GetInterior ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2361)) ChartFillFormatPtr IMsoChartTitle::GetFill ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2362)) _variant_t IMsoChartTitle::Delete ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2363)) IMsoBorderPtr IMsoChartTitle::GetBorder ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2364)) _bstr_t IMsoChartTitle::GetName ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2365)) IDispatchPtr IMsoChartTitle::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2366)) _variant_t IMsoChartTitle::Select ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2367)) VARIANT_BOOL IMsoChartTitle::GetIncludeInLayout ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2368)) void IMsoChartTitle::PutIncludeInLayout ( VARIANT_BOOL RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(2369)) enum XlChartElementPosition IMsoChartTitle::GetPosition ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2370)) void IMsoChartTitle::PutPosition ( enum XlChartElementPosition pval );
__declspec(implementation_key(2371)) IMsoChartFormatPtr IMsoChartTitle::GetFormat ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2372)) double IMsoChartTitle::GetHeight ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2373)) IDispatchPtr IMsoChartTitle::GetApplication ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2374)) long IMsoChartTitle::GetCreator ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2375)) double IMsoChartTitle::GetWidth ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2376)) void IMsoChartTitle::PutFormula ( _bstr_t pbstr );
__declspec(implementation_key(2377)) _bstr_t IMsoChartTitle::GetFormula ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2378)) void IMsoChartTitle::PutFormulaR1C1 ( _bstr_t pbstr );
__declspec(implementation_key(2379)) _bstr_t IMsoChartTitle::GetFormulaR1C1 ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2380)) void IMsoChartTitle::PutFormulaLocal ( _bstr_t pbstr );
__declspec(implementation_key(2381)) _bstr_t IMsoChartTitle::GetFormulaLocal ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2382)) void IMsoChartTitle::PutFormulaR1C1Local ( _bstr_t pbstr );
__declspec(implementation_key(2383)) _bstr_t IMsoChartTitle::GetFormulaR1C1Local ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2384)) IDispatchPtr IMsoTickLabels::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2385)) _variant_t IMsoTickLabels::Delete ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2386)) ChartFontPtr IMsoTickLabels::GetFont ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2387)) _bstr_t IMsoTickLabels::GetName ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2388)) _bstr_t IMsoTickLabels::GetNumberFormat ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2389)) void IMsoTickLabels::PutNumberFormat ( _bstr_t pval );
__declspec(implementation_key(2390)) VARIANT_BOOL IMsoTickLabels::GetNumberFormatLinked ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2391)) void IMsoTickLabels::PutNumberFormatLinked ( VARIANT_BOOL pval );
__declspec(implementation_key(2392)) _variant_t IMsoTickLabels::GetNumberFormatLocal ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2393)) void IMsoTickLabels::PutNumberFormatLocal ( const _variant_t & pval );
__declspec(implementation_key(2394)) enum XlTickLabelOrientation IMsoTickLabels::GetOrientation ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2395)) void IMsoTickLabels::PutOrientation ( enum XlTickLabelOrientation pval );
__declspec(implementation_key(2396)) _variant_t IMsoTickLabels::Select ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2397)) int IMsoTickLabels::GetReadingOrder ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2398)) void IMsoTickLabels::PutReadingOrder ( int pval );
__declspec(implementation_key(2399)) _variant_t IMsoTickLabels::GetAutoScaleFont ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2400)) void IMsoTickLabels::PutAutoScaleFont ( const _variant_t & pval );
__declspec(implementation_key(2401)) int IMsoTickLabels::GetDepth ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2402)) int IMsoTickLabels::GetOffset ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2403)) void IMsoTickLabels::PutOffset ( int pval );
__declspec(implementation_key(2404)) int IMsoTickLabels::GetAlignment ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2405)) void IMsoTickLabels::PutAlignment ( int pval );
__declspec(implementation_key(2406)) VARIANT_BOOL IMsoTickLabels::GetMultiLevel ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2407)) void IMsoTickLabels::PutMultiLevel ( VARIANT_BOOL pval );
__declspec(implementation_key(2408)) IMsoChartFormatPtr IMsoTickLabels::GetFormat ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2409)) IDispatchPtr IMsoTickLabels::GetApplication ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2410)) long IMsoTickLabels::GetCreator ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2411)) VARIANT_BOOL IMsoAxis::GetAxisBetweenCategories ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2412)) void IMsoAxis::PutAxisBetweenCategories ( VARIANT_BOOL pval );
__declspec(implementation_key(2413)) enum XlAxisGroup IMsoAxis::GetAxisGroup ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2414)) IMsoAxisTitlePtr IMsoAxis::GetAxisTitle ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2415)) _variant_t IMsoAxis::GetCategoryNames ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2416)) void IMsoAxis::PutCategoryNames ( const _variant_t & pval );
__declspec(implementation_key(2417)) enum XlAxisCrosses IMsoAxis::GetCrosses ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2418)) void IMsoAxis::PutCrosses ( enum XlAxisCrosses pval );
__declspec(implementation_key(2419)) double IMsoAxis::GetCrossesAt ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2420)) void IMsoAxis::PutCrossesAt ( double pval );
__declspec(implementation_key(2421)) _variant_t IMsoAxis::Delete ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2422)) VARIANT_BOOL IMsoAxis::GetHasMajorGridlines ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2423)) void IMsoAxis::PutHasMajorGridlines ( VARIANT_BOOL pval );
__declspec(implementation_key(2424)) VARIANT_BOOL IMsoAxis::GetHasMinorGridlines ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2425)) void IMsoAxis::PutHasMinorGridlines ( VARIANT_BOOL pval );
__declspec(implementation_key(2426)) VARIANT_BOOL IMsoAxis::GetHasTitle ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2427)) void IMsoAxis::PutHasTitle ( VARIANT_BOOL pval );
__declspec(implementation_key(2428)) GridLinesPtr IMsoAxis::GetMajorGridlines ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2429)) enum XlTickMark IMsoAxis::GetMajorTickMark ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2430)) void IMsoAxis::PutMajorTickMark ( enum XlTickMark pval );
__declspec(implementation_key(2431)) double IMsoAxis::GetMajorUnit ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2432)) void IMsoAxis::PutMajorUnit ( double pval );
__declspec(implementation_key(2433)) double IMsoAxis::GetLogBase ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2434)) void IMsoAxis::PutLogBase ( double pval );
__declspec(implementation_key(2435)) VARIANT_BOOL IMsoAxis::GetTickLabelSpacingIsAuto ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2436)) void IMsoAxis::PutTickLabelSpacingIsAuto ( VARIANT_BOOL pval );
__declspec(implementation_key(2437)) VARIANT_BOOL IMsoAxis::GetMajorUnitIsAuto ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2438)) void IMsoAxis::PutMajorUnitIsAuto ( VARIANT_BOOL pval );
__declspec(implementation_key(2439)) double IMsoAxis::GetMaximumScale ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2440)) void IMsoAxis::PutMaximumScale ( double pval );
__declspec(implementation_key(2441)) VARIANT_BOOL IMsoAxis::GetMaximumScaleIsAuto ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2442)) void IMsoAxis::PutMaximumScaleIsAuto ( VARIANT_BOOL pval );
__declspec(implementation_key(2443)) double IMsoAxis::GetMinimumScale ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2444)) void IMsoAxis::PutMinimumScale ( double pval );
__declspec(implementation_key(2445)) VARIANT_BOOL IMsoAxis::GetMinimumScaleIsAuto ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2446)) void IMsoAxis::PutMinimumScaleIsAuto ( VARIANT_BOOL pval );
__declspec(implementation_key(2447)) GridLinesPtr IMsoAxis::GetMinorGridlines ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2448)) enum XlTickMark IMsoAxis::GetMinorTickMark ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2449)) void IMsoAxis::PutMinorTickMark ( enum XlTickMark pval );
__declspec(implementation_key(2450)) double IMsoAxis::GetMinorUnit ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2451)) void IMsoAxis::PutMinorUnit ( double pval );
__declspec(implementation_key(2452)) VARIANT_BOOL IMsoAxis::GetMinorUnitIsAuto ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2453)) void IMsoAxis::PutMinorUnitIsAuto ( VARIANT_BOOL pval );
__declspec(implementation_key(2454)) VARIANT_BOOL IMsoAxis::GetReversePlotOrder ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2455)) void IMsoAxis::PutReversePlotOrder ( VARIANT_BOOL pval );
__declspec(implementation_key(2456)) enum XlScaleType IMsoAxis::GetScaleType ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2457)) void IMsoAxis::PutScaleType ( enum XlScaleType pval );
__declspec(implementation_key(2458)) _variant_t IMsoAxis::Select ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2459)) enum XlTickLabelPosition IMsoAxis::GetTickLabelPosition ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2460)) void IMsoAxis::PutTickLabelPosition ( enum XlTickLabelPosition pval );
__declspec(implementation_key(2461)) IMsoTickLabelsPtr IMsoAxis::GetTickLabels ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2462)) int IMsoAxis::GetTickLabelSpacing ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2463)) void IMsoAxis::PutTickLabelSpacing ( int pval );
__declspec(implementation_key(2464)) int IMsoAxis::GetTickMarkSpacing ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2465)) void IMsoAxis::PutTickMarkSpacing ( int pval );
__declspec(implementation_key(2466)) enum XlAxisType IMsoAxis::GetType ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2467)) void IMsoAxis::PutType ( enum XlAxisType pval );
__declspec(implementation_key(2468)) enum XlTimeUnit IMsoAxis::GetBaseUnit ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2469)) void IMsoAxis::PutBaseUnit ( enum XlTimeUnit pval );
__declspec(implementation_key(2470)) VARIANT_BOOL IMsoAxis::GetBaseUnitIsAuto ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2471)) void IMsoAxis::PutBaseUnitIsAuto ( VARIANT_BOOL pval );
__declspec(implementation_key(2472)) enum XlTimeUnit IMsoAxis::GetMajorUnitScale ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2473)) void IMsoAxis::PutMajorUnitScale ( enum XlTimeUnit pval );
__declspec(implementation_key(2474)) enum XlTimeUnit IMsoAxis::GetMinorUnitScale ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2475)) void IMsoAxis::PutMinorUnitScale ( enum XlTimeUnit pval );
__declspec(implementation_key(2476)) enum XlCategoryType IMsoAxis::GetCategoryType ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2477)) void IMsoAxis::PutCategoryType ( enum XlCategoryType pval );
__declspec(implementation_key(2478)) double IMsoAxis::GetLeft ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2479)) double IMsoAxis::GetTop ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2480)) double IMsoAxis::GetWidth ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2481)) double IMsoAxis::GetHeight ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2482)) enum XlDisplayUnit IMsoAxis::GetDisplayUnit ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2483)) void IMsoAxis::PutDisplayUnit ( enum XlDisplayUnit pval );
__declspec(implementation_key(2484)) double IMsoAxis::GetDisplayUnitCustom ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2485)) void IMsoAxis::PutDisplayUnitCustom ( double pval );
__declspec(implementation_key(2486)) VARIANT_BOOL IMsoAxis::GetHasDisplayUnitLabel ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2487)) void IMsoAxis::PutHasDisplayUnitLabel ( VARIANT_BOOL pval );
__declspec(implementation_key(2488)) IMsoDisplayUnitLabelPtr IMsoAxis::GetDisplayUnitLabel ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2489)) IMsoBorderPtr IMsoAxis::GetBorder ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2490)) _bstr_t IMsoAxis::GetName ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2491)) IMsoChartFormatPtr IMsoAxis::GetFormat ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2492)) IDispatchPtr IMsoAxis::GetApplication ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2493)) long IMsoAxis::GetCreator ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2494)) IDispatchPtr IMsoAxis::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2495)) long Axes::GetCount ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2496)) IMsoAxisPtr Axes::GetItem ( enum XlAxisType Type, enum XlAxisGroup AxisGroup );
__declspec(implementation_key(2497)) IUnknownPtr Axes::Get_NewEnum ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2498)) IDispatchPtr Axes::GetApplication ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2499)) long Axes::GetCreator ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2500)) IMsoAxisPtr Axes::Get_Default ( enum XlAxisType Type, enum XlAxisGroup AxisGroup );
__declspec(implementation_key(2501)) IDispatchPtr Axes::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2502)) _bstr_t IMsoDropLines::GetName ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2503)) HRESULT IMsoDropLines::Select ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2504)) IDispatchPtr IMsoDropLines::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2505)) IMsoBorderPtr IMsoDropLines::GetBorder ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2506)) HRESULT IMsoDropLines::Delete ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2507)) IMsoChartFormatPtr IMsoDropLines::GetFormat ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2508)) IDispatchPtr IMsoDropLines::GetApplication ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2509)) long IMsoDropLines::GetCreator ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2510)) IDispatchPtr IMsoHiLoLines::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2511)) _bstr_t IMsoHiLoLines::GetName ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2512)) HRESULT IMsoHiLoLines::Select ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2513)) IMsoBorderPtr IMsoHiLoLines::GetBorder ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2514)) HRESULT IMsoHiLoLines::Delete ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2515)) IMsoChartFormatPtr IMsoHiLoLines::GetFormat ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2516)) IDispatchPtr IMsoHiLoLines::GetApplication ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2517)) long IMsoHiLoLines::GetCreator ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2518)) void IMsoChartGroup::PutAxisGroup ( int piGroup );
__declspec(implementation_key(2519)) int IMsoChartGroup::GetAxisGroup ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2520)) void IMsoChartGroup::PutDoughnutHoleSize ( int pDoughnutHoleSize );
__declspec(implementation_key(2521)) int IMsoChartGroup::GetDoughnutHoleSize ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2522)) IMsoDownBarsPtr IMsoChartGroup::GetDownBars ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2523)) IMsoDropLinesPtr IMsoChartGroup::GetDropLines ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2524)) void IMsoChartGroup::PutFirstSliceAngle ( int pFirstSliceAngle );
__declspec(implementation_key(2525)) int IMsoChartGroup::GetFirstSliceAngle ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2526)) void IMsoChartGroup::PutGapWidth ( int pGapWidth );
__declspec(implementation_key(2527)) int IMsoChartGroup::GetGapWidth ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2528)) void IMsoChartGroup::PutHasDropLines ( VARIANT_BOOL pfHasDropLines );
__declspec(implementation_key(2529)) VARIANT_BOOL IMsoChartGroup::GetHasDropLines ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2530)) void IMsoChartGroup::PutHasHiLoLines ( VARIANT_BOOL pfHasHiLoLines );
__declspec(implementation_key(2531)) VARIANT_BOOL IMsoChartGroup::GetHasHiLoLines ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2532)) void IMsoChartGroup::PutHasRadarAxisLabels ( VARIANT_BOOL pfHasRadarAxisLabels );
__declspec(implementation_key(2533)) VARIANT_BOOL IMsoChartGroup::GetHasRadarAxisLabels ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2534)) void IMsoChartGroup::PutHasSeriesLines ( VARIANT_BOOL pfHasSeriesLines );
__declspec(implementation_key(2535)) VARIANT_BOOL IMsoChartGroup::GetHasSeriesLines ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2536)) void IMsoChartGroup::PutHasUpDownBars ( VARIANT_BOOL pfHasUpDownBars );
__declspec(implementation_key(2537)) VARIANT_BOOL IMsoChartGroup::GetHasUpDownBars ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2538)) IMsoHiLoLinesPtr IMsoChartGroup::GetHiLoLines ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2539)) int IMsoChartGroup::GetIndex ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2540)) void IMsoChartGroup::PutOverlap ( int pOverlap );
__declspec(implementation_key(2541)) int IMsoChartGroup::GetOverlap ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2542)) IDispatchPtr IMsoChartGroup::GetRadarAxisLabels ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2543)) IDispatchPtr IMsoChartGroup::SeriesCollection ( const _variant_t & Index );
__declspec(implementation_key(2544)) IMsoSeriesLinesPtr IMsoChartGroup::GetSeriesLines ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2545)) void IMsoChartGroup::PutSubType ( int pSubType );
__declspec(implementation_key(2546)) int IMsoChartGroup::GetSubType ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2547)) void IMsoChartGroup::PutType ( int ptype );
__declspec(implementation_key(2548)) int IMsoChartGroup::GetType ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2549)) IMsoUpBarsPtr IMsoChartGroup::GetUpBars ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2550)) void IMsoChartGroup::PutVaryByCategories ( VARIANT_BOOL pfVaryByCategories );
__declspec(implementation_key(2551)) VARIANT_BOOL IMsoChartGroup::GetVaryByCategories ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2552)) enum XlSizeRepresents IMsoChartGroup::GetSizeRepresents ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2553)) void IMsoChartGroup::PutSizeRepresents ( enum XlSizeRepresents pXlSizeRepresents );
__declspec(implementation_key(2554)) void IMsoChartGroup::PutBubbleScale ( int pbubblescale );
__declspec(implementation_key(2555)) int IMsoChartGroup::GetBubbleScale ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2556)) void IMsoChartGroup::PutShowNegativeBubbles ( VARIANT_BOOL pfShowNegativeBubbles );
__declspec(implementation_key(2557)) VARIANT_BOOL IMsoChartGroup::GetShowNegativeBubbles ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2558)) void IMsoChartGroup::PutSplitType ( enum XlChartSplitType pChartSplitType );
__declspec(implementation_key(2559)) enum XlChartSplitType IMsoChartGroup::GetSplitType ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2560)) _variant_t IMsoChartGroup::GetSplitValue ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2561)) void IMsoChartGroup::PutSplitValue ( const _variant_t & pSplitValue );
__declspec(implementation_key(2562)) int IMsoChartGroup::GetSecondPlotSize ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2563)) void IMsoChartGroup::PutSecondPlotSize ( int pSecondPlotSize );
__declspec(implementation_key(2564)) VARIANT_BOOL IMsoChartGroup::GetHas3DShading ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2565)) void IMsoChartGroup::PutHas3DShading ( VARIANT_BOOL RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(2566)) IDispatchPtr IMsoChartGroup::GetApplication ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2567)) long IMsoChartGroup::GetCreator ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2568)) IDispatchPtr IMsoChartGroup::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2569)) IDispatchPtr ChartGroups::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2570)) long ChartGroups::GetCount ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2571)) IMsoChartGroupPtr ChartGroups::Item ( const _variant_t & Index );
__declspec(implementation_key(2572)) IUnknownPtr ChartGroups::_NewEnum ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2573)) IDispatchPtr ChartGroups::GetApplication ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2574)) long ChartGroups::GetCreator ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2575)) HRESULT ContactCard::Close ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2576)) HRESULT ContactCard::Show ( enum MsoContactCardStyle CardStyle, long RectangleLeft, long RectangleRight, long RectangleTop, long RectangleBottom, long HorizontalPosition, VARIANT_BOOL ShowWithDelay );
__declspec(implementation_key(2577)) CommandBarControlPtr _CommandBars::GetActionControl ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2578)) CommandBarPtr _CommandBars::GetActiveMenuBar ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2579)) CommandBarPtr _CommandBars::Add ( const _variant_t & Name, const _variant_t & Position, const _variant_t & MenuBar, const _variant_t & Temporary );
__declspec(implementation_key(2580)) int _CommandBars::GetCount ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2581)) VARIANT_BOOL _CommandBars::GetDisplayTooltips ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2582)) void _CommandBars::PutDisplayTooltips ( VARIANT_BOOL pvarfDisplayTooltips );
__declspec(implementation_key(2583)) VARIANT_BOOL _CommandBars::GetDisplayKeysInTooltips ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2584)) void _CommandBars::PutDisplayKeysInTooltips ( VARIANT_BOOL pvarfDisplayKeys );
__declspec(implementation_key(2585)) CommandBarControlPtr _CommandBars::FindControl ( const _variant_t & Type, const _variant_t & Id, const _variant_t & Tag, const _variant_t & Visible );
__declspec(implementation_key(2586)) CommandBarPtr _CommandBars::GetItem ( const _variant_t & Index );
__declspec(implementation_key(2587)) VARIANT_BOOL _CommandBars::GetLargeButtons ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2588)) void _CommandBars::PutLargeButtons ( VARIANT_BOOL pvarfLargeButtons );
__declspec(implementation_key(2589)) enum MsoMenuAnimation _CommandBars::GetMenuAnimationStyle ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2590)) void _CommandBars::PutMenuAnimationStyle ( enum MsoMenuAnimation pma );
__declspec(implementation_key(2591)) IUnknownPtr _CommandBars::Get_NewEnum ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2592)) IDispatchPtr _CommandBars::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2593)) HRESULT _CommandBars::ReleaseFocus ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2594)) int _CommandBars::GetIdsString ( int ids, BSTR * pbstrName );
__declspec(implementation_key(2595)) int _CommandBars::GetTmcGetName ( int tmc, BSTR * pbstrName );
__declspec(implementation_key(2596)) VARIANT_BOOL _CommandBars::GetAdaptiveMenus ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2597)) void _CommandBars::PutAdaptiveMenus ( VARIANT_BOOL pvarfAdaptiveMenus );
__declspec(implementation_key(2598)) CommandBarControlsPtr _CommandBars::FindControls ( const _variant_t & Type, const _variant_t & Id, const _variant_t & Tag, const _variant_t & Visible );
__declspec(implementation_key(2599)) CommandBarPtr _CommandBars::AddEx ( const _variant_t & TbidOrName, const _variant_t & Position, const _variant_t & MenuBar, const _variant_t & Temporary, const _variant_t & TbtrProtection );
__declspec(implementation_key(2600)) VARIANT_BOOL _CommandBars::GetDisplayFonts ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2601)) void _CommandBars::PutDisplayFonts ( VARIANT_BOOL pvarfDisplayFonts );
__declspec(implementation_key(2602)) VARIANT_BOOL _CommandBars::GetDisableCustomize ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2603)) void _CommandBars::PutDisableCustomize ( VARIANT_BOOL pvarfDisableCustomize );
__declspec(implementation_key(2604)) VARIANT_BOOL _CommandBars::GetDisableAskAQuestionDropdown ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2605)) void _CommandBars::PutDisableAskAQuestionDropdown ( VARIANT_BOOL pvarfDisableAskAQuestionDropdown );
__declspec(implementation_key(2606)) HRESULT _CommandBars::ExecuteMso ( _bstr_t idMso );
__declspec(implementation_key(2607)) VARIANT_BOOL _CommandBars::GetEnabledMso ( _bstr_t idMso );
__declspec(implementation_key(2608)) VARIANT_BOOL _CommandBars::GetVisibleMso ( _bstr_t idMso );
__declspec(implementation_key(2609)) VARIANT_BOOL _CommandBars::GetPressedMso ( _bstr_t idMso );
__declspec(implementation_key(2610)) _bstr_t _CommandBars::GetLabelMso ( _bstr_t idMso );
__declspec(implementation_key(2611)) _bstr_t _CommandBars::GetScreentipMso ( _bstr_t idMso );
__declspec(implementation_key(2612)) _bstr_t _CommandBars::GetSupertipMso ( _bstr_t idMso );
__declspec(implementation_key(2613)) IPictureDisp * _CommandBars::GetImageMso ( _bstr_t idMso, int Width, int Height );
__declspec(implementation_key(2614)) HRESULT _CommandBars::CommitRenderingTransaction ( long hwnd );
__declspec(implementation_key(2615)) VARIANT_BOOL CommandBar::GetBuiltIn ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2616)) _bstr_t CommandBar::GetContext ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2617)) void CommandBar::PutContext ( _bstr_t pbstrContext );
__declspec(implementation_key(2618)) CommandBarControlsPtr CommandBar::GetControls ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2619)) HRESULT CommandBar::Delete ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2620)) VARIANT_BOOL CommandBar::GetEnabled ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2621)) void CommandBar::PutEnabled ( VARIANT_BOOL pvarfEnabled );
__declspec(implementation_key(2622)) CommandBarControlPtr CommandBar::FindControl ( const _variant_t & Type, const _variant_t & Id, const _variant_t & Tag, const _variant_t & Visible, const _variant_t & Recursive );
__declspec(implementation_key(2623)) int CommandBar::GetHeight ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2624)) void CommandBar::PutHeight ( int pdy );
__declspec(implementation_key(2625)) int CommandBar::GetIndex ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2626)) long CommandBar::GetInstanceId ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2627)) int CommandBar::GetLeft ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2628)) void CommandBar::PutLeft ( int pxpLeft );
__declspec(implementation_key(2629)) _bstr_t CommandBar::GetName ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2630)) void CommandBar::PutName ( _bstr_t pbstrName );
__declspec(implementation_key(2631)) _bstr_t CommandBar::GetNameLocal ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2632)) void CommandBar::PutNameLocal ( _bstr_t pbstrNameLocal );
__declspec(implementation_key(2633)) IDispatchPtr CommandBar::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2634)) enum MsoBarPosition CommandBar::GetPosition ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2635)) void CommandBar::PutPosition ( enum MsoBarPosition ppos );
__declspec(implementation_key(2636)) int CommandBar::GetRowIndex ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2637)) void CommandBar::PutRowIndex ( int piRow );
__declspec(implementation_key(2638)) enum MsoBarProtection CommandBar::GetProtection ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2639)) void CommandBar::PutProtection ( enum MsoBarProtection pprot );
__declspec(implementation_key(2640)) HRESULT CommandBar::Reset ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2641)) HRESULT CommandBar::ShowPopup ( const _variant_t & x, const _variant_t & y );
__declspec(implementation_key(2642)) int CommandBar::GetTop ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2643)) void CommandBar::PutTop ( int pypTop );
__declspec(implementation_key(2644)) enum MsoBarType CommandBar::GetType ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2645)) VARIANT_BOOL CommandBar::GetVisible ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2646)) void CommandBar::PutVisible ( VARIANT_BOOL pvarfVisible );
__declspec(implementation_key(2647)) int CommandBar::GetWidth ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2648)) void CommandBar::PutWidth ( int pdx );
__declspec(implementation_key(2649)) VARIANT_BOOL CommandBar::GetAdaptiveMenu ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2650)) void CommandBar::PutAdaptiveMenu ( VARIANT_BOOL pvarfAdaptiveMenu );
__declspec(implementation_key(2651)) int CommandBar::GetId ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2652)) _variant_t CommandBar::GetInstanceIdPtr ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2653)) VARIANT_BOOL CommandBarControl::GetBeginGroup ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2654)) void CommandBarControl::PutBeginGroup ( VARIANT_BOOL pvarfBeginGroup );
__declspec(implementation_key(2655)) VARIANT_BOOL CommandBarControl::GetBuiltIn ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2656)) _bstr_t CommandBarControl::GetCaption ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2657)) void CommandBarControl::PutCaption ( _bstr_t pbstrCaption );
__declspec(implementation_key(2658)) IDispatchPtr CommandBarControl::GetControl ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2659)) CommandBarControlPtr CommandBarControl::Copy ( const _variant_t & Bar, const _variant_t & Before );
__declspec(implementation_key(2660)) HRESULT CommandBarControl::Delete ( const _variant_t & Temporary );
__declspec(implementation_key(2661)) _bstr_t CommandBarControl::GetDescriptionText ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2662)) void CommandBarControl::PutDescriptionText ( _bstr_t pbstrText );
__declspec(implementation_key(2663)) VARIANT_BOOL CommandBarControl::GetEnabled ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2664)) void CommandBarControl::PutEnabled ( VARIANT_BOOL pvarfEnabled );
__declspec(implementation_key(2665)) HRESULT CommandBarControl::Execute ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2666)) int CommandBarControl::GetHeight ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2667)) void CommandBarControl::PutHeight ( int pdy );
__declspec(implementation_key(2668)) int CommandBarControl::GetHelpContextId ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2669)) void CommandBarControl::PutHelpContextId ( int pid );
__declspec(implementation_key(2670)) _bstr_t CommandBarControl::GetHelpFile ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2671)) void CommandBarControl::PutHelpFile ( _bstr_t pbstrFilename );
__declspec(implementation_key(2672)) int CommandBarControl::GetId ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2673)) int CommandBarControl::GetIndex ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2674)) long CommandBarControl::GetInstanceId ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2675)) CommandBarControlPtr CommandBarControl::Move ( const _variant_t & Bar, const _variant_t & Before );
__declspec(implementation_key(2676)) int CommandBarControl::GetLeft ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2677)) enum MsoControlOLEUsage CommandBarControl::GetOLEUsage ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2678)) void CommandBarControl::PutOLEUsage ( enum MsoControlOLEUsage pcou );
__declspec(implementation_key(2679)) _bstr_t CommandBarControl::GetOnAction ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2680)) void CommandBarControl::PutOnAction ( _bstr_t pbstrOnAction );
__declspec(implementation_key(2681)) CommandBarPtr CommandBarControl::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2682)) _bstr_t CommandBarControl::GetParameter ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2683)) void CommandBarControl::PutParameter ( _bstr_t pbstrParam );
__declspec(implementation_key(2684)) int CommandBarControl::GetPriority ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2685)) void CommandBarControl::PutPriority ( int pnPri );
__declspec(implementation_key(2686)) HRESULT CommandBarControl::Reset ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2687)) HRESULT CommandBarControl::SetFocus ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2688)) _bstr_t CommandBarControl::GetTag ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2689)) void CommandBarControl::PutTag ( _bstr_t pbstrTag );
__declspec(implementation_key(2690)) _bstr_t CommandBarControl::GetTooltipText ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2691)) void CommandBarControl::PutTooltipText ( _bstr_t pbstrTooltip );
__declspec(implementation_key(2692)) int CommandBarControl::GetTop ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2693)) enum MsoControlType CommandBarControl::GetType ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2694)) VARIANT_BOOL CommandBarControl::GetVisible ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2695)) void CommandBarControl::PutVisible ( VARIANT_BOOL pvarfVisible );
__declspec(implementation_key(2696)) int CommandBarControl::GetWidth ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2697)) void CommandBarControl::PutWidth ( int pdx );
__declspec(implementation_key(2698)) VARIANT_BOOL CommandBarControl::GetIsPriorityDropped ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2699)) HRESULT CommandBarControl::Reserved1 ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2700)) HRESULT CommandBarControl::Reserved2 ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2701)) HRESULT CommandBarControl::Reserved3 ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2702)) HRESULT CommandBarControl::Reserved4 ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2703)) HRESULT CommandBarControl::Reserved5 ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2704)) HRESULT CommandBarControl::Reserved6 ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2705)) HRESULT CommandBarControl::Reserved7 ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2706)) CommandBarControlPtr CommandBarControls::Add ( const _variant_t & Type, const _variant_t & Id, const _variant_t & Parameter, const _variant_t & Before, const _variant_t & Temporary );
__declspec(implementation_key(2707)) int CommandBarControls::GetCount ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2708)) CommandBarControlPtr CommandBarControls::GetItem ( const _variant_t & Index );
__declspec(implementation_key(2709)) IUnknownPtr CommandBarControls::Get_NewEnum ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2710)) CommandBarPtr CommandBarControls::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2711)) VARIANT_BOOL _CommandBarButton::GetBuiltInFace ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2712)) void _CommandBarButton::PutBuiltInFace ( VARIANT_BOOL pvarfBuiltIn );
__declspec(implementation_key(2713)) HRESULT _CommandBarButton::CopyFace ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2714)) int _CommandBarButton::GetFaceId ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2715)) void _CommandBarButton::PutFaceId ( int pid );
__declspec(implementation_key(2716)) HRESULT _CommandBarButton::PasteFace ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2717)) _bstr_t _CommandBarButton::GetShortcutText ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2718)) void _CommandBarButton::PutShortcutText ( _bstr_t pbstrText );
__declspec(implementation_key(2719)) enum MsoButtonState _CommandBarButton::GetState ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2720)) void _CommandBarButton::PutState ( enum MsoButtonState pstate );
__declspec(implementation_key(2721)) enum MsoButtonStyle _CommandBarButton::GetStyle ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2722)) void _CommandBarButton::PutStyle ( enum MsoButtonStyle pstyle );
__declspec(implementation_key(2723)) enum MsoCommandBarButtonHyperlinkType _CommandBarButton::GetHyperlinkType ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2724)) void _CommandBarButton::PutHyperlinkType ( enum MsoCommandBarButtonHyperlinkType phlType );
__declspec(implementation_key(2725)) IPictureDisp * _CommandBarButton::GetPicture ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2726)) void _CommandBarButton::PutPicture ( IPictureDisp * ppdispPicture );
__declspec(implementation_key(2727)) IPictureDisp * _CommandBarButton::GetMask ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2728)) void _CommandBarButton::PutMask ( IPictureDisp * ppipictdispMask );
__declspec(implementation_key(2729)) _variant_t _CommandBarButton::GetInstanceIdPtr ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2730)) CommandBarPtr CommandBarPopup::GetCommandBar ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2731)) CommandBarControlsPtr CommandBarPopup::GetControls ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2732)) enum MsoOLEMenuGroup CommandBarPopup::GetOLEMenuGroup ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2733)) void CommandBarPopup::PutOLEMenuGroup ( enum MsoOLEMenuGroup pomg );
__declspec(implementation_key(2734)) _variant_t CommandBarPopup::GetInstanceIdPtr ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2735)) HRESULT _CommandBarComboBox::AddItem ( _bstr_t Text, const _variant_t & Index );
__declspec(implementation_key(2736)) HRESULT _CommandBarComboBox::Clear ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2737)) int _CommandBarComboBox::GetDropDownLines ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2738)) void _CommandBarComboBox::PutDropDownLines ( int pcLines );
__declspec(implementation_key(2739)) int _CommandBarComboBox::GetDropDownWidth ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2740)) void _CommandBarComboBox::PutDropDownWidth ( int pdx );
__declspec(implementation_key(2741)) _bstr_t _CommandBarComboBox::GetList ( int Index );
__declspec(implementation_key(2742)) void _CommandBarComboBox::PutList ( int Index, _bstr_t pbstrItem );
__declspec(implementation_key(2743)) int _CommandBarComboBox::GetListCount ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2744)) int _CommandBarComboBox::GetListHeaderCount ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2745)) void _CommandBarComboBox::PutListHeaderCount ( int pcItems );
__declspec(implementation_key(2746)) int _CommandBarComboBox::GetListIndex ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2747)) void _CommandBarComboBox::PutListIndex ( int pi );
__declspec(implementation_key(2748)) HRESULT _CommandBarComboBox::RemoveItem ( int Index );
__declspec(implementation_key(2749)) enum MsoComboStyle _CommandBarComboBox::GetStyle ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2750)) void _CommandBarComboBox::PutStyle ( enum MsoComboStyle pstyle );
__declspec(implementation_key(2751)) _bstr_t _CommandBarComboBox::GetText ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2752)) void _CommandBarComboBox::PutText ( _bstr_t pbstrText );
__declspec(implementation_key(2753)) _variant_t _CommandBarComboBox::GetInstanceIdPtr ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2754)) _bstr_t _CommandBarActiveX::GetControlCLSID ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2755)) void _CommandBarActiveX::PutControlCLSID ( _bstr_t pbstrClsid );
__declspec(implementation_key(2756)) IUnknownPtr _CommandBarActiveX::GetQueryControlInterface ( _bstr_t bstrIid );
__declspec(implementation_key(2757)) HRESULT _CommandBarActiveX::SetInnerObjectFactory ( IUnknown * pUnk );
__declspec(implementation_key(2758)) HRESULT _CommandBarActiveX::EnsureControl ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2759)) void _CommandBarActiveX::PutInitWith ( IUnknown * _arg1 );
__declspec(implementation_key(2760)) _variant_t _CommandBarActiveX::GetInstanceIdPtr ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2761)) IDispatchPtr ConnectorFormat::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2762)) HRESULT ConnectorFormat::BeginConnect ( struct Shape * ConnectedShape, int ConnectionSite );
__declspec(implementation_key(2763)) HRESULT ConnectorFormat::BeginDisconnect ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2764)) HRESULT ConnectorFormat::EndConnect ( struct Shape * ConnectedShape, int ConnectionSite );
__declspec(implementation_key(2765)) HRESULT ConnectorFormat::EndDisconnect ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2766)) enum MsoTriState ConnectorFormat::GetBeginConnected ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2767)) ShapePtr ConnectorFormat::GetBeginConnectedShape ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2768)) int ConnectorFormat::GetBeginConnectionSite ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2769)) enum MsoTriState ConnectorFormat::GetEndConnected ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2770)) ShapePtr ConnectorFormat::GetEndConnectedShape ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2771)) int ConnectorFormat::GetEndConnectionSite ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2772)) enum MsoConnectorType ConnectorFormat::GetType ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2773)) void ConnectorFormat::PutType ( enum MsoConnectorType Type );
__declspec(implementation_key(2774)) IDispatchPtr FreeformBuilder::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2775)) HRESULT FreeformBuilder::AddNodes ( enum MsoSegmentType SegmentType, enum MsoEditingType EditingType, float X1, float Y1, float X2, float Y2, float X3, float Y3 );
__declspec(implementation_key(2776)) ShapePtr FreeformBuilder::ConvertToShape ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2777)) IDispatchPtr GroupShapes::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2778)) int GroupShapes::GetCount ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2779)) ShapePtr GroupShapes::Item ( const _variant_t & Index );
__declspec(implementation_key(2780)) IUnknownPtr GroupShapes::Get_NewEnum ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2781)) ShapeRangePtr GroupShapes::Range ( const _variant_t & Index );
__declspec(implementation_key(2782)) IDispatchPtr Shape::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2783)) HRESULT Shape::Apply ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2784)) HRESULT Shape::Delete ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2785)) ShapePtr Shape::Duplicate ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2786)) HRESULT Shape::Flip ( enum MsoFlipCmd FlipCmd );
__declspec(implementation_key(2787)) HRESULT Shape::IncrementLeft ( float Increment );
__declspec(implementation_key(2788)) HRESULT Shape::IncrementRotation ( float Increment );
__declspec(implementation_key(2789)) HRESULT Shape::IncrementTop ( float Increment );
__declspec(implementation_key(2790)) HRESULT Shape::PickUp ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2791)) HRESULT Shape::RerouteConnections ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2792)) HRESULT Shape::ScaleHeight ( float Factor, enum MsoTriState RelativeToOriginalSize, enum MsoScaleFrom fScale );
__declspec(implementation_key(2793)) HRESULT Shape::ScaleWidth ( float Factor, enum MsoTriState RelativeToOriginalSize, enum MsoScaleFrom fScale );
__declspec(implementation_key(2794)) HRESULT Shape::Select ( const _variant_t & Replace );
__declspec(implementation_key(2795)) HRESULT Shape::SetShapesDefaultProperties ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2796)) ShapeRangePtr Shape::Ungroup ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2797)) HRESULT Shape::ZOrder ( enum MsoZOrderCmd ZOrderCmd );
__declspec(implementation_key(2798)) AdjustmentsPtr Shape::GetAdjustments ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2799)) enum MsoAutoShapeType Shape::GetAutoShapeType ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2800)) void Shape::PutAutoShapeType ( enum MsoAutoShapeType AutoShapeType );
__declspec(implementation_key(2801)) enum MsoBlackWhiteMode Shape::GetBlackWhiteMode ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2802)) void Shape::PutBlackWhiteMode ( enum MsoBlackWhiteMode BlackWhiteMode );
__declspec(implementation_key(2803)) CalloutFormatPtr Shape::GetCallout ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2804)) int Shape::GetConnectionSiteCount ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2805)) enum MsoTriState Shape::GetConnector ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2806)) ConnectorFormatPtr Shape::GetConnectorFormat ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2807)) FillFormatPtr Shape::GetFill ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2808)) GroupShapesPtr Shape::GetGroupItems ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2809)) float Shape::GetHeight ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2810)) void Shape::PutHeight ( float Height );
__declspec(implementation_key(2811)) enum MsoTriState Shape::GetHorizontalFlip ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2812)) float Shape::GetLeft ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2813)) void Shape::PutLeft ( float Left );
__declspec(implementation_key(2814)) LineFormatPtr Shape::GetLine ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2815)) enum MsoTriState Shape::GetLockAspectRatio ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2816)) void Shape::PutLockAspectRatio ( enum MsoTriState LockAspectRatio );
__declspec(implementation_key(2817)) _bstr_t Shape::GetName ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2818)) void Shape::PutName ( _bstr_t Name );
__declspec(implementation_key(2819)) ShapeNodesPtr Shape::GetNodes ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2820)) float Shape::GetRotation ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2821)) void Shape::PutRotation ( float Rotation );
__declspec(implementation_key(2822)) PictureFormatPtr Shape::GetPictureFormat ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2823)) ShadowFormatPtr Shape::GetShadow ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2824)) TextEffectFormatPtr Shape::GetTextEffect ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2825)) TextFramePtr Shape::GetTextFrame ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2826)) ThreeDFormatPtr Shape::GetThreeD ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2827)) float Shape::GetTop ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2828)) void Shape::PutTop ( float Top );
__declspec(implementation_key(2829)) enum MsoShapeType Shape::GetType ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2830)) enum MsoTriState Shape::GetVerticalFlip ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2831)) _variant_t Shape::GetVertices ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2832)) enum MsoTriState Shape::GetVisible ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2833)) void Shape::PutVisible ( enum MsoTriState Visible );
__declspec(implementation_key(2834)) float Shape::GetWidth ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2835)) void Shape::PutWidth ( float Width );
__declspec(implementation_key(2836)) int Shape::GetZOrderPosition ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2837)) ScriptPtr Shape::GetScript ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2838)) _bstr_t Shape::GetAlternativeText ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2839)) void Shape::PutAlternativeText ( _bstr_t AlternativeText );
__declspec(implementation_key(2840)) enum MsoTriState Shape::GetHasDiagram ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2841)) IMsoDiagramPtr Shape::GetDiagram ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2842)) enum MsoTriState Shape::GetHasDiagramNode ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2843)) DiagramNodePtr Shape::GetDiagramNode ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2844)) enum MsoTriState Shape::GetChild ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2845)) ShapePtr Shape::GetParentGroup ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2846)) CanvasShapesPtr Shape::GetCanvasItems ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2847)) int Shape::GetId ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2848)) HRESULT Shape::CanvasCropLeft ( float Increment );
__declspec(implementation_key(2849)) HRESULT Shape::CanvasCropTop ( float Increment );
__declspec(implementation_key(2850)) HRESULT Shape::CanvasCropRight ( float Increment );
__declspec(implementation_key(2851)) HRESULT Shape::CanvasCropBottom ( float Increment );
__declspec(implementation_key(2852)) void Shape::PutRTF ( _bstr_t _arg1 );
__declspec(implementation_key(2853)) TextFrame2Ptr Shape::GetTextFrame2 ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2854)) HRESULT Shape::Cut ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2855)) HRESULT Shape::Copy ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2856)) enum MsoTriState Shape::GetHasChart ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2857)) IMsoChartPtr Shape::GetChart ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2858)) enum MsoShapeStyleIndex Shape::GetShapeStyle ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2859)) void Shape::PutShapeStyle ( enum MsoShapeStyleIndex ShapeStyle );
__declspec(implementation_key(2860)) enum MsoBackgroundStyleIndex Shape::GetBackgroundStyle ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2861)) void Shape::PutBackgroundStyle ( enum MsoBackgroundStyleIndex BackgroundStyle );
__declspec(implementation_key(2862)) SoftEdgeFormatPtr Shape::GetSoftEdge ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2863)) GlowFormatPtr Shape::GetGlow ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2864)) ReflectionFormatPtr Shape::GetReflection ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2865)) enum MsoTriState Shape::GetHasSmartArt ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2866)) SmartArtPtr Shape::GetSmartArt ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2867)) HRESULT Shape::ConvertTextToSmartArt ( struct SmartArtLayout * Layout );
__declspec(implementation_key(2868)) _bstr_t Shape::GetTitle ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2869)) void Shape::PutTitle ( _bstr_t Title );
__declspec(implementation_key(2870)) IDispatchPtr ShapeRange::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2871)) int ShapeRange::GetCount ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2872)) ShapePtr ShapeRange::Item ( const _variant_t & Index );
__declspec(implementation_key(2873)) IUnknownPtr ShapeRange::Get_NewEnum ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2874)) HRESULT ShapeRange::Align ( enum MsoAlignCmd AlignCmd, enum MsoTriState RelativeTo );
__declspec(implementation_key(2875)) HRESULT ShapeRange::Apply ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2876)) HRESULT ShapeRange::Delete ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2877)) HRESULT ShapeRange::Distribute ( enum MsoDistributeCmd DistributeCmd, enum MsoTriState RelativeTo );
__declspec(implementation_key(2878)) ShapeRangePtr ShapeRange::Duplicate ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2879)) HRESULT ShapeRange::Flip ( enum MsoFlipCmd FlipCmd );
__declspec(implementation_key(2880)) HRESULT ShapeRange::IncrementLeft ( float Increment );
__declspec(implementation_key(2881)) HRESULT ShapeRange::IncrementRotation ( float Increment );
__declspec(implementation_key(2882)) HRESULT ShapeRange::IncrementTop ( float Increment );
__declspec(implementation_key(2883)) ShapePtr ShapeRange::Group ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2884)) HRESULT ShapeRange::PickUp ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2885)) ShapePtr ShapeRange::Regroup ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2886)) HRESULT ShapeRange::RerouteConnections ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2887)) HRESULT ShapeRange::ScaleHeight ( float Factor, enum MsoTriState RelativeToOriginalSize, enum MsoScaleFrom fScale );
__declspec(implementation_key(2888)) HRESULT ShapeRange::ScaleWidth ( float Factor, enum MsoTriState RelativeToOriginalSize, enum MsoScaleFrom fScale );
__declspec(implementation_key(2889)) HRESULT ShapeRange::Select ( const _variant_t & Replace );
__declspec(implementation_key(2890)) HRESULT ShapeRange::SetShapesDefaultProperties ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2891)) ShapeRangePtr ShapeRange::Ungroup ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2892)) HRESULT ShapeRange::ZOrder ( enum MsoZOrderCmd ZOrderCmd );
__declspec(implementation_key(2893)) AdjustmentsPtr ShapeRange::GetAdjustments ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2894)) enum MsoAutoShapeType ShapeRange::GetAutoShapeType ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2895)) void ShapeRange::PutAutoShapeType ( enum MsoAutoShapeType AutoShapeType );
__declspec(implementation_key(2896)) enum MsoBlackWhiteMode ShapeRange::GetBlackWhiteMode ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2897)) void ShapeRange::PutBlackWhiteMode ( enum MsoBlackWhiteMode BlackWhiteMode );
__declspec(implementation_key(2898)) CalloutFormatPtr ShapeRange::GetCallout ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2899)) int ShapeRange::GetConnectionSiteCount ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2900)) enum MsoTriState ShapeRange::GetConnector ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2901)) ConnectorFormatPtr ShapeRange::GetConnectorFormat ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2902)) FillFormatPtr ShapeRange::GetFill ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2903)) GroupShapesPtr ShapeRange::GetGroupItems ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2904)) float ShapeRange::GetHeight ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2905)) void ShapeRange::PutHeight ( float Height );
__declspec(implementation_key(2906)) enum MsoTriState ShapeRange::GetHorizontalFlip ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2907)) float ShapeRange::GetLeft ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2908)) void ShapeRange::PutLeft ( float Left );
__declspec(implementation_key(2909)) LineFormatPtr ShapeRange::GetLine ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2910)) enum MsoTriState ShapeRange::GetLockAspectRatio ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2911)) void ShapeRange::PutLockAspectRatio ( enum MsoTriState LockAspectRatio );
__declspec(implementation_key(2912)) _bstr_t ShapeRange::GetName ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2913)) void ShapeRange::PutName ( _bstr_t Name );
__declspec(implementation_key(2914)) ShapeNodesPtr ShapeRange::GetNodes ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2915)) float ShapeRange::GetRotation ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2916)) void ShapeRange::PutRotation ( float Rotation );
__declspec(implementation_key(2917)) PictureFormatPtr ShapeRange::GetPictureFormat ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2918)) ShadowFormatPtr ShapeRange::GetShadow ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2919)) TextEffectFormatPtr ShapeRange::GetTextEffect ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2920)) TextFramePtr ShapeRange::GetTextFrame ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2921)) ThreeDFormatPtr ShapeRange::GetThreeD ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2922)) float ShapeRange::GetTop ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2923)) void ShapeRange::PutTop ( float Top );
__declspec(implementation_key(2924)) enum MsoShapeType ShapeRange::GetType ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2925)) enum MsoTriState ShapeRange::GetVerticalFlip ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2926)) _variant_t ShapeRange::GetVertices ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2927)) enum MsoTriState ShapeRange::GetVisible ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2928)) void ShapeRange::PutVisible ( enum MsoTriState Visible );
__declspec(implementation_key(2929)) float ShapeRange::GetWidth ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2930)) void ShapeRange::PutWidth ( float Width );
__declspec(implementation_key(2931)) int ShapeRange::GetZOrderPosition ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2932)) ScriptPtr ShapeRange::GetScript ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2933)) _bstr_t ShapeRange::GetAlternativeText ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2934)) void ShapeRange::PutAlternativeText ( _bstr_t AlternativeText );
__declspec(implementation_key(2935)) enum MsoTriState ShapeRange::GetHasDiagram ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2936)) IMsoDiagramPtr ShapeRange::GetDiagram ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2937)) enum MsoTriState ShapeRange::GetHasDiagramNode ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2938)) DiagramNodePtr ShapeRange::GetDiagramNode ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2939)) enum MsoTriState ShapeRange::GetChild ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2940)) ShapePtr ShapeRange::GetParentGroup ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2941)) CanvasShapesPtr ShapeRange::GetCanvasItems ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2942)) int ShapeRange::GetId ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2943)) HRESULT ShapeRange::CanvasCropLeft ( float Increment );
__declspec(implementation_key(2944)) HRESULT ShapeRange::CanvasCropTop ( float Increment );
__declspec(implementation_key(2945)) HRESULT ShapeRange::CanvasCropRight ( float Increment );
__declspec(implementation_key(2946)) HRESULT ShapeRange::CanvasCropBottom ( float Increment );
__declspec(implementation_key(2947)) void ShapeRange::PutRTF ( _bstr_t _arg1 );
__declspec(implementation_key(2948)) TextFrame2Ptr ShapeRange::GetTextFrame2 ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2949)) HRESULT ShapeRange::Cut ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2950)) HRESULT ShapeRange::Copy ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2951)) enum MsoTriState ShapeRange::GetHasChart ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2952)) IMsoChartPtr ShapeRange::GetChart ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2953)) enum MsoShapeStyleIndex ShapeRange::GetShapeStyle ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2954)) void ShapeRange::PutShapeStyle ( enum MsoShapeStyleIndex ShapeStyle );
__declspec(implementation_key(2955)) enum MsoBackgroundStyleIndex ShapeRange::GetBackgroundStyle ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2956)) void ShapeRange::PutBackgroundStyle ( enum MsoBackgroundStyleIndex BackgroundStyle );
__declspec(implementation_key(2957)) SoftEdgeFormatPtr ShapeRange::GetSoftEdge ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2958)) GlowFormatPtr ShapeRange::GetGlow ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2959)) ReflectionFormatPtr ShapeRange::GetReflection ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2960)) _bstr_t ShapeRange::GetTitle ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2961)) void ShapeRange::PutTitle ( _bstr_t Title );
__declspec(implementation_key(2962)) IDispatchPtr Shapes::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2963)) int Shapes::GetCount ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2964)) ShapePtr Shapes::Item ( const _variant_t & Index );
__declspec(implementation_key(2965)) IUnknownPtr Shapes::Get_NewEnum ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2966)) ShapePtr Shapes::AddCallout ( enum MsoCalloutType Type, float Left, float Top, float Width, float Height );
__declspec(implementation_key(2967)) ShapePtr Shapes::AddConnector ( enum MsoConnectorType Type, float BeginX, float BeginY, float EndX, float EndY );
__declspec(implementation_key(2968)) ShapePtr Shapes::AddCurve ( const _variant_t & SafeArrayOfPoints );
__declspec(implementation_key(2969)) ShapePtr Shapes::AddLabel ( enum MsoTextOrientation Orientation, float Left, float Top, float Width, float Height );
__declspec(implementation_key(2970)) ShapePtr Shapes::AddLine ( float BeginX, float BeginY, float EndX, float EndY );
__declspec(implementation_key(2971)) ShapePtr Shapes::AddPicture ( _bstr_t FileName, enum MsoTriState LinkToFile, enum MsoTriState SaveWithDocument, float Left, float Top, float Width, float Height );
__declspec(implementation_key(2972)) ShapePtr Shapes::AddPolyline ( const _variant_t & SafeArrayOfPoints );
__declspec(implementation_key(2973)) ShapePtr Shapes::AddShape ( enum MsoAutoShapeType Type, float Left, float Top, float Width, float Height );
__declspec(implementation_key(2974)) ShapePtr Shapes::AddTextEffect ( enum MsoPresetTextEffect PresetTextEffect, _bstr_t Text, _bstr_t FontName, float FontSize, enum MsoTriState FontBold, enum MsoTriState FontItalic, float Left, float Top );
__declspec(implementation_key(2975)) ShapePtr Shapes::AddTextbox ( enum MsoTextOrientation Orientation, float Left, float Top, float Width, float Height );
__declspec(implementation_key(2976)) FreeformBuilderPtr Shapes::BuildFreeform ( enum MsoEditingType EditingType, float X1, float Y1 );
__declspec(implementation_key(2977)) ShapeRangePtr Shapes::Range ( const _variant_t & Index );
__declspec(implementation_key(2978)) HRESULT Shapes::SelectAll ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2979)) ShapePtr Shapes::GetBackground ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2980)) ShapePtr Shapes::GetDefault ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2981)) ShapePtr Shapes::AddDiagram ( enum MsoDiagramType Type, float Left, float Top, float Width, float Height );
__declspec(implementation_key(2982)) ShapePtr Shapes::AddCanvas ( float Left, float Top, float Width, float Height );
__declspec(implementation_key(2983)) ShapePtr Shapes::AddChart ( enum XlChartType Type, float Left, float Top, float Width, float Height );
__declspec(implementation_key(2984)) ShapePtr Shapes::AddTable ( int NumRows, int NumColumns, float Left, float Top, float Width, float Height );
__declspec(implementation_key(2985)) ShapePtr Shapes::AddSmartArt ( struct SmartArtLayout * Layout, float Left, float Top, float Width, float Height );
__declspec(implementation_key(2986)) IDispatchPtr CanvasShapes::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2987)) int CanvasShapes::GetCount ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2988)) ShapePtr CanvasShapes::Item ( const _variant_t & Index );
__declspec(implementation_key(2989)) IUnknownPtr CanvasShapes::Get_NewEnum ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(2990)) ShapePtr CanvasShapes::AddCallout ( enum MsoCalloutType Type, float Left, float Top, float Width, float Height );
__declspec(implementation_key(2991)) ShapePtr CanvasShapes::AddConnector ( enum MsoConnectorType Type, float BeginX, float BeginY, float EndX, float EndY );
__declspec(implementation_key(2992)) ShapePtr CanvasShapes::AddCurve ( const _variant_t & SafeArrayOfPoints );
__declspec(implementation_key(2993)) ShapePtr CanvasShapes::AddLabel ( enum MsoTextOrientation Orientation, float Left, float Top, float Width, float Height );
__declspec(implementation_key(2994)) ShapePtr CanvasShapes::AddLine ( float BeginX, float BeginY, float EndX, float EndY );
__declspec(implementation_key(2995)) ShapePtr CanvasShapes::AddPicture ( _bstr_t FileName, enum MsoTriState LinkToFile, enum MsoTriState SaveWithDocument, float Left, float Top, float Width, float Height );
__declspec(implementation_key(2996)) ShapePtr CanvasShapes::AddPolyline ( const _variant_t & SafeArrayOfPoints );
__declspec(implementation_key(2997)) ShapePtr CanvasShapes::AddShape ( enum MsoAutoShapeType Type, float Left, float Top, float Width, float Height );
__declspec(implementation_key(2998)) ShapePtr CanvasShapes::AddTextEffect ( enum MsoPresetTextEffect PresetTextEffect, _bstr_t Text, _bstr_t FontName, float FontSize, enum MsoTriState FontBold, enum MsoTriState FontItalic, float Left, float Top );
__declspec(implementation_key(2999)) ShapePtr CanvasShapes::AddTextbox ( enum MsoTextOrientation Orientation, float Left, float Top, float Width, float Height );
__declspec(implementation_key(3000)) FreeformBuilderPtr CanvasShapes::BuildFreeform ( enum MsoEditingType EditingType, float X1, float Y1 );
__declspec(implementation_key(3001)) ShapeRangePtr CanvasShapes::Range ( const _variant_t & Index );
__declspec(implementation_key(3002)) HRESULT CanvasShapes::SelectAll ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3003)) ShapePtr CanvasShapes::GetBackground ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3004)) IDispatchPtr IMsoChart::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3005)) void IMsoChart::PutHasTitle ( VARIANT_BOOL fTitle );
__declspec(implementation_key(3006)) VARIANT_BOOL IMsoChart::GetHasTitle ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3007)) IMsoChartTitlePtr IMsoChart::GetChartTitle ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3008)) int IMsoChart::GetDepthPercent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3009)) void IMsoChart::PutDepthPercent ( int pwDepthPercent );
__declspec(implementation_key(3010)) int IMsoChart::GetElevation ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3011)) void IMsoChart::PutElevation ( int pwElevation );
__declspec(implementation_key(3012)) int IMsoChart::GetGapDepth ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3013)) void IMsoChart::PutGapDepth ( int pwGapDepth );
__declspec(implementation_key(3014)) int IMsoChart::GetHeightPercent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3015)) void IMsoChart::PutHeightPercent ( int pwHeightPercent );
__declspec(implementation_key(3016)) int IMsoChart::GetPerspective ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3017)) void IMsoChart::PutPerspective ( int pwPerspective );
__declspec(implementation_key(3018)) _variant_t IMsoChart::GetRightAngleAxes ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3019)) void IMsoChart::PutRightAngleAxes ( const _variant_t & pvarRightAngleAxes );
__declspec(implementation_key(3020)) _variant_t IMsoChart::GetRotation ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3021)) void IMsoChart::PutRotation ( const _variant_t & pvarRotation );
__declspec(implementation_key(3022)) void IMsoChart::PutDisplayBlanksAs ( enum XlDisplayBlanksAs pres );
__declspec(implementation_key(3023)) enum XlDisplayBlanksAs IMsoChart::GetDisplayBlanksAs ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3024)) void IMsoChart::PutProtectData ( VARIANT_BOOL pres );
__declspec(implementation_key(3025)) VARIANT_BOOL IMsoChart::GetProtectData ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3026)) void IMsoChart::PutProtectFormatting ( VARIANT_BOOL pres );
__declspec(implementation_key(3027)) VARIANT_BOOL IMsoChart::GetProtectFormatting ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3028)) void IMsoChart::PutProtectGoalSeek ( VARIANT_BOOL pres );
__declspec(implementation_key(3029)) VARIANT_BOOL IMsoChart::GetProtectGoalSeek ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3030)) void IMsoChart::PutProtectSelection ( VARIANT_BOOL pres );
__declspec(implementation_key(3031)) VARIANT_BOOL IMsoChart::GetProtectSelection ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3032)) void IMsoChart::PutProtectChartObjects ( VARIANT_BOOL pres );
__declspec(implementation_key(3033)) VARIANT_BOOL IMsoChart::GetProtectChartObjects ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3034)) HRESULT IMsoChart::UnProtect ( const _variant_t & Password );
__declspec(implementation_key(3035)) HRESULT IMsoChart::Protect ( const _variant_t & Password, const _variant_t & DrawingObjects, const _variant_t & Contents, const _variant_t & Scenarios, const _variant_t & UserInterfaceOnly );
__declspec(implementation_key(3036)) IDispatchPtr IMsoChart::GetChartGroups ( VARIANT * pvarIndex, const _variant_t & varIgallery, long lcid );
__declspec(implementation_key(3037)) IDispatchPtr IMsoChart::SeriesCollection ( const _variant_t & Index );
__declspec(implementation_key(3038)) HRESULT IMsoChart::_ApplyDataLabels ( enum XlDataLabelsType Type, const _variant_t & IMsoLegendKey, const _variant_t & AutoText, const _variant_t & HasLeaderLines );
__declspec(implementation_key(3039)) long IMsoChart::GetSubType ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3040)) void IMsoChart::PutSubType ( long RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(3041)) long IMsoChart::GetType ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3042)) void IMsoChart::PutType ( long RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(3043)) IMsoCornersPtr IMsoChart::GetCorners ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3044)) HRESULT IMsoChart::ApplyDataLabels ( enum XlDataLabelsType Type, const _variant_t & IMsoLegendKey, const _variant_t & AutoText, const _variant_t & HasLeaderLines, const _variant_t & ShowSeriesName, const _variant_t & ShowCategoryName, const _variant_t & ShowValue, const _variant_t & ShowPercentage, const _variant_t & ShowBubbleSize, const _variant_t & Separator );
__declspec(implementation_key(3045)) enum XlChartType IMsoChart::GetChartType ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3046)) void IMsoChart::PutChartType ( enum XlChartType RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(3047)) VARIANT_BOOL IMsoChart::GetHasDataTable ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3048)) void IMsoChart::PutHasDataTable ( VARIANT_BOOL RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(3049)) HRESULT IMsoChart::ApplyCustomType ( enum XlChartType ChartType, const _variant_t & TypeName );
__declspec(implementation_key(3050)) HRESULT IMsoChart::GetChartElement ( long x, long y, long * ElementID, long * Arg1, long * Arg2 );
__declspec(implementation_key(3051)) HRESULT IMsoChart::SetSourceData ( _bstr_t Source, const _variant_t & PlotBy );
__declspec(implementation_key(3052)) enum XlRowCol IMsoChart::GetPlotBy ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3053)) void IMsoChart::PutPlotBy ( enum XlRowCol PlotBy );
__declspec(implementation_key(3054)) VARIANT_BOOL IMsoChart::GetHasLegend ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3055)) void IMsoChart::PutHasLegend ( VARIANT_BOOL RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(3056)) IMsoLegendPtr IMsoChart::GetLegend ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3057)) IDispatchPtr IMsoChart::Axes ( const _variant_t & Type, enum XlAxisGroup AxisGroup );
__declspec(implementation_key(3058)) void IMsoChart::PutHasAxis ( const _variant_t & axisType, const _variant_t & AxisGroup, const _variant_t & pval );
__declspec(implementation_key(3059)) _variant_t IMsoChart::GetHasAxis ( const _variant_t & axisType, const _variant_t & AxisGroup );
__declspec(implementation_key(3060)) IMsoWallsPtr IMsoChart::GetWalls ( VARIANT_BOOL fBackWall );
__declspec(implementation_key(3061)) IMsoFloorPtr IMsoChart::GetFloor ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3062)) IMsoPlotAreaPtr IMsoChart::GetPlotArea ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3063)) VARIANT_BOOL IMsoChart::GetPlotVisibleOnly ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3064)) void IMsoChart::PutPlotVisibleOnly ( VARIANT_BOOL RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(3065)) IMsoChartAreaPtr IMsoChart::GetChartArea ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3066)) HRESULT IMsoChart::AutoFormat ( long rGallery, const _variant_t & varFormat );
__declspec(implementation_key(3067)) VARIANT_BOOL IMsoChart::GetAutoScaling ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3068)) void IMsoChart::PutAutoScaling ( VARIANT_BOOL f );
__declspec(implementation_key(3069)) HRESULT IMsoChart::SetBackgroundPicture ( _bstr_t bstr );
__declspec(implementation_key(3070)) HRESULT IMsoChart::ChartWizard ( const _variant_t & varSource, const _variant_t & varGallery, const _variant_t & varFormat, const _variant_t & varPlotBy, const _variant_t & varCategoryLabels, const _variant_t & varSeriesLabels, const _variant_t & varHasLegend, const _variant_t & varTitle, const _variant_t & varCategoryTitle, const _variant_t & varValueTitle, const _variant_t & varExtraTitle, long LocaleID );
__declspec(implementation_key(3071)) HRESULT IMsoChart::CopyPicture ( int Appearance, int Format, int Size, long LocaleID );
__declspec(implementation_key(3072)) IMsoDataTablePtr IMsoChart::GetDataTable ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3073)) _variant_t IMsoChart::Evaluate ( const _variant_t & varName, long LocaleID, long * ObjType );
__declspec(implementation_key(3074)) _variant_t IMsoChart::_Evaluate ( const _variant_t & varName, long LocaleID );
__declspec(implementation_key(3075)) HRESULT IMsoChart::Paste ( const _variant_t & varType, long LocaleID );
__declspec(implementation_key(3076)) enum XlBarShape IMsoChart::GetBarShape ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3077)) void IMsoChart::PutBarShape ( enum XlBarShape pShape );
__declspec(implementation_key(3078)) VARIANT_BOOL IMsoChart::Export ( _bstr_t bstr, const _variant_t & varFilterName, const _variant_t & varInteractive );
__declspec(implementation_key(3079)) HRESULT IMsoChart::SetDefaultChart ( const _variant_t & varName );
__declspec(implementation_key(3080)) HRESULT IMsoChart::ApplyChartTemplate ( _bstr_t bstrFileName );
__declspec(implementation_key(3081)) HRESULT IMsoChart::SaveChartTemplate ( _bstr_t bstrFileName );
__declspec(implementation_key(3082)) IMsoWallsPtr IMsoChart::GetSideWall ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3083)) IMsoWallsPtr IMsoChart::GetBackWall ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3084)) _variant_t IMsoChart::GetChartStyle ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3085)) void IMsoChart::PutChartStyle ( const _variant_t & RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(3086)) HRESULT IMsoChart::ClearToMatchStyle ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3087)) IDispatchPtr IMsoChart::GetPivotLayout ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3088)) VARIANT_BOOL IMsoChart::GetHasPivotFields ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3089)) void IMsoChart::PutHasPivotFields ( VARIANT_BOOL RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(3090)) HRESULT IMsoChart::RefreshPivotTable ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3091)) void IMsoChart::PutShowDataLabelsOverMaximum ( VARIANT_BOOL pRHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(3092)) VARIANT_BOOL IMsoChart::GetShowDataLabelsOverMaximum ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3093)) HRESULT IMsoChart::ApplyLayout ( long Layout, const _variant_t & varChartType );
__declspec(implementation_key(3094)) IDispatchPtr IMsoChart::GetSelection ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3095)) HRESULT IMsoChart::Refresh ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3096)) HRESULT IMsoChart::SetElement ( enum MsoChartElementType RHS );
__declspec(implementation_key(3097)) IMsoChartDataPtr IMsoChart::GetChartData ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3098)) IMsoChartFormatPtr IMsoChart::GetFormat ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3099)) ShapesPtr IMsoChart::GetShapes ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3100)) IDispatchPtr IMsoChart::GetApplication ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3101)) long IMsoChart::GetCreator ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3102)) IMsoChartGroupPtr IMsoChart::GetArea3DGroup ( long lcid );
__declspec(implementation_key(3103)) IDispatchPtr IMsoChart::AreaGroups ( const _variant_t & Index, long lcid );
__declspec(implementation_key(3104)) IMsoChartGroupPtr IMsoChart::GetBar3DGroup ( long lcid );
__declspec(implementation_key(3105)) IDispatchPtr IMsoChart::BarGroups ( const _variant_t & Index, long lcid );
__declspec(implementation_key(3106)) IMsoChartGroupPtr IMsoChart::GetColumn3DGroup ( long lcid );
__declspec(implementation_key(3107)) IDispatchPtr IMsoChart::ColumnGroups ( const _variant_t & Index, long lcid );
__declspec(implementation_key(3108)) IMsoChartGroupPtr IMsoChart::GetLine3DGroup ( long lcid );
__declspec(implementation_key(3109)) IDispatchPtr IMsoChart::LineGroups ( const _variant_t & Index, long lcid );
__declspec(implementation_key(3110)) IMsoChartGroupPtr IMsoChart::GetPie3DGroup ( long lcid );
__declspec(implementation_key(3111)) IDispatchPtr IMsoChart::PieGroups ( const _variant_t & Index, long lcid );
__declspec(implementation_key(3112)) IDispatchPtr IMsoChart::DoughnutGroups ( const _variant_t & Index, long lcid );
__declspec(implementation_key(3113)) IDispatchPtr IMsoChart::RadarGroups ( const _variant_t & Index, long lcid );
__declspec(implementation_key(3114)) IMsoChartGroupPtr IMsoChart::GetSurfaceGroup ( long lcid );
__declspec(implementation_key(3115)) IDispatchPtr IMsoChart::XYGroups ( const _variant_t & Index, long lcid );
__declspec(implementation_key(3116)) _variant_t IMsoChart::Delete ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3117)) _variant_t IMsoChart::Copy ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3118)) _variant_t IMsoChart::Select ( const _variant_t & Replace );
__declspec(implementation_key(3119)) VARIANT_BOOL IMsoChart::GetShowReportFilterFieldButtons ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3120)) void IMsoChart::PutShowReportFilterFieldButtons ( VARIANT_BOOL res );
__declspec(implementation_key(3121)) VARIANT_BOOL IMsoChart::GetShowLegendFieldButtons ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3122)) void IMsoChart::PutShowLegendFieldButtons ( VARIANT_BOOL res );
__declspec(implementation_key(3123)) VARIANT_BOOL IMsoChart::GetShowAxisFieldButtons ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3124)) void IMsoChart::PutShowAxisFieldButtons ( VARIANT_BOOL res );
__declspec(implementation_key(3125)) VARIANT_BOOL IMsoChart::GetShowValueFieldButtons ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3126)) void IMsoChart::PutShowValueFieldButtons ( VARIANT_BOOL res );
__declspec(implementation_key(3127)) VARIANT_BOOL IMsoChart::GetShowAllFieldButtons ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3128)) void IMsoChart::PutShowAllFieldButtons ( VARIANT_BOOL res );
__declspec(implementation_key(3129)) VARIANT_BOOL FileSearch::GetSearchSubFolders ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3130)) void FileSearch::PutSearchSubFolders ( VARIANT_BOOL SearchSubFoldersRetVal );
__declspec(implementation_key(3131)) VARIANT_BOOL FileSearch::GetMatchTextExactly ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3132)) void FileSearch::PutMatchTextExactly ( VARIANT_BOOL MatchTextRetVal );
__declspec(implementation_key(3133)) VARIANT_BOOL FileSearch::GetMatchAllWordForms ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3134)) void FileSearch::PutMatchAllWordForms ( VARIANT_BOOL MatchAllWordFormsRetVal );
__declspec(implementation_key(3135)) _bstr_t FileSearch::GetFileName ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3136)) void FileSearch::PutFileName ( _bstr_t FileNameRetVal );
__declspec(implementation_key(3137)) enum MsoFileType FileSearch::GetFileType ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3138)) void FileSearch::PutFileType ( enum MsoFileType FileTypeRetVal );
__declspec(implementation_key(3139)) enum MsoLastModified FileSearch::GetLastModified ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3140)) void FileSearch::PutLastModified ( enum MsoLastModified LastModifiedRetVal );
__declspec(implementation_key(3141)) _bstr_t FileSearch::GetTextOrProperty ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3142)) void FileSearch::PutTextOrProperty ( _bstr_t TextOrProperty );
__declspec(implementation_key(3143)) _bstr_t FileSearch::GetLookIn ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3144)) void FileSearch::PutLookIn ( _bstr_t LookInRetVal );
__declspec(implementation_key(3145)) int FileSearch::Execute ( enum MsoSortBy SortBy, enum MsoSortOrder SortOrder, VARIANT_BOOL AlwaysAccurate );
__declspec(implementation_key(3146)) HRESULT FileSearch::NewSearch ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3147)) FoundFilesPtr FileSearch::GetFoundFiles ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3148)) PropertyTestsPtr FileSearch::GetPropertyTests ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3149)) SearchScopesPtr FileSearch::GetSearchScopes ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3150)) SearchFoldersPtr FileSearch::GetSearchFolders ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3151)) FileTypesPtr FileSearch::GetFileTypes ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3152)) HRESULT FileSearch::RefreshScopes ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3153)) ScopeFolderPtr SearchFolders::GetItem ( int Index );
__declspec(implementation_key(3154)) int SearchFolders::GetCount ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3155)) HRESULT SearchFolders::Add ( struct ScopeFolder * ScopeFolder );
__declspec(implementation_key(3156)) HRESULT SearchFolders::Remove ( int Index );
__declspec(implementation_key(3157)) IUnknownPtr SearchFolders::Get_NewEnum ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3158)) ScopeFolderPtr ScopeFolders::GetItem ( int Index );
__declspec(implementation_key(3159)) int ScopeFolders::GetCount ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3160)) IUnknownPtr ScopeFolders::Get_NewEnum ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3161)) _bstr_t ScopeFolder::GetName ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3162)) _bstr_t ScopeFolder::GetPath ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3163)) ScopeFoldersPtr ScopeFolder::GetScopeFolders ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3164)) HRESULT ScopeFolder::AddToSearchFolders ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3165)) enum MsoSearchIn SearchScope::GetType ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3166)) ScopeFolderPtr SearchScope::GetScopeFolder ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3167)) SearchScopePtr SearchScopes::GetItem ( int Index );
__declspec(implementation_key(3168)) int SearchScopes::GetCount ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3169)) IUnknownPtr SearchScopes::Get_NewEnum ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3170)) IDispatchPtr IMsoDiagram::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3171)) DiagramNodesPtr IMsoDiagram::GetNodes ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3172)) enum MsoDiagramType IMsoDiagram::GetType ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3173)) enum MsoTriState IMsoDiagram::GetAutoLayout ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3174)) void IMsoDiagram::PutAutoLayout ( enum MsoTriState AutoLayout );
__declspec(implementation_key(3175)) enum MsoTriState IMsoDiagram::GetReverse ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3176)) void IMsoDiagram::PutReverse ( enum MsoTriState Reverse );
__declspec(implementation_key(3177)) enum MsoTriState IMsoDiagram::GetAutoFormat ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3178)) void IMsoDiagram::PutAutoFormat ( enum MsoTriState AutoFormat );
__declspec(implementation_key(3179)) HRESULT IMsoDiagram::Convert ( enum MsoDiagramType Type );
__declspec(implementation_key(3180)) HRESULT IMsoDiagram::FitText ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3181)) IUnknownPtr DiagramNodes::Get_NewEnum ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3182)) DiagramNodePtr DiagramNodes::Item ( const _variant_t & Index );
__declspec(implementation_key(3183)) HRESULT DiagramNodes::SelectAll ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3184)) IDispatchPtr DiagramNodes::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3185)) int DiagramNodes::GetCount ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3186)) IUnknownPtr DiagramNodeChildren::Get_NewEnum ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3187)) DiagramNodePtr DiagramNodeChildren::Item ( const _variant_t & Index );
__declspec(implementation_key(3188)) DiagramNodePtr DiagramNodeChildren::AddNode ( const _variant_t & Index, enum MsoDiagramNodeType NodeType );
__declspec(implementation_key(3189)) HRESULT DiagramNodeChildren::SelectAll ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3190)) IDispatchPtr DiagramNodeChildren::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3191)) int DiagramNodeChildren::GetCount ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3192)) DiagramNodePtr DiagramNodeChildren::GetFirstChild ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3193)) DiagramNodePtr DiagramNodeChildren::GetLastChild ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3194)) DiagramNodePtr DiagramNode::AddNode ( enum MsoRelativeNodePosition Pos, enum MsoDiagramNodeType NodeType );
__declspec(implementation_key(3195)) HRESULT DiagramNode::Delete ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3196)) HRESULT DiagramNode::MoveNode ( struct DiagramNode * TargetNode, enum MsoRelativeNodePosition Pos );
__declspec(implementation_key(3197)) HRESULT DiagramNode::ReplaceNode ( struct DiagramNode * TargetNode );
__declspec(implementation_key(3198)) HRESULT DiagramNode::SwapNode ( struct DiagramNode * TargetNode, VARIANT_BOOL SwapChildren );
__declspec(implementation_key(3199)) DiagramNodePtr DiagramNode::CloneNode ( VARIANT_BOOL CopyChildren, struct DiagramNode * TargetNode, enum MsoRelativeNodePosition Pos );
__declspec(implementation_key(3200)) HRESULT DiagramNode::TransferChildren ( struct DiagramNode * ReceivingNode );
__declspec(implementation_key(3201)) DiagramNodePtr DiagramNode::NextNode ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3202)) DiagramNodePtr DiagramNode::PrevNode ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3203)) IDispatchPtr DiagramNode::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3204)) DiagramNodeChildrenPtr DiagramNode::GetChildren ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3205)) ShapePtr DiagramNode::GetShape ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3206)) DiagramNodePtr DiagramNode::GetRoot ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3207)) IMsoDiagramPtr DiagramNode::GetDiagram ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3208)) enum MsoOrgChartLayoutType DiagramNode::GetLayout ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3209)) void DiagramNode::PutLayout ( enum MsoOrgChartLayoutType Type );
__declspec(implementation_key(3210)) ShapePtr DiagramNode::GetTextShape ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3211)) IDispatchPtr CustomXMLNodes::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3212)) long CustomXMLNodes::GetCount ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3213)) CustomXMLNodePtr CustomXMLNodes::GetItem ( long Index );
__declspec(implementation_key(3214)) IUnknownPtr CustomXMLNodes::Get_NewEnum ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3215)) IDispatchPtr CustomXMLNode::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3216)) CustomXMLNodesPtr CustomXMLNode::GetAttributes ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3217)) _bstr_t CustomXMLNode::GetBaseName ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3218)) CustomXMLNodesPtr CustomXMLNode::GetChildNodes ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3219)) CustomXMLNodePtr CustomXMLNode::GetFirstChild ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3220)) CustomXMLNodePtr CustomXMLNode::GetLastChild ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3221)) _bstr_t CustomXMLNode::GetNamespaceURI ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3222)) CustomXMLNodePtr CustomXMLNode::GetNextSibling ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3223)) enum MsoCustomXMLNodeType CustomXMLNode::GetNodeType ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3224)) _bstr_t CustomXMLNode::GetNodeValue ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3225)) void CustomXMLNode::PutNodeValue ( _bstr_t pbstrNodeValue );
__declspec(implementation_key(3226)) IDispatchPtr CustomXMLNode::GetOwnerDocument ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3227)) _CustomXMLPartPtr CustomXMLNode::GetOwnerPart ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3228)) CustomXMLNodePtr CustomXMLNode::GetPreviousSibling ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3229)) CustomXMLNodePtr CustomXMLNode::GetParentNode ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3230)) _bstr_t CustomXMLNode::GetText ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3231)) void CustomXMLNode::PutText ( _bstr_t pbstrText );
__declspec(implementation_key(3232)) _bstr_t CustomXMLNode::GetXPath ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3233)) _bstr_t CustomXMLNode::GetXML ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3234)) HRESULT CustomXMLNode::AppendChildNode ( _bstr_t Name, _bstr_t NamespaceURI, enum MsoCustomXMLNodeType NodeType, _bstr_t NodeValue );
__declspec(implementation_key(3235)) HRESULT CustomXMLNode::AppendChildSubtree ( _bstr_t XML );
__declspec(implementation_key(3236)) HRESULT CustomXMLNode::Delete ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3237)) VARIANT_BOOL CustomXMLNode::HasChildNodes ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3238)) HRESULT CustomXMLNode::InsertNodeBefore ( _bstr_t Name, _bstr_t NamespaceURI, enum MsoCustomXMLNodeType NodeType, _bstr_t NodeValue, struct CustomXMLNode * NextSibling );
__declspec(implementation_key(3239)) HRESULT CustomXMLNode::InsertSubtreeBefore ( _bstr_t XML, struct CustomXMLNode * NextSibling );
__declspec(implementation_key(3240)) HRESULT CustomXMLNode::RemoveChild ( struct CustomXMLNode * Child );
__declspec(implementation_key(3241)) HRESULT CustomXMLNode::ReplaceChildNode ( struct CustomXMLNode * OldNode, _bstr_t Name, _bstr_t NamespaceURI, enum MsoCustomXMLNodeType NodeType, _bstr_t NodeValue );
__declspec(implementation_key(3242)) HRESULT CustomXMLNode::ReplaceChildSubtree ( _bstr_t XML, struct CustomXMLNode * OldNode );
__declspec(implementation_key(3243)) CustomXMLNodesPtr CustomXMLNode::SelectNodes ( _bstr_t XPath );
__declspec(implementation_key(3244)) CustomXMLNodePtr CustomXMLNode::SelectSingleNode ( _bstr_t XPath );
__declspec(implementation_key(3245)) IDispatchPtr CustomXMLValidationError::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3246)) _bstr_t CustomXMLValidationError::GetName ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3247)) CustomXMLNodePtr CustomXMLValidationError::GetNode ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3248)) _bstr_t CustomXMLValidationError::GetText ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3249)) enum MsoCustomXMLValidationErrorType CustomXMLValidationError::GetType ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3250)) HRESULT CustomXMLValidationError::Delete ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3251)) long CustomXMLValidationError::GetErrorCode ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3252)) IDispatchPtr CustomXMLValidationErrors::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3253)) long CustomXMLValidationErrors::GetCount ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3254)) CustomXMLValidationErrorPtr CustomXMLValidationErrors::GetItem ( long Index );
__declspec(implementation_key(3255)) HRESULT CustomXMLValidationErrors::Add ( struct CustomXMLNode * Node, _bstr_t ErrorName, _bstr_t ErrorText, VARIANT_BOOL ClearedOnUpdate );
__declspec(implementation_key(3256)) IUnknownPtr CustomXMLValidationErrors::Get_NewEnum ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3257)) IDispatchPtr _CustomXMLPart::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3258)) CustomXMLNodePtr _CustomXMLPart::GetDocumentElement ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3259)) _bstr_t _CustomXMLPart::GetId ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3260)) _bstr_t _CustomXMLPart::GetNamespaceURI ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3261)) _CustomXMLSchemaCollectionPtr _CustomXMLPart::GetSchemaCollection ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3262)) void _CustomXMLPart::PutSchemaCollection ( struct _CustomXMLSchemaCollection * ppSchemaCollection );
__declspec(implementation_key(3263)) CustomXMLPrefixMappingsPtr _CustomXMLPart::GetNamespaceManager ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3264)) _bstr_t _CustomXMLPart::GetXML ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3265)) HRESULT _CustomXMLPart::AddNode ( struct CustomXMLNode * Parent, _bstr_t Name, _bstr_t NamespaceURI, struct CustomXMLNode * NextSibling, enum MsoCustomXMLNodeType NodeType, _bstr_t NodeValue );
__declspec(implementation_key(3266)) HRESULT _CustomXMLPart::Delete ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3267)) VARIANT_BOOL _CustomXMLPart::Load ( _bstr_t FilePath );
__declspec(implementation_key(3268)) VARIANT_BOOL _CustomXMLPart::LoadXML ( _bstr_t XML );
__declspec(implementation_key(3269)) CustomXMLNodesPtr _CustomXMLPart::SelectNodes ( _bstr_t XPath );
__declspec(implementation_key(3270)) CustomXMLNodePtr _CustomXMLPart::SelectSingleNode ( _bstr_t XPath );
__declspec(implementation_key(3271)) CustomXMLValidationErrorsPtr _CustomXMLPart::GetErrors ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3272)) VARIANT_BOOL _CustomXMLPart::GetBuiltIn ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3273)) IDispatchPtr SmartArt::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3274)) SmartArtNodesPtr SmartArt::GetAllNodes ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3275)) SmartArtNodesPtr SmartArt::GetNodes ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3276)) SmartArtLayoutPtr SmartArt::GetLayout ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3277)) void SmartArt::PutLayout ( struct SmartArtLayout * Layout );
__declspec(implementation_key(3278)) SmartArtQuickStylePtr SmartArt::GetQuickStyle ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3279)) void SmartArt::PutQuickStyle ( struct SmartArtQuickStyle * Style );
__declspec(implementation_key(3280)) SmartArtColorPtr SmartArt::GetColor ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3281)) void SmartArt::PutColor ( struct SmartArtColor * ColorStyle );
__declspec(implementation_key(3282)) enum MsoTriState SmartArt::GetReverse ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3283)) void SmartArt::PutReverse ( enum MsoTriState Reverse );
__declspec(implementation_key(3284)) HRESULT SmartArt::Reset ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3285)) IUnknownPtr SmartArtNodes::Get_NewEnum ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3286)) SmartArtNodePtr SmartArtNodes::Item ( const _variant_t & Index );
__declspec(implementation_key(3287)) IDispatchPtr SmartArtNodes::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3288)) int SmartArtNodes::GetCount ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3289)) SmartArtNodePtr SmartArtNodes::Add ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3290)) IDispatchPtr SmartArtNode::GetParent ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3291)) SmartArtNodePtr SmartArtNode::AddNode ( enum MsoSmartArtNodePosition Position, enum MsoSmartArtNodeType Type );
__declspec(implementation_key(3292)) HRESULT SmartArtNode::Delete ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3293)) HRESULT SmartArtNode::Promote ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3294)) HRESULT SmartArtNode::Demote ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3295)) enum MsoOrgChartLayoutType SmartArtNode::GetOrgChartLayout ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3296)) void SmartArtNode::PutOrgChartLayout ( enum MsoOrgChartLayoutType Type );
__declspec(implementation_key(3297)) ShapeRangePtr SmartArtNode::GetShapes ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3298)) TextFrame2Ptr SmartArtNode::GetTextFrame2 ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3299)) HRESULT SmartArtNode::Larger ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3300)) HRESULT SmartArtNode::Smaller ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3301)) int SmartArtNode::GetLevel ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3302)) enum MsoTriState SmartArtNode::GetHidden ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3303)) SmartArtNodesPtr SmartArtNode::GetNodes ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3304)) SmartArtNodePtr SmartArtNode::GetParentNode ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3305)) enum MsoSmartArtNodeType SmartArtNode::GetType ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3306)) HRESULT SmartArtNode::ReorderUp ( );
__declspec(implementation_key(3307)) HRESULT SmartArtNode::ReorderDown ( );
#pragma stop_map_region

} // namespace Office

#pragma pack(pop)