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# Thanks for helping! #

## Questions ##

If you're asking a question about Hackety Hack itself, check out the [Hackety
Hack repository][hh].
Otherwise, go ahead and open an [issue][issues] and let us know!

## Bugs ##

If you notice a bug in Hackety-Hack.com, this is the place to let us know.
Please tell us:

- Which url the bug occurred at
- What steps we can take to reproduce this bug
- If the bug is visual, including a screenshot is really helpful.

## Pull Requests ##

We :heart: pull requests; We :heart::blue_heart::green_heart: Pull Requests with tests. In fact, we don't want to accept pull requests without relevant tests. If you're not sure if the feature you want is welcome and you want to check with us, feel free to create [an issue][issues] or if you're just totally driven to make it happen, spike it out and open a pull request, but we'll ask you to add tests before it's merged.

[hh]:     https://github.com/hacketyhack/hacketyhack
[issues]: https://github.com/hacketyhack/hackety-hack.com/issues