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const Boom = require('@hapi/boom')
const LRU = require('lru-cache')
const UUID = require('uuid')

// note: pino is a "soft" dependency
// https://github.com/pinojs/pino#readme
//const pino = require('pino') // see rootLogger

// FIXME: lodash is useful, but it is also troublesome to deal with vulns
const { get, omit, once } = require('lodash')
const debug = require('debug')('koa-omnibus')

const rateLimitByIP = ({ age, max, namespace, rpm }) => {
    // TODO: document how easy it is to replace this with Redis rate limiters
    const cache = new LRU({ max, maxAge: age })
    const touch = ({ ip: key }) => {
        debug('tracing bucket: %s', key)
        if (!cache.has(key)) {
            const reset = Date.now() + age
            cache.set(key, { count: 0, reset })
        const value = cache.get(key)
        value.count += 1
        return value
    const tracingHeaders = (context, headers) => {
        const target = get(context, namespace, {})
        const tracing = get(target, 'tracing', {})
        return Object.assign(tracing, headers)
    const middleware = async function throw429(context) {
        const { count, reset } = touch(context)
        const remaining = Math.max(0, rpm - count)
        const headers = tracingHeaders(context, {
            'X-RateLimit-Limit': `${rpm} request(s) per minute`,
            'X-RateLimit-Remaining': `${remaining} request(s)`,
            'X-RateLimit-Reset': new Date(reset).toISOString(),
        if (rpm < count) {
            headers['Retry-After'] = Math.ceil((reset - Date.now()) / 1000).toFixed(0)
            const message = `Exceeded rate limit [${headers['X-RateLimit-Limit']}]`
            throw Boom.tooManyRequests(message) // data w/ headers is redundant
    return Object.assign(middleware, { cache, touch })

const timeBoundedAsyncFunction = ({ next: ms }) => {
    // conforms to https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status/408
    const message = `Exceeded time limit [${ms} millisecond(s)]`
    const error = Boom.clientTimeout(message)
    error.output.headers.Connection = 'close'
    // TODO: https://github.com/pinojs/pino-debug
    const middleware = async function throw408(_, fn) {
        return new Promise((fulfill, reject) => {
            debug('timeout set: %dms', ms) // do this after?
            const timeout = setTimeout(reject, ms, error)
                .then((result) => {
                    debug('timeout end: %dms', ms)
                .catch((reason) => {
                    debug('timeout hit: %dms', ms)
    // TODO: expose settings somehow, or make dynamic based upon context?
    return middleware

/* istanbul ignore next */
const rootLogger = once(() => {
    const pino = require('pino')
    const logger = pino({
        level: process.env.LOG_LEVEL || 'debug',
        name: process.env.LOG_NAME || 'omnibus',
        serializers: pino.stdSerializers, // Object
    if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') {
        return require('pino-caller')(logger)
    return logger // no pino-caller in prod

// TODO: consider using memoize to obtain same child log as bound:
const getChildLogger = (bindings) => rootLogger().child(bindings)
const childLogger = (_, bindings) => getChildLogger(bindings)

const createBoom = (context, error) => {
    if (error) return Boom.boomify(error, { context })
    return new Boom.Boom(`${context.method} ${context.url}`, {
        statusCode: context.status || 404,

const renderBoom = (context, namespace) => {
    const object = get(context, namespace, {})
    const setHeaders = (parent, keyspace) => {
        const child = get(parent, keyspace, {})
        for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(child)) {
            debug('rendered header: %s=%s', key, value)
            context.set(key, value)
    const error = get(object, 'error')
    if (error && error.isBoom) {
        const { data, output } = error
        context.status = output.statusCode
        setHeaders(output, 'headers')
        context.body = output.payload
        setHeaders(data, 'headers')
        const summary = output.payload.error
        debug('rendered Boom: %s', summary)
    setHeaders(object, 'tracing')
    return error

const tracingObject = (context, key) => {
    const value = context.get(key) || UUID.v1()
    debug('tracing header: %s=%s', key, value)
    return { [key]: value } // more added later

const namespacedObject = (context, namespace, ...args) => {
    const error = createBoom(context) // default: 404 Not Found
    context[namespace] = Object(context[namespace]) // decorated:
    return Object.assign(context[namespace], { error }, ...args)

const defaults = {
    headers: Object.freeze({ timing: 'X-Response-Time', tracing: 'X-Request-ID' }),
    limitRate: ({ limits, namespace }) => rateLimitByIP(Object.assign({ namespace }, limits)),
    limitTime: ({ limits }) => timeBoundedAsyncFunction(limits), // < middleware functions ^
    limits: Object.freeze({ age: 60000, max: 1000 * 1000, next: 60000, rpm: 1000 }),
    namespace: 'omnibus', // if set to false-y value, will write directly to context.state
    redactedError: ({ namespace }, context) => renderBoom(context, namespace), // wraps 500s, etc.
    redactedRequest: (_, context) => omit(context.request, ['header']), // no Authorization
    redactedResponse: (_, context) => omit(context.response, ['header']), // no Set-Cookie
    targetError: (_, context, error) => createBoom(context, error), // target: [namespace].error
    targetLogger: (_, context, bindings = {}) => childLogger(context, bindings), // [namespace].log
    targetObject: ({ namespace }, context, source) => namespacedObject(context, namespace, source),
    targetTracer: (_, context, key) => tracingObject(context, key), // [namespace].tracing

module.exports = defaults