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    <table class="header-table">
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    <tr class="top-aligned-row">
      <td><strong>Last Update:</strong></td>
      <td>Mon Jan 03 12:45:47 -0500 2011</td>
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    <div id="description">
      <h1><a href="../classes/Timelord.html">Timelord</a></h1>
<a href="../classes/Timelord.html">Timelord</a> parses dates out of
strings. The string itself can contain non-date text - for instance:
&quot;Call Matt on Tuesday&quot; will return a date object for the upcoming
  require 'timelord'
  Timelord.parse(&quot;Tuesday&quot;).to_s # &quot;2011-01-04&quot;
For more examples, check out the <a
<h2>Date format</h2>
The default date format is the international format. 11/01 is January 11th.
To use the american date format pass in :american as the second parameter
  Timelord.parse(&quot;11/01&quot;).to_s # &quot;2011-01-11&quot;
  Timelord.parse(&quot;11/01&quot;, :american) # &quot;2011-11-01&quot;
<h2>In the future</h2>
As of version 0.0.1 all dates without a year automatically choose the next
occurrence of that date. If there is demand for the ability to retrieve
previous dates, then the functionality will be added.




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