

0 mins
Test Coverage
# frozen_string_literal: true
module Haml
  class Error < StandardError
    MESSAGES = {
      bad_script_indent:            '"%s" is indented at wrong level: expected %d, but was at %d.',
      cant_run_filter:              'Can\'t run "%s" filter; you must require its dependencies first',
      cant_use_tabs_and_spaces:     "Indentation can't use both tabs and spaces.",
      deeper_indenting:             "The line was indented %d levels deeper than the previous line.",
      filter_not_defined:           'Filter "%s" is not defined.',
      gem_install_filter_deps:      '"%s" filter\'s %s dependency missing: try installing it or adding it to your Gemfile',
      illegal_element:              "Illegal element: classes and ids must have values.",
      illegal_nesting_content:      "Illegal nesting: nesting within a tag that already has content is illegal.",
      illegal_nesting_header:       "Illegal nesting: nesting within a header command is illegal.",
      illegal_nesting_line:         "Illegal nesting: content can't be both given on the same line as %%%s and nested within it.",
      illegal_nesting_plain:        "Illegal nesting: nesting within plain text is illegal.",
      illegal_nesting_self_closing: "Illegal nesting: nesting within a self-closing tag is illegal.",
      inconsistent_indentation:     "Inconsistent indentation: %s used for indentation, but the rest of the document was indented using %s.",
      indenting_at_start:           "Indenting at the beginning of the document is illegal.",
      install_haml_contrib:         'To use the "%s" filter, please install the haml-contrib gem.',
      invalid_attribute_list:       'Invalid attribute list: %s.',
      invalid_filter_name:          'Invalid filter name ":%s".',
      invalid_tag:                  'Invalid tag: "%s".',
      missing_if:                   'Got "%s" with no preceding "if"',
      no_ruby_code:                 "There's no Ruby code for %s to evaluate.",
      self_closing_content:         "Self-closing tags can't have content.",
      unbalanced_brackets:          'Unbalanced brackets.',
      no_end:                       <<-END
You don't need to use "- end" in Haml. Un-indent to close a block:
- if foo?
  %strong Foo!
- else
  Not foo.
%p This line is un-indented, so it isn't part of the "if" block

    def self.message(key, *args)
      string = MESSAGES[key] or raise "[HAML BUG] No error messages for #{key}"
      (args.empty? ? string : string % args).rstrip

    # The line of the template on which the error occurred.
    # @return [Fixnum]
    attr_reader :line

    # @param message [String] The error message
    # @param line [Fixnum] See \{#line}
    def initialize(message = nil, line = nil)
      @line = line

  # SyntaxError is the type of exception raised when Haml encounters an
  # ill-formatted document.
  # It's not particularly interesting,
  # except in that it's a subclass of {Haml::Error}.
  class SyntaxError < Error; end

  # An invalid filter name was used.
  class FilterNotFound < Error; end

  # InternalError means that you hit a bug of Haml itself.
  class InternalError < Error; end