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Test Coverage
+ Tagging test's (resolution: taglob)
+ sites and pages (resolution: Taza::Site)
+ generators for rakefile (resolution: uhh we made one?)
+ running tests by tag (resolution: ???)
+ gem server (resolution: taylor spiked this out)
+ build artifact of a video of a test running (resolution: we have two stories around this now) 
+ test framework choices - what are we going to use and why we are using the one we are (resolution: rspec)
+ accessing the actual browser object (who creates it, who tears it down, etc)
+ block teardown of browser if yield is given for site
+ gem dependencies via hoe.(taglob,rake,rspec,mocha)
+ getting settings of a site: ex ECOM.settings delgates to taza::settings.site_file(ecom)
+ mocks

 - get rid of all the dumb ^M windows line endings
 - url resolving
 - ability to change yaml for a site
 - ability to run integration tests for just a site
 - clean all the config tests
 - add test/spec support for generators
 - add test/spec support for fixtures