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module.exports = function getThemeConfig(grunt, prop, options) {
  "use strict";

  options = options || {}

  var raw = options.raw === undefined ? false : options.raw
    , merge = options.merge === undefined ? false : options.merge
    , themes = require('./get-themes')(grunt, raw)
    , theme
    , finalValue

  for (var themeName in themes) {
    theme = themes[themeName]
    var value = grunt.util.namespace.get(theme, grunt.config.getPropString(prop))

    // no merge right now, just return first founded value
    if (!merge) {
      if (value) {
        return value
    else {
      // if we want to handle a good merge
      // we need to found a smart way to enable or disable merge for each part
      // eg I want my own styles(heet) but I want one more script(so I want also parent theme scripts)

      if (finalValue instanceof Array) {
        if (value instanceof Array) {
          finalValue = value.concat(finalValue)
        else {
      else if (finalValue instanceof Object) {
        if (value instanceof Object) {
          for(i in value) {
            theme[i] = custom[i]
          finalValue = value.concat(finalValue)
        else {
          grunt.fail.warn("Can't append a simple typed value into an object, check your configuration to match parent one")
      else if (finalValue) {
        //if (value instanceof Array) {
          finalValue = value
        // }
        // else {
        //   finalValue = [finalValue, value]
        // }
      else {
        finalValue = [value]

  // array unique
  if (finalValue instanceof Array) {
    var arr = [];
    for(var i = 0; i < finalValue.length; i++) {
        if(arr.indexOf(finalValue[i])<0) {
    finalValue = arr

  return finalValue