

1 day
Test Coverage
This file provides necessary code to allow boot up of a virtual machine with
the correct program running. This code may provide slightly different environment
when compared to real hardware process, since e.g. external files can be mmap-ed
into VM's memory for writing.

import importlib
import mmap

from functools import partial
from ctypes import sizeof
from six import PY2

from .interfaces import IMachineWorker

from .errors import InvalidResourceError
from .util import align, BinaryFile
from .mm import u8_t, u16_t, u32_t, UINT32_FMT, PAGE_SIZE, area_to_pages, PAGE_MASK, ExternalMemoryPage
from .mm.binary import SectionFlags, File
from .snapshot import SnapshotNode
from .hdt import HDT, HDTEntry_Argument, HDTEntry_Device
from .debugging import Point  # noqa

#: By default, Hardware Description Table starts at this address after boot.
DEFAULT_HDT_ADDRESS        = 0x00000100

#: By default, CPU starts executing instructions at this address after boot.

class MMapMemoryPage(ExternalMemoryPage):
  Memory page backed by an external file that is accessible via ``mmap()``
  call. It's a part of one of :py:class:`ducky.boot.MMapArea` instances, and
  if such area was opened as `shared`, every change in the content of its
  pages will reflect onto the content of an external file, and vice versa,
  every change of external file will be reflected in content of this page
  (if this page lies in affected area).

  :param MMapArea area: area this page belongs to.

  def __init__(self, area, *args, **kwargs):
    super(MMapMemoryPage, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    self.area = area

    if PY2:
      self.get, self.put = self._get_py2, self._put_py2

      self.get, self.put = self._get_py3, self._put_py3

  def get(self, offset):
    Read one byte from page.

    This is an abstract method, ``__init__`` is expected to replace it with
    a method, tailored for the Python version used.

    :param int offset: offset of the requested byte.
    :rtype: int

    raise NotImplementedError()

  def put(self, offset, b):
    Write one byte to page.

    This is an abstract method, ``__init__`` is expected to replace it with
    a method, tailored for the Python version used.

    :param int offset: offset of the modified byte.
    :param int b: new value of the modified byte.

    raise NotImplementedError()

  def _get_py2(self, offset):
    Read one byte from page.

    :param int offset: offset of the requested byte.
    :rtype: int

    return ord([self.offset + offset])

  def _put_py2(self, offset, b):
    Write one byte to page.

    :param int offset: offset of the modified byte.
    :param int b: new value of the modified byte.
    """[self.offset + offset] = chr(b)

  def _get_py3(self, offset):
    Read one byte from page.

    :param int offset: offset of the requested byte.
    :rtype: int

    return[self.offset + offset]

  def _put_py3(self, offset, b):
    Write one byte to page.

    :param int offset: offset of the modified byte.
    :param int b: new value of the modified byte.
    """[self.offset + offset] = b

class MMapAreaState(SnapshotNode):
  def __init__(self):
    super(MMapAreaState, self).__init__('address', 'size', 'path', 'offset')

class MMapArea(object):
  Objects of this class represent one mmaped memory area each, to track this
  information for later use.

  :param ptr: ``mmap object``, as returned by :py:meth:`mmap.mmap` function.
  :param u32_t address: address of the first byte of an area in the memory.
  :param u32_t size: length of the area, in bytes.
  :param file_path: path to a source file.
  :param u32_t offset: offset of the first byte in the source file.
  :param int pages_start: first page of the area.
  :param int pages_cnt: number of pages in the area.
  :param mm.binary.SectionFlags flags: flags applied to this area.

  def __init__(self, ptr, address, size, file_path, offset, pages_start, pages_cnt, flags):
    super(MMapArea, self).__init__()

    self.ptr = ptr
    self.address = address

    self.size = size
    self.file_path = file_path
    self.offset = offset
    self.pages_start = pages_start
    self.pages_cnt = pages_cnt
    self.flags = flags

  def __repr__(self):
    return '<MMapArea: address=%s, size=%s, filepath=%s, pages-start=%s, pages-cnt=%i, flags=%s>' % (UINT32_FMT(self.address), self.size, self.file_path, self.pages_start, self.pages_cnt, self.flags.to_string())

  def save_state(self, parent):

  def load_state(self, state):

class ROMLoader(IMachineWorker):
  This class provides methods for loading all necessary pieces into VM's
  memory. These methods are called in VM's `boot` phase.

  def __init__(self, machine):
    self.machine = machine
    self.config = machine.config

    self.opened_mmap_files = {}  # path: (cnt, file)
    self.mmap_areas = {}

    self.logger = self.machine.LOGGER
    self.DEBUG = self.machine.DEBUG

  def _get_mmap_fileno(self, file_path):
    if file_path not in self.opened_mmap_files:
      self.opened_mmap_files[file_path] = [0, open(file_path, 'r+b')]

    desc = self.opened_mmap_files[file_path]

    desc[0] += 1
    return desc[1].fileno()

  def _put_mmap_fileno(self, file_path):
    desc = self.opened_mmap_files[file_path]

    desc[0] -= 1
    if desc[0] > 0:

    del self.opened_mmap_files[file_path]

  def mmap_area(self, file_path, address, size, offset = 0, flags = None, shared = False):
    Assign set of memory pages to mirror external file, mapped into memory.

    :param string file_path: path of external file, whose content new area
      should reflect.
    :param u24 address: address where new area should start.
    :param u24 size: length of area, in bytes.
    :param int offset: starting point of the area in mmaped file.
    :param flags: specifies required flags for mmaped
    :param bool shared: if ``True``, content of external file is mmaped as
      shared, i.e. all changes are visible to all processes, not only to the
      current ducky virtual machine.
    :returns: newly created mmap area.
    :raises ducky.errors.InvalidResourceError: when ``size`` is not multiply of
      :py:data:``, or when ``address`` is not multiply of
      :py:data:``, or when any of pages in the affected area
      is already allocated.

    self.DEBUG('%s.mmap_area: file=%s, offset=%s, size=%s, address=%s, flags=%s, shared=%s', self.__class__.__name__, file_path, offset, size, UINT32_FMT(address), flags.to_string(), shared)

    if size % PAGE_SIZE != 0:
      raise InvalidResourceError('Memory size must be multiple of PAGE_SIZE')

    if address % PAGE_SIZE != 0:
      raise InvalidResourceError('MMap area address must be multiple of PAGE_SIZE')

    mc = self.machine.memory
    pages_start, pages_cnt = area_to_pages(address, size)

    for i in range(pages_start, pages_start + pages_cnt):
      if i in mc.pages:
        raise InvalidResourceError('MMap request overlaps with existing pages: page=%s, area=%s' % (mc.pages[i], mc.pages[i].area))

    mmap_flags = mmap.MAP_SHARED if shared else mmap.MAP_PRIVATE

    # Always mmap as writable - VM will force read-only access using
    # page flags. But since it is possible to change page flags
    # in run-time, and request write access to areas originaly
    # loaded as read-only, such write access would fail because
    # the underlying mmap area was mmaped as read-only only, and this
    # limitation is not possible to overcome.
    mmap_prot = mmap.PROT_READ | mmap.PROT_WRITE

    ptr = mmap.mmap(
      flags = mmap_flags,
      prot = mmap_prot,
      offset = offset)

    area = MMapArea(ptr, address, size, file_path, ptr, pages_start, pages_cnt, flags)

    for i in range(pages_start, pages_start + pages_cnt):
      mc.register_page(MMapMemoryPage(area, mc, i, ptr, offset = (i - pages_start) * PAGE_SIZE))

    self.mmap_areas[area.address] = area

    return area

  def unmmap_area(self, mmap_area):
    mc = self.machine.memory

    for pg in mc.get_pages(pages_start = mmap_area.pages_start, pages_cnt = mmap_area.pages_cnt):

    del self.mmap_areas[mmap_area.address]



  def setup_hdt(self):
    Initialize memory area containing :ref:`HDT`.

    If VM config file specifies ``HDT`` image file, it is loaded, otherwise HDT
    is constructed for the actual configuration, and then it's copied into memory.

    :param u32_t machine.hdt-address: Base address of ``HDT`` in memory. If not
      set, :py:const:`ducky.boot.DEFAULT_HDT_ADDRESS` is used.
    :param str machine.hdt-image: ``HDT`` image to load. If not set, ``HDT`` is
      constructed for the actual VM's configuration.

    self.DEBUG('%s.setup_hdt', self.__class__.__name__)

    hdt_address = self.config.getint('machine', 'hdt-address', DEFAULT_HDT_ADDRESS)
    if hdt_address & ~PAGE_MASK:
      raise InvalidResourceError('HDT address must be page-aligned: address=%s' % UINT32_FMT(hdt_address))

    self.DEBUG('HDT address=%s', UINT32_FMT(hdt_address))

    def __alloc_pages(size):
      pages = self.machine.memory.alloc_pages(base = hdt_address, count = align(PAGE_SIZE, size) // PAGE_SIZE)
      self.machine.DEBUG('%s.setup_hdt: address=%s, size=%s (%s pages)', self.__class__.__name__, UINT32_FMT(hdt_address), size, len(pages))

    hdt_image = self.config.get('machine', 'hdt-image', None)
    if hdt_image is None:
      self.DEBUG('HDT image not specified, creating one')

      hdt = HDT(self.machine.LOGGER, config = self.config)


      def __write_field(writer_fn, size, address, field_value):
        writer_fn(address, field_value)
        return address + size

      def __write_array(max_length, address, field_value):
        for i in range(0, max_length):
          self.machine.memory.write_u8(address + i, field_value[i])

        return address + max_length

      def __write_struct(address, struct):
        self.DEBUG('__write_struct: address=%s, struct=%s (%s)', UINT32_FMT(address), struct, sizeof(struct))

        for n, t in struct._fields_:
          address = writers[sizeof(t)](address, getattr(struct, n))

        return address

      writers = {
        1: partial(__write_field, self.machine.memory.write_u8,  1),
        2: partial(__write_field, self.machine.memory.write_u16, 2),
        4: partial(__write_field, self.machine.memory.write_u32, 4),
        HDTEntry_Argument.MAX_NAME_LENGTH: partial(__write_array, HDTEntry_Argument.MAX_NAME_LENGTH),
        HDTEntry_Device.MAX_NAME_LENGTH: partial(__write_array, HDTEntry_Device.MAX_NAME_LENGTH),
        HDTEntry_Device.MAX_IDENT_LENGTH: partial(__write_array, HDTEntry_Device.MAX_IDENT_LENGTH)

      address = __write_struct(hdt_address, hdt.header)

      for entry in hdt.entries:
        address = __write_struct(address, entry)

      self.DEBUG('Loading HDT image %s', hdt_image)

      with, hdt_image, 'r') as f_in:
        img =


      for address, b in zip(range(hdt_address, hdt_address + len(img)), img):
        self.machine.memory.write_u8(address, b)

  def setup_mmaps(self):
    self.DEBUG('%s.setup_mmaps', self.__class__.__name__)

    for section in self.config.iter_mmaps():
      _get, _getbool, _getint = self.config.create_getters(section)

      access = _get('access', 'r')
      flags = SectionFlags.create(readable = 'r' in access, writable = 'w' in access, executable = 'x' in access)
      self.mmap_area(_get('file'), _getint('address'), _getint('size'), offset = _getint('offset', 0), flags = flags, shared = _getbool('shared', False))

  def setup_debugging(self):
    self.DEBUG('%s.setup_debugging', self.__class__.__name__)

    for section in self.config.iter_breakpoints():
      _get, _getint, _getbool = self.config.create_getters(section)

      core = self.machine.core(_get('core', '#0:#0'))

      klass = _get('klass', 'ducky.debugging.BreakPoint').split('.')
      klass = getattr(importlib.import_module('.'.join(klass[0:-1])), klass[-1])

      p = klass.create_from_config(core.debug, self.config, section)
      core.debug.add_point(p, _get('chain', 'pre-step'))

      for action_section in _get('actions', '').split(','):
        action_section = action_section.strip()
        if not action_section:

        klass = self.config.get(action_section, 'klass').split('.')
        klass = getattr(importlib.import_module('.'.join(klass[0:-1])), klass[-1])

        a = klass.create_from_config(core.debug, self.config, action_section)

  def setup_bootloader(self, filepath, base = None):
    Load :term:`bootloader` into main memory.

    In the world of a real hardware, bootloader binary would be transformed
    into an :term:`image`, and then "burned" in some form into the memory -
    main, or some kind of ROM from which it'd be loaded into main memory at
    the very beginning of boot process.

    :param str filepath: path to bootloader binary.
    :param u32_t base: address of the first byte of bootloader in memory.
      By default, :py:const:`ducky.boot.DEFAULT_BOOTLOADER_ADDRESS` is used.

    self.DEBUG('%s.setup_bootloader: filepath=%s, base=%s', self.__class__.__name__, filepath, UINT32_FMT(base) if base is not None else '<none>')

    base = DEFAULT_BOOTLOADER_ADDRESS if base is None else base
    mc = self.machine.memory

    with, filepath, 'r') as f:
      for section in f.sections:
        self.DEBUG('%s.setup_bootloader: section=%s, base=%s', self.__class__.__name__,, UINT32_FMT(section.header.base))

        if section.header.flags.loadable != 1:
          self.DEBUG('%s.setup_bootloader: section is not loadable', self.__class__.__name__)

        section_base = base + section.header.base
        self.DEBUG('%s.setup_bootloader:   place to %s', self.__class__.__name__, UINT32_FMT(section_base))

        pages_start, pages_cnt = area_to_pages(section_base, section.header.data_size)

        for i in range(pages_start, pages_start + pages_cnt):

        if section.header.flags.bss == 1:
          self.DEBUG('%s.setup_bootloader: BSS section, allocating pages is good enough', self.__class__.__name__)

        for b in section.payload:
          self.machine.memory.write_u8(section_base, b)
          section_base += 1

  def poke(self, address, value, length):
    self.DEBUG('%s.poke: addr=%s, value=%s, length=%s', self.__class__.__name__, UINT32_FMT(address), UINT32_FMT(value), length)

    if length == 1:
      self.machine.memory.write_u8(address, u8_t(value).value)

    elif length == 2:
      self.machine.memory.write_u16(address, u16_t(value).value)

      self.machine.memory.write_u32(address, u32_t(value).value)

  def boot(self):
    self.DEBUG('%s.boot', self.__class__.__name__)


    if self.config.has_section('bootloader'):
      self.setup_bootloader(self.config.get('bootloader', 'file'), base = self.config.getint('bootloader', 'base', DEFAULT_BOOTLOADER_ADDRESS))

  def halt(self):
    self.DEBUG('%s.halt', self.__class__.__name__)

    for area in list(self.mmap_areas.values()):