

2 mos
Test Coverage
import ctypes
import enum
import logging
import sys

from six import add_metaclass, iteritems, string_types
from six.moves import range
from functools import partial
from collections import OrderedDict

from .registers import Registers, REGISTER_NAMES
from import u32_t, i32_t, UINT16_FMT, UINT32_FMT
from ..util import LoggingCapable
from ..errors import EncodingLargeValueError, UnalignedJumpTargetError, InvalidOpcodeError, DivideByZeroError, InvalidInstructionSetError, OperandMismatchError, PrivilegedInstructionError

def UINT20_FMT(i):
  return '0x%05X' % (i & 0xFFFFF)

def encoding_to_u32(inst):
  return ctypes.cast(ctypes.byref(inst), ctypes.POINTER(u32_t)).contents.value

def IE_OPCODE():
  return ('opcode', u32_t, 6)

def IE_FLAG(n):
  return (n, u32_t, 1)

def IE_REG(n):
  return (n, u32_t, 5)

def IE_IMM(n, l):
  return (n, u32_t, l)

class Encoding(ctypes.LittleEndianStructure):
  def sign_extend_immediate(logger, inst, sign_mask, ext_mask):
    logger.debug('sign_extend_immediate: inst=%s, sign_mask=%s, ext_mask=%s', inst, UINT32_FMT(sign_mask), UINT32_FMT(ext_mask))

    if __debug__:
      u = u32_t(ext_mask | inst.immediate) if inst.immediate & sign_mask else u32_t(inst.immediate)
      logger.debug('  result=%s', UINT32_FMT(u))

      return u.value

      i = inst.immediate
      return ((ext_mask | i) & 0xFFFFFFFF) if i & sign_mask else i

  def repr(inst, fields):
    d = OrderedDict()

    fields.insert(0, ('opcode', '%02d'))

    for field, fmt in fields:
      d[field] = fmt % getattr(inst, field)

    if hasattr(inst, 'refers_to'):
      d['refers_to'] = str(getattr(inst, 'refers_to'))

    return '<%s: %s>' % (inst.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(['%s=%s' % (k, v) for k, v in iteritems(d)]))

class EncodingR(ctypes.LittleEndianStructure):
  _pack_ = 0
  _fields_ = [
    IE_OPCODE(),                # 0
    IE_REG('reg1'),             # 6
    IE_REG('reg2'),             # 11
    IE_FLAG('immediate_flag'),  # 16
    IE_IMM('immediate', 15),    # 17

  def fill_reloc_slot(inst, slot):
    logging.getLogger().debug('fill_reloc_slot: inst=%s, slot=%s', inst, slot)

    slot.patch_offset = 17
    slot.patch_size = 15

  def sign_extend_immediate(logger, inst):
    return Encoding.sign_extend_immediate(logger, inst, 0x4000, 0xFFFF8000)

  def __repr__(self):
    return Encoding.repr(self, [('reg1', '%02d'), ('reg2', '%02d'), ('immediate_flag', '%d'), ('immediate', '0x%04X')])

class EncodingC(ctypes.LittleEndianStructure):
  _pack_ = 0
  _fields_ = [
    IE_OPCODE(),                # 0
    IE_REG('reg'),              # 6
    IE_IMM('flag', 3),          # 11
    IE_FLAG('value'),           # 14
    IE_FLAG('immediate_flag'),  # 25
    IE_IMM('immediate', 16)     # 16

  def fill_reloc_slot(inst, slot):
    logging.getLogger().debug('fill_reloc_slot: inst=%s, slot=%s', inst, slot)

    slot.patch_offset = 16
    slot.patch_size = 16

  def sign_extend_immediate(logger, inst):
    return Encoding.sign_extend_immediate(logger, inst, 0x8000, 0xFFFF0000)

  def __repr__(self):
    return Encoding.repr(self, [('reg', '%02d'), ('flag', '%02d'), ('value', '%d'), ('immediate_flag', '%d'), ('immediate', '0x%04X')])

class EncodingS(ctypes.LittleEndianStructure):
  _pack_ = 0
  _fields_ = [
    IE_OPCODE(),                # 0
    IE_REG('reg1'),             # 6
    IE_REG('reg2'),             # 11
    IE_IMM('flag', 3),          # 16
    IE_FLAG('value'),           # 19
    IE_FLAG('immediate_flag'),  # 20
    IE_IMM('immediate', 11)     # 21

  def fill_reloc_slot(inst, slot):
    logging.getLogger().debug('fill_reloc_slot: inst=%s, slot=%s', inst, slot)

    slot.patch_offset = 21
    slot.patch_size = 11

  def sign_extend_immediate(logger, inst):
    return Encoding.sign_extend_immediate(logger, inst, 0x400, 0xFFFFF800)

  def __repr__(self):
    return Encoding.repr(self, [('reg1', '%02d'), ('reg2', '%02d'), ('flag', '%02d'), ('value', '%d'), ('immediate_flag', '%d'), ('immediate', '0x%04X')])

class EncodingI(ctypes.LittleEndianStructure):
  _pack_ = 0
  _fields_ = [
    IE_OPCODE(),                # 0
    IE_REG('reg'),              # 6
    IE_FLAG('immediate_flag'),  # 11
    IE_IMM('immediate', 20),    # 12

  def fill_reloc_slot(inst, slot):
    logging.getLogger().debug('fill_reloc_slot: inst=%s, slot=%s', inst, slot)

    slot.patch_offset = 12
    slot.patch_size = 20

  def sign_extend_immediate(logger, inst):
    return Encoding.sign_extend_immediate(logger, inst, 0x80000, 0xFFF00000)

  def __repr__(self):
    return Encoding.repr(self, [('reg', '%02d'), ('immediate_flag', '%d'), ('immediate', '0x%04X')])

class EncodingA(ctypes.LittleEndianStructure):
  _pack_ = 0
  _fields_ = [
    IE_OPCODE(),                # 0
    IE_REG('reg1'),             # 6
    IE_REG('reg2'),             # 11
    IE_REG('reg3')              # 16

  def __repr__(self):
    return Encoding.repr(self, [('reg1', '%02d'), ('reg2', '%02d'), ('reg3', '%02d')])

class EncodingContext(LoggingCapable, object):
  def __init__(self, logger):
    super(EncodingContext, self).__init__(logger)

    if hasattr(sys, 'pypy_version_info'):
      self.u32_to_encoding = self._u32_to_encoding_pypy

      self.u32_to_encoding = self._u32_to_encoding_python

  def _u32_to_encoding_pypy(self, u, encoding):
    class _Cast(ctypes.Union):
      _pack_ = 0
      _fields_ = [
        ('overall',  u32_t),
        ('encoding', encoding)

    caster = _Cast()
    caster.overall = u32_t(u).value
    return caster.encoding

  def _u32_to_encoding_python(self, u, encoding):
    u = u32_t(u)
    e = encoding()

    ctypes.cast(ctypes.byref(e), ctypes.POINTER(encoding))[0] = ctypes.cast(ctypes.byref(u), ctypes.POINTER(encoding)).contents

    return e

  def encode(self, inst, field, size, value, raise_on_large_value = False):
    self.DEBUG('encode: inst=%s, field=%s, size=%s, value=%s, raise_on_large_value=%s', inst, field, size, value, raise_on_large_value)

    setattr(inst, field, value)

    self.DEBUG('encode: inst=%s', inst)

    if value >= 2 ** size:
      e = buffer.get_error(EncodingLargeValueError, 'inst=%s, field=%s, size=%s, value=%s' % (inst, field, size, UINT32_FMT(value)))

      if raise_on_large_value is True:
        raise e


  def decode(self, instr_set, inst, core = None):
    self.DEBUG('%s.decode: inst=%s, core=%s', self.__class__.__name__, inst, core)

    opcode = inst & 0x3F

    if opcode not in instr_set.opcode_desc_map:
      raise InvalidOpcodeError(opcode, core = core)

    return self.u32_to_encoding(inst, instr_set.opcode_encoding_map[opcode]), instr_set.opcode_desc_map[opcode], opcode

class Descriptor(object):
  mnemonic      = None
  opcode        = None
  operands      = None

  # this is a default encoding, and by the way it silents Codacy's warning
  encoding      = EncodingR

  relative_address = False
  inst_aligned = False

  def __init__(self, instruction_set):
    super(Descriptor, self).__init__()

    self.instruction_set = instruction_set


  def _expand_operands(self):
    if isinstance(self.__class__.operands, list):

    self.__class__.operands = [ot.strip() for ot in self.operands.split(',')] if self.operands is not None else []
    self.operands = self.__class__.operands

  # Execution
  def jit(core, inst):
    return None

  def execute(core, inst):
    raise NotImplementedError('%s does not implement execute method' % inst.opcode)

  # Encoding
  def assemble_operands(ctx, inst, operands):

  def fill_reloc_slot(inst, slot):
    inst.fill_reloc_slot(inst, slot)

  def disassemble_operands(logger, inst):
    return []

  def disassemble_mnemonic(cls, inst):
    return cls.mnemonic

  def _match_operand_type(allowed, operand):
    from ..asm.ast import RegisterOperand, ImmediateOperand

    if isinstance(operand, RegisterOperand) and 'r' not in allowed:
      raise OperandMismatchError(None, allowed, operand)

    if isinstance(operand, ImmediateOperand) and 'i' not in allowed:
      raise OperandMismatchError(None, allowed, operand)

  def emit_instruction(ctx, desc, operands):
    D = ctx.DEBUG

    binst = desc.encoding()

    D('emit_instruction: desc=%s, encoding=%s', desc.__class__.__name__, desc.encoding.__name__)

    binst.opcode = desc.opcode

    D('emit_instruction: desc.operands=%s, operands=%s', desc.operands, operands)

    if isinstance(desc.operands, string_types):

    for index, allowed_types, operand in zip(range(0, len(desc.operands)), desc.operands, operands):
      D('emit_instruction: check operand: allowed=%s, operand=%s', allowed_types, operand)
      Descriptor._match_operand_type(allowed_types, operand)

    desc.assemble_operands(ctx, binst, operands)

    return binst

class Descriptor_R(Descriptor):
  operands = 'r'
  encoding = EncodingR

  def assemble_operands(ctx, inst, operands):
    ctx.encode(inst, 'reg1', 5, operands[0].operand)

  def disassemble_operands(logger, inst):
    return [REGISTER_NAMES[inst.reg1]]

class Descriptor_RI(Descriptor):
  operands = 'ri'
  encoding = EncodingI

  def assemble_operands(ctx, inst, operands):
    from ..asm.ast import RegisterOperand, ReferenceOperand

    op = operands[0]

    if isinstance(op, RegisterOperand):
      ctx.encode(inst, 'reg', 5, op.operand)

      ctx.encode(inst, 'immediate_flag', 1, 1)

      if isinstance(op, ReferenceOperand):
        inst.refers_to = op

        ctx.encode(inst, 'immediate', 20, op.operand)

  def disassemble_operands(logger, inst):
    if inst.immediate_flag == 0:
      return [REGISTER_NAMES[inst.reg]]

    return [str(inst.refers_to) if hasattr(inst, 'refers_to') and inst.refers_to is not None else UINT32_FMT(inst.immediate)]

class Descriptor_R_I(Descriptor):
  operands = 'r,i'
  encoding = EncodingI

  def assemble_operands(ctx, inst, operands):
    from ..asm.ast import ReferenceOperand

    ctx.encode(inst, 'reg', 5, operands[0].operand)
    ctx.encode(inst, 'immediate_flag', 1, 1)

    op = operands[1]

    if isinstance(op, ReferenceOperand):
      inst.refers_to = op

      ctx.encode(inst, 'immediate', 20, op.operand)

  def disassemble_operands(logger, inst):
    return [REGISTER_NAMES[inst.reg], str(inst.refers_to) if hasattr(inst, 'refers_to') and inst.refers_to is not None else UINT20_FMT(inst.immediate)]

class Descriptor_R_RI(Descriptor):
  operands = 'r,ri'
  encoding = EncodingR

  def assemble_operands(ctx, inst, operands):
    from ..asm.ast import RegisterOperand, ReferenceOperand

    ctx.encode(inst, 'reg1', 5, operands[0].operand)

    op = operands[1]

    if isinstance(op, RegisterOperand):
      ctx.encode(inst, 'reg2', 5, op.operand)

      ctx.encode(inst, 'immediate_flag', 1, 1)

      if isinstance(op, ReferenceOperand):
        inst.refers_to = op

        ctx.encode(inst, 'immediate', 15, op.operand)

  def disassemble_operands(logger, inst):
    if inst.immediate_flag == 0:
      return [REGISTER_NAMES[inst.reg1], REGISTER_NAMES[inst.reg2]]

    return [REGISTER_NAMES[inst.reg1], str(inst.refers_to) if hasattr(inst, 'refers_to') and inst.refers_to is not None else UINT16_FMT(inst.immediate)]

class Descriptor_R_R(Descriptor):
  operands = 'r,r'
  encoding = EncodingR

  def assemble_operands(ctx, inst, operands):
    ctx.encode(inst, 'reg1', 5, operands[0].operand)
    ctx.encode(inst, 'reg2', 5, operands[1].operand)

  def disassemble_operands(logger, inst):
    return [REGISTER_NAMES[inst.reg1], REGISTER_NAMES[inst.reg2]]

class InstructionSetMetaclass(type):
  def __init__(cls, name, bases, dict):
    cls.instructions = []

class InstructionSet(object):
  instruction_set_id = None
  opcodes = None

  def init(cls):
    if hasattr(cls, 'opcode_desc_map'):

    cls.opcode_desc_map = {}
    cls.opcode_encoding_map = {}

    for desc in cls.instructions:
      cls.opcode_desc_map[desc.opcode] = desc
      cls.opcode_encoding_map[desc.opcode] = desc.encoding

  def disassemble_instruction(cls, logger, inst):
    logger.debug('%s.disassemble_instruction: inst=%s (%s)', cls.__name__, inst, inst.__class__.__name__)

    if isinstance(inst, ctypes.LittleEndianStructure):
      inst, desc = inst, cls.opcode_desc_map[inst.opcode]

      inst, desc, _ = EncodingContext(logger).decode(cls, inst)

    mnemonic = desc.disassemble_mnemonic(inst)
    operands = desc.disassemble_operands(logger, inst)

    return (mnemonic + ' ' + ', '.join(operands)) if operands else mnemonic

# Main instruction set

def RI_VAL(core, inst, reg, sign_extend = True):
  if inst.immediate_flag == 1:
    if sign_extend is True:
      return inst.sign_extend_immediate(core.LOGGER, inst)

    return inst.immediate % 4294967296

  return core.registers[getattr(inst, reg)]

def RI_ADDR(core, inst, reg):
  core.DEBUG('RI_ADDR: inst=%s, reg=%s', inst, reg)

  base = core.registers[reg]
  offset = inst.sign_extend_immediate(core.LOGGER, inst) if inst.immediate_flag == 1 else 0

  return (base + offset) % 4294967296

def JUMP(core, inst, reg):
  core.DEBUG('JUMP: inst=%s', inst)
  core.DEBUG('  IP=%s', UINT32_FMT(core.registers[Registers.IP]))

  if inst.immediate_flag == 0:
    reg = getattr(inst, reg)
    core.DEBUG('  register=%d, value=%s', reg, UINT32_FMT(core.registers[reg]))
    core.registers[Registers.IP] = core.registers[reg]

    v = inst.sign_extend_immediate(core.LOGGER, inst)
    nip = (core.registers[Registers.IP] + (v << 2)) % 4294967296
    core.DEBUG('  offset=%s, aligned=%s, ip=%s, new=%s', UINT32_FMT(v), UINT32_FMT(v << 2), UINT32_FMT(core.registers[Registers.IP]), UINT32_FMT(nip))
    core.registers[Registers.IP] = nip

  core.DEBUG('JUMP: new ip=%s', UINT32_FMT(core.registers[Registers.IP]))

def update_arith_flags(core, reg):
  Set relevant arithmetic flags according to content of registers. Flags are set to zero at the beginning,
  then content of each register is examined, and ``S`` and ``Z`` flags are set.

  ``E`` flag is not touched, ``O`` flag is set to zero.

  :param u32_t reg: register

  core.arith_zero = False
  core.arith_overflow = False
  core.arith_sign = False

  if reg == 0:
    core.arith_zero = True

  if reg & 0x80000000 != 0:
    core.arith_sign = True

class DuckyOpcodes(enum.IntEnum):
  NOP    =  0

  # Memory load/store
  LW     =  1
  LS     =  2
  LB     =  3
  STW    =  4
  STS    =  5
  STB    =  6
  CAS    =  7
  LA     =  8

  LI     =  9
  LIU    = 10
  MOV    = 11
  SWP    = 12

  INT    = 13
  RETINT = 14

  CALL   = 15
  RET    = 16

  CLI    = 17
  STI    = 18
  RST    = 19
  HLT    = 20
  IDLE   = 21
  LPM    = 22
  IPI    = 23

  PUSH   = 24
  POP    = 25

  INC    = 26
  DEC    = 27
  ADD    = 28
  SUB    = 29
  MUL    = 30
  DIV    = 31
  UDIV   = 32
  MOD    = 33

  AND    = 34
  OR     = 35
  XOR    = 36
  NOT    = 37
  SHL    = 38
  SHR    = 39
  SHRS   = 40

  # Branch instructions
  J      = 46

  # Condition instructions
  CMP    = 47
  CMPU   = 48
  SET    = 49
  BRANCH = 50
  SELECT = 51

  # Control instructions
  CTR    = 60
  CTW    = 61
  FPTC   = 62
  SIS    = 63

class NOP(Descriptor):
  mnemonic = 'nop'
  opcode = DuckyOpcodes.NOP
  encoding = EncodingI

  def execute(core, inst):

# Interrupts
class INT(Descriptor_RI):
  mnemonic      = 'int'
  opcode        = DuckyOpcodes.INT

  def execute(core, inst):
    core._enter_exception(RI_VAL(core, inst, 'reg'))

class IPI(Descriptor_R_RI):
  mnemonic = 'ipi'
  opcode = DuckyOpcodes.IPI

  def execute(core, inst):

    cpuid = core.registers[inst.reg1]
    cpuid, coreid = cpuid >> 16, cpuid & 0xFFFF

    core.cpu.machine.cpus[cpuid].cores[coreid].irq(RI_VAL(core, inst, 'reg2'))

class RETINT(Descriptor):
  mnemonic = 'retint'
  opcode   = DuckyOpcodes.RETINT
  encoding = EncodingI

  def execute(core, inst):

  def jit(core, inst):
    exit_exception = core._exit_exception
    err = PrivilegedInstructionError(core = core)

    def __jit_retint():
      if core.privileged is False:
        raise err


    return __jit_retint

# Jumps
class _JUMP(Descriptor):
  operands = 'ri'
  encoding = EncodingI
  relative_address = True
  inst_aligned = True

  def assemble_operands(ctx, inst, operands):
    from ..asm.ast import RegisterOperand, ReferenceOperand

    op = operands[0]

    if isinstance(op, RegisterOperand):
      ctx.encode(inst, 'reg', 5, op.operand)

      ctx.encode(inst, 'immediate_flag', 1, 1)

      if isinstance(op, ReferenceOperand):
        inst.refers_to = op

        ctx.encode(inst, 'immediate', 20, op.operand >> 2)

  def disassemble_operands(logger, inst):
    if inst.immediate_flag == 0:
      return [REGISTER_NAMES[inst.reg]]

    return [str(inst.refers_to) if hasattr(inst, 'refers_to') and inst.refers_to is not None else UINT32_FMT(inst.immediate << 2)]

class CALL(_JUMP):
  mnemonic      = 'call'
  opcode        = DuckyOpcodes.CALL

  def execute(core, inst):
    frame = core.create_frame()

    JUMP(core, inst, 'reg')

    frame.IP = core.registers[Registers.IP]

  def jit(core, inst):
    regset = core.registers
    push = core._raw_push
    ip = Registers.IP.value
    fp = Registers.FP.value
    sp = Registers.SP.value

    if inst.immediate_flag == 0:
      reg = inst.reg

      def __jit_call():
        regset[fp] = regset[sp]
        regset[ip] = regset[reg]

      return __jit_call

      i = inst.sign_extend_immediate(core.LOGGER, inst) << 2

      def __jit_call():
        regset[fp] = regset[sp]
        regset[ip] = (regset[ip] + i) % 4294967296

      return __jit_call

class J(_JUMP):
  mnemonic = 'j'
  opcode   = DuckyOpcodes.J

  def execute(core, inst):
    JUMP(core, inst, 'reg')

  def jit(core, inst):
    regset = core.registers
    ip = Registers.IP.value

    if inst.immediate_flag == 0:
      reg = inst.reg

      def __jit_j():
        regset[ip] = regset[reg]

      return __jit_j

      i = inst.sign_extend_immediate(core.LOGGER, inst) << 2

      def __jit_j():
        regset[ip] = (regset[ip] + i) % 4294967296

      return __jit_j

class RET(Descriptor):
  mnemonic = 'ret'
  opcode   = DuckyOpcodes.RET
  encoding = EncodingI

  def execute(core, inst):

  def jit(core, inst):
    regset = core.registers
    pop = core._raw_pop
    fp = Registers.FP.value
    ip = Registers.IP.value

    def __jit_ret():
      regset[fp] = pop()
      regset[ip] = pop()

    return __jit_ret

class LPM(Descriptor):
  mnemonic = 'lpm'
  opcode = DuckyOpcodes.LPM
  encoding = EncodingI

  def execute(core, inst):
    core.privileged = False

class CLI(Descriptor):
  mnemonic = 'cli'
  opcode = DuckyOpcodes.CLI
  encoding = EncodingI

  def execute(core, inst):
    core.hwint_allowed = False

  def jit(core, inst):
    err = PrivilegedInstructionError(core = core)

    def __jit_cli():
      if core.privileged is False:
        raise err

      core.hwint_allowed = False

    return __jit_cli

class STI(Descriptor):
  mnemonic = 'sti'
  opcode = DuckyOpcodes.STI
  encoding = EncodingI

  def execute(core, inst):
    core.hwint_allowed = True

  def jit(core, inst):
    err = PrivilegedInstructionError(core = core)

    def __jit_sti():
      if core.privileged is False:
        raise err

      core.hwint_allowed = True

    return __jit_sti

class HLT(Descriptor_RI):
  mnemonic = 'hlt'
  opcode = DuckyOpcodes.HLT

  def execute(core, inst):
    core.exit_code = RI_VAL(core, inst, 'reg')

class RST(Descriptor):
  mnemonic = 'rst'
  opcode = DuckyOpcodes.RST
  encoding = EncodingI

  def execute(core, inst):

class IDLE(Descriptor):
  mnemonic = 'idle'
  opcode = DuckyOpcodes.IDLE
  encoding = EncodingI

  def execute(core, inst):
    core.change_runnable_state(idle = True)

class SIS(Descriptor_RI):
  mnemonic = 'sis'
  opcode = DuckyOpcodes.SIS

  def execute(core, inst):
    core.instruction_set = get_instruction_set(RI_VAL(core, inst, 'reg'))

  def jit(core, inst):
    if inst.immediate_flag == 0:
      regset = core.registers
      reg = inst.reg

      def __jit_sis():
        core.instruction_set = INSTRUCTION_SETS[regset[reg]]

      return __jit_sis

      i = inst.sign_extend_immediate(core.LOGGER, inst)

      def __jit_sis():
        core.instruction_set = INSTRUCTION_SETS[i]

      return __jit_sis

# Stack
class PUSH(Descriptor_RI):
  mnemonic = 'push'
  opcode = DuckyOpcodes.PUSH

  def execute(core, inst):
    core._raw_push(RI_VAL(core, inst, 'reg'))

  def jit(core, inst):
    push = core._raw_push
    regset = core.registers

    if inst.immediate_flag == 0:
      reg = inst.reg

      def __jit_push():

      return __jit_push

      i = inst.sign_extend_immediate(core.LOGGER, inst)

      def __jit_push():

      return __jit_push

class POP(Descriptor_R):
  mnemonic = 'pop'
  opcode = DuckyOpcodes.POP

  def execute(core, inst):
    update_arith_flags(core, core.registers[inst.reg1])

  def jit(core, inst):
    pop = core._raw_pop
    regset = core.registers
    reg = inst.reg1

    def __jit_pop():
      regset[reg] = v = pop()
      core.arith_zero = v == 0
      core.arith_overflow = False
      core.arith_sign = (v & 0x80000000) != 0

    return __jit_pop

# Arithmetic
class INC(Descriptor_R):
  mnemonic = 'inc'
  opcode = DuckyOpcodes.INC

  def execute(core, inst):
    core.registers[inst.reg1] = (core.registers[inst.reg1] + 1) % 4294967296
    update_arith_flags(core, core.registers[inst.reg1])
    core.arith_overflow = core.registers[inst.reg1] == 0

  def jit(core, inst):
    regset = core.registers
    reg = inst.reg1

    def __jit_inc():
      old, new = regset[reg], (regset[reg] + 1) % 4294967296
      regset[reg] = new

      if old == 0:
        core.arith_zero = core.arith_overflow = core.arith_sign = False

      elif old == 0xFFFFFFFF:
        core.arith_zero = core.arith_overflow = True
        core.arith_sign = False

        core.arith_zero = False
        core.arith_overflow = False
        core.arith_sign = (new & 0x80000000) != 0

    return __jit_inc

class DEC(Descriptor_R):
  mnemonic = 'dec'
  opcode = DuckyOpcodes.DEC

  def execute(core, inst):
    core.registers[inst.reg1] = (core.registers[inst.reg1] - 1) % 4294967296
    update_arith_flags(core, core.registers[inst.reg1])

  def jit(core, inst):
    regset = core.registers
    reg = inst.reg1

    def __jit_dec():
      old, new = regset[reg], (regset[reg] - 1) % 4294967296
      regset[reg] = new

      if old == 0:
        core.arith_zero = core.arith_overflow = False
        core.arith_sign = True

      elif old == 1:
        core.arith_zero = True
        core.arith_overflow = core.arith_sign = False

        core.arith_zero = core.arith_overflow = False
        core.arith_sign = (new & 0x80000000) != 0

    return __jit_dec

class _BINOP(Descriptor_R_RI):
  encoding = EncodingR

  def execute(core, inst):
    regset = core.registers
    r = regset[inst.reg1]
    v = RI_VAL(core, inst, 'reg2')

    if inst.opcode == DuckyOpcodes.ADD:
      v = (r + v)

    elif inst.opcode == DuckyOpcodes.SUB:
      v = (r - v)

    elif inst.opcode == DuckyOpcodes.MUL:
      x = i32_t(r).value
      y = i32_t(v).value
      v = x * y

    elif inst.opcode == DuckyOpcodes.DIV:
      y = i32_t(v).value
      if y == 0:
        raise DivideByZeroError(core = core)

      x = i32_t(r).value

      if abs(y) > abs(x):
        v = 0

        v = x // y

    elif inst.opcode == DuckyOpcodes.UDIV:
      y = u32_t(v).value
      if y == 0:
        raise DivideByZeroError(core = core)

      x = u32_t(r).value
      v = x // y

    elif inst.opcode == DuckyOpcodes.MOD:
      y = i32_t(v).value
      if y == 0:
        raise DivideByZeroError(core = core)

      x = i32_t(r).value
      v = x % y

    regset[inst.reg1] = v % 4294967296
    update_arith_flags(core, regset[inst.reg1])

    if v > 0xFFFFFFFF:
      core.arith_overflow = True

class ADD(_BINOP):
  mnemonic = 'add'
  opcode = DuckyOpcodes.ADD

  def jit(core, inst):
    regset = core.registers

    if inst.immediate_flag == 1:
      reg = inst.reg1
      i = inst.sign_extend_immediate(core.LOGGER, inst)

      def __jit_add():
        v = regset[reg] + i
        regset[reg] = r = v % 4294967296
        core.arith_zero = r == 0
        core.arith_overflow = v > 0xFFFFFFFF
        core.arith_sign = (v & 0x80000000) != 0

      return __jit_add

      reg1, reg2 = inst.reg1, inst.reg2

      def __jit_add():
        v = regset[reg1] + regset[reg2]
        regset[reg1] = r = v % 4294967296
        core.arith_zero = r == 0
        core.arith_overflow = v > 0xFFFFFFFF
        core.arith_sign = (v & 0x80000000) != 0

      return __jit_add

class SUB(_BINOP):
  mnemonic = 'sub'
  opcode = DuckyOpcodes.SUB

  def jit(core, inst):
    regset = core.registers

    if inst.immediate_flag == 1:
      reg = inst.reg1
      i = inst.sign_extend_immediate(core.LOGGER, inst)

      def __jit_sub():
        v = regset[reg] - i
        regset[reg] = r = v % 4294967296
        core.arith_zero = r == 0
        core.arith_overflow = v > 0xFFFFFFFF
        core.arith_sign = (v & 0x80000000) != 0

      return __jit_sub

      reg1, reg2 = inst.reg1, inst.reg2

      def __jit_sub():
        v = regset[reg1] - regset[reg2]
        regset[reg1] = r = v % 4294967296
        core.arith_zero = r == 0
        core.arith_overflow = v > 0xFFFFFFFF
        core.arith_sign = (v & 0x80000000) != 0

      return __jit_sub

class MUL(_BINOP):
  mnemonic = 'mul'
  opcode = DuckyOpcodes.MUL

  def jit(core, inst):
    regset = core.registers

    if inst.immediate_flag == 1:
      reg = inst.reg1
      i = i32_t(inst.sign_extend_immediate(core.LOGGER, inst)).value

      def __jit_mul():
        v = i32_t(regset[reg]).value * i
        regset[reg] = r = v % 4294967296
        core.arith_zero = r == 0
        core.arith_overflow = v > 0xFFFFFFFF
        core.arith_sign = (v & 0x80000000) != 0

      return __jit_mul

      reg1, reg2 = inst.reg1, inst.reg2

      def __jit_mul():
        v = i32_t(regset[reg1]).value * i32_t(regset[reg2]).value
        regset[reg1] = r = v % 4294967296
        core.arith_zero = r == 0
        core.arith_overflow = v > 0xFFFFFFFF
        core.arith_sign = (v & 0x80000000) != 0

      return __jit_mul

class DIV(_BINOP):
  mnemonic = 'div'
  opcode = DuckyOpcodes.DIV

  def jit(core, inst):
    regset = core.registers
    err = DivideByZeroError(core = core)

    if inst.immediate_flag == 1:
      y = inst.sign_extend_immediate(core.LOGGER, inst)

      if y == 0:
        def __jit_div():
          raise err

        return __jit_div

        reg = inst.reg1
        y_i = i32_t(y).value
        y_a = abs(y_i)

        def __jit_div():
          x = regset[reg]
          x_i = i32_t(x).value

          if y_a > abs(x_i):
            r = 0

            core.arith_zero = True

            r = x_i // y_i

            core.arith_zero = False

          regset[reg] = r % 4294967296

          core.arith_overflow = False
          core.arith_sign = (r & 0x80000000) != 0

        return __jit_div

      reg1 = inst.reg1
      reg2 = inst.reg2

      def __jit_div():
        y = regset[reg2]

        if y == 0:
          raise err

        y_i = i32_t(y).value
        y_a = abs(y_i)

        x = regset[reg1]
        x_i = i32_t(x).value
        x_a = abs(x_i)

        if y_a > x_a:
          r = 0

          core.arith_zero = True

          r = x_i // y_i

          core.arith_zero = False

        regset[reg1] = r % 4294967296

        core.arith_overflow = False
        core.arith_sign = (r & 0x80000000) != 0

      return __jit_div

class UDIV(_BINOP):
  mnemonic = 'udiv'
  opcode = DuckyOpcodes.UDIV

  def jit(core, inst):
    regset = core.registers
    err = DivideByZeroError(core = core)

    if inst.immediate_flag == 1:
      y = inst.sign_extend_immediate(core.LOGGER, inst)

      if y == 0:
        def __jit_udiv():
          raise err

        return __jit_udiv

        reg = inst.reg1

        def __jit_udiv():
          x = regset[reg]

          r = x // y
          regset[reg] = r % 4294967296

          core.arith_zero = r == 0
          core.arith_overflow = False
          core.arith_sign = (r & 0x80000000) != 0

        return __jit_udiv

      reg1 = inst.reg1
      reg2 = inst.reg2

      def __jit_udiv():
        y = regset[reg2]

        if y == 0:
          raise err

        x = regset[reg1]

        r = x // y
        regset[reg1] = r % 4294967296

        core.arith_zero = r == 0
        core.arith_overflow = False
        core.arith_sign = (r & 0x80000000) != 0

      return __jit_udiv

class MOD(_BINOP):
  mnemonic = 'mod'
  opcode = DuckyOpcodes.MOD

  def jit(core, inst):
    regset = core.registers
    err = DivideByZeroError(core = core)

    if inst.immediate_flag == 1:
      y = inst.sign_extend_immediate(core.LOGGER, inst)

      if y == 0:
        def __jit_mod():
          raise err

        return __jit_mod

        reg = inst.reg1
        y_i = i32_t(y).value

        def __jit_mod():
          x_i = i32_t(regset[reg]).value

          r = x_i % y_i
          regset[reg] = r % 4294967296

          core.arith_zero = r == 0
          core.arith_overflow = False
          core.arith_sign = (r & 0x80000000) != 0

        return __jit_mod

      reg1 = inst.reg1
      reg2 = inst.reg2

      def __jit_mod():
        y = regset[reg2]

        if y == 0:
          raise err

        y_i = i32_t(y).value
        x_i = i32_t(regset[reg1]).value

        r = x_i % y_i
        regset[reg1] = r % 4294967296

        core.arith_zero = r == 0
        core.arith_overflow = False
        core.arith_sign = (r & 0x80000000) != 0

      return __jit_mod

# Conditional and unconditional jumps
class _COND(Descriptor):
  FLAGS = ['arith_equal', 'arith_zero', 'arith_overflow', 'arith_sign', 'l', 'g']
  GFLAGS = [0, 1, 2, 3]
  MNEMONICS = ['e', 'z', 'o', 's', 'g', 'l']

  def set_condition(ctx, inst, flag, value):
    ctx.DEBUG('set_condition: flag=%s, value=%s', flag, value)

    ctx.encode(inst, 'flag', 3, _COND.FLAGS.index(flag))
    ctx.encode(inst, 'value', 1, 1 if value is True else 0)

  def evaluate(core, inst):
    # genuine flags
    if inst.flag in _COND.GFLAGS and inst.value == getattr(core, _COND.FLAGS[inst.flag]):
      return True

    # "less than" flag
    if inst.flag == 4:
      if inst.value == 1 and core.arith_sign is True and core.arith_equal is not True:
        return True

      if inst.value == 0 and (core.arith_sign is not True or core.arith_equal is True):
        return True

    # "greater than" flag
    if inst.flag == 5:
      if inst.value == 1 and core.arith_sign is not True and core.arith_equal is not True:
        return True

      if inst.value == 0 and (core.arith_sign is True or core.arith_equal is True):
        return True

    return False

class _BRANCH(_COND):
  encoding = EncodingC
  operands = 'ri'
  opcode = DuckyOpcodes.BRANCH
  relative_address = True
  inst_aligned = True

  def assemble_operands(cls, ctx, inst, operands):
    from ..asm.ast import RegisterOperand, ReferenceOperand

    op = operands[0]

    if isinstance(op, RegisterOperand):
      ctx.encode(inst, 'reg', 5, op.operand)

      ctx.encode(inst, 'immediate_flag', 1, 1)

      if isinstance(op, ReferenceOperand):
        inst.refers_to = op

        v = op.operand

        if v & 0x3 != 0:
          raise buffer.get_error(UnalignedJumpTargetError, 'address=%s' % UINT32_FMT(v))

        ctx.encode(inst, 'immediate', 16, v >> 2)

    set_condition = partial(_COND.set_condition, ctx, inst)

    if cls is BE:
      set_condition('arith_equal', True)

    elif cls is BNE:
      set_condition('arith_equal', False)

    elif cls is BZ:
      set_condition('arith_zero', True)

    elif cls is BNZ:
      set_condition('arith_zero', False)

    elif cls is BO:
      set_condition('arith_overflow', True)

    elif cls is BNO:
      set_condition('arith_overflow', False)

    elif cls is BS:
      set_condition('arith_sign', True)

    elif cls is BNS:
      set_condition('arith_sign', False)

    elif cls is BL:
      set_condition('l', True)

    elif cls is BLE:
      set_condition('g', False)

    elif cls is BG:
      set_condition('g', True)

    elif cls is BGE:
      set_condition('l', False)

  def fill_reloc_slot(inst, slot):
    inst.fill_reloc_slot(inst, slot)

    slot.flags.inst_aligned = True

  def disassemble_operands(logger, inst):
    if inst.immediate_flag == 0:
      return [REGISTER_NAMES[inst.reg]]

    return [str(inst.refers_to) if hasattr(inst, 'refers_to') and inst.refers_to is not None else UINT32_FMT(inst.immediate << 2)]

  def disassemble_mnemonic(inst):
    if inst.flag in _COND.GFLAGS:
      return 'b%s%s' % ('n' if inst.value == 0 else '', _COND.MNEMONICS[inst.flag])

      if inst.flag == _COND.FLAGS.index('l'):
        return 'bl' if inst.value == 1 else 'bge'

      elif inst.flag == _COND.FLAGS.index('g'):
        return 'bg' if inst.value == 1 else 'ble'

  def execute(core, inst):
    if _COND.evaluate(core, inst):
      JUMP(core, inst, 'reg')

  def jit(core, inst):
    core.DEBUG('JIT: %s', inst)

    regset = core.registers
    ip = Registers.IP.value

    if inst.immediate_flag == 1:
      i = inst.sign_extend_immediate(core.LOGGER, inst) << 2

      reg = inst.reg

    if inst.flag == 0:
      if inst.value == 0:
        if inst.immediate_flag == 0:
          def __branch_ne():
            if core.arith_equal is False:
              regset[ip] = regset[reg]

          return __branch_ne

          def __branch_ne():
            if core.arith_equal is False:
              regset[ip] = (regset[ip] + i) % 4294967296

          return __branch_ne

        if inst.immediate_flag == 0:
          def __branch_e():
            if core.arith_equal is True:
              regset[ip] = regset[reg]

          return __branch_e

          def __branch_e():
            if core.arith_equal is True:
              regset[ip] = (regset[ip] + i) % 4294967296

          return __branch_e

    elif inst.flag == 1:
      if inst.value == 0:
        if inst.immediate_flag == 0:
          def __branch_nz():
            if core.arith_zero is False:
              regset[ip] = regset[reg]

          return __branch_nz

          def __branch_nz():
            if core.arith_zero is False:
              regset[ip] = (regset[ip] + i) % 4294967296

          return __branch_nz

        if inst.immediate_flag == 0:
          def __branch_z():
            if core.arith_zero is True:
              regset[ip] = regset[reg]

          return __branch_z

          def __branch_z():
            if core.arith_zero is True:
              regset[ip] = (regset[ip] + i) % 4294967296

          return __branch_z

    elif inst.flag == 2:
      if inst.value == 0:
        if inst.immediate_flag == 0:
          def __branch_no():
            if core.arith_overflow is False:
              regset[ip] = regset[reg]

          return __branch_no

          def __branch_no():
            if core.arith_overflow is False:
              regset[ip] = (regset[ip] + i) % 4294967296

          return __branch_no

        if inst.immediate_flag == 0:
          def __branch_o():
            if core.arith_overflow is True:
              regset[ip] = regset[reg]

          return __branch_o

          def __branch_o():
            if core.arith_overflow is True:
              regset[ip] = (regset[ip] + i) % 4294967296

          return __branch_o

    elif inst.flag == 3:
      if inst.value == 0:
        if inst.immediate_flag == 0:
          def __branch_ns():
            if core.arith_sign is False:
              regset[ip] = regset[reg]

          return __branch_ns

          def __branch_ns():
            if core.arith_sign is False:
              regset[ip] = (regset[ip] + i) % 4294967296

          return __branch_ns

        if inst.immediate_flag == 0:
          def __branch_s():
            if core.arith_sign is True:
              regset[ip] = regset[reg]

          return __branch_s

          def __branch_s():
            if core.arith_sign is True:
              regset[ip] = (regset[ip] + i) % 4294967296

          return __branch_s

    elif inst.flag == 4:
      if inst.value == 0:
        if inst.immediate_flag == 0:
          def __branch_ge():
            if core.arith_sign is False or core.arith_equal is True:
              regset[ip] = regset[reg]

          return __branch_ge

          def __branch_ge():
            if core.arith_sign is False or core.arith_equal is True:
              regset[ip] = (regset[ip] + i) % 4294967296

          return __branch_ge

        if inst.immediate_flag == 0:
          def __branch_l():
            if core.arith_sign is True and core.arith_equal is False:
              regset[ip] = regset[reg]

          return __branch_l

          def __branch_l():
            if core.arith_sign is True and core.arith_equal is False:
              regset[ip] = (regset[ip] + i) % 4294967296

          return __branch_l

    elif inst.flag == 5:
      if inst.value == 0:
        if inst.immediate_flag == 0:
          def __branch_le():
            if core.arith_sign is True or core.arith_equal is True:
              regset[ip] = regset[reg]

          return __branch_le

          def __branch_le():
            if core.arith_sign is True or core.arith_equal is True:
              regset[ip] = (regset[ip] + i) % 4294967296

          return __branch_le

        if inst.immediate_flag == 0:
          def __branch_g():
            if core.arith_sign is False and core.arith_equal is False:
              regset[ip] = regset[reg]

          return __branch_g

          def __branch_g():
            if core.arith_sign is False and core.arith_equal is False:
              regset[ip] = (regset[ip] + i) % 4294967296

          return __branch_g

    return None

class _SET(_COND):
  encoding = EncodingS
  operands = 'r'
  opcode = DuckyOpcodes.SET

  def assemble_operands(cls, ctx, inst, operands):
    ctx.encode(inst, 'reg1', 5, operands[0].operand)

    set_condition = partial(_COND.set_condition, ctx, inst)

    if cls is SETE:
      set_condition('arith_equal', True)

    elif cls is SETNE:
      set_condition('arith_equal', False)

    elif cls is SETZ:
      set_condition('arith_zero', True)

    elif cls is SETNZ:
      set_condition('arith_zero', False)

    elif cls is SETO:
      set_condition('arith_overflow', True)

    elif cls is SETNO:
      set_condition('arith_overflow', False)

    elif cls is SETS:
      set_condition('arith_sign', True)

    elif cls is SETNS:
      set_condition('arith_sign', False)

    elif cls is SETL:
      set_condition('l', True)

    elif cls is SETLE:
      set_condition('g', False)

    elif cls is SETG:
      set_condition('g', True)

    elif cls is SETGE:
      set_condition('l', False)

  def disassemble_operands(logger, inst):
    return [REGISTER_NAMES[inst.reg1]]

  def disassemble_mnemonic(inst):
    if inst.flag in _COND.GFLAGS:
      return 'set%s%s' % ('n' if inst.value == 0 else '', _COND.MNEMONICS[inst.flag])

      return 'set%s%s' % (_COND.MNEMONICS[inst.flag], 'e' if inst.value == 1 else '')

  def execute(core, inst):
    core.registers[inst.reg1] = 1 if _COND.evaluate(core, inst) is True else 0
    update_arith_flags(core, core.registers[inst.reg1])

class _SELECT(Descriptor):
  encoding = EncodingS
  operands = 'r,ri'
  opcode = DuckyOpcodes.SELECT

  def assemble_operands(cls, ctx, inst, operands):
    from ..asm.ast import RegisterOperand, ReferenceOperand

    ctx.encode(inst, 'reg1', 5, operands[0].operand)

    op = operands[1]

    if isinstance(op, RegisterOperand):
      ctx.encode(inst, 'reg2', 5, op.operand)

      ctx.encode(inst, 'immediate_flag', 1, 1)

      if isinstance(op, ReferenceOperand):
        inst.refers_to = op
        ctx.encode(inst, 'immediate', 11, op.operand)

    set_condition = partial(_COND.set_condition, ctx, inst)

    if cls is SELE:
      set_condition('arith_equal', True)

    elif cls is SELNE:
      set_condition('arith_equal', False)

    elif cls is SELZ:
      set_condition('arith_zero', True)

    elif cls is SELNZ:
      set_condition('arith_zero', False)

    elif cls is SELO:
      set_condition('arith_overflow', True)

    elif cls is SELNO:
      set_condition('arith_overflow', False)

    elif cls is SELS:
      set_condition('arith_sign', True)

    elif cls is SELNS:
      set_condition('arith_sign', False)

    elif cls is SELL:
      set_condition('l', True)

    elif cls is SELLE:
      set_condition('g', False)

    elif cls is SELG:
      set_condition('g', True)

    elif cls is SELGE:
      set_condition('l', False)

  def disassemble_operands(logger, inst):
    if inst.immediate_flag == 0:
      return [REGISTER_NAMES[inst.reg1], REGISTER_NAMES[inst.reg2]]

    return [REGISTER_NAMES[inst.reg1], str(inst.refers_to) if hasattr(inst, 'refers_to') and inst.refers_to is not None else UINT32_FMT(inst.immediate)]

  def disassemble_mnemonic(inst):
    if inst.flag in _COND.GFLAGS:
      return 'sel%s%s' % ('n' if inst.value == 0 else '', _COND.MNEMONICS[inst.flag])

      return 'sel%s%s' % (_COND.MNEMONICS[inst.flag], '' if inst.value == 1 else 'e')

  def execute(core, inst):
    if _COND.evaluate(core, inst) is False:
      core.registers[inst.reg1] = RI_VAL(core, inst, 'reg2')

    update_arith_flags(core, core.registers[inst.reg1])

  def jit(core, inst):
    regset = core.registers
    reg1 = inst.reg1

    if inst.immediate_flag == 1:
      i = inst.sign_extend_immediate(core.LOGGER, inst)
      zero = i == 0
      sign = (i & 0x80000000) != 0

      reg2 = inst.reg2

    if inst.flag == 0:
      if inst.value == 0:
        if inst.immediate_flag == 0:
          def __jit_selne():
            if core.arith_equal is True:
              regset[reg1] = v = regset[reg2]

              v = regset[reg1]

            core.arith_zero = v == 0
            core.arith_overflow = False
            core.arith_sign = (v & 0x80000000) != 0

          return __jit_selne

          def __jit_selne():
            if core.arith_equal is True:
              regset[reg1] = i

              core.arith_zero = zero
              core.arith_sign = sign

              v = regset[reg1]

              core.arith_zero = v == 0
              core.arith_sign = (v & 0x80000000) != 0

            core.arith_overflow = False

          return __jit_selne

        if inst.immediate_flag == 0:
          def __jit_sele():
            if core.arith_equal is False:
              regset[reg1] = v = regset[reg2]

              v = regset[reg1]

            core.arith_zero = v == 0
            core.arith_overflow = False
            core.arith_sign = (v & 0x80000000) != 0

          return __jit_sele

          def __jit_sele():
            if core.arith_equal is False:
              regset[reg1] = i

              core.arith_zero = zero
              core.arith_sign = sign

              v = regset[reg1]

              core.arith_zero = v == 0
              core.arith_sign = (v & 0x80000000) != 0

            core.arith_overflow = False

          return __jit_sele

    elif inst.flag == 4:
      if inst.value == 0:
        if inst.immediate_flag == 0:
          def __jit_selge():
            if core.arith_sign is True and core.arith_equal is False:
              regset[reg1] = v = regset[reg2]

              v = regset[reg1]

            core.arith_zero = v == 0
            core.arith_overflow = False
            core.arith_sign = (v & 0x80000000) != 0

          return __jit_selge

          def __jit_selge():
            if core.arith_sign is True and core.arith_equal is False:
              regset[reg1] = i

              core.arith_zero = zero
              core.arith_sign = sign

              v = regset[reg1]

              core.arith_zero = v == 0
              core.arith_sign = (v & 0x80000000) != 0

            core.arith_overflow = False

          return __jit_selge

        if inst.immediate_flag == 0:
          def __jit_sell():
            if core.arith_sign is False or core.arith_equal is True:
              regset[reg1] = v = regset[reg2]

              v = regset[reg1]

            core.arith_zero = v == 0
            core.arith_overflow = False
            core.arith_sign = (v & 0x80000000) != 0

          return __jit_sell

          def __jit_sell():
            if core.arith_sign is False or core.arith_equal is True:
              regset[reg1] = i

              core.arith_zero = zero
              core.arith_sign = sign

              v = regset[reg1]

              core.arith_zero = v == 0
              core.arith_sign = (v & 0x80000000) != 0

            core.arith_overflow = False

          return __jit_sell

    elif inst.flag == 5:
      if inst.value == 0:
        if inst.immediate_flag == 0:
          def __jit_selle():
            if core.arith_sign is False and core.arith_equal is False:
              regset[reg1] = v = regset[reg2]

              v = regset[reg1]

            core.arith_zero = v == 0
            core.arith_overflow = False
            core.arith_sign = (v & 0x80000000) != 0

          return __jit_selle

          def __jit_selle():
            if core.arith_sign is False and core.arith_equal is False:
              regset[reg1] = i

              core.arith_zero = zero
              core.arith_sign = sign

              v = regset[reg1]

              core.arith_zero = v == 0
              core.arith_sign = (v & 0x80000000) != 0

            core.arith_overflow = False

          return __jit_selle

        if inst.immediate_flag == 0:
          def __jit_selg():
            if core.arith_sign is True or core.arith_equal is True:
              regset[reg1] = v = regset[reg2]

              v = regset[reg1]

            core.arith_zero = v == 0
            core.arith_overflow = False
            core.arith_sign = (v & 0x80000000) != 0

          return __jit_selg

          def __jit_selg():
            if core.arith_sign is True or core.arith_equal is True:
              regset[reg1] = i

              core.arith_zero = zero
              core.arith_sign = sign

              v = regset[reg1]

              core.arith_zero = v == 0
              core.arith_sign = (v & 0x80000000) != 0

            core.arith_overflow = False

          return __jit_selg

class _CMP(Descriptor_R_RI):
  encoding = EncodingR

  def evaluate(core, x, y, signed = True):
    Compare two numbers, and update relevant flags. Signed comparison is used unless ``signed`` is ``False``.
    All arithmetic flags are set to zero before the relevant ones are set.

    ``O`` flag is reset like the others, therefore caller has to take care of it's setting if it's required
    to set it.

    :param u32 x: left hand number
    :param u32 y: right hand number
    :param bool signed: use signed, defaults to ``True``

    core.arith_equal = False
    core.arith_zero = False
    core.arith_overflow = False
    core.arith_sign = False

    if x == y:
      core.arith_equal = True

      if x == 0:
        core.arith_zero = True


    if signed:
      if (x & 0x80000000 != 0):
        x = i32_t(x).value
      if (y & 0x80000000 != 0):
        y = i32_t(y).value

    if x < y:
      core.arith_sign = True

class CMP(_CMP):
  mnemonic = 'cmp'
  opcode = DuckyOpcodes.CMP

  def execute(core, inst):
    _CMP.evaluate(core, core.registers[inst.reg1], RI_VAL(core, inst, 'reg2'))

  def jit(core, inst):
    regset = core.registers

    if inst.immediate_flag == 0:
      reg1, reg2 = inst.reg1, inst.reg2

      def __jit_cmp():
        x = regset[reg1]
        y = regset[reg2]

        core.arith_overflow = False

        if x == y:
          core.arith_equal = True
          core.arith_zero = x == 0
          core.arith_sign = False

        core.arith_equal = False
        core.arith_zero  = False

        xs = (x & 0x80000000) != 0
        ys = (y & 0x80000000) != 0

        if xs:
          if ys:
            # x < 0, y < 0
            core.arith_sign = abs(x) < abs(y)
            # x < 0, y >= =
            core.arith_sign = True
          if ys:
            # x >= 0, y < 0
            core.arith_sign = False
            # x >= 0, y >= 0
            core.arith_sign = x < y

      return __jit_cmp

      reg = inst.reg1
      y = inst.sign_extend_immediate(core.LOGGER, inst)
      ys = (y & 0x80000000) != 0

      def __jit_cmp():
        x = regset[reg]

        core.arith_overflow = False

        if x == y:
          core.arith_equal = True
          core.arith_zero = x == 0
          core.arith_sign = False

        core.arith_equal = False
        core.arith_zero  = False

        xs = (x & 0x80000000) != 0

        if xs:
          if ys:
            core.arith_sign = abs(x) < abs(y)
            core.arith_sign = True
          if ys:
            core.arith_sign = False
            core.arith_sign = x < y

      return __jit_cmp

    return None

class CMPU(_CMP):
  mnemonic = 'cmpu'
  opcode = DuckyOpcodes.CMPU

  def execute(core, inst):
    _CMP.evaluate(core, core.registers[inst.reg1], RI_VAL(core, inst, 'reg2', sign_extend = False), signed = False)

  def jit(core, inst):
    regset = core.registers

    if inst.immediate_flag == 0:
      reg1, reg2 = inst.reg1, inst.reg2

      def __jit_cmp():
        x = regset[reg1]
        y = regset[reg2]

        core.arith_overflow = False

        if x == y:
          core.arith_equal = True
          core.arith_zero = x == 0
          core.arith_sign = False

        core.arith_equal = False
        core.arith_zero  = False
        core.arith_sign  = x < y

      return __jit_cmp

      reg = inst.reg1
      y = inst.immediate

      def __jit_cmp():
        x = regset[reg]

        core.arith_overflow = False

        if x == y:
          core.arith_equal = True
          core.arith_zero = x == 0
          core.arith_sign = False

        core.arith_equal = False
        core.arith_zero  = False
        core.arith_sign  = x < y

      return __jit_cmp

    return None

class BE(_BRANCH):
  mnemonic = 'be'

class BNE(_BRANCH):
  mnemonic = 'bne'

class BNS(_BRANCH):
  mnemonic = 'bns'

class BNZ(_BRANCH):
  mnemonic = 'bnz'

class BS(_BRANCH):
  mnemonic = 'bs'

class BZ(_BRANCH):
  mnemonic = 'bz'

class BO(_BRANCH):
  mnemonic = 'bo'

class BNO(_BRANCH):
  mnemonic = 'bno'

class BG(_BRANCH):
  mnemonic = 'bg'

class BGE(_BRANCH):
  mnemonic = 'bge'

class BL(_BRANCH):
  mnemonic = 'bl'

class BLE(_BRANCH):
  mnemonic = 'ble'

class SETE(_SET):
  mnemonic = 'sete'

class SETNE(_SET):
  mnemonic = 'setne'

class SETZ(_SET):
  mnemonic = 'setz'

class SETNZ(_SET):
  mnemonic = 'setnz'

class SETO(_SET):
  mnemonic = 'seto'

class SETNO(_SET):
  mnemonic = 'setno'

class SETS(_SET):
  mnemonic = 'sets'

class SETNS(_SET):
  mnemonic = 'setns'

class SETG(_SET):
  mnemonic = 'setg'

class SETGE(_SET):
  mnemonic = 'setge'

class SETL(_SET):
  mnemonic = 'setl'

class SETLE(_SET):
  mnemonic = 'setle'

class SELE(_SELECT):
  mnemonic = 'sele'

  mnemonic = 'selne'

class SELZ(_SELECT):
  mnemonic = 'selz'

  mnemonic = 'selnz'

class SELO(_SELECT):
  mnemonic = 'selo'

  mnemonic = 'selno'

class SELS(_SELECT):
  mnemonic = 'sels'

  mnemonic = 'selns'

class SELG(_SELECT):
  mnemonic = 'selg'

  mnemonic = 'selge'

class SELL(_SELECT):
  mnemonic = 'sell'

  mnemonic = 'selle'

# Bit operations
class _BITOP(Descriptor_R_RI):
  encoding = EncodingR

  def execute(core, inst):
    r = core.registers[inst.reg1]
    v = RI_VAL(core, inst, 'reg2')

    if inst.opcode == DuckyOpcodes.AND:
      value = r & v

    elif inst.opcode == DuckyOpcodes.OR:
      value = r | v

    elif inst.opcode == DuckyOpcodes.XOR:
      value = r ^ v

    elif inst.opcode == DuckyOpcodes.SHL:
      value = r << min(v, 32)

    elif inst.opcode == DuckyOpcodes.SHR:
      value = r >> min(v, 32)

    elif inst.opcode == DuckyOpcodes.SHRS:
      shift = min(v, 32)
      if r & 0x80000000 == 0:
        value = r >> shift
        value = (r >> shift) | (((1 << shift) - 1) << (32 - shift))

    core.registers[inst.reg1] = (value % 4294967296)
    update_arith_flags(core, core.registers[inst.reg1])

    if value > 0xFFFFFFFF:
      core.arith_overflow = True

class AND(_BITOP):
  mnemonic = 'and'
  opcode = DuckyOpcodes.AND

  def jit(core, inst):
    regset = core.registers

    if inst.immediate_flag == 1:
      reg = inst.reg1
      i = inst.sign_extend_immediate(core.LOGGER, inst)

      def __jit_and():
        regset[reg] = v = regset[reg] & i
        core.arith_zero = v == 0
        core.arith_overflow = False
        core.arith_sign = (v & 0x80000000) != 0

      return __jit_and

      reg1, reg2 = inst.reg1, inst.reg2

      def __jit_and():
        regset[reg1] = v = regset[reg1] & regset[reg2]
        core.arith_zero = v == 0
        core.arith_overflow = False
        core.arith_sign = (v & 0x80000000) != 0

      return __jit_and

class OR(_BITOP):
  mnemonic = 'or'
  opcode = DuckyOpcodes.OR

  def jit(core, inst):
    regset = core.registers

    if inst.immediate_flag == 1:
      reg = inst.reg1
      i = inst.sign_extend_immediate(core.LOGGER, inst)

      def __jit_or():
        regset[reg] = v = regset[reg] | i
        core.arith_zero = v == 0
        core.arith_overflow = False
        core.arith_sign = (v & 0x80000000) != 0

      return __jit_or

      reg1, reg2 = inst.reg1, inst.reg2

      def __jit_or():
        regset[reg1] = v = regset[reg1] | regset[reg2]
        core.arith_zero = v == 0
        core.arith_overflow = False
        core.arith_sign = (v & 0x80000000) != 0

      return __jit_or

class XOR(_BITOP):
  mnemonic = 'xor'
  opcode = DuckyOpcodes.XOR

  def jit(core, inst):
    regset = core.registers

    if inst.immediate_flag == 1:
      reg = inst.reg1
      i = inst.sign_extend_immediate(core.LOGGER, inst)

      def __jit_xor():
        regset[reg] = v = regset[reg] ^ i
        core.arith_zero = v == 0
        core.arith_overflow = False
        core.arith_sign = (v & 0x80000000) != 0

      return __jit_xor

      reg1, reg2 = inst.reg1, inst.reg2

      def __jit_xor():
        regset[reg1] = v = regset[reg1] ^ regset[reg2]
        core.arith_zero = v == 0
        core.arith_overflow = False
        core.arith_sign = (v & 0x80000000) != 0

      return __jit_xor

class SHL(_BITOP):
  mnemonic = 'shiftl'
  opcode = DuckyOpcodes.SHL

  def jit(core, inst):
    regset = core.registers

    if inst.immediate_flag == 1:
      reg = inst.reg1
      i = min(inst.sign_extend_immediate(core.LOGGER, inst), 32)

      if i == 0:
        def __jit_shiftl():
          v = regset[reg]
          core.arith_zero = v == 0
          core.arith_overflow = False
          core.arith_sign = (v & 0x80000000) != 0

        return __jit_shiftl

      elif i == 32:
        def __jit_shiftl():
          v = regset[reg] << i
          regset[reg] = 0
          core.arith_zero = True
          core.arith_overflow = (v & ~0xFFFFFFFF) != 0
          core.arith_sign = False

        return __jit_shiftl

        def __jit_shiftl():
          v = regset[reg] << i
          regset[reg] = v % 4294967296
          core.arith_zero = (v & 0xFFFFFFFF) == 0
          core.arith_overflow = (v & ~0xFFFFFFFF) != 0
          core.arith_sign = (v & 0x80000000) != 0

        return __jit_shiftl

      reg1, reg2 = inst.reg1, inst.reg2

      def __jit_shiftl():
        i = min(regset[reg2], 32)

        if i == 0:
          v = regset[reg1]
          core.arith_zero = v == 0
          core.arith_overflow = False
          core.arith_sign = (v & 0x80000000) != 0

        elif i == 32:
          v = regset[reg1] << i
          regset[reg1] = 0
          core.arith_zero = True
          core.arith_overflow = (v & ~0xFFFFFFFF) != 0
          core.arith_sign = False

          v = regset[reg1] << i
          regset[reg1] = v % 4294967296
          core.arith_zero = (v & 0xFFFFFFFF) == 0
          core.arith_overflow = (v & ~0xFFFFFFFF) != 0
          core.arith_sign = (v & 0x80000000) != 0

      return __jit_shiftl

class SHR(_BITOP):
  mnemonic = 'shiftr'
  opcode = DuckyOpcodes.SHR

  def jit(core, inst):
    regset = core.registers

    if inst.immediate_flag == 1:
      reg = inst.reg1
      i = min(inst.sign_extend_immediate(core.LOGGER, inst), 32)

      if i == 0:
        def __jit_shiftr():
          v = regset[reg]
          core.arith_zero = v == 0
          core.arith_overflow = False
          core.arith_sign = (v & 0x80000000) != 0

        return __jit_shiftr

      elif i == 32:
        def __jit_shiftr():
          regset[reg] = 0
          core.arith_zero = True
          core.arith_overflow = core.arith_sign = False

        return __jit_shiftr

        def __jit_shiftr():
          regset[reg] = v = regset[reg] >> i
          core.arith_zero = v == 0
          core.arith_overflow = False
          core.arith_sign = False

        return __jit_shiftr

      reg1, reg2 = inst.reg1, inst.reg2

      def __jit_shiftr():
        i = min(regset[reg2], 32)

        if i == 0:
          v = regset[reg1]
          core.arith_zero = v == 0
          core.arith_overflow = False
          core.arith_sign = (v & 0x80000000) != 0

        elif i == 32:
          regset[reg1] = 0
          core.arith_zero = True
          core.arith_overflow = core.arith_sign = False

          regset[reg1] = v = regset[reg1] >> i
          core.arith_zero = v == 0
          core.arith_overflow = False
          core.arith_sign = False

      return __jit_shiftr

class SHRS(_BITOP):
  mnemonic = 'shiftrs'
  opcode = DuckyOpcodes.SHRS

  def jit(core, inst):
    regset = core.registers

    if inst.immediate_flag == 1:
      reg = inst.reg1
      i = min(inst.sign_extend_immediate(core.LOGGER, inst), 32)

      if i == 0:
        def __jit_shrs():
          v = regset[reg]
          core.arith_zero = v == 0
          core.arith_overflow = False
          core.arith_sign = (v & 0x80000000) != 0

        return __jit_shrs

        sign_mask = (((1 << i) - 1) << (32 - i))

        def __jit_shrs():
          x = regset[reg]

          if x & 0x80000000 == 0:
            v = x >> i
            core.arith_sign = False

            v = (x >> i) | sign_mask
            core.arith_sign = True

          regset[reg] = v

          core.arith_zero = v == 0
          core.arith_overflow = False

        return __jit_shrs

      reg1, reg2 = inst.reg1, inst.reg2

      def __jit_shrs():
        i = min(regset[reg2], 32)

        if i == 0:
          v = regset[reg1]
          core.arith_zero = v == 0
          core.arith_overflow = False
          core.arith_sign = (v & 0x80000000) != 0

          x = regset[reg1]

          if x & 0x80000000 == 0:
            v = x >> i
            core.arith_sign = False
            v = (x >> i) | (((1 << i) - 1) << (32 - i))
            core.arith_sign = True

          regset[reg1] = v

          core.arith_zero = v == 0
          core.arith_overflow = False

      return __jit_shrs

class NOT(Descriptor_R):
  mnemonic = 'not'
  opcode = DuckyOpcodes.NOT
  encoding = EncodingR

  def execute(core, inst):
    core.registers[inst.reg1] = (~core.registers[inst.reg1]) % 4294967296
    update_arith_flags(core, core.registers[inst.reg1])

# Memory load/store operations
class CAS(Descriptor):
  mnemonic = 'cas'
  operands = 'r,r,r'
  opcode = DuckyOpcodes.CAS
  encoding = EncodingA

  def assemble_operands(ctx, inst, operands):
    ctx.encode(inst, 'reg1', 5, operands[0].operand)
    ctx.encode(inst, 'reg2', 5, operands[1].operand)
    ctx.encode(inst, 'reg3', 5, operands[2].operand)

  def disassemble_operands(logger, inst):
    return [

  def execute(core, inst):
    core.arith_equal = False

    addr = core.registers[inst.reg1]
    actual_value = core.MEM_IN32(core.registers[inst.reg1])

    core.DEBUG('CAS.execute: value=%s', UINT32_FMT(actual_value))

    if actual_value == core.registers[inst.reg2]:
      core.MEM_OUT32(addr, core.registers[inst.reg3])
      core.arith_equal = True

      core.registers[inst.reg2] = actual_value

class _LOAD(Descriptor):
  operands = 'r,a'
  encoding = EncodingR

  def assemble_operands(ctx, inst, operands):
    ctx.encode(inst, 'reg1', 5, operands[0].operand)

    base, offset = operands[1].operand

    ctx.encode(inst, 'reg2', 5, base.operand)

    if offset.operand != 0:
      ctx.encode(inst, 'immediate_flag', 1, 1)
      ctx.encode(inst, 'immediate', 15, offset.operand)

  def disassemble_operands(logger, inst):
    operands = [REGISTER_NAMES[inst.reg1]]

    if inst.immediate_flag == 1:
      operands.append('%s[%s]' % (REGISTER_NAMES[inst.reg2], inst.sign_extend_immediate(logger, inst)))


    return operands

  def execute(core, inst):
    regset, reg = core.registers, inst.reg1
    addr = RI_ADDR(core, inst, inst.reg2)

    if inst.opcode == DuckyOpcodes.LW:
      regset[reg] = core.MEM_IN32(addr)

    elif inst.opcode == DuckyOpcodes.LS:
      regset[reg] = core.MEM_IN16(addr)

      regset[reg] = core.MEM_IN8(addr)

    update_arith_flags(core, regset[reg])

  def jit(core, inst):
    regset, reg1, reg2 = core.registers, inst.reg1, inst.reg2

    if inst.opcode == DuckyOpcodes.LW:
      reader = core.MEM_IN32

      if inst.immediate_flag == 1:
        offset = inst.sign_extend_immediate(core.LOGGER, inst)

        if offset == 0:
          def __jit_lw():
            regset[reg1] = v = reader(regset[reg2])
            core.arith_zero = v == 0
            core.arith_overflow = False
            core.arith_sign = (v & 0x80000000) != 0

          return __jit_lw

          def __jit_lw():
            regset[reg1] = v = reader((regset[reg2] + offset) % 4294967296)
            core.arith_zero = v == 0
            core.arith_overflow = False
            core.arith_sign = (v & 0x80000000) != 0

          return __jit_lw

        def __jit_lw():
          regset[reg1] = v = reader(regset[reg2])
          core.arith_zero = v == 0
          core.arith_overflow = False
          core.arith_sign = (v & 0x80000000) != 0

        return __jit_lw

    elif inst.opcode == DuckyOpcodes.LS:
      reader = core.MEM_IN16

      if inst.immediate_flag == 1:
        offset = inst.sign_extend_immediate(core.LOGGER, inst)

        if offset == 0:
          def __jit_ls():
            regset[reg1] = v = reader(regset[reg2])
            core.arith_zero = v == 0
            core.arith_overflow = False
            core.arith_sign = False

          return __jit_ls

          def __jit_ls():
            regset[reg1] = v = reader((regset[reg2] + offset) % 4294967296)
            core.arith_zero = v == 0
            core.arith_overflow = False
            core.arith_sign = False

          return __jit_ls

        def __jit_ls():
          regset[reg1] = v = reader(regset[reg2])
          core.arith_zero = v == 0
          core.arith_overflow = False
          core.arith_sign = False

        return __jit_ls

    elif inst.opcode == DuckyOpcodes.LB:
      reader = core.MEM_IN8

      if inst.immediate_flag == 1:
        offset = inst.sign_extend_immediate(core.LOGGER, inst)

        if offset == 0:
          def __jit_lb():
            regset[reg1] = v = reader(regset[reg2])
            core.arith_zero = v == 0
            core.arith_overflow = False
            core.arith_sign = False

          return __jit_lb

          def __jit_lb():
            regset[reg1] = v = reader((regset[reg2] + offset) % 4294967296)
            core.arith_zero = v == 0
            core.arith_overflow = False
            core.arith_sign = False

          return __jit_lb

        def __jit_lb():
          regset[reg1] = v = reader(regset[reg2])
          core.arith_zero = v == 0
          core.arith_overflow = False
          core.arith_sign = False

        return __jit_lb

    return None

class _STORE(Descriptor):
  operands = 'a,r'
  encoding = EncodingR

  def assemble_operands(ctx, inst, operands):
    ctx.encode(inst, 'reg2', 5, operands[1].operand)

    base, offset = operands[0].operand

    ctx.encode(inst, 'reg1', 5, base.operand)

    if offset.operand != 0:
      ctx.encode(inst, 'immediate_flag', 1, 1)
      ctx.encode(inst, 'immediate', 15, offset.operand)

  def disassemble_operands(logger, inst):
    operands = []

    if inst.immediate_flag == 1:
      operands.append('%s[%s]' % (REGISTER_NAMES[inst.reg1], inst.sign_extend_immediate(logger, inst)))



    return operands

  def execute(core, inst):
    addr = RI_ADDR(core, inst, inst.reg1)

    if inst.opcode == DuckyOpcodes.STW:
      core.MEM_OUT32(addr, core.registers[inst.reg2])

    elif inst.opcode == DuckyOpcodes.STS:
      core.MEM_OUT16(addr, core.registers[inst.reg2] & 0xFFFF)

      core.MEM_OUT8(addr, core.registers[inst.reg2] & 0xFF)

  def jit(core, inst):
    reg1, reg2 = inst.reg1, inst.reg2
    regset = core.registers

    if inst.opcode == DuckyOpcodes.STW:
      writer = core.MEM_OUT32

      if inst.immediate_flag == 1:
        offset = inst.sign_extend_immediate(core.LOGGER, inst)

        if offset == 0:
          def __jit_stw():
            writer(regset[reg1], regset[reg2])

          return __jit_stw

          def __jit_stw():
            writer((regset[reg1] + offset) % 4294967296, regset[reg2])

          return __jit_stw

        def __jit_stw():
          writer(regset[reg1], regset[reg2])

        return __jit_stw

    elif inst.opcode == DuckyOpcodes.STS:
      writer = core.MEM_OUT16

      if inst.immediate_flag == 1:
        offset = inst.sign_extend_immediate(core.LOGGER, inst)

        if offset == 0:
          def __jit_sts():
            writer(regset[reg1], regset[reg2])

          return __jit_sts

          def __jit_sts():
            writer((regset[reg1] + offset) % 4294967296, regset[reg2])

          return __jit_sts

        def __jit_sts():
          writer(regset[reg1], regset[reg2])

        return __jit_sts

    elif inst.opcode == DuckyOpcodes.STB:
      writer = core.MEM_OUT8

      if inst.immediate_flag == 1:
        offset = inst.sign_extend_immediate(core.LOGGER, inst)

        if offset == 0:
          def __jit_stb():
            writer(regset[reg1], regset[reg2] & 0xFF)

          return __jit_stb

          def __jit_stb():
            writer((regset[reg1] + offset) % 4294967296, regset[reg2] & 0xFF)

          return __jit_stb

        def __jit_stb():
          writer(regset[reg1], regset[reg2] & 0xFF)

        return __jit_stb

    return None

class _LOAD_IMM(Descriptor_R_I):
  def load(cls, core, inst):
    raise NotImplementedError('%s does not implement "load immediate" method' % cls.__name__)

  def execute(cls, core, inst):
    cls.load(core, inst)
    update_arith_flags(core, core.registers[inst.reg])

class LW(_LOAD):
  mnemonic = 'lw'
  opcode = DuckyOpcodes.LW

class LS(_LOAD):
  mnemonic = 'ls'
  opcode = DuckyOpcodes.LS

class LB(_LOAD):
  mnemonic = 'lb'
  opcode = DuckyOpcodes.LB

class LI(_LOAD_IMM):
  mnemonic = 'li'
  opcode   = DuckyOpcodes.LI

  def load(cls, core, inst):
    core.registers[inst.reg] = inst.sign_extend_immediate(core.LOGGER, inst)

  def jit(core, inst):
    regset, reg = core.registers, inst.reg
    i = inst.sign_extend_immediate(core.LOGGER, inst)

    if i == 0:
      def __jit_li():
        regset[reg] = 0
        core.arith_zero = True
        core.arith_overflow = False
        core.arith_sign = False

      return __jit_li

      sign = (i & 0x80000000) != 0

      def __jit_li():
        regset[reg] = i
        core.arith_zero = False
        core.arith_overflow = False
        core.arith_sign = sign

      return __jit_li

class LIU(_LOAD_IMM):
  mnemonic = 'liu'
  opcode   = DuckyOpcodes.LIU

  def load(cls, core, inst):
    regset, reg = core.registers, inst.reg

    regset[reg] = (regset[reg] & 0xFFFF) | ((inst.sign_extend_immediate(core.LOGGER, inst) & 0xFFFF) << 16)

  def jit(core, inst):
    regset, reg = core.registers, inst.reg
    i = (inst.sign_extend_immediate(core.LOGGER, inst) & 0xFFFF) << 16

    if i == 0:
      def __jit_liu():
        r = regset[reg]
        regset[reg] = r = (r & 0xFFFF) | i
        core.arith_zero = r == 0
        core.arith_overflow = False
        core.arith_sign = False

      return __jit_liu

      def __jit_liu():
        r = regset[reg]
        regset[reg] = r = (r & 0xFFFF) | i
        core.arith_zero = False
        core.arith_overflow = False
        core.arith_sign = (r & 0x80000000) != 0

      return __jit_liu

class LA(_LOAD_IMM):
  mnemonic = 'la'
  opcode   = DuckyOpcodes.LA
  relative_address = True

  def load(cls, core, inst):
    core.registers[inst.reg] = (core.registers[Registers.IP] + inst.sign_extend_immediate(core.LOGGER, inst)) % 4294967296

  def jit(core, inst):
    regset = core.registers
    reg = inst.reg
    offset = inst.sign_extend_immediate(core.LOGGER, inst)
    ip = Registers.IP.value

    if offset == 0:
      def __jit_la():
        regset[reg] = v = regset[ip]
        core.arith_zero = v == 0
        core.arith_overflow = False
        core.arith_sign = (v & 0x80000000) != 0

      return __jit_la

      def __jit_la():
        v = regset[ip] + offset
        regset[reg] = v % 4294967296
        core.arith_zero = v == 0
        core.arith_overflow = False
        core.arith_sign = (v & 0x80000000) != 0

      return __jit_la

class STW(_STORE):
  mnemonic = 'stw'
  opcode   = DuckyOpcodes.STW

class STS(_STORE):
  mnemonic = 'sts'
  opcode   = DuckyOpcodes.STS

class STB(_STORE):
  mnemonic = 'stb'
  opcode   = DuckyOpcodes.STB

class MOV(Descriptor_R_R):
  mnemonic = 'mov'
  opcode = DuckyOpcodes.MOV
  encoding = EncodingR

  def execute(core, inst):
    core.registers[inst.reg1] = core.registers[inst.reg2]

  def jit(core, inst):
    regset = core.registers
    reg1, reg2 = inst.reg1, inst.reg2

    def __jit_mov():
      regset[reg1] = regset[reg2]

    return __jit_mov

class SWP(Descriptor_R_R):
  mnemonic = 'swp'
  opcode = DuckyOpcodes.SWP
  encoding = EncodingR

  def execute(core, inst):
    regset = core.registers

    regset[inst.reg1], regset[inst.reg2] = regset[inst.reg2], regset[inst.reg1]

  def jit(core, inst):
    reg1, reg2 = inst.reg1, inst.reg2
    regset = core.registers

    def __jit_swp():
      regset[reg1], regset[reg2] = regset[reg2], regset[reg1]

    return __jit_swp

# Control instructions
class CTR(Descriptor_R_R):
  mnemonic = 'ctr'
  opcode = DuckyOpcodes.CTR
  encoding = EncodingR

  def execute(core, inst):
    core.registers[inst.reg1] =
    update_arith_flags(core, core.registers[inst.reg1])

  def jit(core, inst):
    reg1 = inst.reg1
    reg2 = inst.reg2
    regset = core.registers
    reader =

    def __jit_ctr():
      regset[reg1] = v = reader(reg2)

      core.arith_zero = v == 0
      core.arith_overflow = False
      core.arith_sign = (v & 0x80000000) != 0

    return __jit_ctr

class CTW(Descriptor_R_R):
  mnemonic = 'ctw'
  opcode = DuckyOpcodes.CTW
  encoding = EncodingR

  def execute(core, inst):
    core.control_coprocessor.write(inst.reg1, core.registers[inst.reg2])

  def jit(core, inst):
    reg1 = inst.reg1
    reg2 = inst.reg2
    regset = core.registers
    writer = core.control_coprocessor.write

    def __jit_ctw():
      writer(reg1, regset[reg2])

    return __jit_ctw

class FPTC(Descriptor):
  mnemonic = 'fptc'
  opcode = DuckyOpcodes.FPTC
  encoding = EncodingI

  def execute(core, inst):

  def jit(core, inst):
    mmu = core.mmu

    def __jit_fptc():

    return __jit_fptc

class DuckyInstructionSet(InstructionSet):
  instruction_set_id = 0
  opcodes = DuckyOpcodes


# Memory access


# Branching instructions

# SET* instructions

# SEL* instructions


# Control instructions


  DuckyInstructionSet.instruction_set_id: DuckyInstructionSet

def get_instruction_set(i, exc = None):
  exc = exc or InvalidInstructionSetError

  if i not in INSTRUCTION_SETS:
    raise exc(i)